path: root/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2016-11-18 12:06:42 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2016-11-18 12:06:42 +0100
commit79653c709f854e6fadd719ef5f079f66219c6bdf (patch)
tree2f2a3a1a3b1a06a5e458424da5cb88f9733ec56f /lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl
parentf578f6c57438ac7dd11a3d113406a104f4064b26 (diff)
parent09f170e35cf9df8438ae42d48b51becff167b5b4 (diff)
Merge branch 'bjorn/compiler/guards/PR-1232/OTP-14042'
* bjorn/compiler/guards/PR-1232/OTP-14042: compile_SUITE: Make sure that guards are optimized beam_dead: Remove redundant 'or' instruction beam_dead: Remove redundant 'bif' instructions Add test using LFE-generated Core Erlang modules Remove beam_bool v3_kernel: Generate optimized code for guards sys_core_fold: Remove unnecessary calls to opt_bool_case/1 record_SUITE: Strengthen test of record access in guards
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl
index 11d4038b06..a662d85272 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- guard_in_catch/1]).
+ guard_in_catch/1,beam_bool_SUITE/1]).
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ groups() ->
- bad_constants,bad_guards,guard_in_catch]}].
+ bad_constants,bad_guards,guard_in_catch,beam_bool_SUITE]}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -2050,6 +2050,155 @@ do_guard_in_catch_bin(From) ->
+%%% The beam_bool pass has been eliminated. Here are the tests from
+%%% beam_bool_SUITE.
+beam_bool_SUITE(_Config) ->
+ before_and_inside_if(),
+ scotland(),
+ y_registers(),
+ protected(),
+ maps(),
+ ok.
+before_and_inside_if() ->
+ no = before_and_inside_if([a], [b], delete),
+ no = before_and_inside_if([a], [b], x),
+ no = before_and_inside_if([a], [], delete),
+ no = before_and_inside_if([a], [], x),
+ no = before_and_inside_if([], [], delete),
+ yes = before_and_inside_if([], [], x),
+ yes = before_and_inside_if([], [b], delete),
+ yes = before_and_inside_if([], [b], x),
+ {ch1,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([a], [b], blah),
+ {ch1,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([a], [b], xx),
+ {ch1,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([a], [], blah),
+ {ch1,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([a], [], xx),
+ {no,no} = before_and_inside_if_2([], [b], blah),
+ {no,no} = before_and_inside_if_2([], [b], xx),
+ {ch1,no} = before_and_inside_if_2([], [], blah),
+ {no,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([], [], xx),
+ ok.
+%% Thanks to Simon Cornish and Kostis Sagonas.
+%% Used to crash beam_bool.
+before_and_inside_if(XDo1, XDo2, Do3) ->
+ Do1 = (XDo1 =/= []),
+ Do2 = (XDo2 =/= []),
+ if
+ %% This expression occurs in a try/catch (protected)
+ %% block, which cannot refer to variables outside of
+ %% the block that are boolean expressions.
+ Do1 =:= true;
+ Do1 =:= false, Do2 =:= false, Do3 =:= delete ->
+ no;
+ true ->
+ yes
+ end.
+%% Thanks to Simon Cornish.
+%% Used to generate code that would not set {y,0} on
+%% all paths before its use (and therefore fail
+%% validation by the beam_validator).
+before_and_inside_if_2(XDo1, XDo2, Do3) ->
+ Do1 = (XDo1 =/= []),
+ Do2 = (XDo2 =/= []),
+ CH1 = if Do1 == true;
+ Do1 == false,Do2==false,Do3 == blah ->
+ ch1;
+ true ->
+ no
+ end,
+ CH2 = if Do1 == true;
+ Do1 == false,Do2==false,Do3 == xx ->
+ ch2;
+ true ->
+ no
+ end,
+ {CH1,CH2}.
+%% beam_bool would remove the initialization of {y,0}.
+%% (Thanks to Thomas Arts and QuickCheck.)
+scotland() ->
+ million = do_scotland(placed),
+ {'EXIT',{{badmatch,placed},_}} = (catch do_scotland(false)),
+ {'EXIT',{{badmatch,placed},_}} = (catch do_scotland(true)),
+ {'EXIT',{{badmatch,placed},_}} = (catch do_scotland(echo)),
+ ok.
+do_scotland(Echo) ->
+ found(case Echo of
+ Echo when true; Echo, Echo, Echo ->
+ Echo;
+ echo ->
+ []
+ end,
+ Echo = placed).
+found(_, _) -> million.
+%% ERL-143: beam_bool could not handle Y registers as a destination.
+y_registers() ->
+ {'EXIT',{badarith,[_|_]}} = (catch baker(valentine)),
+ {'EXIT',{badarith,[_|_]}} = (catch baker(clementine)),
+ {not_ok,true} = potter([]),
+ {ok,false} = potter([{encoding,any}]),
+ ok.
+%% Thanks to Quickcheck.
+baker(Baker) ->
+ (valentine == Baker) +
+ case Baker of
+ Baker when Baker; Baker ->
+ Baker;
+ Baker ->
+ []
+ end.
+%% Thanks to Jose Valim.
+potter(Modes) ->
+ Raw = lists:keyfind(encoding, 1, Modes) == false,
+ Final = case Raw of
+ X when X == false; X == nil -> ok;
+ _ -> not_ok
+ end,
+ {Final,Raw}.
+protected() ->
+ {'EXIT',{if_clause,_}} = (catch photographs({1, surprise, true}, opinions)),
+ {{true}} = welcome({perfect, true}),
+ {'EXIT',{if_clause,_}} = (catch welcome({perfect, false})),
+ ok.
+photographs({_Violation, surprise, Deep}, opinions) ->
+ {if
+ 0; "here", Deep ->
+ Deep = Deep
+ end}.
+welcome({perfect, Profit}) ->
+ if
+ Profit, Profit, Profit; 0 ->
+ {id({Profit})}
+ end.
+maps() ->
+ ok = evidence(#{0 => 42}).
+%% Cover handling of put_map in in split_block_label_used/2.
+evidence(#{0 := Charge}) when 0; #{[] => Charge} == #{[] => 42} ->
+ ok.
%% Call this function to turn off constant propagation.
id(I) -> I.