path: root/lib/kernel/test/application_SUITE.erl
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authorFred Hebert <[email protected]>2013-06-20 13:56:56 -0400
committerFred Hebert <[email protected]>2013-07-11 10:15:05 -0400
commit45a8f39ef1ade82a379b8a94ff3378d0b149bd96 (patch)
tree42455b8020ad0761a921e7cc60d79ccc5fb8de4e /lib/kernel/test/application_SUITE.erl
parent15874f5848bb4686b1ab1986adc2e8c366492a4d (diff)
Add application:ensure_all_started/1-2
This adds two new functions to the application module that will recursively look for missing dependencies to start the entire dependency chain of a given application, and then the application itself, if possible. Its entire behavior is based on the currently existing 'start/1-2' functions, which will report dependencies that have not yet been started and other problems encountered. 'ensure_all_started/1-2' will use this information the way any programmer would manually do it to automate the process. This kind of functionality, while not OTP-ish (releases do this start sequence for the user), is still useful for testing purposes, quick demonstrations, and programmers who do not wish or know how to use OTP releases. The function returns '{ok, StartedApps}' for all started or already started applications (already started are omitted from the list), and will return '{error, {AppName, Reason}}' on a failure to allow users to rapidly know why the function failed. Note that no specific check is made for direct or indirect circular dependencies between applications, and these will make the function go in an infinite loop.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kernel/test/application_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/application_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/application_SUITE.erl
index 1ff291be54..9ec8a15861 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/application_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/application_SUITE.erl
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
distr_changed_tc1/1, distr_changed_tc2/1,
- ensure_started/1,
+ ensure_started/1, ensure_all_started/1,
shutdown_func/1, do_shutdown/1, shutdown_timeout/1]).
-define(TESTCASE, testcase_name).
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ all() ->
[failover, failover_comp, permissions, load,
load_use_cache, ensure_started, {group, reported_bugs}, start_phases,
script_start, nodedown_start, permit_false_start_local,
- permit_false_start_dist, get_key, get_env,
+ permit_false_start_dist, get_key, get_env, ensure_all_started,
{group, distr_changed}, config_change, shutdown_func, shutdown_timeout].
groups() ->
@@ -978,6 +978,85 @@ ensure_started(Conf) ->
ok = application:unload(app1),
+ensure_all_started(suite) -> [];
+ensure_all_started(doc) -> ["Test application:ensure_all_started/1-2."];
+ensure_all_started(Conf) ->
+ {ok, Fd1} = file:open("app1.app", [write]),
+ w_app1(Fd1),
+ file:close(Fd1),
+ {ok, Fd9} = file:open("app9.app", [write]),
+ w_app9(Fd9),
+ file:close(Fd9),
+ {ok, Fd10} = file:open("app10.app", [write]),
+ w_app10_dep9(Fd10),
+ file:close(Fd10),
+ {ok, FdErr} = file:open("app_chain_error.app", [write]),
+ w_app(FdErr, app_chain_error()),
+ file:close(FdErr),
+ {ok, FdErr2} = file:open("app_chain_error2.app", [write]),
+ w_app(FdErr2, app_chain_error2()),
+ file:close(FdErr2),
+ %% Single app start/stop
+ false = lists:keyfind(app1, 1, application:which_applications()),
+ {ok, [app1]} = application:ensure_all_started(app1), % app1 started
+ {app1, _, _} = lists:keyfind(app1, 1, application:which_applications()),
+ {ok, []} = application:ensure_all_started(app1), % no start needed
+ ok = application:stop(app1),
+ false = lists:keyfind(app1, 1, application:which_applications()),
+ ok = application:unload(app1),
+ %% App or dependency not found.
+ Name = hopefully_not_an_existing_app_file,
+ {error,{Name, {"no such file or directory", _ }}} =
+ application:ensure_all_started(Name),
+ %% Start dependencies.
+ {error, {not_started, app9}} = application:start(app10),
+ {ok, [app9,app10]} = application:ensure_all_started(app10, temporary),
+ {app9, _, _} = lists:keyfind(app9, 1, application:which_applications()),
+ {app10, _, _} = lists:keyfind(app10, 1, application:which_applications()),
+ %% Only report apps/dependencies that actually needed to start
+ ok = application:stop(app10),
+ ok = application:unload(app10),
+ {ok, [app10]} = application:ensure_all_started(app10, temporary),
+ ok = application:stop(app9),
+ ok = application:unload(app9),
+ ok = application:stop(app10),
+ ok = application:unload(app10),
+ %% Deeper failure chain. We have the following dependencies:
+ %% app_chain_error -> app_chain_error2
+ %% app_chain_error2 -> app10
+ %% app_chain_error2 -> hopefully_not_an_existing_app
+ %% app10 -> app 9
+ %% First we have none running and we expect to have neither app9
+ %% nor app10 running after failing to start
+ %% hopefully_not_an_existing_app
+ {error, {hopefully_not_an_existing_app, {"no such file or directory", _}}}=
+ application:ensure_all_started(app_chain_error),
+ false = lists:keyfind(app9, 1, application:which_applications()),
+ false = lists:keyfind(app10, 1, application:which_applications()),
+ false = lists:keyfind(app_chain_error2,1,application:which_applications()),
+ false = lists:keyfind(app_chain_error, 1, application:which_applications()),
+ %% Here we will have app9 already running, and app10 should be
+ %% able to boot fine.
+ %% In this dependency failing, we expect app9 to still be running, but
+ %% not app10 after failing to start hopefully_not_an_existing_app
+ {ok, [app9]} = application:ensure_all_started(app9, temporary),
+ {error, {hopefully_not_an_existing_app, {"no such file or directory", _}}}=
+ application:ensure_all_started(app_chain_error),
+ {app9, _, _} = lists:keyfind(app9, 1, application:which_applications()),
+ false = lists:keyfind(app10, 1, application:which_applications()),
+ false = lists:keyfind(app_chain_error2,1,application:which_applications()),
+ false = lists:keyfind(app_chain_error, 1, application:which_applications()),
+ ok = application:stop(app9),
+ ok = application:unload(app9),
+ ok = application:unload(app10),
+ ok = application:unload(app_chain_error2),
+ ok = application:unload(app_chain_error),
+ ok.
%%% Testing of reported bugs and other tickets.
@@ -2125,6 +2204,24 @@ app_start_error() ->
{applications, [kernel]},
{mod, {app_start_error, []}}]}.
+app_chain_error() ->
+ {application, app_chain_error,
+ [{description, "ERTS CXC 138 ce"},
+ {vsn, "2.0"},
+ {modules, []},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, [kernel, app_chain_error2]},
+ {mod, {ch_sup, {app_chain_error, 20,20}}}]}.
+app_chain_error2() ->
+ {application, app_chain_error2,
+ [{description, "ERTS CXC 138 ce2"},
+ {vsn, "2.0"},
+ {modules, []},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, [kernel, app10, hopefully_not_an_existing_app]},
+ {mod, {ch_sup, {app_chain_error2, 21,21}}}]}.
app_group_leader() ->
{application, group_leader,
[{description, "GROUP_LEADER CXC 138 11"},
@@ -2374,6 +2471,12 @@ w_app7(Fd) ->
w_app8(Fd) ->
io:format(Fd, "~p.\n", [app8()]).
+w_app9(Fd) ->
+ io:format(Fd, "~p.\n", [app9()]).
+w_app10_dep9(Fd) ->
+ io:format(Fd, "~p.\n", [app10_dep9()]).
w_app_start_error(Fd) ->
io:format(Fd, "~p.\n", [app_start_error()]).