path: root/lib
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2011-02-17 14:14:43 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2011-08-16 08:58:49 +0200
commit87e639bef1cbe37f63fcd376ec17dc8fca77fe3f (patch)
treea6f1be537f1b27cd5de3e50ad293fc6b3181a5d8 /lib
parentc846bf3f57937da34589c9071291a3be5ad0c4bc (diff)
Include location information for line instructions in BEAM files
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
4 files changed, 109 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl
index d56aeae524..6e63c4d0f2 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl
@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ module(Code, Abst, SourceFile, Opts) ->
assemble({Mod,Exp,Attr0,Asm0,NumLabels}, Abst, SourceFile, Opts) ->
{1,Dict0} = beam_dict:atom(Mod, beam_dict:new()),
+ {0,Dict1} = beam_dict:fname(atom_to_list(Mod) ++ ".erl", Dict0),
NumFuncs = length(Asm0),
{Asm,Attr} = on_load(Asm0, Attr0),
- {Code,Dict1} = assemble_1(Asm, Exp, Dict0, []),
- build_file(Code, Attr, Dict1, NumLabels, NumFuncs, Abst, SourceFile, Opts).
+ {Code,Dict2} = assemble_1(Asm, Exp, Dict1, []),
+ build_file(Code, Attr, Dict2, NumLabels, NumFuncs, Abst, SourceFile, Opts).
on_load(Fs0, Attr0) ->
case proplists:get_value(on_load, Attr0) of
@@ -136,7 +137,10 @@ build_file(Code, Attr, Dict, NumLabels, NumFuncs, Abst, SourceFile, Opts) ->
LitTab = iolist_to_binary(zlib:compress(LitTab2)),
chunk(<<"LitT">>, <<(byte_size(LitTab2)):32>>, LitTab)
+ %% Create the line chunk.
+ LineChunk = chunk(<<"Line">>, build_line_table(Dict)),
%% Create the attributes and compile info chunks.
@@ -154,8 +158,11 @@ build_file(Code, Attr, Dict, NumLabels, NumFuncs, Abst, SourceFile, Opts) ->
%% Create IFF chunk.
Chunks = case member(slim, Opts) of
- true -> [Essentials,AttrChunk,AbstChunk];
- false -> [Essentials,LocChunk,AttrChunk,CompileChunk,AbstChunk]
+ true ->
+ [Essentials,AttrChunk,AbstChunk];
+ false ->
+ [Essentials,LocChunk,AttrChunk,
+ CompileChunk,AbstChunk,LineChunk]
build_form(<<"BEAM">>, Chunks).
@@ -205,6 +212,31 @@ build_attributes(Opts, SourceFile, Attr, Essentials) ->
Compile = [{options,Opts},{version,?COMPILER_VSN}|Misc],
{term_to_binary(calc_vsn(Attr, Essentials)),term_to_binary(Compile)}.
+build_line_table(Dict) ->
+ {NumLineInstrs,NumFnames0,Fnames0,NumLines,Lines0} =
+ beam_dict:line_table(Dict),
+ NumFnames = NumFnames0 - 1,
+ [_|Fnames1] = Fnames0,
+ Fnames2 = [unicode:characters_to_binary(F) || F <- Fnames1],
+ Fnames = << <<(byte_size(F)):16,F/binary>> || F <- Fnames2 >>,
+ Lines1 = encode_line_items(Lines0, 0),
+ Lines = iolist_to_binary(Lines1),
+ Ver = 0,
+ Bits = 0,
+ <<Ver:32,Bits:32,NumLineInstrs:32,NumLines:32,NumFnames:32,
+ Lines/binary,Fnames/binary>>.
+%% encode_line_items([{FnameIndex,Line}], PrevFnameIndex)
+%% Encode the line items compactly. Tag the FnameIndex with
+%% an 'a' tag (atom) and only include it when it has changed.
+%% Tag the line numbers with an 'i' (integer) tag.
+encode_line_items([{F,L}|T], F) ->
+ [encode(?tag_i, L)|encode_line_items(T, F)];
+encode_line_items([{F,L}|T], _) ->
+ [encode(?tag_a, F),encode(?tag_i, L)|encode_line_items(T, F)];
+encode_line_items([], _) -> [].
%% If the attributes contains no 'vsn' attribute, we'll insert one
%% with an MD5 "checksum" calculated on the code as its value.
@@ -247,8 +279,9 @@ bif_type(_, 2) -> bif2.
make_op({'%',_}, Dict) ->
-make_op({line,_}, Dict) ->
- encode_op(line, [0], Dict);
+make_op({line,Location}, Dict0) ->
+ {Index,Dict} = beam_dict:line(Location, Dict0),
+ encode_op(line, [Index], Dict);
make_op({bif, Bif, {f,_}, [], Dest}, Dict) ->
%% BIFs without arguments cannot fail.
encode_op(bif0, [{extfunc, erlang, Bif, 0}, Dest], Dict);
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_dict.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_dict.erl
index c50ed28aa9..ee76623976 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_dict.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_dict.erl
@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@
- string/2,lambda/5,literal/2,
+ string/2,lambda/5,literal/2,line/2,fname/2,
- string_table/1,lambda_table/1,literal_table/1]).
+ string_table/1,lambda_table/1,literal_table/1,
+ line_table/1]).
-type label() :: non_neg_integer().
@@ -36,6 +37,9 @@
strings = <<>> :: binary(), %String pool
lambdas = [], %[{...}]
literals = dict:new() :: dict(), %Format: {Literal,Number}
+ fnames = gb_trees:empty() :: gb_tree(), %{Name,Index}
+ lines = gb_trees:empty() :: gb_tree(), %{{Fname,Line},Index}
+ num_lines = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), %Number of line instructions
next_import = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
string_offset = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
next_literal = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
@@ -152,6 +156,36 @@ literal(Lit, #asm{literals=Tab0,next_literal=NextIndex}=Dict) ->
+%% Returns the index for a line instruction (adding information
+%% to the location information table).
+-spec line(list(), bdict()) -> {non_neg_integer(), bdict()}.
+line([], #asm{num_lines=N}=Dict) ->
+ %% No location available. Return the special pre-defined
+ %% index 0.
+ {0,Dict#asm{num_lines=N+1}};
+line([{location,Name,Line}], #asm{lines=Lines0,num_lines=N}=Dict0) ->
+ {FnameIndex,Dict1} = fname(Name, Dict0),
+ case gb_trees:lookup({FnameIndex,Line}, Lines0) of
+ {value,Index} ->
+ {Index,Dict1#asm{num_lines=N+1}};
+ none ->
+ Index = gb_trees:size(Lines0) + 1,
+ Lines = gb_trees:insert({FnameIndex,Line}, Index, Lines0),
+ Dict = Dict1#asm{lines=Lines,num_lines=N+1},
+ {Index,Dict}
+ end.
+fname(Name, #asm{fnames=Fnames0}=Dict) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(Name, Fnames0) of
+ {value,Index} ->
+ {Index,Dict};
+ none ->
+ Index = gb_trees:size(Fnames0),
+ Fnames = gb_trees:insert(Name, Index, Fnames0),
+ {Index,Dict#asm{fnames=Fnames}}
+ end.
%% Returns the atom table.
%% atom_table(Dict) -> {LastIndex,[Length,AtomString...]}
-spec atom_table(bdict()) -> {non_neg_integer(), [[non_neg_integer(),...]]}.
@@ -219,6 +253,21 @@ literal_table(#asm{literals=Tab,next_literal=NumLiterals}) ->
my_term_to_binary(Term) ->
term_to_binary(Term, [{minor_version,1}]).
+%% Return the line table.
+-spec line_table(bdict()) ->
+ {non_neg_integer(), %Number of line instructions.
+ non_neg_integer(),[string()],
+ non_neg_integer(),[{non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}]}.
+line_table(#asm{fnames=Fnames0,lines=Lines0,num_lines=NumLineInstrs}) ->
+ NumFnames = gb_trees:size(Fnames0),
+ Fnames1 = lists:keysort(2, gb_trees:to_list(Fnames0)),
+ Fnames = [Name || {Name,_} <- Fnames1],
+ NumLines = gb_trees:size(Lines0),
+ Lines1 = lists:keysort(2, gb_trees:to_list(Lines0)),
+ Lines = [L || {L,_} <- Lines1],
+ {NumLineInstrs,NumFnames,Fnames,NumLines,Lines}.
%% Search for binary string Str in the binary string pool Pool.
%% old_string(Str, Pool) -> none | Index
-spec old_string(binary(), binary()) -> 'none' | pos_integer().
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_disasm.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_disasm.erl
index fc1800d8be..410233a0f7 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_disasm.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_disasm.erl
@@ -296,6 +296,8 @@ get_function_chunks(Code) ->
labels_r([], R) -> {R, []};
labels_r([{label,_}=I|Is], R) ->
labels_r(Is, [I|R]);
+labels_r([{line,_}=I|Is], R) ->
+ labels_r(Is, [I|R]);
labels_r(Is, R) -> {R, Is}.
get_funs({[],[]}) -> [];
@@ -335,20 +337,17 @@ local_labels(Funs) ->
local_labels_1(function__code(F), R)
end, [], Funs)).
-%% The first clause below attempts to provide some (limited form of)
-%% backwards compatibility; it is not needed for .beam files generated
-%% by the R8 compiler. The clause should one fine day be taken out.
-local_labels_1([{label,_}|[{label,_}|_]=Code], R) ->
- local_labels_1(Code, R);
-local_labels_1([{label,_},{func_info,{atom,M},{atom,F},A}|Code], R)
- when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
- local_labels_2(Code, R, M, F, A);
-local_labels_1(Code, _) ->
- ?exit({'local_labels: no label in code',Code}).
-local_labels_2([{label,[{u,L}]}|Code], R, M, F, A) ->
- local_labels_2(Code, [{L,{M,F,A}}|R], M, F, A);
-local_labels_2(_, R, _, _, _) -> R.
+local_labels_1(Code0, R) ->
+ Code1 = lists:dropwhile(fun({label,_}) -> true;
+ ({line,_}) -> true;
+ ({func_info,_,_,_}) -> false
+ end, Code0),
+ [{func_info,{atom,M},{atom,F},A}|Code] = Code1,
+ local_labels_2(Code, R, {M,F,A}).
+local_labels_2([{label,[{u,L}]}|Code], R, MFA) ->
+ local_labels_2(Code, [{L,MFA}|R], MFA);
+local_labels_2(_, R, _) -> R.
%% Disassembles a single BEAM instruction; most instructions are handled
diff --git a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_beam_to_icode.erl b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_beam_to_icode.erl
index 8254d71965..f557d3419e 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_beam_to_icode.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/icode/hipe_beam_to_icode.erl
@@ -281,10 +281,14 @@ needs_redtest(Leafness) ->
%%--- label & func_info combo ---
+trans_fun([{label,_}=F,{func_info,_,_,_}=FI|Instructions], Env) ->
+ %% Handle old code without a line instruction.
+ trans_fun([F,{line,[]},FI|Instructions], Env);
{func_info,M,F,A},{label,L}|Instructions], Env) ->
trans_fun([{label,B},{func_info,M,F,A},{label,L}|Instructions], Env);
+ {line,_},
{label,L}|Instructions], Env) ->
%% Emit code to handle function_clause errors. The BEAM test instructions
@@ -1874,6 +1878,8 @@ patch_make_funs([], FunIndex, Acc) ->
find_mfa([{label,_}|Code]) ->
+find_mfa([{line,_}|Code]) ->
+ find_mfa(Code);
when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A), 0 =< A, A =< 255 ->
{M, F, A}.