diff --git a/lib/kernel/doc/src/logger_chapter.xml b/lib/kernel/doc/src/logger_chapter.xml
index 23a289f2ee..dc68d5c761 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/doc/src/logger_chapter.xml
+++ b/lib/kernel/doc/src/logger_chapter.xml
@@ -194,10 +194,26 @@
the log event's metadata.
The report callback is a convenience function that
the formatter can use
- to convert the report to a format string and arguments. The
+ to convert the report to a format string and arguments, or
+ directly to a string. The
formatter can also use its own conversion function, if no
callback is provided, or if a customized formatting is
+ The report callback must be a fun with one or two
+ arguments. If it takes one argument, this is the report
+ itself, and the fun returns a format string and arguments:
+ fun((logger:report()) -> {io:format(),[term()]})
+ If it takes two arguments, the first is the report, and the
+ second is a map containing extra data that allows direct
+ coversion to a string:
+ fun((logger:report(),logger:report_cb_config()) -> unicode:chardata())
+ The fun must obey the encoding, depth
+ and chars_limit parameters provided in the second
+ argument, as the formatter can not do anything useful of these
+ parameters with the returned string. This variant is used when
+ the formatting of the report depends on the size and encoding
+ parameters.
Example, format string and arguments:
logger:error("The file does not exist: ~ts",[Filename])
Example, string:
diff --git a/lib/kernel/doc/src/logger_formatter.xml b/lib/kernel/doc/src/logger_formatter.xml
index a482d02293..9226d19834 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/doc/src/logger_formatter.xml
+++ b/lib/kernel/doc/src/logger_formatter.xml
@@ -82,6 +82,13 @@
Defaults to unlimited.
+ encoding =
+ unicode:encoding()
+ -
This parameter must reflect the encoding of the device
+ that the handler prints to.
+ Defaults to utf8
legacy_header = boolean()
If set to true a header field is added to
@@ -105,7 +112,8 @@
by chars_limit or depth, it is truncated.
Defaults to unlimited.
- report_cb = fun((logger:report()) -> {io:format(), [term()]})
+ report_cb =
+ logger:report_cb()
A report callback is used by the formatter to transform
log messages on report form to a format string and
@@ -119,9 +127,6 @@
both the default report callback, and any report
callback found in metadata. That is, all reports are
converted by this configured function.
- The value must be a function with arity 1,
- returning {Format,Args}, and it will be called
- with a report as only argument.
single_line = boolean()
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/logger.erl b/lib/kernel/src/logger.erl
index c78f5372f0..4924c6cb4f 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/logger.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/logger.erl
@@ -74,6 +74,11 @@
-type level() :: emergency | alert | critical | error |
warning | notice | info | debug.
-type report() :: map() | [{atom(),term()}].
+-type report_cb() :: fun((report()) -> {io:format(),[term()]}) |
+ fun((report(),report_cb_config()) -> unicode:chardata()).
+-type report_cb_config() :: #{encoding := unicode:encoding(),
+ depth := pos_integer() | unlimited,
+ chars_limit := pos_integer() | unlimited}.
-type msg_fun() :: fun((term()) -> {io:format(),[term()]} |
report() |
@@ -84,7 +89,7 @@
file => file:filename(),
line => non_neg_integer(),
domain => [atom()],
- report_cb => fun((report()) -> {io:format(),[term()]}),
+ report_cb => report_cb(),
atom() => term()}.
-type location() :: #{mfa := {module(),atom(),non_neg_integer()},
file := file:filename(),
@@ -110,10 +115,22 @@
-type config_handler() :: {handler, handler_id(), module(), handler_config()}.
- primary_config/0,handler_config/0,handler_id/0,
- filter_id/0,filter/0,filter_arg/0,filter_return/0,
- config_handler/0,formatter_config/0]).
+ level/0,
+ report/0,
+ report_cb/0,
+ report_cb_config/0,
+ msg_fun/0,
+ metadata/0,
+ primary_config/0,
+ handler_config/0,
+ handler_id/0,
+ filter_id/0,
+ filter/0,
+ filter_arg/0,
+ filter_return/0,
+ config_handler/0,
+ formatter_config/0]).
%%% API
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl b/lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl
index 456b0c9e8d..937e7f859b 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/logger_formatter.erl
@@ -26,16 +26,17 @@
%%% Types
--type config() :: #{chars_limit=>pos_integer()| unlimited,
- depth=>pos_integer() | unlimited,
- legacy_header=>boolean(),
- max_size=>pos_integer() | unlimited,
- report_cb=>fun((logger:report()) -> {io:format(),[term()]}),
- single_line=>boolean(),
- template=>template(),
- time_designator=>byte(),
- time_offset=>integer()|[byte()]}.
--type template() :: [metakey()|{metakey(),template(),template()}|string()].
+-type config() :: #{chars_limit => pos_integer() | unlimited,
+ depth => pos_integer() | unlimited,
+ encoding => unicode:encoding(),
+ legacy_header => boolean(),
+ max_size => pos_integer() | unlimited,
+ report_cb => logger:report_cb(),
+ single_line => boolean(),
+ template => template(),
+ time_designator => byte(),
+ time_offset => integer() | [byte()]}.
+-type template() :: [metakey() | {metakey(),template(),template()} | string()].
-type metakey() :: atom() | [atom()].
@@ -119,65 +120,96 @@ value(_,_) ->
to_string(time,Time,Config) ->
-to_string(mfa,MFA,_Config) ->
- format_mfa(MFA);
-to_string(_,Value,_Config) ->
- to_string(Value).
+to_string(mfa,MFA,Config) ->
+ format_mfa(MFA,Config);
+to_string(_,Value,Config) ->
+ to_string(Value,Config).
-to_string(X) when is_atom(X) ->
+to_string(X,_) when is_atom(X) ->
-to_string(X) when is_integer(X) ->
+to_string(X,_) when is_integer(X) ->
-to_string(X) when is_pid(X) ->
+to_string(X,_) when is_pid(X) ->
-to_string(X) when is_reference(X) ->
+to_string(X,_) when is_reference(X) ->
-to_string(X) when is_list(X) ->
- case io_lib:printable_unicode_list(lists:flatten(X)) of
+to_string(X,Config) when is_list(X) ->
+ case printable_list(lists:flatten(X)) of
true -> X;
- _ -> io_lib:format("~tp",[X])
+ _ -> io_lib:format(p(Config),[X])
-to_string(X) ->
- io_lib:format("~tp",[X]).
+to_string(X,Config) ->
+ io_lib:format(p(Config),[X]).
+printable_list([]) ->
+ false;
+printable_list(X) ->
+ io_lib:printable_list(X).
format_msg({string,Chardata},Meta,Config) ->
- format_msg({"~ts",[Chardata]},Meta,Config);
-format_msg({report,_}=Msg,Meta,#{report_cb:=Fun}=Config) when is_function(Fun,1) ->
+ format_msg({s(Config),[Chardata]},Meta,Config);
+ when is_function(Fun,1); is_function(Fun,2) ->
format_msg({report,Report},#{report_cb:=Fun}=Meta,Config) when is_function(Fun,1) ->
try Fun(Report) of
{Format,Args} when is_list(Format), is_list(Args) ->
Other ->
- format_msg({"REPORT_CB ERROR: ~tp; Returned: ~tp",
+ P = p(Config),
+ format_msg({"REPORT_CB/1 ERROR: "++P++"; Returned: "++P,
+ [Report,Other]},Meta,Config)
+ catch C:R:S ->
+ P = p(Config),
+ format_msg({"REPORT_CB/1 CRASH: "++P++"; Reason: "++P,
+ [Report,{C,R,logger:filter_stacktrace(?MODULE,S)}]},
+ Meta,Config)
+ end;
+format_msg({report,Report},#{report_cb:=Fun}=Meta,Config) when is_function(Fun,2) ->
+ try Fun(Report,maps:with([encoding,depth,chars_limit],Config)) of
+ String when ?IS_STRING(String) ->
+ try unicode:characters_to_list(String)
+ catch _:_ ->
+ P = p(Config),
+ format_msg({"REPORT_CB/2 ERROR: "++P++"; Returned: "++P,
+ [Report,String]},Meta,Config)
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ P = p(Config),
+ format_msg({"REPORT_CB/2 ERROR: "++P++"; Returned: "++P,
- catch C:R ->
- format_msg({"REPORT_CB CRASH: ~tp; Reason: ~tp",
- [Report,{C,R}]},Meta,Config)
+ catch C:R:S ->
+ P = p(Config),
+ format_msg({"REPORT_CB/2 CRASH: "++P++"; Reason: "++P,
+ [Report,{C,R,logger:filter_stacktrace(?MODULE,S)}]},
+ Meta,Config)
format_msg({report,Report},Meta,Config) ->
Meta#{report_cb=>fun logger:format_report/1},
-format_msg(Msg,_Meta,#{depth:=Depth,chars_limit:=CharsLimit}) ->
- limit_size(Msg, Depth, CharsLimit).
-limit_size(Msg,Depth,unlimited) ->
- limit_size(Msg,Depth,[]);
-limit_size(Msg,Depth,CharsLimit) when is_integer(CharsLimit) ->
- limit_size(Msg,Depth,[{chars_limit,CharsLimit}]);
-limit_size({Format,Args},unlimited,Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
+format_msg(Msg,_Meta,#{depth:=Depth,chars_limit:=CharsLimit,encoding:=Enc}) ->
+ limit_size(Msg, Depth, CharsLimit, Enc).
+limit_size(Msg,Depth,unlimited,Enc) ->
+ limit_size(Msg,Depth,[],Enc);
+limit_size(Msg,Depth,CharsLimit,Enc) when is_integer(CharsLimit) ->
+ limit_size(Msg,Depth,[{chars_limit,CharsLimit}],Enc);
+limit_size({Format,Args},unlimited,Opts,Enc) when is_list(Opts) ->
try io_lib:format(Format,Args,Opts)
catch _:_ ->
- io_lib:format("FORMAT ERROR: ~tp - ~tp",[Format,Args],Opts)
+ P = p(Enc),
+ io_lib:format("FORMAT ERROR: "++P++" - "++P,[Format,Args],Opts)
-limit_size({Format0,Args},Depth,Opts) when is_integer(Depth) ->
+limit_size({Format0,Args},Depth,Opts,Enc) when is_integer(Depth) ->
Format1 = io_lib:scan_format(Format0, Args),
Format = limit_format(Format1, Depth),
catch _:_ ->
- limit_size({"FORMAT ERROR: ~tp - ~tp",[Format0,Args]},Depth,Opts)
+ P = p(Enc),
+ limit_size({"FORMAT ERROR: "++P++" - "++P,[Format0,Args]},
+ Depth,Opts,Enc)
limit_format([#{control_char:=C0}=M0|T], Depth) when C0 =:= $p;
@@ -225,22 +257,23 @@ timestamp_to_datetimemicro(SysTime,Config) when is_integer(SysTime) ->
-format_mfa({M,F,A}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) ->
+format_mfa({M,F,A},_) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) ->
-format_mfa({M,F,A}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A) ->
- format_mfa({M,F,length(A)});
-format_mfa(MFA) ->
- to_string(MFA).
+format_mfa({M,F,A},Config) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A) ->
+ format_mfa({M,F,length(A)},Config);
+format_mfa(MFA,Config) ->
+ to_string(MFA,Config).
#{legacy_header:=true}=Config) ->
#{title:=Title}=MyMeta = add_legacy_title(Level,Meta,Config),
- {{Y,Mo,D},{H,Mi,S},Micro,UtcStr} =
+ {{Y,Mo,D},{H,Mi,Sec},Micro,UtcStr} =
+ S = s(Config),
Header =
- io_lib:format("=~ts==== ~w-~s-~4w::~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w.~6..0w ~s===",
- [Title,D,month(Mo),Y,H,Mi,S,Micro,UtcStr]),
+ io_lib:format("="++S++"==== ~w-~s-~4w::~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w.~6..0w ~s===",
+ [Title,D,month(Mo),Y,H,Mi,Sec,Micro,UtcStr]),
maybe_add_legacy_header(_,Meta,_) ->
@@ -280,10 +313,11 @@ month(12) -> "Dec".
%% configuration map
add_default_config(Config0) ->
Default =
- #{legacy_header=>false,
+ #{chars_limit=>unlimited,
+ encoding=>utf8,
+ legacy_header=>false,
- chars_limit=>unlimited,
MaxSize = get_max_size(maps:get(max_size,Config0,undefined)),
Depth = get_depth(maps:get(depth,Config0,undefined)),
@@ -369,7 +403,8 @@ do_check_config([{legacy_header,LH}|Config]) when is_boolean(LH) ->
do_check_config([{error_logger_notice_header,ELNH}|Config]) when ELNH == info;
ELNH == notice ->
-do_check_config([{report_cb,RCB}|Config]) when is_function(RCB,1) ->
+do_check_config([{report_cb,RCB}|Config]) when is_function(RCB,1);
+ is_function(RCB,2) ->
do_check_config([{template,T}|Config]) ->
case check_template(T) of
@@ -456,3 +491,17 @@ check_timezone(Tz) ->
catch _:_ ->
+p(#{encoding:=Enc}) ->
+ p(Enc);
+p(latin1) ->
+ "~p";
+p(_) ->
+ "~tp".
+s(#{encoding:=Enc}) ->
+ s(Enc);
+s(latin1) ->
+ "~s";
+s(_) ->
+ "~ts".
diff --git a/lib/kernel/test/logger_formatter_SUITE.erl b/lib/kernel/test/logger_formatter_SUITE.erl
index 8fe8d5199b..aa8dc42691 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/test/logger_formatter_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/test/logger_formatter_SUITE.erl
@@ -312,30 +312,48 @@ format_msg(_Config) ->
#{report_cb=>fun(_)-> faulty_return end},
- "REPORT_CB ERROR: term; Returned: faulty_return" = String5,
+ "REPORT_CB/1 ERROR: term; Returned: faulty_return" = String5,
String6 = format(info,{report,term},
#{report_cb=>fun(_)-> erlang:error(fun_crashed) end},
- "REPORT_CB CRASH: term; Reason: {error,fun_crashed}" = String6,
+ "REPORT_CB/1 CRASH: term; Reason: {error,fun_crashed,"++_ = String6,
+ String7 = format(info,{report,term},
+ #{report_cb=>fun(_,_)-> ['not',a,string] end},
+ #{template=>Template}),
+ ct:log(String7),
+ "REPORT_CB/2 ERROR: term; Returned: ['not',a,string]" = String7,
+ String8 = format(info,{report,term},
+ #{report_cb=>fun(_,_)-> faulty_return end},
+ #{template=>Template}),
+ ct:log(String8),
+ "REPORT_CB/2 ERROR: term; Returned: faulty_return" = String8,
+ String9 = format(info,{report,term},
+ #{report_cb=>fun(_,_)-> erlang:error(fun_crashed) end},
+ #{template=>Template}),
+ ct:log(String9),
+ "REPORT_CB/2 CRASH: term; Reason: {error,fun_crashed,"++_ = String9,
%% strings are not formatted
- String7 = format(info,{string,"string"},
+ String10 = format(info,{string,"string"},
#{report_cb=>fun(_)-> {"formatted",[]} end},
- ct:log(String7),
- "string" = String7,
+ ct:log(String10),
+ "string" = String10,
- String8 = format(info,{string,['not',printable,list]},
+ String11 = format(info,{string,['not',printable,list]},
#{report_cb=>fun(_)-> {"formatted",[]} end},
- ct:log("~ts",[String8]), % avoiding ct_log crash
- "FORMAT ERROR: \"~ts\" - [['not',printable,list]]" = String8,
+ ct:log("~ts",[String11]), % avoiding ct_log crash
+ "FORMAT ERROR: \"~ts\" - [['not',printable,list]]" = String11,
- String9 = format(info,{string,"string"},#{},#{template=>Template}),
- ct:log(String9),
- "string" = String9,
+ String12 = format(info,{string,"string"},#{},#{template=>Template}),
+ ct:log(String12),
+ "string" = String12,
@@ -639,8 +657,10 @@ check_config(_Config) ->
?cfgerr({max_size,bad}) =
logger_formatter:check_config(#{max_size => bad}),
+ ok =
+ logger_formatter:check_config(#{report_cb => fun(_,_) -> "" end}),
?cfgerr({report_cb,F}) =
- logger_formatter:check_config(#{report_cb => F=fun(_,_) -> {"",[]} end}),
+ logger_formatter:check_config(#{report_cb => F=fun(_,_,_) -> {"",[]} end}),
?cfgerr({report_cb,bad}) =
logger_formatter:check_config(#{report_cb => bad}),
cgit v1.2.3