From fee45935eb7f5a098cbbbaf1c8d1a8f9a77ce418 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?P=C3=A9ter=20G=C3=B6m=C3=B6ri?=
When the
@@ -138,9 +142,9 @@ erlang:'!' -----> Module:StateName/3
This gathers all code for a specific state
in one function as the
When the
@@ -249,11 +253,10 @@ erlang:'!' -----> Module:StateName/3
name() -> pushbutton_statem. % The registered server name
-callback_mode() -> state_functions.
%% API. This example uses a registered name name()
%% and does not link to the caller.
@@ -270,15 +273,14 @@ stop() ->
terminate(_Reason, _State, _Data) ->
code_change(_Vsn, State, Data, _Extra) ->
- {callback_mode(),State,Data}.
+ {ok,State,Data}.
init([]) ->
- %% Set the callback mode and initial state + data.
- %% Data is used only as a counter.
+ %% Set the initial state + data. Data is used only as a counter.
State = off, Data = 0,
- {callback_mode(),State,Data}.
+ {ok,State,Data}.
+callback_mode() -> state_functions.
-%%% State functions
+%%% State function(s)
off({call,From}, push, Data) ->
%% Go to 'on', increment count and reply
@@ -326,18 +328,13 @@ ok
To compare styles, here follows the same example using
-init([]) ->
- %% Set the callback mode and initial state + data.
- %% Data is used only as a counter.
- State = off, Data = 0,
- {handle_event_function,State,Data}.
+callback_mode() -> handle_event_function.
-%%% Event handling
+%%% State function(s)
handle_event({call,From}, push, off, Data) ->
%% Go to 'on', increment count and reply
@@ -426,8 +423,8 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
Debug option that can be used when starting
- a gen_statem server through, for example,
- enter_loop/5 .
+ a gen_statem server through,
+ enter_loop/4-6 .
For every entry in Dbgs ,
@@ -525,12 +522,9 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
The callback mode is selected when starting the
- gen_statem using the return value from
- Module:init/1
- or when calling
- enter_loop/5,6,7 ,
- and with the return value from
- Module:code_change/4 .
+ gen_statem and after code change
+ using the return value from
+ Module:callback_mode/0 .
@@ -691,7 +685,7 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
state function , from
or by giving them to
- enter_loop/6,7 .
+ enter_loop/5,6 .
Actions are executed in the containing list order.
@@ -958,35 +952,36 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
Enter the gen_statem receive loop.
The same as
- enter_loop/7
- except that no
+ enter_loop/6
+ with Actions = [] except that no
- must have been registered.
+ must have been registered. This creates an anonymous server.
Enter the gen_statem receive loop.
If Server_or_Actions is a list() ,
the same as
- enter_loop/7
+ enter_loop/6
except that no
must have been registered and
Actions = Server_or_Actions .
+ This creates an anonymous server.
Otherwise the same as
- enter_loop/7
+ enter_loop/6
Server = Server_or_Actions and
Actions = [] .
@@ -995,7 +990,7 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
Enter the gen_statem receive loop.
@@ -1015,21 +1010,31 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
the gen_statem behavior provides.
- Module , Opts , and
- Server have the same meanings
- as when calling
+ Module , Opts
+ have the same meaning as when calling
start[_link]/3,4 .
+ If Server is self() an anonymous
+ server is created just as when using
+ start[_link]/3 .
+ If Server is a
+ server_name()
+ a named server is created just as when using
+ start[_link]/4 .
However, the
name must have been registered accordingly
- before this function is called.
+ before this function is called.
- CallbackMode , State ,
- Data , and Actions
+ State , Data ,
+ and Actions
have the same meanings as in the return value of
Module:init/1 .
- Also, the callback module Module
- does not need to export an init/1 function.
+ Also, the callback module does not need to export a
+ Module:init/1
+ function.
The function fails if the calling process was not started by a
@@ -1252,6 +1257,54 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
+ Module:callback_mode() -> CallbackMode
+ Update the internal state during upgrade/downgrade.
+ CallbackMode =
+ callback_mode()
+ This function is called by a gen_statem
+ when it needs to find out the
+ callback mode
+ of the callback module. The value is cached by gen_statem
+ for efficiency reasons, so this function is only called
+ once after server start and after code change,
+ but before the first
+ state function
+ is called. More occasions may be added in future versions
+ of gen_statem .
+ Server start happens either when
+ Module:init/1
+ returns or when
+ enter_loop/4-6
+ is called. Code change happens when
+ Module:code_change/4
+ returns.
+ This function can use
+ erlang:throw/1
+ to return CallbackMode , just for symmetry reasons.
+ There should be no actual reason to use this.
+ If this function's body does not consist of solely one of two
+ possible
+ atoms
+ the callback module is doing something strange.
Module:code_change(OldVsn, OldState, OldData, Extra) ->
@@ -1262,11 +1315,7 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
Vsn = term()
OldState = NewState = term()
Extra = term()
- Result = {CallbackMode,NewState,NewData} | Reason
- CallbackMode =
- callback_mode()
+ Result = {ok,NewState,NewData} | Reason
OldState = NewState =
@@ -1295,21 +1344,6 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
Module . If no such attribute is defined, the version
is the checksum of the Beam file.
- If you would dare to change
- callback mode
- during release upgrade/downgrade, the upgrade is no problem,
- as the new code surely knows what callback mode
- it needs. However, for a downgrade this function must
- know from argument Extra that comes from the
- sasl:appup
- file what callback mode the old code did use.
- It can also be possible to figure this out
- from argument {down,Vsn} , as Vsn
- in effect defines the old callback module version.
OldState and OldData is the internal state
of the gen_statem .
@@ -1321,16 +1355,16 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
If successful, the function must return the updated
internal state in an
- {CallbackMode,NewState,NewData} tuple.
+ {ok,NewState,NewData} tuple.
If the function returns a failure Reason , the ongoing
upgrade fails and rolls back to the old release.
- Note that Reason can not be a 3-tuple since that
- will be regarded as a
- {CallbackMode,NewState,NewData} tuple,
+ Note that Reason can not be an {ok,_,_} tuple
+ since that will be regarded as a
+ {ok,NewState,NewData} tuple,
and that a tuple matching {ok,_}
- is an invalid failure Reason .
+ is an also invalid failure Reason .
It is recommended to use an atom as Reason since
it will be wrapped in an {error,Reason} tuple.
@@ -1344,16 +1378,14 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
Module:init(Args) -> Result
- Initialize process and internal state.
+ Optional function for initializing process and internal state.
Args = term()
- Result = {CallbackMode,State,Data}
- | {CallbackMode,State,Data,Actions}
+ Result = {ok,State,Data}
+ | {ok,State,Data,Actions}
| {stop,Reason} | ignore
- CallbackMode =
- callback_mode()
State = state()
Data = data()
@@ -1372,7 +1404,7 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
start/3,4 ,
- this function is called by the new process to initialize
+ this optional function is called by the new process to initialize
the implementation state and server data.
@@ -1381,11 +1413,8 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
If the initialization is successful, the function is to
- return {CallbackMode,State,Data} or
- {CallbackMode,State,Data,Actions} .
- CallbackMode selects the
- callback mode
- of the gen_statem .
+ return {ok,State,Data} or
+ {ok,State,Data,Actions} .
State is the initial
and Data the initial server
@@ -1408,6 +1437,16 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
to return Result .
+ This callback is optional, so a callback module does not need
+ to export it, but most do. If this function is not exported,
+ the gen_statem should be started through
+ proc_lib
+ and
+ enter_loop/4-6 .
diff --git a/system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml b/system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml
index aea623851a..1351997bc1 100644
--- a/system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml
+++ b/system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
Event-Driven State Machines
- Established Automata theory does not deal much with
+ Established Automata Theory does not deal much with
how a state transition is triggered,
but assumes that the output is a function
of the input (and the state) and that they are
@@ -226,11 +226,10 @@ handle_event(EventType, EventContent, State, Data) ->
-define(NAME, code_lock).
--define(CALLBACK_MODE, state_functions).
start_link(Code) ->
@@ -242,7 +241,10 @@ button(Digit) ->
init(Code) ->
Data = #{code => Code, remaining => Code},
- {?CALLBACK_MODE,locked,Data}.
+ {ok,locked,Data}.
+callback_mode() ->
+ state_functions.
cast, {button,Digit},
@@ -273,7 +275,7 @@ terminate(_Reason, State, _Data) ->
State =/= locked andalso do_lock(),
code_change(_Vsn, State, Data, _Extra) ->
- {?CALLBACK_MODE,State,Data}.
+ {ok,State,Data}.
The code is explained in the next sections.
@@ -343,14 +345,8 @@ start_link(Code) ->
If name registration succeeds, the new
Data = #{code => Code, remaining => Code},
- {?CALLBACK_MODE,locked,Data}.
+ {ok,locked,Data}.
+ state_functions.
+ ]]>
+ Function
+ handle_event_function.
handle_event(cast, {button,Digit}, State, #{code := Code} = Data) ->
case State of
@@ -962,16 +973,13 @@ do_unlock() ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Data = #{code => Code},
- enter(?CALLBACK_MODE, locked, Data).
+ enter(ok, locked, Data).
+callback_mode() ->
+ state_functions.
locked(internal, enter, _Data) ->
@@ -1027,11 +1035,10 @@ enter(Tag, State, Data) ->
-define(NAME, code_lock_2).
--define(CALLBACK_MODE, state_functions).
start_link(Code) ->
@@ -1047,7 +1054,10 @@ code_length() ->
init(Code) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Data = #{code => Code},
- enter(?CALLBACK_MODE, locked, Data).
+ enter(ok, locked, Data).
+callback_mode() ->
+ state_functions.
locked(internal, enter, #{code := Code} = Data) ->
@@ -1091,7 +1101,7 @@ terminate(_Reason, State, _Data) ->
State =/= locked andalso do_lock(),
code_change(_Vsn, State, Data, _Extra) ->
- {?CALLBACK_MODE,State,Data}.
+ {ok,State,Data}.
@@ -1105,13 +1115,12 @@ code_change(_Vsn, State, Data, _Extra) ->
entry actions, so this example first branches depending on state:
+ handle_event_function.
%% State: locked
handle_event(internal, enter, locked, #{code := Code} = Data) ->
@@ -1273,11 +1282,10 @@ format_status(Opt, [_PDict,State,Data]) ->
-define(NAME, code_lock_3).
--define(CALLBACK_MODE, handle_event_function).
start_link(Code, LockButton) ->
@@ -1296,7 +1304,10 @@ set_lock_button(LockButton) ->
init({Code,LockButton}) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Data = #{code => Code, remaining => undefined, timer => undefined},
- enter(?CALLBACK_MODE, {locked,LockButton}, Data, []).
+ enter(ok, {locked,LockButton}, Data, []).
+callback_mode() ->
+ handle_event_function.
{call,From}, {set_lock_button,NewLockButton},
@@ -1366,7 +1377,7 @@ terminate(_Reason, State, _Data) ->
State =/= locked andalso do_lock(),
code_change(_Vsn, State, Data, _Extra) ->
- {?CALLBACK_MODE,State,Data}.
+ {ok,State,Data}.
format_status(Opt, [_PDict,State,Data]) ->
StateData =
cgit v1.2.3
From 46a93b31a9b94ffb478393788376f78249e60a1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raimo Niskanen
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 15:19:44 +0200
Subject: Rewrite Tools for gen_statem M:callback_mode/0
lib/tools/doc/src/erlang_mode.xml | 9 ++-
lib/tools/emacs/erlang-skels.el | 145 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
2 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/tools/doc/src/erlang_mode.xml b/lib/tools/doc/src/erlang_mode.xml
index 00cf5196b4..7fef74813b 100644
--- a/lib/tools/doc/src/erlang_mode.xml
+++ b/lib/tools/doc/src/erlang_mode.xml
@@ -252,7 +252,14 @@
- gen_event - skeleton for the OTP gen_event behavior
- gen_fsm - skeleton for the OTP gen_fsm behavior
- - gen_statem - skeleton for the OTP gen_statem behavior
+ -
+ gen_statem (StateName/3) - skeleton for the OTP gen_statem behavior
+ using state name functions
+ -
+ gen_statem (handle_event/4) - skeleton for the OTP gen_statem behavior
+ using one state function
- Library module - skeleton for a module that does not
implement a process.
- Corba callback - skeleton for a Corba callback module.
diff --git a/lib/tools/emacs/erlang-skels.el b/lib/tools/emacs/erlang-skels.el
index c1152f31a4..43763d2c8a 100644
--- a/lib/tools/emacs/erlang-skels.el
+++ b/lib/tools/emacs/erlang-skels.el
@@ -56,8 +56,10 @@
erlang-skel-gen-event erlang-skel-header)
("gen_fsm" "gen-fsm"
erlang-skel-gen-fsm erlang-skel-header)
- ("gen_statem" "gen-statem"
- erlang-skel-gen-statem erlang-skel-header)
+ ("gen_statem (StateName/3)" "gen-statem-StateName"
+ erlang-skel-gen-statem-StateName erlang-skel-header)
+ ("gen_statem (handle_event/4)" "gen-statem-handle-event"
+ erlang-skel-gen-statem-handle-event erlang-skel-header)
("wx_object" "wx-object"
erlang-skel-wx-object erlang-skel-header)
("Library module" "gen-lib"
@@ -860,7 +862,7 @@ Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
"*The template of a gen_fsm.
Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
-(defvar erlang-skel-gen-statem
+(defvar erlang-skel-gen-statem-StateName
'((erlang-skel-include erlang-skel-large-header)
"-behaviour(gen_statem)." n n
@@ -868,9 +870,8 @@ Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
"-export([start_link/0])." n
"%% gen_statem callbacks" n
- "-export([init/1, terminate/3, code_change/4])." n
+ "-export([callback_mode/0, init/1, terminate/3, code_change/4])." n
"-export([state_name/3])." n
- "-export([handle_event/4])." n
"-define(SERVER, ?MODULE)." n
@@ -899,30 +900,37 @@ Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
"%% @private" n
"%% @doc" n
+ "%% Define the callback_mode() for this callback module." n
+ (erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
+ "-spec callback_mode() -> gen_statem:callback_mode()." n
+ "callback_mode() -> state_functions." n
+ n
+ (erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
+ "%% @private" n
+ "%% @doc" n
"%% Whenever a gen_statem is started using gen_statem:start/[3,4] or" n
"%% gen_statem:start_link/[3,4], this function is called by the new" n
"%% process to initialize." n
(erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
"-spec init(Args :: term()) ->" n>
- "{gen_statem:callback_mode()," n>
- "State :: term(), Data :: term()} |" n>
- "{gen_statem:callback_mode()," n>
- "State :: term(), Data :: term()," n>
+ "{ok, State :: term(), Data :: term()} |" n>
+ "{ok, State :: term(), Data :: term()," n>
"[gen_statem:action()] | gen_statem:action()} |" n>
"ignore |" n>
"{stop, Reason :: term()}." n
"init([]) ->" n>
- "{state_functions, state_name, #data{}}." n
+ "{ok, state_name, #data{}}." n
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
"%% @private" n
"%% @doc" n
- "%% If the gen_statem runs with CallbackMode =:= state_functions" n
- "%% there should be one instance of this function for each possible" n
- "%% state name. Whenever a gen_statem receives an event," n
- "%% the instance of this function with the same name" n
- "%% as the current state name StateName is called to" n
- "%% handle the event." n
+ "%% There should be one function like this for each state name." n
+ "%% Whenever a gen_statem receives an event, the function " n
+ "%% with the name of the current state (StateName) " n
+ "%% is called to handle the event." n
+ "%%" n
+ "%% NOTE: If there is an exported function handle_event/4, it is called" n
+ "%% instead of StateName/3 functions like this!" n
(erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
"-spec state_name(" n>
"gen_statem:event_type(), Msg :: term()," n>
@@ -934,8 +942,102 @@ Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
"%% @private" n
"%% @doc" n
- "%% If the gen_statem runs with CallbackMode =:= handle_event_function" n
- "%% this function is called for every event a gen_statem receives." n
+ "%% This function is called by a gen_statem when it is about to" n
+ "%% terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any" n
+ "%% necessary cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_statem terminates with" n
+ "%% Reason. The return value is ignored." n
+ (erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
+ "-spec terminate(Reason :: term(), State :: term(), Data :: term()) ->" n>
+ "any()." n
+ "terminate(_Reason, _State, _Data) ->" n>
+ "void." n
+ n
+ (erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
+ "%% @private" n
+ "%% @doc" n
+ "%% Convert process state when code is changed" n
+ (erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
+ "-spec code_change(" n>
+ "OldVsn :: term() | {down,term()}," n>
+ "State :: term(), Data :: term(), Extra :: term()) ->" n>
+ "{ok, NewState :: term(), NewData :: term()} |" n>
+ "(Reason :: term())." n
+ "code_change(_OldVsn, State, Data, _Extra) ->" n>
+ "{ok, State, Data}." n
+ n
+ (erlang-skel-double-separator-start 3)
+ "%%% Internal functions" n
+ (erlang-skel-double-separator-end 3)
+ )
+ "*The template of a gen_statem (StateName/3).
+Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
+(defvar erlang-skel-gen-statem-handle-event
+ '((erlang-skel-include erlang-skel-large-header)
+ "-behaviour(gen_statem)." n n
+ "%% API" n
+ "-export([start_link/0])." n
+ n
+ "%% gen_statem callbacks" n
+ "-export([callback_mode/0, init/1, terminate/3, code_change/4])." n
+ "-export([handle_event/4])." n
+ n
+ "-define(SERVER, ?MODULE)." n
+ n
+ "-record(data, {})." n
+ n
+ (erlang-skel-double-separator-start 3)
+ "%%% API" n
+ (erlang-skel-double-separator-end 3) n
+ (erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
+ "%% @doc" n
+ "%% Creates a gen_statem process which calls Module:init/1 to" n
+ "%% initialize. To ensure a synchronized start-up procedure, this" n
+ "%% function does not return until Module:init/1 has returned." n
+ "%%" n
+ (erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
+ "-spec start_link() ->" n>
+ "{ok, Pid :: pid()} |" n>
+ "ignore |" n>
+ "{error, Error :: term()}." n
+ "start_link() ->" n>
+ "gen_statem:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], [])." n
+ n
+ (erlang-skel-double-separator-start 3)
+ "%%% gen_statem callbacks" n
+ (erlang-skel-double-separator-end 3) n
+ (erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
+ "%% @private" n
+ "%% @doc" n
+ "%% Define the callback_mode() for this callback module." n
+ (erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
+ "-spec callback_mode() -> gen_statem:callback_mode()." n
+ "callback_mode() -> handle_event_function." n
+ n
+ (erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
+ "%% @private" n
+ "%% @doc" n
+ "%% Whenever a gen_statem is started using gen_statem:start/[3,4] or" n
+ "%% gen_statem:start_link/[3,4], this function is called by the new" n
+ "%% process to initialize." n
+ (erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
+ "-spec init(Args :: term()) ->" n>
+ "{ok, State :: term(), Data :: term()} |" n>
+ "{ok, State :: term(), Data :: term()," n>
+ "[gen_statem:action()] | gen_statem:action()} |" n>
+ "ignore |" n>
+ "{stop, Reason :: term()}." n
+ "init([]) ->" n>
+ "{ok, state_name, #data{}}." n
+ n
+ (erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
+ "%% @private" n
+ "%% @doc" n
+ "%% This function is called for every event a gen_statem receives." n
+ "%%" n
+ "%% NOTE: If there is no exported function handle_event/4," n
+ "%% StateName/3 functions are called instead!" n
(erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
"-spec handle_event(" n>
"gen_statem:event_type(), Msg :: term()," n>
@@ -965,17 +1067,16 @@ Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
"-spec code_change(" n>
"OldVsn :: term() | {down,term()}," n>
"State :: term(), Data :: term(), Extra :: term()) ->" n>
- "{gen_statem:callback_mode()," n>
- "NewState :: term(), NewData :: term()} |" n>
+ "{ok, NewState :: term(), NewData :: term()} |" n>
"(Reason :: term())." n
"code_change(_OldVsn, State, Data, _Extra) ->" n>
- "{state_functions, State, Data}." n
+ "{ok, State, Data}." n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-start 3)
"%%% Internal functions" n
(erlang-skel-double-separator-end 3)
- "*The template of a gen_statem.
+ "*The template of a gen_statem (handle_event/4).
Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
(defvar erlang-skel-wx-object
cgit v1.2.3
From 401dbd2334cf8f063c9a697eafcd0694e3bbe2fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raimo Niskanen
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 15:41:33 +0200
Subject: Rewrite SSL for gen_statem M:callback_mode/0
lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl | 13 +++++++------
lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl | 15 ++++++++-------
2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl
index b8be686b99..a0d9982aaa 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl
@@ -65,9 +65,7 @@
hello/3, certify/3, cipher/3, abbreviated/3, %% Handshake states
%% gen_statem callbacks
--export([terminate/3, code_change/4, format_status/2]).
--define(GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, state_functions).
+-export([callback_mode/0, terminate/3, code_change/4, format_status/2]).
%% Internal application API
@@ -161,12 +159,15 @@ init([Role, Host, Port, Socket, Options, User, CbInfo]) ->
State0 = initial_state(Role, Host, Port, Socket, Options, User, CbInfo),
State = ssl_connection:ssl_config(State0#state.ssl_options, Role, State0),
- gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], ?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, init, State)
+ gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], init, State)
throw:Error ->
- gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], ?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, error, {Error,State0})
+ gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], error, {Error,State0})
+callback_mode() ->
+ state_functions.
%% State functionsconnection/2
@@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ terminate(Reason, StateName, State) ->
%% Description: Convert process state when code is changed
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _Extra) ->
- {?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, StateName, State}.
+ {ok, StateName, State}.
format_status(Type, Data) ->
ssl_connection:format_status(Type, Data).
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
index 9880befa94..eaf866c339 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
@@ -68,10 +68,8 @@
hello/3, certify/3, cipher/3, abbreviated/3, %% Handshake states
%% gen_statem callbacks
--export([terminate/3, code_change/4, format_status/2]).
+-export([callback_mode/0, terminate/3, code_change/4, format_status/2]).
--define(GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, state_functions).
%% Internal application API
@@ -169,11 +167,14 @@ init([Role, Host, Port, Socket, Options, User, CbInfo]) ->
State0 = initial_state(Role, Host, Port, Socket, Options, User, CbInfo),
State = ssl_connection:ssl_config(State0#state.ssl_options, Role, State0),
- gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], ?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, init, State)
+ gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], init, State)
catch throw:Error ->
- gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], ?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, error, {Error, State0})
+ gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], error, {Error, State0})
+callback_mode() ->
+ state_functions.
%% State functions
@@ -457,9 +458,9 @@ format_status(Type, Data) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State0, {Direction, From, To}) ->
State = convert_state(State0, Direction, From, To),
- {?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, StateName, State};
+ {ok, StateName, State};
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _) ->
- {?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, StateName, State}.
+ {ok, StateName, State}.
%%% Internal functions
cgit v1.2.3
From adf04d0c3dbb20e539892a1262078eb5a6538c97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raimo Niskanen
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 15:41:19 +0200
Subject: Rewrite SSH for gen_statem M:callback_mode/0
lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl | 12 +++++++-----
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
index f9f4c82351..dcb6ff9343 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@
%%% Behaviour callbacks
--export([handle_event/4, terminate/3, format_status/2, code_change/4]).
+-export([callback_mode/0, handle_event/4, terminate/3,
+ format_status/2, code_change/4]).
%%% Exports not intended to be used :). They are used for spawning and tests
-export([init_connection_handler/3, % proc_lib:spawn needs this
@@ -374,14 +375,12 @@ init_connection_handler(Role, Socket, Opts) ->
S ->
[], %%[{debug,[trace,log,statistics,debug]} || Role==server],
- handle_event_function,
_:Error ->
- handle_event_function,
@@ -504,6 +503,9 @@ init_ssh_record(Role, Socket, Opts) ->
%%% ######## Error in the initialisation ####
+callback_mode() ->
+ handle_event_function.
handle_event(_, _Event, {init_error,Error}, _) ->
case Error of
{badmatch,{error,enotconn}} ->
@@ -1401,12 +1403,12 @@ fmt_stat_rec(FieldNames, Rec, Exclude) ->
- ) -> {gen_statem:callback_mode(), state_name(), #data{}}.
+ ) -> {ok, state_name(), #data{}}.
%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _Extra) ->
- {handle_event_function, StateName, State}.
+ {ok, StateName, State}.
cgit v1.2.3
From 3a60545091d3075e23c4a7af8c18b3641bb084e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raimo Niskanen
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2016 08:59:51 +0200
Subject: Doc fixes
lib/stdlib/doc/src/gen_statem.xml | 56 ++++++++++++---------------------
lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl | 8 ++---
system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml | 5 +--
3 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/gen_statem.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/gen_statem.xml
index f18c1087ab..3322571b2c 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/gen_statem.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/gen_statem.xml
@@ -119,9 +119,11 @@ erlang:'!' -----> Module:StateName/3
If a callback function fails or returns a bad value,
- the gen_statem terminates. However, an exception of class
+ the gen_statem terminates, unless otherwise stated.
+ However, an exception of class
- is not regarded as an error but as a valid return.
+ is not regarded as an error but as a valid return
+ from all callback functions.
@@ -917,7 +919,8 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
- To avoid getting a late reply in the caller's
+ For Timeout =/= infinity ,
+ to avoid getting a late reply in the caller's
inbox, this function spawns a proxy process that
does the call. A late reply gets delivered to the
dead proxy process, hence gets discarded. This is
@@ -1288,12 +1291,6 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
- This function can use
- erlang:throw/1
- to return CallbackMode , just for symmetry reasons.
- There should be no actual reason to use this.
If this function's body does not consist of solely one of two
@@ -1368,11 +1365,6 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
It is recommended to use an atom as Reason since
it will be wrapped in an {error,Reason} tuple.
- This function can use
- erlang:throw/1
- to return Result or Reason .
@@ -1432,11 +1424,6 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
or ignore ; see
start_link/3,4 .
- This function can use
- erlang:throw/1
- to return Result .
This callback is optional, so a callback module does not need
@@ -1477,10 +1464,14 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
This callback is optional, so a callback module does not need
to export it. The gen_statem module provides a default
implementation of this function that returns
- {State,Data} . If this callback fails, the default
- function returns {State,Info} ,
- where Info informs of the crash but no details,
- to hide possibly sensitive data.
+ {State,Data} .
+ If this callback is exported but fails,
+ to hide possibly sensitive data,
+ the default function will instead return {State,Info} ,
+ where Info says nothing but the fact that
+ format_status/2 has crashed.
This function is called by a gen_statem process when
@@ -1541,11 +1532,6 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
printed in log files. Another use is to hide sensitive data from
being written to the error log.
- This function can use
- erlang:throw/1
- to return Status .
@@ -1620,9 +1606,12 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
see action() .
- These functions can use
- erlang:throw/1 ,
- to return the result.
+ Note the fact that you can use
+ throw
+ to return the result, which can be useful.
+ For example to bail out with throw(keep_state_and_data)
+ from deep within complex code that is in no position to
+ return {next_state,State,Data} .
@@ -1695,11 +1684,6 @@ handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
and an error report is issued using
error_logger:format/2 .
- This function can use
- erlang:throw/1
- to return Ignored , which is ignored anyway.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
index 6d7b461ee3..a39503cb6b 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ format_status(Opt, PDict, #{module := Module}, State, Data) ->
_:_ ->
Opt, State,
- "Module:format_status/2 crashed")
+ atom_to_list(Module) ++ ":format_status/2 crashed")
false ->
format_status_default(Opt, State, Data)
@@ -1303,10 +1303,10 @@ format_status(Opt, PDict, #{module := Module}, State, Data) ->
%% The default Module:format_status/2
format_status_default(Opt, State, Data) ->
- SSD = {State,Data},
+ StateData = {State,Data},
case Opt of
terminate ->
- SSD;
+ StateData;
_ ->
- [{data,[{"State",SSD}]}]
+ [{data,[{"State",StateData}]}]
diff --git a/system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml b/system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml
index 1351997bc1..f785ca9650 100644
--- a/system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml
+++ b/system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ init(Args) ->
callback function terminate(shutdown, State, Data) .
- In the following example, function terminate/3
+ In this example, function terminate/3
locks the door if it is open, so we do not accidentally leave the door
open when the supervision tree terminates:
@@ -1217,7 +1217,8 @@ format_status(Opt, [_PDict,State,Data]) ->
function. If you do not, a default implementation is used that
does the same as this example function without filtering
- the Data term, that is, StateData = {State,Data} .
+ the Data term, that is, StateData = {State,Data} ,
+ in this example containing sensitive information.
cgit v1.2.3
From a47d47ac92d080c6f8e4fcba1dd8b8575c5a3f96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raimo Niskanen
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2016 10:42:58 +0200
Subject: Clarify error values
lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
lib/stdlib/test/gen_statem_SUITE.erl | 8 ++++----
2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
index a39503cb6b..7e4fab5365 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ init_result(Starter, Parent, ServerRef, Module, Result, Opts) ->
proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, ignore),
_ ->
- Error = {bad_return_value,Result},
+ Error = {bad_return_from_init,Result},
proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {error,Error}),
@@ -656,11 +656,11 @@ format_status(
print_event(Dev, {in,Event}, {Name,_}) ->
- Dev, "*DBG* ~p received ~s~n",
+ Dev, "*DBG* ~p receive ~s~n",
print_event(Dev, {out,Reply,{To,_Tag}}, {Name,_}) ->
- Dev, "*DBG* ~p sent ~p to ~p~n",
+ Dev, "*DBG* ~p send ~p to ~p~n",
print_event(Dev, {Tag,Event,NextState}, {Name,State}) ->
StateString =
@@ -992,7 +992,9 @@ loop_event_result(
State, Data, P, Event, State, Actions);
_ ->
- error, {bad_return_value,Result}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ error,
+ {bad_return_from_state_function,Result},
Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P)
@@ -1029,7 +1031,9 @@ loop_event_actions(
Postpone, Hibernate, Timeout, NextEvents);
false ->
- error, {bad_action,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ error,
+ {bad_action_from_state_function,Action},
Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P)
{next_event,Type,Content} ->
@@ -1042,7 +1046,9 @@ loop_event_actions(
false ->
- error, {bad_action,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ error,
+ {bad_action_from_state_function,Action},
Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P)
%% Actions that set options
@@ -1053,7 +1059,9 @@ loop_event_actions(
NewPostpone, Hibernate, Timeout, NextEvents);
{postpone,_} ->
- error, {bad_action,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ error,
+ {bad_action_from_state_function,Action},
Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P);
postpone ->
@@ -1067,7 +1075,9 @@ loop_event_actions(
Postpone, NewHibernate, Timeout, NextEvents);
{hibernate,_} ->
- error, {bad_action,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ error,
+ {bad_action_from_state_function,Action},
Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P);
hibernate ->
@@ -1086,7 +1096,9 @@ loop_event_actions(
Postpone, Hibernate, NewTimeout, NextEvents);
{timeout,_,_} ->
- error, {bad_action,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ error,
+ {bad_action_from_state_function,Action},
Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P);
infinity -> % Clear timer - it will never trigger
@@ -1101,7 +1113,9 @@ loop_event_actions(
Postpone, Hibernate, NewTimeout, NextEvents);
_ ->
- error, {bad_action,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ error,
+ {bad_action_from_state_function,Action},
Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P)
@@ -1173,7 +1187,9 @@ do_reply_then_terminate(
NewDebug, S, Q, State, Data, P, Rs);
_ ->
- error, {bad_action,R}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ error,
+ {bad_reply_action_from_state_function,R},
Debug, S, Q, State, Data, P)
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/gen_statem_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/gen_statem_SUITE.erl
index d90119de54..1d1417c2e6 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/gen_statem_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/gen_statem_SUITE.erl
@@ -460,10 +460,10 @@ abnormal2(Config) ->
{ok,Pid} = gen_statem:start_link(?MODULE, start_arg(Config, []), []),
%% bad return value in the gen_statem loop
- {{bad_return_value,badreturn},_} =
+ {{bad_return_from_state_function,badreturn},_} =
?EXPECT_FAILURE(gen_statem:call(Pid, badreturn), Reason),
- {'EXIT',Pid,{bad_return_value,badreturn}} -> ok
+ {'EXIT',Pid,{bad_return_from_state_function,badreturn}} -> ok
after 5000 ->
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ error_format_status(Config) ->
?MODULE, start_arg(Config, {data,Data}), []),
%% bad return value in the gen_statem loop
- {{bad_return_value,badreturn},_} =
+ {{bad_return_from_state_function,badreturn},_} =
?EXPECT_FAILURE(gen_statem:call(Pid, badreturn), Reason),
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ error_format_status(Config) ->
"** State machine"++_,
- error,{bad_return_value,badreturn}|_]}} ->
+ error,{bad_return_from_state_function,badreturn}|_]}} ->
Other when is_tuple(Other), element(1, Other) =:= error ->
cgit v1.2.3
From b6541d133f166a3f28cc3b2daf14c59024312c60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raimo Niskanen
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2016 14:29:43 +0200
Subject: Handle exceptions in init/1 and callback_mode/0
lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
index 7e4fab5365..eee7d60e9d 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
@@ -557,9 +557,15 @@ init_it(Starter, Parent, ServerRef, Module, Args, Opts) ->
Result ->
init_result(Starter, Parent, ServerRef, Module, Result, Opts);
Class:Reason ->
+ Stacktrace = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
+ Name = gen:get_proc_name(ServerRef),
proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {error,Reason}),
- erlang:raise(Class, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ error_info(
+ Class, Reason, Stacktrace,
+ #{name => Name, callback_mode => undefined},
+ [], [], undefined),
+ erlang:raise(Class, Reason, Stacktrace)
@@ -582,8 +588,14 @@ init_result(Starter, Parent, ServerRef, Module, Result, Opts) ->
proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, ignore),
_ ->
+ Name = gen:get_proc_name(ServerRef),
+ gen:unregister_name(ServerRef),
Error = {bad_return_from_init,Result},
proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {error,Error}),
+ error_info(
+ error, Error, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ #{name => Name, callback_mode => undefined},
+ [], [], undefined),
@@ -835,31 +847,6 @@ loop_events_done(Parent, Debug, S, Timer, State, Data, P, Hibernate) ->
timer := Timer},
loop(Parent, Debug, NewS).
- Parent, Debug,
- #{callback_mode := undefined,
- module := Module} = S,
- Events,
- State, Data, P, Event, Hibernate) ->
- %% Cache the callback_mode() value
- case
- try Module:callback_mode()
- catch
- Result -> Result
- end
- of
- CallbackMode ->
- case callback_mode(CallbackMode) of
- true ->
- loop_event(
- Parent, Debug,
- S#{callback_mode := CallbackMode},
- Events,
- State, Data, P, Event, Hibernate);
- false ->
- error({callback_mode,CallbackMode})
- end
- end;
Parent, Debug,
#{callback_mode := CallbackMode,
@@ -878,22 +865,36 @@ loop_event(
case CallbackMode of
+ undefined ->
+ Module:callback_mode();
state_functions ->
- Module:State(Type, Content, Data);
+ erlang:apply(Module, State, [Type,Content,Data]);
handle_event_function ->
Module:handle_event(Type, Content, State, Data)
- end of
+ end
+ of
+ Result when CallbackMode =:= undefined ->
+ loop_event_callback_mode(
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events, State, Data, P, Event, Result);
Result ->
Parent, Debug, S, Events, State, Data, P, Event, Result)
+ Result when CallbackMode =:= undefined ->
+ loop_event_callback_mode(
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events, State, Data, P, Event, Result);
Result ->
Parent, Debug, S, Events, State, Data, P, Event, Result);
- error:badarg when CallbackMode =:= state_functions ->
+ error:badarg ->
case erlang:get_stacktrace() of
- [{erlang,apply,[Module,State,_],_}|Stacktrace] ->
- Args = [Type,Content,Data],
+ [{erlang,apply,
+ [Module,State,[Type,Content,Data]=Args],
+ _}
+ |Stacktrace]
+ when CallbackMode =:= state_functions ->
+ %% We get here e.g if apply fails
+ %% due to State not being an atom
@@ -905,24 +906,29 @@ loop_event(
Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P)
error:undef ->
- %% Process an undef to check for the simple mistake
+ %% Process undef to check for the simple mistake
%% of calling a nonexistent state function
+ %% to make the undef more precise
case erlang:get_stacktrace() of
- [{Module,State,
- [Type,Content,Data]=Args,
- _}
+ [{Module,callback_mode,[]=Args,_}
- when CallbackMode =:= state_functions ->
+ when CallbackMode =:= undefined ->
+ terminate(
+ error,
+ {undef_callback,{Module,callback_mode,Args}},
+ Stacktrace,
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P);
+ [{Module,State,[Type,Content,Data]=Args,_}
+ |Stacktrace]
+ when CallbackMode =:= state_functions ->
Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P);
- [{Module,handle_event,
- [Type,Content,State,Data]=Args,
- _}
+ [{Module,handle_event,[Type,Content,State,Data]=Args,_}
- when CallbackMode =:= handle_event_function ->
+ when CallbackMode =:= handle_event_function ->
@@ -940,6 +946,25 @@ loop_event(
Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P)
+%% Interpret callback_mode() result
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events, State, Data, P, Event, CallbackMode) ->
+ case callback_mode(CallbackMode) of
+ true ->
+ Hibernate = false, % We have already GC:ed recently
+ loop_event(
+ Parent, Debug,
+ S#{callback_mode := CallbackMode},
+ Events,
+ State, Data, P, Event, Hibernate);
+ false ->
+ terminate(
+ error,
+ {bad_return_from_callback_mode,CallbackMode},
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P)
+ end.
%% Interpret all callback return variants
Parent, Debug, S, Events, State, Data, P, Event, Result) ->
@@ -1208,8 +1233,9 @@ terminate(
C:R ->
ST = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
- C, R, ST, Debug, S, Q, P,
+ C, R, ST, S, Q, P,
format_status(terminate, get(), S, State, Data)),
+ sys:print_log(Debug),
erlang:raise(C, R, ST)
case Reason of
@@ -1218,8 +1244,9 @@ terminate(
{shutdown,_} -> ok;
_ ->
- Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q, P,
- format_status(terminate, get(), S, State, Data))
+ Class, Reason, Stacktrace, S, Q, P,
+ format_status(terminate, get(), S, State, Data)),
+ sys:print_log(Debug)
case Stacktrace of
[] ->
@@ -1229,7 +1256,7 @@ terminate(
- Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug,
+ Class, Reason, Stacktrace,
#{name := Name, callback_mode := CallbackMode},
Q, P, FmtData) ->
{FixedReason,FixedStacktrace} =
@@ -1296,9 +1323,7 @@ error_info(
case FixedStacktrace of
[] -> [];
_ -> [FixedStacktrace]
- end),
- sys:print_log(Debug),
- ok.
+ end).
%% Call Module:format_status/2 or return a default value
cgit v1.2.3
From 9b1179d8c8c411a245c59fc7092e4a7a98f76663 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raimo Niskanen
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2016 11:18:37 +0200
Subject: Improve sys debug
lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl | 16 +++++++++-------
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
index eee7d60e9d..3b3477b282 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
@@ -666,14 +666,14 @@ format_status(
%% them, not as the real erlang messages. Use trace for that.
-print_event(Dev, {in,Event}, {Name,_}) ->
+print_event(Dev, {in,Event}, {Name,State}) ->
- Dev, "*DBG* ~p receive ~s~n",
- [Name,event_string(Event)]);
-print_event(Dev, {out,Reply,{To,_Tag}}, {Name,_}) ->
+ Dev, "*DBG* ~p receive ~s in state ~p~n",
+ [Name,event_string(Event),State]);
+print_event(Dev, {out,Reply,{To,_Tag}}, {Name,State}) ->
- Dev, "*DBG* ~p send ~p to ~p~n",
- [Name,Reply,To]);
+ Dev, "*DBG* ~p send ~p to ~p from state ~p~n",
+ [Name,Reply,To,State]);
print_event(Dev, {Tag,Event,NextState}, {Name,State}) ->
StateString =
case NextState of
@@ -1064,8 +1064,10 @@ loop_event_actions(
{next_event,Type,Content} ->
case event_type(Type) of
true ->
+ NewDebug =
+ sys_debug(Debug, S, State, {in,{Type,Content}}),
- Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ Parent, NewDebug, S, Events,
State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions,
Postpone, Hibernate, Timeout,
cgit v1.2.3
From 88e52188bf5813e742f46767a38ea8234cdc53e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raimo Niskanen
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2016 11:19:12 +0200
Subject: Include trap_exit in server skeletons
lib/tools/emacs/erlang-skels.el | 4 ++++
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
diff --git a/lib/tools/emacs/erlang-skels.el b/lib/tools/emacs/erlang-skels.el
index 43763d2c8a..0284c9d686 100644
--- a/lib/tools/emacs/erlang-skels.el
+++ b/lib/tools/emacs/erlang-skels.el
@@ -499,6 +499,7 @@ Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
"%% {stop, Reason}" n
(erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
"init([]) ->" n>
+ "process_flag(trap_exit, true)," n>
"{ok, #state{}}." n
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
@@ -742,6 +743,7 @@ Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
"%% {stop, StopReason}" n
(erlang-skel-separator-end 2)
"init([]) ->" n>
+ "process_flag(trap_exit, true)," n>
"{ok, state_name, #state{}}." n
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
@@ -919,6 +921,7 @@ Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
"ignore |" n>
"{stop, Reason :: term()}." n
"init([]) ->" n>
+ "process_flag(trap_exit, true)," n>
"{ok, state_name, #data{}}." n
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
@@ -1029,6 +1032,7 @@ Please see the function `tempo-define-template'.")
"ignore |" n>
"{stop, Reason :: term()}." n
"init([]) ->" n>
+ "process_flag(trap_exit, true)," n>
"{ok, state_name, #data{}}." n
(erlang-skel-separator-start 2)
cgit v1.2.3