From ab6c51ac00509a31d452dc3ac63d914895fac4aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?=
This function can be used by a user defined event handler to
+ format a crash report. When
This parameter can be used to limit the size of the + formatted output from the error logger event handlers.
+ +This configuration parameter was introduced in OTP 18.1. + It is currently experimental. Based on user feedback it + may be changed or improved in future releases, for example + to gain better control over how to limit the size of the + formatted output. We have no plans to entirely remove this + new feature, unless it turns out to be completely + useless. In OTP 19, the default may be changed to limit the + formatted output.
The way
A reasonable starting value for
Defines global groups, see
diff --git a/lib/sasl/doc/src/sasl_app.xml b/lib/sasl/doc/src/sasl_app.xml
index 7cdb3e2ca7..fe38e69ce3 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/doc/src/sasl_app.xml
+++ b/lib/sasl/doc/src/sasl_app.xml
@@ -57,11 +57,19 @@
Formats and writes supervisor reports, crash reports and progress reports to Formats and writes supervisor reports, crash reports and progress reports to Formats and writes supervisor reports, crash report and progress report to a single file. Formats and writes supervisor reports, crash report and progress report to a single file.
+ This error logger event handler will use
+%%% == Size manipulation ==
+%%% The following operators are related to the `size' parameter, which controls
+%%% the maximum size of produced instances. The actual size of a produced
+%%% instance is chosen randomly, but can never exceed the value of the `size'
+%%% parameter at the moment of generation. A more accurate definition is the
+%%% following: the maximum instance of `size S' can never be smaller than the
+%%% maximum instance of `size S-1'. The actual size of an instance is measured
+%%% differently for each type: the actual size of a list is its length, while
+%%% the actual size of a tree may be the number of its internal nodes. Some
+%%% types, e.g. unions, have no notion of size, thus their generation is not
+%%% influenced by the value of `size'. The `size' parameter starts at 1 and
+%%% grows automatically during testing.
+-export([is_inst/2, is_inst/3]).
+-export([integer/2, float/2, atom/0, binary/0, binary/1, bitstring/0,
+ bitstring/1, list/1, vector/2, union/1, weighted_union/1, tuple/1,
+ loose_tuple/1, exactly/1, fixed_list/1, function/2, any/0,
+ shrink_list/1, safe_union/1, safe_weighted_union/1]).
+-export([integer/0, non_neg_integer/0, pos_integer/0, neg_integer/0, range/2,
+ float/0, non_neg_float/0, number/0, boolean/0, byte/0, char/0,
+ list/0, tuple/0, string/0, wunion/1, term/0, timeout/0, arity/0]).
+-export([int/0, nat/0, largeint/0, real/0, bool/0, choose/2, elements/1,
+ oneof/1, frequency/1, return/1, default/2, orderedlist/1, function0/1,
+ function1/1, function2/1, function3/1, function4/1,
+ weighted_default/2]).
+-export([resize/2, non_empty/1, noshrink/1]).
+-export([cook_outer/1, is_type/1, equal_types/2, is_raw_type/1, to_binary/1,
+ from_binary/1, get_prop/2, find_prop/2, safe_is_instance/2,
+ is_instance/2, unwrap/1, weakly/1, strongly/1, satisfies_all/2,
+ new_type/2, subtype/2]).
+-export([lazy/1, sized/1, bind/3, shrinkwith/2, add_constraint/3,
+ native_type/2, distlist/3, with_parameter/3, with_parameters/2,
+ parameter/1, parameter/2]).
+-export_type([type/0, raw_type/0, extint/0, extnum/0]).
+%% Comparison with erl_types
+%% Missing types
+%% -------------------
+%% will do:
+%% records, maybe_improper_list(T,S), nonempty_improper_list(T,S)
+%% maybe_improper_list(), maybe_improper_list(T), iolist, iodata
+%% don't need:
+%% nonempty_{list,string,maybe_improper_list}
+%% won't do:
+%% pid, port, ref, identifier, none, no_return, module, mfa, node
+%% array, dict, digraph, set, gb_tree, gb_set, queue, tid
+%% Missing type information
+%% ------------------------
+%% bin types:
+%% other unit sizes? what about size info?
+%% functions:
+%% generally some fun, unspecified number of arguments but specified
+%% return type
+%% any:
+%% doesn't cover functions and improper lists
+%% Type declaration macros
+-define(BASIC(PropList), new_type(PropList,basic)).
+-define(WRAPPER(PropList), new_type(PropList,wrapper)).
+-define(CONSTRUCTED(PropList), new_type(PropList,constructed)).
+-define(CONTAINER(PropList), new_type(PropList,container)).
+-define(SUBTYPE(Type,PropList), subtype(PropList,Type)).
+%% Types
+-type type_kind() :: 'basic' | 'wrapper' | 'constructed' | 'container' | atom().
+-type instance_test() :: fun((proper_gen:imm_instance()) -> boolean())
+ | {'typed',
+ fun((proper_types:type(),
+ proper_gen:imm_instance()) -> boolean())}.
+-type index() :: pos_integer().
+%% @alias
+-type value() :: term().
+%% @private_type
+%% @alias
+-type extint() :: integer() | 'inf'.
+%% @private_type
+%% @alias
+-type extnum() :: number() | 'inf'.
+-type constraint_fun() :: fun((proper_gen:instance()) -> boolean()).
+-opaque type() :: {'$type', [type_prop()]}.
+%% A type of the PropEr type system
+%% @type raw_type(). You can consider this as an equivalent of {@type type()}.
+-type raw_type() :: type() | [raw_type()] | loose_tuple(raw_type()) | term().
+-type type_prop_name() :: 'kind' | 'generator' | 'reverse_gen' | 'parts_type'
+ | 'combine' | 'alt_gens' | 'shrink_to_parts'
+ | 'size_transform' | 'is_instance' | 'shrinkers'
+ | 'noshrink' | 'internal_type' | 'internal_types'
+ | 'get_length' | 'split' | 'join' | 'get_indices'
+ | 'remove' | 'retrieve' | 'update' | 'constraints'
+ | 'parameters' | 'env' | 'subenv'.
+-type type_prop_value() :: term().
+-type type_prop() ::
+ {'kind', type_kind()}
+ | {'generator', proper_gen:generator()}
+ | {'reverse_gen', proper_gen:reverse_gen()}
+ | {'parts_type', type()}
+ | {'combine', proper_gen:combine_fun()}
+ | {'alt_gens', proper_gen:alt_gens()}
+ | {'shrink_to_parts', boolean()}
+ | {'size_transform', fun((size()) -> size())}
+ | {'is_instance', instance_test()}
+ | {'shrinkers', [proper_shrink:shrinker()]}
+ | {'noshrink', boolean()}
+ | {'internal_type', raw_type()}
+ | {'internal_types', tuple() | maybe_improper_list(type(),type() | [])}
+ %% The items returned by 'remove' must be of this type.
+ | {'get_length', fun((proper_gen:imm_instance()) -> length())}
+ %% If this is a container type, this should return the number of elements
+ %% it contains.
+ | {'split', fun((proper_gen:imm_instance()) -> [proper_gen:imm_instance()])
+ | fun((length(),proper_gen:imm_instance()) ->
+ {proper_gen:imm_instance(),proper_gen:imm_instance()})}
+ %% If present, the appropriate form depends on whether get_length is
+ %% defined: if get_length is undefined, this must be in the one-argument
+ %% form (e.g. a tree should be split into its subtrees), else it must be
+ %% in the two-argument form (e.g. a list should be split in two at the
+ %% index provided).
+ | {'join', fun((proper_gen:imm_instance(),proper_gen:imm_instance()) ->
+ proper_gen:imm_instance())}
+ | {'get_indices', fun((proper_types:type(),
+ proper_gen:imm_instance()) -> [index()])}
+ %% If this is a container type, this should return a list of indices we
+ %% can use to remove or insert elements from the given instance.
+ | {'remove', fun((index(),proper_gen:imm_instance()) ->
+ proper_gen:imm_instance())}
+ | {'retrieve', fun((index(), proper_gen:imm_instance() | tuple()
+ | maybe_improper_list(type(),type() | [])) ->
+ value() | type())}
+ | {'update', fun((index(),value(),proper_gen:imm_instance()) ->
+ proper_gen:imm_instance())}
+ | {'constraints', [{constraint_fun(), boolean()}]}
+ %% A list of constraints on instances of this type: each constraint is a
+ %% tuple of a fun that must return 'true' for each valid instance and a
+ %% boolean field that specifies whether the condition is strict.
+ | {'parameters', [{atom(),value()}]}
+ | {'env', term()}
+ | {'subenv', term()}.
+%% Type manipulation functions
+%% TODO: We shouldn't need the fully qualified type name in the range of these
+%% functions.
+%% @private
+%% TODO: just cook/1 ?
+-spec cook_outer(raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+cook_outer(Type = {'$type',_Props}) ->
+ Type;
+cook_outer(RawType) ->
+ if
+ is_tuple(RawType) -> tuple(tuple_to_list(RawType));
+ %% CAUTION: this must handle improper lists
+ is_list(RawType) -> fixed_list(RawType);
+ %% default case (covers integers, floats, atoms, binaries, ...):
+ true -> exactly(RawType)
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec is_type(term()) -> boolean().
+is_type({'$type',_Props}) ->
+ true;
+is_type(_) ->
+ false.
+%% @private
+-spec equal_types(proper_types:type(), proper_types:type()) -> boolean().
+equal_types(SameType, SameType) ->
+ true;
+equal_types(_, _) ->
+ false.
+%% @private
+-spec is_raw_type(term()) -> boolean().
+is_raw_type({'$type',_TypeProps}) ->
+ true;
+is_raw_type(X) ->
+ if
+ is_tuple(X) -> is_raw_type_list(tuple_to_list(X));
+ is_list(X) -> is_raw_type_list(X);
+ true -> false
+ end.
+-spec is_raw_type_list(maybe_improper_list()) -> boolean().
+%% CAUTION: this must handle improper lists
+is_raw_type_list(List) ->
+ proper_arith:safe_any(fun is_raw_type/1, List).
+%% @private
+-spec to_binary(proper_types:type()) -> binary().
+to_binary(Type) ->
+ term_to_binary(Type).
+%% @private
+%% TODO: restore: -spec from_binary(binary()) -> proper_types:type().
+from_binary(Binary) ->
+ binary_to_term(Binary).
+-spec type_from_list([type_prop()]) -> proper_types:type().
+type_from_list(KeyValueList) ->
+ {'$type',KeyValueList}.
+-spec add_prop(type_prop_name(), type_prop_value(), proper_types:type()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+add_prop(PropName, Value, {'$type',Props}) ->
+ {'$type',lists:keystore(PropName, 1, Props, {PropName, Value})}.
+-spec add_props([type_prop()], proper_types:type()) -> proper_types:type().
+add_props(PropList, {'$type',OldProps}) ->
+ {'$type', lists:foldl(fun({N,_}=NV,Acc) ->
+ lists:keystore(N, 1, Acc, NV)
+ end, OldProps, PropList)}.
+-spec append_to_prop(type_prop_name(), type_prop_value(),
+ proper_types:type()) -> proper_types:type().
+append_to_prop(PropName, Value, {'$type',Props}) ->
+ Val = case lists:keyfind(PropName, 1, Props) of
+ {PropName, V} ->
+ V;
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end,
+ {'$type', lists:keystore(PropName, 1, Props,
+ {PropName, lists:reverse([Value|Val])})}.
+-spec append_list_to_prop(type_prop_name(), [type_prop_value()],
+ proper_types:type()) -> proper_types:type().
+append_list_to_prop(PropName, List, {'$type',Props}) ->
+ {PropName, Val} = lists:keyfind(PropName, 1, Props),
+ {'$type', lists:keystore(PropName, 1, Props, {PropName, Val++List})}.
+%% @private
+-spec get_prop(type_prop_name(), proper_types:type()) -> type_prop_value().
+get_prop(PropName, {'$type',Props}) ->
+ {_PropName, Val} = lists:keyfind(PropName, 1, Props),
+ Val.
+%% @private
+-spec find_prop(type_prop_name(), proper_types:type()) ->
+ {'ok',type_prop_value()} | 'error'.
+find_prop(PropName, {'$type',Props}) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(PropName, 1, Props) of
+ {PropName, Value} ->
+ {ok, Value};
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec new_type([type_prop()], type_kind()) -> proper_types:type().
+new_type(PropList, Kind) ->
+ Type = type_from_list(PropList),
+ add_prop(kind, Kind, Type).
+%% @private
+-spec subtype([type_prop()], proper_types:type()) -> proper_types:type().
+%% TODO: should the 'is_instance' function etc. be reset for subtypes?
+subtype(PropList, Type) ->
+ add_props(PropList, Type).
+%% @private
+-spec is_inst(proper_gen:instance(), raw_type()) ->
+ boolean() | {'error',{'typeserver',term()}}.
+is_inst(Instance, RawType) ->
+ is_inst(Instance, RawType, 10).
+%% @private
+-spec is_inst(proper_gen:instance(), raw_type(), size()) ->
+ boolean() | {'error',{'typeserver',term()}}.
+is_inst(Instance, RawType, Size) ->
+ proper:global_state_init_size(Size),
+ Result = safe_is_instance(Instance, RawType),
+ proper:global_state_erase(),
+ Result.
+%% @private
+-spec safe_is_instance(proper_gen:imm_instance(), raw_type()) ->
+ boolean() | {'error',{'typeserver',term()}}.
+safe_is_instance(ImmInstance, RawType) ->
+ try is_instance(ImmInstance, RawType) catch
+ throw:{'$typeserver',SubReason} -> {error, {typeserver,SubReason}}
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec is_instance(proper_gen:imm_instance(), raw_type()) -> boolean().
+%% TODO: If the second argument is not a type, let it pass (don't even check for
+%% term equality?) - if it's a raw type, don't cook it, instead recurse
+%% into it.
+is_instance(ImmInstance, RawType) ->
+ CleanInstance = proper_gen:clean_instance(ImmInstance),
+ Type = cook_outer(RawType),
+ (case get_prop(kind, Type) of
+ wrapper -> wrapper_test(ImmInstance, Type);
+ constructed -> constructed_test(ImmInstance, Type);
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ orelse
+ case find_prop(is_instance, Type) of
+ {ok,{typed, IsInstance}} -> IsInstance(Type, ImmInstance);
+ {ok,IsInstance} -> IsInstance(ImmInstance);
+ error -> false
+ end)
+ andalso weakly(satisfies_all(CleanInstance, Type)).
+-spec wrapper_test(proper_gen:imm_instance(), proper_types:type()) -> boolean().
+wrapper_test(ImmInstance, Type) ->
+ %% TODO: check if it's actually a raw type that's returned?
+ lists:any(fun(T) -> is_instance(ImmInstance, T) end, unwrap(Type)).
+%% @private
+%% TODO: restore:-spec unwrap(proper_types:type()) -> [proper_types:type(),...].
+%% TODO: check if it's actually a raw type that's returned?
+unwrap(Type) ->
+ RawInnerTypes = proper_gen:alt_gens(Type) ++ [proper_gen:normal_gen(Type)],
+ [cook_outer(T) || T <- RawInnerTypes].
+-spec constructed_test(proper_gen:imm_instance(), proper_types:type()) ->
+ boolean().
+constructed_test({'$used',ImmParts,ImmInstance}, Type) ->
+ PartsType = get_prop(parts_type, Type),
+ Combine = get_prop(combine, Type),
+ is_instance(ImmParts, PartsType) andalso
+ begin
+ %% TODO: check if it's actually a raw type that's returned?
+ %% TODO: move construction code to proper_gen
+ %% TODO: non-type => should we check for strict term equality?
+ RawInnerType = Combine(proper_gen:clean_instance(ImmParts)),
+ is_instance(ImmInstance, RawInnerType)
+ end;
+constructed_test({'$to_part',ImmInstance}, Type) ->
+ PartsType = get_prop(parts_type, Type),
+ get_prop(shrink_to_parts, Type) =:= true andalso
+ %% TODO: we reject non-container types
+ get_prop(kind, PartsType) =:= container andalso
+ case {find_prop(internal_type,PartsType),
+ find_prop(internal_types,PartsType)} of
+ {{ok,EachPartType},error} ->
+ %% The parts are in a list or a vector.
+ is_instance(ImmInstance, EachPartType);
+ {error,{ok,PartTypesList}} ->
+ %% The parts are in a fixed list.
+ %% TODO: It should always be a proper list.
+ lists:any(fun(T) -> is_instance(ImmInstance,T) end, PartTypesList)
+ end;
+constructed_test(_CleanInstance, _Type) ->
+ %% TODO: can we do anything better?
+ false.
+%% @private
+-spec weakly({boolean(),boolean()}) -> boolean().
+weakly({B1,_B2}) -> B1.
+%% @private
+-spec strongly({boolean(),boolean()}) -> boolean().
+strongly({_B1,B2}) -> B2.
+-spec satisfies(proper_gen:instance(), {constraint_fun(),boolean()})
+ -> {boolean(),boolean()}.
+satisfies(Instance, {Test,false}) ->
+ {true,Test(Instance)};
+satisfies(Instance, {Test,true}) ->
+ Result = Test(Instance),
+ {Result,Result}.
+%% @private
+-spec satisfies_all(proper_gen:instance(), proper_types:type()) ->
+ {boolean(),boolean()}.
+satisfies_all(Instance, Type) ->
+ case find_prop(constraints, Type) of
+ {ok, Constraints} ->
+ L = [satisfies(Instance, C) || C <- Constraints],
+ {L1,L2} = lists:unzip(L),
+ {lists:all(fun(B) -> B end, L1), lists:all(fun(B) -> B end, L2)};
+ error ->
+ {true,true}
+ end.
+%% Type definition functions
+%% @private
+-spec lazy(proper_gen:nosize_generator()) -> proper_types:type().
+lazy(Gen) ->
+ {generator, Gen}
+ ]).
+%% @private
+-spec sized(proper_gen:sized_generator()) -> proper_types:type().
+sized(Gen) ->
+ {generator, Gen}
+ ]).
+%% @private
+-spec bind(raw_type(), proper_gen:combine_fun(), boolean()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+bind(RawPartsType, Combine, ShrinkToParts) ->
+ PartsType = cook_outer(RawPartsType),
+ {parts_type, PartsType},
+ {combine, Combine},
+ {shrink_to_parts, ShrinkToParts}
+ ]).
+%% @private
+-spec shrinkwith(proper_gen:nosize_generator(), proper_gen:alt_gens()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+shrinkwith(Gen, DelaydAltGens) ->
+ {generator, Gen},
+ {alt_gens, DelaydAltGens}
+ ]).
+%% @private
+-spec add_constraint(raw_type(), constraint_fun(), boolean()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+add_constraint(RawType, Condition, IsStrict) ->
+ Type = cook_outer(RawType),
+ append_to_prop(constraints, {Condition,IsStrict}, Type).
+%% @private
+-spec native_type(mod_name(), string()) -> proper_types:type().
+native_type(Mod, TypeStr) ->
+ {generator, fun() -> proper_gen:native_type_gen(Mod,TypeStr) end}
+ ]).
+%% Basic types
+%% @doc All integers between `Low' and `High', bounds included.
+%% `Low' and `High' must be Erlang expressions that evaluate to integers, with
+%% `Low =< High'. Additionally, `Low' and `High' may have the value `inf', in
+%% which case they represent minus infinity and plus infinity respectively.
+%% Instances shrink towards 0 if `Low =< 0 =< High', or towards the bound with
+%% the smallest absolute value otherwise.
+-spec integer(extint(), extint()) -> proper_types:type().
+integer(Low, High) ->
+ ?BASIC([
+ {env, {Low, High}},
+ {generator, {typed, fun integer_gen/2}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun integer_is_instance/2}},
+ {shrinkers, [fun number_shrinker/3]}
+ ]).
+integer_gen(Type, Size) ->
+ {Low, High} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:integer_gen(Size, Low, High).
+integer_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ {Low, High} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_integer(X) andalso le(Low, X) andalso le(X, High).
+number_shrinker(X, Type, S) ->
+ {Low, High} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_shrink:number_shrinker(X, Low, High, S).
+%% @doc All floats between `Low' and `High', bounds included.
+%% `Low' and `High' must be Erlang expressions that evaluate to floats, with
+%% `Low =< High'. Additionally, `Low' and `High' may have the value `inf', in
+%% which case they represent minus infinity and plus infinity respectively.
+%% Instances shrink towards 0.0 if `Low =< 0.0 =< High', or towards the bound
+%% with the smallest absolute value otherwise.
+-spec float(extnum(), extnum()) -> proper_types:type().
+float(Low, High) ->
+ ?BASIC([
+ {env, {Low, High}},
+ {generator, {typed, fun float_gen/2}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun float_is_instance/2}},
+ {shrinkers, [fun number_shrinker/3]}
+ ]).
+float_gen(Type, Size) ->
+ {Low, High} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:float_gen(Size, Low, High).
+float_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ {Low, High} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_float(X) andalso le(Low, X) andalso le(X, High).
+%% @private
+-spec le(extnum(), extnum()) -> boolean().
+le(inf, _B) -> true;
+le(_A, inf) -> true;
+le(A, B) -> A =< B.
+%% @doc All atoms. All atoms used internally by PropEr start with a '`$'', so
+%% such atoms will never be produced as instances of this type. You should also
+%% refrain from using such atoms in your code, to avoid a potential clash.
+%% Instances shrink towards the empty atom, ''.
+-spec atom() -> proper_types:type().
+atom() ->
+ {generator, fun proper_gen:atom_gen/1},
+ {reverse_gen, fun proper_gen:atom_rev/1},
+ {size_transform, fun(Size) -> erlang:min(Size,255) end},
+ {is_instance, fun atom_is_instance/1}
+ ]).
+atom_is_instance(X) ->
+ is_atom(X)
+ %% We return false for atoms starting with '$', since these are
+ %% atoms used internally and never produced by the atom generator.
+ andalso (X =:= '' orelse hd(atom_to_list(X)) =/= $$).
+%% @doc All binaries. Instances shrink towards the empty binary, `<<>>'.
+-spec binary() -> proper_types:type().
+binary() ->
+ {generator, fun proper_gen:binary_gen/1},
+ {reverse_gen, fun proper_gen:binary_rev/1},
+ {is_instance, fun erlang:is_binary/1}
+ ]).
+%% @doc All binaries with a byte size of `Len'.
+%% `Len' must be an Erlang expression that evaluates to a non-negative integer.
+%% Instances shrink towards binaries of zeroes.
+-spec binary(length()) -> proper_types:type().
+binary(Len) ->
+ {env, Len},
+ {generator, {typed, fun binary_len_gen/1}},
+ {reverse_gen, fun proper_gen:binary_rev/1},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun binary_len_is_instance/2}}
+ ]).
+binary_len_gen(Type) ->
+ Len = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:binary_len_gen(Len).
+binary_len_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ Len = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_binary(X) andalso byte_size(X) =:= Len.
+%% @doc All bitstrings. Instances shrink towards the empty bitstring, `<<>>'.
+-spec bitstring() -> proper_types:type().
+bitstring() ->
+ {generator, fun proper_gen:bitstring_gen/1},
+ {reverse_gen, fun proper_gen:bitstring_rev/1},
+ {is_instance, fun erlang:is_bitstring/1}
+ ]).
+%% @doc All bitstrings with a bit size of `Len'.
+%% `Len' must be an Erlang expression that evaluates to a non-negative integer.
+%% Instances shrink towards bitstrings of zeroes
+-spec bitstring(length()) -> proper_types:type().
+bitstring(Len) ->
+ {env, Len},
+ {generator, {typed, fun bitstring_len_gen/1}},
+ {reverse_gen, fun proper_gen:bitstring_rev/1},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun bitstring_len_is_instance/2}}
+ ]).
+bitstring_len_gen(Type) ->
+ Len = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:bitstring_len_gen(Len).
+bitstring_len_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ Len = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_bitstring(X) andalso bit_size(X) =:= Len.
+%% @doc All lists containing elements of type `ElemType'.
+%% Instances shrink towards the empty list, `[]'.
+-spec list(ElemType::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+% TODO: subtyping would be useful here (list, vector, fixed_list)
+list(RawElemType) ->
+ ElemType = cook_outer(RawElemType),
+ {generator, {typed, fun list_gen/2}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun list_is_instance/2}},
+ {internal_type, ElemType},
+ {get_length, fun erlang:length/1},
+ {split, fun lists:split/2},
+ {join, fun lists:append/2},
+ {get_indices, fun list_get_indices/2},
+ {remove, fun proper_arith:list_remove/2},
+ {retrieve, fun lists:nth/2},
+ {update, fun proper_arith:list_update/3}
+ ]).
+list_gen(Type, Size) ->
+ ElemType = get_prop(internal_type, Type),
+ proper_gen:list_gen(Size, ElemType).
+list_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ ElemType = get_prop(internal_type, Type),
+ list_test(X, ElemType).
+%% @doc A type that generates exactly the list `List'. Instances shrink towards
+%% shorter sublists of the original list.
+-spec shrink_list([term()]) -> proper_types:type().
+shrink_list(List) ->
+ {env, List},
+ {generator, {typed, fun shrink_list_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun shrink_list_is_instance/2}},
+ {get_length, fun erlang:length/1},
+ {split, fun lists:split/2},
+ {join, fun lists:append/2},
+ {get_indices, fun list_get_indices/2},
+ {remove, fun proper_arith:list_remove/2}
+ ]).
+shrink_list_gen(Type) ->
+ get_prop(env, Type).
+shrink_list_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ List = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_sublist(X, List).
+-spec is_sublist([term()], [term()]) -> boolean().
+is_sublist([], _) -> true;
+is_sublist(_, []) -> false;
+is_sublist([H|T1], [H|T2]) -> is_sublist(T1, T2);
+is_sublist(Slice, [_|T2]) -> is_sublist(Slice, T2).
+-spec list_test(proper_gen:imm_instance(), proper_types:type()) -> boolean().
+list_test(X, ElemType) ->
+ is_list(X) andalso lists:all(fun(E) -> is_instance(E, ElemType) end, X).
+%% @private
+-spec list_get_indices(proper_gen:generator(), list()) -> [position()].
+list_get_indices(_, List) ->
+ lists:seq(1, length(List)).
+%% @private
+%% This assumes that:
+%% - instances of size S are always valid instances of size >S
+%% - any recursive calls inside Gen are lazy
+-spec distlist(size(), proper_gen:sized_generator(), boolean()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+distlist(Size, Gen, NonEmpty) ->
+ ParentType = case NonEmpty of
+ true -> non_empty(list(Gen(Size)));
+ false -> list(Gen(Size))
+ end,
+ ?SUBTYPE(ParentType, [
+ {subenv, {Size, Gen, NonEmpty}},
+ {generator, {typed, fun distlist_gen/1}}
+ ]).
+distlist_gen(Type) ->
+ {Size, Gen, NonEmpty} = get_prop(subenv, Type),
+ proper_gen:distlist_gen(Size, Gen, NonEmpty).
+%% @doc All lists of length `Len' containing elements of type `ElemType'.
+%% `Len' must be an Erlang expression that evaluates to a non-negative integer.
+-spec vector(length(), ElemType::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+vector(Len, RawElemType) ->
+ ElemType = cook_outer(RawElemType),
+ {env, Len},
+ {generator, {typed, fun vector_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun vector_is_instance/2}},
+ {internal_type, ElemType},
+ {get_indices, fun vector_get_indices/2},
+ {retrieve, fun lists:nth/2},
+ {update, fun proper_arith:list_update/3}
+ ]).
+vector_gen(Type) ->
+ Len = get_prop(env, Type),
+ ElemType = get_prop(internal_type, Type),
+ proper_gen:vector_gen(Len, ElemType).
+vector_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ Len = get_prop(env, Type),
+ ElemType = get_prop(internal_type, Type),
+ is_list(X)
+ andalso length(X) =:= Len
+ andalso lists:all(fun(E) -> is_instance(E, ElemType) end, X).
+vector_get_indices(Type, _X) ->
+ lists:seq(1, get_prop(env, Type)).
+%% @doc The union of all types in `ListOfTypes'. `ListOfTypes' can't be empty.
+%% The random instance generator is equally likely to choose any one of the
+%% types in `ListOfTypes'. The shrinking subsystem will always try to shrink an
+%% instance of a type union to an instance of the first type in `ListOfTypes',
+%% thus you should write the simplest case first.
+-spec union(ListOfTypes::[raw_type(),...]) -> proper_types:type().
+union(RawChoices) ->
+ Choices = [cook_outer(C) || C <- RawChoices],
+ ?BASIC([
+ {env, Choices},
+ {generator, {typed, fun union_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun union_is_instance/2}},
+ {shrinkers, [fun union_shrinker_1/3, fun union_shrinker_2/3]}
+ ]).
+union_gen(Type) ->
+ Choices = get_prop(env,Type),
+ proper_gen:union_gen(Choices).
+union_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ Choices = get_prop(env, Type),
+ lists:any(fun(C) -> is_instance(X, C) end, Choices).
+union_shrinker_1(X, Type, S) ->
+ Choices = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_shrink:union_first_choice_shrinker(X, Choices, S).
+union_shrinker_2(X, Type, S) ->
+ Choices = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_shrink:union_recursive_shrinker(X, Choices, S).
+%% @doc A specialization of {@link union/1}, where each type in `ListOfTypes' is
+%% assigned a frequency. Frequencies must be Erlang expressions that evaluate to
+%% positive integers. Types with larger frequencies are more likely to be chosen
+%% by the random instance generator. The shrinking subsystem will ignore the
+%% frequencies and try to shrink towards the first type in the list.
+-spec weighted_union(ListOfTypes::[{frequency(),raw_type()},...]) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+weighted_union(RawFreqChoices) ->
+ CookFreqType = fun({Freq,RawType}) -> {Freq,cook_outer(RawType)} end,
+ FreqChoices = lists:map(CookFreqType, RawFreqChoices),
+ Choices = [T || {_F,T} <- FreqChoices],
+ ?SUBTYPE(union(Choices), [
+ {subenv, FreqChoices},
+ {generator, {typed, fun weighted_union_gen/1}}
+ ]).
+weighted_union_gen(Gen) ->
+ FreqChoices = get_prop(subenv, Gen),
+ proper_gen:weighted_union_gen(FreqChoices).
+%% @private
+-spec safe_union([raw_type(),...]) -> proper_types:type().
+safe_union(RawChoices) ->
+ Choices = [cook_outer(C) || C <- RawChoices],
+ subtype(
+ [{subenv, Choices},
+ {generator, {typed, fun safe_union_gen/1}}],
+ union(Choices)).
+safe_union_gen(Type) ->
+ Choices = get_prop(subenv, Type),
+ proper_gen:safe_union_gen(Choices).
+%% @private
+-spec safe_weighted_union([{frequency(),raw_type()},...]) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+safe_weighted_union(RawFreqChoices) ->
+ CookFreqType = fun({Freq,RawType}) ->
+ {Freq,cook_outer(RawType)} end,
+ FreqChoices = lists:map(CookFreqType, RawFreqChoices),
+ Choices = [T || {_F,T} <- FreqChoices],
+ subtype([{subenv, FreqChoices},
+ {generator, {typed, fun safe_weighted_union_gen/1}}],
+ union(Choices)).
+safe_weighted_union_gen(Type) ->
+ FreqChoices = get_prop(subenv, Type),
+ proper_gen:safe_weighted_union_gen(FreqChoices).
+%% @doc All tuples whose i-th element is an instance of the type at index i of
+%% `ListOfTypes'. Also written simply as a tuple of types.
+-spec tuple(ListOfTypes::[raw_type()]) -> proper_types:type().
+tuple(RawFields) ->
+ Fields = [cook_outer(F) || F <- RawFields],
+ {env, Fields},
+ {generator, {typed, fun tuple_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun tuple_is_instance/2}},
+ {internal_types, list_to_tuple(Fields)},
+ {get_indices, fun tuple_get_indices/2},
+ {retrieve, fun erlang:element/2},
+ {update, fun tuple_update/3}
+ ]).
+tuple_gen(Type) ->
+ Fields = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:tuple_gen(Fields).
+tuple_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ Fields = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_tuple(X) andalso fixed_list_test(tuple_to_list(X), Fields).
+tuple_get_indices(Type, _X) ->
+ lists:seq(1, length(get_prop(env, Type))).
+-spec tuple_update(index(), value(), tuple()) -> tuple().
+tuple_update(Index, NewElem, Tuple) ->
+ setelement(Index, Tuple, NewElem).
+%% @doc Tuples whose elements are all of type `ElemType'.
+%% Instances shrink towards the 0-size tuple, `{}'.
+-spec loose_tuple(ElemType::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+loose_tuple(RawElemType) ->
+ ElemType = cook_outer(RawElemType),
+ {env, ElemType},
+ {generator, {typed, fun loose_tuple_gen/2}},
+ {reverse_gen, {typed, fun loose_tuple_rev/2}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun loose_tuple_is_instance/2}}
+ ]).
+loose_tuple_gen(Type, Size) ->
+ ElemType = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:loose_tuple_gen(Size, ElemType).
+loose_tuple_rev(Type, X) ->
+ ElemType = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:loose_tuple_rev(X, ElemType).
+loose_tuple_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ ElemType = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_tuple(X) andalso list_test(tuple_to_list(X), ElemType).
+%% @doc Singleton type consisting only of `E'. `E' must be an evaluated term.
+%% Also written simply as `E'.
+-spec exactly(term()) -> proper_types:type().
+exactly(E) ->
+ ?BASIC([
+ {env, E},
+ {generator, {typed, fun exactly_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun exactly_is_instance/2}}
+ ]).
+exactly_gen(Type) ->
+ E = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:exactly_gen(E).
+exactly_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ E = get_prop(env, Type),
+ X =:= E.
+%% @doc All lists whose i-th element is an instance of the type at index i of
+%% `ListOfTypes'. Also written simply as a list of types.
+-spec fixed_list(ListOfTypes::maybe_improper_list(raw_type(),raw_type()|[])) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+fixed_list(MaybeImproperRawFields) ->
+ %% CAUTION: must handle improper lists
+ {Fields, Internal, Len, Retrieve, Update} =
+ case proper_arith:cut_improper_tail(MaybeImproperRawFields) of
+ % TODO: have cut_improper_tail return the length and use it in test?
+ {ProperRawHead, ImproperRawTail} ->
+ HeadLen = length(ProperRawHead),
+ CookedHead = [cook_outer(F) || F <- ProperRawHead],
+ CookedTail = cook_outer(ImproperRawTail),
+ {{CookedHead,CookedTail},
+ CookedHead ++ CookedTail,
+ HeadLen + 1,
+ fun(I,L) -> improper_list_retrieve(I, L, HeadLen) end,
+ fun(I,V,L) -> improper_list_update(I, V, L, HeadLen) end};
+ ProperRawFields ->
+ LocalFields = [cook_outer(F) || F <- ProperRawFields],
+ {LocalFields,
+ LocalFields,
+ length(ProperRawFields),
+ fun lists:nth/2,
+ fun proper_arith:list_update/3}
+ end,
+ {env, {Fields, Len}},
+ {generator, {typed, fun fixed_list_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun fixed_list_is_instance/2}},
+ {internal_types, Internal},
+ {get_indices, fun fixed_list_get_indices/2},
+ {retrieve, Retrieve},
+ {update, Update}
+ ]).
+fixed_list_gen(Type) ->
+ {Fields, _} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:fixed_list_gen(Fields).
+fixed_list_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ {Fields, _} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ fixed_list_test(X, Fields).
+fixed_list_get_indices(Type, _X) ->
+ {_, Len} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ lists:seq(1, Len).
+-spec fixed_list_test(proper_gen:imm_instance(),
+ [proper_types:type()] | {[proper_types:type()],
+ proper_types:type()}) ->
+ boolean().
+fixed_list_test(X, {ProperHead,ImproperTail}) ->
+ is_list(X) andalso
+ begin
+ ProperHeadLen = length(ProperHead),
+ proper_arith:head_length(X) >= ProperHeadLen andalso
+ begin
+ {XHead,XTail} = lists:split(ProperHeadLen, X),
+ fixed_list_test(XHead, ProperHead)
+ andalso is_instance(XTail, ImproperTail)
+ end
+ end;
+fixed_list_test(X, ProperFields) ->
+ is_list(X)
+ andalso length(X) =:= length(ProperFields)
+ andalso lists:all(fun({E,T}) -> is_instance(E, T) end,
+ lists:zip(X, ProperFields)).
+%% TODO: Move these 2 functions to proper_arith?
+-spec improper_list_retrieve(index(), nonempty_improper_list(value(),value()),
+ pos_integer()) -> value().
+improper_list_retrieve(Index, List, HeadLen) ->
+ case Index =< HeadLen of
+ true -> lists:nth(Index, List);
+ false -> lists:nthtail(HeadLen, List)
+ end.
+-spec improper_list_update(index(), value(),
+ nonempty_improper_list(value(),value()),
+ pos_integer()) ->
+ nonempty_improper_list(value(),value()).
+improper_list_update(Index, Value, List, HeadLen) ->
+ case Index =< HeadLen of
+ %% TODO: This happens to work, but is not implied by list_update's spec.
+ true -> proper_arith:list_update(Index, Value, List);
+ false -> lists:sublist(List, HeadLen) ++ Value
+ end.
+%% @doc All pure functions that map instances of `ArgTypes' to instances of
+%% `RetType'. The syntax `function(Arity, RetType)' is also acceptable.
+-spec function(ArgTypes::[raw_type()] | arity(), RetType::raw_type()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+function(Arity, RawRetType) when is_integer(Arity), Arity >= 0, Arity =< 255 ->
+ RetType = cook_outer(RawRetType),
+ ?BASIC([
+ {env, {Arity, RetType}},
+ {generator, {typed, fun function_gen/1}},
+ {is_instance, {typed, fun function_is_instance/2}}
+ ]);
+function(RawArgTypes, RawRetType) ->
+ function(length(RawArgTypes), RawRetType).
+function_gen(Type) ->
+ {Arity, RetType} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ proper_gen:function_gen(Arity, RetType).
+function_is_instance(Type, X) ->
+ {Arity, RetType} = get_prop(env, Type),
+ is_function(X, Arity)
+ %% TODO: what if it's not a function we produced?
+ andalso equal_types(RetType, proper_gen:get_ret_type(X)).
+%% @doc All Erlang terms (that PropEr can produce). For reasons of efficiency,
+%% functions are never produced as instances of this type., ' parameter inside the statement block
+%%% `
+%% CAUTION: Instances of this type are expensive to produce, shrink and instance-
+%% check, both in terms of processing time and consumed memory. Only use this
+%% type if you are certain that you need it.
+-spec any() -> proper_types:type().
+any() ->
+ AllTypes = [integer(),float(),atom(),bitstring(),?LAZY(loose_tuple(any())),
+ ?LAZY(list(any()))],
+ ?SUBTYPE(union(AllTypes), [
+ {generator, fun proper_gen:any_gen/1}
+ ]).
+%% Type aliases
+%% @equiv integer(inf, inf)
+-spec integer() -> proper_types:type().
+integer() -> integer(inf, inf).
+%% @equiv integer(0, inf)
+-spec non_neg_integer() -> proper_types:type().
+non_neg_integer() -> integer(0, inf).
+%% @equiv integer(1, inf)
+-spec pos_integer() -> proper_types:type().
+pos_integer() -> integer(1, inf).
+%% @equiv integer(inf, -1)
+-spec neg_integer() -> proper_types:type().
+neg_integer() -> integer(inf, -1).
+%% @equiv integer(Low, High)
+-spec range(extint(), extint()) -> proper_types:type().
+range(Low, High) -> integer(Low, High).
+%% @equiv float(inf, inf)
+-spec float() -> proper_types:type().
+float() -> float(inf, inf).
+%% @equiv float(0.0, inf)
+-spec non_neg_float() -> proper_types:type().
+non_neg_float() -> float(0.0, inf).
+%% @equiv union([integer(), float()])
+-spec number() -> proper_types:type().
+number() -> union([integer(), float()]).
+%% @doc The atoms `true' and `false'. Instances shrink towards `false'.
+-spec boolean() -> proper_types:type().
+boolean() -> union(['false', 'true']).
+%% @equiv integer(0, 255)
+-spec byte() -> proper_types:type().
+byte() -> integer(0, 255).
+%% @equiv integer(0, 16#10ffff)
+-spec char() -> proper_types:type().
+char() -> integer(0, 16#10ffff).
+%% @equiv list(any())
+-spec list() -> proper_types:type().
+list() -> list(any()).
+%% @equiv loose_tuple(any())
+-spec tuple() -> proper_types:type().
+tuple() -> loose_tuple(any()).
+%% @equiv list(char())
+-spec string() -> proper_types:type().
+string() -> list(char()).
+%% @equiv weighted_union(FreqChoices)
+-spec wunion([{frequency(),raw_type()},...]) -> proper_types:type().
+wunion(FreqChoices) -> weighted_union(FreqChoices).
+%% @equiv any()
+-spec term() -> proper_types:type().
+term() -> any().
+%% @equiv union([non_neg_integer() | infinity])
+-spec timeout() -> proper_types:type().
+timeout() -> union([non_neg_integer(), 'infinity']).
+%% @equiv integer(0, 255)
+-spec arity() -> proper_types:type().
+arity() -> integer(0, 255).
+%% QuickCheck compatibility types
+%% @doc Small integers (bound by the current value of the `size' parameter).
+%% Instances shrink towards `0'.
+-spec int() -> proper_types:type().
+int() -> ?SIZED(Size, integer(-Size,Size)).
+%% @doc Small non-negative integers (bound by the current value of the `size'
+%% parameter). Instances shrink towards `0'.
+-spec nat() -> proper_types:type().
+nat() -> ?SIZED(Size, integer(0,Size)).
+%% @equiv integer()
+-spec largeint() -> proper_types:type().
+largeint() -> integer().
+%% @equiv float()
+-spec real() -> proper_types:type().
+real() -> float().
+%% @equiv boolean()
+-spec bool() -> proper_types:type().
+bool() -> boolean().
+%% @equiv integer(Low, High)
+-spec choose(extint(), extint()) -> proper_types:type().
+choose(Low, High) -> integer(Low, High).
+%% @equiv union(Choices)
+-spec elements([raw_type(),...]) -> proper_types:type().
+elements(Choices) -> union(Choices).
+%% @equiv union(Choices)
+-spec oneof([raw_type(),...]) -> proper_types:type().
+oneof(Choices) -> union(Choices).
+%% @equiv weighted_union(Choices)
+-spec frequency([{frequency(),raw_type()},...]) -> proper_types:type().
+frequency(FreqChoices) -> weighted_union(FreqChoices).
+%% @equiv exactly(E)
+-spec return(term()) -> proper_types:type().
+return(E) -> exactly(E).
+%% @doc Adds a default value, `Default', to `Type'.
+%% The default serves as a primary shrinking target for instances, while it
+%% is also chosen by the random instance generation subsystem half the time.
+-spec default(raw_type(), raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+default(Default, Type) ->
+ union([Default, Type]).
+%% @doc All sorted lists containing elements of type `ElemType'.
+%% Instances shrink towards the empty list, `[]'.
+-spec orderedlist(ElemType::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+orderedlist(RawElemType) ->
+ ?LET(L, list(RawElemType), lists:sort(L)).
+%% @equiv function(0, RetType)
+-spec function0(raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+function0(RetType) ->
+ function(0, RetType).
+%% @equiv function(1, RetType)
+-spec function1(raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+function1(RetType) ->
+ function(1, RetType).
+%% @equiv function(2, RetType)
+-spec function2(raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+function2(RetType) ->
+ function(2, RetType).
+%% @equiv function(3, RetType)
+-spec function3(raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+function3(RetType) ->
+ function(3, RetType).
+%% @equiv function(4, RetType)
+-spec function4(raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+function4(RetType) ->
+ function(4, RetType).
+%% @doc A specialization of {@link default/2}, where `Default' and `Type' are
+%% assigned weights to be considered by the random instance generator. The
+%% shrinking subsystem will ignore the weights and try to shrink using the
+%% default value.
+-spec weighted_default({frequency(),raw_type()}, {frequency(),raw_type()}) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+weighted_default(Default, Type) ->
+ weighted_union([Default, Type]).
+%% Additional type specification functions
+%% @doc Overrides the `size' parameter used when generating instances of
+%% `Type' with `NewSize'. Has no effect on size-less types, such as unions.
+%% Also, this will not affect the generation of any internal types contained in
+%% `Type', such as the elements of a list - those will still be generated
+%% using the test-wide value of `size'. One use of this function is to modify
+%% types to produce instances that grow faster or slower, like so:
+%% ```?SIZED(Size, resize(Size * 2, list(integer()))'''
+%% The above specifies a list type that grows twice as fast as normal lists.
+-spec resize(size(), Type::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+resize(NewSize, RawType) ->
+ Type = cook_outer(RawType),
+ case find_prop(size_transform, Type) of
+ {ok,Transform} ->
+ add_prop(size_transform, fun(_S) -> Transform(NewSize) end, Type);
+ error ->
+ add_prop(size_transform, fun(_S) -> NewSize end, Type)
+ end.
+%% @doc This is a predefined constraint that can be applied to random-length
+%% list and binary types to ensure that the produced values are never empty.
+%% e.g. {@link list/0}, {@link string/0}, {@link binary/0})
+-spec non_empty(ListType::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+non_empty(RawListType) ->
+ ?SUCHTHAT(L, RawListType, L =/= [] andalso L =/= <<>>).
+%% @doc Creates a new type which is equivalent to `Type', but whose instances
+%% are never shrunk by the shrinking subsystem.
+-spec noshrink(Type::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+noshrink(RawType) ->
+ add_prop(noshrink, true, cook_outer(RawType)).
+%% @doc Associates the atom key `Parameter' with the value `Value' while
+%% generating instances of `Type'.
+-spec with_parameter(atom(), value(), Type::raw_type()) -> proper_types:type().
+with_parameter(Parameter, Value, RawType) ->
+ with_parameters([{Parameter,Value}], RawType).
+%% @doc Similar to {@link with_parameter/3}, but accepts a list of
+%% `{Parameter, Value}' pairs.
+-spec with_parameters([{atom(),value()}], Type::raw_type()) ->
+ proper_types:type().
+with_parameters(PVlist, RawType) ->
+ Type = cook_outer(RawType),
+ case find_prop(parameters, Type) of
+ {ok,Params} when is_list(Params) ->
+ append_list_to_prop(parameters, PVlist, Type);
+ error ->
+ add_prop(parameters, PVlist, Type)
+ end.
+%% @doc Returns the value associated with `Parameter', or `Default' in case
+%% `Parameter' is not associated with any value.
+-spec parameter(atom(), value()) -> value().
+parameter(Parameter, Default) ->
+ Parameters =
+ case erlang:get('$parameters') of
+ undefined -> [];
+ List -> List
+ end,
+ proplists:get_value(Parameter, Parameters, Default).
+%% @equiv parameter(Parameter, undefined)
+-spec parameter(atom()) -> value().
+parameter(Parameter) ->
+ parameter(Parameter, undefined).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_typeserver.erl b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_typeserver.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6cab5e24b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/src/proper/proper_typeserver.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,2401 @@
+%%% Copyright 2010-2015 Manolis Papadakis
+%%% You can use these functions to try out the type
+%%% translation subsystem.
+%%% CAUTION: These functions should never be used inside properties. They are
+%%% meant for demonstration purposes only.
+-export([demo_translate_type/2, demo_is_instance/3]).
+-export([start/0, restart/0, stop/0, create_spec_test/3, get_exp_specced/1,
+ is_instance/3, translate_type/1]).
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
+ code_change/3]).
+-export([get_exp_info/1, match/2]).
+-export_type([imm_type/0, mod_exp_types/0, mod_exp_funs/0]).
+%% Macros
+-define(SRC_FILE_EXT, ".erl").
+%% CAUTION: all these must be sorted
+ [any,arity,atom,binary,bitstring,bool,boolean,byte,char,float,integer,
+ list,neg_integer,non_neg_integer,number,pos_integer,string,term,
+ timeout]).
+ %% gb_trees:iterator and gb_sets:iterator are NOT hardcoded
+ [{{array,0},array}, {{array,1},proper_array},
+ {{dict,0},dict}, {{dict,2},proper_dict},
+ {{gb_set,0},gb_sets}, {{gb_set,1},proper_gb_sets},
+ {{gb_tree,0},gb_trees}, {{gb_tree,2},proper_gb_trees},
+ {{orddict,2},proper_orddict},
+ {{ordset,1},proper_ordsets},
+ {{queue,0},queue}, {{queue,1},proper_queue},
+ {{set,0},sets}, {{set,1},proper_sets}]).
+ [{array, [{{array,0},
+ {{type,0,record,[{atom,0,array}]},[]}}]},
+ {dict, [{{dict,0},
+ {{type,0,record,[{atom,0,dict}]},[]}}]},
+ {gb_sets, [{{gb_set,0},
+ {{type,0,tuple,[{type,0,non_neg_integer,[]},
+ {type,0,gb_set_node,[]}]},[]}}]},
+ {gb_trees, [{{gb_tree,0},
+ {{type,0,tuple,[{type,0,non_neg_integer,[]},
+ {type,0,gb_tree_node,[]}]},[]}}]},
+ %% Our parametric ADTs are already declared as normal types, we just
+ %% need to change them to opaques.
+ {proper_array, [{{array,1},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_dict, [{{dict,2},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_gb_sets, [{{gb_set,1},already_declared},
+ {{iterator,1},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_gb_trees, [{{gb_tree,2},already_declared},
+ {{iterator,2},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_orddict, [{{orddict,2},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_ordsets, [{{ordset,1},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_queue, [{{queue,1},already_declared}]},
+ {proper_sets, [{{set,1},already_declared}]},
+ {queue, [{{queue,0},
+ {{type,0,tuple,[{type,0,list,[]},{type,0,list,[]}]},[]}}]},
+ {sets, [{{set,0},
+ {{type,0,record,[{atom,0,set}]},[]}}]}]).
+%% Types
+-type type_name() :: atom().
+-type var_name() :: atom(). %% TODO: also integers?
+-type field_name() :: atom().
+-type type_kind() :: 'type' | 'record'.
+-type type_ref() :: {type_kind(),type_name(),arity()}.
+-type substs_dict() :: dict(). %% dict(field_name(),ret_type())
+-type substs_dict() :: dict:dict(field_name(),ret_type()).
+-type full_type_ref() :: {mod_name(),type_kind(),type_name(),
+ [ret_type()] | substs_dict()}.
+-type symb_info() :: 'not_symb' | {'orig_abs',abs_type()}.
+-type type_repr() :: {'abs_type',abs_type(),[var_name()],symb_info()}
+ | {'cached',fin_type(),abs_type(),symb_info()}
+ | {'abs_record',[{field_name(),abs_type()}]}.
+-type gen_fun() :: fun((size()) -> fin_type()).
+-type rec_fun() :: fun(([gen_fun()],size()) -> fin_type()).
+-type rec_arg() :: {boolean() | {'list',boolean(),rec_fun()},full_type_ref()}.
+-type rec_args() :: [rec_arg()].
+-type ret_type() :: {'simple',fin_type()} | {'rec',rec_fun(),rec_args()}.
+-type rec_fun_info() :: {pos_integer(),pos_integer(),[arity(),...],
+ [rec_fun(),...]}.
+-type imm_type_ref() :: {type_name(),arity()}.
+-type hard_adt_repr() :: {abs_type(),[var_name()]} | 'already_declared'.
+-type fun_ref() :: {fun_name(),arity()}.
+-type fun_repr() :: fun_clause_repr().
+-type fun_clause_repr() :: {[abs_type()],abs_type()}.
+-type proc_fun_ref() :: {fun_name(),[abs_type()],abs_type()}.
+-type full_imm_type_ref() :: {mod_name(),type_name(),arity()}.
+-type imm_stack() :: [full_imm_type_ref()].
+-type pat_field() :: 0 | 1 | atom().
+-type pattern() :: loose_tuple(pat_field()).
+-type next_step() :: 'none' | 'take_head' | {'match_with',pattern()}.
+%% @private_type
+-type mod_exp_types() :: set(). %% set(imm_type_ref())
+-type mod_types() :: dict(). %% dict(type_ref(),type_repr())
+%% @private_type
+-type mod_exp_funs() :: set(). %% set(fun_ref())
+-type mod_specs() :: dict(). %% dict(fun_ref(),fun_repr())
+%% @private_type
+-type mod_exp_types() :: sets:set(imm_type_ref()).
+-type mod_types() :: dict:dict(type_ref(),type_repr()).
+%% @private_type
+-type mod_exp_funs() :: sets:set(fun_ref()).
+-type mod_specs() :: dict:dict(fun_ref(),fun_repr()).
+ {cached = dict:new() :: dict(), %% dict(imm_type(),fin_type())
+ exp_types = dict:new() :: dict(), %% dict(mod_name(),mod_exp_types())
+ types = dict:new() :: dict(), %% dict(mod_name(),mod_types())
+ exp_specs = dict:new() :: dict()}). %% dict(mod_name(),mod_specs())
+ {cached = dict:new() :: dict:dict(), %% dict(imm_type(),fin_type())
+ exp_types = dict:new() :: dict:dict(), %% dict(mod_name(),mod_exp_types())
+ types = dict:new() :: dict:dict(), %% dict(mod_name(),mod_types())
+ exp_specs = dict:new() :: dict:dict()}). %% dict(mod_name(),mod_specs())
+%% {cached = dict:new() :: dict:dict(imm_type(),fin_type()),
+%% exp_types = dict:new() :: dict:dict(mod_name(),mod_exp_types()),
+%% types = dict:new() :: dict:dict(mod_name(),mod_types()),
+%% exp_specs = dict:new() :: dict:dict(mod_name(),mod_specs())}).
+-type state() :: #state{}.
+ {mod_exp_types = sets:new() :: mod_exp_types(),
+ mod_types = dict:new() :: mod_types(),
+ mod_opaques = sets:new() :: mod_exp_types(),
+ mod_exp_funs = sets:new() :: mod_exp_funs(),
+ mod_specs = dict:new() :: mod_specs()}).
+-type mod_info() :: #mod_info{}.
+-type stack() :: [full_type_ref() | 'tuple' | 'list' | 'union' | 'fun'].
+-type var_dict() :: dict(). %% dict(var_name(),ret_type())
+-type var_dict() :: dict:dict(var_name(),ret_type()).
+%% @private_type
+-type imm_type() :: {mod_name(),string()}.
+%% @alias
+-type fin_type() :: proper_types:type().
+-type tagged_result(T) :: {'ok',T} | 'error'.
+-type tagged_result2(T,S) :: {'ok',T,S} | 'error'.
+%% @alias
+-type rich_result(T) :: {'ok',T} | {'error',term()}.
+-type rich_result2(T,S) :: {'ok',T,S} | {'error',term()}.
+-type false_positive_mfas() :: proper:false_positive_mfas().
+-type server_call() :: {'create_spec_test',mfa(),timeout(),false_positive_mfas()}
+ | {'get_exp_specced',mod_name()}
+ | {'get_type_repr',mod_name(),type_ref(),boolean()}
+ | {'translate_type',imm_type()}.
+-type server_response() :: rich_result(proper:test())
+ | rich_result([mfa()])
+ | rich_result(type_repr())
+ | rich_result(fin_type()).
+%% Server interface functions
+%% @private
+-spec start() -> 'ok'.
+start() ->
+ {ok,TypeserverPid} = gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, dummy, []),
+ put('$typeserver_pid', TypeserverPid),
+ ok.
+%% @private
+-spec restart() -> 'ok'.
+restart() ->
+ TypeserverPid = get('$typeserver_pid'),
+ case (TypeserverPid =:= undefined orelse not is_process_alive(TypeserverPid)) of
+ true -> start();
+ false -> ok
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec stop() -> 'ok'.
+stop() ->
+ TypeserverPid = get('$typeserver_pid'),
+ erase('$typeserver_pid'),
+ gen_server:cast(TypeserverPid, stop).
+%% @private
+-spec create_spec_test(mfa(), timeout(), false_positive_mfas()) -> rich_result(proper:test()).
+create_spec_test(MFA, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs) ->
+ TypeserverPid = get('$typeserver_pid'),
+ gen_server:call(TypeserverPid, {create_spec_test,MFA,SpecTimeout,FalsePositiveMFAs}).
+%% @private
+-spec get_exp_specced(mod_name()) -> rich_result([mfa()]).
+get_exp_specced(Mod) ->
+ TypeserverPid = get('$typeserver_pid'),
+ gen_server:call(TypeserverPid, {get_exp_specced,Mod}).
+-spec get_type_repr(mod_name(), type_ref(), boolean()) ->
+ rich_result(type_repr()).
+get_type_repr(Mod, TypeRef, IsRemote) ->
+ TypeserverPid = get('$typeserver_pid'),
+ gen_server:call(TypeserverPid, {get_type_repr,Mod,TypeRef,IsRemote}).
+%% @private
+-spec translate_type(imm_type()) -> rich_result(fin_type()).
+translate_type(ImmType) ->
+ TypeserverPid = get('$typeserver_pid'),
+ gen_server:call(TypeserverPid, {translate_type,ImmType}).
+%% @doc Translates the native type expression `TypeExpr' (which should be
+%% provided inside a string) into a PropEr type, which can then be passed to any
+%% of the demo functions defined in the {@link proper_gen} module. PropEr acts
+%% as if it found this type expression inside the code of module `Mod'.
+-spec demo_translate_type(mod_name(), string()) -> rich_result(fin_type()).
+demo_translate_type(Mod, TypeExpr) ->
+ start(),
+ Result = translate_type({Mod,TypeExpr}),
+ stop(),
+ Result.
+%% @doc Checks if `Term' is a valid instance of native type `TypeExpr' (which
+%% should be provided inside a string). PropEr acts as if it found this type
+%% expression inside the code of module `Mod'.
+-spec demo_is_instance(term(), mod_name(), string()) ->
+ boolean() | {'error',term()}.
+demo_is_instance(Term, Mod, TypeExpr) ->
+ case parse_type(TypeExpr) of
+ {ok,TypeForm} ->
+ start(),
+ Result =
+ %% Force the typeserver to load the module.
+ case translate_type({Mod,"integer()"}) of
+ {ok,_FinType} ->
+ try is_instance(Term, Mod, TypeForm)
+ catch
+ throw:{'$typeserver',Reason} -> {error, Reason}
+ end;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end,
+ stop(),
+ Result;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+%% Implementation of gen_server interface
+%% @private
+-spec init(_) -> {'ok',state()}.
+init(_) ->
+ {ok, #state{}}.
+%% @private
+-spec handle_call(server_call(), _, state()) ->
+ {'reply',server_response(),state()}.
+handle_call({create_spec_test,MFA,SpecTimeout,FalsePositiveMFAs}, _From, State) ->
+ case create_spec_test(MFA, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs, State) of
+ {ok,Test,NewState} ->
+ {reply, {ok,Test}, NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ {reply, Error, State}
+ end;
+handle_call({get_exp_specced,Mod}, _From, State) ->
+ case get_exp_specced(Mod, State) of
+ {ok,MFAs,NewState} ->
+ {reply, {ok,MFAs}, NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ {reply, Error, State}
+ end;
+handle_call({get_type_repr,Mod,TypeRef,IsRemote}, _From, State) ->
+ case get_type_repr(Mod, TypeRef, IsRemote, State) of
+ {ok,TypeRepr,NewState} ->
+ {reply, {ok,TypeRepr}, NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ {reply, Error, State}
+ end;
+handle_call({translate_type,ImmType}, _From, State) ->
+ case translate_type(ImmType, State) of
+ {ok,FinType,NewState} ->
+ {reply, {ok,FinType}, NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ {reply, Error, State}
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec handle_cast('stop', state()) -> {'stop','normal',state()}.
+handle_cast(stop, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State}.
+%% @private
+-spec handle_info(term(), state()) -> {'stop',{'received_info',term()},state()}.
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ {stop, {received_info,Info}, State}.
+%% @private
+-spec terminate(term(), state()) -> 'ok'.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+%% @private
+-spec code_change(term(), state(), _) -> {'ok',state()}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+%% Top-level interface
+-spec create_spec_test(mfa(), timeout(), false_positive_mfas(), state()) ->
+ rich_result2(proper:test(),state()).
+create_spec_test(MFA, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs, State) ->
+ case get_exp_spec(MFA, State) of
+ {ok,FunRepr,NewState} ->
+ make_spec_test(MFA, FunRepr, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs, NewState);
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec get_exp_spec(mfa(), state()) -> rich_result2(fun_repr(),state()).
+get_exp_spec({Mod,Fun,Arity} = MFA, State) ->
+ case add_module(Mod, State) of
+ {ok,#state{exp_specs = ExpSpecs} = NewState} ->
+ ModExpSpecs = dict:fetch(Mod, ExpSpecs),
+ case dict:find({Fun,Arity}, ModExpSpecs) of
+ {ok,FunRepr} ->
+ {ok, FunRepr, NewState};
+ error ->
+ {error, {function_not_exported_or_specced,MFA}}
+ end;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec make_spec_test(mfa(), fun_repr(), timeout(), false_positive_mfas(), state()) ->
+ rich_result2(proper:test(),state()).
+make_spec_test({Mod,_Fun,_Arity}=MFA, {Domain,_Range}=FunRepr, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs, State) ->
+ case convert(Mod, {type,0,'$fixed_list',Domain}, State) of
+ {ok,FinType,NewState} ->
+ Test = ?FORALL(Args, FinType, apply_spec_test(MFA, FunRepr, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs, Args)),
+ {ok, Test, NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec apply_spec_test(mfa(), fun_repr(), timeout(), false_positive_mfas(), term()) -> proper:test().
+apply_spec_test({Mod,Fun,_Arity}=MFA, {_Domain,Range}, SpecTimeout, FalsePositiveMFAs, Args) ->
+ ?TIMEOUT(SpecTimeout,
+ begin
+ %% NOTE: only call apply/3 inside try/catch (do not trust ?MODULE:is_instance/3)
+ Result =
+ try apply(Mod,Fun,Args) of
+ X -> {ok, X}
+ catch
+ X:Y -> {X, Y}
+ end,
+ case Result of
+ {ok, Z} ->
+ case ?MODULE:is_instance(Z,Mod,Range) of
+ true ->
+ true;
+ false when is_function(FalsePositiveMFAs) ->
+ FalsePositiveMFAs(MFA, Args, {fail, Z});
+ false ->
+ false
+ end;
+ Exception when is_function(FalsePositiveMFAs) ->
+ case FalsePositiveMFAs(MFA, Args, Exception) of
+ true ->
+ true;
+ false ->
+ error(Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ end;
+ Exception ->
+ error(Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace())
+ end
+ end).
+-spec get_exp_specced(mod_name(), state()) -> rich_result2([mfa()],state()).
+get_exp_specced(Mod, State) ->
+ case add_module(Mod, State) of
+ {ok,#state{exp_specs = ExpSpecs} = NewState} ->
+ ModExpSpecs = dict:fetch(Mod, ExpSpecs),
+ ExpSpecced = [{Mod,F,A} || {F,A} <- dict:fetch_keys(ModExpSpecs)],
+ {ok, ExpSpecced, NewState};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec get_type_repr(mod_name(), type_ref(), boolean(), state()) ->
+ rich_result2(type_repr(),state()).
+get_type_repr(Mod, {type,Name,Arity} = TypeRef, true, State) ->
+ case prepare_for_remote(Mod, Name, Arity, State) of
+ {ok,NewState} ->
+ get_type_repr(Mod, TypeRef, false, NewState);
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+get_type_repr(Mod, TypeRef, false, #state{types = Types} = State) ->
+ ModTypes = dict:fetch(Mod, Types),
+ case dict:find(TypeRef, ModTypes) of
+ {ok,TypeRepr} ->
+ {ok, TypeRepr, State};
+ error ->
+ {error, {missing_type,Mod,TypeRef}}
+ end.
+-spec prepare_for_remote(mod_name(), type_name(), arity(), state()) ->
+ rich_result(state()).
+prepare_for_remote(RemMod, Name, Arity, State) ->
+ case add_module(RemMod, State) of
+ {ok,#state{exp_types = ExpTypes} = NewState} ->
+ RemModExpTypes = dict:fetch(RemMod, ExpTypes),
+ case sets:is_element({Name,Arity}, RemModExpTypes) of
+ true -> {ok, NewState};
+ false -> {error, {type_not_exported,{RemMod,Name,Arity}}}
+ end;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec translate_type(imm_type(), state()) -> rich_result2(fin_type(),state()).
+translate_type({Mod,Str} = ImmType, #state{cached = Cached} = State) ->
+ case dict:find(ImmType, Cached) of
+ {ok,Type} ->
+ {ok, Type, State};
+ error ->
+ case parse_type(Str) of
+ {ok,TypeForm} ->
+ case add_module(Mod, State) of
+ {ok,NewState} ->
+ case convert(Mod, TypeForm, NewState) of
+ {ok,FinType,
+ #state{cached = Cached} = FinalState} ->
+ NewCached = dict:store(ImmType, FinType,
+ Cached),
+ {ok, FinType,
+ FinalState#state{cached = NewCached}};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {error, {parse_error,Str,Reason}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec parse_type(string()) -> rich_result(abs_type()).
+parse_type(Str) ->
+ TypeStr = "-type mytype() :: " ++ Str ++ ".",
+ case erl_scan:string(TypeStr) of
+ {ok,Tokens,_EndLocation} ->
+ case erl_parse:parse_form(Tokens) of
+ {ok,{attribute,_Line,type,{mytype,TypeExpr,[]}}} ->
+ {ok, TypeExpr};
+ {error,_ErrorInfo} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ {error,ErrorInfo,_EndLocation} ->
+ {error, ErrorInfo}
+ end.
+-spec add_module(mod_name(), state()) -> rich_result(state()).
+add_module(Mod, #state{exp_types = ExpTypes} = State) ->
+ case dict:is_key(Mod, ExpTypes) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, State};
+ false ->
+ case get_code_and_exports(Mod) of
+ {ok,AbsCode,ModExpFuns} ->
+ RawModInfo = get_mod_info(Mod, AbsCode, ModExpFuns),
+ ModInfo = process_adts(Mod, RawModInfo),
+ {ok, store_mod_info(Mod,ModInfo,State)};
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ {error, {cant_load_code,Mod,Reason}}
+ end
+ end.
+%% @private
+-spec get_exp_info(mod_name()) -> rich_result2(mod_exp_types(),mod_exp_funs()).
+get_exp_info(Mod) ->
+ case get_code_and_exports(Mod) of
+ {ok,AbsCode,ModExpFuns} ->
+ RawModInfo = get_mod_info(Mod, AbsCode, ModExpFuns),
+ {ok, RawModInfo#mod_info.mod_exp_types, ModExpFuns};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec get_code_and_exports(mod_name()) ->
+ rich_result2([abs_form()],mod_exp_funs()).
+get_code_and_exports(Mod) ->
+ case code:get_object_code(Mod) of
+ {Mod, ObjBin, _ObjFileName} ->
+ case get_chunks(ObjBin) of
+ {ok,_AbsCode,_ModExpFuns} = Result ->
+ Result;
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ get_code_and_exports_from_source(Mod, Reason)
+ end;
+ error ->
+ get_code_and_exports_from_source(Mod, cant_find_object_file)
+ end.
+-spec get_code_and_exports_from_source(mod_name(), term()) ->
+ rich_result2([abs_form()],mod_exp_funs()).
+get_code_and_exports_from_source(Mod, ObjError) ->
+ SrcFileName = atom_to_list(Mod) ++ ?SRC_FILE_EXT,
+ case code:where_is_file(SrcFileName) of
+ FullSrcFileName when is_list(FullSrcFileName) ->
+ Opts = [binary,debug_info,return_errors,{d,'PROPER_REMOVE_PROPS'}],
+ case compile:file(FullSrcFileName, Opts) of
+ {ok,Mod,Binary} ->
+ get_chunks(Binary);
+ {error,Errors,_Warnings} ->
+ {error, {ObjError,{cant_compile_source_file,Errors}}}
+ end;
+ non_existing ->
+ {error, {ObjError,cant_find_source_file}}
+ end.
+-spec get_chunks(string() | binary()) ->
+ rich_result2([abs_form()],mod_exp_funs()).
+get_chunks(ObjFile) ->
+ case beam_lib:chunks(ObjFile, [abstract_code,exports]) of
+ {ok,{_Mod,[{abstract_code,AbsCodeChunk},{exports,ExpFunsList}]}} ->
+ case AbsCodeChunk of
+ {raw_abstract_v1,AbsCode} ->
+ %% HACK: Add a declaration for iolist() to every module
+ {ok, add_iolist(AbsCode), sets:from_list(ExpFunsList)};
+ no_abstract_code ->
+ {error, no_abstract_code};
+ _ ->
+ {error, unsupported_abstract_code_format}
+ end;
+ {error,beam_lib,Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+-spec add_iolist([abs_form()]) -> [abs_form()].
+add_iolist(Forms) ->
+ IOListDef =
+ {type,0,maybe_improper_list,
+ [{type,0,union,[{type,0,byte,[]},{type,0,binary,[]},
+ {type,0,iolist,[]}]},
+ {type,0,binary,[]}]},
+ IOListDecl = {attribute,0,type,{iolist,IOListDef,[]}},
+ [IOListDecl | Forms].
+-spec get_mod_info(mod_name(), [abs_form()], mod_exp_funs()) -> mod_info().
+get_mod_info(Mod, AbsCode, ModExpFuns) ->
+ StartModInfo = #mod_info{mod_exp_funs = ModExpFuns},
+ ImmModInfo = lists:foldl(fun add_mod_info/2, StartModInfo, AbsCode),
+ #mod_info{mod_specs = AllModSpecs} = ImmModInfo,
+ IsExported = fun(FunRef,_FunRepr) -> sets:is_element(FunRef,ModExpFuns) end,
+ ModExpSpecs = dict:filter(IsExported, AllModSpecs),
+ ModInfo = ImmModInfo#mod_info{mod_specs = ModExpSpecs},
+ case orddict:find(Mod, ?HARD_ADT_MODS) of
+ {ok,ModADTs} ->
+ #mod_info{mod_exp_types = ModExpTypes, mod_types = ModTypes,
+ mod_opaques = ModOpaques} = ModInfo,
+ ModADTsSet =
+ sets:from_list([ImmTypeRef
+ || {ImmTypeRef,_HardADTRepr} <- ModADTs]),
+ NewModExpTypes = sets:union(ModExpTypes, ModADTsSet),
+ NewModTypes = lists:foldl(fun store_hard_adt/2, ModTypes, ModADTs),
+ NewModOpaques = sets:union(ModOpaques, ModADTsSet),
+ ModInfo#mod_info{mod_exp_types = NewModExpTypes,
+ mod_types = NewModTypes,
+ mod_opaques = NewModOpaques};
+ error ->
+ ModInfo
+ end.
+-spec store_hard_adt({imm_type_ref(),hard_adt_repr()}, mod_types()) ->
+ mod_types().
+store_hard_adt({_ImmTypeRef,already_declared}, ModTypes) ->
+ ModTypes;
+store_hard_adt({{Name,Arity},{TypeForm,VarNames}}, ModTypes) ->
+ TypeRef = {type,Name,Arity},
+ TypeRepr = {abs_type,TypeForm,VarNames,not_symb},
+ dict:store(TypeRef, TypeRepr, ModTypes).
+-spec add_mod_info(abs_form(), mod_info()) -> mod_info().
+ #mod_info{mod_exp_types = ModExpTypes} = ModInfo) ->
+ NewModExpTypes = sets:union(sets:from_list(TypesList), ModExpTypes),
+ ModInfo#mod_info{mod_exp_types = NewModExpTypes};
+ #mod_info{mod_types = ModTypes} = ModInfo) ->
+ FieldInfo = [process_rec_field(F) || F <- Fields],
+ NewModTypes = dict:store({record,RecName,0}, {abs_record,FieldInfo},
+ ModTypes),
+ ModInfo#mod_info{mod_types = NewModTypes};
+ #mod_info{mod_types = ModTypes} = ModInfo) ->
+ case dict:is_key(RecName, ModTypes) of
+ true ->
+ ModInfo;
+ false ->
+ TypedRecord = {attribute,0,type,{{record,RecName},Fields,[]}},
+ add_mod_info(TypedRecord, ModInfo)
+ end;
+ #mod_info{mod_types = ModTypes,
+ mod_opaques = ModOpaques} = ModInfo)
+ when Kind =:= type; Kind =:= opaque ->
+ Arity = length(VarForms),
+ VarNames = [V || {var,_,V} <- VarForms],
+ %% TODO: No check whether variables are different, or non-'_'.
+ NewModTypes = dict:store({type,Name,Arity},
+ {abs_type,TypeForm,VarNames,not_symb}, ModTypes),
+ NewModOpaques =
+ case Kind of
+ type -> ModOpaques;
+ opaque -> sets:add_element({Name,Arity}, ModOpaques)
+ end,
+ ModInfo#mod_info{mod_types = NewModTypes, mod_opaques = NewModOpaques};
+add_mod_info({attribute,_Line,spec,{RawFunRef,[RawFirstClause | _Rest]}},
+ #mod_info{mod_specs = ModSpecs} = ModInfo) ->
+ FunRef = case RawFunRef of
+ {_Mod,Name,Arity} -> {Name,Arity};
+ {_Name,_Arity} = F -> F
+ end,
+ %% TODO: We just take the first function clause.
+ FirstClause = process_fun_clause(RawFirstClause),
+ NewModSpecs = dict:store(FunRef, FirstClause, ModSpecs),
+ ModInfo#mod_info{mod_specs = NewModSpecs};
+add_mod_info(_Form, ModInfo) ->
+ ModInfo.
+-spec process_rec_field(abs_rec_field()) -> {field_name(),abs_type()}.
+process_rec_field({record_field,_,{atom,_,FieldName}}) ->
+ {FieldName, {type,0,any,[]}};
+process_rec_field({record_field,_,{atom,_,FieldName},_Initialization}) ->
+ {FieldName, {type,0,any,[]}};
+process_rec_field({typed_record_field,RecField,FieldType}) ->
+ {FieldName,_} = process_rec_field(RecField),
+ {FieldName, FieldType}.
+-spec process_fun_clause(abs_type()) -> fun_clause_repr().
+process_fun_clause({type,_,'fun',[{type,_,product,Domain},Range]}) ->
+ {Domain, Range};
+process_fun_clause({type,_,bounded_fun,[MainClause,Constraints]}) ->
+ {RawDomain,RawRange} = process_fun_clause(MainClause),
+ VarSubsts = [{V,T} || {type,_,constraint,
+ [{atom,_,is_subtype},[{var,_,V},T]]} <- Constraints,
+ V =/= '_'],
+ VarSubstsDict = dict:from_list(VarSubsts),
+ Domain = [update_vars(A, VarSubstsDict, false) || A <- RawDomain],
+ Range = update_vars(RawRange, VarSubstsDict, false),
+ {Domain, Range}.
+-spec store_mod_info(mod_name(), mod_info(), state()) -> state().
+store_mod_info(Mod, #mod_info{mod_exp_types = ModExpTypes, mod_types = ModTypes,
+ mod_specs = ImmModExpSpecs},
+ #state{exp_types = ExpTypes, types = Types,
+ exp_specs = ExpSpecs} = State) ->
+ NewExpTypes = dict:store(Mod, ModExpTypes, ExpTypes),
+ NewTypes = dict:store(Mod, ModTypes, Types),
+ ModExpSpecs = dict:map(fun unbound_to_any/2, ImmModExpSpecs),
+ NewExpSpecs = dict:store(Mod, ModExpSpecs, ExpSpecs),
+ State#state{exp_types = NewExpTypes, types = NewTypes,
+ exp_specs = NewExpSpecs}.
+-spec unbound_to_any(fun_ref(), fun_repr()) -> fun_repr().
+unbound_to_any(_FunRef, {Domain,Range}) ->
+ EmptySubstsDict = dict:new(),
+ NewDomain = [update_vars(A,EmptySubstsDict,true) || A <- Domain],
+ NewRange = update_vars(Range, EmptySubstsDict, true),
+ {NewDomain, NewRange}.
+%% ADT translation functions
+-spec process_adts(mod_name(), mod_info()) -> mod_info().
+ #mod_info{mod_exp_types = ModExpTypes, mod_opaques = ModOpaques,
+ mod_specs = ModExpSpecs} = ModInfo) ->
+ %% TODO: No warning on unexported opaques.
+ case sets:to_list(sets:intersection(ModExpTypes,ModOpaques)) of
+ [] ->
+ ModInfo;
+ ModADTs ->
+ %% TODO: No warning on unexported API functions.
+ ModExpSpecsList = [{Name,Domain,Range}
+ || {{Name,_Arity},{Domain,Range}}
+ <- dict:to_list(ModExpSpecs)],
+ AddADT = fun(ADT,Acc) -> add_adt(Mod,ADT,Acc,ModExpSpecsList) end,
+ lists:foldl(AddADT, ModInfo, ModADTs)
+ end.
+-spec add_adt(mod_name(), imm_type_ref(), mod_info(), [proc_fun_ref()]) ->
+ mod_info().
+add_adt(Mod, {Name,Arity}, #mod_info{mod_types = ModTypes} = ModInfo,
+ ModExpFunSpecs) ->
+ ADTRef = {type,Name,Arity},
+ {abs_type,InternalRepr,VarNames,not_symb} = dict:fetch(ADTRef, ModTypes),
+ FullADTRef = {Mod,Name,Arity},
+ %% TODO: No warning on unsuitable range.
+ SymbCalls1 = [get_symb_call(FullADTRef,Spec) || Spec <- ModExpFunSpecs],
+ %% TODO: No warning on bad use of variables.
+ SymbCalls2 = [fix_vars(FullADTRef,Call,RangeVars,VarNames)
+ || {ok,Call,RangeVars} <- SymbCalls1],
+ case [Call || {ok,Call} <- SymbCalls2] of
+ [] ->
+ %% TODO: No warning on no acceptable spec.
+ ModInfo;
+ SymbCalls3 ->
+ NewADTRepr = {abs_type,{type,0,union,SymbCalls3},VarNames,
+ {orig_abs,InternalRepr}},
+ NewModTypes = dict:store(ADTRef, NewADTRepr, ModTypes),
+ ModInfo#mod_info{mod_types = NewModTypes}
+ end.
+-spec get_symb_call(full_imm_type_ref(), proc_fun_ref()) ->
+ tagged_result2(abs_type(),[var_name()]).
+get_symb_call({Mod,_TypeName,_Arity} = FullADTRef, {FunName,Domain,Range}) ->
+ BaseCall = {type,0,tuple,[{atom,0,'$call'},{atom,0,Mod},{atom,0,FunName},
+ {type,0,'$fixed_list',Domain}]},
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, BaseCall, Range, false).
+-spec unwrap_range(full_imm_type_ref(), abs_type() | next_step(), abs_type(),
+ boolean()) ->
+ tagged_result2(abs_type() | next_step(),[var_name()]).
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {paren_type,_,[Type]}, TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, Type, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}, TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, Type, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,_,list,[ElemType]}, TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_list(FullADTRef, Call, ElemType, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,_,maybe_improper_list,[Cont,_Term]},
+ TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_list(FullADTRef, Call, Cont, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,_,nonempty_list,[ElemType]}, TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_list(FullADTRef, Call, ElemType, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,_,nonempty_improper_list,[Cont,_Term]},
+ TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_list(FullADTRef, Call, Cont, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call,
+ {type,_,nonempty_maybe_improper_list,[Cont,_Term]}, TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_list(FullADTRef, Call, Cont, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(_FullADTRef, _Call, {type,_,tuple,any}, _TestRun) ->
+ error;
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,_,tuple,FieldForms}, TestRun) ->
+ Translates = fun(T) -> unwrap_range(FullADTRef,none,T,true) =/= error end,
+ case proper_arith:find_first(Translates, FieldForms) of
+ none ->
+ error;
+ {TargetPos,TargetElem} ->
+ Pattern = get_pattern(TargetPos, FieldForms),
+ case TestRun of
+ true ->
+ NewCall =
+ case Call of
+ none -> {match_with,Pattern};
+ _ -> Call
+ end,
+ {ok, NewCall, []};
+ false ->
+ AbsPattern = term_to_singleton_type(Pattern),
+ NewCall =
+ {type,0,tuple,
+ [{atom,0,'$call'},{atom,0,?MODULE},{atom,0,match},
+ {type,0,'$fixed_list',[AbsPattern,Call]}]},
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, NewCall, TargetElem, TestRun)
+ end
+ end;
+unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,_,union,Choices}, TestRun) ->
+ TestedChoices = [unwrap_range(FullADTRef,none,C,true) || C <- Choices],
+ NotError = fun(error) -> false; (_) -> true end,
+ case proper_arith:find_first(NotError, TestedChoices) of
+ none ->
+ error;
+ {_ChoicePos,{ok,none,_RangeVars}} ->
+ error;
+ {ChoicePos,{ok,NextStep,_RangeVars}} ->
+ {A, [ChoiceElem|B]} = lists:split(ChoicePos-1, Choices),
+ OtherChoices = A ++ B,
+ DistinctChoice =
+ case NextStep of
+ take_head ->
+ fun cant_have_head/1;
+ {match_with,Pattern} ->
+ fun(C) -> cant_match(Pattern, C) end
+ end,
+ case {lists:all(DistinctChoice,OtherChoices), TestRun} of
+ {true,true} ->
+ {ok, NextStep, []};
+ {true,false} ->
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, ChoiceElem, TestRun);
+ {false,_} ->
+ error
+ end
+ end;
+unwrap_range({_Mod,SameName,Arity}, Call, {type,_,SameName,ArgForms},
+ _TestRun) ->
+ RangeVars = [V || {var,_,V} <- ArgForms, V =/= '_'],
+ case length(ArgForms) =:= Arity andalso length(RangeVars) =:= Arity of
+ true -> {ok, Call, RangeVars};
+ false -> error
+ end;
+unwrap_range({SameMod,SameName,_Arity} = FullADTRef, Call,
+ {remote_type,_,[{atom,_,SameMod},{atom,_,SameName},ArgForms]},
+ TestRun) ->
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, Call, {type,0,SameName,ArgForms}, TestRun);
+unwrap_range(_FullADTRef, _Call, _Range, _TestRun) ->
+ error.
+-spec unwrap_list(full_imm_type_ref(), abs_type() | next_step(), abs_type(),
+ boolean()) ->
+ tagged_result2(abs_type() | next_step(),[var_name()]).
+unwrap_list(FullADTRef, Call, HeadType, TestRun) ->
+ NewCall =
+ case TestRun of
+ true ->
+ case Call of
+ none -> take_head;
+ _ -> Call
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {type,0,tuple,[{atom,0,'$call'},{atom,0,erlang},{atom,0,hd},
+ {type,0,'$fixed_list',[Call]}]}
+ end,
+ unwrap_range(FullADTRef, NewCall, HeadType, TestRun).
+-spec fix_vars(full_imm_type_ref(), abs_type(), [var_name()], [var_name()]) ->
+ tagged_result(abs_type()).
+fix_vars(FullADTRef, Call, RangeVars, VarNames) ->
+ NotAnyVar = fun(V) -> V =/= '_' end,
+ case no_duplicates(VarNames) andalso lists:all(NotAnyVar,VarNames) of
+ true ->
+ RawUsedVars =
+ collect_vars(FullADTRef, Call, [[V] || V <- RangeVars]),
+ UsedVars = [lists:usort(L) || L <- RawUsedVars],
+ case correct_var_use(UsedVars) of
+ true ->
+ PairAll = fun(L,Y) -> [{X,{var,0,Y}} || X <- L] end,
+ VarSubsts =
+ lists:flatten(lists:zipwith(PairAll,UsedVars,VarNames)),
+ VarSubstsDict = dict:from_list(VarSubsts),
+ {ok, update_vars(Call,VarSubstsDict,true)};
+ false ->
+ error
+ end;
+ false ->
+ error
+ end.
+-spec no_duplicates(list()) -> boolean().
+no_duplicates(L) ->
+ length(lists:usort(L)) =:= length(L).
+-spec correct_var_use([[var_name() | 0]]) -> boolean().
+correct_var_use(UsedVars) ->
+ NoNonVarArgs = fun([0|_]) -> false; (_) -> true end,
+ lists:all(NoNonVarArgs, UsedVars)
+ andalso no_duplicates(lists:flatten(UsedVars)).
+-spec collect_vars(full_imm_type_ref(), abs_type(), [[var_name() | 0]]) ->
+ [[var_name() | 0]].
+collect_vars(FullADTRef, {paren_type,_,[Type]}, UsedVars) ->
+ collect_vars(FullADTRef, Type, UsedVars);
+collect_vars(FullADTRef, {ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}, UsedVars) ->
+ collect_vars(FullADTRef, Type, UsedVars);
+collect_vars(_FullADTRef, {type,_,tuple,any}, UsedVars) ->
+ UsedVars;
+collect_vars({_Mod,SameName,Arity} = FullADTRef, {type,_,SameName,ArgForms},
+ UsedVars) ->
+ case length(ArgForms) =:= Arity of
+ true ->
+ VarArgs = [V || {var,_,V} <- ArgForms, V =/= '_'],
+ case length(VarArgs) =:= Arity of
+ true ->
+ AddToList = fun(X,L) -> [X | L] end,
+ lists:zipwith(AddToList, VarArgs, UsedVars);
+ false ->
+ [[0|L] || L <- UsedVars]
+ end;
+ false ->
+ multi_collect_vars(FullADTRef, ArgForms, UsedVars)
+ end;
+collect_vars(FullADTRef, {type,_,_Name,ArgForms}, UsedVars) ->
+ multi_collect_vars(FullADTRef, ArgForms, UsedVars);
+collect_vars({SameMod,SameName,_Arity} = FullADTRef,
+ {remote_type,_,[{atom,_,SameMod},{atom,_,SameName},ArgForms]},
+ UsedVars) ->
+ collect_vars(FullADTRef, {type,0,SameName,ArgForms}, UsedVars);
+collect_vars(FullADTRef, {remote_type,_,[_RemModForm,_NameForm,ArgForms]},
+ UsedVars) ->
+ multi_collect_vars(FullADTRef, ArgForms, UsedVars);
+collect_vars(_FullADTRef, _Call, UsedVars) ->
+ UsedVars.
+-spec multi_collect_vars(full_imm_type_ref(), [abs_type()],
+ [[var_name() | 0]]) -> [[var_name() | 0]].
+multi_collect_vars({_Mod,_Name,Arity} = FullADTRef, Forms, UsedVars) ->
+ NoUsedVars = lists:duplicate(Arity, []),
+ MoreUsedVars = [collect_vars(FullADTRef,T,NoUsedVars) || T <- Forms],
+ CombineVars = fun(L1,L2) -> lists:zipwith(fun erlang:'++'/2, L1, L2) end,
+ lists:foldl(CombineVars, UsedVars, MoreUsedVars).
+-type var_substs_dict() :: dict().
+-type var_substs_dict() :: dict:dict(var_name(),abs_type()).
+-spec update_vars(abs_type(), var_substs_dict(), boolean()) -> abs_type().
+update_vars({paren_type,Line,[Type]}, VarSubstsDict, UnboundToAny) ->
+ {paren_type, Line, [update_vars(Type,VarSubstsDict,UnboundToAny)]};
+update_vars({ann_type,Line,[Var,Type]}, VarSubstsDict, UnboundToAny) ->
+ {ann_type, Line, [Var,update_vars(Type,VarSubstsDict,UnboundToAny)]};
+update_vars({var,Line,VarName} = Call, VarSubstsDict, UnboundToAny) ->
+ case dict:find(VarName, VarSubstsDict) of
+ {ok,SubstType} ->
+ SubstType;
+ error when UnboundToAny =:= false ->
+ Call;
+ error when UnboundToAny =:= true ->
+ {type,Line,any,[]}
+ end;
+update_vars({remote_type,Line,[RemModForm,NameForm,ArgForms]}, VarSubstsDict,
+ UnboundToAny) ->
+ NewArgForms = [update_vars(A,VarSubstsDict,UnboundToAny) || A <- ArgForms],
+ {remote_type, Line, [RemModForm,NameForm,NewArgForms]};
+update_vars({type,_,tuple,any} = Call, _VarSubstsDict, _UnboundToAny) ->
+ Call;
+update_vars({type,Line,Name,ArgForms}, VarSubstsDict, UnboundToAny) ->
+ {type, Line, Name, [update_vars(A,VarSubstsDict,UnboundToAny)
+ || A <- ArgForms]};
+update_vars(Call, _VarSubstsDict, _UnboundToAny) ->
+ Call.
+%% Match-related functions
+-spec get_pattern(position(), [abs_type()]) -> pattern().
+get_pattern(TargetPos, FieldForms) ->
+ {0,RevPattern} = lists:foldl(fun add_field/2, {TargetPos,[]}, FieldForms),
+ list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(RevPattern)).
+-spec add_field(abs_type(), {non_neg_integer(),[pat_field()]}) ->
+ {non_neg_integer(),[pat_field(),...]}.
+add_field(_Type, {1,Acc}) ->
+ {0, [1|Acc]};
+add_field({atom,_,Tag}, {Left,Acc}) ->
+ {erlang:max(0,Left-1), [Tag|Acc]};
+add_field(_Type, {Left,Acc}) ->
+ {erlang:max(0,Left-1), [0|Acc]}.
+%% @private
+-spec match(pattern(), tuple()) -> term().
+match(Pattern, Term) when tuple_size(Pattern) =:= tuple_size(Term) ->
+ match(tuple_to_list(Pattern), tuple_to_list(Term), none, false);
+match(_Pattern, _Term) ->
+ throw(no_match).
+-spec match([pat_field()], [term()], 'none' | {'ok',T}, boolean()) -> T.
+match([], [], {ok,Target}, _TypeMode) ->
+ Target;
+match([0|PatRest], [_|ToMatchRest], Acc, TypeMode) ->
+ match(PatRest, ToMatchRest, Acc, TypeMode);
+match([1|PatRest], [Target|ToMatchRest], none, TypeMode) ->
+ match(PatRest, ToMatchRest, {ok,Target}, TypeMode);
+match([Tag|PatRest], [X|ToMatchRest], Acc, TypeMode) when is_atom(Tag) ->
+ MatchesTag =
+ case TypeMode of
+ true -> can_be_tag(Tag, X);
+ false -> Tag =:= X
+ end,
+ case MatchesTag of
+ true -> match(PatRest, ToMatchRest, Acc, TypeMode);
+ false -> throw(no_match)
+ end.
+%% CAUTION: these must be sorted
+ [arity,binary,bitstring,byte,char,float,'fun',function,integer,iodata,
+ iolist,list,maybe_improper_list,mfa,neg_integer,nil,no_return,
+ non_neg_integer,none,nonempty_improper_list,nonempty_list,
+ nonempty_maybe_improper_list,nonempty_string,number,pid,port,
+ pos_integer,range,record,reference,string,tuple]).
+ [arity,atom,binary,bitstring,bool,boolean,byte,char,float,'fun',
+ function,identifier,integer,iodata,iolist,list,maybe_improper_list,
+ neg_integer,nil,no_return,node,non_neg_integer,none,
+ nonempty_improper_list,nonempty_list,nonempty_maybe_improper_list,
+ nonempty_string,number,pid,port,pos_integer,range,reference,string,
+ timeout]).
+ [arity,atom,binary,bitstring,bool,boolean,byte,char,float,'fun',
+ function,identifier,integer,mfa,module,neg_integer,nil,no_return,node,
+ non_neg_integer,none,number,pid,port,pos_integer,range,record,
+ reference,timeout,tuple]).
+-spec can_be_tag(atom(), abs_type()) -> boolean().
+can_be_tag(Tag, {ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}) ->
+ can_be_tag(Tag, Type);
+can_be_tag(Tag, {paren_type,_,[Type]}) ->
+ can_be_tag(Tag, Type);
+can_be_tag(Tag, {atom,_,Atom}) ->
+ Tag =:= Atom;
+can_be_tag(_Tag, {integer,_,_Int}) ->
+ false;
+can_be_tag(_Tag, {op,_,_Op,_Arg}) ->
+ false;
+can_be_tag(_Tag, {op,_,_Op,_Arg1,_Arg2}) ->
+ false;
+can_be_tag(Tag, {type,_,BName,[]}) when BName =:= bool; BName =:= boolean ->
+ is_boolean(Tag);
+can_be_tag(Tag, {type,_,timeout,[]}) ->
+ Tag =:= infinity;
+can_be_tag(Tag, {type,_,union,Choices}) ->
+ lists:any(fun(C) -> can_be_tag(Tag,C) end, Choices);
+can_be_tag(_Tag, {type,_,Name,_Args}) ->
+ not ordsets:is_element(Name, ?NON_ATOM_TYPES);
+can_be_tag(_Tag, _Type) ->
+ true.
+-spec cant_match(pattern(), abs_type()) -> boolean().
+cant_match(Pattern, {ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}) ->
+ cant_match(Pattern, Type);
+cant_match(Pattern, {paren_type,_,[Type]}) ->
+ cant_match(Pattern, Type);
+cant_match(_Pattern, {atom,_,_Atom}) ->
+ true;
+cant_match(_Pattern, {integer,_,_Int}) ->
+ true;
+cant_match(_Pattern, {op,_,_Op,_Arg}) ->
+ true;
+cant_match(_Pattern, {op,_,_Op,_Arg1,_Arg2}) ->
+ true;
+cant_match(Pattern, {type,_,mfa,[]}) ->
+ cant_match(Pattern, {type,0,tuple,[{type,0,atom,[]},{type,0,atom,[]},
+ {type,0,arity,[]}]});
+cant_match(Pattern, {type,_,union,Choices}) ->
+ lists:all(fun(C) -> cant_match(Pattern,C) end, Choices);
+cant_match(_Pattern, {type,_,tuple,any}) ->
+ false;
+cant_match(Pattern, {type,_,tuple,Fields}) ->
+ tuple_size(Pattern) =/= length(Fields) orelse
+ try match(tuple_to_list(Pattern), Fields, none, true) of
+ _ -> false
+ catch
+ throw:no_match -> true
+ end;
+cant_match(_Pattern, {type,_,Name,_Args}) ->
+ ordsets:is_element(Name, ?NON_TUPLE_TYPES);
+cant_match(_Pattern, _Type) ->
+ false.
+-spec cant_have_head(abs_type()) -> boolean().
+cant_have_head({ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}) ->
+ cant_have_head(Type);
+cant_have_head({paren_type,_,[Type]}) ->
+ cant_have_head(Type);
+cant_have_head({atom,_,_Atom}) ->
+ true;
+cant_have_head({integer,_,_Int}) ->
+ true;
+cant_have_head({op,_,_Op,_Arg}) ->
+ true;
+cant_have_head({op,_,_Op,_Arg1,_Arg2}) ->
+ true;
+cant_have_head({type,_,union,Choices}) ->
+ lists:all(fun cant_have_head/1, Choices);
+cant_have_head({type,_,Name,_Args}) ->
+ ordsets:is_element(Name, ?NO_HEAD_TYPES);
+cant_have_head(_Type) ->
+ false.
+%% Only covers atoms, integers and tuples, i.e. those that can be specified
+%% through singleton types.
+-spec term_to_singleton_type(atom() | integer()
+ | loose_tuple(atom() | integer())) -> abs_type().
+term_to_singleton_type(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
+ {atom,0,Atom};
+term_to_singleton_type(Int) when is_integer(Int), Int >= 0 ->
+ {integer,0,Int};
+term_to_singleton_type(Int) when is_integer(Int), Int < 0 ->
+ {op,0,'-',{integer,0,-Int}};
+term_to_singleton_type(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+ Fields = tuple_to_list(Tuple),
+ {type,0,tuple,[term_to_singleton_type(F) || F <- Fields]}.
+%% Instance testing functions
+%% CAUTION: this must be sorted
+ [{arity, {type,0,range,[{integer,0,0},{integer,0,255}]}},
+ {bool, {type,0,boolean,[]}},
+ {byte, {type,0,range,[{integer,0,0},{integer,0,255}]}},
+ {char, {type,0,range,[{integer,0,0},{integer,0,16#10ffff}]}},
+ {function, {type,0,'fun',[]}},
+ {identifier, {type,0,union,[{type,0,pid,[]},{type,0,port,[]},
+ {type,0,reference,[]}]}},
+ {iodata, {type,0,union,[{type,0,binary,[]},{type,0,iolist,[]}]}},
+ {iolist, {type,0,maybe_improper_list,
+ [{type,0,union,[{type,0,byte,[]},{type,0,binary,[]},
+ {type,0,iolist,[]}]},
+ {type,0,binary,[]}]}},
+ {list, {type,0,list,[{type,0,any,[]}]}},
+ {maybe_improper_list, {type,0,maybe_improper_list,[{type,0,any,[]},
+ {type,0,any,[]}]}},
+ {mfa, {type,0,tuple,[{type,0,atom,[]},{type,0,atom,[]},
+ {type,0,arity,[]}]}},
+ {node, {type,0,atom,[]}},
+ {nonempty_list, {type,0,nonempty_list,[{type,0,any,[]}]}},
+ {nonempty_maybe_improper_list, {type,0,nonempty_maybe_improper_list,
+ [{type,0,any,[]},{type,0,any,[]}]}},
+ {nonempty_string, {type,0,nonempty_list,[{type,0,char,[]}]}},
+ {string, {type,0,list,[{type,0,char,[]}]}},
+ {term, {type,0,any,[]}},
+ {timeout, {type,0,union,[{atom,0,infinity},
+ {type,0,non_neg_integer,[]}]}}]).
+%% @private
+%% TODO: Most of these functions accept an extended form of abs_type(), namely
+%% the addition of a custom wrapper: {'from_mod',mod_name(),...}
+-spec is_instance(term(), mod_name(), abs_type()) -> boolean().
+is_instance(X, Mod, TypeForm) ->
+ is_instance(X, Mod, TypeForm, []).
+-spec is_instance(term(), mod_name(), abs_type(), imm_stack()) -> boolean().
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {from_mod,OrigMod,Type}, Stack) ->
+ is_instance(X, OrigMod, Type, Stack);
+is_instance(_X, _Mod, {var,_,'_'}, _Stack) ->
+ true;
+is_instance(_X, _Mod, {var,_,Name}, _Stack) ->
+ %% All unconstrained spec vars have been replaced by 'any()' and we always
+ %% replace the variables on the RHS of types before recursing into them.
+ %% Provided that '-type' declarations contain no unbound variables, we
+ %% don't expect to find any non-'_' variables while recursing.
+ throw({'$typeserver',{unbound_var_in_type_declaration,Name}});
+is_instance(X, Mod, {ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}, Stack) ->
+ is_instance(X, Mod, Type, Stack);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {paren_type,_,[Type]}, Stack) ->
+ is_instance(X, Mod, Type, Stack);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {remote_type,_,[{atom,_,RemMod},{atom,_,Name},ArgForms]},
+ Stack) ->
+ is_custom_instance(X, Mod, RemMod, Name, ArgForms, true, Stack);
+is_instance(SameAtom, _Mod, {atom,_,SameAtom}, _Stack) ->
+ true;
+is_instance(SameInt, _Mod, {integer,_,SameInt}, _Stack) ->
+ true;
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {op,_,_Op,_Arg} = Expr, _Stack) ->
+ is_int_const(X, Expr);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {op,_,_Op,_Arg1,_Arg2} = Expr, _Stack) ->
+ is_int_const(X, Expr);
+is_instance(_X, _Mod, {type,_,any,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ true;
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,atom,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_atom(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,binary,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_binary(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,binary,[BaseExpr,UnitExpr]}, _Stack) ->
+ %% <<_:X,_:_*Y>> means "bitstrings of X + k*Y bits, k >= 0"
+ case eval_int(BaseExpr) of
+ {ok,Base} when Base >= 0 ->
+ case eval_int(UnitExpr) of
+ {ok,Unit} when Unit >= 0 ->
+ case is_bitstring(X) of
+ true ->
+ BitSizeX = bit_size(X),
+ case Unit =:= 0 of
+ true ->
+ BitSizeX =:= Base;
+ false ->
+ BitSizeX >= Base
+ andalso
+ (BitSizeX - Base) rem Unit =:= 0
+ end;
+ false -> false
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ abs_expr_error(invalid_unit, UnitExpr)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ abs_expr_error(invalid_base, BaseExpr)
+ end;
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,bitstring,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_bitstring(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,boolean,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_boolean(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,float,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_float(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,'fun',[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_function(X);
+%% TODO: how to check range type? random inputs? special case for 0-arity?
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,'fun',[{type,_,any,[]},_Range]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_function(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,'fun',[{type,_,product,Domain},_Range]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_function(X, length(Domain));
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,integer,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_integer(X);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,list,[Type]}, _Stack) ->
+ list_test(X, Mod, Type, dummy, true, true, false);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,maybe_improper_list,[Cont,Term]}, _Stack) ->
+ list_test(X, Mod, Cont, Term, true, true, true);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,module,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_atom(X) orelse
+ is_tuple(X) andalso X =/= {} andalso is_atom(element(1,X));
+is_instance([], _Mod, {type,_,nil,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ true;
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,neg_integer,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_integer(X) andalso X < 0;
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,non_neg_integer,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_integer(X) andalso X >= 0;
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,nonempty_list,[Type]}, _Stack) ->
+ list_test(X, Mod, Type, dummy, false, true, false);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,nonempty_improper_list,[Cont,Term]}, _Stack) ->
+ list_test(X, Mod, Cont, Term, false, false, true);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,nonempty_maybe_improper_list,[Cont,Term]},
+ _Stack) ->
+ list_test(X, Mod, Cont, Term, false, true, true);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,number,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_number(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,pid,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_pid(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,port,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_port(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,pos_integer,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_integer(X) andalso X > 0;
+is_instance(_X, _Mod, {type,_,product,_Elements}, _Stack) ->
+ throw({'$typeserver',{internal,product_in_is_instance}});
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,range,[LowExpr,HighExpr]}, _Stack) ->
+ case {eval_int(LowExpr),eval_int(HighExpr)} of
+ {{ok,Low},{ok,High}} when Low =< High ->
+ X >= Low andalso X =< High;
+ _ ->
+ abs_expr_error(invalid_range, LowExpr, HighExpr)
+ end;
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,record,[{atom,_,Name} = NameForm | RawSubsts]},
+ Stack) ->
+ Substs = [{N,T} || {type,_,field_type,[{atom,_,N},T]} <- RawSubsts],
+ SubstsDict = dict:from_list(Substs),
+ case get_type_repr(Mod, {record,Name,0}, false) of
+ {ok,{abs_record,OrigFields}} ->
+ Fields = [case dict:find(FieldName, SubstsDict) of
+ {ok,NewFieldType} -> NewFieldType;
+ error -> OrigFieldType
+ end
+ || {FieldName,OrigFieldType} <- OrigFields],
+ is_instance(X, Mod, {type,0,tuple,[NameForm|Fields]}, Stack);
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ throw({'$typeserver',Reason})
+ end;
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,reference,[]}, _Stack) ->
+ is_reference(X);
+is_instance(X, _Mod, {type,_,tuple,any}, _Stack) ->
+ is_tuple(X);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,tuple,Fields}, _Stack) ->
+ is_tuple(X) andalso tuple_test(tuple_to_list(X), Mod, Fields);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,union,Choices}, Stack) ->
+ IsInstance = fun(Choice) -> is_instance(X,Mod,Choice,Stack) end,
+ lists:any(IsInstance, Choices);
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,Name,[]}, Stack) ->
+ case orddict:find(Name, ?EQUIV_TYPES) of
+ {ok,EquivType} ->
+ is_instance(X, Mod, EquivType, Stack);
+ error ->
+ is_maybe_hard_adt(X, Mod, Name, [], Stack)
+ end;
+is_instance(X, Mod, {type,_,Name,ArgForms}, Stack) ->
+ is_maybe_hard_adt(X, Mod, Name, ArgForms, Stack);
+is_instance(_X, _Mod, _Type, _Stack) ->
+ false.
+-spec is_int_const(term(), abs_expr()) -> boolean().
+is_int_const(X, Expr) ->
+ case eval_int(Expr) of
+ {ok,Int} ->
+ X =:= Int;
+ error ->
+ abs_expr_error(invalid_int_const, Expr)
+ end.
+%% TODO: We implicitly add the '| []' at the termination of maybe_improper_list.
+%% TODO: We ignore a '[]' termination in improper_list.
+-spec list_test(term(), mod_name(), abs_type(), 'dummy' | abs_type(), boolean(),
+ boolean(), boolean()) -> boolean().
+list_test(X, Mod, Content, Termination, CanEmpty, CanProper, CanImproper) ->
+ is_list(X) andalso
+ list_rec(X, Mod, Content, Termination, CanEmpty, CanProper, CanImproper).
+-spec list_rec(term(), mod_name(), abs_type(), 'dummy' | abs_type(), boolean(),
+ boolean(), boolean()) -> boolean().
+list_rec([], _Mod, _Content, _Termination, CanEmpty, CanProper, _CanImproper) ->
+ CanEmpty andalso CanProper;
+list_rec([X | Rest], Mod, Content, Termination, _CanEmpty, CanProper,
+ CanImproper) ->
+ is_instance(X, Mod, Content, []) andalso
+ list_rec(Rest, Mod, Content, Termination, true, CanProper, CanImproper);
+list_rec(X, Mod, _Content, Termination, _CanEmpty, _CanProper, CanImproper) ->
+ CanImproper andalso is_instance(X, Mod, Termination, []).
+-spec tuple_test([term()], mod_name(), [abs_type()]) -> boolean().
+tuple_test([], _Mod, []) ->
+ true;
+tuple_test([X | XTail], Mod, [T | TTail]) ->
+ is_instance(X, Mod, T, []) andalso tuple_test(XTail, Mod, TTail);
+tuple_test(_, _Mod, _) ->
+ false.
+-spec is_maybe_hard_adt(term(), mod_name(), type_name(), [abs_type()],
+ imm_stack()) -> boolean().
+is_maybe_hard_adt(X, Mod, Name, ArgForms, Stack) ->
+ case orddict:find({Name,length(ArgForms)}, ?HARD_ADTS) of
+ {ok,ADTMod} ->
+ is_custom_instance(X, Mod, ADTMod, Name, ArgForms, true, Stack);
+ error ->
+ is_custom_instance(X, Mod, Mod, Name, ArgForms, false, Stack)
+ end.
+-spec is_custom_instance(term(), mod_name(), mod_name(), type_name(),
+ [abs_type()], boolean(), imm_stack()) -> boolean().
+is_custom_instance(X, Mod, RemMod, Name, RawArgForms, IsRemote, Stack) ->
+ ArgForms = case Mod =/= RemMod of
+ true -> [{from_mod,Mod,A} || A <- RawArgForms];
+ false -> RawArgForms
+ end,
+ Arity = length(ArgForms),
+ FullTypeRef = {RemMod,Name,Arity},
+ case lists:member(FullTypeRef, Stack) of
+ true ->
+ throw({'$typeserver',{self_reference,FullTypeRef}});
+ false ->
+ TypeRef = {type,Name,Arity},
+ AbsType = get_abs_type(RemMod, TypeRef, ArgForms, IsRemote),
+ is_instance(X, RemMod, AbsType, [FullTypeRef|Stack])
+ end.
+-spec get_abs_type(mod_name(), type_ref(), [abs_type()], boolean()) ->
+ abs_type().
+get_abs_type(RemMod, TypeRef, ArgForms, IsRemote) ->
+ case get_type_repr(RemMod, TypeRef, IsRemote) of
+ {ok,TypeRepr} ->
+ {FinalAbsType,SymbInfo,VarNames} =
+ case TypeRepr of
+ {cached,_FinType,FAT,SI} -> {FAT,SI,[]};
+ {abs_type,FAT,VN,SI} -> {FAT,SI,VN}
+ end,
+ AbsType =
+ case SymbInfo of
+ not_symb -> FinalAbsType;
+ {orig_abs,OrigAbsType} -> OrigAbsType
+ end,
+ VarSubstsDict = dict:from_list(lists:zip(VarNames,ArgForms)),
+ update_vars(AbsType, VarSubstsDict, false);
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ throw({'$typeserver',Reason})
+ end.
+-spec abs_expr_error(atom(), abs_expr()) -> no_return().
+abs_expr_error(ImmReason, Expr) ->
+ {error,Reason} = expr_error(ImmReason, Expr),
+ throw({'$typeserver',Reason}).
+-spec abs_expr_error(atom(), abs_expr(), abs_expr()) -> no_return().
+abs_expr_error(ImmReason, Expr1, Expr2) ->
+ {error,Reason} = expr_error(ImmReason, Expr1, Expr2),
+ throw({'$typeserver',Reason}).
+%% Type translation functions
+-spec convert(mod_name(), abs_type(), state()) ->
+ rich_result2(fin_type(),state()).
+convert(Mod, TypeForm, State) ->
+ case convert(Mod, TypeForm, State, [], dict:new()) of
+ {ok,{simple,Type},NewState} ->
+ {ok, Type, NewState};
+ {ok,{rec,_RecFun,_RecArgs},_NewState} ->
+ {error, {internal,rec_returned_to_toplevel}};
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+-spec convert(mod_name(), abs_type(), state(), stack(), var_dict()) ->
+ rich_result2(ret_type(),state()).
+convert(Mod, {paren_type,_,[Type]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert(Mod, Type, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {ann_type,_,[_Var,Type]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert(Mod, Type, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(_Mod, {var,_,'_'}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:any()}, State};
+convert(_Mod, {var,_,VarName}, State, _Stack, VarDict) ->
+ case dict:find(VarName, VarDict) of
+ %% TODO: do we need to check if we are at toplevel of a recursive?
+ {ok,RetType} -> {ok, RetType, State};
+ error -> {error, {unbound_var,VarName}}
+ end;
+convert(Mod, {remote_type,_,[{atom,_,RemMod},{atom,_,Name},ArgForms]}, State,
+ Stack, VarDict) ->
+ case prepare_for_remote(RemMod, Name, length(ArgForms), State) of
+ {ok,NewState} ->
+ convert_custom(Mod,RemMod,Name,ArgForms,NewState,Stack,VarDict);
+ {error,_Reason} = Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+convert(_Mod, {atom,_,Atom}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:exactly(Atom)}, State};
+convert(_Mod, {integer,_,_Int} = IntExpr, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ convert_integer(IntExpr, State);
+convert(_Mod, {op,_,_Op,_Arg} = OpExpr, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ convert_integer(OpExpr, State);
+convert(_Mod, {op,_,_Op,_Arg1,_Arg2} = OpExpr, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ convert_integer(OpExpr, State);
+convert(_Mod, {type,_,binary,[BaseExpr,UnitExpr]}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ %% <<_:X,_:_*Y>> means "bitstrings of X + k*Y bits, k >= 0"
+ case eval_int(BaseExpr) of
+ {ok,0} ->
+ case eval_int(UnitExpr) of
+ {ok,0} -> {ok, {simple,proper_types:exactly(<<>>)}, State};
+ {ok,1} -> {ok, {simple,proper_types:bitstring()}, State};
+ {ok,8} -> {ok, {simple,proper_types:binary()}, State};
+ {ok,N} when N > 0 ->
+ Gen = ?LET(L, proper_types:list(proper_types:bitstring(N)),
+ concat_bitstrings(L)),
+ {ok, {simple,Gen}, State};
+ _ -> expr_error(invalid_unit, UnitExpr)
+ end;
+ {ok,Base} when Base > 0 ->
+ Head = proper_types:bitstring(Base),
+ case eval_int(UnitExpr) of
+ {ok,0} -> {ok, {simple,Head}, State};
+ {ok,1} ->
+ Tail = proper_types:bitstring(),
+ {ok, {simple,concat_binary_gens(Head, Tail)}, State};
+ {ok,8} ->
+ Tail = proper_types:binary(),
+ {ok, {simple,concat_binary_gens(Head, Tail)}, State};
+ {ok,N} when N > 0 ->
+ Tail =
+ ?LET(L, proper_types:list(proper_types:bitstring(N)),
+ concat_bitstrings(L)),
+ {ok, {simple,concat_binary_gens(Head, Tail)}, State};
+ _ -> expr_error(invalid_unit, UnitExpr)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ expr_error(invalid_base, BaseExpr)
+ end;
+convert(_Mod, {type,_,range,[LowExpr,HighExpr]}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ case {eval_int(LowExpr),eval_int(HighExpr)} of
+ {{ok,Low},{ok,High}} when Low =< High ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:integer(Low,High)}, State};
+ _ ->
+ expr_error(invalid_range, LowExpr, HighExpr)
+ end;
+convert(_Mod, {type,_,nil,[]}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:exactly([])}, State};
+convert(Mod, {type,_,list,[ElemForm]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert_list(Mod, false, ElemForm, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,nonempty_list,[ElemForm]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert_list(Mod, true, ElemForm, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(_Mod, {type,_,nonempty_list,[]}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:non_empty(proper_types:list())}, State};
+convert(_Mod, {type,_,nonempty_string,[]}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:non_empty(proper_types:string())}, State};
+convert(_Mod, {type,_,tuple,any}, State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:tuple()}, State};
+convert(Mod, {type,_,tuple,ElemForms}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert_tuple(Mod, ElemForms, false, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,'$fixed_list',ElemForms}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert_tuple(Mod, ElemForms, true, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,record,[{atom,_,Name}|FieldForms]}, State, Stack,
+ VarDict) ->
+ convert_record(Mod, Name, FieldForms, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,union,ChoiceForms}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert_union(Mod, ChoiceForms, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,'fun',[{type,_,product,Domain},Range]}, State, Stack,
+ VarDict) ->
+ convert_fun(Mod, length(Domain), Range, State, Stack, VarDict);
+%% TODO: These types should be replaced with accurate types.
+%% TODO: Add support for nonempty_improper_list/2.
+convert(Mod, {type,_,maybe_improper_list,[]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert(Mod, {type,0,list,[]}, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,maybe_improper_list,[Cont,_Ter]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert(Mod, {type,0,list,[Cont]}, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,nonempty_maybe_improper_list,[]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert(Mod, {type,0,nonempty_list,[]}, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,nonempty_maybe_improper_list,[Cont,_Term]}, State, Stack,
+ VarDict) ->
+ convert(Mod, {type,0,nonempty_list,[Cont]}, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,iodata,[]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ RealType = {type,0,union,[{type,0,binary,[]},{type,0,iolist,[]}]},
+ convert(Mod, RealType, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(Mod, {type,_,Name,[]}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ case ordsets:is_element(Name, ?STD_TYPES_0) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, {simple,proper_types:Name()}, State};
+ false ->
+ convert_maybe_hard_adt(Mod, Name, [], State, Stack, VarDict)
+ end;
+convert(Mod, {type,_,Name,ArgForms}, State, Stack, VarDict) ->
+ convert_maybe_hard_adt(Mod, Name, ArgForms, State, Stack, VarDict);
+convert(_Mod, TypeForm, _State, _Stack, _VarDict) ->
+ {error, {unsupported_type,TypeForm}}.
+-spec concat_bitstrings([bitstring()]) -> bitstring().
+concat_bitstrings(BitStrings) ->
+ concat_bitstrings_tr(BitStrings, <<>>).
+-spec concat_bitstrings_tr([bitstring()], bitstring()) -> bitstring().
+concat_bitstrings_tr([], Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+concat_bitstrings_tr([BitString | Rest], Acc) ->
+ concat_bitstrings_tr(Rest, <