path: root/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_dist.erl
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1 files changed, 525 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_dist.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_dist.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c29ea95a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_dist.erl
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+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2019. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Implements callbacks that can be configured as a spawn_opt
+%% transport configuration, to be able to distribute incoming Diameter
+%% requests to handler processes (local or remote) in various ways.
+%% spawn_opt callbacks
+ spawn_local/1,
+ route_session/2,
+ route_session/1]).
+%% signal availability for handling incoming requests to route_sesssion/2
+ detach/1]).
+%% consistent hashing
+-export([hash/3, %% for use as default MFA in route_session/2 options map
+ hash/2]). %% arbitrary key/values
+%% server start
+%% gen_server callbacks
+ handle_info/2,
+ handle_cast/2,
+ handle_call/3,
+ code_change/3,
+ terminate/2]).
+-type request() :: tuple(). %% callback argument from diameter_traffic
+-define(SERVER, ?MODULE). %% server monitoring node connections
+%% Maps a node name binary to the corresponding atom. Used by
+%% route_session/2 to map the optional value of a Session-Id to
+%% node().
+-define(NODE_TABLE, diameter_dist_node).
+%% Maps a diameter:service_name() to a node() that has called attach/1
+%% to declare its willingness to handle incoming requests for the
+%% service. Use by route_session/2 in case the optional value mapping
+%% has failed.
+-define(SERVICE_TABLE, diameter_dist_service).
+-define(B(A), atom_to_binary(A, utf8)).
+-define(ORCOND(List), list_to_tuple(['orelse', false | List])).
+-define(HASH(T), erlang:phash2(T, 16#100000000)).
+%% spawn_local/2
+%% Callback that is equivalent to an options list. That is, the
+%% following are equivalent when passed as options to
+%% diameter:add_transport/2.
+%% {spawn_opt, Opts}
+%% {spawn_opt, {diameter_dist, spawn_local, [Opts]}}
+-spec spawn_local(ReqT :: request(), Opts :: list())
+ -> pid().
+spawn_local(ReqT, Opts) ->
+ spawn_opt(diameter_traffic, request, [ReqT], Opts).
+%% spawn_local/1
+spawn_local(ReqT) ->
+ spawn_local(ReqT, []).
+%% route_session/2
+%% Callback that maps the Session-Id of an incoming request to a
+%% handler node.
+%% With an options list, maps an id whose optional value is the name
+%% of a connected node to the same node, to handle the case that the
+%% session id has been returned from diameter:session_id/1; otherwise
+%% to a node that has called diameter_dist:attach/1 using the
+%% consistent hashing provided by hash/3, or to the local node() if a
+%% session id could not be extracted or there are no attached nodes. A
+%% handler process is spawned on the selected node using
+%% erlang:spawn_opt/4.
+%% Different behaviour can be configured by supplying an options map
+%% of the following form:
+%% #{search => non_neg_integer(),
+%% id => [binary()],
+%% default => discard | local | mfa(),
+%% dispatch => list() | mfa()}
+%% The search member limits the number of AVPs that are examined in
+%% the message (from the front), to avoid searching entire message in
+%% case it's known that peers follow RFC 6733's recommendation that
+%% Session-Id be placed at the head of a message. The default is to
+%% search the entire message.
+%% The id member restricts the optional value mapping to session ids
+%% whose DiamterIdentity is one of those specified. Set this to the
+%% list of Diameter identities advertised by the service in question
+%% (typically one) to ensure that only locally generated session ids
+%% are mapped; or to the empty list to disable the mapping.
+%% The default member determines where to handle a message whose
+%% Session-Id isn't found or whose optional value isn't mapped to the
+%% name of a connected node. The atom local says the local node, an
+%% MFA is invoked on Session-Id | false, the name of the diameter
+%% service, and the message binary, and should return either a node()
+%% or false to discard the message. Defaults to {diameter_dist, hash, []}.
+%% The dispatch member determines how the pid() of the request handler
+%% process is retrieved. An MFA is applied to a previously selected
+%% node(), and the module, function, and arguments list to apply in
+%% the handler process to handle the request, the MFA being supplied
+%% by diameter, and returns pid() | discard. A list is equivalent to
+%% {erlang, spawn_opt, []}. Defaults to [].
+%% This can be used with search = 0 to route on something other than
+%% Session-Id, but this is probably no simpler than just implementing
+%% an own spawn_opt callback. (Except with the default dispatch possibly.)
+%% Note that if the peer is also implemented with OTP diameter and
+%% generating session ids with diameter:session_id/1 then
+%% route_session/2 can map an optional value to a local node that
+%% happens to have the same name as one of the peer's nodes. This
+%% could lead to an uneven distribution; for example, if the peer
+%% nodes are a subset of the local nodes. In practice, it's typically
+%% known if it's peers or the local node originating sessions; if the
+%% former then setting id = [] disables the optional value mapping, if
+%% the latter then setting default = local disables the hashing.
+-spec route_session(ReqT :: request(), Opts)
+ -> discard
+ | pid()
+ when Opts :: pos_integer() %% aka #{search => N}
+ | list() %% aka #{dispatch => Opts}
+ | #{search => non_neg_integer(), %% limit number of examined AVPs
+ id => [binary()], %% restrict optional value map on DiamIdent
+ default => local %% handle locally
+ | discard
+ | mfa(), %% return node() | false
+ dispatch => list() %% spawn options
+ | mfa()}. %% (Node, M, F, A) -> pid() | discard
+route_session(ReqT, Opts) ->
+ {_, Bin} = Info = diameter_traffic:request_info(ReqT),
+ Sid = session_id(avps(Bin), search(Opts)),
+ Node = default(node_of_session_id(Sid, Opts), Sid, Opts, Info),
+ dispatch(Node, ReqT, dispatch(Opts)).
+%% avps/1
+avps(<<_:20/binary, Bin/binary>>) ->
+ Bin;
+avps(_) ->
+ false.
+%% dispatch/3
+dispatch(false, _, _) ->
+ discard;
+dispatch(Node, ReqT, {M,F,A}) ->
+ apply(M, F, [Node, diameter_traffic, request, [ReqT] | A]);
+dispatch(Node, ReqT, Opts) ->
+ spawn_opt(Node, diameter_traffic, request, [ReqT], Opts).
+%% route_session/1
+route_session(ReqT) ->
+ route_session(ReqT, []).
+%% node_of_session_id/2
+%% Return the node name encoded as optional value in a Session-Id,
+%% assuming the id has been created with diameter:session_id/0. Lookup
+%% the node name to ensure we don't convert arbitrary binaries to
+%% atom.
+node_of_session_id([Id, _, _, Bin], #{id := Ids}) ->
+ lists:member(Id, Ids) andalso nodemap(Bin);
+node_of_session_id([_, _, _, Bin], _) ->
+ nodemap(Bin);
+node_of_session_id(_, _) ->
+ false.
+%% nodemap/1
+nodemap(Bin) ->
+ try
+ ets:lookup_element(?NODE_TABLE, Bin, 2)
+ catch
+ error: badarg -> false
+ end.
+%% session_id/2
+session_id(_, 0) -> %% give up
+ false;
+%% Session-Id = Command Code 263, V-bit = 0.
+session_id(<<263:32, 0:1, _:7, Len:24, _/binary>> = Bin, _) ->
+ case Bin of
+ <<Avp:Len/binary, _/binary>> ->
+ <<_:8/binary, Sid/binary>> = Avp,
+ split(Sid);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+%% Jump to the next AVP. This is potentially costly for a message with
+%% many AVPs and no Session-Id, which an attacker is prone to send.
+%% 8.8 or RFC 6733 says that Session-Id SHOULD (but not MUST) appear
+%% immediately following the Diameter Header, so there is no
+%% guarantee.
+session_id(<<_:40, Len:24, _/binary>> = Bin, N) ->
+ Pad = (4 - (Len rem 4)) rem 4,
+ case Bin of
+ <<_:Len/binary, _:Pad/binary, Rest/binary>> ->
+ session_id(Rest, if N == infinity -> N; true -> N-1 end);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+session_id(_, _) ->
+ false.
+%% split/1
+%% Split a Session-Id at no more than three semicolons: the optional
+%% value (if any) follows the third. binary:split/2 does better than
+%% matching character by character, especially when the pattern is
+%% compiled.
+split(Bin) ->
+ split(3, Bin, pattern()).
+%% split/3
+split(0, Bin, _) ->
+ [Bin];
+split(N, Bin, Pattern) ->
+ [H|T] = binary:split(Bin, Pattern),
+ [H | case T of
+ [] ->
+ T;
+ [Rest] ->
+ split(N-1, Rest, Pattern)
+ end].
+%% pattern/0
+%% Since this is being called in a watchdog process, compile the
+%% pattern once and maintain it in the process dictionary.
+pattern() ->
+ case get(?MODULE) of
+ undefined ->
+ CP = binary:compile_pattern(<<$;>>), %% tuple
+ put(?MODULE, CP),
+ CP;
+ CP ->
+ CP
+ end.
+%% dispatch/1
+dispatch(#{} = Opts) ->
+ maps:get(dispatch, Opts, []);
+ when is_list(Opts) ->
+ Opts;
+dispatch(_) ->
+ [].
+%% search/1
+%% Bound number of AVPs examined when looking for Session-Id.
+search(#{search := N})
+ when is_integer(N), 0 =< N ->
+ N;
+ when is_integer(N), 0 =< N ->
+ N;
+search(_) ->
+ infinity.
+%% default/3
+%% Choose a node when Session-Id lookup has failed.
+default(false, _, #{default := discard}, _) ->
+ false;
+default(false, _, #{default := local}, _) ->
+ node();
+default(false, Sid, #{default := {M,F,A}}, Info) ->
+ {ServiceName, Bin} = Info,
+ apply(M, F, [Sid, ServiceName, Bin | A]); %% node() | false
+default(false, Sid, _, Info) -> %% aka {?MODULE, hash, []}
+ {ServiceName, Bin} = Info,
+ hash(Sid, ServiceName, Bin);
+default(Node, _, _, _) ->
+ Node.
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% hash/3
+%% Consistent hashing of Session-Id to an attached node, or the local
+%% node if Session-Id = false or no attached nodes.
+hash(Sid, ServiceName, _) ->
+ case false /= Sid andalso attached(ServiceName) of
+ [_|_] = Nodes ->
+ hash(Sid, Nodes);
+ _ ->
+ node()
+ end.
+%% hash/2
+%% Consistent hashing on arbitrary key/values. Returns false if the
+%% list is empty.
+%% No key or no values.
+hash(_, []) ->
+ false;
+%% Not much choice.
+hash(_, [Value]) ->
+ Value;
+%% Hash on a circle and choose the closest predecessor.
+hash(Key, Values) ->
+ Hash = ?HASH(Key),
+ tl(lists:foldl(fun(V,A) ->
+ choose(Hash, [?HASH({Key, V}) | V], A)
+ end,
+ false, %% < list()
+ Values)).
+%% choose/3
+choose(Hash, [Hash1 | _] = T, [Hash2 | _])
+ when Hash1 =< Hash, Hash < Hash2 ->
+ T;
+choose(Hash, [Hash1 | _], [Hash2 | _] = T)
+ when Hash2 =< Hash, Hash < Hash1 ->
+ T;
+choose(_, T1, T2) ->
+ max(T1, T2).
+%% ===========================================================================
+%% attach/1
+%% Register the local node as a handler of incoming requests for the
+%% specified services when using the route_session/2 spawn_opt
+%% callback.
+attach(ServiceNames) ->
+ abcast({attach, node(), ServiceNames}).
+%% detach/1
+%% Deregister the local node as a handler of incoming requests.
+detach(ServiceNames) ->
+ abcast({detach, node(), ServiceNames}).
+%% abcast/1
+abcast(T) ->
+ gen_server:abcast([node() | nodes()], ?SERVER, T),
+ ok.
+%% attached/1
+attached(ServiceName) ->
+ try
+ ets:lookup_element(?SERVICE_TABLE, ServiceName, 2)
+ catch
+ error: badarg -> []
+ end.
+%% cast/2
+cast(Node, T) ->
+ gen_server:cast({?SERVER, Node}, T).
+%% attach/2
+attach(Node, S) ->
+ case sets:to_list(S) of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ Services ->
+ cast(Node, {attach, node(), Services})
+ end.
+%% ===========================================================================
+start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, _Args = [], _Opts = []).
+%% init/1
+%% Maintain [node() | nodes()] in a table that maps from binary-valued
+%% names, so we can lookup the corresponding atoms rather than convert
+%% binaries that aren't necessarily node names.
+init([]) ->
+ ets:new(?NODE_TABLE, [set, named_table]),
+ ets:new(?SERVICE_TABLE, [bag, named_table]),
+ ok = net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true, [{node_type, all}, nodedown_reason]),
+ ets:insert(?NODE_TABLE, [{?B(N), N} || N <- [node() | nodes()]]),
+ abcast({attach, node()}),
+ {ok, sets:new()}.
+%% handle_call/3
+handle_call(_, _From, S) ->
+ {reply, nok, S}.
+%% handle_cast/2
+%% Remote node is asking which services the local node wants to handle.
+handle_cast({attach, Node}, S)
+ when Node /= node() ->
+ attach(Node, S),
+ {noreply, S};
+%% Node wants to handle incoming requests ...
+handle_cast({attach, Node, ServiceNames}, S) ->
+ ets:insert(?SERVICE_TABLE, [{N, Node} || N <- ServiceNames]),
+ {noreply, case node() of
+ Node ->
+ sets:union(S, sets:from_list(ServiceNames));
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end};
+%% ... or not.
+handle_cast({detach, Node, ServiceNames}, S) ->
+ ets:select_delete(?SERVICE_TABLE, [{{'$1', Node},
+ [?ORCOND([{'==', '$1', {const, N}}
+ || N <- ServiceNames])],
+ [true]}]),
+ {noreply, case node() of
+ Node ->
+ sets:subtract(S, sets:from_list(ServiceNames));
+ _ ->
+ S
+ end};
+handle_cast(_, S) ->
+ {noreply, S}.
+%% handle_info/2
+handle_info({nodeup, Node, _}, S) ->
+ ets:insert(?NODE_TABLE, {?B(Node), Node}),
+ cast(Node, {attach, node()}), %% ask which services remote node handles
+ attach(Node, S), %% say which service local node handles
+ {noreply, S};
+handle_info({nodedown, Node, _}, S) ->
+ ets:delete(?NODE_TABLE, ?B(Node)),
+ ets:select_delete(?SERVICE_TABLE, [{{'_', Node}, [], [true]}]),
+ {noreply, S};
+handle_info(_, S) ->
+ {noreply, S}.
+%% terminate/2
+terminate(_, _) ->
+ ok.
+%% code_change/3
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.