

cowboy_sub_protocol - sub protocol


The cowboy_sub_protocol behaviour defines the interface used by modules that implement a protocol on top of HTTP.


upgrade(Req, Env, Handler, HandlerOpts) → {ok, Req, Env} | {suspend, Module, Function, Args} | {stop, Req}

Req = cowboy_req:req()

The Req object.

Env = env()

The request environment.

Handler = module()

Handler module.

Opts = any()

Handler options.

Module = module()

MFA to call when resuming the process.

Function = atom()

MFA to call when resuming the process.

Args = [any()]

MFA to call when resuming the process.

Upgrade the protocol.

Please refer to the cowboy_middleware manual for a description of the return values.

Cowboy 2.0 Function Reference


Version select