From 0c6a8375990e491405e2282e5e038d384727f1e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Micael Karlberg
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2018 18:30:09 +0100
Subject: [sock-nif|test] Add a ping-pong test case
We got some kind of send hang...
erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c | 20 +-
erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl | 1408 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
2 files changed, 1224 insertions(+), 204 deletions(-)
(limited to 'erts')
diff --git a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
index 27395b5cf6..389d43ee42 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
@@ -13314,12 +13314,6 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM send_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "send_check_result -> try again\r\n") );
- /*
- * SHOULD RESULT IN {error, eagain}!!!!
- *
- */
- written = 0;
@@ -13349,7 +13343,8 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM send_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
descP, NULL, sendRef);
SSDBG( descP,
- ("SOCKET", "send_check_result -> not entire package written\r\n") );
+ ("SOCKET", "send_check_result -> "
+ "not entire package written (%d of %d)\r\n", written, dataSize) );
return esock_make_ok2(env, MKI(env, written));
@@ -13687,15 +13682,26 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM recv_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
} else if ((saveErrno == ERRNO_BLOCK) ||
(saveErrno == EAGAIN)) {
+ int sres;
SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET",
"recv_check_result -> [%d] eagain\r\n", toRead) );
if ((xres = recv_init_current_reader(env, descP, recvRef)) != NULL)
return esock_make_error_str(env, xres);
+ SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "recv_check_result -> SELECT for more\r\n") );
+ /*
SELECT(env, descP->sock, (ERL_NIF_SELECT_READ),
descP, NULL, recvRef);
+ */
+ sres = enif_select(env, descP->sock, (ERL_NIF_SELECT_READ),
+ descP, NULL, recvRef);
+ SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "recv_check_result -> SELECT res: %d\r\n", sres) );
return esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_eagain);
} else {
ERL_NIF_TERM res = esock_make_error_errno(env, saveErrno);
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
index 7a1a362181..90e9407f6a 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
@@ -88,7 +88,19 @@
%% Traffic
- traffic_send_and_recv_chunks_tcp6/1
+ traffic_send_and_recv_chunks_tcp6/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6/1,
+ %% traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
+ %% traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6/1,
+ %% traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
+ %% traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6/1%,
+ %% traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
+ %% traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1
%% Tickets
@@ -115,6 +127,8 @@
-define(TT(T), ct:timetrap(T)).
+-define(LIB, socket_test_lib).
@@ -243,7 +257,20 @@ sc_rc_cases() ->
traffic_cases() ->
- traffic_send_and_recv_chunks_tcp6
+ traffic_send_and_recv_chunks_tcp6,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6,
+ %% traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+ %% traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6,
+ %% traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+ %% traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
+ traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4,
+ traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6%% ,
+ %% traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+ %% traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6
@@ -5713,6 +5740,8 @@ traffic_send_and_recv_chunks_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
traffic_send_and_recv_chunks_tcp(InitState) ->
ServerSeq =
@@ -6663,223 +6692,1189 @@ traffic_snr_tcp_client_await_terminate(Parent) ->
-%% This gets the local address (not 127.0...)
-%% We should really implement this using the (new) net module,
-%% but until that gets the necessary functionality...
-which_local_addr(Domain) ->
- case inet:getifaddrs() of
- {ok, IFL} ->
- which_addr(Domain, IFL);
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?FAIL({inet, getifaddrs, Reason})
- end.
-which_addr(_Domain, []) ->
- ?FAIL(no_address);
-which_addr(Domain, [{Name, IFO}|_IFL]) when (Name =/= "lo") ->
- which_addr2(Domain, IFO);
-which_addr(Domain, [_|IFL]) ->
- which_addr(Domain, IFL).
-which_addr2(_Domain, []) ->
- ?FAIL(no_address);
-which_addr2(inet = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO]) when (size(Addr) =:= 4) ->
- Addr;
-which_addr2(inet6 = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO]) when (size(Addr) =:= 8) ->
- Addr;
-which_addr2(Domain, [_|IFO]) ->
- which_addr2(Domain, IFO).
-start_node(Host, NodeName) ->
- UniqueNodeName = f("~w_~w", [NodeName, erlang:unique_integer([positive])]),
- case do_start_node(Host, UniqueNodeName) of
- {ok, _} = OK ->
- OK;
- {error, Reason, _} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
-do_start_node(Host, NodeName) when is_list(NodeName) ->
- do_start_node(Host, list_to_atom(NodeName));
-do_start_node(Host, NodeName) when is_atom(NodeName) ->
- Dir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
- Flags = "-pa " ++ Dir,
- Opts = [{monitor_master, true}, {erl_flags, Flags}],
- ct_slave:start(Host, NodeName, Opts).
-stop_node(Node) ->
- case ct_slave:stop(Node) of
- {ok, _} ->
- ok;
- {error, _} = ERROR ->
- end.
+%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
+%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'small' message test case, for IPv4.
+traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4,
+ fun() ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(15)),
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
+ %% Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock, 0, 5000) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock) end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
-sock_open(Domain, Type, Proto) ->
- try socket:open(Domain, Type, Proto) of
- {ok, Socket} ->
- Socket;
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?FAIL({open, Reason})
- catch
- C:E:S ->
- ?FAIL({open, C, E, S})
- end.
-sock_bind(Sock, SockAddr) ->
- try socket:bind(Sock, SockAddr) of
- {ok, Port} ->
- Port;
- {error, Reason} ->
- i("sock_bind -> error: ~p", [Reason]),
- ?FAIL({bind, Reason})
- catch
- C:E:S ->
- i("sock_bind -> failed: ~p, ~p, ~p", [C, E, S]),
- ?FAIL({bind, C, E, S})
- end.
-sock_connect(Sock, SockAddr) ->
- try socket:connect(Sock, SockAddr) of
- ok ->
- ok;
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?FAIL({connect, Reason})
- catch
- C:E:S ->
- ?FAIL({connect, C, E, S})
- end.
-sock_sockname(Sock) ->
- try socket:sockname(Sock) of
- {ok, SockAddr} ->
- SockAddr;
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?FAIL({sockname, Reason})
- catch
- C:E:S ->
- ?FAIL({sockname, C, E, S})
- end.
-%% sock_listen(Sock) ->
-%% sock_listen2(fun() -> socket:listen(Sock) end).
-%% sock_listen(Sock, BackLog) ->
-%% sock_listen2(fun() -> socket:listen(Sock, BackLog) end).
-%% sock_listen2(Listen) ->
-%% try Listen() of
-%% ok ->
-%% ok;
-%% {error, Reason} ->
-%% ?FAIL({listen, Reason})
-%% catch
-%% C:E:S ->
-%% ?FAIL({listen, C, E, S})
-%% end.
-%% sock_accept(LSock) ->
-%% try socket:accept(LSock) of
-%% {ok, Sock} ->
-%% Sock;
-%% {error, Reason} ->
-%% i("sock_accept -> error: ~p", [Reason]),
-%% ?FAIL({accept, Reason})
-%% catch
-%% C:E:S ->
-%% i("sock_accept -> failed: ~p, ~p, ~p", [C, E, S]),
-%% ?FAIL({accept, C, E, S})
-%% end.
-sock_close(Sock) ->
- try socket:close(Sock) of
- ok ->
- ok;
- {error, Reason} ->
- i("sock_close -> error: ~p", [Reason]),
- ?FAIL({close, Reason})
- catch
- C:E:S ->
- i("sock_close -> failed: ~p, ~p, ~p", [C, E, S]),
- ?FAIL({close, C, E, S})
- end.
+%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
+%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'small' message test case, for IPv6.
+traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6,
+ fun() ->
+ not_yet_implemented(),
+ ?TT(?SECS(30)),
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock) end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet6,
+ send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
-not_yet_implemented() ->
- skip("not yet implemented").
-skip(Reason) ->
- throw({skip, Reason}).
+%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
+%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv4.
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4,
+ fun() ->
+ %% not_yet_implemented(),
+ ?TT(?SECS(30)),
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock) end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
+%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
+%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv6.
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6,
+ fun() ->
+ not_yet_implemented(),
+ ?TT(?SECS(30)),
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock) end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet6,
+ send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
-t() ->
- os:timestamp().
-tdiff({A1, B1, C1} = _T1x, {A2, B2, C2} = _T2x) ->
- T1 = A1*1000000000+B1*1000+(C1 div 1000),
- T2 = A2*1000000000+B2*1000+(C2 div 1000),
- T2 - T1.
-formated_timestamp() ->
- format_timestamp(os:timestamp()).
+%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
+%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'large' message test case, for IPv4.
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4,
+ fun() ->
+ %% not_yet_implemented(),
+ ?TT(?MINS(5)),
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock) end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
-format_timestamp({_N1, _N2, _N3} = TS) ->
- {_Date, Time} = calendar:now_to_local_time(TS),
- %% {YYYY,MM,DD} = Date,
- {Hour,Min,Sec} = Time,
- %% FormatTS =
- %% io_lib:format("~.4w-~.2.0w-~.2.0w ~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w.~w",
- %% [YYYY, MM, DD, Hour, Min, Sec, N3]),
- FormatTS = io_lib:format("~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w", [Hour, Min, Sec]),
- lists:flatten(FormatTS).
+%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
+%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'large' message test case, for IPv6.
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6,
+ fun() ->
+ not_yet_implemented(),
+ ?TT(?MINS(5)),
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock) end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet6,
+ send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
-set_tc_name(N) when is_atom(N) ->
- set_tc_name(atom_to_list(N));
-set_tc_name(N) when is_list(N) ->
- put(tc_name, N).
-%% get_tc_name() ->
-%% get(tc_name).
-tc_begin(TC) ->
- set_tc_name(TC),
- tc_print("begin ***",
- "~n----------------------------------------------------~n", "").
-tc_end(Result) when is_list(Result) ->
- tc_print("done: ~s", [Result],
- "", "----------------------------------------------------~n~n"),
- ok.
+-define(SMALL, lists:seq(1, 8)).
+-define(MEDIUM, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(1024, ?SMALL))).
+-define(LARGE, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(1024, ?MEDIUM))).
+traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?SMALL),
+ Num = 100000,
+ Fun = fun(_) -> ok end, %% Fun to update the buffers: Not needed here
+ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState#{msg => Msg,
+ num => Num,
+ buf_init => Fun}).
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?MEDIUM),
+ Num = 100000,
+ Fun = fun(_) -> ok end, %% Fun to update the buffers: MAYBE needed here
+ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState#{msg => Msg,
+ num => Num,
+ buf_init => Fun}).
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?LARGE),
+ Num = 10,
+ Fun = fun(Sock) ->
+ ok = socket:setopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf, 64*1024*1024),
+ ok = socket:setopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf, 64*1024*1024),
+ %% ok = socket:setopt(Sock, otp, rcvbuf, 64*1024*1024),
+ %% ok = socket:setopt(Sock, otp, sndbuf, 64*1024*1024),
+ ok
+ end, %% Fun to update the buffers: NEEDED here!!!
+ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState#{msg => Msg,
+ num => Num,
+ buf_init => Fun}).
+traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
+ ServerSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Wait for start order part ***
+ #{desc => "await start",
+ cmd => fun(State) ->
+ Tester = ?SEV_AWAIT_START(),
+ {ok, State#{tester => Tester}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor tester",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Tester),
+ ok
+ end},
-tc_try(Case, Fun) when is_atom(Case) andalso is_function(Fun, 0) ->
- tc_begin(Case),
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "which local address",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain} = State) ->
+ LAddr = which_local_addr(Domain),
+ LSA = #{family => Domain, addr => LAddr},
+ {ok, State#{local_sa => LSA}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "create listen socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain} = State) ->
+ case socket:open(Domain, stream, tcp) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ {ok, State#{lsock => Sock}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "bind to local address",
+ cmd => fun(#{lsock := LSock, local_sa := LSA} = State) ->
+ case socket:bind(LSock, LSA) of
+ {ok, Port} ->
+ {ok, State#{lport => Port}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "make listen socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{lsock := LSock}) ->
+ socket:listen(LSock)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester, local_sa := LSA, lport := Port}) ->
+ ServerSA = LSA#{port => Port},
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, init, ServerSA),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% The actual test
+ #{desc => "await continue (accept)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, accept)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "accept",
+ cmd => fun(#{lsock := LSock} = State) ->
+ case socket:accept(LSock) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ {ok, State#{csock => Sock}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "create handler",
+ cmd => fun(State) ->
+ Handler = tpp_tcp_handler_create(),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("handler created: ~p", [Handler]),
+ {ok, State#{handler => Handler}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor handler",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Handler),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "transfer connection socket ownership to handler",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler, csock := Sock} = _State) ->
+ socket:setopt(Sock, otp, controlling_process, Handler)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "start handler",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler,
+ csock := Sock,
+ buf_init := BufInit,
+ send := Send,
+ recv := Recv} = _State) ->
+ {Sock, BufInit, Send, Recv}),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await handler ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ handler := Handler} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Handler, handler, init,
+ [{tester, Tester}]) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(csock, State)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (accept)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, accept),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await continue (recv)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ handler := Handler} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, recv,
+ [{handler, Handler}])
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order handler to recv",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Handler, recv),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await handler ready (recv)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ handler := Handler} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Handler, handler, recv,
+ [{tester, Tester}]) of
+ {ok, Result} ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("Result: ~p", [Result]),
+ {ok, State#{result => Result}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (recv)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ result := Result} = State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, recv, Result),
+ {ok, maps:remove(result, State)}
+ end},
+ %% Termination
+ #{desc => "await terminate (from tester)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_TERMINATE(Tester, tester) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(tester, State)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "stop handler",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler}) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await handler termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler} = State) ->
+ State1 = maps:remove(handler, State),
+ {ok, State1}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "close listen socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{lsock := Sock} = State) ->
+ (catch socket:close(Sock)),
+ {ok, maps:remove(lsock, State)}
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ ClientSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Wait for start order part ***
+ #{desc => "await start",
+ cmd => fun(State) ->
+ {Tester, ServerSA} = ?SEV_AWAIT_START(),
+ {ok, State#{tester => Tester,
+ server_sa => ServerSA}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor tester",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Tester),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "create node",
+ cmd => fun(#{host := Host} = State) ->
+ case start_node(Host, client) of
+ {ok, Node} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("(remote) client node ~p started",
+ [Node]),
+ {ok, State#{node => Node}};
+ {error, Reason, _} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor client node",
+ cmd => fun(#{node := Node} = _State) ->
+ true = erlang:monitor_node(Node, true),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "create remote client",
+ cmd => fun(#{node := Node} = State) ->
+ Pid = tpp_tcp_client_create(Node),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("remote client created: ~p", [Pid]),
+ {ok, State#{rclient => Pid}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor remote client",
+ cmd => fun(#{rclient := Pid}) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order remote client to start",
+ cmd => fun(#{rclient := RClient,
+ server_sa := ServerSA,
+ buf_init := BufInit,
+ send := Send,
+ recv := Recv}) ->
+ {ServerSA, BufInit, Send, Recv}),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await remote client ready",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ rclient := RClient} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(RClient, rclient, init,
+ [{tester, Tester}])
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, init),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% The actual test
+ #{desc => "await continue (connect)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ rclient := RClient} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, connect,
+ [{rclient, RClient}]),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order remote client to continue (connect)",
+ cmd => fun(#{rclient := RClient}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(RClient, connect),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await remote client ready (connect)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ rclient := RClient} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(RClient, rclient, connect,
+ [{tester, Tester}])
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (connect)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, connect),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await continue (send)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ rclient := RClient} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester,
+ send,
+ [{rclient, RClient}])
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order remote client to continue (send)",
+ cmd => fun(#{rclient := RClient,
+ msg := Msg,
+ num := Num} = State) ->
+ Data = {Msg, Num},
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(RClient, send, Data),
+ {ok, maps:remove(data, State)}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await remote client ready (send)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ rclient := RClient} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(RClient, rclient, send,
+ [{tester, Tester}]) of
+ {ok, Result} ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("remote client result: "
+ %% "~n ~p", [Result]),
+ {ok, State#{result => Result}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (send)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester, result := Result} = State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, send, Result),
+ {ok, maps:remove(result, State)}
+ end},
+ %% Termination
+ #{desc => "await terminate (from tester)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ rclient := RClient} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_TERMINATE(Tester, tester,
+ [{rclient, RClient}]) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(tester, State)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "stop remote client",
+ cmd => fun(#{rclient := RClient}) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await remote client termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{rclient := RClient} = State) ->
+ State1 = maps:remove(rclient, State),
+ {ok, State1}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "stop client node",
+ cmd => fun(#{node := Node} = _State) ->
+ stop_node(Node)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client node termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{node := Node} = State) ->
+ receive
+ {nodedown, Node} ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(node, State)}
+ end
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ TesterSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "monitor server",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor client",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% Start the server
+ #{desc => "order server start",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = State) ->
+ {ok, ServerSA} = ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Pid, server, init),
+ {ok, State#{server_sa => ServerSA}}
+ end},
+ %% Start the client
+ #{desc => "order client start",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid,
+ server_sa := ServerSA} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok = ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Pid, client, init)
+ end},
+ %% The actual test
+ #{desc => "order server continue (accept)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order client continue (connect)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (accept)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server,
+ client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Server, server, accept,
+ [{client, Client}]),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (connect)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server,
+ client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Client, client, connect,
+ [{server, Server}])
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order server continue (recv)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order client continue (send)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (send)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server,
+ client := Client} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Client, client, send,
+ [{server, Server}]) of
+ {ok, {_, _, _, _} = Result} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("client result: "
+ "~n ~p", [Result]),
+ {ok, State#{client_result => Result}};
+ {ok, BadResult} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("client result: "
+ "~n ~p", [BadResult]),
+ {error, {invalid_client_result, BadResult}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (recv)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server,
+ client := Client,
+ num := Num} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Server, server, recv,
+ [{client, Client}]) of
+ {ok, {Num, _, _, _, _} = Result} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("server result: "
+ "~n ~p", [Result]),
+ Result2 = erlang:delete_element(1, Result),
+ {ok, State#{server_result => Result2}};
+ {ok, BadResult} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("bad sever result: "
+ "~n ~p", [BadResult]),
+ {error, {invalid_server_result, BadResult}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "present result",
+ cmd => fun(#{server_result := SRes,
+ client_result := CRes,
+ num := Num} = State) ->
+ {SSent, SReceived, SStart, SStop} = SRes,
+ {CSent, CReceived, CStart, CStop} = CRes,
+ STime = tdiff(SStart, SStop),
+ CTime = tdiff(CStart, CStop),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("Results: "
+ "~n Server: ~w msec"
+ "~n ~w messages/msec exchanged"
+ "~n ~w bytes/msec sent"
+ "~n ~w bytes/msec received"
+ "~n Client: ~w msec"
+ "~n ~w messages/msec exchanged"
+ "~n ~w bytes/msec sent"
+ "~n ~w bytes/msec received",
+ [STime,
+ Num div STime,
+ SSent div STime,
+ SReceived div STime,
+ CTime,
+ Num div CTime,
+ CSent div CTime,
+ CReceived div CTime]),
+ State1 = maps:remove(server_result, State),
+ State2 = maps:remove(client_result, State),
+ {ok, State2}
+ end},
+ %% Terminations
+ #{desc => "order client to terminate",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = State) ->
+ ok ->
+ State1 = maps:remove(client, State),
+ {ok, State1};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order server to terminate",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = State) ->
+ ok ->
+ State1 = maps:remove(server, State),
+ {ok, State1};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ i("start server evaluator"),
+ ServerInitState = #{domain => maps:get(domain, InitState),
+ recv => maps:get(recv, InitState),
+ send => maps:get(send, InitState),
+ buf_init => maps:get(buf_init, InitState)},
+ Server = ?SEV_START("server", ServerSeq, ServerInitState),
+ i("start client evaluator(s)"),
+ ClientInitState = InitState#{host => local_host()},
+ Client = ?SEV_START("client", ClientSeq, ClientInitState),
+ i("start 'tester' evaluator"),
+ TesterInitState = #{server =>,
+ client =>,
+ num => maps:get(num, InitState)},
+ Tester = ?SEV_START("tester", TesterSeq, TesterInitState),
+ i("await evaluator"),
+ ok = ?SEV_AWAIT_FINISH([Server, Client, Tester]).
+tpp_tcp_handler_create() ->
+ Self = self(),
+ erlang:spawn(fun() -> tpp_tcp_handler(Self) end).
+tpp_tcp_handler(Parent) ->
+ tpp_tcp_handler_init(Parent),
+ {Sock, BufInit, Send, Recv} = tpp_tcp_handler_await_start(Parent),
+ tpp_tcp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, init),
+ tpp_tcp_handler_await_continue(Parent, recv),
+ Result = tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange(Sock, BufInit, Send, Recv),
+ tpp_tcp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, recv, Result),
+ Reason = tpp_tcp_handler_await_terminate(Parent),
+ exit(Reason).
+tpp_tcp_handler_init(Parent) ->
+ put(sname, "handler"),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("init"),
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parent),
+ ok.
+tpp_tcp_handler_await_start(Parent) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("await start"),
+tpp_tcp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, Slogan) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("announce ready (~p)", [Slogan]),
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Parent, Slogan).
+tpp_tcp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, Slogan, Extra) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("announce ready (~p)", [Slogan]),
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Parent, Slogan, Extra).
+tpp_tcp_handler_await_continue(Parent, Slogan) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("await continue (~p)", [Slogan]),
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Parent, parent, Slogan) of
+ ok ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("continue (~p): ok", [Slogan]),
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("continue (~p): error"
+ "~n ~p", [Slogan, Reason]),
+ exit({continue, Slogan, Reason})
+ end.
+tpp_tcp_handler_await_terminate(Parent) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("await terminate"),
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_TERMINATE(Parent, parent) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Reason
+ end.
+tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange(Sock, BufInit, Send, Recv) ->
+ ok = BufInit(Sock),
+ socket:setopt(Sock, otp, debug, true),
+ tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, 0, 0, 0, undefined).
+tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, N, Sent, Received, Start) ->
+ %% if (N =:= 1000) -> socket:setopt(Sock, otp, debug, true); true -> ok end,
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("[~w] try receive", [N]),
+ case Recv(Sock) of
+ {ok, Msg} ->
+ NewStart = if (Start =:= undefined) -> ?LIB:timestamp();
+ true -> Start end,
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("[~w] received - now try send", [N]),
+ case Send(Sock, Msg) of
+ ok ->
+ tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv,
+ N+1,
+ Sent+size(Msg),
+ Received+size(Msg),
+ NewStart);
+ {error, SReason} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("send (~w): ~p", [N, SReason]),
+ exit({send, SReason, N})
+ end;
+ %% {error, timeout} ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("timeout(~w) - try again", [N]),
+ %% case Send(Sock, list_to_binary("ping")) of
+ %% ok ->
+ %% exit({'ping-send', ok, N});
+ %% {error, Reason} ->
+ %% exit({'ping-send', Reason, N})
+ %% end;
+ {error, closed} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("closed - we are done: ~w, ~w, ~w", [N, Sent, Received]),
+ Stop = ?LIB:timestamp(),
+ {N, Sent, Received, Start, Stop};
+ {error, RReason} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("recv (~w): ~p", [N, RReason]),
+ exit({recv, RReason, N})
+ end.
+%% The (remote) client process
+tpp_tcp_client_create(Node) ->
+ Self = self(),
+ GL = group_leader(),
+ Fun = fun() -> tpp_tcp_client(Self, GL) end,
+ erlang:spawn(Node, Fun).
+tpp_tcp_client(Parent, GL) ->
+ tpp_tcp_client_init(Parent, GL),
+ {ServerSA, BufInit, Send, Recv} = tpp_tcp_client_await_start(Parent),
+ Domain = maps:get(family, ServerSA),
+ Sock = tpp_tcp_client_sock_open(Domain),
+ tpp_tcp_client_sock_bind(Sock, Domain),
+ tpp_tcp_client_announce_ready(Parent, init),
+ tpp_tcp_client_await_continue(Parent, connect),
+ tpp_tcp_client_sock_connect(Sock, ServerSA),
+ tpp_tcp_client_announce_ready(Parent, connect),
+ {InitMsg, Num} = tpp_tcp_client_await_continue(Parent, send),
+ Result = tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange(Sock, BufInit, Send, Recv, InitMsg, Num),
+ tpp_tcp_client_announce_ready(Parent, send, Result),
+ Reason = tpp_tcp_client_await_terminate(Parent),
+ tpp_tcp_client_sock_close(Sock),
+ exit(Reason).
+tpp_tcp_client_init(Parent, GL) ->
+ put(sname, "rclient"),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("init"),
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parent),
+ group_leader(self(), GL),
+ ok.
+tpp_tcp_client_await_start(Parent) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("await start"),
+tpp_tcp_client_announce_ready(Parent, Slogan) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("announce ready (~p)", [Slogan]),
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Parent, Slogan).
+tpp_tcp_client_announce_ready(Parent, Slogan, Extra) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("announce ready (~p): ~p", [Slogan, Extra]),
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Parent, Slogan, Extra).
+tpp_tcp_client_await_continue(Parent, Slogan) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("await continue (~p)", [Slogan]),
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Parent, parent, Slogan) of
+ ok ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("continue (~p): ok", [Slogan]),
+ ok;
+ {ok, Data} ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("continue (~p): ok with data", [Slogan]),
+ Data;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("continue (~p): error"
+ "~n ~p", [Slogan, Reason]),
+ exit({continue, Slogan, Reason})
+ end.
+tpp_tcp_client_await_terminate(Parent) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("await terminate"),
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_TERMINATE(Parent, parent) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Reason
+ end.
+tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange(Sock, BufInit, Send, Recv, InitMsg, Num) ->
+ ok = BufInit(Sock),
+ Start = ?LIB:timestamp(),
+ tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, InitMsg,
+ Num, 0, 0, 0, Start).
+tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, _Send, _Recv, _Msg,
+ Num, Num, Sent, Received,
+ Start) ->
+ Stop = ?LIB:timestamp(),
+ case socket:close(Sock) of
+ ok ->
+ {Sent, Received, Start, Stop};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({failed_closing, Reason})
+ end;
+tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, Msg,
+ Num, N, Sent, Received, Start) ->
+ d("[~w,~w] try send", [Num,N]),
+ case Send(Sock, Msg) of
+ ok ->
+ d("[~w,~w] sent - no try recv", [Num,N]),
+ case Recv(Sock) of
+ {ok, NewMsg} ->
+ tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv,
+ NewMsg, Num, N+1,
+ Sent+size(Msg),
+ Received+size(NewMsg),
+ Start);
+ {error, RReason} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("recv (~w of ~w): ~p", [N, Num, RReason]),
+ exit({recv, RReason, N})
+ end;
+ {error, SReason} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("send (~w of ~w): ~p", [N, Num, SReason]),
+ exit({send, SReason, N})
+ end.
+tpp_tcp_client_sock_open(Domain) ->
+ case socket:open(Domain, stream, tcp) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ Sock;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({open_failed, Reason})
+ end.
+tpp_tcp_client_sock_bind(Sock, Domain) ->
+ LAddr = which_local_addr(Domain),
+ LSA = #{family => Domain,
+ addr => LAddr},
+ case socket:bind(Sock, LSA) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({bind, Reason})
+ end.
+tpp_tcp_client_sock_connect(Sock, ServerSA) ->
+ case socket:connect(Sock, ServerSA) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({connect, Reason})
+ end.
+tpp_tcp_client_sock_close(Sock) ->
+ case socket:close(Sock) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({close, Reason})
+ end.
+%% This gets the local address (not 127.0...)
+%% We should really implement this using the (new) net module,
+%% but until that gets the necessary functionality...
+which_local_addr(Domain) ->
+ case inet:getifaddrs() of
+ {ok, IFL} ->
+ which_addr(Domain, IFL);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?FAIL({inet, getifaddrs, Reason})
+ end.
+which_addr(_Domain, []) ->
+ ?FAIL(no_address);
+which_addr(Domain, [{Name, IFO}|_IFL]) when (Name =/= "lo") ->
+ which_addr2(Domain, IFO);
+which_addr(Domain, [_|IFL]) ->
+ which_addr(Domain, IFL).
+which_addr2(_Domain, []) ->
+ ?FAIL(no_address);
+which_addr2(inet = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO]) when (size(Addr) =:= 4) ->
+ Addr;
+which_addr2(inet6 = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO]) when (size(Addr) =:= 8) ->
+ Addr;
+which_addr2(Domain, [_|IFO]) ->
+ which_addr2(Domain, IFO).
+start_node(Host, NodeName) ->
+ UniqueNodeName = f("~w_~w", [NodeName, erlang:system_time(millisecond)]),
+ case do_start_node(Host, UniqueNodeName) of
+ {ok, _} = OK ->
+ OK;
+ {error, Reason, _} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+do_start_node(Host, NodeName) when is_list(NodeName) ->
+ do_start_node(Host, list_to_atom(NodeName));
+do_start_node(Host, NodeName) when is_atom(NodeName) ->
+ Dir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+ Flags = "-pa " ++ Dir,
+ Opts = [{monitor_master, true}, {erl_flags, Flags}],
+ ct_slave:start(Host, NodeName, Opts).
+stop_node(Node) ->
+ case ct_slave:stop(Node) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ ok;
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
+sock_open(Domain, Type, Proto) ->
+ try socket:open(Domain, Type, Proto) of
+ {ok, Socket} ->
+ Socket;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?FAIL({open, Reason})
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?FAIL({open, C, E, S})
+ end.
+sock_bind(Sock, SockAddr) ->
+ try socket:bind(Sock, SockAddr) of
+ {ok, Port} ->
+ Port;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ i("sock_bind -> error: ~p", [Reason]),
+ ?FAIL({bind, Reason})
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ i("sock_bind -> failed: ~p, ~p, ~p", [C, E, S]),
+ ?FAIL({bind, C, E, S})
+ end.
+sock_connect(Sock, SockAddr) ->
+ try socket:connect(Sock, SockAddr) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?FAIL({connect, Reason})
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?FAIL({connect, C, E, S})
+ end.
+sock_sockname(Sock) ->
+ try socket:sockname(Sock) of
+ {ok, SockAddr} ->
+ SockAddr;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?FAIL({sockname, Reason})
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?FAIL({sockname, C, E, S})
+ end.
+%% sock_listen(Sock) ->
+%% sock_listen2(fun() -> socket:listen(Sock) end).
+%% sock_listen(Sock, BackLog) ->
+%% sock_listen2(fun() -> socket:listen(Sock, BackLog) end).
+%% sock_listen2(Listen) ->
+%% try Listen() of
+%% ok ->
+%% ok;
+%% {error, Reason} ->
+%% ?FAIL({listen, Reason})
+%% catch
+%% C:E:S ->
+%% ?FAIL({listen, C, E, S})
+%% end.
+%% sock_accept(LSock) ->
+%% try socket:accept(LSock) of
+%% {ok, Sock} ->
+%% Sock;
+%% {error, Reason} ->
+%% i("sock_accept -> error: ~p", [Reason]),
+%% ?FAIL({accept, Reason})
+%% catch
+%% C:E:S ->
+%% i("sock_accept -> failed: ~p, ~p, ~p", [C, E, S]),
+%% ?FAIL({accept, C, E, S})
+%% end.
+sock_close(Sock) ->
+ try socket:close(Sock) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ i("sock_close -> error: ~p", [Reason]),
+ ?FAIL({close, Reason})
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ i("sock_close -> failed: ~p, ~p, ~p", [C, E, S]),
+ ?FAIL({close, C, E, S})
+ end.
+not_yet_implemented() ->
+ skip("not yet implemented").
+skip(Reason) ->
+ throw({skip, Reason}).
+t() ->
+ os:timestamp().
+tdiff({A1, B1, C1} = _T1x, {A2, B2, C2} = _T2x) ->
+ T1 = A1*1000000000+B1*1000+(C1 div 1000),
+ T2 = A2*1000000000+B2*1000+(C2 div 1000),
+ T2 - T1.
+formated_timestamp() ->
+ format_timestamp(os:timestamp()).
+format_timestamp({_N1, _N2, _N3} = TS) ->
+ {_Date, Time} = calendar:now_to_local_time(TS),
+ %% {YYYY,MM,DD} = Date,
+ {Hour,Min,Sec} = Time,
+ %% FormatTS =
+ %% io_lib:format("~.4w-~.2.0w-~.2.0w ~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w.~w",
+ %% [YYYY, MM, DD, Hour, Min, Sec, N3]),
+ FormatTS = io_lib:format("~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w", [Hour, Min, Sec]),
+ lists:flatten(FormatTS).
+set_tc_name(N) when is_atom(N) ->
+ set_tc_name(atom_to_list(N));
+set_tc_name(N) when is_list(N) ->
+ put(tc_name, N).
+%% get_tc_name() ->
+%% get(tc_name).
+tc_begin(TC) ->
+ set_tc_name(TC),
+ tc_print("begin ***",
+ "~n----------------------------------------------------~n", "").
+tc_end(Result) when is_list(Result) ->
+ tc_print("done: ~s", [Result],
+ "", "----------------------------------------------------~n~n"),
+ ok.
+tc_try(Case, Fun) when is_atom(Case) andalso is_function(Fun, 0) ->
+ tc_begin(Case),
@@ -6923,6 +7918,9 @@ tc_which_name() ->
l2a(S) when is_list(S) ->
+l2b(L) when is_list(L) ->
+ list_to_binary(L).
b2l(B) when is_binary(B) ->
@@ -6953,6 +7951,22 @@ f(F, A) ->
%% i(Before ++ FStr ++ After, []).
+d(F, A) ->
+ d(get(dbg_fd), F, A).
+d(undefined, F, A) ->
+ [NodeNameStr|_] = string:split(atom_to_list(node()), [$@]),
+ DbgFileName = f("~s-dbg.txt", [NodeNameStr]),
+ case file:open(DbgFileName, [write]) of
+ {ok, FD} ->
+ put(dbg_fd, FD),
+ d(FD, F, A);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({failed_open_dbg_file, Reason})
+ end;
+d(FD, F, A) ->
+ io:format(FD, "~s~n", [f("[~s] " ++ F, [formated_timestamp()|A])]).
i(F) ->
i(F, []).
cgit v1.2.3
From d0df643ad994bbc609c52f83b814fc79624af501 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Micael Karlberg
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2018 14:14:48 +0100
Subject: [socket-nif] Inherit buffer sizes when accepting
An "accepted" socket will inherit the parent (listen) socket's
buffer sizes (rBufSz, rCtrlSz and wCtrlSz).
erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c | 15 ++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'erts')
diff --git a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
index 389d43ee42..82bf8305fc 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
@@ -4919,6 +4919,9 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM naccept_listening(ErlNifEnv* env,
accDescP->domain = descP->domain;
accDescP->type = descP->type;
accDescP->protocol = descP->protocol;
+ accDescP->rBufSz = descP->rBufSz; // Inherit buffer size
+ accDescP->rCtrlSz = descP->rCtrlSz; // Inherit buffer siez
+ accDescP->wCtrlSz = descP->wCtrlSz; // Inherit buffer size
accRef = enif_make_resource(env, accDescP);
enif_release_resource(accDescP); // We should really store a reference ...
@@ -9549,7 +9552,17 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM nsetopt_int_opt(ErlNifEnv* env,
int val;
if (GET_INT(env, eVal, &val)) {
- int res = socket_setopt(descP->sock, level, opt, &val, sizeof(val));
+ int res;
+ /*
+ SSDBG( descP,
+ ("SOCKET", "nsetopt_int_opt -> set option"
+ "\r\n opt: %d"
+ "\r\n val: %d"
+ "\r\n", opt, val) );
+ */
+ res = socket_setopt(descP->sock, level, opt, &val, sizeof(val));
if (res != 0)
result = esock_make_error_errno(env, sock_errno());
cgit v1.2.3
From c6767f0a6dc66971df4425c216024c47993a310b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Micael Karlberg
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2018 14:17:09 +0100
Subject: [socket-nif|test] Biffer init and message sizes in ping-pong case
The ping-pong test case(s) now initiates the socket
buffers before they are connected (server: before listen is
called on the listen socket and client: before connect is called).
Also, we now include a length indicator in the messages, so
that we know how much to read.
erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl | 213 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 150 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
(limited to 'erts')
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
index 90e9407f6a..c2b8a8349f 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
@@ -6712,7 +6712,7 @@ traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
%% Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock, 0, 5000) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
InitState = #{domain => inet,
send => Send, % Send function
recv => Recv % Receive function
@@ -6740,7 +6740,7 @@ traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
InitState = #{domain => inet6,
send => Send, % Send function
recv => Recv % Receive function
@@ -6768,7 +6768,7 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
%% not_yet_implemented(),
Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
InitState = #{domain => inet,
send => Send, % Send function
recv => Recv % Receive function
@@ -6796,7 +6796,7 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
InitState = #{domain => inet6,
send => Send, % Send function
recv => Recv % Receive function
@@ -6825,7 +6825,7 @@ traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
%% not_yet_implemented(),
Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
InitState = #{domain => inet,
send => Send, % Send function
recv => Recv % Receive function
@@ -6853,7 +6853,7 @@ traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
InitState = #{domain => inet6,
send => Send, % Send function
recv => Recv % Receive function
@@ -6887,12 +6887,31 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
Msg = l2b(?LARGE),
- Num = 10,
+ Num = 1000,
Fun = fun(Sock) ->
- ok = socket:setopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf, 64*1024*1024),
- ok = socket:setopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf, 64*1024*1024),
- %% ok = socket:setopt(Sock, otp, rcvbuf, 64*1024*1024),
- %% ok = socket:setopt(Sock, otp, sndbuf, 64*1024*1024),
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("Socket buffers (before): "
+ %% "~n Rcv: ~p"
+ %% "~n Snd: ~p",
+ %% [socket:getopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf),
+ %% socket:getopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf)]),
+ {ok, RcvSz} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf),
+ if (RcvSz < size(Msg)) ->
+ ok = socket:setopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf, 1024+size(Msg));
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {ok, SndSz} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf),
+ if (SndSz < size(Msg)) ->
+ ok = socket:setopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf, 1024+size(Msg));
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ ok = socket:setopt(Sock, otp, rcvbuf, 8*1024),
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("Socket buffers (after): "
+ %% "~n Rcv: ~p"
+ %% "~n Snd: ~p",
+ %% [socket:getopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf),
+ %% socket:getopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf)]),
end, %% Fun to update the buffers: NEEDED here!!!
traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState#{msg => Msg,
@@ -6939,6 +6958,10 @@ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
+ #{desc => "maybe init buffers",
+ cmd => fun(#{lsock := LSock, buf_init := BufInit} = State) ->
+ BufInit(LSock)
+ end},
#{desc => "make listen socket",
cmd => fun(#{lsock := LSock}) ->
@@ -6982,11 +7005,9 @@ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
#{desc => "start handler",
cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler,
csock := Sock,
- buf_init := BufInit,
send := Send,
recv := Recv} = _State) ->
- {Sock, BufInit, Send, Recv}),
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_START(Handler, {Sock, Send, Recv}),
#{desc => "await handler ready (init)",
@@ -7346,25 +7367,35 @@ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
{CSent, CReceived, CStart, CStop} = CRes,
STime = tdiff(SStart, SStop),
CTime = tdiff(CStart, CStop),
- ?SEV_IPRINT("Results: "
+ %% Note that the sizes we are counting is only
+ %% the "data" part of the messages. There is also
+ %% fixed header for each message, which of cource
+ %% is small for the large messages, but comparatively
+ %% big for the small messages!
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("Results: ~w messages exchanged"
"~n Server: ~w msec"
- "~n ~w messages/msec exchanged"
+ "~n ~.2f msec/message (roundtrip)"
+ "~n ~.2f messages/msec (roundtrip)"
"~n ~w bytes/msec sent"
"~n ~w bytes/msec received"
"~n Client: ~w msec"
- "~n ~w messages/msec exchanged"
+ "~n ~.2f msec/message (roundtrip)"
+ "~n ~.2f messages/msec (roundtrip)"
"~n ~w bytes/msec sent"
"~n ~w bytes/msec received",
- [STime,
- Num div STime,
+ [Num,
+ STime,
+ STime / Num,
+ Num / STime,
SSent div STime,
SReceived div STime,
- Num div CTime,
+ CTime / Num,
+ Num / CTime,
CSent div CTime,
CReceived div CTime]),
State1 = maps:remove(server_result, State),
- State2 = maps:remove(client_result, State),
+ State2 = maps:remove(client_result, State1),
{ok, State2}
@@ -7432,10 +7463,10 @@ tpp_tcp_handler_create() ->
tpp_tcp_handler(Parent) ->
- {Sock, BufInit, Send, Recv} = tpp_tcp_handler_await_start(Parent),
+ {Sock, Send, Recv} = tpp_tcp_handler_await_start(Parent),
tpp_tcp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, init),
tpp_tcp_handler_await_continue(Parent, recv),
- Result = tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange(Sock, BufInit, Send, Recv),
+ Result = tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange(Sock, Send, Recv),
tpp_tcp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, recv, Result),
Reason = tpp_tcp_handler_await_terminate(Parent),
@@ -7478,25 +7509,24 @@ tpp_tcp_handler_await_terminate(Parent) ->
-tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange(Sock, BufInit, Send, Recv) ->
- ok = BufInit(Sock),
- socket:setopt(Sock, otp, debug, true),
+tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange(Sock, Send, Recv) ->
+ %% socket:setopt(Sock, otp, debug, true),
tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, 0, 0, 0, undefined).
tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, N, Sent, Received, Start) ->
%% if (N =:= 1000) -> socket:setopt(Sock, otp, debug, true); true -> ok end,
- ?SEV_IPRINT("[~w] try receive", [N]),
- case Recv(Sock) of
- {ok, Msg} ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("[~w] try receive", [N]),
+ case tpp_tcp_recv_req(Sock, Recv) of
+ {ok, Msg, RecvSz} ->
NewStart = if (Start =:= undefined) -> ?LIB:timestamp();
true -> Start end,
- ?SEV_IPRINT("[~w] received - now try send", [N]),
- case Send(Sock, Msg) of
- ok ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("[~w] received - now try send", [N]),
+ case tpp_tcp_send_rep(Sock, Send, Msg) of
+ {ok, SendSz} ->
tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv,
- Sent+size(Msg),
- Received+size(Msg),
+ Sent+SendSz,
+ Received+RecvSz,
{error, SReason} ->
?SEV_EPRINT("send (~w): ~p", [N, SReason]),
@@ -7531,14 +7561,14 @@ tpp_tcp_client(Parent, GL) ->
tpp_tcp_client_init(Parent, GL),
{ServerSA, BufInit, Send, Recv} = tpp_tcp_client_await_start(Parent),
Domain = maps:get(family, ServerSA),
- Sock = tpp_tcp_client_sock_open(Domain),
+ Sock = tpp_tcp_client_sock_open(Domain, BufInit),
tpp_tcp_client_sock_bind(Sock, Domain),
tpp_tcp_client_announce_ready(Parent, init),
tpp_tcp_client_await_continue(Parent, connect),
tpp_tcp_client_sock_connect(Sock, ServerSA),
tpp_tcp_client_announce_ready(Parent, connect),
{InitMsg, Num} = tpp_tcp_client_await_continue(Parent, send),
- Result = tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange(Sock, BufInit, Send, Recv, InitMsg, Num),
+ Result = tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange(Sock, Send, Recv, InitMsg, Num),
tpp_tcp_client_announce_ready(Parent, send, Result),
Reason = tpp_tcp_client_await_terminate(Parent),
@@ -7586,8 +7616,7 @@ tpp_tcp_client_await_terminate(Parent) ->
-tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange(Sock, BufInit, Send, Recv, InitMsg, Num) ->
- ok = BufInit(Sock),
+tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange(Sock, Send, Recv, InitMsg, Num) ->
Start = ?LIB:timestamp(),
tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, InitMsg,
Num, 0, 0, 0, Start).
@@ -7602,18 +7631,18 @@ tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, _Send, _Recv, _Msg,
{error, Reason} ->
exit({failed_closing, Reason})
-tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, Msg,
+tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, Data,
Num, N, Sent, Received, Start) ->
- d("[~w,~w] try send", [Num,N]),
- case Send(Sock, Msg) of
- ok ->
- d("[~w,~w] sent - no try recv", [Num,N]),
- case Recv(Sock) of
- {ok, NewMsg} ->
+ %% d("[~w,~w] try send", [Num,N]),
+ case tpp_tcp_send_req(Sock, Send, Data) of
+ {ok, SendSz} ->
+ %% d("[~w,~w] sent - no try recv", [Num,N]),
+ case tpp_tcp_recv_rep(Sock, Recv) of
+ {ok, NewData, RecvSz} ->
tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv,
- NewMsg, Num, N+1,
- Sent+size(Msg),
- Received+size(NewMsg),
+ NewData, Num, N+1,
+ Sent+SendSz,
+ Received+RecvSz,
{error, RReason} ->
?SEV_EPRINT("recv (~w of ~w): ~p", [N, Num, RReason]),
@@ -7624,9 +7653,10 @@ tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, Msg,
exit({send, SReason, N})
-tpp_tcp_client_sock_open(Domain) ->
+tpp_tcp_client_sock_open(Domain, BufInit) ->
case socket:open(Domain, stream, tcp) of
{ok, Sock} ->
+ ok = BufInit(Sock),
{error, Reason} ->
exit({open_failed, Reason})
@@ -7659,6 +7689,63 @@ tpp_tcp_client_sock_close(Sock) ->
exit({close, Reason})
+-define(TPP_REQUEST, 1).
+-define(TPP_REPLY, 2).
+tpp_tcp_recv_req(Sock, Recv) ->
+ tpp_tcp_recv(Sock, Recv, ?TPP_REQUEST).
+tpp_tcp_recv_rep(Sock, Recv) ->
+ tpp_tcp_recv(Sock, Recv, ?TPP_REPLY).
+tpp_tcp_recv(Sock, Recv, Tag) ->
+ case Recv(Sock, 0) of
+ {ok, <> = Msg}
+ when (Sz =:= size(Data)) ->
+ %% We got it all
+ {ok, Data, size(Msg)};
+ {ok, <> = Msg} ->
+ Remains = Sz - size(Data),
+ tpp_tcp_recv(Sock, Recv, Tag, Remains, size(Msg), [Data]);
+ {ok, <>} ->
+ {error, {invalid_msg_tag, Tag}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
+tpp_tcp_recv(Sock, Recv, Tag, Remaining, AccSz, Acc) ->
+ case Recv(Sock, Remaining) of
+ {ok, Data} when (Remaining =:= size(Data)) ->
+ %% We got the rest
+ TotSz = AccSz + size(Data),
+ {ok, erlang:iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse([Data | Acc])), TotSz};
+ {ok, Data} when (Remaining > size(Data)) ->
+ tpp_tcp_recv(Sock, Recv, Tag,
+ Remaining - size(Data), AccSz + size(Data),
+ [Data | Acc]);
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
+tpp_tcp_send_req(Sock, Send, Data) ->
+ tpp_tcp_send(Sock, Send, ?TPP_REQUEST, Data).
+tpp_tcp_send_rep(Sock, Send, Data) ->
+ tpp_tcp_send(Sock, Send, ?TPP_REPLY, Data).
+tpp_tcp_send(Sock, Send, Tag, Data) ->
+ DataSz = size(Data),
+ Msg = <>,
+ case Send(Sock, Msg) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, size(Msg)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
%% This gets the local address (not 127.0...)
@@ -7951,21 +8038,21 @@ f(F, A) ->
%% i(Before ++ FStr ++ After, []).
-d(F, A) ->
- d(get(dbg_fd), F, A).
+%% d(F, A) ->
+%% d(get(dbg_fd), F, A).
-d(undefined, F, A) ->
- [NodeNameStr|_] = string:split(atom_to_list(node()), [$@]),
- DbgFileName = f("~s-dbg.txt", [NodeNameStr]),
- case file:open(DbgFileName, [write]) of
- {ok, FD} ->
- put(dbg_fd, FD),
- d(FD, F, A);
- {error, Reason} ->
- exit({failed_open_dbg_file, Reason})
- end;
-d(FD, F, A) ->
- io:format(FD, "~s~n", [f("[~s] " ++ F, [formated_timestamp()|A])]).
+%% d(undefined, F, A) ->
+%% [NodeNameStr|_] = string:split(atom_to_list(node()), [$@]),
+%% DbgFileName = f("~s-dbg.txt", [NodeNameStr]),
+%% case file:open(DbgFileName, [write]) of
+%% {ok, FD} ->
+%% put(dbg_fd, FD),
+%% d(FD, F, A);
+%% {error, Reason} ->
+%% exit({failed_open_dbg_file, Reason})
+%% end;
+%% d(FD, F, A) ->
+%% io:format(FD, "~s~n", [f("[~s] " ++ F, [formated_timestamp()|A])]).
i(F) ->
i(F, []).
cgit v1.2.3
From 6fcbb97c0b7f082c4934d7765c6b63222f317ef2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Micael Karlberg
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 14:37:39 +0100
Subject: [socket-nif] Make it possible to send (nif) debug to file
Make it possible to open a file and send debug printouts to
(instead of stdout) for debug printouts from the nif-code.
erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_dbg.c | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_dbg.h | 8 ++++++--
2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
(limited to 'erts')
diff --git a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_dbg.c b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_dbg.c
index dd11fbca9b..fe9135e5a0 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_dbg.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_dbg.c
@@ -36,10 +36,32 @@
#define TNAME(__T__) enif_thread_name( __T__ )
+static FILE* dbgout = NULL;
static int realtime(struct timespec* tsP);
static int timespec2str(char *buf, unsigned int len, struct timespec *ts);
+void esock_dbg_init(char* filename)
+ if (filename != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp(filename, ESOCK_DBGOUT_DEFAULT) == 0) {
+ dbgout = stdout;
+ } else if (strcmp(filename, ESOCK_DBGOUT_UNIQUE) == 0) {
+ char template[] = "/tmp/esock-dbg-XXXXXX";
+ dbgout = fdopen(mkstemp(template), "w+");
+ } else {
+ dbgout = fopen(filename, "w+");
+ }
+ } else {
+ char template[] = "/tmp/esock-dbg-XXXXXX";
+ dbgout = fdopen(mkstemp(template), "w+");
+ }
* Print a debug format string *with* both a timestamp and the
* the name of the *current* thread.
@@ -70,7 +92,7 @@ void esock_dbg_printf( const char* prefix, const char* format, ... )
if (res > 0) {
va_start (args, format);
- enif_vfprintf (stdout, f, args);
+ enif_vfprintf (dbgout, f, args);
va_end (args);
diff --git a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_dbg.h b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_dbg.h
index ad0fcdada9..47739b46da 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_dbg.h
+++ b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_dbg.h
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
#ifndef SOCKET_DBG_H__
#define SOCKET_DBG_H__
+/* Used when calling the init function */
+#define ESOCK_DBGOUT_DEFAULT "stdout"
+#define ESOCK_DBGOUT_UNIQUE "unique"
/* Used in debug printouts */
#ifdef __WIN32__
@@ -45,7 +49,7 @@ typedef unsigned long long llu_t;
-void esock_dbg_printf( const char* prefix, const char* format, ... );
+extern void esock_dbg_init(char* filename);
+extern void esock_dbg_printf( const char* prefix, const char* format, ... );
#endif // SOCKET_DBG_H__
cgit v1.2.3
From 868950ba50185d68075e0eb14708beb5a7a5a63f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Micael Karlberg
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 14:40:14 +0100
Subject: [socket-nif] Sending when buffer is full failed
When the send buffer was full (eagain), the send failed
(with the rather useless return of {ok, -1}) instead of
returning {error, eagain}.
erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c | 17 ++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
(limited to 'erts')
diff --git a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
index 82bf8305fc..70a969e867 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
@@ -5583,7 +5583,7 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM nsendmsg(ErlNifEnv* env,
if (IS_SOCKET_ERROR(written))
save_errno = sock_errno();
- save_errno = -1; // The value does not actually matter in this case
+ save_errno = -1; // OK or not complete: this value should not matter in this case
res = send_check_result(env, descP, written, dataSize, save_errno, sendRef);
@@ -13327,7 +13327,12 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM send_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "send_check_result -> try again\r\n") );
+ SELECT(env, descP->sock, (ERL_NIF_SELECT_WRITE), descP, NULL, sendRef);
+ return esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_eagain);
/* We failed to write the *entire* packet (anything less then size
@@ -13352,8 +13357,7 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM send_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
cnt_inc(&descP->writeWaits, 1);
- SELECT(env, descP->sock, (ERL_NIF_SELECT_WRITE),
- descP, NULL, sendRef);
+ SELECT(env, descP->sock, (ERL_NIF_SELECT_WRITE), descP, NULL, sendRef);
SSDBG( descP,
("SOCKET", "send_check_result -> "
@@ -16736,12 +16740,12 @@ int esock_monitor(const char* slogan,
int res;
- SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "[%d] %s: try monitor", descP->sock, slogan) );
+ SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "[%d] %s: try monitor\r\n", descP->sock, slogan) );
/* esock_dbg_printf("MONP", "[%d] %s\r\n", descP->sock, slogan); */
res = enif_monitor_process(env, descP, pid, &monP->mon);
if (res != 0) {
- SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "[%d] monitor failed: %d", descP->sock, res) );
+ SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "[%d] monitor failed: %d\r\n", descP->sock, res) );
// esock_dbg_printf("MONP", "[%d] failed: %d\r\n", descP->sock, res);
} /* else {
@@ -17595,6 +17599,9 @@ BOOLEAN_T extract_iow(ErlNifEnv* env,
int on_load(ErlNifEnv* env, void** priv_data, ERL_NIF_TERM load_info)
+ esock_dbg_init(ESOCK_DBGOUT_DEFAULT);
+ // esock_dbg_init(ESOCK_DBGOUT_UNIQUE);
data.dbg = extract_debug(env, load_info);
data.iow = extract_iow(env, load_info);
cgit v1.2.3
From f18bd2a88d7bc8519cf5db611c4c530eedecba2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Micael Karlberg
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 14:43:07 +0100
Subject: [socket-nif] Add "partial success" to sendmsg
The sendmsg function attempts to send *one message*. But
its possible for the underlying software to fail to send
the *entire* message. So, instead of retrying itself, as
send does, the sendmsg function will now instead return
with {ok, Remaining}, leaving it to the caller to decide
what to do.
erts/preloaded/ebin/socket.beam | Bin 68564 -> 69380 bytes
erts/preloaded/src/socket.erl | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
(limited to 'erts')
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/ebin/socket.beam b/erts/preloaded/ebin/socket.beam
index 480f86334c..d3bc7c7af0 100644
Binary files a/erts/preloaded/ebin/socket.beam and b/erts/preloaded/ebin/socket.beam differ
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/src/socket.erl b/erts/preloaded/src/socket.erl
index 5ebc2074e0..dd10aac3ff 100644
--- a/erts/preloaded/src/socket.erl
+++ b/erts/preloaded/src/socket.erl
@@ -1573,12 +1573,13 @@ sendmsg(Socket, MsgHdr, Timeout)
sendmsg(Socket, MsgHdr, ?SOCKET_SENDMSG_FLAGS_DEFAULT, Timeout).
--spec sendmsg(Socket, MsgHdr, Flags, Timeout) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
- Socket :: socket(),
- MsgHdr :: msghdr(),
- Flags :: send_flags(),
- Timeout :: timeout(),
- Reason :: term().
+-spec sendmsg(Socket, MsgHdr, Flags, Timeout) -> ok | {ok, Remaining} | {error, Reason} when
+ Socket :: socket(),
+ MsgHdr :: msghdr(),
+ Flags :: send_flags(),
+ Timeout :: timeout(),
+ Remaining :: erlang:iovec(),
+ Reason :: term().
sendmsg(#socket{ref = SockRef}, #{iov := IOV} = MsgHdr, Flags, Timeout)
when is_list(IOV) andalso
@@ -1603,6 +1604,18 @@ do_sendmsg(SockRef, MsgHdr, EFlags, Timeout) ->
%% We are done
+ {ok, Written} when is_integer(Written) andalso (Written > 0) ->
+ %% We should not retry here since the protocol may not
+ %% be able to handle a message being split. Leave it to
+ %% the caller to figure out (call again with the rest).
+ %%
+ %% We should really not need to cancel, since this is
+ %% accepted for sendmsg!
+ %%
+ cancel(SockRef, sendmsg, SendRef),
+ {ok, do_sendmsg_rest(maps:get(iov, MsgHdr), Written)};
{error, eagain} ->
{select, SockRef, SendRef, ready_output} ->
@@ -1617,6 +1630,12 @@ do_sendmsg(SockRef, MsgHdr, EFlags, Timeout) ->
+do_sendmsg_rest([B|IOVec], Written) when (Written >= size(B)) ->
+ do_sendmsg_rest(IOVec, Written - size(B));
+do_sendmsg_rest([B|IOVec], Written) ->
+ <<_:Written/binary, Rest/binary>> = B,
+ [Rest|IOVec].
ensure_msghdr(#{ctrl := []} = M) ->
ensure_msghdr(maps:remove(ctrl, M));
ensure_msghdr(#{iov := IOV} = M) when is_list(IOV) andalso (IOV =/= []) ->
@@ -1625,6 +1644,8 @@ ensure_msghdr(_) ->
%% ===========================================================================
%% writev - write data into multiple buffers
@@ -1983,10 +2004,20 @@ recvmsg(Socket, Timeout) ->
Flags :: recv_flags(),
Timeout :: timeout(),
MsgHdr :: msghdr(),
+ Reason :: term()
+ ; (Socket, BufSz, CtrlSz) -> {ok, MsgHdr} | {error, Reason} when
+ Socket :: socket(),
+ BufSz :: non_neg_integer(),
+ CtrlSz :: non_neg_integer(),
+ MsgHdr :: msghdr(),
Reason :: term().
-recvmsg(Socket, Flags, Timeout) ->
- recvmsg(Socket, 0, 0, Flags, Timeout).
+recvmsg(Socket, Flags, Timeout) when is_list(Flags) ->
+ recvmsg(Socket, 0, 0, Flags, Timeout);
+recvmsg(Socket, BufSz, CtrlSz) when is_integer(BufSz) andalso is_integer(CtrlSz) ->
+ recvmsg(Socket, BufSz, CtrlSz,
-spec recvmsg(Socket,
BufSz, CtrlSz,
cgit v1.2.3
From 741eb8d2d8ba606d81990ef50b2d8b261d47ec81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Micael Karlberg
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 14:47:03 +0100
Subject: [socket-nif|doc] Improved doc for recvmsg and update for sendmsg
The API for the sendmsg function has been updated to describe
the possible "partial success" of {ok, Remaining}.
erts/doc/src/socket.xml | 14 ++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
(limited to 'erts')
diff --git a/erts/doc/src/socket.xml b/erts/doc/src/socket.xml
index 49c14869bf..ea2fde7dee 100644
--- a/erts/doc/src/socket.xml
+++ b/erts/doc/src/socket.xml
@@ -405,7 +405,8 @@
Receive a message from a socket.
@@ -416,7 +417,7 @@
which may contain the source address (if socket not connected),
a list of cmsghdr_recv() (depends on what socket options have
been set and what the protocol and platform supports) and
- also a set of flags, providing further info about the read .
+ also a set of flags, providing further info about the read.
The BufSz argument basically defines the size of the
receive buffer. By setting the value to zero (0), the configured
@@ -458,6 +459,15 @@
which also contains the message to send,
The MsgHdr may also contain an list of optional cmsghdr_send()
(depends on what the protocol and platform supports).
+ Unlike the send function,
+ this one sends one message.
+ This means that if, for whatever reason, its not possible to send the
+ message in one go, the function will instead return with the
+ remaining data ({ok, Remaining}). Thereby leaving it
+ up to the caller to decide what to do (retry with the remaining data
+ of give up).
cgit v1.2.3
From fbd9c5949373c9b6292e56604885822f210f24a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Micael Karlberg
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 14:48:56 +0100
Subject: [socket-nif|test] Add sendmsg/recvmsg ping-pong test cases
Added New ping-pong test cases using the sendmsg and recvmsg functions.
erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl | 293 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
1 file changed, 272 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
(limited to 'erts')
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
index c2b8a8349f..2cbd45a63f 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% ts:run(emulator, socket_SUITE, [batch]).
@@ -91,16 +93,16 @@
- %% traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
- %% traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1,
- %% traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
- %% traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1,
- traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6/1%,
- %% traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
- %% traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1
+ traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1
%% Tickets
@@ -261,16 +263,16 @@ traffic_cases() ->
- %% traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
- %% traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
- %% traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
- %% traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
- traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6%% ,
- %% traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
- %% traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6
+ traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6,
+ traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+ traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6
@@ -6749,6 +6751,83 @@ traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg
+%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'small' message test case, for IPv4.
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+ fun() ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(20)),
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) ->
+ MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
+ end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
+ case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
+ {ok, #{addr := undefined,
+ iov := [Data]}} ->
+ {ok, Data};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg functions
+%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'small' message test case, for IPv6.
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
+ fun() ->
+ not_yet_implemented(),
+ ?TT(?SECS(20)),
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) ->
+ MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
+ end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
+ case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
+ {ok, #{addr := undefined,
+ iov := [Data]}} ->
+ {ok, Data};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet6,
+ send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
@@ -6765,7 +6844,6 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
fun() ->
- %% not_yet_implemented(),
Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
@@ -6806,6 +6884,83 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg
+%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv4.
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+ fun() ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(20)),
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) ->
+ MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
+ end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
+ case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
+ {ok, #{addr := undefined,
+ iov := [Data]}} ->
+ {ok, Data};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg functions
+%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv6.
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
+ fun() ->
+ not_yet_implemented(),
+ ?TT(?SECS(20)),
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) ->
+ MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
+ end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
+ case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
+ {ok, #{addr := undefined,
+ iov := [Data]}} ->
+ {ok, Data};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet6,
+ send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
@@ -6863,6 +7018,87 @@ traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg
+%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'large' message test case, for IPv4.
+traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+ fun() ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(30)),
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) ->
+ MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
+ end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
+ case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
+ {ok, #{addr := undefined,
+ iov := [Data]}} ->
+ {ok, Data};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg functions
+%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'large' message test case, for IPv6.
+traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
+ fun() ->
+ not_yet_implemented(),
+ ?TT(?SECS(30)),
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) when is_binary(Data) ->
+ MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr);
+ (Sock, Data) when is_list(Data) ->
+ MsgHdr = #{iov => Data},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
+ end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
+ case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
+ {ok, #{addr := undefined,
+ iov := [Data]}} ->
+ {ok, Data};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet6,
+ send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
-define(SMALL, lists:seq(1, 8)).
@@ -6959,7 +7195,7 @@ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
#{desc => "maybe init buffers",
- cmd => fun(#{lsock := LSock, buf_init := BufInit} = State) ->
+ cmd => fun(#{lsock := LSock, buf_init := BufInit} = _State) ->
#{desc => "make listen socket",
@@ -7510,11 +7746,9 @@ tpp_tcp_handler_await_terminate(Parent) ->
tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange(Sock, Send, Recv) ->
- %% socket:setopt(Sock, otp, debug, true),
tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, 0, 0, 0, undefined).
tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, N, Sent, Received, Start) ->
- %% if (N =:= 1000) -> socket:setopt(Sock, otp, debug, true); true -> ok end,
%% ?SEV_IPRINT("[~w] try receive", [N]),
case tpp_tcp_recv_req(Sock, Recv) of
{ok, Msg, RecvSz} ->
@@ -7633,10 +7867,11 @@ tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, _Send, _Recv, _Msg,
tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, Data,
Num, N, Sent, Received, Start) ->
- %% d("[~w,~w] try send", [Num,N]),
+ %% d("tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(~w,~w) try send", [Num,N]),
case tpp_tcp_send_req(Sock, Send, Data) of
{ok, SendSz} ->
- %% d("[~w,~w] sent - no try recv", [Num,N]),
+ %% d("tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(~w,~w) sent - "
+ %% "now try recv", [Num,N]),
case tpp_tcp_recv_rep(Sock, Recv) of
{ok, NewData, RecvSz} ->
tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv,
@@ -7737,13 +7972,29 @@ tpp_tcp_send_rep(Sock, Send, Data) ->
tpp_tcp_send(Sock, Send, Tag, Data) ->
DataSz = size(Data),
Msg = <>,
+ tpp_tcp_send_msg(Sock, Send, Msg, 0).
+tpp_tcp_send_msg(Sock, Send, Msg, AccSz) when is_binary(Msg) ->
case Send(Sock, Msg) of
ok ->
- {ok, size(Msg)};
+ {ok, AccSz+size(Msg)};
+ {ok, Rest} -> % This is an IOVec
+ RestBin = list_to_binary(Rest),
+ tpp_tcp_send_msg(Sock, Send, RestBin, AccSz+(size(Msg)-size(RestBin)));
{error, _} = ERROR ->
+%% size_of_data(Data) when is_binary(Data) ->
+%% size(Data);
+%% size_of_data(Data) when is_list(Data) ->
+%% size_of_iovec(Data, 0).
+%% size_of_iovec([], Sz) ->
+%% Sz;
+%% size_of_iovec([B|IOVec], Sz) ->
+%% size_of_iovec(IOVec, Sz+size(B)).
cgit v1.2.3
From 98d27d647f78e7e0c7154a5d4a007a0c0c2b43d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Micael Karlberg
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 15:51:51 +0100
Subject: [socket-nif|test] Some minor restructure of the ping-pong cases
Some minor restructure of the ping-pong test cases in order
to not have duplicate the send and receive fun's.
erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl | 295 +++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 107 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)
(limited to 'erts')
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
index 2cbd45a63f..3c20b6422a 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
@@ -131,6 +131,10 @@
-define(LIB, socket_test_lib).
+-define(PP_SMALL, lists:seq(1, 8)).
+-define(PP_MEDIUM, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(1024, ?PP_SMALL))).
+-define(PP_LARGE, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(1024, ?PP_MEDIUM))).
@@ -6709,17 +6713,15 @@ traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?PP_SMALL),
+ Num = 100000,
fun() ->
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
- %% Recv = fun(Sock) -> socket:recv(Sock, 0, 5000) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
InitState = #{domain => inet,
- send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState)
@@ -6737,17 +6739,16 @@ traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?PP_SMALL),
+ Num = 100000,
fun() ->
- ?TT(?SECS(30)),
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
+ ?TT(?SECS(15)),
InitState = #{domain => inet6,
- send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState)
@@ -6765,27 +6766,15 @@ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?PP_SMALL),
+ Num = 100000,
fun() ->
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) ->
- MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
- socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
- end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
- case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
- {ok, #{addr := undefined,
- iov := [Data]}} ->
- {ok, Data};
- {error, _} = ERROR ->
- end
- end,
InitState = #{domain => inet,
- send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState)
@@ -6803,28 +6792,16 @@ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?PP_SMALL),
+ Num = 100000,
fun() ->
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) ->
- MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
- socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
- end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
- case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
- {ok, #{addr := undefined,
- iov := [Data]}} ->
- {ok, Data};
- {error, _} = ERROR ->
- end
- end,
- InitState = #{domain => inet6,
- send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState)
@@ -6842,16 +6819,15 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?PP_MEDIUM),
+ Num = 100000,
fun() ->
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
InitState = #{domain => inet,
- send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState)
@@ -6869,17 +6845,16 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?PP_MEDIUM),
+ Num = 100000,
fun() ->
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
InitState = #{domain => inet6,
- send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState)
@@ -6898,27 +6873,15 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?PP_MEDIUM),
+ Num = 100000,
fun() ->
- ?TT(?SECS(20)),
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) ->
- MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
- socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
- end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
- case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
- {ok, #{addr := undefined,
- iov := [Data]}} ->
- {ok, Data};
- {error, _} = ERROR ->
- end
- end,
+ ?TT(?SECS(30)),
InitState = #{domain => inet,
- send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState)
@@ -6936,28 +6899,16 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?PP_MEDIUM),
+ Num = 100000,
fun() ->
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) ->
- MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
- socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
- end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
- case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
- {ok, #{addr := undefined,
- iov := [Data]}} ->
- {ok, Data};
- {error, _} = ERROR ->
- end
- end,
- InitState = #{domain => inet6,
- send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ InitState = #{domain => ine6,
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState)
@@ -6975,17 +6926,15 @@ traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?PP_LARGE),
+ Num = 1000,
fun() ->
- %% not_yet_implemented(),
- ?TT(?MINS(5)),
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
+ ?TT(?SECS(45)),
InitState = #{domain => inet,
- send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState)
@@ -7003,17 +6952,16 @@ traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?PP_LARGE),
+ Num = 1000,
fun() ->
- ?TT(?MINS(5)),
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
+ ?TT(?SECS(45)),
InitState = #{domain => inet6,
- send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState)
@@ -7032,27 +6980,15 @@ traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?PP_LARGE),
+ Num = 1000,
fun() ->
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) ->
- MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
- socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
- end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
- case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
- {ok, #{addr := undefined,
- iov := [Data]}} ->
- {ok, Data};
- {error, _} = ERROR ->
- end
- end,
InitState = #{domain => inet,
- send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState)
@@ -7070,66 +7006,55 @@ traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?PP_LARGE),
+ Num = 1000,
fun() ->
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) when is_binary(Data) ->
- MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
- socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr);
- (Sock, Data) when is_list(Data) ->
- MsgHdr = #{iov => Data},
- socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
- end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
- case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
- {ok, #{addr := undefined,
- iov := [Data]}} ->
- {ok, Data};
- {error, _} = ERROR ->
- end
- end,
InitState = #{domain => inet6,
- send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState)
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState)
--define(SMALL, lists:seq(1, 8)).
--define(MEDIUM, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(1024, ?SMALL))).
--define(LARGE, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(1024, ?MEDIUM))).
-traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
- Msg = l2b(?SMALL),
- Num = 100000,
- Fun = fun(_) -> ok end, %% Fun to update the buffers: Not needed here
- traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState#{msg => Msg,
- num => Num,
- buf_init => Fun}).
+traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState) ->
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
+ InitState2 = InitState#{send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState2).
+traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState) ->
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) when is_binary(Data) ->
+ MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr);
+ (Sock, Data) when is_list(Data) -> %% We assume iovec...
+ MsgHdr = #{iov => Data},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
+ end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
+ case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
+ {ok, #{addr := undefined,
+ iov := [Data]}} ->
+ {ok, Data};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end,
+ InitState2 = InitState#{send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState2).
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
- Msg = l2b(?MEDIUM),
- Num = 100000,
- Fun = fun(_) -> ok end, %% Fun to update the buffers: MAYBE needed here
- traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState#{msg => Msg,
- num => Num,
- buf_init => Fun}).
-traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
- Msg = l2b(?LARGE),
- Num = 1000,
+traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(#{msg := Msg} = InitState) ->
Fun = fun(Sock) ->
- %% ?SEV_IPRINT("Socket buffers (before): "
- %% "~n Rcv: ~p"
- %% "~n Snd: ~p",
- %% [socket:getopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf),
- %% socket:getopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf)]),
{ok, RcvSz} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf),
if (RcvSz < size(Msg)) ->
ok = socket:setopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf, 1024+size(Msg));
@@ -7142,19 +7067,11 @@ traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
true ->
- ok = socket:setopt(Sock, otp, rcvbuf, 8*1024),
- %% ?SEV_IPRINT("Socket buffers (after): "
- %% "~n Rcv: ~p"
- %% "~n Snd: ~p",
- %% [socket:getopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf),
- %% socket:getopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf)]),
- ok
- end, %% Fun to update the buffers: NEEDED here!!!
- traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState#{msg => Msg,
- num => Num,
- buf_init => Fun}).
-traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState) ->
+ ok = socket:setopt(Sock, otp, rcvbuf, 8*1024)
+ end,
+ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp2(InitState#{buf_init => Fun}).
+traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp2(InitState) ->
ServerSeq =
%% *** Wait for start order part ***
@@ -7705,6 +7622,7 @@ tpp_tcp_handler(Parent) ->
Result = tpp_tcp_handler_msg_exchange(Sock, Send, Recv),
tpp_tcp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, recv, Result),
Reason = tpp_tcp_handler_await_terminate(Parent),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("terminating"),
tpp_tcp_handler_init(Parent) ->
@@ -7806,6 +7724,7 @@ tpp_tcp_client(Parent, GL) ->
tpp_tcp_client_announce_ready(Parent, send, Result),
Reason = tpp_tcp_client_await_terminate(Parent),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("terminating"),
tpp_tcp_client_init(Parent, GL) ->
cgit v1.2.3
From c6e94046261a608ee536c18cf631e33191e71bb1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Micael Karlberg
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 15:18:31 +0100
Subject: [socket-nif] Badly handled socket close for recvfrom and recvmsg
When type = dgram, the functions recvfrom and recvmsg did not
properly handle socket close, cuaing the caller to hang
erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
(limited to 'erts')
diff --git a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
index 70a969e867..f657da3ace 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/socket_nif.c
@@ -13825,6 +13825,7 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM recvfrom_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
/* +++ Error handling +++ */
if (saveErrno == ECONNRESET) {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM res = esock_make_error(env, atom_closed);
/* +++ Oups - closed +++ */
@@ -13842,12 +13843,14 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM recvfrom_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
descP->closeLocal = FALSE;
+ recv_error_current_reader(env, descP, res);
descP, NULL, recvRef);
- return esock_make_error(env, atom_closed);
+ return res;
} else if ((saveErrno == ERRNO_BLOCK) ||
(saveErrno == EAGAIN)) {
@@ -13862,12 +13865,15 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM recvfrom_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
return esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_eagain);
} else {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM res = esock_make_error_errno(env, saveErrno);
SSDBG( descP,
"recvfrom_check_result -> errno: %d\r\n", saveErrno) );
- return esock_make_error_errno(env, saveErrno);
+ recv_error_current_reader(env, descP, res);
+ return res;
} else {
@@ -13894,6 +13900,8 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM recvfrom_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
data = MKSBIN(env, data, 0, read);
+ recv_update_current_reader(env, descP);
return esock_make_ok2(env, MKT2(env, eSockAddr, data));
@@ -13957,6 +13965,7 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM recvmsg_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
/* +++ Error handling +++ */
if (saveErrno == ECONNRESET) {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM res = esock_make_error(env, atom_closed);
/* +++ Oups - closed +++ */
@@ -13974,12 +13983,14 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM recvmsg_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
descP->closeLocal = FALSE;
+ recv_error_current_reader(env, descP, res);
descP, NULL, recvRef);
- return esock_make_error(env, atom_closed);
+ return res;
} else if ((saveErrno == ERRNO_BLOCK) ||
(saveErrno == EAGAIN)) {
@@ -13995,12 +14006,15 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM recvmsg_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
return esock_make_error(env, esock_atom_eagain);
} else {
+ ERL_NIF_TERM res = esock_make_error_errno(env, saveErrno);
SSDBG( descP,
"recvmsg_check_result -> errno: %d\r\n", saveErrno) );
- return esock_make_error_errno(env, saveErrno);
+ recv_error_current_reader(env, descP, res);
+ return res;
} else {
@@ -14029,6 +14043,8 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM recvmsg_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
"recvmsg_check_result -> "
"(msghdr) encode failed: %s\r\n", xres) );
+ recv_update_current_reader(env, descP);
return esock_make_error_str(env, xres);
} else {
@@ -14037,6 +14053,8 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM recvmsg_check_result(ErlNifEnv* env,
"recvmsg_check_result -> "
"(msghdr) encode ok: %T\r\n", eMsgHdr) );
+ recv_update_current_reader(env, descP);
return esock_make_ok2(env, eMsgHdr);
@@ -16913,18 +16931,22 @@ void socket_stop(ErlNifEnv* env, void* obj, int fd, int is_direct_call)
SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "socket_stop -> handle current writer\r\n") );
if (!compare_pids(env,
- &descP-> &&
- send_msg_nif_abort(env,
- descP->currentWriter.ref,
- atom_closed,
- &descP-> != NULL) {
- /* Shall we really do this?
- * This happens if the controlling process has been killed!
- */
- esock_warning_msg("Failed sending abort (%T) message to "
- "current writer %T\r\n",
- descP->currentWriter.ref,
- descP->;
+ &descP-> {
+ SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "socket_stop -> "
+ "send abort message to current writer %T\r\n",
+ descP-> );
+ if (send_msg_nif_abort(env,
+ descP->currentWriter.ref,
+ atom_closed,
+ &descP-> != NULL) {
+ /* Shall we really do this?
+ * This happens if the controlling process has been killed!
+ */
+ esock_warning_msg("Failed sending abort (%T) message to "
+ "current writer %T\r\n",
+ descP->currentWriter.ref,
+ descP->;
+ }
/* And also deal with the waiting writers (in the same way) */
@@ -16948,18 +16970,22 @@ void socket_stop(ErlNifEnv* env, void* obj, int fd, int is_direct_call)
SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "socket_stop -> handle current reader\r\n") );
if (!compare_pids(env,
- &descP-> &&
- send_msg_nif_abort(env,
- descP->currentReader.ref,
- atom_closed,
- &descP-> != NULL) {
- /* Shall we really do this?
- * This happens if the controlling process has been killed!
- */
- esock_warning_msg("Failed sending abort (%T) message to "
- "current reader %T\r\n",
- descP->currentReader.ref,
- descP->;
+ &descP-> {
+ SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "socket_stop -> "
+ "send abort message to current reader %T\r\n",
+ descP-> );
+ if (send_msg_nif_abort(env,
+ descP->currentReader.ref,
+ atom_closed,
+ &descP-> != NULL) {
+ /* Shall we really do this?
+ * This happens if the controlling process has been killed!
+ */
+ esock_warning_msg("Failed sending abort (%T) message to "
+ "current reader %T\r\n",
+ descP->currentReader.ref,
+ descP->;
+ }
/* And also deal with the waiting readers (in the same way) */
@@ -16982,18 +17008,22 @@ void socket_stop(ErlNifEnv* env, void* obj, int fd, int is_direct_call)
SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "socket_stop -> handle current acceptor\r\n") );
if (!compare_pids(env,
- &descP-> &&
- send_msg_nif_abort(env,
- descP->currentAcceptor.ref,
- atom_closed,
- &descP-> != NULL) {
- /* Shall we really do this?
- * This happens if the controlling process has been killed!
- */
- esock_warning_msg("Failed sending abort (%T) message to "
- "current acceptor %T\r\n",
- descP->currentAcceptor.ref,
- descP->;
+ &descP-> {
+ SSDBG( descP, ("SOCKET", "socket_stop -> "
+ "send abort message to current acceptor %T\r\n",
+ descP-> );
+ if (send_msg_nif_abort(env,
+ descP->currentAcceptor.ref,
+ atom_closed,
+ &descP-> != NULL) {
+ /* Shall we really do this?
+ * This happens if the controlling process has been killed!
+ */
+ esock_warning_msg("Failed sending abort (%T) message to "
+ "current acceptor %T\r\n",
+ descP->currentAcceptor.ref,
+ descP->;
+ }
/* And also deal with the waiting acceptors (in the same way) */
@@ -17105,6 +17135,7 @@ void inform_waiting_procs(ErlNifEnv* env,
¤tP-> );
DEMONP("inform_waiting_procs -> current 'request'",
env, descP, ¤tP->data.mon);
nextP = currentP->nextP;
cgit v1.2.3
From e3e607ac76dc308da3ac24364477d48da0dc23bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Micael Karlberg
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 15:22:09 +0100
Subject: [socket-nif|test] Add UDP ping-pong test cases
Added ping-pong test cases for UDP, small and medium, using
the sendto/recvfrom and sendmsg/recvmsg functions.
erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl | 1451 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
erts/preloaded/ebin/socket.beam | Bin 69380 -> 69392 bytes
erts/preloaded/src/socket.erl | 8 +
3 files changed, 1272 insertions(+), 187 deletions(-)
(limited to 'erts')
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
index 3c20b6422a..4a381843a9 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
@@ -91,19 +91,30 @@
%% Traffic
- traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
- traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1,
- traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
- traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp4/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp6/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp4/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp6/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1,
- traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1
+ traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp4/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp6/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp4/1,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp6/1
%% Tickets
@@ -131,9 +142,13 @@
-define(LIB, socket_test_lib).
--define(PP_SMALL, lists:seq(1, 8)).
--define(PP_MEDIUM, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(1024, ?PP_SMALL))).
--define(PP_LARGE, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(1024, ?PP_MEDIUM))).
+-define(TPP_SMALL, lists:seq(1, 8)).
+-define(TPP_MEDIUM, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(1024, ?TPP_SMALL))).
+-define(TPP_LARGE, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(1024, ?TPP_MEDIUM))).
+-define(TPP_SMALL_NUM, 100000).
+-define(TPP_MEDIUM_NUM, 100000).
+-define(TPP_LARGE_NUM, 1000).
@@ -267,16 +282,27 @@ traffic_cases() ->
- traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
- traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
- traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
- traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp4,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp6,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp4,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp6,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
- traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6
+ traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp4,
+ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp6,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp4,
+ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp6
@@ -6713,8 +6739,8 @@ traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- Msg = l2b(?PP_SMALL),
- Num = 100000,
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_SMALL),
fun() ->
@@ -6739,8 +6765,8 @@ traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- Msg = l2b(?PP_SMALL),
- Num = 100000,
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_SMALL),
fun() ->
@@ -6753,58 +6779,59 @@ traffic_ping_pong_small_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
-%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg
-%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
+%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
-%% This is the 'small' message test case, for IPv4.
+%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv4.
-traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(suite) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(suite) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(doc) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(doc) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- Msg = l2b(?PP_SMALL),
- Num = 100000,
- tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_MEDIUM),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4,
fun() ->
- ?TT(?SECS(20)),
+ ?TT(?SECS(30)),
InitState = #{domain => inet,
msg => Msg,
num => Num},
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState)
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState)
-%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg functions
+%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
-%% This is the 'small' message test case, for IPv6.
+%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv6.
-traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(suite) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(suite) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(doc) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(doc) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- Msg = l2b(?PP_SMALL),
- Num = 100000,
- tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_MEDIUM),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6,
fun() ->
- ?TT(?SECS(20)),
- InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ ?TT(?SECS(30)),
+ InitState = #{domain => inet6,
msg => Msg,
num => Num},
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState)
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState)
%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
@@ -6812,18 +6839,18 @@ traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config)
%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
-%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv4.
+%% This is the 'large' message test case, for IPv4.
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(suite) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(suite) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(doc) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(doc) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- Msg = l2b(?PP_MEDIUM),
- Num = 100000,
- tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4,
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_LARGE),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4,
fun() ->
- ?TT(?SECS(30)),
+ ?TT(?SECS(45)),
InitState = #{domain => inet,
msg => Msg,
num => Num},
@@ -6838,19 +6865,19 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
-%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv6.
+%% This is the 'large' message test case, for IPv6.
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(suite) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(suite) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(doc) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(doc) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- Msg = l2b(?PP_MEDIUM),
- Num = 100000,
- tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6,
+traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_LARGE),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6,
fun() ->
- ?TT(?SECS(30)),
+ ?TT(?SECS(45)),
InitState = #{domain => inet6,
msg => Msg,
num => Num},
@@ -6859,6 +6886,112 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendto and recvfrom
+%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for two different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes) and medium (8K).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'small' message test case, for IPv4.
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp4(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp4(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_SMALL),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_small_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp4,
+ fun() ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(45)),
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp(InitState)
+ end).
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendto and recvfrom
+%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for two different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes) and medium (8K).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'small' message test case, for IPv6.
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp6(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp6(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_SMALL),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_small_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp6,
+ fun() ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(45)),
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp(InitState)
+ end).
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendto and recvfrom
+%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for two different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes) and medium (8K).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv4.
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp4(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp4(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_MEDIUM),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp4,
+ fun() ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(45)),
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp(InitState)
+ end).
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendto and recvfrom
+%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for two different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes) and medium (8K).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv6.
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp6(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp6(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_MEDIUM),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp6,
+ fun() ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(45)),
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp(InitState)
+ end).
%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg
%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
@@ -6866,18 +6999,18 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
-%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv4.
+%% This is the 'small' message test case, for IPv4.
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(suite) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(suite) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(doc) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(doc) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- Msg = l2b(?PP_MEDIUM),
- Num = 100000,
- tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_SMALL),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
fun() ->
- ?TT(?SECS(30)),
+ ?TT(?SECS(20)),
InitState = #{domain => inet,
msg => Msg,
num => Num},
@@ -6892,20 +7025,20 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config)
%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
-%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv6.
+%% This is the 'small' message test case, for IPv6.
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(suite) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(suite) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(doc) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(doc) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- Msg = l2b(?PP_MEDIUM),
- Num = 100000,
- tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_SMALL),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
fun() ->
- InitState = #{domain => ine6,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
msg => Msg,
num => Num},
ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState)
@@ -6913,59 +7046,58 @@ traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config)
-%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
-%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg
+%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
-%% This is the 'large' message test case, for IPv4.
+%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv4.
-traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(suite) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(suite) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(doc) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(doc) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- Msg = l2b(?PP_LARGE),
- Num = 1000,
- tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp4,
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_MEDIUM),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4,
fun() ->
- ?TT(?SECS(45)),
+ ?TT(?SECS(30)),
InitState = #{domain => inet,
msg => Msg,
num => Num},
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState)
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState)
-%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg functions
%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
%% small (8 bytes), medium (8K) and large (8M).
%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
-%% This is the 'large' message test case, for IPv6.
+%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv6.
-traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(suite) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(suite) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(doc) ->
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(doc) ->
-traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- Msg = l2b(?PP_LARGE),
- Num = 1000,
- tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_large_send_and_recv_tcp6,
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_MEDIUM),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6,
fun() ->
- ?TT(?SECS(45)),
- InitState = #{domain => inet6,
+ ?TT(?SECS(20)),
+ InitState = #{domain => ine6,
msg => Msg,
num => Num},
- ok = traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState)
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState)
%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg
%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
@@ -6980,8 +7112,8 @@ traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- Msg = l2b(?PP_LARGE),
- Num = 1000,
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_LARGE),
fun() ->
@@ -7006,8 +7138,8 @@ traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(suite) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(doc) ->
traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
- Msg = l2b(?PP_LARGE),
- Num = 1000,
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_LARGE),
fun() ->
@@ -7021,40 +7153,149 @@ traffic_ping_pong_large_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config)
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg
+%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes) and medium (8K).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'small' message test case, for IPv4.
-traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState) ->
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
- InitState2 = InitState#{send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState2).
-traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState) ->
- Send = fun(Sock, Data) when is_binary(Data) ->
- MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
- socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr);
- (Sock, Data) when is_list(Data) -> %% We assume iovec...
- MsgHdr = #{iov => Data},
- socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
- end,
- Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
- case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
- {ok, #{addr := undefined,
- iov := [Data]}} ->
- {ok, Data};
- {error, _} = ERROR ->
- end
- end,
- InitState2 = InitState#{send => Send, % Send function
- recv => Recv % Receive function
- },
- traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState2).
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp4(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp4(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_SMALL),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp4,
+ fun() ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(20)),
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp(InitState)
+ end).
-traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(#{msg := Msg} = InitState) ->
- Fun = fun(Sock) ->
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg functions
+%% by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes) and medium (8K).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'small' message test case, for IPv6.
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp6(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp6(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_SMALL),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_small_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp6,
+ fun() ->
+ not_yet_implemented(),
+ ?TT(?SECS(20)),
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp(InitState)
+ end).
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg
+%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes) and medium (8K).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv4.
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp4(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp4(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_MEDIUM),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp4,
+ fun() ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(30)),
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp(InitState)
+ end).
+%% This test case is intended to test that the sendmsg and recvmsg
+%% functions by repeatedly sending a meassage between two entities.
+%% The same basic test case is used for three different message sizes;
+%% small (8 bytes) and medium (8K).
+%% The message is sent from A to B and then back again. This is
+%% repeated a set number of times (more times the small the message).
+%% This is the 'medium' message test case, for IPv6.
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp6(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp6(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp6(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ Msg = l2b(?TPP_MEDIUM),
+ tc_try(traffic_ping_pong_medium_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp6,
+ fun() ->
+ not_yet_implemented(),
+ ?TT(?SECS(20)),
+ InitState = #{domain => ine6,
+ msg => Msg,
+ num => Num},
+ ok = traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp(InitState)
+ end).
+%% Ping-Pong for TCP
+traffic_ping_pong_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState) ->
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) -> socket:send(Sock, Data) end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) -> socket:recv(Sock, Sz) end,
+ InitState2 = InitState#{send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState2).
+traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_tcp(InitState) ->
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data) when is_binary(Data) ->
+ MsgHdr = #{iov => [Data]},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr);
+ (Sock, Data) when is_list(Data) -> %% We assume iovec...
+ MsgHdr = #{iov => Data},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
+ end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
+ case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
+ {ok, #{addr := undefined,
+ iov := [Data]}} ->
+ {ok, Data};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end,
+ InitState2 = InitState#{send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(InitState2).
+traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_tcp(#{msg := Msg} = InitState) ->
+ Fun = fun(Sock) ->
{ok, RcvSz} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf),
if (RcvSz < size(Msg)) ->
ok = socket:setopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf, 1024+size(Msg));
@@ -7918,58 +8159,894 @@ tpp_tcp_send_msg(Sock, Send, Msg, AccSz) when is_binary(Msg) ->
-%% This gets the local address (not 127.0...)
-%% We should really implement this using the (new) net module,
-%% but until that gets the necessary functionality...
-which_local_addr(Domain) ->
- case inet:getifaddrs() of
- {ok, IFL} ->
- which_addr(Domain, IFL);
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?FAIL({inet, getifaddrs, Reason})
- end.
+%% Ping-Pong for UDP
-which_addr(_Domain, []) ->
- ?FAIL(no_address);
-which_addr(Domain, [{Name, IFO}|_IFL]) when (Name =/= "lo") ->
- which_addr2(Domain, IFO);
-which_addr(Domain, [_|IFL]) ->
- which_addr(Domain, IFL).
+traffic_ping_pong_sendto_and_recvfrom_udp(InitState) ->
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data, Dest) ->
+ socket:sendto(Sock, Data, Dest)
+ end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
+ socket:recvfrom(Sock, Sz)
+ end,
+ InitState2 = InitState#{send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_udp(InitState2).
-which_addr2(_Domain, []) ->
- ?FAIL(no_address);
-which_addr2(inet = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO]) when (size(Addr) =:= 4) ->
- Addr;
-which_addr2(inet6 = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO]) when (size(Addr) =:= 8) ->
- Addr;
-which_addr2(Domain, [_|IFO]) ->
- which_addr2(Domain, IFO).
+traffic_ping_pong_sendmsg_and_recvmsg_udp(InitState) ->
+ Send = fun(Sock, Data, Dest) when is_binary(Data) ->
+ MsgHdr = #{addr => Dest, iov => [Data]},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr);
+ (Sock, Data, Dest) when is_list(Data) -> %% We assume iovec...
+ MsgHdr = #{addr => Dest, iov => Data},
+ socket:sendmsg(Sock, MsgHdr)
+ end,
+ Recv = fun(Sock, Sz) ->
+ case socket:recvmsg(Sock, Sz, 0) of
+ {ok, #{addr := Source,
+ iov := [Data]}} ->
+ {ok, {Source, Data}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end,
+ InitState2 = InitState#{send => Send, % Send function
+ recv => Recv % Receive function
+ },
+ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_udp(InitState2).
+traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_udp(#{msg := Msg} = InitState) ->
+ Fun = fun(Sock) ->
+ {ok, RcvSz} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf),
+ if (RcvSz < size(Msg)) ->
+ ok = socket:setopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf, 1024+size(Msg));
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {ok, SndSz} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf),
+ if (SndSz < size(Msg)) ->
+ ok = socket:setopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf, 1024+size(Msg));
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {ok, OtpRcvBuf} = socket:getopt(Sock, otp, rcvbuf),
+ if
+ (OtpRcvBuf < size(Msg)) ->
+ ok = socket:setopt(Sock, otp, rcvbuf, 1024+size(Msg));
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end,
+ traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_udp2(InitState#{buf_init => Fun}).
-start_node(Host, NodeName) ->
- UniqueNodeName = f("~w_~w", [NodeName, erlang:system_time(millisecond)]),
- case do_start_node(Host, UniqueNodeName) of
- {ok, _} = OK ->
- OK;
- {error, Reason, _} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
+traffic_ping_pong_send_and_receive_udp2(InitState) ->
+ ServerSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Wait for start order part ***
+ #{desc => "await start",
+ cmd => fun(State) ->
+ Tester = ?SEV_AWAIT_START(),
+ {ok, State#{tester => Tester}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor tester",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Tester),
+ ok
+ end},
-do_start_node(Host, NodeName) when is_list(NodeName) ->
- do_start_node(Host, list_to_atom(NodeName));
-do_start_node(Host, NodeName) when is_atom(NodeName) ->
- Dir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
- Flags = "-pa " ++ Dir,
- Opts = [{monitor_master, true}, {erl_flags, Flags}],
- ct_slave:start(Host, NodeName, Opts).
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "which local address",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain} = State) ->
+ LAddr = which_local_addr(Domain),
+ LSA = #{family => Domain, addr => LAddr},
+ {ok, State#{local_sa => LSA}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "create listen socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain} = State) ->
+ case socket:open(Domain, dgram, udp) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ {ok, State#{sock => Sock}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "bind to local address",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock, local_sa := LSA} = State) ->
+ case socket:bind(Sock, LSA) of
+ {ok, Port} ->
+ {ok, State#{port => Port}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "maybe init buffers",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock, buf_init := BufInit} = _State) ->
+ BufInit(Sock)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "create handler",
+ cmd => fun(State) ->
+ Handler = tpp_udp_server_handler_create(),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("handler created: ~p", [Handler]),
+ {ok, State#{handler => Handler}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor handler",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Handler),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "start handler",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler,
+ sock := Sock,
+ send := Send,
+ recv := Recv} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_START(Handler, {Sock, Send, Recv}),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await handler ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ handler := Handler} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Handler, handler, init,
+ [{tester, Tester}]) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(csock, State)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester, local_sa := LSA, port := Port}) ->
+ ServerSA = LSA#{port => Port},
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, init, ServerSA),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% The actual test
+ #{desc => "await continue (recv)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ handler := Handler} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, recv,
+ [{handler, Handler}])
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order handler to recv",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Handler, recv),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await continue (close)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ handler := Handler} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, close,
+ [{handler, Handler}])
+ end},
-stop_node(Node) ->
- case ct_slave:stop(Node) of
- {ok, _} ->
+ #{desc => "close socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock} = State) ->
+ %% socket:setopt(Sock, otp, debug, true),
+ case socket:close(Sock) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(sock, State)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (close)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, close),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await handler ready (recv)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ handler := Handler} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Handler, handler, recv,
+ [{tester, Tester}]) of
+ {ok, Result} ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("Result: ~p", [Result]),
+ {ok, State#{result => Result}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (recv)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ result := Result} = State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, recv, Result),
+ {ok, maps:remove(result, State)}
+ end},
+ %% Termination
+ #{desc => "await terminate (from tester)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_TERMINATE(Tester, tester) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(tester, State)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "stop handler",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler}) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await handler termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler} = State) ->
+ State1 = maps:remove(handler, State),
+ {ok, State1}
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ ClientSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Wait for start order part ***
+ #{desc => "await start",
+ cmd => fun(State) ->
+ {Tester, ServerSA} = ?SEV_AWAIT_START(),
+ {ok, State#{tester => Tester,
+ server_sa => ServerSA}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor tester",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Tester),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "create node",
+ cmd => fun(#{host := Host} = State) ->
+ case start_node(Host, client) of
+ {ok, Node} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("(remote) client node ~p started",
+ [Node]),
+ {ok, State#{node => Node}};
+ {error, Reason, _} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor client node",
+ cmd => fun(#{node := Node} = _State) ->
+ true = erlang:monitor_node(Node, true),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "create (remote) handler",
+ cmd => fun(#{node := Node} = State) ->
+ Pid = tpp_udp_client_handler_create(Node),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("handler created: ~p", [Pid]),
+ {ok, State#{handler => Pid}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor remote handler",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Pid}) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order remote handler to start",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler,
+ server_sa := ServerSA,
+ buf_init := BufInit,
+ send := Send,
+ recv := Recv}) ->
+ {ServerSA, BufInit, Send, Recv}),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await (remote) handler ready",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ handler := Handler} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Handler, handler, init,
+ [{tester, Tester}])
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, init),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% The actual test
+ #{desc => "await continue (send)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ handler := Handler} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester,
+ send,
+ [{handler, Handler}])
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order handler to continue (send)",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler,
+ msg := Msg,
+ num := Num} = State) ->
+ Data = {Msg, Num},
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Handler, send, Data),
+ {ok, maps:remove(data, State)}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await remote handler ready (send)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ handler := Handler} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Handler, handler, send,
+ [{tester, Tester}]) of
+ {ok, Result} ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("remote client result: "
+ %% "~n ~p", [Result]),
+ {ok, State#{result => Result}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (send)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester, result := Result} = State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, send, Result),
+ {ok, maps:remove(result, State)}
+ end},
+ %% Termination
+ #{desc => "await terminate (from tester)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester,
+ handler := Handler} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_TERMINATE(Tester, tester,
+ [{handler, Handler}]) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(tester, State)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "stop (remote) handler",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler}) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await (remote) handler termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{handler := Handler} = State) ->
+ State1 = maps:remove(handler, State),
+ {ok, State1}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "stop client node",
+ cmd => fun(#{node := Node} = _State) ->
+ stop_node(Node)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client node termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{node := Node} = State) ->
+ receive
+ {nodedown, Node} ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(node, State)}
+ end
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ TesterSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "monitor server",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor client",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% Start the server
+ #{desc => "order server start",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = State) ->
+ {ok, ServerSA} = ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Pid, server, init),
+ {ok, State#{server_sa => ServerSA}}
+ end},
+ %% Start the client
+ #{desc => "order client start",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid,
+ server_sa := ServerSA} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok = ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Pid, client, init)
+ end},
+ %% The actual test
+ #{desc => "order server continue (recv)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order client continue (send)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (send)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server,
+ client := Client} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Client, client, send,
+ [{server, Server}]) of
+ {ok, {_, _, _, _} = Result} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("client result: "
+ "~n ~p", [Result]),
+ {ok, State#{client_result => Result}};
+ {ok, BadResult} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("client result: "
+ "~n ~p", [BadResult]),
+ {error, {invalid_client_result, BadResult}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order server continue (close)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (close)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok = ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Pid, server, close)
+ end},
+ %% Because of the way we control the server, there is no real
+ %% point in collecting statistics from it (the time will include
+ %% our communication with it).
+ #{desc => "await server ready (recv)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server,
+ client := Client} = _State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Server, server, recv,
+ [{client, Client}]) of
+ {ok, _Result} ->
+ ok;
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "present result",
+ cmd => fun(#{client_result := CRes,
+ num := Num} = State) ->
+ {CSent, CReceived, CStart, CStop} = CRes,
+ CTime = tdiff(CStart, CStop),
+ %% Note that the sizes we are counting is only
+ %% the "data" part of the messages. There is also
+ %% fixed header for each message, which of cource
+ %% is small for the large messages, but comparatively
+ %% big for the small messages!
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("Results: ~w messages exchanged"
+ "~n Client: ~w msec"
+ "~n ~.2f msec/message (roundtrip)"
+ "~n ~.2f messages/msec (roundtrip)"
+ "~n ~w bytes/msec sent"
+ "~n ~w bytes/msec received",
+ [Num,
+ CTime,
+ CTime / Num,
+ Num / CTime,
+ CSent div CTime,
+ CReceived div CTime]),
+ State1 = maps:remove(client_result, State),
+ {ok, State1}
+ end},
+ %% Terminations
+ #{desc => "order client to terminate",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = State) ->
+ ok ->
+ State1 = maps:remove(client, State),
+ {ok, State1};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order server to terminate",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = State) ->
+ ok ->
+ State1 = maps:remove(server, State),
+ {ok, State1};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ i("start server evaluator"),
+ ServerInitState = #{domain => maps:get(domain, InitState),
+ recv => maps:get(recv, InitState),
+ send => maps:get(send, InitState),
+ buf_init => maps:get(buf_init, InitState)},
+ Server = ?SEV_START("server", ServerSeq, ServerInitState),
+ i("start client evaluator(s)"),
+ ClientInitState = InitState#{host => local_host()},
+ Client = ?SEV_START("client", ClientSeq, ClientInitState),
+ i("start 'tester' evaluator"),
+ TesterInitState = #{server =>,
+ client =>,
+ num => maps:get(num, InitState)},
+ Tester = ?SEV_START("tester", TesterSeq, TesterInitState),
+ i("await evaluator"),
+ ok = ?SEV_AWAIT_FINISH([Server, Client, Tester]).
+%% Server side handler process
+%% We don't actually need a separate process for this socket,
+%% but we do it anyway to simplify the sequence.
+tpp_udp_server_handler_create() ->
+ Self = self(),
+ erlang:spawn(fun() -> tpp_udp_server_handler(Self) end).
+tpp_udp_server_handler(Parent) ->
+ tpp_udp_server_handler_init(Parent),
+ {Sock, Send, Recv} = tpp_udp_handler_await_start(Parent),
+ tpp_udp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, init),
+ tpp_udp_handler_await_continue(Parent, recv),
+ Result = tpp_udp_server_handler_msg_exchange(Sock, Send, Recv),
+ tpp_udp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, recv, Result),
+ Reason = tpp_udp_handler_await_terminate(Parent),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("terminating"),
+ exit(Reason).
+tpp_udp_server_handler_init(Parent) ->
+ put(sname, "shandler"),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("init"),
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parent),
+ ok.
+tpp_udp_server_handler_msg_exchange(Sock, Send, Recv) ->
+ tpp_udp_server_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv, 0, 0, 0, undefined).
+tpp_udp_server_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv,
+ N, Sent, Received, Start) ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("[~w] try receive", [N]),
+ %% if
+ %% (N =:= (?TPP_SMALL_NUM-2)) ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("[~w] try receive", [N]),
+ %% socket:setopt(Sock, otp, debug, true);
+ %% true -> ok
+ %% end,
+ case tpp_udp_recv_req(Sock, Recv) of
+ {ok, Msg, RecvSz, From} ->
+ NewStart = if (Start =:= undefined) -> ?LIB:timestamp();
+ true -> Start end,
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("[~w] received - now try send", [N]),
+ case tpp_udp_send_rep(Sock, Send, Msg, From) of
+ {ok, SendSz} ->
+ tpp_udp_server_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Send, Recv,
+ N+1,
+ Sent+SendSz,
+ Received+RecvSz,
+ NewStart);
+ {error, SReason} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("send (~w): ~p", [N, SReason]),
+ exit({send, SReason, N})
+ end;
+ %% {error, timeout} ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("timeout(~w) - try again", [N]),
+ %% case Send(Sock, list_to_binary("ping")) of
+ %% ok ->
+ %% exit({'ping-send', ok, N});
+ %% {error, Reason} ->
+ %% exit({'ping-send', Reason, N})
+ %% end;
+ {error, closed} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("closed - we are done: ~w, ~w, ~w", [N, Sent, Received]),
+ Stop = ?LIB:timestamp(),
+ {N, Sent, Received, Start, Stop};
+ {error, RReason} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("recv (~w): ~p", [N, RReason]),
+ exit({recv, RReason, N})
+ end.
+%% The (remote) client side handler process
+tpp_udp_client_handler_create(Node) ->
+ Self = self(),
+ GL = group_leader(),
+ Fun = fun() -> tpp_udp_client_handler(Self, GL) end,
+ erlang:spawn(Node, Fun).
+tpp_udp_client_handler(Parent, GL) ->
+ tpp_udp_client_handler_init(Parent, GL),
+ {ServerSA, BufInit, Send, Recv} = tpp_udp_handler_await_start(Parent),
+ Domain = maps:get(family, ServerSA),
+ Sock = tpp_udp_sock_open(Domain, BufInit),
+ tpp_udp_sock_bind(Sock, Domain),
+ tpp_udp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, init),
+ {InitMsg, Num} = tpp_udp_handler_await_continue(Parent, send),
+ Result = tpp_udp_client_handler_msg_exchange(Sock, ServerSA,
+ Send, Recv, InitMsg, Num),
+ tpp_udp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, send, Result),
+ Reason = tpp_udp_handler_await_terminate(Parent),
+ tpp_udp_sock_close(Sock),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("terminating"),
+ exit(Reason).
+tpp_udp_client_handler_init(Parent, GL) ->
+ put(sname, "chandler"),
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("init"),
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parent),
+ group_leader(self(), GL),
+ ok.
+tpp_udp_client_handler_msg_exchange(Sock, ServerSA, Send, Recv, InitMsg, Num) ->
+ Start = ?LIB:timestamp(),
+ tpp_udp_client_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, ServerSA, Send, Recv, InitMsg,
+ Num, 0, 0, 0, Start).
+tpp_udp_client_handler_msg_exchange_loop(_Sock, _Dest, _Send, _Recv, _Msg,
+ Num, Num, Sent, Received,
+ Start) ->
+ Stop = ?LIB:timestamp(),
+ {Sent, Received, Start, Stop};
+tpp_udp_client_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Dest, Send, Recv, Data,
+ Num, N, Sent, Received, Start) ->
+ %% d("tpp_udp_client_handler_msg_exchange_loop(~w,~w) try send", [Num,N]),
+ case tpp_udp_send_req(Sock, Send, Data, Dest) of
+ {ok, SendSz} ->
+ %% d("tpp_tcp_client_msg_exchange_loop(~w,~w) sent - "
+ %% "now try recv", [Num,N]),
+ case tpp_udp_recv_rep(Sock, Recv) of
+ {ok, NewData, RecvSz, Dest} ->
+ tpp_udp_client_handler_msg_exchange_loop(Sock, Dest, Send, Recv,
+ NewData, Num, N+1,
+ Sent+SendSz,
+ Received+RecvSz,
+ Start);
+ {error, RReason} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("recv (~w of ~w): ~p", [N, Num, RReason]),
+ exit({recv, RReason, N})
+ end;
+ {error, SReason} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("send (~w of ~w): ~p", [N, Num, SReason]),
+ exit({send, SReason, N})
+ end.
+tpp_udp_recv_req(Sock, Recv) ->
+ tpp_udp_recv(Sock, Recv, ?TPP_REQUEST).
+tpp_udp_recv_rep(Sock, Recv) ->
+ tpp_udp_recv(Sock, Recv, ?TPP_REPLY).
+tpp_udp_recv(Sock, Recv, Tag) ->
+ case Recv(Sock, 0) of
+ {ok, {Source, <> = Msg}}
+ when (Sz =:= size(Data)) ->
+ %% We got it all
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("tpp_udp_recv -> got all: "
+ %% "~n Source: ~p"
+ %% "~n Tag: ~p"
+ %% "~n Sz: ~p"
+ %% "~n size(Data): ~p", [Source, Tag, Sz, size(Data)]),
+ {ok, Data, size(Msg), Source};
+ {ok, {Source, <> = Msg}} ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("tpp_udp_recv -> got part: "
+ %% "~n Source: ~p"
+ %% "~n Tag: ~p"
+ %% "~n Sz: ~p"
+ %% "~n size(Data): ~p", [Source, Tag, Sz, size(Data)]),
+ Remains = Sz - size(Data),
+ tpp_tcp_recv(Sock, Source, Recv, Tag, Remains, size(Msg), [Data]);
+ {ok, {_, <>}} ->
+ {error, {invalid_msg_tag, Tag}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
+%% We match against Source since we only communicate with one peer
+tpp_tcp_recv(Sock, Source, Recv, Tag, Remaining, AccSz, Acc) ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("tpp_tcp_recv -> entry with"
+ %% "~n Tag: ~p"
+ %% "~n Remaining: ~p"
+ %% "~n AccSz: ~p"
+ %% "~n RcvBuf: ~p"
+ %% "~n SndBuf: ~p",
+ %% [Tag, Remaining, AccSz,
+ %% socket:getopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf),
+ %% socket:getopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf)]),
+ case Recv(Sock, Remaining) of
+ {ok, {Source, Data}} when (Remaining =:= size(Data)) ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("tpp_udp_recv -> got rest: "
+ %% "~n Source: ~p"
+ %% "~n size(Data): ~p", [Source, size(Data)]),
+ %% We got the rest
+ TotSz = AccSz + size(Data),
+ {ok,
+ erlang:iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse([Data | Acc])),
+ TotSz, Source};
+ {ok, {Source, Data}} when (Remaining > size(Data)) ->
+ %% ?SEV_IPRINT("tpp_udp_recv -> got part of rest: "
+ %% "~n Source: ~p"
+ %% "~n size(Data): ~p", [Source, size(Data)]),
+ tpp_tcp_recv(Sock, Source, Recv, Tag,
+ Remaining - size(Data), AccSz + size(Data),
+ [Data | Acc]);
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
+tpp_udp_send_req(Sock, Send, Data, Dest) ->
+ tpp_udp_send(Sock, Send, ?TPP_REQUEST, Data, Dest).
+tpp_udp_send_rep(Sock, Send, Data, Dest) ->
+ tpp_udp_send(Sock, Send, ?TPP_REPLY, Data, Dest).
+tpp_udp_send(Sock, Send, Tag, Data, Dest) ->
+ DataSz = size(Data),
+ Msg = <>,
+ tpp_udp_send_msg(Sock, Send, Msg, Dest, 0).
+tpp_udp_send_msg(Sock, Send, Msg, Dest, AccSz) when is_binary(Msg) ->
+ %% d("tpp_udp_send_msg -> entry with"
+ %% "~n size(Msg): ~p"
+ %% "~n Dest: ~p"
+ %% "~n AccSz: ~p"
+ %% "~n RcvBuf: ~p"
+ %% "~n SndBuf: ~p",
+ %% [size(Msg), Dest, AccSz,
+ %% socket:getopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf),
+ %% socket:getopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf)]),
+ case Send(Sock, Msg, Dest) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, AccSz+size(Msg)};
+ {ok, Rest} -> % This is an IOVec
+ RestBin = list_to_binary(Rest),
+ tpp_udp_send_msg(Sock, Send, RestBin, Dest,
+ AccSz+(size(Msg)-size(RestBin)));
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
+tpp_udp_handler_await_start(Parent) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("await start"),
+tpp_udp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, Slogan) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("announce ready (~p)", [Slogan]),
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Parent, Slogan).
+tpp_udp_handler_announce_ready(Parent, Slogan, Extra) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("announce ready (~p)", [Slogan]),
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Parent, Slogan, Extra).
+tpp_udp_handler_await_continue(Parent, Slogan) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("await continue (~p)", [Slogan]),
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Parent, parent, Slogan) of
+ ok ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("continue (~p): ok", [Slogan]),
+ ok;
+ {ok, Data} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("continue (~p): ok with data", [Slogan]),
+ Data;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("continue (~p): error"
+ "~n ~p", [Slogan, Reason]),
+ exit({continue, Slogan, Reason})
+ end.
+tpp_udp_handler_await_terminate(Parent) ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("await terminate"),
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_TERMINATE(Parent, parent) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Reason
+ end.
+tpp_udp_sock_open(Domain, BufInit) ->
+ case socket:open(Domain, dgram, udp) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ ok = BufInit(Sock),
+ Sock;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({open_failed, Reason})
+ end.
+tpp_udp_sock_bind(Sock, Domain) ->
+ LAddr = which_local_addr(Domain),
+ LSA = #{family => Domain,
+ addr => LAddr},
+ case socket:bind(Sock, LSA) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({bind, Reason})
+ end.
+tpp_udp_sock_close(Sock) ->
+ case socket:close(Sock) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({close, Reason})
+ end.
+%% This gets the local address (not 127.0...)
+%% We should really implement this using the (new) net module,
+%% but until that gets the necessary functionality...
+which_local_addr(Domain) ->
+ case inet:getifaddrs() of
+ {ok, IFL} ->
+ which_addr(Domain, IFL);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?FAIL({inet, getifaddrs, Reason})
+ end.
+which_addr(_Domain, []) ->
+ ?FAIL(no_address);
+which_addr(Domain, [{Name, IFO}|_IFL]) when (Name =/= "lo") ->
+ which_addr2(Domain, IFO);
+which_addr(Domain, [_|IFL]) ->
+ which_addr(Domain, IFL).
+which_addr2(_Domain, []) ->
+ ?FAIL(no_address);
+which_addr2(inet = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO]) when (size(Addr) =:= 4) ->
+ Addr;
+which_addr2(inet6 = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO]) when (size(Addr) =:= 8) ->
+ Addr;
+which_addr2(Domain, [_|IFO]) ->
+ which_addr2(Domain, IFO).
+start_node(Host, NodeName) ->
+ UniqueNodeName = f("~w_~w", [NodeName, erlang:system_time(millisecond)]),
+ case do_start_node(Host, UniqueNodeName) of
+ {ok, _} = OK ->
+ OK;
+ {error, Reason, _} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+do_start_node(Host, NodeName) when is_list(NodeName) ->
+ do_start_node(Host, list_to_atom(NodeName));
+do_start_node(Host, NodeName) when is_atom(NodeName) ->
+ Dir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+ Flags = "-pa " ++ Dir,
+ Opts = [{monitor_master, true}, {erl_flags, Flags}],
+ ct_slave:start(Host, NodeName, Opts).
+stop_node(Node) ->
+ case ct_slave:stop(Node) of
+ {ok, _} ->
{error, _} = ERROR ->
@@ -8208,21 +9285,21 @@ f(F, A) ->
%% i(Before ++ FStr ++ After, []).
-%% d(F, A) ->
-%% d(get(dbg_fd), F, A).
+d(F, A) ->
+ d(get(dbg_fd), F, A).
-%% d(undefined, F, A) ->
-%% [NodeNameStr|_] = string:split(atom_to_list(node()), [$@]),
-%% DbgFileName = f("~s-dbg.txt", [NodeNameStr]),
-%% case file:open(DbgFileName, [write]) of
-%% {ok, FD} ->
-%% put(dbg_fd, FD),
-%% d(FD, F, A);
-%% {error, Reason} ->
-%% exit({failed_open_dbg_file, Reason})
-%% end;
-%% d(FD, F, A) ->
-%% io:format(FD, "~s~n", [f("[~s] " ++ F, [formated_timestamp()|A])]).
+d(undefined, F, A) ->
+ [NodeNameStr|_] = string:split(atom_to_list(node()), [$@]),
+ DbgFileName = f("~s-dbg.txt", [NodeNameStr]),
+ case file:open(DbgFileName, [write]) of
+ {ok, FD} ->
+ put(dbg_fd, FD),
+ d(FD, F, A);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({failed_open_dbg_file, Reason})
+ end;
+d(FD, F, A) ->
+ io:format(FD, "~s~n", [f("[~s] " ++ F, [formated_timestamp()|A])]).
i(F) ->
i(F, []).
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/ebin/socket.beam b/erts/preloaded/ebin/socket.beam
index d3bc7c7af0..25046e6aad 100644
Binary files a/erts/preloaded/ebin/socket.beam and b/erts/preloaded/ebin/socket.beam differ
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/src/socket.erl b/erts/preloaded/src/socket.erl
index dd10aac3ff..a40692881b 100644
--- a/erts/preloaded/src/socket.erl
+++ b/erts/preloaded/src/socket.erl
@@ -1958,6 +1958,7 @@ do_recvfrom(SockRef, BufSz, EFlags, Timeout) ->
next_timeout(TS, Timeout));
{nif_abort, RecvRef, Reason} ->
+ %% p("received nif-abort: ~p", [Reason]),
{error, Reason}
after NewTimeout ->
@@ -1970,6 +1971,13 @@ do_recvfrom(SockRef, BufSz, EFlags, Timeout) ->
+%% pi(Item) ->
+%% pi(self(), Item).
+%% pi(Pid, Item) ->
+%% {Item, Info} = process_info(Pid, Item),
+%% Info.
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cgit v1.2.3