%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Erlang token scanning functions of io library.
%% For handling ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) we use the following type
%% information:
%% 000 - 037 NUL - US control
%% 040 - 057 SPC - / punctuation
%% 060 - 071 0 - 9 digit
%% 072 - 100 : - @ punctuation
%% 101 - 132 A - Z uppercase
%% 133 - 140 [ - ` punctuation
%% 141 - 172 a - z lowercase
%% 173 - 176 { - ~ punctuation
%% 177 DEL control
%% 200 - 237 control
%% 240 - 277 NBSP - ¿ punctuation
%% 300 - 326 À - Ö uppercase
%% 327 × punctuation
%% 330 - 336 Ø - Þ uppercase
%% 337 - 366 ß - ö lowercase
%% 367 ÷ punctuation
%% 370 - 377 ø - ÿ lowercase
%% Many punctuation characters have special meaning:
%% $\s, $_, $", $$, $%, $', $.
%% DEL is a punctuation.
%% Must watch using × \327, very close to x \170.
%%% External exports
%%% Private
%%% Defines and type definitions
-define(COLUMN(C), (is_integer(C) andalso C >= 1)).
%% Line numbers less than zero have always been allowed:
-define(ALINE(L), is_integer(L)).
-define(STRING(S), is_list(S)).
-define(RESWORDFUN(F), is_function(F, 1)).
-define(SETATTRFUN(F), is_function(F, 1)).
-type category() :: atom().
-type column() :: pos_integer().
-type line() :: integer().
-type location() :: line() | {line(),column()}.
-type resword_fun() :: fun((atom()) -> boolean()).
-type option() :: 'return' | 'return_white_spaces' | 'return_comments'
| 'text' | {'reserved_word_fun', resword_fun()}
| 'unicode'.
-type options() :: option() | [option()].
-type symbol() :: atom() | float() | integer() | string().
-type info_line() :: integer() | term().
-type attributes_data()
:: [{'column', column()} | {'line', info_line()} | {'text', string()}]
| {line(), column()}.
%% The fact that {line(),column()} is a possible attributes() type
%% is hidden.
-type attributes() :: line() | attributes_data().
-type token() :: {category(), attributes(), symbol()}
| {category(), attributes()}.
-type tokens() :: [token()].
-type error_description() :: term().
-type error_info() :: {location(), module(), error_description()}.
%%% Local record.
{resword_fun = fun reserved_word/1 :: resword_fun(),
ws = false :: boolean(),
comment = false :: boolean(),
text = false :: boolean(),
unicode = true :: boolean()}).
-spec format_error(ErrorDescriptor) -> string() when
ErrorDescriptor :: error_description().
format_error({string,Quote,Head}) ->
lists:flatten(["unterminated " ++ string_thing(Quote) ++
" starting with " ++
io_lib:write_string(Head, Quote)]);
format_error({illegal,Type}) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:fwrite("illegal ~w", [Type]));
format_error(char) -> "unterminated character";
format_error({base,Base}) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:fwrite("illegal base '~w'", [Base]));
format_error(Other) ->
-spec string(String) -> Return when
String :: string(),
Return :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(), EndLocation}
| {'error', ErrorInfo :: error_info(), ErrorLocation},
EndLocation :: location(),
ErrorLocation :: location().
string(String) ->
string(String, 1, []).
-spec string(String, StartLocation) -> Return when
String :: string(),
Return :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(), EndLocation}
| {'error', ErrorInfo :: error_info(), ErrorLocation},
StartLocation :: location(),
EndLocation :: location(),
ErrorLocation :: location().
string(String, StartLocation) ->
string(String, StartLocation, []).
-spec string(String, StartLocation, Options) -> Return when
String :: string(),
Options :: options(),
Return :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(), EndLocation}
| {'error', ErrorInfo :: error_info(), ErrorLocation},
StartLocation :: location(),
EndLocation :: location(),
ErrorLocation :: location().
string(String, Line, Options) when ?STRING(String), ?ALINE(Line) ->
string1(String, options(Options), Line, no_col, []);
string(String, {Line,Column}, Options) when ?STRING(String),
?COLUMN(Column) ->
string1(String, options(Options), Line, Column, []).
-type char_spec() :: string() | 'eof'.
-type cont_fun() :: fun((char_spec(), #erl_scan{}, line(), column(),
tokens(), any()) -> any()).
-opaque return_cont() :: {erl_scan_continuation,
string(), column(), tokens(), line(),
#erl_scan{}, any(), cont_fun()}.
-type tokens_result() :: {'ok', Tokens :: tokens(), EndLocation :: location()}
| {'eof', EndLocation :: location()}
| {'error', ErrorInfo :: error_info(),
EndLocation :: location()}.
-spec tokens(Continuation, CharSpec, StartLocation) -> Return when
Continuation :: return_cont() | [],
CharSpec :: char_spec(),
StartLocation :: location(),
Return :: {'done',Result :: tokens_result(),LeftOverChars :: char_spec()}
| {'more', Continuation1 :: return_cont()}.
tokens(Cont, CharSpec, StartLocation) ->
tokens(Cont, CharSpec, StartLocation, []).
-spec tokens(Continuation, CharSpec, StartLocation, Options) -> Return when
Continuation :: return_cont() | [],
CharSpec :: char_spec(),
StartLocation :: location(),
Options :: options(),
Return :: {'done',Result :: tokens_result(),LeftOverChars :: char_spec()}
| {'more', Continuation1 :: return_cont()}.
tokens([], CharSpec, Line, Options) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
tokens1(CharSpec, options(Options), Line, no_col, [], fun scan/6, []);
tokens([], CharSpec, {Line,Column}, Options) when ?ALINE(Line),
?COLUMN(Column) ->
tokens1(CharSpec, options(Options), Line, Column, [], fun scan/6, []);
CharSpec, _Loc, _Opts) ->
tokens1(Cs++CharSpec, St, Line, Col, Toks, Fun, Any).
continuation_location({erl_scan_continuation,_,no_col,_,Line,_,_,_}) ->
continuation_location({erl_scan_continuation,_,Col,_,Line,_,_,_}) ->
-type attribute_item() :: 'column' | 'length' | 'line'
| 'location' | 'text'.
-type info_location() :: location() | term().
-type attribute_info() :: {'column', column()}| {'length', pos_integer()}
| {'line', info_line()}
| {'location', info_location()}
| {'text', string()}.
-type token_item() :: 'category' | 'symbol' | attribute_item().
-type token_info() :: {'category', category()} | {'symbol', symbol()}
| attribute_info().
-spec token_info(Token) -> TokenInfo when
Token :: token(),
TokenInfo :: [TokenInfoTuple :: token_info()].
token_info(Token) ->
Items = [category,column,length,line,symbol,text], % undefined order
token_info(Token, Items).
-spec token_info(Token, TokenItem) -> TokenInfoTuple | 'undefined' when
Token :: token(),
TokenItem :: token_item(),
TokenInfoTuple :: token_info();
(Token, TokenItems) -> TokenInfo when
Token :: token(),
TokenItems :: [TokenItem :: token_item()],
TokenInfo :: [TokenInfoTuple :: token_info()].
token_info(_Token, []) ->
token_info(Token, [Item|Items]) when is_atom(Item) ->
case token_info(Token, Item) of
undefined ->
token_info(Token, Items);
TokenInfo when is_tuple(TokenInfo) ->
[TokenInfo|token_info(Token, Items)]
token_info({Category,_Attrs}, category=Item) ->
token_info({Category,_Attrs,_Symbol}, category=Item) ->
token_info({Category,_Attrs}, symbol=Item) ->
token_info({_Category,_Attrs,Symbol}, symbol=Item) ->
token_info({_Category,Attrs}, Item) ->
attributes_info(Attrs, Item);
token_info({_Category,Attrs,_Symbol}, Item) ->
attributes_info(Attrs, Item).
-spec attributes_info(Attributes) -> AttributesInfo when
Attributes :: attributes(),
AttributesInfo :: [AttributeInfoTuple :: attribute_info()].
attributes_info(Attributes) ->
Items = [column,length,line,text], % undefined order
attributes_info(Attributes, Items).
-spec attributes_info
(Attributes, AttributeItem) -> AttributeInfoTuple | 'undefined' when
Attributes :: attributes(),
AttributeItem :: attribute_item(),
AttributeInfoTuple :: attribute_info();
(Attributes, AttributeItems) -> AttributeInfo when
Attributes :: attributes(),
AttributeItems :: [AttributeItem :: attribute_item()],
AttributeInfo :: [AttributeInfoTuple :: attribute_info()].
attributes_info(_Attrs, []) ->
attributes_info(Attrs, [A|As]) when is_atom(A) ->
case attributes_info(Attrs, A) of
undefined ->
attributes_info(Attrs, As);
AttributeInfo when is_tuple(AttributeInfo) ->
[AttributeInfo|attributes_info(Attrs, As)]
attributes_info({Line,Column}, column=Item) when ?ALINE(Line),
?COLUMN(Column) ->
attributes_info(Line, column) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
attributes_info(Attrs, column=Item) ->
attr_info(Attrs, Item);
attributes_info(Attrs, length=Item) ->
case attributes_info(Attrs, text) of
undefined ->
{text,Text} ->
attributes_info(Line, line=Item) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
attributes_info({Line,Column}, line=Item) when ?ALINE(Line),
?COLUMN(Column) ->
attributes_info(Attrs, line=Item) ->
attr_info(Attrs, Item);
attributes_info({Line,Column}=Location, location=Item) when ?ALINE(Line),
?COLUMN(Column) ->
attributes_info(Line, location=Item) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
attributes_info(Attrs, location=Item) ->
{line,Line} = attributes_info(Attrs, line), % assume line is present
case attributes_info(Attrs, column) of
undefined ->
%% If set_attribute() has assigned a term such as {17,42}
%% to 'line', then Line will look like {Line,Column}. One
%% should not use 'location' but 'line' and 'column' in
%% such special cases.
{column,Column} ->
attributes_info({Line,Column}, text) when ?ALINE(Line), ?COLUMN(Column) ->
attributes_info(Line, text) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
attributes_info(Attrs, text=Item) ->
attr_info(Attrs, Item);
attributes_info(T1, T2) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [T1,T2]).
-spec set_attribute(AttributeItem, Attributes, SetAttributeFun) -> Attributes when
AttributeItem :: 'line',
Attributes :: attributes(),
SetAttributeFun :: fun((info_line()) -> info_line()).
set_attribute(Tag, Attributes, Fun) when ?SETATTRFUN(Fun) ->
set_attr(Tag, Attributes, Fun).
%%% Local functions
string_thing($') -> "atom"; %' Stupid Emacs
string_thing(_) -> "string".
is_integer(C) andalso
(C >= $\000 andalso C =< $\s orelse C >= $\200 andalso C =< $\240)).
-define(DIGIT(C), C >= $0, C =< $9).
-define(CHAR(C), is_integer(C), C >= 0).
(C >= 0 andalso C < 16#D800 orelse
C > 16#DFFF andalso C < 16#FFFE orelse
C > 16#FFFF andalso C =< 16#10FFFF)).
%% When the option 'unicode' is false: return Unicode strings as lists
%% of integers and Unicode characters as integers. For instance,
%% erl_scan:string("\"b\x{aaa}c\".") is equivalent to
%% erl_scan:string("[98,2730,99]."). This is to protect the caller
%% from character codes greater than 255. Search for UNI to find code
%% implementing this "feature". The 'unicode' option is undocumented
%% and will be removed later.
-define(NO_UNICODE, 0).
-define(UNI255(C), (C =< 16#ff)).
options(Opts0) when is_list(Opts0) ->
Opts = lists:foldr(fun expand_opt/2, [], Opts0),
[RW_fun, Unicode] =
case opts(Opts, [reserved_word_fun, unicode], []) of
badarg ->
erlang:error(badarg, [Opts0]);
R ->
Comment = proplists:get_bool(return_comments, Opts),
WS = proplists:get_bool(return_white_spaces, Opts),
Txt = proplists:get_bool(text, Opts),
#erl_scan{resword_fun = RW_fun,
comment = Comment,
ws = WS,
text = Txt,
unicode = Unicode};
options(Opt) ->
opts(Options, [Key|Keys], L) ->
V = case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Options) of
{reserved_word_fun,F} when ?RESWORDFUN(F) ->
{unicode, Bool} when is_boolean(Bool) ->
{Key,_} ->
false ->
case V of
badarg ->
{ok,Value} ->
opts(Options, Keys, [Value|L])
opts(_Options, [], L) ->
default_option(reserved_word_fun) ->
fun reserved_word/1;
default_option(unicode) ->
expand_opt(return, Os) ->
expand_opt(O, Os) ->
attr_info(Attrs, Item) ->
try lists:keyfind(Item, 1, Attrs) of
{_Item, _Value} = T ->
false ->
_:_ ->
erlang:error(badarg, [Attrs, Item])
-spec set_attr('line', attributes(), fun((line()) -> line())) -> attributes().
set_attr(line, Line, Fun) when ?ALINE(Line) ->
Ln = Fun(Line),
?ALINE(Ln) ->
true ->
set_attr(line, {Line,Column}, Fun) when ?ALINE(Line), ?COLUMN(Column) ->
Ln = Fun(Line),
?ALINE(Ln) ->
true ->
set_attr(line=Tag, Attrs, Fun) when is_list(Attrs) ->
{line,Line} = lists:keyfind(Tag, 1, Attrs),
case lists:keyreplace(Tag, 1, Attrs, {line,Fun(Line)}) of
[{line,Ln}] when ?ALINE(Ln) ->
As ->
set_attr(T1, T2, T3) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [T1,T2,T3]).
tokens1(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Fun, Any) when ?STRING(Cs); Cs =:= eof ->
case Fun(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Any) of
{more,{Cs0,Ncol,Ntoks,Nline,Nany,Nfun}} ->
{ok,Toks0,eof,Nline,Ncol} ->
Res = case Toks0 of
[] ->
{eof,location(Nline, Ncol)};
_ ->
{ok,Toks0,Rest,Nline,Ncol} ->
{done,{ok,lists:reverse(Toks0),location(Nline, Ncol)},Rest};
{{error,_,_}=Error,Rest} ->
string1(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
case scan1(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) of
{more,{Cs0,Ncol,Ntoks,Nline,Any,Fun}} ->
case Fun(Cs0++eof, St, Nline, Ncol, Ntoks, Any) of
{ok,Toks1,_Rest,Line2,Col2} ->
{ok,lists:reverse(Toks1),location(Line2, Col2)};
{{error,_,_}=Error,_Rest} ->
{ok,Ntoks,[_|_]=Rest,Nline,Ncol} ->
string1(Rest, St, Nline, Ncol, Ntoks);
{ok,Ntoks,_,Nline,Ncol} ->
{ok,lists:reverse(Ntoks),location(Nline, Ncol)};
{{error,_,_}=Error,_Rest} ->
scan(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, _) ->
scan1(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks).
scan1([$\s|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when St#erl_scan.ws ->
scan_spcs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1);
scan1([$\s|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1);
scan1([$\n|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when St#erl_scan.ws ->
scan_newline(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks);
scan1([$\n|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line+1, new_column(Col, 1), Toks, 0);
scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when C >= $A, C =< $Z ->
scan_variable(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when C >= $a, C =< $z ->
scan_atom(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
%% Optimization: some very common punctuation characters:
scan1([$,|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ",", ',', 1);
scan1([$(|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "(", '(', 1);
scan1([$)|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ")", ')', 1);
scan1([${|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "{", '{', 1);
scan1([$}|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "}", '}', 1);
scan1([$[|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "[", '[', 1);
scan1([$]|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "]", ']', 1);
scan1([$;|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ";", ';', 1);
scan1([$_=C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
scan_variable(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
%% More punctuation characters below.
scan1([$\%|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when not St#erl_scan.comment ->
skip_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1);
scan1([$\%=C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
scan_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when ?DIGIT(C) ->
scan_number(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
scan1("..."++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "...", '...', 3);
scan1(".."=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
scan1(".."++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "..", '..', 2);
scan1("."=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
scan1([$.=C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
scan_dot(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
scan1([$"|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) -> %" Emacs
State0 = {[],[],Line,Col,?NO_UNICODE},
scan_string(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, 1), Toks, State0);
scan1([$'|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) -> %' Emacs
State0 = {[],[],Line,Col,?NO_UNICODE},
scan_qatom(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, 1), Toks, State0);
scan1([$$|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
scan_char(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks);
scan1([$\r|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when St#erl_scan.ws ->
white_space_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1, "\r");
scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when C >= $ß, C =< $ÿ, C =/= $÷ ->
scan_atom(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when C >= $À, C =< $Þ, C /= $× ->
scan_variable(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
scan1([$\t|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when St#erl_scan.ws ->
scan_tabs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1);
scan1([$\t|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1);
scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when ?WHITE_SPACE(C) ->
case St#erl_scan.ws of
true ->
scan_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C]);
false ->
skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 1)
%% Punctuation characters and operators, first recognise multiples.
%% << <- <=
scan1("<<"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "<<", '<<', 2);
scan1("<-"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "<-", '<-', 2);
scan1("<="++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "<=", '<=', 2);
scan1("<"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
%% >> >=
scan1(">>"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ">>", '>>', 2);
scan1(">="++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ">=", '>=', 2);
scan1(">"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
%% -> --
scan1("->"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "->", '->', 2);
scan1("--"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "--", '--', 2);
scan1("-"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
%% ++
scan1("++"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "++", '++', 2);
scan1("+"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
%% =:= =/= =< ==
scan1("=:="++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "=:=", '=:=', 3);
scan1("=:"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
scan1("=/="++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "=/=", '=/=', 3);
scan1("=/"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
scan1("=<"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "=<", '=<', 2);
scan1("=="++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "==", '==', 2);
scan1("="=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
%% /=
scan1("/="++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "/=", '/=', 2);
scan1("/"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
%% ||
scan1("||"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "||", '||', 2);
scan1("|"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
%% :-
scan1(":-"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ":-", ':-', 2);
%% :: for typed records
scan1("::"++Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "::", '::', 2);
scan1(":"=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
%% Optimization: punctuation characters less than 127:
scan1([$=|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "=", '=', 1);
scan1([$:|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ":", ':', 1);
scan1([$||Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "|", '|', 1);
scan1([$#|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "#", '#', 1);
scan1([$/|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "/", '/', 1);
scan1([$?|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "?", '?', 1);
scan1([$-|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "-", '-', 1);
scan1([$+|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "+", '+', 1);
scan1([$*|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "*", '*', 1);
scan1([$<|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "<", '<', 1);
scan1([$>|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, ">", '>', 1);
scan1([$!|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "!", '!', 1);
scan1([$@|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "@", '@', 1);
scan1([$\\|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "\\", '\\', 1);
scan1([$^|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "^", '^', 1);
scan1([$`|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "`", '`', 1);
scan1([$~|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "~", '~', 1);
scan1([$&|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "&", '&', 1);
%% End of optimization.
scan1([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when ?CHAR(C), ?UNI255(C) ->
Str = [C],
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Str, list_to_atom(Str), 1);
scan1([C|Cs], _St, Line, Col, _Toks) when ?CHAR(C) ->
Ncol = incr_column(Col, 1),
scan_error({illegal,character}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs);
scan1([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
scan1(eof=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
scan_atom(Cs0, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
case scan_name(Cs0, Ncs0) of
{more,Ncs} ->
{more,{[],Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_atom/6}};
{Wcs,Cs} ->
case catch list_to_atom(Wcs) of
Name when is_atom(Name) ->
case (St#erl_scan.resword_fun)(Name) of
true ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Wcs, Name);
false ->
tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, atom, Wcs, Name)
_Error ->
Ncol = incr_column(Col, length(Wcs)),
scan_error({illegal,atom}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
scan_variable(Cs0, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
case scan_name(Cs0, Ncs0) of
{more,Ncs} ->
{more,{[],Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_variable/6}};
{Wcs,Cs} ->
case catch list_to_atom(Wcs) of
Name when is_atom(Name) ->
tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, var, Wcs, Name);
_Error ->
Ncol = incr_column(Col, length(Wcs)),
scan_error({illegal,var}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
scan_name([C|Cs], Ncs) when C >= $a, C =< $z ->
scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
scan_name([C|Cs], Ncs) when C >= $A, C =< $Z ->
scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
scan_name([$_=C|Cs], Ncs) ->
scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
scan_name([C|Cs], Ncs) when ?DIGIT(C) ->
scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
scan_name([$@=C|Cs], Ncs) ->
scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
scan_name([C|Cs], Ncs) when C >= $ß, C =< $ÿ, C =/= $÷ ->
scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
scan_name([C|Cs], Ncs) when C >= $À, C =< $Þ, C =/= $× ->
scan_name(Cs, [C|Ncs]);
scan_name([], Ncs) ->
scan_name(Cs, Ncs) ->
scan_dot([$%|_]=Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Ncs),
{ok,[{dot,Attrs}|Toks],Cs,Line,incr_column(Col, 1)};
scan_dot([$\n=C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Ncs++[C]),
{ok,[{dot,Attrs}|Toks],Cs,Line+1,new_column(Col, 1)};
scan_dot([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?WHITE_SPACE(C) ->
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Ncs++[C]),
{ok,[{dot,Attrs}|Toks],Cs,Line,incr_column(Col, 2)};
scan_dot(eof=Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Ncs),
{ok,[{dot,Attrs}|Toks],Cs,Line,incr_column(Col, 1)};
scan_dot(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs, '.', 1).
%%% White space characters are very common, so it is worthwhile to
%%% scan them fast and store them compactly. (The words "whitespace"
%%% and "white space" usually mean the same thing. The Erlang
%%% specification denotes the characters with ASCII code in the
%%% interval 0 to 32 as "white space".)
%%% Convention: if there is a white newline ($\n) it will always be
%%% the first character in the text string. As a consequence, there
%%% cannot be more than one newline in a white_space token string.
%%% Some common combinations are recognized, some are not. Examples
%%% of the latter are tab(s) followed by space(s), like "\t ".
%%% (They will be represented by two (or more) tokens.)
%%% Note: the character sequence "\r\n" is *not* recognized since it
%%% would violate the property that $\n will always be the first
%%% character. (But since "\r\n\r\n" is common, it pays off to
%%% recognize "\n\r".)
scan_newline([$\s|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
scan_nl_spcs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 2);
scan_newline([$\t|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
scan_nl_tabs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 2);
scan_newline([$\r|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
newline_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 2, "\n\r");
scan_newline([$\f|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
newline_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, 2, "\n\f");
scan_newline([], _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{[$\n],Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
scan_newline(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
scan_nl_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, "\n").
scan_nl_spcs([$\s|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, N) when N < 17 ->
scan_nl_spcs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N+1);
scan_nl_spcs([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,N,fun scan_nl_spcs/6}};
scan_nl_spcs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
newline_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, nl_spcs(N)).
scan_nl_tabs([$\t|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, N) when N < 11 ->
scan_nl_tabs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N+1);
scan_nl_tabs([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,N,fun scan_nl_tabs/6}};
scan_nl_tabs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
newline_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, nl_tabs(N)).
%% Note: returning {more,Cont} is meaningless here; one could just as
%% well return several tokens. But since tokens() scans up to a full
%% stop anyway, nothing is gained by not collecting all white spaces.
scan_nl_white_space([$\n|Cs], #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col,
Toks0, Ncs) ->
Toks = [{white_space,Line,lists:reverse(Ncs)}|Toks0],
scan_newline(Cs, St, Line+1, Col, Toks);
scan_nl_white_space([$\n|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Ncs),
Token = {white_space,Attrs,Ncs},
scan_newline(Cs, St, Line+1, new_column(Col, length(Ncs)), [Token|Toks]);
scan_nl_white_space([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?WHITE_SPACE(C) ->
scan_nl_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
scan_nl_white_space([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_nl_white_space/6}};
scan_nl_white_space(Cs, #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col,
Toks, Ncs) ->
scan1(Cs, St, Line+1, Col, [{white_space,Line,lists:reverse(Ncs)}|Toks]);
scan_nl_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Ncs),
Token = {white_space,Attrs,Ncs},
scan1(Cs, St, Line+1, new_column(Col, length(Ncs)), [Token|Toks]).
newline_end(Cs, #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col,
Toks, _N, Ncs) ->
scan1(Cs, St, Line+1, Col, [{white_space,Line,Ncs}|Toks]);
newline_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, Ncs) ->
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Ncs),
scan1(Cs, St, Line+1, new_column(Col, N), [{white_space,Attrs,Ncs}|Toks]).
scan_spcs([$\s|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, N) when N < 16 ->
scan_spcs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N+1);
scan_spcs([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,N,fun scan_spcs/6}};
scan_spcs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
white_space_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, spcs(N)).
scan_tabs([$\t|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, N) when N < 10 ->
scan_tabs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N+1);
scan_tabs([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,N,fun scan_tabs/6}};
scan_tabs(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
white_space_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, tabs(N)).
skip_white_space([$\n|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, _N) ->
skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line+1, new_column(Col, 1), Toks, 0);
skip_white_space([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, N) when ?WHITE_SPACE(C) ->
skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N+1);
skip_white_space([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,N,fun skip_white_space/6}};
skip_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, N), Toks).
%% Maybe \t and \s should break the loop.
scan_white_space([$\n|_]=Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
white_space_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, length(Ncs), lists:reverse(Ncs));
scan_white_space([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?WHITE_SPACE(C) ->
scan_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
scan_white_space([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_white_space/6}};
scan_white_space(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
white_space_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, length(Ncs), lists:reverse(Ncs)).
white_space_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, Ncs) ->
tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, white_space, Ncs, Ncs, N).
scan_char([$\\|Cs]=Cs0, St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
case scan_escape(Cs, incr_column(Col, 2)) of
more ->
{more,{[$$|Cs0],Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
{error,Ncs,Error,Ncol} ->
scan_error(Error, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Ncs);
{eof,Ncol} ->
scan_error(char, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, eof);
{nl,Val,Str,Ncs,Ncol} ->
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, "$\\"++Str), %"
Ntoks = [{char,Attrs,Val}|Toks],
scan1(Ncs, St, Line+1, Ncol, Ntoks);
{unicode,Val,Str,Ncs,Ncol} ->
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, "$\\"++Str), %"
Tag = char_tag(Val, St), % UNI
Ntoks = [{Tag,Attrs,Val}|Toks],
scan1(Ncs, St, Line, Ncol, Ntoks);
{Val,Str,Ncs,Ncol} ->
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, "$\\"++Str), %"
Ntoks = [{char,Attrs,Val}|Toks],
scan1(Ncs, St, Line, Ncol, Ntoks)
scan_char([$\n=C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, [$$,C]),
scan1(Cs, St, Line+1, new_column(Col, 1), [{char,Attrs,C}|Toks]);
scan_char([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks) when ?UNICODE(C) ->
Tag = char_tag(C, St), % UNI
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, [$$,C]),
scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, 2), [{Tag,Attrs,C}|Toks]);
scan_char([C|_Cs], _St, Line, Col, _Toks) when ?CHAR(C) ->
scan_error({illegal,character}, Line, Col, Line, incr_column(Col, 1), eof);
scan_char([], _St, Line, Col, Toks) ->
{more,{[$$],Col,Toks,Line,[],fun scan/6}};
scan_char(eof, _St, Line, Col, _Toks) ->
scan_error(char, Line, Col, Line, incr_column(Col, 1), eof).
char_tag(C, _St) when ?UNI255(C) ->
char_tag(_C, #erl_scan{unicode = true}) ->
char_tag(_C, _St) ->
scan_string(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {Wcs,Str,Line0,Col0,Uni0}) ->
case scan_string0(Cs, St, Line, Col, $\", true, Str, Wcs, Uni0) of %"
{more,Ncs,Nline,Ncol,Nstr,Nwcs,Uni} ->
State = {Nwcs,Nstr,Line0,Col0,Uni},
{more,{Ncs,Ncol,Toks,Nline,State,fun scan_string/6}};
{char_error,Ncs,Error,Nline,Ncol,EndCol} ->
scan_error(Error, Nline, Ncol, Nline, EndCol, Ncs);
{error,Nline,Ncol,Nwcs,Ncs} ->
Estr = string:substr(Nwcs, 1, 16), % Expanded escape chars.
scan_error({string,$\",Estr}, Line0, Col0, Nline, Ncol, Ncs); %"
{Ncs,Nline,Ncol,Nstr,Nwcs,Uni} when Uni =:= ?NO_UNICODE;
St#erl_scan.unicode ->
Attrs = attributes(Line0, Col0, St, Nstr),
scan1(Ncs, St, Nline, Ncol, [{string,Attrs,Nwcs}|Toks]);
{Ncs,Nline,Ncol,Nstr,_Nwcs,_Uni} ->
Ntoks = unicode_string_to_list(Line0, Col0, St, Nstr, Toks),
scan1(Ncs, St, Nline, Ncol, Ntoks)
%% UNI
unicode_string_to_list(Line, Col, St, [$"=C|Nstr], Toks) -> %" Emacs
Paren = {'[',attributes(Line, Col, St, [C])},
u2l(Nstr, Line, incr_column(Col, 1), St, [Paren|Toks]).
u2l([$"]=Cs, Line, Col, St, Toks) -> %" Emacs
[{']',attributes(Line, Col, St, Cs)}|Toks];
u2l([$\n=C|Cs], Line, Col, St, Toks) ->
Ntoks = unicode_nl_tokens(Line, Col, [C], C, St, Toks, Cs),
u2l(Cs, Line+1, new_column(Col, 1), St, Ntoks);
u2l([$\\|Cs], Line, Col, St, Toks) ->
case scan_escape(Cs, Col) of
{nl,Val,ValStr,Ncs,Ncol} ->
Nstr = [$\\|ValStr],
Ntoks = unicode_nl_tokens(Line, Col, Nstr, Val, St, Toks, Ncs),
u2l(Ncs, Line+1, Ncol, St, Ntoks);
{unicode,Val,ValStr,Ncs,Ncol} ->
Nstr = [$\\|ValStr],
Ntoks = unicode_tokens(Line, Col, Nstr, Val, St, Toks, Ncs),
u2l(Ncs, Line, incr_column(Ncol, 1), St, Ntoks);
{Val,ValStr,Ncs,Ncol} ->
Nstr = [$\\|ValStr],
Ntoks = unicode_tokens(Line, Col, Nstr, Val, St, Toks, Ncs),
u2l(Ncs, Line, incr_column(Ncol, 1), St, Ntoks)
u2l([C|Cs], Line, Col, St, Toks) ->
Ntoks = unicode_tokens(Line, Col, [C], C, St, Toks, Cs),
u2l(Cs, Line, incr_column(Col, 1), St, Ntoks).
unicode_nl_tokens(Line, Col, Str, Val, St, Toks, Cs) ->
Ccol = new_column(Col, 1),
unicode_tokens(Line, Col, Str, Val, St, Toks, Cs, Line+1, Ccol).
unicode_tokens(Line, Col, Str, Val, St, Toks, Cs) ->
Ccol = incr_column(Col, length(Str)),
unicode_tokens(Line, Col, Str, Val, St, Toks, Cs, Line, Ccol).
unicode_tokens(Line, Col, Str, Val, St, Toks, Cs, Cline, Ccol) ->
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Str),
Tag = if ?UNI255(Val) -> char; true -> integer end,
Token = {Tag,Attrs,Val},
[{',',attributes(Cline, Ccol, St, "")} || Cs =/= "\""] ++ [Token|Toks].
scan_qatom(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {Wcs,Str,Line0,Col0,Uni0}) ->
AllowUni = St#erl_scan.unicode,
case scan_string0(Cs, St, Line, Col, $\', AllowUni, Str, Wcs, Uni0) of %'
{more,Ncs,Nline,Ncol,Nstr,Nwcs,Uni} ->
State = {Nwcs,Nstr,Line0,Col0,Uni},
{more,{Ncs,Ncol,Toks,Nline,State,fun scan_qatom/6}};
{char_error,Ncs,Error,Nline,Ncol,EndCol} ->
scan_error(Error, Nline, Ncol, Nline, EndCol, Ncs);
{error,Nline,Ncol,Nwcs,Ncs} ->
Estr = string:substr(Nwcs, 1, 16), % Expanded escape chars.
scan_error({string,$\',Estr}, Line0, Col0, Nline, Ncol, Ncs); %'
{Ncs,Nline,Ncol,Nstr,Nwcs,Uni} ->
true = Uni =:= ?NO_UNICODE orelse AllowUni,
case catch list_to_atom(Nwcs) of
A when is_atom(A) ->
Attrs = attributes(Line0, Col0, St, Nstr),
scan1(Ncs, St, Nline, Ncol, [{atom,Attrs,A}|Toks]);
_ ->
scan_error({illegal,atom}, Line0, Col0, Nline, Ncol, Ncs)
scan_string0(Cs, #erl_scan{text=false}, Line, no_col=Col, Q, U, [], Wcs, Uni) ->
scan_string_no_col(Cs, Line, Col, Q, U, Wcs, Uni);
scan_string0(Cs, #erl_scan{text=true}, Line, no_col=Col, Q, U, Str, Wcs, Uni) ->
scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col, Q, U, Str, Wcs, Uni);
scan_string0(Cs, _St, Line, Col, Q, U, [], Wcs, Uni) ->
scan_string_col(Cs, Line, Col, Q, U, Wcs, Uni);
scan_string0(Cs, _St, Line, Col, Q, U, Str, Wcs, Uni) ->
scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col, Q, U, Str, Wcs, Uni).
%% Optimization. Col =:= no_col.
scan_string_no_col([Q|Cs], Line, Col, Q, _U, Wcs, Uni) ->
scan_string_no_col([$\n=C|Cs], Line, Col, Q, U, Wcs, Uni) ->
scan_string_no_col(Cs, Line+1, Col, Q, U, [C|Wcs], Uni);
scan_string_no_col([C|Cs], Line, Col, Q, U, Wcs, Uni) when C =/= $\\,
?UNI255(C) ->
scan_string_no_col(Cs, Line, Col, Q, U, [C|Wcs], Uni);
scan_string_no_col(Cs, Line, Col, Q, U, Wcs, Uni) ->
scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col, Q, U, Wcs, Wcs, Uni).
%% Optimization. Col =/= no_col.
scan_string_col([Q|Cs], Line, Col, Q, _U, Wcs0, Uni) ->
Wcs = lists:reverse(Wcs0),
Str = [Q|Wcs++[Q]],
scan_string_col([$\n=C|Cs], Line, _xCol, Q, U, Wcs, Uni) ->
scan_string_col(Cs, Line+1, 1, Q, U, [C|Wcs], Uni);
scan_string_col([C|Cs], Line, Col, Q, U, Wcs, Uni) when C =/= $\\,
?UNI255(C) ->
scan_string_col(Cs, Line, Col+1, Q, U, [C|Wcs], Uni);
scan_string_col(Cs, Line, Col, Q, U, Wcs, Uni) ->
scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col, Q, U, Wcs, Wcs, Uni).
%% UNI_STR is to be replaced by STR when the Unicode-string-to-list
%% workaround is eventually removed.
-define(UNI_STR(Col, S), S).
%% Note: in those cases when a 'char_error' tuple is returned below it
%% is tempting to skip over characters up to the first Q character,
%% but then the end location of the error tuple would not correspond
%% to the start location of the returned Rest string. (Maybe the end
%% location could be modified, but that too is ugly.)
scan_string1([Q|Cs], Line, Col, Q, _U, Str0, Wcs0, Uni) ->
Wcs = lists:reverse(Wcs0),
Str = ?UNI_STR(Col, [Q|lists:reverse(Str0, [Q])]),
{Cs,Line,incr_column(Col, 1),Str,Wcs,Uni};
scan_string1([$\n=C|Cs], Line, Col, Q, U, Str, Wcs, Uni) ->
Ncol = new_column(Col, 1),
scan_string1(Cs, Line+1, Ncol, Q, U, ?UNI_STR(Col, [C|Str]), [C|Wcs], Uni);
scan_string1([$\\|Cs]=Cs0, Line, Col, Q, U, Str, Wcs, Uni) ->
case scan_escape(Cs, Col) of
more ->
{error,Ncs,Error,Ncol} ->
{char_error,Ncs,Error,Line,Col,incr_column(Ncol, 1)};
{eof,Ncol} ->
{error,Line,incr_column(Ncol, 1),lists:reverse(Wcs),eof};
{nl,Val,ValStr,Ncs,Ncol} ->
Nstr = ?UNI_STR(Ncol, lists:reverse(ValStr, [$\\|Str])),
Nwcs = [Val|Wcs],
scan_string1(Ncs, Line+1, Ncol, Q, U, Nstr, Nwcs, Uni);
{unicode,_Val,_ValStr,Ncs,Ncol} when not U -> %' Emacs
{char_error,Ncs,{illegal,character},Line,Col,incr_column(Ncol, 1)};
{unicode,Val,ValStr,Ncs,Ncol} -> % UNI. Uni is set to Val.
Nstr = ?UNI_STR(Ncol, lists:reverse(ValStr, [$\\|Str])),
Nwcs = [Val|Wcs], % not used
scan_string1(Ncs, Line, incr_column(Ncol, 1), Q, U, Nstr, Nwcs, Val);
{Val,ValStr,Ncs,Ncol} ->
Nstr = ?UNI_STR(Ncol, lists:reverse(ValStr, [$\\|Str])),
Nwcs = [Val|Wcs],
scan_string1(Ncs, Line, incr_column(Ncol, 1), Q, U, Nstr, Nwcs, Uni)
scan_string1([C|Cs], Line, no_col=Col, Q, U, Str, Wcs, Uni) when ?CHAR(C),
?UNI255(C) ->
%% scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col, Q, U, Str, [C|Wcs], Uni);
scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col, Q, U, [C|Str], [C|Wcs], Uni); % UNI
scan_string1([C|Cs], Line, Col, Q, U, Str, Wcs, Uni) when ?CHAR(C), ?UNI255(C) ->
scan_string1(Cs, Line, Col+1, Q, U, [C|Str], [C|Wcs], Uni);
scan_string1([C|Cs], Line, Col, _Q, false, _Str, _Wcs, _Uni) when ?CHAR(C) -> %' UNI
{char_error,Cs,{illegal,character},Line,Col,incr_column(Col, 1)};
scan_string1([C|Cs], Line, Col, Q, U, Str, Wcs, _Uni) when ?UNICODE(C) ->
scan_string1(Cs, Line, incr_column(Col, 1), Q, U, [C|Str], [C|Wcs], C);
scan_string1([C|Cs], Line, Col, _Q, _U, _Str, _Wcs, _Uni) when ?CHAR(C) -> % UNI
{char_error,Cs,{illegal,character},Line,Col,incr_column(Col, 1)};
scan_string1([]=Cs, Line, Col, _Q, _U, Str, Wcs, Uni) ->
scan_string1(eof, Line, Col, _Q, _U, _Str, Wcs, _Uni) ->
-define(OCT(C), C >= $0, C =< $7).
-define(HEX(C), C >= $0 andalso C =< $9 orelse
C >= $A andalso C =< $F orelse
C >= $a andalso C =< $f).
%% \<1-3> octal digits
scan_escape([O1,O2,O3|Cs], Col) when ?OCT(O1), ?OCT(O2), ?OCT(O3) ->
Val = (O1*8 + O2)*8 + O3 - 73*$0,
{Val,?UNI_STR(Col, [O1,O2,O3]),Cs,incr_column(Col, 3)};
scan_escape([O1,O2], _Col) when ?OCT(O1), ?OCT(O2) ->
scan_escape([O1,O2|Cs], Col) when ?OCT(O1), ?OCT(O2) ->
Val = (O1*8 + O2) - 9*$0,
{Val,?UNI_STR(Col, [O1,O2]),Cs,incr_column(Col, 2)};
scan_escape([O1], _Col) when ?OCT(O1) ->
scan_escape([O1|Cs], Col) when ?OCT(O1) ->
{O1 - $0,?UNI_STR(Col, [O1]),Cs,incr_column(Col, 1)};
%% \x{<hex digits>}
scan_escape([$x,${|Cs], Col) ->
scan_hex(Cs, incr_column(Col, 2), []);
scan_escape([$x], _Col) ->
scan_escape([$x|eof], Col) ->
{eof,incr_column(Col, 1)};
%% \x<2> hexadecimal digits
scan_escape([$x,H1,H2|Cs], Col) when ?HEX(H1), ?HEX(H2) ->
Val = erlang:list_to_integer([H1,H2], 16),
{Val,?UNI_STR(Col, [$x,H1,H2]),Cs,incr_column(Col, 3)};
scan_escape([$x,H1], _Col) when ?HEX(H1) ->
scan_escape([$x|Cs], Col) ->
{error,Cs,{illegal,character},incr_column(Col, 1)};
%% \^X -> CTL-X
scan_escape([$^=C0,$\n=C|Cs], Col) ->
{nl,C,?UNI_STR(Col, [C0,C]),Cs,new_column(Col, 1)};
scan_escape([$^=C0,C|Cs], Col) when ?CHAR(C) ->
Val = C band 31,
{Val,?UNI_STR(Col, [C0,C]),Cs,incr_column(Col, 2)};
scan_escape([$^], _Col) ->
scan_escape([$^|eof], Col) ->
{eof,incr_column(Col, 1)};
scan_escape([$\n=C|Cs], Col) ->
{nl,C,?UNI_STR(Col, [C]),Cs,new_column(Col, 1)};
scan_escape([C0|Cs], Col) when ?CHAR(C0), ?UNI255(C0) ->
C = escape_char(C0),
{C,?UNI_STR(Col, [C0]),Cs,incr_column(Col, 1)};
scan_escape([C|Cs], Col) when ?UNICODE(C) ->
{unicode,C,?UNI_STR(Col, [C]),Cs,incr_column(Col, 1)};
scan_escape([C|Cs], Col) when ?CHAR(C) -> % UNI
{error,Cs,{illegal,character},incr_column(Col, 1)};
scan_escape([], _Col) ->
scan_escape(eof, Col) ->
scan_hex([C|Cs], no_col=Col, Wcs) when ?HEX(C) ->
scan_hex(Cs, Col, [C|Wcs]);
scan_hex([C|Cs], Col, Wcs) when ?HEX(C) ->
scan_hex(Cs, Col+1, [C|Wcs]);
scan_hex(Cs, Col, Wcs) ->
scan_esc_end(Cs, Col, Wcs, 16, "x{").
scan_esc_end([$}|Cs], Col, Wcs0, B, Str0) ->
Wcs = lists:reverse(Wcs0),
case catch erlang:list_to_integer(Wcs, B) of
Val when Val =< 16#FF ->
{Val,?UNI_STR(Col, Str0++Wcs++[$}]),Cs,incr_column(Col, 1)};
Val when ?UNICODE(Val) ->
{unicode,Val,?UNI_STR(Col, Str0++Wcs++[$}]),Cs,incr_column(Col,1)};
_ ->
{error,Cs,{illegal,character},incr_column(Col, 1)}
scan_esc_end([], _Col, _Wcs, _B, _Str0) ->
scan_esc_end(eof, Col, _Wcs, _B, _Str0) ->
scan_esc_end(Cs, Col, _Wcs, _B, _Str0) ->
escape_char($n) -> $\n; % \n = LF
escape_char($r) -> $\r; % \r = CR
escape_char($t) -> $\t; % \t = TAB
escape_char($v) -> $\v; % \v = VT
escape_char($b) -> $\b; % \b = BS
escape_char($f) -> $\f; % \f = FF
escape_char($e) -> $\e; % \e = ESC
escape_char($s) -> $\s; % \s = SPC
escape_char($d) -> $\d; % \d = DEL
escape_char(C) -> C.
scan_number([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?DIGIT(C) ->
scan_number(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
scan_number([$.,C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?DIGIT(C) ->
scan_fraction(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C,$.|Ncs]);
scan_number([$.]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_number/6}};
scan_number([$#|Cs]=Cs0, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
case catch list_to_integer(Ncs) of
B when B >= 2, B =< 1+$Z-$A+10 ->
Bcs = Ncs++[$#],
scan_based_int(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,[],Bcs});
B ->
Len = length(Ncs),
scan_error({base,B}, Line, Col, Line, incr_column(Col, Len), Cs0)
scan_number([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_number/6}};
scan_number(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
case catch list_to_integer(Ncs) of
N when is_integer(N) ->
tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, integer, Ncs, N);
_ ->
Ncol = incr_column(Col, length(Ncs)),
scan_error({illegal,integer}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
scan_based_int([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,Ncs,Bcs})
when ?DIGIT(C), C < $0+B ->
scan_based_int(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,[C|Ncs],Bcs});
scan_based_int([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,Ncs,Bcs})
when C >= $A, B > 10, C < $A+B-10 ->
scan_based_int(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,[C|Ncs],Bcs});
scan_based_int([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,Ncs,Bcs})
when C >= $a, B > 10, C < $a+B-10 ->
scan_based_int(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,[C|Ncs],Bcs});
scan_based_int([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, State) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,State,fun scan_based_int/6}};
scan_based_int(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,Ncs0,Bcs}) ->
Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
case catch erlang:list_to_integer(Ncs, B) of
N when is_integer(N) ->
tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, integer, Bcs++Ncs, N);
_ ->
Len = length(Bcs)+length(Ncs),
Ncol = incr_column(Col, Len),
scan_error({illegal,integer}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
scan_fraction([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?DIGIT(C) ->
scan_fraction(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
scan_fraction([E|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when E =:= $e; E =:= $E ->
scan_exponent_sign(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [E|Ncs]);
scan_fraction([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_fraction/6}};
scan_fraction(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
float_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs).
scan_exponent_sign([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when C =:= $+; C =:= $- ->
scan_exponent(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
scan_exponent_sign([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_exponent_sign/6}};
scan_exponent_sign(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
scan_exponent(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs).
scan_exponent([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) when ?DIGIT(C) ->
scan_exponent(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs]);
scan_exponent([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_exponent/6}};
scan_exponent(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
float_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs).
float_end(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
case catch list_to_float(Ncs) of
F when is_float(F) ->
tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, float, Ncs, F);
_ ->
Ncol = incr_column(Col, length(Ncs)),
scan_error({illegal,float}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
skip_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N) ->
skip_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, St#erl_scan.unicode).
skip_comment([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, N, U) when C =/= $\n, ?CHAR(C) ->
case ?UNI255(C) orelse U andalso ?UNICODE(C) of
true ->
skip_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N+1, U);
false ->
Ncol = incr_column(Col, N+1),
scan_error({illegal,character}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
skip_comment([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, N, _U) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,N,fun skip_comment/6}};
skip_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, N, _U) ->
scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, N), Toks).
scan_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs) ->
scan_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs, St#erl_scan.unicode).
scan_comment([C|Cs], St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs, U) when C =/= $\n, ?CHAR(C) ->
case ?UNI255(C) orelse U andalso ?UNICODE(C) of
true ->
scan_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, [C|Ncs], U);
false ->
Ncol = incr_column(Col, length(Ncs)+1),
scan_error({illegal,character}, Line, Col, Line, Ncol, Cs)
scan_comment([]=Cs, _St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs, _U) ->
{more,{Cs,Col,Toks,Line,Ncs,fun scan_comment/6}};
scan_comment(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0, _U) ->
Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, comment, Ncs, Ncs).
tok2(Cs, #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col, Toks, _Wcs, P) ->
scan1(Cs, St, Line, Col, [{P,Line}|Toks]);
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Wcs, P) ->
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Wcs),
scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, length(Wcs)), [{P,Attrs}|Toks]).
tok2(Cs, #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col, Toks, _Wcs, P, _N) ->
scan1(Cs, St, Line, Col, [{P,Line}|Toks]);
tok2(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Wcs, P, N) ->
Attrs = attributes(Line, Col, St, Wcs),
scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, N), [{P,Attrs}|Toks]).
tok3(Cs, #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col, Toks, Item, _S, Sym) ->
scan1(Cs, St, Line, Col, [{Item,Line,Sym}|Toks]);
tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Item, String, Sym) ->
Token = {Item,attributes(Line, Col, St, String),Sym},
scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, length(String)), [Token|Toks]).
tok3(Cs, #erl_scan{text = false}=St, Line, no_col=Col, Toks, Item,
_String, Sym, _Length) ->
scan1(Cs, St, Line, Col, [{Item,Line,Sym}|Toks]);
tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, Item, String, Sym, Length) ->
Token = {Item,attributes(Line, Col, St, String),Sym},
scan1(Cs, St, Line, incr_column(Col, Length), [Token|Toks]).
scan_error(Error, Line, Col, EndLine, EndCol, Rest) ->
Loc = location(Line, Col),
EndLoc = location(EndLine, EndCol),
scan_error(Error, Loc, EndLoc, Rest).
scan_error(Error, ErrorLoc, EndLoc, Rest) ->
attributes(Line, no_col, #erl_scan{text = false}, _String) ->
attributes(Line, no_col, #erl_scan{text = true}, String) ->
attributes(Line, Col, #erl_scan{text = false}, _String) ->
attributes(Line, Col, #erl_scan{text = true}, String) ->
location(Line, no_col) ->
location(Line, Col) when is_integer(Col) ->
incr_column(no_col=Col, _N) ->
incr_column(Col, N) when is_integer(Col) ->
Col + N.
new_column(no_col=Col, _Ncol) ->
new_column(Col, Ncol) when is_integer(Col) ->
nl_spcs(2) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(3) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(4) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(5) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(6) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(7) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(8) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(9) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(10) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(11) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(12) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(13) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(14) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(15) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(16) -> "\n ";
nl_spcs(17) -> "\n ".
spcs(1) -> " ";
spcs(2) -> " ";
spcs(3) -> " ";
spcs(4) -> " ";
spcs(5) -> " ";
spcs(6) -> " ";
spcs(7) -> " ";
spcs(8) -> " ";
spcs(9) -> " ";
spcs(10) -> " ";
spcs(11) -> " ";
spcs(12) -> " ";
spcs(13) -> " ";
spcs(14) -> " ";
spcs(15) -> " ";
spcs(16) -> " ".
nl_tabs(2) -> "\n\t";
nl_tabs(3) -> "\n\t\t";
nl_tabs(4) -> "\n\t\t\t";
nl_tabs(5) -> "\n\t\t\t\t";
nl_tabs(6) -> "\n\t\t\t\t\t";
nl_tabs(7) -> "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
nl_tabs(8) -> "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
nl_tabs(9) -> "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
nl_tabs(10) -> "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
nl_tabs(11) -> "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".
tabs(1) -> "\t";
tabs(2) -> "\t\t";
tabs(3) -> "\t\t\t";
tabs(4) -> "\t\t\t\t";
tabs(5) -> "\t\t\t\t\t";
tabs(6) -> "\t\t\t\t\t\t";
tabs(7) -> "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
tabs(8) -> "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
tabs(9) -> "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
tabs(10) -> "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".
-spec reserved_word(Atom :: atom()) -> boolean().
reserved_word('after') -> true;
reserved_word('begin') -> true;
reserved_word('case') -> true;
reserved_word('try') -> true;
reserved_word('cond') -> true;
reserved_word('catch') -> true;
reserved_word('andalso') -> true;
reserved_word('orelse') -> true;
reserved_word('end') -> true;
reserved_word('fun') -> true;
reserved_word('if') -> true;
reserved_word('let') -> true;
reserved_word('of') -> true;
reserved_word('receive') -> true;
reserved_word('when') -> true;
reserved_word('bnot') -> true;
reserved_word('not') -> true;
reserved_word('div') -> true;
reserved_word('rem') -> true;
reserved_word('band') -> true;
reserved_word('and') -> true;
reserved_word('bor') -> true;
reserved_word('bxor') -> true;
reserved_word('bsl') -> true;
reserved_word('bsr') -> true;
reserved_word('or') -> true;
reserved_word('xor') -> true;
reserved_word(_) -> false.