path: root/lib/test_server/src/ts_erl_config.erl
diff options
authorErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/test_server/src/ts_erl_config.erl
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/test_server/src/ts_erl_config.erl')
1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/ts_erl_config.erl b/lib/test_server/src/ts_erl_config.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fc46fc5d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/ts_erl_config.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% Purpose : Updates variable list with variables depending on
+%%% running Erlang system.
+%% Returns a list of key, value pairs.
+variables(Base0, OsType) ->
+ Base1 = erl_include(Base0),
+ Base2 = get_app_vars(fun erl_interface/2, Base1, OsType),
+ Base3 = get_app_vars(fun ic/2, Base2, OsType),
+ Base4 = get_app_vars(fun jinterface/2, Base3, OsType),
+ Base5 = dl_vars(Base4, OsType),
+ Base6 = emu_vars(Base5),
+ Base7 = get_app_vars(fun ssl/2, Base6, OsType),
+ Base8 = erts_lib(Base7, OsType),
+ Base = separators(Base8, OsType),
+ [{'EMULATOR', tl(code:objfile_extension())},
+ {emu_threads, atom_to_list(erlang:system_info(threads))},
+ {type_marker, case is_debug_build() of
+ true ->
+ ".debug";
+ false ->
+ ""
+ end}
+ | Base].
+get_app_vars(AppFun, Vars, OsType) ->
+ case catch AppFun(Vars,OsType) of
+ Res when is_list(Res) ->
+ Res;
+ {cannot_find_app, App} ->
+ io:format("* WARNING: Cannot find ~p!~n", [App]),
+ Vars;
+ {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+ exit(Reason);
+ Garbage ->
+ exit({unexpected_internal_error, Garbage})
+ end.
+dl_vars(Vars, _) ->
+ ShlibRules0 = ".SUFFIXES:\n" ++
+ ".SUFFIXES: @dll@ @obj@ .c\n\n" ++
+ ".c@dll@:\n" ++
+ "\t@CC@ -c @SHLIB_CFLAGS@ $(SHLIB_EXTRA_CFLAGS) -I@erl_include@ @DEFS@ $<\n" ++
+ ShlibRules = ts_lib:subst(ShlibRules0, Vars),
+ [{'SHLIB_RULES', ShlibRules}|Vars].
+erts_lib_name(multi_threaded, win32) ->
+ link_library("erts_MD" ++ case is_debug_build() of
+ true -> "d";
+ false -> ""
+ end,
+ win32);
+erts_lib_name(single_threaded, win32) ->
+ link_library("erts_ML" ++ case is_debug_build() of
+ true -> "d";
+ false -> ""
+ end,
+ win32);
+erts_lib_name(multi_threaded, OsType) ->
+ link_library("erts_r", OsType);
+erts_lib_name(single_threaded, OsType) ->
+ link_library("erts", OsType).
+erts_lib(Vars,OsType) ->
+ {ErtsLibInclude,
+ ErtsLibIncludeGenerated,
+ ErtsLibIncludeInternal,
+ ErtsLibIncludeInternalGenerated,
+ ErtsLibPath,
+ ErtsLibInternalPath}
+ = case erl_root(Vars) of
+ {installed, _Root} ->
+ Erts = lib_dir(Vars, erts),
+ ErtsInclude = filename:join([Erts, "include"]),
+ ErtsIncludeInternal = filename:join([ErtsInclude, "internal"]),
+ ErtsLib = filename:join([Erts, "lib"]),
+ ErtsLibInternal = filename:join([ErtsLib, "internal"]),
+ {ErtsInclude,
+ ErtsInclude,
+ ErtsIncludeInternal,
+ ErtsIncludeInternal,
+ ErtsLib,
+ ErtsLibInternal};
+ {Type, Root, Target} when Type == clearcase; Type == srctree ->
+ Erts = filename:join([Root, "erts"]),
+ ErtsInclude = filename:join([Erts, "include"]),
+ ErtsIncludeTarget = filename:join([ErtsInclude, Target]),
+ ErtsIncludeInternal = filename:join([ErtsInclude,
+ "internal"]),
+ ErtsIncludeInternalTarget = filename:join([ErtsIncludeInternal,
+ Target]),
+ ErtsLib = filename:join([Erts, "lib", Target]),
+ ErtsLibInternal = filename:join([Erts,
+ "lib",
+ "internal",
+ Target]),
+ {ErtsInclude,
+ ErtsIncludeTarget,
+ ErtsIncludeInternal,
+ ErtsIncludeInternalTarget,
+ ErtsLib,
+ ErtsLibInternal}
+ end,
+ [{erts_lib_include,
+ filename:nativename(ErtsLibInclude)},
+ {erts_lib_include_generated,
+ filename:nativename(ErtsLibIncludeGenerated)},
+ {erts_lib_include_internal,
+ filename:nativename(ErtsLibIncludeInternal)},
+ {erts_lib_include_internal_generated,
+ filename:nativename(ErtsLibIncludeInternalGenerated)},
+ {erts_lib_path, filename:nativename(ErtsLibPath)},
+ {erts_lib_internal_path, filename:nativename(ErtsLibInternalPath)},
+ {erts_lib_multi_threaded, erts_lib_name(multi_threaded, OsType)},
+ {erts_lib_single_threaded, erts_lib_name(single_threaded, OsType)}
+ | Vars].
+erl_include(Vars) ->
+ Include =
+ case erl_root(Vars) of
+ {installed, Root} ->
+ filename:join([Root, "usr", "include"]);
+ {Type, Root, Target} when Type == clearcase; Type == srctree ->
+ filename:join([Root, "erts", "emulator", "beam"])
+ ++ " -I" ++ filename:join([Root, "erts", "emulator"])
+ ++ system_include(Root, Vars)
+ ++ " -I" ++ filename:join([Root, "erts", "include"])
+ ++ " -I" ++ filename:join([Root, "erts", "include", Target])
+ end,
+ [{erl_include, filename:nativename(Include)}|Vars].
+system_include(Root, Vars) ->
+ SysDir =
+ case ts_lib:var(os, Vars) of
+ "Windows" ++ _T -> "sys/win32";
+ "VxWorks" -> "sys.vxworks";
+ "OSE" -> "sys/ose";
+ _ -> "sys/unix"
+ end,
+ " -I" ++ filename:nativename(filename:join([Root, "erts", "emulator", SysDir])).
+erl_interface(Vars,OsType) ->
+ {Incl, {LibPath, MkIncl}} =
+ case lib_dir(Vars, erl_interface) of
+ {error, bad_name} ->
+ throw({cannot_find_app, erl_interface});
+ Dir ->
+ {filename:join(Dir, "include"),
+ case erl_root(Vars) of
+ {installed, _Root} ->
+ {filename:join(Dir, "lib"),
+ filename:join(Dir, "src")};
+ {srctree, _Root, _Target} when OsType =:= vxworks ->
+ {filename:join(Dir, "lib"),
+ filename:join([Dir, "src"])};
+ {Type, _Root, Target} when Type == clearcase; Type == srctree ->
+ {filename:join([Dir, "obj", Target]),
+ filename:join([Dir, "src", Target])}
+ end}
+ end,
+ Lib = link_library("erl_interface",OsType),
+ Lib1 = link_library("ei",OsType),
+ {LibDrv, Lib1Drv} =
+ case erlang:system_info(threads) of
+ false ->
+ case OsType of
+ {unix,_} ->
+ {link_library("erl_interface_st",OsType),
+ link_library("ei_st",OsType)};
+ _ ->
+ {Lib, Lib1}
+ end;
+ true ->
+ case OsType of
+ {win32, _} ->
+ {link_library("erl_interface_md",OsType),
+ link_library("ei_md",OsType)};
+ _ ->
+ {Lib, Lib1}
+ end
+ end,
+ ThreadLib = case OsType of
+ % FIXME: FreeBSD uses gcc flag '-pthread' or linking with
+ % "libc_r". So it has to be last of libs. This is an
+ % temporary solution, should be configured elsewhere.
+ % This temporary solution have now failed!
+ % A new temporary solution is installed ...
+ % {unix,freebsd} -> "-lc_r";
+ {unix,freebsd} ->
+ "-lpthread";
+ {unix,_} ->
+ "-lpthread";
+ _ ->
+ "" % VxWorks or OSE
+ end,
+ CrossCompile = case OsType of
+ vxworks -> "true";
+ ose -> "true";
+ _ -> "false"
+ end,
+ [{erl_interface_libpath, filename:nativename(LibPath)},
+ {erl_interface_sock_libs, sock_libraries(OsType)},
+ {erl_interface_lib, Lib},
+ {erl_interface_eilib, Lib1},
+ {erl_interface_lib_drv, LibDrv},
+ {erl_interface_eilib_drv, Lib1Drv},
+ {erl_interface_threadlib, ThreadLib},
+ {erl_interface_include, filename:nativename(Incl)},
+ {erl_interface_mk_include, filename:nativename(MkIncl)},
+ {erl_interface_cross_compile, CrossCompile} | Vars].
+ic(Vars, OsType) ->
+ {ClassPath, LibPath, Incl} =
+ case lib_dir(Vars, ic) of
+ {error, bad_name} ->
+ throw({cannot_find_app, ic});
+ Dir ->
+ {filename:join([Dir, "priv", "ic.jar"]),
+ case erl_root(Vars) of
+ {installed, _Root} ->
+ filename:join([Dir, "priv", "lib"]);
+ {Type, _Root, Target} when Type == clearcase; Type == srctree ->
+ filename:join([Dir, "priv", "lib", Target])
+ end,
+ filename:join(Dir, "include")}
+ end,
+ [{ic_classpath, filename:nativename(ClassPath)},
+ {ic_libpath, filename:nativename(LibPath)},
+ {ic_lib, link_library("ic", OsType)},
+ {ic_include_path, filename:nativename(Incl)}|Vars].
+jinterface(Vars, _OsType) ->
+ ClassPath =
+ case lib_dir(Vars, jinterface) of
+ {error, bad_name} ->
+ throw({cannot_find_app, jinterface});
+ Dir ->
+ filename:join([Dir, "priv", "OtpErlang.jar"])
+ end,
+ [{jinterface_classpath, filename:nativename(ClassPath)}|Vars].
+%% Unused!
+% ig_vars(Vars) ->
+% {Lib0, Incl} =
+% case erl_root(Vars) of
+% {installed, Root} ->
+% Base = filename:join([Root, "usr"]),
+% {filename:join([Base, "lib"]),
+% filename:join([Base, "include"])};
+% {Type, Root, Target} when Type == clearcase; Type == srctree ->
+% {filename:join([Root, "lib", "ig", "obj", Target]),
+% filename:join([Root, "lib", "ig", "include"])}
+% end,
+% [{ig_libdir, filename:nativename(Lib0)},
+% {ig_include, filename:nativename(Incl)}|Vars].
+lib_dir(Vars, Lib) ->
+ LibLibDir = case Lib of
+ erts ->
+ filename:join([code:root_dir(),
+ "erts-" ++ erlang:system_info(version)]);
+ _ ->
+ code:lib_dir(Lib)
+ end,
+ case {get_var(crossroot, Vars), LibLibDir} of
+ {{error, _}, _} -> %no crossroot
+ LibLibDir;
+ {_, {error, _}} -> %no lib
+ LibLibDir;
+ {CrossRoot, _} ->
+ %% XXX: Ugly. So ugly I won't comment it
+ %% /Patrik
+ CLibDirList = case Lib of
+ erts ->
+ [CrossRoot, "erts"];
+ _ ->
+ [CrossRoot, "lib", atom_to_list(Lib)]
+ end,
+ CLibDir = filename:join(CLibDirList),
+ Cmd = "ls -d " ++ CLibDir ++ "*",
+ XLibDir = lists:last(string:tokens(os:cmd(Cmd),"\n")),
+ case file:list_dir(XLibDir) of
+ {error, enoent} ->
+ [];
+ _ ->
+ XLibDir
+ end
+ end.
+erl_root(Vars) ->
+ Root = code:root_dir(),
+ case ts_lib:erlang_type() of
+ {clearcase, _Version} ->
+ Target = get_var(target, Vars),
+ {clearcase, Root, Target};
+ {srctree, _Version} ->
+ Target = get_var(target, Vars),
+ {srctree, Root, Target};
+ {_, _Version} ->
+ case get_var(crossroot,Vars) of
+ {error, notfound} ->
+ {installed, Root};
+ CrossRoot ->
+ {installed, CrossRoot}
+ end
+ end.
+get_var(Key, Vars) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Vars) of
+ {value, {Key, Value}} ->
+ Value;
+ _ ->
+ {error, notfound}
+ end.
+sock_libraries({win32, _}) ->
+ "ws2_32.lib";
+sock_libraries({unix, _}) ->
+ ""; % Included in general libraries if needed.
+sock_libraries(vxworks) ->
+ "";
+sock_libraries(ose) ->
+ "";
+sock_libraries(_Other) ->
+ exit({sock_libraries, not_supported}).
+link_library(LibName,{win32, _}) ->
+ LibName ++ ".lib";
+link_library(LibName,{unix, _}) ->
+ "lib" ++ LibName ++ ".a";
+link_library(LibName,vxworks) ->
+ "lib" ++ LibName ++ ".a";
+link_library(_LibName,ose) ->
+ "";
+link_library(_LibName,_Other) ->
+ exit({link_library, not_supported}).
+%% Returns emulator specific variables.
+emu_vars(Vars) ->
+ [{is_source_build, is_source_build()},
+ {erl_name, atom_to_list(lib:progname())}|Vars].
+is_source_build() ->
+ string:str(erlang:system_info(system_version), "[source]") > 0.
+is_debug_build() ->
+ case catch string:str(erlang:system_info(system_version), "debug") of
+ Int when is_integer(Int), Int > 0 ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% ssl_libdir
+ssl(Vars, _OsType) ->
+ case lib_dir(Vars, ssl) of
+ {error, bad_name} ->
+ throw({cannot_find_app, ssl});
+ Dir ->
+ [{ssl_libdir, filename:nativename(Dir)}| Vars]
+ end.
+separators(Vars, {win32,_}) ->
+ [{'DS',"\\"},{'PS',";"}|Vars];
+separators(Vars, _) ->
+ [{'DS',"/"},{'PS',":"}|Vars].