Use maps instead of records to represent the SEQUENCE and
+ SET types. No .hrl files will be generated.
+ See the Section
+ Map representation for SEQUENCE and SET
+ for more information.
+ +asn1config
This functionality works together with option
@@ -766,8 +774,11 @@ Pdu ::= SEQUENCE {
d NULL }
This is a 4-component structure called Pdu. The record format
- is the major format for representation of SEQUENCE in Erlang.
This is a 4-component structure called Pdu. By default,
+ a SEQUENCE is represented by a record in Erlang.
+ It can also be represented as a map; see
+ Map representation for SEQUENCE and SET.
For each SEQUENCE and SET in an ASN.1 module an Erlang
record declaration is generated. For Pdu, a record
like the following is defined:
@@ -877,6 +888,48 @@ SExt ::= SEQUENCE {
component, if present, otherwise the value asn1_NOVALUE.
+ Map representation for SEQUENCE and SET
If the ASN.1 module has been compiled with option maps,
+ the types SEQUENCE and SET are represented as maps.
In the following example, this ASN.1 specification is used:
+Seq1 ::= SEQUENCE {
+ c IA5String
Optional fields are to be omitted from the map if they have
+ no value:
It is not allowed to use the atoms asn1_VALUE and
+ asn1_DEFAULT with maps.
@@ -1004,11 +1057,16 @@ T ::= CHOICE {
Naming of Records in .hrl Files
When the option maps is given, no .hrl files
+ will be generated. The rest of this section describes the behavior
+ of the compiler when maps is not used.
When an ASN.1 specification is compiled, all defined types of type
- SET or SEQUENCE result in a corresponding record in the
- generated .hrl file. This is because the values for
- SET and SEQUENCE are represented as records as
- mentioned earlier.
+ SET or SEQUENCE result in a corresponding record in the
+ generated .hrl file. This is because the values for
+ SET and SEQUENCE are represented as records
+ by default.
Some special cases of this functionality are presented in the
next section.
@@ -1144,9 +1202,10 @@ SS ::= SET {
This example shows that a function is generated by the compiler
that returns a valid Erlang representation of the value, although
the value is of a complex type.
Furthermore, a macro is generated for each value in the .hrl
- file. So, the defined value tt can also be extracted by
- ?tt in application code.
Furthermore, if the option maps is not used,
+ a macro is generated for each value in the .hrl
+ file. So, the defined value tt can also be extracted by
+ ?tt in application code.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/doc/src/asn1ct.xml b/lib/asn1/doc/src/asn1ct.xml
index ebe1ce44dc..859d6a50bb 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/doc/src/asn1ct.xml
+++ b/lib/asn1/doc/src/asn1ct.xml
@@ -170,11 +170,24 @@ File3.asn
as for ber.
+ maps
This option changes the representation of the types
+ SEQUENCE and SET to use maps (instead of
+ records). This option also suppresses the generation of
+ .hrl files.
For details, see Section
+ Map representation for SEQUENCE and SET
+ in the User's Guide.
+ compact_bit_string
The BIT STRING type is decoded to "compact notation".
This option is not recommended for new code.
+ This option cannot be combined with the option maps.
For details, see Section
@@ -188,6 +201,7 @@ File3.asn
The BIT STRING type is decoded to the legacy
format, that is, a list of zeroes and ones.
This option is not recommended for new code.
+ This option cannot be combined with the option maps.
For details, see Section
@@ -202,7 +216,8 @@ File3.asn
marker="asn1_getting_started#BIT STRING">BIT STRING and Section
STRING in the User's Guide.
This option is not recommended for new code.
This option is not recommended for new code.
+ This option cannot be combined with the option maps.
{n2n, EnumTypeName}
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl
index 869ea310aa..a3e45ca915 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ dbstart(Includes0) ->
put(?MODULE, spawn_link(fun() -> init(Parent, Includes) end)),
-dbload(Module, Erule, Mtime) ->
- req({load, Module, Erule, Mtime}).
+dbload(Module, Erule, Maps, Mtime) ->
+ req({load, Module, {Erule,Maps}, Mtime}).
dbload(Module) ->
req({load, Module, any, {{0,0,0},{0,0,0}}}).
-dbnew(Module, Erule) -> req({new, Module, Erule}).
+dbnew(Module, Erule, Maps) -> req({new, Module, {Erule,Maps}}).
dbsave(OutFile, Module) -> cast({save, OutFile, Module}).
dbput(Module, K, V) -> cast({set, Module, K, V}).
dbput(Module, Kvs) -> cast({set, Module, Kvs}).
@@ -110,19 +110,19 @@ loop(#state{parent = Parent, monitor = MRef, table = Table,
ok = ets:tab2file(Mtab, TempFile),
ok = file:rename(TempFile, OutFile),
- {From, {new, Mod, Erule}} ->
+ {From, {new, Mod, EruleMaps}} ->
[] = ets:lookup(Table, Mod), %Assertion.
ModTableId = ets:new(list_to_atom(lists:concat(["asn1_",Mod])), []),
ets:insert(Table, {Mod, ModTableId}),
- ets:insert(ModTableId, {?MAGIC_KEY, info(Erule)}),
+ ets:insert(ModTableId, {?MAGIC_KEY, info(EruleMaps)}),
reply(From, ok),
- {From, {load, Mod, Erule, Mtime}} ->
+ {From, {load, Mod, EruleMaps, Mtime}} ->
case ets:member(Table, Mod) of
true ->
reply(From, ok);
false ->
- case load_table(Mod, Erule, Mtime, Includes) of
+ case load_table(Mod, EruleMaps, Mtime, Includes) of
{ok, ModTableId} ->
ets:insert(Table, {Mod, ModTableId}),
reply(From, ok);
@@ -151,20 +151,20 @@ lookup(Tab, K) ->
[{K,V}] -> V
-info(Erule) ->
- {asn1ct:vsn(),Erule}.
+info(EruleMaps) ->
+ {asn1ct:vsn(),EruleMaps}.
-load_table(Mod, Erule, Mtime, Includes) ->
+load_table(Mod, EruleMaps, Mtime, Includes) ->
Base = lists:concat([Mod, ".asn1db"]),
case path_find(Includes, Mtime, Base) of
error ->
- {ok,ModTab} when Erule =:= any ->
+ {ok,ModTab} when EruleMaps =:= any ->
{ok,ModTab} ->
Vsn = asn1ct:vsn(),
case ets:lookup(ModTab, ?MAGIC_KEY) of
- [{_,{Vsn,Erule}}] ->
+ [{_,{Vsn,EruleMaps}}] ->
%% Correct version and encoding rule.
_ ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_records.hrl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_records.hrl
index 4b800f17c7..d3d76f9566 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_records.hrl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_records.hrl
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
-record(module,{pos,name,defid,tagdefault='EXPLICIT',exports={exports,[]},imports={imports,[]}, extensiondefault=empty,typeorval}).
@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@
aligned=false :: boolean(),
rec_prefix="" :: string(),
macro_prefix="" :: string(),
+ pack=record :: 'record' | 'map',
options=[] :: [any()]
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl
index 0a68395b49..d27f8897af 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ check_pass(#st{code=M,file=File,includes=Includes,
inputmodules=InputModules}=St) ->
- case asn1ct_check:storeindb(#state{erule=Erule}, M) of
+ case asn1ct_check:storeindb(#state{erule=Erule,options=Opts}, M) of
ok ->
Module = asn1_db:dbget(, 'MODULE'),
State = #state{,
@@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ check_pass(#st{code=M,file=File,includes=Includes,
-save_pass(#st{code=M,erule=Erule}=St) ->
- ok = asn1ct_check:storeindb(#state{erule=Erule}, M),
+save_pass(#st{code=M,erule=Erule,opts=Opts}=St) ->
+ ok = asn1ct_check:storeindb(#state{erule=Erule,options=Opts}, M),
parse_listing(#st{code=Code,outfile=OutFile0}=St) ->
@@ -842,6 +842,8 @@ generate({M,GenTOrV}, OutFile, EncodingRule, Options) ->
Gen = init_gen_record(EncodingRule, Options),
+ check_maps_option(Gen),
%% create decoding function names and taglists for partial decode
specialized_decode_prepare(Gen, M)
@@ -875,9 +877,13 @@ init_gen_record(EncodingRule, Options) ->
Aligned = EncodingRule =:= per,
RecPrefix = proplists:get_value(record_name_prefix, Options, ""),
MacroPrefix = proplists:get_value(macro_name_prefix, Options, ""),
+ Pack = case proplists:get_value(maps, Options, false) of
+ true -> map;
+ false -> record
+ end,
- options=Options}.
+ pack=Pack,options=Options}.
setup_legacy_erlang_types(Opts) ->
@@ -924,6 +930,26 @@ cleanup_bit_string_format() ->
get_bit_string_format() ->
+check_maps_option(#gen{pack=map}) ->
+ case get_bit_string_format() of
+ bitstring ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ Message1 = "The 'maps' option must not be combined with "
+ "'compact_bit_string' or 'legacy_bit_string'",
+ exit({error,{asn1,Message1}})
+ end,
+ case use_legacy_types() of
+ false ->
+ ok;
+ true ->
+ Message2 = "The 'maps' option must not be combined with "
+ "'legacy_erlang_types'",
+ exit({error,{asn1,Message2}})
+ end;
+check_maps_option(#gen{}) ->
+ ok.
%% parse_and_save parses an asn1 spec and saves the unchecked parse
%% tree in a data base file.
@@ -933,22 +959,27 @@ parse_and_save(Module,S) ->
SourceDir = S#state.sourcedir,
Includes = [I || {i,I} <- Options],
Erule = S#state.erule,
+ Maps = lists:member(maps, Options),
case get_input_file(Module, [SourceDir|Includes]) of
%% search for asn1 source
{file,SuffixedASN1source} ->
Mtime = filelib:last_modified(SuffixedASN1source),
- case asn1_db:dbload(Module, Erule, Mtime) of
+ case asn1_db:dbload(Module, Erule, Maps, Mtime) of
ok -> ok;
error -> parse_and_save1(S, SuffixedASN1source, Options)
- Err ->
+ Err when not Maps ->
case asn1_db:dbload(Module) of
ok ->
+ %% FIXME: This should be an error.
warning("could not do a consistency check of the ~p file: no asn1 source file was found.~n",
error ->
+ {error,{asn1,input_file_error,Err}};
+ Err ->
+ %% Always fail directly when the 'maps' option is used.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl
index a01a22ddc4..321f4147f5 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_check.erl
@@ -2239,12 +2239,18 @@ normalized_record(SorS,S,Value,Components,NameList) ->
case is_record_normalized(S,NewName,Value,length(Components)) of
true ->
- _ ->
+ false ->
NoComps = length(Components),
ListOfVals = normalize_seq_or_set(SorS,S,Value,Components,NameList,[]),
- NoComps = length(ListOfVals), %% Assert
- list_to_tuple([NewName|ListOfVals])
+ NoComps = length(ListOfVals), %Assertion.
+ case use_maps(S) of
+ false ->
+ list_to_tuple([NewName|ListOfVals]);
+ true ->
+ create_map_value(Components, ListOfVals)
+ end
is_record_normalized(S,Name,V = #'Externalvaluereference'{},NumComps) ->
case get_referenced_type(S,V) of
{_M,#valuedef{type=_T1,value=V2}} ->
@@ -2253,9 +2259,20 @@ is_record_normalized(S,Name,V = #'Externalvaluereference'{},NumComps) ->
is_record_normalized(_S,Name,Value,NumComps) when is_tuple(Value) ->
(tuple_size(Value) =:= (NumComps + 1)) andalso (element(1, Value) =:= Name);
+is_record_normalized(_S, _Name, Value, _NumComps) when is_map(Value) ->
+ true;
is_record_normalized(_,_,_,_) ->
+use_maps(#state{options=Opts}) ->
+ lists:member(maps, Opts).
+create_map_value(Components, ListOfVals) ->
+ Zipped = lists:zip(Components, ListOfVals),
+ L = [{Name,V} || {#'ComponentType'{name=Name},V} <- Zipped,
+ V =/= asn1_NOVALUE],
+ maps:from_list(L).
normalize_seq_or_set(SorS, S,
@@ -5674,7 +5691,8 @@ storeindb(S0, #module{name=ModName,typeorval=TVlist0}=M) ->
storeindb_1(S, #module{name=ModName}=M, TVlist0, TVlist) ->
NewM = M#module{typeorval=findtypes_and_values(TVlist0)},
- asn1_db:dbnew(ModName, S#state.erule),
+ Maps = lists:member(maps, S#state.options),
+ asn1_db:dbnew(ModName, S#state.erule, Maps),
asn1_db:dbput(ModName, 'MODULE', NewM),
asn1_db:dbput(ModName, TVlist),
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2.erl
index cc1196c5cb..16af09bca9 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2.erl
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
-gen_encode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
+gen_encode_sequence(Gen, Typename, #type{}=D) ->
@@ -67,8 +67,12 @@ gen_encode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
ValName =
case Typename of
+ Tr = case Gen of
+ #gen{pack=record} -> transform_to_EXTERNAL1990;
+ #gen{pack=map} -> transform_to_EXTERNAL1990_maps
+ end,
emit([indent(4),"NewVal = ",
- {call,ext,transform_to_EXTERNAL1990,["Val"]},
+ {call,ext,Tr,["Val"]},
_ ->
@@ -90,18 +94,9 @@ gen_encode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
{Rl,El} -> Rl ++ El;
_ -> CompList
-%% don't match recordname for now, because of compatibility reasons
-%% emit(["{'",asn1ct_gen:list2rname(Typename),"'"]),
- emit(["{_"]),
- case length(CompList1) of
- 0 ->
- true;
- CompListLen ->
- emit([","]),
- mkcindexlist([Tc || Tc <- lists:seq(1,CompListLen)])
- end,
- emit(["} = ",ValName,",",nl]),
+ enc_match_input(Gen, ValName, CompList1),
EncObj =
case TableConsInfo of
@@ -125,7 +120,7 @@ gen_encode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
emit([ObjectEncode," = ",nl,
" ",{asis,ObjSetMod},":'getenc_",ObjSetName,
- ValueMatch = value_match(ValueIndex,
+ ValueMatch = value_match(Gen, ValueIndex,
@@ -144,7 +139,7 @@ gen_encode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- gen_enc_sequence_call(Erules,Typename,CompList1,1,Ext,EncObj),
+ gen_enc_sequence_call(Gen, Typename, CompList1, 1, Ext, EncObj),
emit([nl," BytesSoFar = "]),
case SeqOrSet of
@@ -168,7 +163,36 @@ gen_encode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
call(encode_tags, ["TagIn","BytesSoFar","LenSoFar"]),
-gen_decode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
+enc_match_input(#gen{pack=record}, ValName, CompList) ->
+ Len = length(CompList),
+ Vars = [lists:concat(["Cindex",N]) || N <- lists:seq(1, Len)],
+ RecordName = "_",
+ emit(["{",lists:join(",", [RecordName|Vars]),"} = ",ValName,com,nl]);
+enc_match_input(#gen{pack=map}, ValName, CompList) ->
+ Len = length(CompList),
+ Vars = [lists:concat(["Cindex",N]) || N <- lists:seq(1, Len)],
+ Zipped = lists:zip(CompList, Vars),
+ M = [[{asis,Name},":=",Var] ||
+ {#'ComponentType'{prop=mandatory,name=Name},Var} <- Zipped],
+ case M of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ [_|_] ->
+ emit(["#{",lists:join(",", M),"} = ",ValName,com,nl])
+ end,
+ Os0 = [{Name,Var} ||
+ {#'ComponentType'{prop=Prop,name=Name},Var} <- Zipped,
+ Prop =/= mandatory],
+ F = fun({Name,Var}) ->
+ [Var," = case ",ValName," of\n"
+ " #{",{asis,Name},":=",Var,"_0} -> ",
+ Var,"_0;\n"
+ " _ -> ",atom_to_list(?MISSING_IN_MAP),"\n"
+ "end"]
+ end,
+ emit(lists:join(",\n", [F(E) || E <- Os0]++[[]])).
+gen_decode_sequence(Gen, Typename, #type{}=D) ->
#'SEQUENCE'{tablecinf=TableConsInfo,components=CList0} = D#type.def,
@@ -225,15 +249,20 @@ gen_decode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
_ ->
- RecordName = lists:concat([get_record_name_prefix(Erules),
- asn1ct_gen:list2rname(Typename)]),
- case gen_dec_sequence_call(Erules,Typename,CompList2,Ext,DecObjInf) of
- no_terms -> % an empty sequence
- emit([nl,nl]),
- demit(["Result = "]), %dbg
- %% return value as record
+ RecordName0 = lists:concat([get_record_name_prefix(Gen),
+ asn1ct_gen:list2rname(Typename)]),
+ RecordName = list_to_atom(RecordName0),
+ case gen_dec_sequence_call(Gen, Typename, CompList2, Ext, DecObjInf) of
+ no_terms -> % an empty sequence
- emit([" {'",RecordName,"'}.",nl,nl]);
+ case Gen of
+ #gen{pack=record} ->
+ emit([nl,nl,
+ " {'",RecordName,"'}.",nl,nl]);
+ #gen{pack=map} ->
+ emit([nl,nl,
+ " #{}.",nl,nl])
+ end;
{LeadingAttrTerm,PostponedDecArgs} ->
case {LeadingAttrTerm,PostponedDecArgs} of
@@ -243,7 +272,7 @@ gen_decode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
{[{ObjSetRef,LeadingAttr,Term}],PostponedDecArgs} ->
DecObj = asn1ct_gen:un_hyphen_var(lists:concat(['DecObj',LeadingAttr,Term])),
- ValueMatch = value_match(ValueIndex,Term),
+ ValueMatch = value_match(Gen, ValueIndex,Term),
{ObjSetMod,ObjSetName} = ObjSetRef,
emit([DecObj," =",nl,
" ",{asis,ObjSetMod},":'getdec_",ObjSetName,"'(",
@@ -263,22 +292,64 @@ gen_decode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- case Typename of
- ['EXTERNAL'] ->
- emit([" OldFormat={'",RecordName,
- "', "]),
- mkvlist(asn1ct_name:all(term)),
- emit(["},",nl]),
- emit([" ",
- {call,ext,transform_to_EXTERNAL1994,
- ["OldFormat"]},".",nl]);
- _ ->
- emit([" {'",RecordName,"', "]),
- mkvlist(asn1ct_name:all(term)),
- emit(["}.",nl,nl])
- end
+ gen_dec_pack(Gen, RecordName, Typename, CompList),
+ emit([".",nl])
+gen_dec_pack(Gen, RecordName, Typename, CompList) ->
+ case Typename of
+ ['EXTERNAL'] ->
+ dec_external(Gen, RecordName);
+ _ ->
+ asn1ct_name:new(res),
+ gen_dec_do_pack(Gen, RecordName, CompList),
+ emit([com,nl,
+ {curr,res}])
+ end.
+dec_external(#gen{pack=record}, RecordName) ->
+ All = [{var,Term} || Term <- asn1ct_name:all(term)],
+ Record = [{asis,RecordName}|All],
+ emit(["OldFormat={",lists:join(",", Record),"},",nl,
+ {call,ext,transform_to_EXTERNAL1994,
+ ["OldFormat"]}]);
+dec_external(#gen{pack=map}, _RecordName) ->
+ Vars = asn1ct_name:all(term),
+ Names = ['direct-reference','indirect-reference',
+ 'data-value-descriptor',encoding],
+ Zipped = lists:zip(Names, Vars),
+ MapInit = lists:join(",", [["'",N,"'=>",{var,V}] || {N,V} <- Zipped]),
+ emit(["OldFormat = #{",MapInit,"}",com,nl,
+ "ASN11994Format =",nl,
+ {call,ext,transform_to_EXTERNAL1994_maps,
+ ["OldFormat"]}]).
+gen_dec_do_pack(#gen{pack=record}, RecordName, _CompList) ->
+ All = asn1ct_name:all(term),
+ L = [{asis,RecordName}|[{var,Var} || Var <- All]],
+ emit([{curr,res}," = {",lists:join(",", L),"}"]);
+gen_dec_do_pack(#gen{pack=map}, _, CompList) ->
+ Zipped = lists:zip(CompList, asn1ct_name:all(term)),
+ PF = fun({#'ComponentType'{prop='OPTIONAL'},_}) -> false;
+ ({_,_}) -> true
+ end,
+ {Mandatory,Optional} = lists:partition(PF, Zipped),
+ L = [[{asis,Name},"=>",{var,Var}] ||
+ {#'ComponentType'{name=Name},Var} <- Mandatory],
+ emit([{curr,res}," = #{",lists:join(",", L),"}"]),
+ gen_dec_map_optional(Optional).
+gen_dec_map_optional([{#'ComponentType'{name=Name},Var}|T]) ->
+ asn1ct_name:new(res),
+ emit([com,nl,
+ {curr,res}," = case ",{var,Var}," of",nl,
+ " asn1_NOVALUE -> ",{prev,res},";",nl,
+ " _ -> ",{prev,res},"#{",{asis,Name},"=>",{var,Var},"}",nl,
+ "end"]),
+ gen_dec_map_optional(T);
+gen_dec_map_optional([]) ->
+ ok.
gen_dec_postponed_decs(_,[]) ->
@@ -327,7 +398,7 @@ emit_opt_or_mand_check(Value,TmpTerm) ->
gen_encode_set(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
-gen_decode_set(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
+gen_decode_set(Gen, Typename, #type{}=D) ->
%% asn1ct_name:new(term),
@@ -393,7 +464,7 @@ gen_decode_set(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
_ ->
emit(["SetFun = fun(FunTlv) ->", nl]),
emit(["case FunTlv of ",nl]),
- NextNum = gen_dec_set_cases(Erules,Typename,CompList,1),
+ NextNum = gen_dec_set_cases(Gen, Typename, CompList, 1),
emit([indent(6), {curr,else}," -> ",nl,
indent(9),"{",NextNum,", ",{curr,else},"}",nl]),
@@ -405,14 +476,17 @@ gen_decode_set(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- RecordName = lists:concat([get_record_name_prefix(Erules),
- asn1ct_gen:list2rname(Typename)]),
- case gen_dec_sequence_call(Erules,Typename,CompList,Ext,DecObjInf) of
- no_terms -> % an empty sequence
- emit([nl,nl]),
- demit(["Result = "]), %dbg
- %% return value as record
- emit([" {'",RecordName,"'}.",nl]);
+ RecordName0 = lists:concat([get_record_name_prefix(Gen),
+ asn1ct_gen:list2rname(Typename)]),
+ RecordName = list_to_atom(RecordName0),
+ case gen_dec_sequence_call(Gen, Typename, CompList, Ext, DecObjInf) of
+ no_terms -> % an empty SET
+ case Gen of
+ #gen{pack=record} ->
+ emit([nl,nl," {'",RecordName,"'}.",nl,nl]);
+ #gen{pack=map} ->
+ emit([nl,nl," #{}.",nl,nl])
+ end;
{LeadingAttrTerm,PostponedDecArgs} ->
case {LeadingAttrTerm,PostponedDecArgs} of
@@ -422,7 +496,7 @@ gen_decode_set(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
{[{ObjSetRef,LeadingAttr,Term}],PostponedDecArgs} ->
DecObj = asn1ct_gen:un_hyphen_var(lists:concat(['DecObj',LeadingAttr,Term])),
- ValueMatch = value_match(ValueIndex,Term),
+ ValueMatch = value_match(Gen, ValueIndex, Term),
{ObjSetMod,ObjSetName} = ObjSetRef,
emit([DecObj," =",nl,
" ",{asis,ObjSetMod},":'getdec_",ObjSetName,"'(",
@@ -441,9 +515,8 @@ gen_decode_set(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
"}}}) % extra fields not allowed",nl,
- emit([" {'",RecordName,"', "]),
- mkvlist(asn1ct_name:all(term)),
- emit(["}.",nl])
+ gen_dec_pack(Gen, RecordName, Typename, CompList),
+ emit([".",nl])
@@ -1025,35 +1098,44 @@ gen_enc_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,Element,Indent,OptOrMand,Assign,EncObj)
-gen_optormand_case(mandatory, _Erules, _TopType, _Cname, _Type, _Element) ->
+gen_optormand_case(mandatory, _Gen, _TopType, _Cname, _Type, _Element) ->
-gen_optormand_case('OPTIONAL', Erules, _TopType, _Cname, _Type, Element) ->
+gen_optormand_case('OPTIONAL', Gen, _TopType, _Cname, _Type, Element) ->
emit([" case ",Element," of",nl]),
- emit([indent(9),"asn1_NOVALUE -> {",
- empty_lb(Erules),",0};",nl]),
+ Missing = case Gen of
+ #gen{pack=record} -> asn1_NOVALUE;
+ #gen{pack=map} -> ?MISSING_IN_MAP
+ end,
+ emit([indent(9),Missing," -> {",
+ empty_lb(Gen),",0};",nl]),
emit([indent(9),"_ ->",nl,indent(12)]);
gen_optormand_case({'DEFAULT',DefaultValue}, Gen, _TopType,
_Cname, Type, Element) ->
CurrMod = get(currmod),
case Gen of
#gen{erule=ber,der=true} ->
- asn1ct_gen_check:emit(Type, DefaultValue, Element);
- #gen{erule=ber,der=false} ->
- emit([" case ",Element," of",nl]),
- emit([indent(9),"asn1_DEFAULT -> {",
- empty_lb(Gen),
- ",0};",nl]),
- case DefaultValue of
- #'Externalvaluereference'{module=CurrMod,
- value=V} ->
- emit([indent(9),"?",{asis,V}," -> {",
- empty_lb(Gen),",0};",nl]);
- _ ->
- emit([indent(9),{asis,
- DefaultValue}," -> {",
- empty_lb(Gen),",0};",nl])
- end,
- emit([indent(9),"_ ->",nl,indent(12)])
+ asn1ct_gen_check:emit(Gen, Type, DefaultValue, Element);
+ #gen{erule=ber,der=false,pack=Pack} ->
+ Ind9 = indent(9),
+ DefMarker = case Pack of
+ record -> asn1_DEFAULT;
+ map -> ?MISSING_IN_MAP
+ end,
+ emit([" case ",Element," of",nl,
+ Ind9,{asis,DefMarker}," ->",nl,
+ Ind9,indent(3),"{",empty_lb(Gen),",0};",nl,
+ Ind9,"_ when ",Element," =:= "]),
+ Dv = case DefaultValue of
+ #'Externalvaluereference'{module=CurrMod,
+ value=V} ->
+ ["?",{asis,V}];
+ _ ->
+ [{asis,DefaultValue}]
+ end,
+ emit(Dv++[" ->",nl,
+ Ind9,indent(3),"{",empty_lb(Gen),",0};",nl,
+ Ind9,"_ ->",nl,
+ indent(12)])
%% Use for SEQUENCE OF and CHOICE.
@@ -1204,7 +1286,7 @@ gen_dec_call({typefield,_},_,_,Cname,Type,BytesVar,Tag,_,_,_DecObjInf,OptOrMandC
-gen_dec_call(InnerType, _Erules, TopType, Cname, Type, BytesVar,
+gen_dec_call(InnerType, Gen, TopType, Cname, Type, BytesVar,
Tag, _PrimOptOrMand, _OptOrMand, DecObjInf,_) ->
WhatKind = asn1ct_gen:type(InnerType),
gen_dec_call1(WhatKind, InnerType, TopType, Cname,
@@ -1212,7 +1294,7 @@ gen_dec_call(InnerType, _Erules, TopType, Cname, Type, BytesVar,
case DecObjInf of
{Cname,{_,OSet,_UniqueFName,ValIndex}} ->
Term = asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(term)),
- ValueMatch = value_match(ValIndex,Term),
+ ValueMatch = value_match(Gen, ValIndex, Term),
{ObjSetMod,ObjSetName} = OSet,
emit([",",nl,"ObjFun = ",{asis,ObjSetMod},":'getdec_",ObjSetName,
@@ -1337,19 +1419,6 @@ gen_dec_call1(WhatKind, _, TopType, Cname, Type, BytesVar, Tag) ->
indent(N) ->
lists:duplicate(N,32). % 32 = space
-mkcindexlist([H,T1|T], Sep) -> % Sep is a string e.g ", " or "+ "
- emit(["Cindex",H,Sep]),
- mkcindexlist([T1|T], Sep);
-mkcindexlist([H|T], Sep) ->
- emit(["Cindex",H]),
- mkcindexlist(T, Sep);
-mkcindexlist([], _) ->
- true.
-mkcindexlist(L) ->
- mkcindexlist(L,", ").
mkvlist([H,T1|T], Sep) -> % Sep is a string e.g ", " or "+ "
mkvlist([T1|T], Sep);
@@ -1429,16 +1498,22 @@ mkfuncname(TopType,Cname,WhatKind,Prefix,Suffix) ->
empty_lb(#gen{erule=ber}) ->
-value_match(Index,Value) when is_atom(Value) ->
- value_match(Index,atom_to_list(Value));
-value_match([],Value) ->
+value_match(#gen{pack=record}, VIs, Value) ->
+ value_match_rec(VIs, Value);
+value_match(#gen{pack=map}, VIs, Value) ->
+ value_match_map(VIs, Value).
+value_match_rec([], Value) ->
+ Value;
+value_match_rec([{VI,_}|VIs], Value0) ->
+ Value = value_match_rec(VIs, Value0),
+ lists:concat(["element(",VI,", ",Value,")"]).
+value_match_map([], Value) ->
-value_match([{VI,_}|VIs],Value) ->
- value_match1(Value,VIs,lists:concat(["element(",VI,","]),1).
-value_match1(Value,[],Acc,Depth) ->
- Acc ++ Value ++ lists:concat(lists:duplicate(Depth,")"));
-value_match1(Value,[{VI,_}|VIs],Acc,Depth) ->
- value_match1(Value,VIs,Acc++lists:concat(["element(",VI,","]),Depth+1).
+value_match_map([{_,Name}|VIs], Value0) ->
+ Value = value_match_map(VIs, Value0),
+ lists:concat(["maps:get(",Name,", ",Value,")"]).
call(F, Args) ->
asn1ct_func:call(ber, F, Args).
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_per.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_per.erl
index e817cf8677..b7579c8065 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_per.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_per.erl
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
-type type_name() :: any().
@@ -61,29 +62,20 @@ gen_encode_constructed(Erule, Typename, #type{}=D) ->
gen_encode_constructed_imm(Gen, Typename, #type{}=D) ->
{CompList,TableConsInfo} = enc_complist(D),
- ExternalImm =
- case Typename of
- ['EXTERNAL'] ->
- Next = asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:next(val)),
- Curr = asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(val)),
- asn1ct_name:new(val),
- [{call,ext,transform_to_EXTERNAL1990,[{var,Curr}],{var,Next}}];
- _ ->
- []
- end,
+ ExternalImm = external_imm(Gen, Typename),
Optionals = optionals(to_textual_order(CompList)),
ImmOptionals = enc_optionals(Gen, Optionals),
Ext = extensible_enc(CompList),
Aligned = is_aligned(Gen),
ExtImm = case Ext of
{ext,ExtPos,NumExt} when NumExt > 0 ->
- gen_encode_extaddgroup(CompList),
+ gen_encode_extaddgroup(Gen, CompList),
Value = make_var(val),
- asn1ct_imm:per_enc_extensions(Value, ExtPos,
- NumExt, Aligned);
+ enc_extensions(Gen, Value, ExtPos, NumExt, Aligned);
_ ->
+ MatchImm = enc_map_match(Gen, CompList),
{EncObj,ObjSetImm} = enc_table(Gen, TableConsInfo, D),
ImmSetExt =
case Ext of
@@ -95,9 +87,29 @@ gen_encode_constructed_imm(Gen, Typename, #type{}=D) ->
ImmBody = gen_enc_components_call(Gen, Typename, CompList, EncObj, Ext),
- ExternalImm ++ ExtImm ++ ObjSetImm ++
+ ExternalImm ++ MatchImm ++ ExtImm ++ ObjSetImm ++
asn1ct_imm:enc_append([ImmSetExt] ++ ImmOptionals ++ ImmBody).
+external_imm(Gen, ['EXTERNAL']) ->
+ Next = asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:next(val)),
+ Curr = asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(val)),
+ asn1ct_name:new(val),
+ F = case Gen of
+ #gen{pack=record} -> transform_to_EXTERNAL1990;
+ #gen{pack=map} -> transform_to_EXTERNAL1990_maps
+ end,
+ [{call,ext,F,[{var,Curr}],{var,Next}}];
+external_imm(_, _) ->
+ [].
+enc_extensions(#gen{pack=record}, Value, ExtPos, NumExt, Aligned) ->
+ asn1ct_imm:per_enc_extensions(Value, ExtPos, NumExt, Aligned);
+enc_extensions(#gen{pack=map}, Value, ExtPos, NumExt, Aligned) ->
+ Vars = [{var,lists:concat(["Input@",Pos])} ||
+ Pos <- lists:seq(ExtPos, ExtPos+NumExt-1)],
+ Undefined = atom_to_list(?MISSING_IN_MAP),
+ asn1ct_imm:per_enc_extensions_map(Value, Vars, Undefined, Aligned).
enc_complist(#type{def=Def}) ->
case Def of
#'SEQUENCE'{tablecinf=TCI,components=CL0,extaddgroup=ExtAddGroup} ->
@@ -127,7 +139,7 @@ enc_table(Gen, #simpletableattributes{objectsetname=ObjectSet,
asn1_db:dbget(Module, ObjSetName),
case MustGen of
true ->
- ValueIndex = ValueIndex0 ++ [{N+1,top}],
+ ValueIndex = ValueIndex0 ++ [{N+1,'ASN1_top'}],
Val = make_var(val),
{ObjSetImm,Dst} = enc_dig_out_value(Gen, ValueIndex, Val),
@@ -151,41 +163,118 @@ enc_optionals(Gen, Optionals) ->
Var = make_var(val),
enc_optionals_1(Gen, Optionals, Var).
-enc_optionals_1(Gen, [{Pos,DefVals}|T], Var) ->
+enc_optionals_1(#gen{pack=record}=Gen, [{Pos,DefVals}|T], Var) ->
{Imm0,Element} = asn1ct_imm:enc_element(Pos+1, Var),
Imm = asn1ct_imm:per_enc_optional(Element, DefVals),
[Imm0++Imm|enc_optionals_1(Gen, T, Var)];
+enc_optionals_1(#gen{pack=map}=Gen, [{Pos,DefVals0}|T], V) ->
+ Var = {var,lists:concat(["Input@",Pos])},
+ DefVals = translate_missing_value(Gen, DefVals0),
+ Imm = asn1ct_imm:per_enc_optional(Var, DefVals),
+ [Imm|enc_optionals_1(Gen, T, V)];
enc_optionals_1(_, [], _) ->
-gen_encode_extaddgroup(CompList) ->
+enc_map_match(#gen{pack=record}, _Cs) ->
+ [];
+enc_map_match(#gen{pack=map}, Cs0) ->
+ Var0 = "Input",
+ Cs = enc_flatten_components(Cs0),
+ M = [[quote_atom(Name),":=",lists:concat([Var0,"@",Order])] ||
+ #'ComponentType'{prop=mandatory,name=Name,
+ textual_order=Order} <- Cs],
+ Mand = case M of
+ [] ->
+ [];
+ [_|_] ->
+ Patt = {expr,lists:flatten(["#{",lists:join(",", M),"}"])},
+ [{assign,Patt,{var,asn1ct_name:curr(val)}}]
+ end,
+ Os0 = [{Name,Order} ||
+ #'ComponentType'{prop=Prop,name=Name,
+ textual_order=Order} <- Cs,
+ Prop =/= mandatory],
+ {var,Val} = make_var(val),
+ F = fun({Name,Order}) ->
+ Var = lists:concat([Var0,"@",Order]),
+ P0 = ["case ",Val," of\n"
+ " #{",quote_atom(Name),":=",Var,"_0} -> ",
+ Var,"_0;\n"
+ " _ -> ",atom_to_list(?MISSING_IN_MAP),"\n"
+ "end"],
+ P = lists:flatten(P0),
+ {assign,{var,Var},P}
+ end,
+ Os = [F(O) || O <- Os0],
+ Mand ++ Os.
+enc_flatten_components({Root1,Ext0,Root2}=CL) ->
+ {_,Gs} = extgroup_pos_and_length(CL),
+ Ext = wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(Ext0, Gs),
+ Root1 ++ Root2 ++ [mark_optional(C) || C <- Ext];
+enc_flatten_components({Root,Ext}) ->
+ enc_flatten_components({Root,Ext,[]});
+enc_flatten_components(Cs) ->
+ Cs.
+gen_encode_extaddgroup(#gen{pack=record}, CompList) ->
case extgroup_pos_and_length(CompList) of
{extgrouppos,[]} ->
{extgrouppos,ExtGroupPosLenList} ->
- _ = [do_gen_encode_extaddgroup(G) || G <- ExtGroupPosLenList],
+ _ = [gen_encode_eag_record(G) ||
+ G <- ExtGroupPosLenList],
- end.
+ end;
+gen_encode_extaddgroup(#gen{pack=map}, Cs0) ->
+ Cs = enc_flatten_components(Cs0),
+ gen_encode_eag_map(Cs).
+gen_encode_eag_map([#'ComponentType'{name=Group,typespec=Type}|Cs]) ->
+ case Type of
+ #type{def=#'SEQUENCE'{extaddgroup=G,components=GCs0}}
+ when is_integer(G) ->
+ Ns = [N || #'ComponentType'{name=N,prop=mandatory} <- GCs0],
+ test_for_mandatory(Ns, Group),
+ gen_encode_eag_map(Cs);
+ _ ->
+ gen_encode_eag_map(Cs)
+ end;
+gen_encode_eag_map([]) ->
+ ok.
-do_gen_encode_extaddgroup({ActualGroupPos,GroupVirtualPos,GroupLen}) ->
+test_for_mandatory([Mand|_], Group) ->
+ emit([{next,val}," = case ",{curr,val}," of",nl,
+ "#{",quote_atom(Mand),":=_} -> ",
+ {curr,val},"#{",{asis,Group},"=>",{curr,val},"};",nl,
+ "#{} -> ",{curr,val},nl,
+ "end,",nl]),
+ asn1ct_name:new(val);
+test_for_mandatory([], _) ->
+ ok.
+gen_encode_eag_record({ActualPos,VirtualPos,Len}) ->
Val = asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(val)),
- Elements = make_elements(GroupVirtualPos+1,
- Val,
- lists:seq(1, GroupLen)),
- Expr = any_non_value(GroupVirtualPos+1, Val, GroupLen, ""),
+ Elements = get_input_vars(Val, VirtualPos, Len),
+ Expr = any_non_value(Val, VirtualPos, Len),
emit([{next,val}," = case ",Expr," of",nl,
- "false -> setelement(",{asis,ActualGroupPos+1},", ",
+ "false -> setelement(",{asis,ActualPos+1},", ",
{curr,val},", asn1_NOVALUE);",nl,
- "true -> setelement(",{asis,ActualGroupPos+1},", ",
+ "true -> setelement(",{asis,ActualPos+1},", ",
{curr,val},", {extaddgroup,", Elements,"})",nl,
-any_non_value(_, _, 0, _) ->
+any_non_value(Val, Pos, N) ->
+ L = any_non_value_1(Val, Pos, N),
+ lists:join(" orelse ", L).
+any_non_value_1(_, _, 0) ->
-any_non_value(Pos, Val, N, Sep) ->
- Sep ++ [make_element(Pos, Val)," =/= asn1_NOVALUE"] ++
- any_non_value(Pos+1, Val, N-1, [" orelse",nl]).
+any_non_value_1(Val, Pos, N) ->
+ Var = get_input_var(Val, Pos),
+ [Var ++ " =/= asn1_NOVALUE"|any_non_value_1(Val, Pos+1, N-1)].
%% generate decode function for SEQUENCE and SET
@@ -346,27 +435,78 @@ gen_dec_objsets_fun(Gen, ObjSetInfo) ->
gen_dec_pack(Gen, Typename, CompList) ->
- RecordName = record_name(Gen, Typename),
case Typename of
- emit({" OldFormat={'",RecordName,
- "'"}),
- mkvlist(asn1ct_name:all(term)),
- emit({"},",nl}),
- emit([" ASN11994Format =",nl,
- " ",
- {call,ext,transform_to_EXTERNAL1994,
- ["OldFormat"]},com,nl]),
- emit(" {ASN11994Format,");
+ dec_external(Gen, Typename);
_ ->
- emit(["{{'",RecordName,"'"]),
- %% CompList is used here because we don't want
- %% ExtensionAdditionGroups to be wrapped in SEQUENCES when
- %% we are ordering the fields according to textual order
- mkvlist(textual_order(CompList, asn1ct_name:all(term))),
- emit("},")
- end,
- emit({{curr,bytes},"}"}).
+ asn1ct_name:new(res),
+ gen_dec_do_pack(Gen, Typename, CompList),
+ emit([com,nl,
+ "{",{curr,res},",",{curr,bytes},"}"])
+ end.
+dec_external(#gen{pack=record}=Gen, Typename) ->
+ RecordName = list_to_atom(record_name(Gen, Typename)),
+ All = [{var,Term} || Term <- asn1ct_name:all(term)],
+ Record = [{asis,RecordName}|All],
+ emit(["OldFormat={",lists:join(",", Record),"},",nl,
+ "ASN11994Format =",nl,
+ {call,ext,transform_to_EXTERNAL1994,
+ ["OldFormat"]},com,nl,
+ "{ASN11994Format,",{curr,bytes},"}"]);
+dec_external(#gen{pack=map}, _Typename) ->
+ Vars = asn1ct_name:all(term),
+ Names = ['direct-reference','indirect-reference',
+ 'data-value-descriptor',encoding],
+ Zipped = lists:zip(Names, Vars),
+ MapInit = lists:join(",", [["'",N,"'=>",{var,V}] || {N,V} <- Zipped]),
+ emit(["OldFormat = #{",MapInit,"}",com,nl,
+ "ASN11994Format =",nl,
+ {call,ext,transform_to_EXTERNAL1994_maps,
+ ["OldFormat"]},com,nl,
+ "{ASN11994Format,",{curr,bytes},"}"]).
+gen_dec_do_pack(#gen{pack=record}=Gen, TypeName, CompList) ->
+ Zipped0 = zip_components(CompList, asn1ct_name:all(term)),
+ Zipped = textual_order(Zipped0),
+ RecordName = ["'",record_name(Gen, TypeName),"'"],
+ L = [RecordName|[{var,Var} || {_,Var} <- Zipped]],
+ emit([{curr,res}," = {",lists:join(",", L),"}"]);
+gen_dec_do_pack(#gen{pack=map}, _, CompList0) ->
+ CompList = enc_flatten_components(CompList0),
+ Zipped0 = zip_components(CompList, asn1ct_name:all(term)),
+ Zipped = textual_order(Zipped0),
+ PF = fun({#'ComponentType'{prop='OPTIONAL'},_}) -> false;
+ ({_,_}) -> true
+ end,
+ {Mandatory,Optional} = lists:partition(PF, Zipped),
+ L = [[{asis,Name},"=>",{var,Var}] ||
+ {#'ComponentType'{name=Name},Var} <- Mandatory],
+ emit([{curr,res}," = #{",lists:join(",", L),"}"]),
+ gen_dec_map_optional(Optional),
+ gen_dec_merge_maps(asn1ct_name:all(map)).
+gen_dec_map_optional([{#'ComponentType'{name=Name},Var}|T]) ->
+ asn1ct_name:new(res),
+ emit([com,nl,
+ {curr,res}," = case ",{var,Var}," of",nl,
+ " asn1_NOVALUE -> ",{prev,res},";",nl,
+ " _ -> ",{prev,res},"#{",{asis,Name},"=>",{var,Var},"}",nl,
+ "end"]),
+ gen_dec_map_optional(T);
+gen_dec_map_optional([]) ->
+ ok.
+gen_dec_merge_maps([M|Ms]) ->
+ asn1ct_name:new(res),
+ emit([com,nl,
+ {curr,res}," = maps:merge(",{prev,res},", ",{var,M},")"]),
+ gen_dec_merge_maps(Ms);
+gen_dec_merge_maps([]) ->
+ ok.
+quote_atom(A) when is_atom(A) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p", [A]).
%% record_name([TypeName]) -> RecordNameString
%% Construct a record name for the constructed type, ignoring any
@@ -391,16 +531,26 @@ filter_ext_add_groups([H|T], Acc) ->
filter_ext_add_groups(T, [H|Acc]);
filter_ext_add_groups([], Acc) -> Acc.
-textual_order([#'ComponentType'{textual_order=undefined}|_], TermList) ->
- TermList;
-textual_order(CompList, TermList) when is_list(CompList) ->
- OrderList = [Ix||#'ComponentType'{textual_order=Ix} <- CompList],
- Zipped = lists:sort(lists:zip(OrderList, TermList)),
- [Term || {_,Term} <- Zipped];
-textual_order({Root,Ext}, TermList) ->
- textual_order(Root ++ Ext, TermList);
-textual_order({R1,Ext,R2}, TermList) ->
- textual_order(R1 ++ R2 ++ Ext, TermList).
+zip_components({Root,Ext}, Vars) ->
+ zip_components({Root,Ext,[]}, Vars);
+zip_components({R1,Ext0,R2}, Vars) ->
+ Ext = [mark_optional(C) || C <- Ext0],
+ zip_components(R1++R2++Ext, Vars);
+zip_components(Cs, Vars) when is_list(Cs) ->
+ zip_components_1(Cs, Vars).
+zip_components_1([#'ComponentType'{}=C|Cs], [V|Vs]) ->
+ [{C,V}|zip_components_1(Cs, Vs)];
+zip_components_1([_|Cs], Vs) ->
+ zip_components_1(Cs, Vs);
+zip_components_1([], []) ->
+ [].
+textual_order([{#'ComponentType'{textual_order=undefined},_}|_]=L) ->
+ L;
+textual_order(L0) ->
+ L = [{Ix,P} || {#'ComponentType'{textual_order=Ix},_}=P <- L0],
+ [C || {_,C} <- lists:sort(L)].
to_textual_order({Root,Ext}) ->
@@ -469,7 +619,7 @@ dec_objset_default(N, _, _, true) ->
dec_objset_1(Erule, N, {Id,Obj}, RestFields, Typename) ->
- emit([{asis,N},"(Bytes, ",{asis,Id},") ->",nl]),
+ emit([{asis,N},"(Bytes, Id) when Id =:= ",{asis,Id}," ->",nl]),
dec_objset_2(Erule, Obj, RestFields, Typename).
dec_objset_2(Erule, Obj, RestFields0, Typename) ->
@@ -650,22 +800,7 @@ gen_decode_sof_components(Erule, Name, Typename, SeqOrSetOf, Cont) ->
-% General and special help functions (not exported)
-mkvlist([H|T]) ->
- emit(","),
- mkvlist2([H|T]);
-mkvlist([]) ->
- true.
-mkvlist2([H,T1|T]) ->
- emit({{var,H},","}),
- mkvlist2([T1|T]);
-mkvlist2([H|T]) ->
- emit({{var,H}}),
- mkvlist2(T);
-mkvlist2([]) ->
- true.
+%% General and special help functions (not exported)
extensible_dec(CompList) when is_list(CompList) ->
@@ -837,32 +972,52 @@ mark_optional(#'ComponentType'{prop=Prop0}=C) ->
'OPTIONAL'=Keep -> Keep;
{'DEFAULT',_}=Keep -> Keep
- C#'ComponentType'{prop=Prop}.
+ C#'ComponentType'{prop=Prop};
+mark_optional(Other) ->
+ Other.
-gen_enc_components_call1(Erule, TopType, [C|Rest], DynamicEnc, Ext) ->
+gen_enc_components_call1(Gen, TopType, [C|Rest], DynamicEnc, Ext) ->
- prop=Prop,textual_order=TermNo} = C,
- Val = make_var(val),
- {Imm0,Element} = asn1ct_imm:enc_element(TermNo+1, Val),
- Imm1 = gen_enc_line_imm(Erule, TopType, Cname, Type,
+ prop=Prop,textual_order=Num} = C,
+ {Imm0,Element} = enc_fetch_field(Gen, Num, Prop),
+ Imm1 = gen_enc_line_imm(Gen, TopType, Cname, Type,
Element, DynamicEnc, Ext),
Imm2 = case Prop of
mandatory ->
- asn1ct_imm:enc_absent(Element, [asn1_NOVALUE], Imm1);
+ enc_absent(Gen, Element, [asn1_NOVALUE], Imm1);
{'DEFAULT',Def} ->
DefValues = def_values(Type, Def),
- asn1ct_imm:enc_absent(Element, DefValues, Imm1)
+ enc_absent(Gen, Element, DefValues, Imm1)
Imm = case Imm2 of
[] -> [];
_ -> Imm0 ++ Imm2
- [Imm|gen_enc_components_call1(Erule, TopType, Rest, DynamicEnc, Ext)];
-gen_enc_components_call1(_Erule, _TopType, [], _, _) ->
+ [Imm|gen_enc_components_call1(Gen, TopType, Rest, DynamicEnc, Ext)];
+gen_enc_components_call1(_Gen, _TopType, [], _, _) ->
+enc_absent(Gen, Var, Absent0, Imm) ->
+ Absent = translate_missing_value(Gen, Absent0),
+ asn1ct_imm:enc_absent(Var, Absent, Imm).
+translate_missing_value(#gen{pack=record}, Optionals) ->
+ Optionals;
+translate_missing_value(#gen{pack=map}, Optionals) ->
+ case Optionals of
+ [asn1_NOVALUE|T] -> [?MISSING_IN_MAP|T];
+ [asn1_DEFAULT|T] -> [?MISSING_IN_MAP|T];
+ {call,_,_,_} -> Optionals
+ end.
+enc_fetch_field(#gen{pack=record}, Num, _Prop) ->
+ Val = make_var(val),
+ asn1ct_imm:enc_element(Num+1, Val);
+enc_fetch_field(#gen{pack=map}, Num, _) ->
+ {[],{var,lists:concat(["Input@",Num])}}.
def_values(#type{def=#'Externaltypereference'{module=Mod,type=Type}}, Def) ->
#typedef{typespec=T} = asn1_db:dbget(Mod, Type),
def_values(T, Def);
@@ -1171,7 +1326,7 @@ gen_dec_comp_calls([C|Cs], Erule, TopType, OptTable, DecInfObj,
gen_dec_comp_calls([], _, _, _, _, _, _, Tpos, Acc) ->
-gen_dec_comp_call(Comp, Erule, TopType, Tpos, OptTable, DecInfObj,
+gen_dec_comp_call(Comp, Gen, TopType, Tpos, OptTable, DecInfObj,
Ext, NumberOfOptionals) ->
#'ComponentType'{typespec=Type,prop=Prop,textual_order=TextPos} = Comp,
Pos = case Ext of
@@ -1212,15 +1367,9 @@ gen_dec_comp_call(Comp, Erule, TopType, Tpos, OptTable, DecInfObj,
_ ->
case Type of
- extaddgroup=Number1,
- components=ExtGroupCompList1}} when is_integer(Number1)->
- fun(St) ->
- emit(["{{_,"]),
- emit_extaddgroupTerms(term,ExtGroupCompList1),
- emit(["}"]),
- emit([",",{next,bytes},"} = "]),
- St
- end;
+ extaddgroup=GroupNum,
+ components=CompList}} when is_integer(GroupNum)->
+ dec_match_extadd_fun(Gen, CompList);
_ ->
fun(St) ->
@@ -1230,9 +1379,9 @@ gen_dec_comp_call(Comp, Erule, TopType, Tpos, OptTable, DecInfObj,
- {Pre,Post} = comp_call_pre_post(Ext, Prop, Pos, Type, TextPos,
+ {Pre,Post} = comp_call_pre_post(Gen, Ext, Prop, Pos, Type, TextPos,
OptTable, NumberOfOptionals, Ext),
- Lines = gen_dec_seq_line_imm(Erule, TopType, Comp, Tpos, DecInfObj, Ext),
+ Lines = gen_dec_seq_line_imm(Gen, TopType, Comp, Tpos, DecInfObj, Ext),
AdvBuffer = {ignore,fun(St) ->
@@ -1240,9 +1389,24 @@ gen_dec_comp_call(Comp, Erule, TopType, Tpos, OptTable, DecInfObj,
[{group,[{safe,Comment},{safe,Preamble}] ++ Pre ++
Lines ++ Post ++ [{safe,AdvBuffer}]}].
-comp_call_pre_post(noext, mandatory, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+dec_match_extadd_fun(#gen{pack=record}, CompList) ->
+ fun(St) ->
+ emit(["{{_,"]),
+ emit_extaddgroupTerms(term, CompList),
+ emit(["}"]),
+ emit([",",{next,bytes},"} = "]),
+ St
+ end;
+dec_match_extadd_fun(#gen{pack=map}, _CompList) ->
+ fun(St) ->
+ asn1ct_name:new(map),
+ emit(["{",{curr,map},",",{next,bytes},"} = "]),
+ St
+ end.
+comp_call_pre_post(_Gen, noext, mandatory, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
-comp_call_pre_post(noext, Prop, _, Type, TextPos,
+comp_call_pre_post(_Gen, noext, Prop, _, Type, TextPos,
OptTable, NumOptionals, Ext) ->
OptPos = get_optionality_pos(TextPos, OptTable),
@@ -1266,32 +1430,53 @@ comp_call_pre_post(noext, Prop, _, Type, TextPos,
-comp_call_pre_post({ext,_,_}, Prop, Pos, Type, _, _, _, Ext) ->
+comp_call_pre_post(Gen, {ext,_,_}, Prop, Pos, Type, _, _, _, Ext) ->
%% Extension
{[fun(St) ->
emit(["case Extensions of",nl,
" <<_:",Pos-1,",1:1,_/bitstring>> ->",nl]),
- [fun(St) ->
- emit([";",nl,
- "_ ->",nl,
- "{"]),
- case Type of
- #type{def=#'SEQUENCE'{
- extaddgroup=Number2,
- components=ExtGroupCompList2}}
- when is_integer(Number2)->
- emit("{extAddGroup,"),
- gen_dec_extaddGroup_no_val(Ext, Type, ExtGroupCompList2),
- emit("}");
- _ ->
- gen_dec_component_no_val(Ext, Type, Prop)
- end,
- emit([",",{curr,bytes},"}",nl,
- "end"]),
- St
- end]}.
+ [extadd_group_fun(Gen, Prop, Type, Ext)]}.
+extadd_group_fun(#gen{pack=record}, Prop, Type, Ext) ->
+ fun(St) ->
+ emit([";",nl,
+ "_ ->",nl,
+ "{"]),
+ case Type of
+ #type{def=#'SEQUENCE'{
+ extaddgroup=Number2,
+ components=ExtGroupCompList2}}
+ when is_integer(Number2)->
+ emit("{extAddGroup,"),
+ gen_dec_extaddGroup_no_val(Ext, Type, ExtGroupCompList2),
+ emit("}");
+ _ ->
+ gen_dec_component_no_val(Ext, Type, Prop)
+ end,
+ emit([",",{curr,bytes},"}",nl,
+ "end"]),
+ St
+ end;
+extadd_group_fun(#gen{pack=map}, Prop, Type, Ext) ->
+ fun(St) ->
+ emit([";",nl,
+ "_ ->",nl,
+ "{"]),
+ case Type of
+ #type{def=#'SEQUENCE'{
+ extaddgroup=Number2,
+ components=Comp}}
+ when is_integer(Number2)->
+ dec_map_extaddgroup_no_val(Ext, Type, Comp);
+ _ ->
+ gen_dec_component_no_val(Ext, Type, Prop)
+ end,
+ emit([",",{curr,bytes},"}",nl,
+ "end"]),
+ St
+ end.
is_mandatory_predef_tab_c(noext, mandatory,
{"got objfun through args","ObjFun"}) ->
@@ -1318,7 +1503,20 @@ gen_dec_component_no_val(_, _, 'OPTIONAL') ->
gen_dec_component_no_val({ext,_,_}, _, mandatory) ->
+dec_map_extaddgroup_no_val(Ext, Type, Comp) ->
+ L0 = [dec_map_extaddgroup_no_val_1(N, P, Ext, Type) ||
+ #'ComponentType'{name=N,prop=P} <- Comp],
+ L = [E || E <- L0, E =/= []],
+ emit(["#{",lists:join(",", L),"}"]).
+dec_map_extaddgroup_no_val_1(Name, {'DEFAULT',DefVal0}, _Ext, Type) ->
+ DefVal = asn1ct_gen:conform_value(Type, DefVal0),
+ [Name,"=>",{asis,DefVal}];
+dec_map_extaddgroup_no_val_1(_Name, 'OPTIONAL', _, _) ->
+ [];
+dec_map_extaddgroup_no_val_1(_Name, mandatory, {ext,_,_}, _) ->
+ [].
gen_dec_choice_line(Erule, TopType, Comp, Pre) ->
Imm0 = gen_dec_line_imm(Erule, TopType, Comp, false, Pre),
@@ -1698,20 +1896,17 @@ gen_dec_choice2(Erule, TopType, [H0|T], Pos, Sep0, Pre) ->
gen_dec_choice2(Erule, TopType, T, Pos+1, Sep, Pre);
gen_dec_choice2(_, _, [], _, _, _) -> ok.
-make_elements(I,Val,ExtCnames) ->
- make_elements(I,Val,ExtCnames,[]).
+get_input_vars(Val, I, N) ->
+ L = get_input_vars_1(Val, I, N),
+ lists:join(",", L).
-make_elements(I,Val,[_ExtCname],Acc)-> % the last one, no comma needed
- Element = make_element(I, Val),
- make_elements(I+1,Val,[],[Element|Acc]);
- Element = make_element(I, Val),
- make_elements(I+1,Val,Rest,[", ",Element|Acc]);
-make_elements(_I,_,[],Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
+get_input_vars_1(_Val, _I, 0) ->
+ [];
+get_input_vars_1(Val, I, N) ->
+ [get_input_var(Val, I)|get_input_vars_1(Val, I+1, N-1)].
-make_element(I, Val) ->
- lists:flatten(io_lib:format("element(~w, ~s)", [I,Val])).
+get_input_var(Val, I) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("element(~w, ~s)", [I+1,Val])).
emit_extaddgroupTerms(VarSeries,[_]) ->
@@ -1728,57 +1923,66 @@ flat_complist({Rl1,El,Rl2}) -> Rl1 ++ El ++ Rl2;
flat_complist({Rl,El}) -> Rl ++ El;
flat_complist(CompList) -> CompList.
-%%wrap_compList({Root1,Ext,Root2}) ->
-%% {Root1,wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(Ext),Root2};
-%%wrap_compList({Root1,Ext}) ->
-%% {Root1,wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(Ext)};
-%%wrap_compList(CompList) ->
-%% CompList.
-%% Will convert all componentTypes following 'ExtensionAdditionGroup'
+%% Convert all componentTypes following 'ExtensionAdditionGroup'
%% up to the matching 'ExtensionAdditionGroupEnd' into one componentType
-%% of type SEQUENCE with the componentTypes as components
+%% of type SEQUENCE with the componentTypes as components.
-wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(ExtCompList,ExtGroupPosLen) ->
- wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(ExtCompList,ExtGroupPosLen,[],0,0).
+wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(ExtCompList, ExtGroupPosLen) ->
+ wrap_eags(ExtCompList, ExtGroupPosLen, 0, 0).
- [{ActualPos,_,_}|ExtGroupPosLenRest],Acc,_ExtAddGroupDiff,ExtGroupNum) ->
- {ExtGroupCompList,['ExtensionAdditionGroupEnd'|Rest2]} =
+ [{ActualPos,_,_}|Gs], _ExtAddGroupDiff, ExtGroupNum) ->
+ {ExtGroupCompList,['ExtensionAdditionGroupEnd'|T]} =
lists:splitwith(fun(#'ComponentType'{}) -> true;
(_) -> false
- end,
- Rest),
- wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(Rest2,ExtGroupPosLenRest,
- [#'ComponentType'{
- name=list_to_atom("ExtAddGroup"++
- integer_to_list(ExtGroupNum+1)),
- typespec=#type{def=#'SEQUENCE'{
- extaddgroup=ExtGroupNum+1,
- components=ExtGroupCompList}},
- textual_order = ActualPos,
- prop='OPTIONAL'}|Acc],length(ExtGroupCompList)-1,
- ExtGroupNum+1);
- ExtAddGrpLenPos,Acc,ExtAddGroupDiff,ExtGroupNum) when is_integer(Tord) ->
- wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(T,ExtAddGrpLenPos,[H#'ComponentType'{
- textual_order=Tord - ExtAddGroupDiff}|Acc],ExtAddGroupDiff,ExtGroupNum);
-wrap_extensionAdditionGroups([H|T],ExtAddGrpLenPos,Acc,ExtAddGroupDiff,ExtGroupNum) ->
- wrap_extensionAdditionGroups(T,ExtAddGrpLenPos,[H|Acc],ExtAddGroupDiff,ExtGroupNum);
-wrap_extensionAdditionGroups([],_,Acc,_,_) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
-value_match(_Gen, [], Value) ->
+ end, T0),
+ Name = list_to_atom(lists:concat(["ExtAddGroup",ExtGroupNum+1])),
+ Seq = #type{def=#'SEQUENCE'{extaddgroup=ExtGroupNum+1,
+ components=ExtGroupCompList}},
+ Comp = #'ComponentType'{name=Name,
+ typespec=Seq,
+ textual_order=ActualPos,
+ prop='OPTIONAL'},
+ [Comp|wrap_eags(T, Gs, length(ExtGroupCompList)-1, ExtGroupNum+1)];
+ ExtAddGrpLenPos, ExtAddGroupDiff, ExtGroupNum)
+ when is_integer(Tord) ->
+ Comp = H#'ComponentType'{textual_order=Tord - ExtAddGroupDiff},
+ [Comp|wrap_eags(T, ExtAddGrpLenPos, ExtAddGroupDiff, ExtGroupNum)];
+wrap_eags([H|T], ExtAddGrpLenPos, ExtAddGroupDiff, ExtGroupNum) ->
+ [H|wrap_eags(T, ExtAddGrpLenPos, ExtAddGroupDiff, ExtGroupNum)];
+wrap_eags([], _, _, _) ->
+ [].
+value_match(#gen{pack=record}, VIs, Value) ->
+ value_match_rec(VIs, Value);
+value_match(#gen{pack=map}, VIs, Value) ->
+ value_match_map(VIs, Value).
+value_match_rec([], Value) ->
-value_match(Gen, [{VI,_}|VIs], Value0) ->
- Value = value_match(Gen, VIs, Value0),
+value_match_rec([{VI,_}|VIs], Value0) ->
+ Value = value_match_rec(VIs, Value0),
lists:concat(["element(",VI,", ",Value,")"]).
+value_match_map([], Value) ->
+ Value;
+value_match_map([{_,Name}|VIs], Value0) ->
+ Value = value_match_map(VIs, Value0),
+ lists:concat(["maps:get(",Name,", ",Value,")"]).
enc_dig_out_value(_Gen, [], Value) ->
-enc_dig_out_value(Gen, [{N,_}|T], Value) ->
+enc_dig_out_value(#gen{pack=record}=Gen, [{N,_}|T], Value) ->
{Imm0,Dst0} = enc_dig_out_value(Gen, T, Value),
{Imm,Dst} = asn1ct_imm:enc_element(N, Dst0),
+ {Imm0++Imm,Dst};
+enc_dig_out_value(#gen{pack=map}, [{N,'ASN1_top'}], _Value) ->
+ {[],{var,lists:concat(["Input@",N-1])}};
+enc_dig_out_value(#gen{pack=map}=Gen, [{_,Name}|T], Value) ->
+ {Imm0,Dst0} = enc_dig_out_value(Gen, T, Value),
+ {Imm,Dst} = asn1ct_imm:enc_maps_get(Name, Dst0),
make_var(Base) ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_eval_ext.funcs b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_eval_ext.funcs
index 5761901f89..01c67e7b5a 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_eval_ext.funcs
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_eval_ext.funcs
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
index a54cb0765e..4fa830d7d9 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ pgen(OutFile, #gen{options=Options}=Gen, Module, Contents) ->
+ put(currmod, Module),
HrlGenerated = pgen_hrl(Gen, Module, Contents),
ErlFile = lists:concat([OutFile,".erl"]),
@@ -650,7 +651,7 @@ gen_decode_constructed(Erules,Typename,InnerType,D) when is_record(D,typedef) ->
pgen_exports(#gen{options=Options}=Gen, _Module, Contents) ->
{Types,Values,_,_,Objects,ObjectSets} = Contents,
- emit(["-export([encoding_rule/0,bit_string_format/0,",nl,
+ emit(["-export([encoding_rule/0,maps/0,bit_string_format/0,",nl,
" legacy_erlang_types/0]).",nl]),
case Types of
@@ -887,8 +888,14 @@ gen_info_functions(Gen) ->
#gen{erule=per,aligned=false} -> uper;
#gen{erule=per,aligned=true} -> per
+ Maps = case Gen of
+ #gen{pack=record} -> false;
+ #gen{pack=map} -> true
+ end,
emit(["encoding_rule() -> ",
+ "maps() -> ",
+ {asis,Maps},".",nl,nl,
"bit_string_format() -> ",
"legacy_erlang_types() -> ",
@@ -1093,8 +1100,7 @@ open_output_file(F) ->
close_output_file() ->
ok = file:close(erase(gen_file_out)).
-pgen_hrl(Gen, Module, Contents) ->
- put(currmod, Module),
+pgen_hrl(#gen{pack=record}=Gen, Module, Contents) ->
{Types,Values,Ptypes,_,_,_} = Contents,
Ret =
case pgen_hrltypes(Gen, Module, Ptypes++Types, 0) of
@@ -1103,7 +1109,7 @@ pgen_hrl(Gen, Module, Contents) ->
[] ->
_ ->
- open_hrl(get(outfile),get(currmod)),
+ open_hrl(get(outfile), Module),
pgen_macros(Gen, Module, Values),
@@ -1122,7 +1128,9 @@ pgen_hrl(Gen, Module, Contents) ->
- end.
+ end;
+pgen_hrl(#gen{pack=map}, _, _) ->
+ 0.
pgen_macros(_,_,[]) ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_ber_bin_v2.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_ber_bin_v2.erl
index b884d14b0d..6c6d4193f3 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_ber_bin_v2.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_ber_bin_v2.erl
@@ -1200,11 +1200,13 @@ gen_objset_enc(Erules, ObjSetName, UniqueName,
{no_mod,no_name} ->
gen_inlined_enc_funs(Fields, ClFields, ObjSetName, Val, NthObj);
{CurrMod,Name} ->
- emit(["'getenc_",ObjSetName,"'(",{asis,Val},") ->",nl,
+ emit(["'getenc_",ObjSetName,"'(Id) when Id =:= ",
+ {asis,Val}," ->",nl,
" fun 'enc_",Name,"'/3;",nl]),
{ModuleName,Name} ->
- emit(["'getenc_",ObjSetName,"'(",{asis,Val},") ->",nl]),
+ emit(["'getenc_",ObjSetName,"'(Id) when Id =:= ",
+ {asis,Val}," ->",nl]),
@@ -1382,11 +1384,13 @@ gen_objset_dec(Erules, ObjSName, UniqueName, [{ObjName,Val,Fields}|T],
{no_mod,no_name} ->
{CurrMod,Name} ->
- emit(["'getdec_",ObjSName,"'(",{asis,Val},") ->",nl,
+ emit(["'getdec_",ObjSName,"'(Id) when Id =:= ",
+ {asis,Val}," ->",nl,
" fun 'dec_",Name,"'/3;", nl]),
{ModuleName,Name} ->
- emit(["'getdec_",ObjSName,"'(",{asis,Val},") ->",nl]),
+ emit(["'getdec_",ObjSName,"'(Id) when Id =:= ",
+ {asis,Val}," ->",nl]),
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_check.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_check.erl
index abe77dd0cb..ccc62a3ce3 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_check.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen_check.erl
@@ -21,45 +21,51 @@
-import(asn1ct_gen, [emit/1]).
-emit(Type, Default, Value) ->
+emit(Gen, Type, Default, Value) ->
Key = {Type,Default},
- Gen = fun(Fd, Name) ->
- file:write(Fd, gen(Name, Type, Default))
- end,
+ DoGen = fun(Fd, Name) ->
+ file:write(Fd, gen(Gen, Name, Type, Default))
+ end,
emit(" case "),
- asn1ct_func:call_gen("is_default_", Key, Gen, [Value]),
+ asn1ct_func:call_gen("is_default_", Key, DoGen, [Value]),
emit([" of",nl,
"true -> {[],0};",nl,
"false ->",nl]).
-gen(Name, #type{def=T}, Default) ->
+gen(#gen{pack=Pack}=Gen, Name, #type{def=T}, Default) ->
+ DefMarker = case Pack of
+ record -> "asn1_DEFAULT";
+ map -> atom_to_list(?MISSING_IN_MAP)
+ end,
NameStr = atom_to_list(Name),
- [NameStr,"(asn1_DEFAULT) ->\n",
- "true;\n"|case do_gen(T, Default) of
- {literal,Literal} ->
- [NameStr,"(",term2str(Literal),") ->\n","true;\n",
- NameStr,"(_) ->\n","false.\n\n"];
- {exception,Func,Args} ->
- [NameStr,"(Value) ->\n",
- "try ",Func,"(Value",arg2str(Args),") of\n",
- "_ -> true\n"
- "catch throw:false -> false\n"
- "end.\n\n"]
- end].
+ [NameStr,"(",DefMarker,") ->\n",
+ "true;\n"|
+ case do_gen(Gen, T, Default) of
+ {literal,Literal} ->
+ [NameStr,"(Def) when Def =:= ",term2str(Literal)," ->\n",
+ "true;\n",
+ NameStr,"(_) ->\n","false.\n\n"];
+ {exception,Func,Args} ->
+ [NameStr,"(Value) ->\n",
+ "try ",Func,"(Value",arg2str(Args),") of\n",
+ "_ -> true\n"
+ "catch throw:false -> false\n"
+ "end.\n\n"]
+ end].
-do_gen(_, asn1_NOVALUE) ->
+do_gen(_Gen, _, asn1_NOVALUE) ->
-do_gen(#'Externaltypereference'{module=M,type=T}, Default) ->
+do_gen(Gen, #'Externaltypereference'{module=M,type=T}, Default) ->
#typedef{typespec=#type{def=Td}} = asn1_db:dbget(M, T),
- do_gen(Td, Default);
-do_gen('BOOLEAN', Default) ->
+ do_gen(Gen, Td, Default);
+do_gen(_Gen, 'BOOLEAN', Default) ->
-do_gen({'BIT STRING',[]}, Default) ->
+do_gen(_Gen, {'BIT STRING',[]}, Default) ->
true = is_bitstring(Default), %Assertion.
case asn1ct:use_legacy_types() of
false ->
@@ -67,17 +73,17 @@ do_gen({'BIT STRING',[]}, Default) ->
true ->
{exception,need(check_legacy_bitstring, 2),[Default]}
-do_gen({'BIT STRING',[_|_]=NBL}, Default) ->
+do_gen(_Gen, {'BIT STRING',[_|_]=NBL}, Default) ->
do_named_bitstring(NBL, Default);
-do_gen({'ENUMERATED',_}, Default) ->
+do_gen(_Gen, {'ENUMERATED',_}, Default) ->
-do_gen('INTEGER', Default) ->
+do_gen(_Gen, 'INTEGER', Default) ->
-do_gen({'INTEGER',NNL}, Default) ->
+do_gen(_Gen, {'INTEGER',NNL}, Default) ->
{exception,need(check_int, 3),[Default,NNL]};
-do_gen('NULL', Default) ->
+do_gen(_Gen, 'NULL', Default) ->
-do_gen('OCTET STRING', Default) ->
+do_gen(_Gen, 'OCTET STRING', Default) ->
true = is_binary(Default), %Assertion.
case asn1ct:use_legacy_types() of
false ->
@@ -85,34 +91,34 @@ do_gen('OCTET STRING', Default) ->
true ->
{exception,need(check_octetstring, 2),[Default]}
-do_gen('OBJECT IDENTIFIER', Default0) ->
+do_gen(_Gen, 'OBJECT IDENTIFIER', Default0) ->
Default = pre_process_oid(Default0),
{exception,need(check_objectidentifier, 2),[Default]};
-do_gen({'CHOICE',Cs}, Default) ->
+do_gen(Gen, {'CHOICE',Cs}, Default) ->
{Tag,Value} = Default,
[Type] = [Type || #'ComponentType'{name=T,typespec=Type} <- Cs,
T =:= Tag],
- case do_gen(Type#type.def, Value) of
+ case do_gen(Gen, Type#type.def, Value) of
{literal,Lit} ->
{exception,Func0,Args} ->
Key = {Tag,Func0,Args},
- Gen = fun(Fd, Name) ->
- S = gen_choice(Name, Tag, Func0, Args),
- ok = file:write(Fd, S)
+ DoGen = fun(Fd, Name) ->
+ S = gen_choice(Name, Tag, Func0, Args),
+ ok = file:write(Fd, S)
- Func = asn1ct_func:call_gen("is_default_choice", Key, Gen),
+ Func = asn1ct_func:call_gen("is_default_choice", Key, DoGen),
-do_gen(#'SEQUENCE'{components=Cs}, Default) ->
- do_seq_set(Cs, Default);
-do_gen({'SEQUENCE OF',Type}, Default) ->
- do_sof(Type, Default);
-do_gen(#'SET'{components=Cs}, Default) ->
- do_seq_set(Cs, Default);
-do_gen({'SET OF',Type}, Default) ->
- do_sof(Type, Default);
-do_gen(Type, Default) ->
+do_gen(Gen, #'SEQUENCE'{components=Cs}, Default) ->
+ do_seq_set(Gen, Cs, Default);
+do_gen(Gen, {'SEQUENCE OF',Type}, Default) ->
+ do_sof(Gen, Type, Default);
+do_gen(Gen, #'SET'{components=Cs}, Default) ->
+ do_seq_set(Gen, Cs, Default);
+do_gen(Gen, {'SET OF',Type}, Default) ->
+ do_sof(Gen, Type, Default);
+do_gen(_Gen, Type, Default) ->
case asn1ct_gen:unify_if_string(Type) of
restrictedstring ->
{exception,need(check_restrictedstring, 2),[Default]};
@@ -136,39 +142,58 @@ do_named_bitstring(_, Default) when is_bitstring(Default) ->
{exception,need(Func, 3),[Default,bit_size(Default)]}.
-do_seq_set(Cs0, Default) ->
+do_seq_set(#gen{pack=record}=Gen, Cs0, Default) ->
Tag = element(1, Default),
Cs1 = [T || #'ComponentType'{typespec=T} <- Cs0],
- Cs = components(Cs1, tl(tuple_to_list(Default))),
+ Cs = components(Gen, Cs1, tl(tuple_to_list(Default))),
case are_all_literals(Cs) of
true ->
Literal = list_to_tuple([Tag|[L || {literal,L} <- Cs]]),
false ->
Key = {Cs,Default},
- Gen = fun(Fd, Name) ->
- S = gen_components(Name, Tag, Cs),
- ok = file:write(Fd, S)
- end,
- Func = asn1ct_func:call_gen("is_default_cs_", Key, Gen),
+ DoGen = fun(Fd, Name) ->
+ S = gen_components(Name, Tag, Cs),
+ ok = file:write(Fd, S)
+ end,
+ Func = asn1ct_func:call_gen("is_default_cs_", Key, DoGen),
+ {exception,atom_to_list(Func),[]}
+ end;
+do_seq_set(#gen{pack=map}=Gen, Cs0, Default) ->
+ Cs1 = [{N,T} || #'ComponentType'{name=N,typespec=T} <- Cs0],
+ Cs = map_components(Gen, Cs1, Default),
+ AllLiterals = lists:all(fun({_,{literal,_}}) -> true;
+ ({_,_}) -> false
+ end, Cs),
+ case AllLiterals of
+ true ->
+ L = [{Name,Lit} || {Name,{literal,Lit}} <- Cs],
+ {literal,maps:from_list(L)};
+ false ->
+ Key = {Cs,Default},
+ DoGen = fun(Fd, Name) ->
+ S = gen_map_components(Name, Cs),
+ ok = file:write(Fd, S)
+ end,
+ Func = asn1ct_func:call_gen("is_default_cs_", Key, DoGen),
-do_sof(Type, Default0) ->
+do_sof(Gen, Type, Default0) ->
Default = lists:sort(Default0),
Cs0 = lists:duplicate(length(Default), Type),
- Cs = components(Cs0, Default),
+ Cs = components(Gen, Cs0, Default),
case are_all_literals(Cs) of
true ->
Literal = [Lit || {literal,Lit} <- Cs],
{exception,need(check_literal_sof, 2),[Literal]};
false ->
Key = Cs,
- Gen = fun(Fd, Name) ->
- S = gen_sof(Name, Cs),
- ok = file:write(Fd, S)
+ DoGen = fun(Fd, Name) ->
+ S = gen_sof(Name, Cs),
+ ok = file:write(Fd, S)
- Func = asn1ct_func:call_gen("is_default_sof", Key, Gen),
+ Func = asn1ct_func:call_gen("is_default_sof", Key, DoGen),
@@ -199,6 +224,39 @@ gen_cs_2([], _) ->
+gen_map_components(Name, Cs) ->
+ [atom_to_list(Name),"(Value) ->\n",
+ "case Value of\n",
+ "#{"|gen_map_cs_1(Cs, 1, "", [])].
+gen_map_cs_1([{Name,{literal,Lit}}|T], I, Sep, Acc) ->
+ Var = "E"++integer_to_list(I),
+ G = Var ++ " =:= " ++ term2str(Lit),
+ [Sep,term2str(Name),":=",Var|
+ gen_map_cs_1(T, I+1, ",\n", [{guard,G}|Acc])];
+gen_map_cs_1([{Name,Exc}|T], I, Sep, Acc) ->
+ Var = "E"++integer_to_list(I),
+ [Sep,term2str(Name),":=",Var|
+ gen_map_cs_1(T, I+1, ",\n", [{exc,{Var,Exc}}|Acc])];
+gen_map_cs_1([], _, _, Acc) ->
+ G = lists:join(", ", [S || {guard,S} <- Acc]),
+ Exc = [E || {exc,E} <- Acc],
+ Body = gen_map_cs_2(Exc, ""),
+ case G of
+ [] ->
+ ["} ->\n"|Body];
+ [_|_] ->
+ ["} when ",G," ->\n"|Body]
+ end.
+gen_map_cs_2([{Var,{exception,Func,Args}}|T], Sep) ->
+ [Sep,Func,"(",Var,arg2str(Args),")"|gen_map_cs_2(T, ",\n")];
+gen_map_cs_2([], _) ->
+ [";\n",
+ "_ ->\n"
+ "throw(false)\n"
+ "end.\n"].
gen_sof(Name, Cs) ->
[atom_to_list(Name),"(Value) ->\n",
"case length(Value) of\n",
@@ -221,9 +279,18 @@ gen_sof_1([{exception,Func,Args}|Cs], I) ->
gen_sof_1([], _) ->
-components([#type{def=Def}|Ts], [V|Vs]) ->
- [do_gen(Def, V)|components(Ts, Vs)];
-components([], []) -> [].
+components(Gen, [#type{def=Def}|Ts], [V|Vs]) ->
+ [do_gen(Gen, Def, V)|components(Gen, Ts, Vs)];
+components(_Gen, [], []) -> [].
+map_components(Gen, [{Name,#type{def=Def}}|Ts], Value) ->
+ case maps:find(Name, Value) of
+ {ok,V} ->
+ [{Name,do_gen(Gen, Def, V)}|map_components(Gen, Ts, Value)];
+ error ->
+ map_components(Gen, Ts, Value)
+ end;
+map_components(_Gen, [], _Value) -> [].
gen_choice(Name, Tag, Func, Args) ->
NameStr = atom_to_list(Name),
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_imm.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_imm.erl
index 741d54c321..2ab848652e 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_imm.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_imm.erl
@@ -37,9 +37,11 @@
+ per_enc_extensions_map/4,
+ per_enc_optional/2]).
@@ -349,6 +351,20 @@ per_enc_extensions(Val0, Pos0, NumBits, Aligned) when NumBits > 0 ->
['_'|Length ++ PutBits]]}],
+per_enc_extensions_map(Val0, Vars, Undefined, Aligned) ->
+ NumBits = length(Vars),
+ {B,[_Val,Bitmap]} = mk_vars(Val0, [bitmap]),
+ Length = per_enc_small_length(NumBits, Aligned),
+ PutBits = case NumBits of
+ 1 -> [{put_bits,1,1,[1]}];
+ _ -> [{put_bits,Bitmap,NumBits,[1]}]
+ end,
+ BitmapExpr = extensions_bitmap(Vars, Undefined),
+ B++[{assign,Bitmap,BitmapExpr},
+ {list,[{'cond',[[{eq,Bitmap,0}],
+ ['_'|Length ++ PutBits]]}],
+ {var,"Extensions"}}].
per_enc_optional(Val, DefVals) when is_list(DefVals) ->
Zero = {put_bits,0,1,[1]},
One = {put_bits,1,1,[1]},
@@ -414,6 +430,13 @@ enc_element(N, Val0) ->
{[],[Val,Dst]} = mk_vars(Val0, [element]),
+enc_maps_get(N, Val0) ->
+ {[],[Val,Dst0]} = mk_vars(Val0, [element]),
+ {var,Dst} = Dst0,
+ DstExpr = {expr,lists:concat(["#{",N,":=",Dst,"}"])},
+ {var,SrcVar} = Val,
+ {[{assign,DstExpr,SrcVar}],Dst0}.
enc_cg(Imm0, false) ->
Imm1 = enc_cse(Imm0),
Imm2 = enc_pre_cg(Imm1),
@@ -1231,6 +1254,20 @@ enc_length(Len, {Lb,Ub}, Aligned) when is_integer(Lb) ->
enc_length(Len, Sv, _Aligned) when is_integer(Sv) ->
+extensions_bitmap(Vs, Undefined) ->
+ Highest = 1 bsl (length(Vs)-1),
+ Cs = extensions_bitmap_1(Vs, Undefined, Highest),
+ lists:flatten(lists:join(" bor ", Cs)).
+extensions_bitmap_1([{var,V}|Vs], Undefined, Power) ->
+ S = ["case ",V," of\n",
+ " ",Undefined," -> 0;\n"
+ " _ -> ",integer_to_list(Power),"\n"
+ "end"],
+ [S|extensions_bitmap_1(Vs, Undefined, Power bsr 1)];
+extensions_bitmap_1([], _, _) ->
+ [].
put_bits_binary(Bin, _Unit, Aligned) when is_binary(Bin) ->
Sz = byte_size(Bin),
<> = Bin,
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_value.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_value.erl
index b3d41dd9f3..8bd99d995b 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_value.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_value.erl
@@ -64,7 +64,11 @@ from_type(M,Typename,Type) when is_record(Type,type) ->
{constructed,bif} when Typename == ['EXTERNAL'] ->
- asn1ct_eval_ext:transform_to_EXTERNAL1994(Val);
+ T = case M:maps() of
+ false -> transform_to_EXTERNAL1994;
+ true -> transform_to_EXTERNAL1994_maps
+ end,
+ asn1ct_eval_ext:T(Val);
{constructed,bif} ->
@@ -118,11 +122,13 @@ get_sequence(M,Typename,Type) ->
#'SEQUENCE'{components=Cl} -> {'SEQUENCE',Cl};
#'SET'{components=Cl} -> {'SET',to_textual_order(Cl)}
- case get_components(M,Typename,CompList) of
- [] ->
- {list_to_atom(asn1ct_gen:list2rname(Typename))};
- C ->
- list_to_tuple([list_to_atom(asn1ct_gen:list2rname(Typename))|C])
+ Cs = get_components(M, Typename, CompList),
+ case M:maps() of
+ false ->
+ RecordTag = list_to_atom(asn1ct_gen:list2rname(Typename)),
+ list_to_tuple([RecordTag|[Val || {_,Val} <- Cs]]);
+ true ->
+ maps:from_list(Cs)
get_components(M,Typename,{Root,Ext}) ->
@@ -130,9 +136,9 @@ get_components(M,Typename,{Root,Ext}) ->
%% Should enhance this *** HERE *** with proper handling of extensions
-get_components(M,Typename,[H|T]) ->
- [from_type(M,Typename,H)|
- get_components(M,Typename,T)];
+get_components(M, Typename, [H|T]) ->
+ #'ComponentType'{name=Name} = H,
+ [{Name,from_type(M, Typename, H)}|get_components(M, Typename, T)];
get_components(_,_,[]) ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_ext.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_ext.erl
index 3bf01823db..161b2db691 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_ext.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rtt_ext.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
+ transform_to_EXTERNAL1994/1,transform_to_EXTERNAL1994_maps/1]).
transform_to_EXTERNAL1990({_,_,_,_}=Val) ->
transform_to_EXTERNAL1990(tuple_to_list(Val), []);
@@ -51,6 +52,30 @@ transform_to_EXTERNAL1990([Data_value], Acc)
+transform_to_EXTERNAL1990_maps(#{identification:=Id,'data-value':=Value}=V) ->
+ M0 = case Id of
+ {syntax,DRef} ->
+ #{'direct-reference'=>DRef};
+ {'presentation-context-id',IndRef} ->
+ #{'indirect-reference'=>IndRef};
+ {'context-negotiation',
+ #{'presentation-context-id':=IndRef,
+ 'transfer-syntax':=DRef}} ->
+ #{'direct-reference'=>DRef,
+ 'indirect-reference'=>IndRef}
+ end,
+ M = case V of
+ #{'data-value-descriptor':=Dvd} ->
+ M0#{'data-value-descriptor'=>Dvd};
+ #{} ->
+ M0
+ end,
+ M#{encoding=>{'octet-aligned',Value}};
+transform_to_EXTERNAL1990_maps(#{encoding:=_}=V) ->
+ %% Already in the EXTERNAL 1990 format.
+ V.
transform_to_EXTERNAL1994({'EXTERNAL',DRef,IndRef,Data_v_desc,Encoding}=V) ->
Identification =
case {DRef,IndRef} of
@@ -71,3 +96,38 @@ transform_to_EXTERNAL1994({'EXTERNAL',DRef,IndRef,Data_v_desc,Encoding}=V) ->
%% information.
+transform_to_EXTERNAL1994_maps(V0) ->
+ Identification =
+ case V0 of
+ #{'direct-reference':=DRef,
+ 'indirect-reference':=asn1_NOVALUE} ->
+ {syntax,DRef};
+ #{'direct-reference':=asn1_NOVALUE,
+ 'indirect-reference':=IndRef} ->
+ {'presentation-context-id',IndRef};
+ #{'direct-reference':=DRef,
+ 'indirect-reference':=IndRef} ->
+ {'context-negotiation',
+ #{'transfer-syntax'=>DRef,
+ 'presentation-context-id'=>IndRef}}
+ end,
+ case V0 of
+ #{encoding:={'octet-aligned',Val}}
+ when is_list(Val); is_binary(Val) ->
+ %% Transform to the EXTERNAL 1994 definition.
+ V = #{identification=>Identification,
+ 'data-value'=>Val},
+ case V0 of
+ #{'data-value-descriptor':=asn1_NOVALUE} ->
+ V;
+ #{'data-value-descriptor':=Dvd} ->
+ V#{'data-value-descriptor'=>Dvd}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ %% Keep the EXTERNAL 1990 definition to avoid losing
+ %% information.
+ V = [{K,V} || {K,V} <- maps:to_list(V0),
+ V =/= asn1_NOVALUE],
+ maps:from_list(V)
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/Makefile b/lib/asn1/test/Makefile
index 40575e8a2f..d346bb9e12 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/Makefile
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/Makefile
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ MODULES= \
testInfObjExtract \
testParameterizedInfObj \
testFragmented \
+ testMaps \
testMergeCompile \
testMultipleLevels \
testDeepTConstr \
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
index b6430134ab..6769a38b12 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
+%% Suppress compilation of an addititional module compiled for maps.
+-define(NO_MAPS_MODULE, asn1_test_lib_no_maps).
if Rule =:= ber -> Func;
true -> ok
@@ -102,6 +105,7 @@ groups() ->
+ testMaps,
% Uses 'External'
{group, [], [testExternal,
@@ -176,8 +180,11 @@ groups() ->
{performance, [],
+ testTimer_ber_maps,
- testTimer_uper]}].
+ testTimer_per_maps,
+ testTimer_uper,
+ testTimer_uper_maps]}].
%% Init/end
@@ -441,6 +448,16 @@ testDEFAULT(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
testSeqSetDefaultVal:main(Rule, Opts).
+testMaps(Config) ->
+ test(Config, fun testMaps/3,
+ [{ber,[maps,no_ok_wrapper]},
+ {ber,[maps,der,no_ok_wrapper]},
+ {per,[maps,no_ok_wrapper]},
+ {uper,[maps,no_ok_wrapper]}]).
+testMaps(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
+ asn1_test_lib:compile_all(['Maps'], Config, [Rule|Opts]),
+ testMaps:main(Rule).
testOpt(Config) -> test(Config, fun testOpt/3).
testOpt(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
asn1_test_lib:compile("Opt", Config, [Rule|Opts]),
@@ -614,12 +631,12 @@ parse(Config) ->
[asn1_test_lib:compile(M, Config, [abs]) || M <- test_modules()].
per(Config) ->
- test(Config, fun per/3, [per,uper]).
+ test(Config, fun per/3, [per,uper,{per,[maps]},{uper,[maps]}]).
per(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
[module_test(M, Config, Rule, Opts) || M <- per_modules()].
ber_other(Config) ->
- test(Config, fun ber_other/3, [ber]).
+ test(Config, fun ber_other/3, [ber,{ber,[maps]}]).
ber_other(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
[module_test(M, Config, Rule, Opts) || M <- ber_modules()].
@@ -628,7 +645,7 @@ der(Config) ->
asn1_test_lib:compile_all(ber_modules(), Config, [der]).
module_test(M0, Config, Rule, Opts) ->
- asn1_test_lib:compile(M0, Config, [Rule|Opts]),
+ asn1_test_lib:compile(M0, Config, [Rule,?NO_MAPS_MODULE|Opts]),
case list_to_atom(M0) of
'LDAP' ->
%% Because of the recursive definition of 'Filter' in
@@ -995,7 +1012,9 @@ testS1AP(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
testRfcs() ->
-testRfcs(Config) -> test(Config, fun testRfcs/3, [{ber,[der]}]).
+testRfcs(Config) -> test(Config, fun testRfcs/3,
+ [{ber,[der,?NO_MAPS_MODULE]},
+ {ber,[der,maps]}]).
testRfcs(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
case erlang:system_info(system_architecture) of
"sparc-sun-solaris2.10" ->
@@ -1010,7 +1029,8 @@ test_compile_options(Config) ->
ok = test_compile_options:path(Config),
ok = test_compile_options:noobj(Config),
ok = test_compile_options:record_name_prefix(Config),
- ok = test_compile_options:verbose(Config).
+ ok = test_compile_options:verbose(Config),
+ ok = test_compile_options:maps(Config).
testDoubleEllipses(Config) -> test(Config, fun testDoubleEllipses/3).
testDoubleEllipses(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
@@ -1069,7 +1089,7 @@ test_x691(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
ticket_6143(Config) ->
- ok = test_compile_options:ticket_6143(Config).
+ asn1_test_lib:compile("AA1", Config, [?NO_MAPS_MODULE]).
testExtensionAdditionGroup(Config) ->
test(Config, fun testExtensionAdditionGroup/3).
@@ -1157,20 +1177,33 @@ END
ok = asn1ct:compile(File, [{outdir, PrivDir}]).
-timer_compile(Config, Rule) ->
- asn1_test_lib:compile_all(["H235-SECURITY-MESSAGES", "H323-MESSAGES"],
- Config, [no_ok_wrapper,Rule]).
+timer_compile(Config, Opts0) ->
+ Files = ["H235-SECURITY-MESSAGES", "H323-MESSAGES"],
+ Opts = [no_ok_wrapper,?NO_MAPS_MODULE|Opts0],
+ asn1_test_lib:compile_all(Files, Config, Opts).
testTimer_ber(Config) ->
- timer_compile(Config, ber),
+ timer_compile(Config, [ber]),
testTimer_per(Config) ->
- timer_compile(Config, per),
+ timer_compile(Config, [per]),
testTimer_uper(Config) ->
- timer_compile(Config, uper),
+ timer_compile(Config, [uper]),
+ testTimer:go().
+testTimer_ber_maps(Config) ->
+ timer_compile(Config, [ber,maps]),
+ testTimer:go().
+testTimer_per_maps(Config) ->
+ timer_compile(Config, [per,maps]),
+ testTimer:go().
+testTimer_uper_maps(Config) ->
+ timer_compile(Config, [uper,maps]),
%% Test of multiple-line comment, OTP-8043
@@ -1179,9 +1212,11 @@ testComment(Config) ->
asn1_test_lib:roundtrip('Comment', 'Seq', {'Seq',12,true}).
testName2Number(Config) ->
- N2NOptions = [{n2n,Type} || Type <- ['CauseMisc', 'CauseProtocol',
- 'CauseRadioNetwork',
- 'CauseTransport','CauseNas']],
+ N2NOptions0 = [{n2n,Type} ||
+ Type <- ['CauseMisc', 'CauseProtocol',
+ 'CauseRadioNetwork',
+ 'CauseTransport','CauseNas']],
+ N2NOptions = [?NO_MAPS_MODULE|N2NOptions0],
asn1_test_lib:compile("S1AP-IEs", Config, N2NOptions),
0 = 'S1AP-IEs':name2num_CauseMisc('control-processing-overload'),
@@ -1191,8 +1226,9 @@ testName2Number(Config) ->
%% Test that n2n option generates name2num and num2name functions supporting
%% values not within the extension root if the enumeration type has an
%% extension marker.
- N2NOptionsExt = [{n2n, 'NoExt'}, {n2n, 'Ext'}, {n2n, 'Ext2'}],
+ N2NOptionsExt = [?NO_MAPS_MODULE,{n2n,'NoExt'},{n2n,'Ext'},{n2n,'Ext2'}],
asn1_test_lib:compile("EnumN2N", Config, N2NOptionsExt),
%% Previously, name2num and num2name was not generated if the type didn't
%% have an extension marker:
0 = 'EnumN2N':name2num_NoExt('blue'),
@@ -1210,9 +1246,11 @@ testName2Number(Config) ->
ticket_7407(Config) ->
- asn1_test_lib:compile("EUTRA-extract-7407", Config, [uper]),
+ Opts = [uper,?NO_MAPS_MODULE],
+ asn1_test_lib:compile("EUTRA-extract-7407", Config, Opts),
- asn1_test_lib:compile("EUTRA-extract-7407", Config, [uper,no_final_padding]),
+ asn1_test_lib:compile("EUTRA-extract-7407", Config,
+ [no_final_padding|Opts]),
ticket_7407_code(FinalPadding) ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/Maps.asn1 b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/Maps.asn1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd5f373e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/Maps.asn1
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+xy1 XY ::= { x 42, y 17 }
+xy2 XY ::= { }
+xy3 XY ::= { y 999 }
+ xy XY DEFAULT { x 100, y 100 },
+s1 S ::= {}
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_test_lib.erl b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_test_lib.erl
index dc614db4f2..a79958d229 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_test_lib.erl
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
- roundtrip/3,roundtrip/4,roundtrip_enc/3,roundtrip_enc/4]).
+ roundtrip/3,roundtrip/4,roundtrip_enc/3,roundtrip_enc/4,
+ map_roundtrip/3]).
@@ -94,15 +95,58 @@ module(F0) ->
%% filename:join(CaseDir, F ++ ".beam").
-compile_file(File, Options) ->
+compile_file(File, Options0) ->
+ Options = [warnings_as_errors|Options0],
- ok = asn1ct:compile(File, [warnings_as_errors|Options])
+ ok = asn1ct:compile(File, Options),
+ ok = compile_maps(File, Options)
_:Reason ->
ct:print("Failed to compile ~s\n~p", [File,Reason]),
+compile_maps(File, Options) ->
+ unload_map_mod(File),
+ Incompat = [abs,compact_bit_string,legacy_bit_string,
+ legacy_erlang_types,maps,asn1_test_lib_no_maps],
+ case lists:any(fun(E) -> lists:member(E, Incompat) end, Options) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ false ->
+ compile_maps_1(File, Options)
+ end.
+compile_maps_1(File, Options) ->
+ ok = asn1ct:compile(File, [maps,no_ok_wrapper,noobj|Options]),
+ OutDir = proplists:get_value(outdir, Options),
+ Base0 = filename:rootname(filename:basename(File)),
+ Base = case filename:extension(Base0) of
+ ".set" ->
+ filename:rootname(Base0);
+ _ ->
+ Base0
+ end,
+ ErlBase = Base ++ ".erl",
+ ErlFile = filename:join(OutDir, ErlBase),
+ {ok,Erl0} = file:read_file(ErlFile),
+ Erl = re:replace(Erl0, <<"-module\\('">>, "&maps_"),
+ MapsErlFile = filename:join(OutDir, "maps_" ++ ErlBase),
+ ok = file:write_file(MapsErlFile, Erl),
+ {ok,_} = compile:file(MapsErlFile, [report,{outdir,OutDir},{i,OutDir}]),
+ ok.
+unload_map_mod(File0) ->
+ File1 = filename:basename(File0),
+ File2 = filename:rootname(File1, ".asn"),
+ File3 = filename:rootname(File2, ".asn1"),
+ File4 = filename:rootname(File3, ".py"),
+ File = filename:rootname(File4, ".set"),
+ MapMod = list_to_atom("maps_"++File),
+ code:delete(MapMod),
+ code:purge(MapMod),
+ ok.
compile_erlang(Mod, Config, Options) ->
DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
CaseDir = proplists:get_value(case_dir, Config),
@@ -147,24 +191,60 @@ roundtrip(Mod, Type, Value) ->
roundtrip(Mod, Type, Value, Value).
roundtrip(Mod, Type, Value, ExpectedValue) ->
- {ok,Encoded} = Mod:encode(Type, Value),
- {ok,ExpectedValue} = Mod:decode(Type, Encoded),
- test_ber_indefinite(Mod, Type, Encoded, ExpectedValue),
- ok.
+ roundtrip_enc(Mod, Type, Value, ExpectedValue).
roundtrip_enc(Mod, Type, Value) ->
roundtrip_enc(Mod, Type, Value, Value).
roundtrip_enc(Mod, Type, Value, ExpectedValue) ->
- {ok,Encoded} = Mod:encode(Type, Value),
- {ok,ExpectedValue} = Mod:decode(Type, Encoded),
+ case Mod:encode(Type, Value) of
+ {ok,Encoded} ->
+ {ok,ExpectedValue} = Mod:decode(Type, Encoded);
+ Encoded when is_binary(Encoded) ->
+ ExpectedValue = Mod:decode(Type, Encoded)
+ end,
+ map_roundtrip(Mod, Type, Encoded),
test_ber_indefinite(Mod, Type, Encoded, ExpectedValue),
+map_roundtrip(Mod, Type, Encoded) ->
+ MapMod = list_to_atom("maps_"++atom_to_list(Mod)),
+ try MapMod:maps() of
+ true ->
+ map_roundtrip_1(MapMod, Type, Encoded)
+ catch
+ error:undef ->
+ ok
+ end.
%%% Internal functions.
+map_roundtrip_1(Mod, Type, Encoded) ->
+ Decoded = Mod:decode(Type, Encoded),
+ case Mod:encode(Type, Decoded) of
+ Encoded ->
+ ok;
+ OtherEncoding ->
+ case is_named_bitstring(Decoded) of
+ true ->
+ %% In BER, named BIT STRINGs with different number of
+ %% trailing zeroes decode to the same value.
+ ok;
+ false ->
+ error({encode_mismatch,Decoded,Encoded,OtherEncoding})
+ end
+ end,
+ ok.
+is_named_bitstring([H|T]) ->
+ is_atom(H) andalso is_named_bitstring(T);
+is_named_bitstring([]) ->
+ true;
+is_named_bitstring(_) ->
+ false.
hex2num(C) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 -> C - $0;
hex2num(C) when $A =< C, C =< $F -> C - $A + 10;
hex2num(C) when $a =< C, C =< $f -> C - $a + 10.
@@ -179,7 +259,12 @@ test_ber_indefinite(Mod, Type, Encoded, ExpectedValue) ->
case Mod:encoding_rule() of
ber ->
Indefinite = iolist_to_binary(ber_indefinite(Encoded)),
- {ok,ExpectedValue} = Mod:decode(Type, Indefinite);
+ case Mod:decode(Type, Indefinite) of
+ {ok,ExpectedValue} ->
+ ok;
+ ExpectedValue ->
+ ok
+ end;
_ ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/testContextSwitchingTypes.erl b/lib/asn1/test/testContextSwitchingTypes.erl
index 10012908a9..5688d8afd6 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/testContextSwitchingTypes.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/testContextSwitchingTypes.erl
@@ -90,5 +90,6 @@ check_object_identifier(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
enc_dec(T, V0) ->
M = 'ContextSwitchingTypes',
{ok,Enc} = M:encode(T, V0),
+ asn1_test_lib:map_roundtrip(M, T, Enc),
{ok,V} = M:decode(T, Enc),
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/testInfObj.erl b/lib/asn1/test/testInfObj.erl
index 5a9f47d865..c519c70cdf 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/testInfObj.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/testInfObj.erl
@@ -197,5 +197,6 @@ roundtrip(M, T, V) ->
enc_dec(M, T, V0) ->
{ok,Enc} = M:encode(T, V0),
+ asn1_test_lib:map_roundtrip(M, T, Enc),
{ok,V} = M:decode(T, Enc),
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/testMaps.erl b/lib/asn1/test/testMaps.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45dd2255ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/testMaps.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+main(_) ->
+ M = 'Maps',
+ true = M:maps(),
+ true = M:xy1() =:= #{x=>42,y=>17},
+ true = M:xy2() =:= #{x=>0,y=>0},
+ true = M:xy3() =:= #{x=>0,y=>999},
+ true = M:s1() =:= #{xy=>#{x=>100,y=>100}},
+ roundtrip('XY', M:xy1()),
+ roundtrip('XY', M:xy2()),
+ roundtrip('XY', M:xy3()),
+ roundtrip('XY', #{}, #{x=>0,y=>0}),
+ roundtrip('S', M:s1()),
+ roundtrip('S', #{}, #{xy=>#{x=>100,y=>100}}),
+ roundtrip('S', #{os=><<1,2,3>>}, #{xy=>#{x=>100,y=>100},
+ os=><<1,2,3>>}),
+ ok.
+roundtrip(Type, Value) ->
+ roundtrip(Type, Value, Value).
+roundtrip(Type, Value, Expected) ->
+ asn1_test_lib:roundtrip('Maps', Type, Value, Expected).
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/testRfcs.erl b/lib/asn1/test/testRfcs.erl
index da7333ef98..20176e35eb 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/testRfcs.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/testRfcs.erl
@@ -35,22 +35,27 @@ compile(Config, Erules, Options0) ->
asn1_test_lib:compile_all(Specs, Config, [Erules,{i,CaseDir}|Options]).
test() ->
- {1,3,6,1,5,5,7,48,1,2} =
- IdPkixOcspNonce =
- 'OCSP-2009':'id-pkix-ocsp-nonce'(),
- roundtrip('OCSP-2009', 'OCSPRequest',
- {'OCSPRequest',
- {'TBSRequest',
- 0,
- {rfc822Name,"name string"},
- [{'Request',
- {'CertID',{'_',{2,9,3,4,5},asn1_NOVALUE},
- <<"POTATOHASH">>,<<"HASHBROWN">>,42},
- [{'_',IdPkixOcspNonce,true,<<34,159,16,57,199>>}]}],
- asn1_NOVALUE},
- asn1_NOVALUE}),
- otp_7759(),
- ok.
+ M = 'OCSP-2009',
+ case M:maps() of
+ false ->
+ {1,3,6,1,5,5,7,48,1,2} =
+ IdPkixOcspNonce =
+ 'OCSP-2009':'id-pkix-ocsp-nonce'(),
+ roundtrip('OCSP-2009', 'OCSPRequest',
+ {'OCSPRequest',
+ {'TBSRequest',
+ 0,
+ {rfc822Name,"name string"},
+ [{'Request',
+ {'CertID',{'_',{2,9,3,4,5},asn1_NOVALUE},
+ <<"POTATOHASH">>,<<"HASHBROWN">>,42},
+ [{'_',IdPkixOcspNonce,true,<<34,159,16,57,199>>}]}],
+ asn1_NOVALUE},
+ asn1_NOVALUE}),
+ otp_7759(records);
+ true ->
+ otp_7759(maps)
+ end.
roundtrip(Module, Type, Value0) ->
Enc = Module:encode(Type, Value0),
@@ -58,7 +63,7 @@ roundtrip(Module, Type, Value0) ->
asn1_test_lib:match_value(Value0, Value1),
-otp_7759() ->
+otp_7759(Pack) ->
%% The release note for asn-1.6.6 says:
%% Decode of an open_type when the value was empty tagged
%% type encoded with indefinite length failed.
@@ -66,10 +71,15 @@ otp_7759() ->
Encoded = encoded_msg(),
ContentInfo = Mod:decode('ContentInfo', Encoded),
io:format("~p\n", [ContentInfo]),
- {'ContentInfo',_Id,PKCS7_content} = ContentInfo,
- X = Mod:decode('SignedData', PKCS7_content),
+ Content = case ContentInfo of
+ {'ContentInfo',_Id,Content0} when Pack =:= records ->
+ Content0;
+ #{'content-type':=_,'pkcs7-content':=Content0}
+ when Pack =:= maps ->
+ Content0
+ end,
+ X = Mod:decode('SignedData', Content),
io:format("~p\n", [X]),
- io:nl(),
encoded_msg() ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/testTCAP.erl b/lib/asn1/test/testTCAP.erl
index 422ae1f0fc..a6f0f9fad7 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/testTCAP.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/testTCAP.erl
@@ -92,5 +92,6 @@ test_asn1config() ->
enc_dec(T, V0) ->
M = 'TCAPPackage',
{ok,Enc} = M:encode(T, V0),
+ asn1_test_lib:map_roundtrip(M, T, Enc),
{ok,V} = M:decode(T, Enc),
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/testTimer.erl b/lib/asn1/test/testTimer.erl
index bd8da85735..3edeb1b712 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/testTimer.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/testTimer.erl
@@ -25,7 +25,42 @@
-define(times, 5000).
-val() ->
+go() ->
+ Module = 'H323-MESSAGES',
+ Type = 'H323-UserInformation',
+ Value = case Module:maps() of
+ false -> val_records();
+ true -> val_maps()
+ end,
+ Bytes = Module:encode(Type, Value),
+ Value = Module:decode(Type, Bytes),
+ {ValWr,done} = timer:tc(fun() -> encode(?times, Module, Type, Value) end),
+ io:format("ASN.1 encoding: ~p micro~n", [ValWr / ?times]),
+ done = decode(2, Module, Type, Bytes),
+ {ValRead,done} = timer:tc(fun() -> decode(?times, Module, Type, Bytes) end),
+ io:format("ASN.1 decoding: ~p micro~n", [ValRead /?times]),
+ Comment = "encode: "++integer_to_list(round(ValWr/?times)) ++
+ " micro, decode: "++integer_to_list(round(ValRead /?times)) ++
+ " micro. [" ++ atom_to_list(Module:encoding_rule()) ++ "]",
+ {comment,Comment}.
+encode(0, _Module,_Type,_Value) ->
+ done;
+encode(N, Module,Type,Value) ->
+ Module:encode(Type, Value),
+ encode(N-1, Module, Type, Value).
+decode(0, _Module, _Type, _Value) ->
+ done;
+decode(N, Module, Type, Value) ->
+ Module:decode(Type, Value),
+ decode(N-1, Module, Type, Value).
+val_records() ->
@@ -126,34 +161,66 @@ val() ->
-go() ->
- Module = 'H323-MESSAGES',
- Type = 'H323-UserInformation',
- Value = val(),
- Bytes = Module:encode(Type, Value),
- Value = Module:decode(Type, Bytes),
- {ValWr,done} = timer:tc(fun() -> encode(?times, Module, Type, Value) end),
- io:format("ASN.1 encoding: ~p micro~n", [ValWr / ?times]),
- done = decode(2, Module, Type, Bytes),
- {ValRead,done} = timer:tc(fun() -> decode(?times, Module, Type, Bytes) end),
- io:format("ASN.1 decoding: ~p micro~n", [ValRead /?times]),
- Comment = "encode: "++integer_to_list(round(ValWr/?times)) ++
- " micro, decode: "++integer_to_list(round(ValRead /?times)) ++
- " micro. [" ++ atom_to_list(Module:encoding_rule()) ++ "]",
- {comment,Comment}.
-encode(0, _Module,_Type,_Value) ->
- done;
-encode(N, Module,Type,Value) ->
- Module:encode(Type, Value),
- encode(N-1, Module, Type, Value).
-decode(0, _Module, _Type, _Value) ->
- done;
-decode(N, Module, Type, Value) ->
- Module:decode(Type, Value),
- decode(N-1, Module, Type, Value).
+val_maps() ->
+#{'h323-uu-pdu' => #{h245Control => [],
+ h245Tunneling => true,
+ 'h323-message-body' => {callProceeding,#{callIdentifier => #{guid => <<"OCTET STRINGOCTE">>},
+ cryptoTokens => [{cryptoGKPwdEncr,#{algorithmOID => {1,18,467,467},
+ encryptedData => <<"OC">>,
+ paramS => #{iv8 => <<"OCTET ST">>,
+ ranInt => -7477016}}},
+ {cryptoGKPwdEncr,#{algorithmOID => {1,19,486,486},
+ encryptedData => <<>>,
+ paramS => #{iv8 => <<"OCTET ST">>,
+ ranInt => -2404513}}}],
+ destinationInfo => #{gatekeeper => #{nonStandardData => #{data => <<"O">>,
+ nonStandardIdentifier => {object,{0,10,260}}}},
+ gateway => #{nonStandardData => #{data => <<"O">>,
+ nonStandardIdentifier => {object,{0,13,326}}},
+ protocol => [{h320,#{dataRatesSupported => [#{channelMultiplier => 78,
+ channelRate => 1290470518,
+ nonStandardData => #{data => <<"O">>,
+ nonStandardIdentifier => {object,{0,11,295}}}}],
+ nonStandardData => #{data => <<"O">>,
+ nonStandardIdentifier => {object,{0,11,282}}},
+ supportedPrefixes => [#{nonStandardData => #{data => <<"O">>,
+ nonStandardIdentifier => {object,{0,12,312}}},
+ prefix => {'h323-ID',"BM"}}]}}]},
+ mc => true,
+ mcu => #{nonStandardData => #{data => <<"OC">>,
+ nonStandardIdentifier => {object,{1,13,340,340}}}},
+ nonStandardData => #{data => <<"O">>,nonStandardIdentifier => {object,{0,9,237}}},
+ terminal => #{nonStandardData => #{data => <<"OC">>,
+ nonStandardIdentifier => {object,{1,14,353,354}}}},
+ undefinedNode => true,
+ vendor => #{productId => <<"OC">>,
+ vendor => #{manufacturerCode => 16282,
+ t35CountryCode => 62,
+ t35Extension => 63},
+ versionId => <<"OC">>}},
+ fastStart => [],
+ h245Address => {ipxAddress,#{netnum => <<"OCTE">>,
+ node => <<"OCTET ">>,
+ port => <<"OC">>}},
+ h245SecurityMode => {noSecurity,'NULL'},
+ protocolIdentifier => {0,8,222},
+ tokens => [#{certificate => #{certificate => <<"OC">>,type => {1,16,405,406}},
+ challenge => <<"OCTET STR">>,
+ dhkey => #{generator => <<1:1>>,halfkey => <<1:1>>,modSize => <<1:1>>},
+ generalID => "BMP",
+ nonStandard => #{data => <<"OC">>,nonStandardIdentifier => {1,16,414,415}},
+ password => "BM",
+ random => -26430296,
+ timeStamp => 1667517741},
+ #{certificate => #{certificate => <<"OC">>,type => {1,17,442,443}},
+ challenge => <<"OCTET STRI">>,
+ dhkey => #{generator => <<1:1>>,halfkey => <<1:1>>,modSize => <<1:1>>},
+ generalID => "BMP",
+ nonStandard => #{data => <<"OC">>,nonStandardIdentifier => {1,18,452,452}},
+ password => "BMP",
+ random => -16356110,
+ timeStamp => 1817656756}]}},
+ h4501SupplementaryService => [],
+ nonStandardControl => [],
+ nonStandardData => #{data => <<>>,nonStandardIdentifier => {object,{0,3,84}}}},
+ 'user-data' => #{'protocol-discriminator' => 24,'user-information' => <<"O">>}}.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/testUniqueObjectSets.erl b/lib/asn1/test/testUniqueObjectSets.erl
index 4d3ec94391..30cbceb577 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/testUniqueObjectSets.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/testUniqueObjectSets.erl
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ seq_roundtrip(I, D0) ->
M = 'UniqueObjectSets',
{ok,Enc} = M:encode('Seq', {'Seq',I,D0}),
+ asn1_test_lib:map_roundtrip(M, 'Seq', Enc),
{ok,{'Seq',I,D}} = M:decode('Seq', Enc),
catch C:E ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/test_compile_options.erl b/lib/asn1/test/test_compile_options.erl
index ac74470537..c15e61550c 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/test_compile_options.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/test_compile_options.erl
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
- record_name_prefix/1,verbose/1]).
+ record_name_prefix/1,verbose/1,maps/1]).
%% OTP-5689
wrong_path(Config) ->
@@ -64,8 +64,6 @@ path(Config) ->
-ticket_6143(Config) -> asn1_test_lib:compile("AA1", Config, []).
noobj(Config) ->
DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir,Config),
OutDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir,Config),
@@ -130,6 +128,28 @@ verbose(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[] = test_server:capture_get(),
+maps(Config) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ OutDir = proplists:get_value(case_dir, Config),
+ InFile = filename:join(DataDir, "P-Record"),
+ do_maps(ber, InFile, OutDir),
+ do_maps(per, InFile, OutDir),
+ do_maps(uper, InFile, OutDir).
+do_maps(Erule, InFile, OutDir) ->
+ Opts = [Erule,maps,{outdir,OutDir}],
+ ok = asn1ct:compile(InFile, Opts),
+ %% Make sure that no .hrl files are generated.
+ [] = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(OutDir, "*.hrl")),
+ %% Remove all generated files.
+ All = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(OutDir, "*")),
+ _ = [file:delete(N) || N <- All],
+ ok.
outfiles_check(OutDir) ->
cgit v1.2.3
From a952ef15cc20249b3111565cbba7d6727f2a0012 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?=
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2017 12:00:56 +0100
Subject: asn1_SUITE: Remove unused functions
In 8a39672af4d9, the testX420/1 test case is no longer run. Remove the
unused functions.
lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl | 12 ------------
1 file changed, 12 deletions(-)
(limited to 'lib/asn1')
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
index b6430134ab..92e637617e 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
@@ -1027,18 +1027,6 @@ test_modified_x420(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
-testX420() ->
- [{timetrap,{minutes,90}}].
-testX420(Config) ->
- case erlang:system_info(system_architecture) of
- "sparc-sun-solaris2.10" ->
- {skip,"Too slow for an old Sparc"};
- _ ->
- Rule = ber,
- testX420:compile(Rule, [der], Config),
- ok = testX420:ticket7759(Rule, Config)
- end.
test_x691(Config) ->
test(Config, fun test_x691/3, [per, uper]).
test_x691(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
cgit v1.2.3
From 142969f0860067c73af4b1e8db04d59255edf25a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?=
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 07:26:29 +0100
Subject: Simplify running of asn1 app tests
Instead of initiating running of the app tests for asn1 from
asn1_SUITE, put the tests in asn1_app_SUITE and let it take care
of itself.
While we are it, eliminate 'export_all' in the new module and
use lists:keyfind/3 instead of lists:keysearch/3.
lib/asn1/test/Makefile | 3 +-
lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl | 8 +-
lib/asn1/test/asn1_app_SUITE.erl | 229 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/asn1/test/asn1_app_test.erl | 229 --------------------------------------
lib/asn1/test/asn1_appup_test.erl | 58 ----------
5 files changed, 231 insertions(+), 296 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 lib/asn1/test/asn1_app_SUITE.erl
delete mode 100644 lib/asn1/test/asn1_app_test.erl
delete mode 100644 lib/asn1/test/asn1_appup_test.erl
(limited to 'lib/asn1')
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/Makefile b/lib/asn1/test/Makefile
index 40575e8a2f..278c80852b 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/Makefile
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/Makefile
@@ -114,8 +114,7 @@ MODULES= \
testImporting \
testExtensibilityImplied \
asn1_test_lib \
- asn1_app_test \
- asn1_appup_test \
+ asn1_app_SUITE \
asn1_SUITE \
error_SUITE \
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
index 92e637617e..00e9871aca 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
@@ -41,8 +41,6 @@ suite() ->
all() ->
[{group, compile},
{group, parallel},
- {group, app_test},
- {group, appup_test},
% TODO: Investigate parallel running of these:
@@ -64,10 +62,6 @@ groups() ->
- {app_test, [], [{asn1_app_test, all}]},
- {appup_test, [], [{asn1_appup_test, all}]},
{parallel, Parallel,
@@ -1280,7 +1274,7 @@ xref(_Config) ->
xref:set_default(s, [{verbose,false},{warnings,false},{builtins,true}]),
Test = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
{ok,_PMs} = xref:add_directory(s, Test),
- UnusedExports = "X - XU - asn1_appup_test - asn1_app_test - \".*_SUITE\" : Mod",
+ UnusedExports = "X - XU - \".*_SUITE\" : Mod",
case xref:q(s, UnusedExports) of
{ok,[]} ->
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_app_SUITE.erl b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_app_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c089a7267c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_app_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Purpose: Verify the application specifics of the asn1 application
+ init_per_suite/1,end_per_suite/1,
+ appup/1,fields/1,modules/1,export_all/1,app_depend/1]).
+all() ->
+ [appup, fields, modules, export_all, app_depend].
+groups() ->
+ [].
+init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
+ Config.
+init_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ case is_app(asn1) of
+ {ok, AppFile} ->
+ io:format("AppFile: ~n~p~n", [AppFile]),
+ [{app_file, AppFile}|Config];
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ fail(Reason)
+ end.
+is_app(App) ->
+ LibDir = code:lib_dir(App),
+ File = filename:join([LibDir, "ebin", atom_to_list(App) ++ ".app"]),
+ case file:consult(File) of
+ {ok, [{application, App, AppFile}]} ->
+ {ok, AppFile};
+ Error ->
+ {error, {invalid_format, Error}}
+ end.
+end_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Config.
+appup(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ok = test_server:appup_test(asn1).
+fields(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ AppFile = key1find(app_file, Config),
+ Fields = [vsn, description, modules, registered, applications],
+ case check_fields(Fields, AppFile, []) of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ Missing ->
+ fail({missing_fields, Missing})
+ end.
+check_fields([], _AppFile, Missing) ->
+ Missing;
+check_fields([Field|Fields], AppFile, Missing) ->
+ check_fields(Fields, AppFile, check_field(Field, AppFile, Missing)).
+check_field(Name, AppFile, Missing) ->
+ io:format("checking field: ~p~n", [Name]),
+ case lists:keymember(Name, 1, AppFile) of
+ true ->
+ Missing;
+ false ->
+ [Name|Missing]
+ end.
+modules(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ AppFile = key1find(app_file, Config),
+ Mods = key1find(modules, AppFile),
+ EbinList = get_ebin_mods(asn1),
+ case missing_modules(Mods, EbinList, []) of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ Missing ->
+ throw({error, {missing_modules, Missing}})
+ end,
+ case extra_modules(Mods, EbinList, []) of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ Extra ->
+ check_asn1ct_modules(Extra)
+ end,
+ {ok, Mods}.
+get_ebin_mods(App) ->
+ LibDir = code:lib_dir(App),
+ EbinDir = filename:join([LibDir,"ebin"]),
+ {ok, Files0} = file:list_dir(EbinDir),
+ Files1 = [lists:reverse(File) || File <- Files0],
+ [list_to_atom(lists:reverse(Name)) || [$m,$a,$e,$b,$.|Name] <- Files1].
+check_asn1ct_modules(Extra) ->
+ ASN1CTMods = [asn1ct,asn1ct_check,asn1_db,asn1ct_pretty_format,
+ asn1ct_gen,asn1ct_gen_check,asn1ct_gen_per,
+ asn1ct_name,asn1ct_constructed_per,asn1ct_constructed_ber,
+ asn1ct_gen_ber,asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2,
+ asn1ct_gen_ber_bin_v2,asn1ct_value,
+ asn1ct_tok,asn1ct_parser2,asn1ct_table,
+ asn1ct_imm,asn1ct_func,asn1ct_rtt,
+ asn1ct_eval_ext],
+ case Extra -- ASN1CTMods of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ Extra2 ->
+ throw({error, {extra_modules, Extra2}})
+ end.
+missing_modules([], _Ebins, Missing) ->
+ Missing;
+missing_modules([Mod|Mods], Ebins, Missing) ->
+ case lists:member(Mod, Ebins) of
+ true ->
+ missing_modules(Mods, Ebins, Missing);
+ false ->
+ io:format("missing module: ~p~n", [Mod]),
+ missing_modules(Mods, Ebins, [Mod|Missing])
+ end.
+extra_modules(_Mods, [], Extra) ->
+ Extra;
+extra_modules(Mods, [Mod|Ebins], Extra) ->
+ case lists:member(Mod, Mods) of
+ true ->
+ extra_modules(Mods, Ebins, Extra);
+ false ->
+ io:format("supefluous module: ~p~n", [Mod]),
+ extra_modules(Mods, Ebins, [Mod|Extra])
+ end.
+export_all(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ AppFile = key1find(app_file, Config),
+ Mods = key1find(modules, AppFile),
+ check_export_all(Mods).
+check_export_all([]) ->
+ ok;
+check_export_all([Mod|Mods]) ->
+ case (catch apply(Mod, module_info, [compile])) of
+ {'EXIT', {undef, _}} ->
+ check_export_all(Mods);
+ O ->
+ case lists:keyfind(options, 1, O) of
+ false ->
+ check_export_all(Mods);
+ {options, List} ->
+ case lists:member(export_all, List) of
+ true ->
+ throw({error, {export_all, Mod}});
+ false ->
+ check_export_all(Mods)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+app_depend(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ AppFile = key1find(app_file, Config),
+ Apps = key1find(applications, AppFile),
+ check_apps(Apps).
+check_apps([]) ->
+ ok;
+check_apps([App|Apps]) ->
+ case is_app(App) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ check_apps(Apps);
+ Error ->
+ throw({error, {missing_app, {App, Error}}})
+ end.
+fail(Reason) ->
+ exit({suite_failed, Reason}).
+key1find(Key, L) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, L) of
+ false ->
+ fail({not_found, Key, L});
+ {Key, Value} ->
+ Value
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_app_test.erl b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_app_test.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 028322f555..0000000000
--- a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_app_test.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Purpose: Verify the application specifics of the asn1 application
-all() ->
- [fields, modules, exportall, app_depend].
-groups() ->
- [].
-init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
- Config.
-end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
- Config.
-init_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- case is_app(asn1) of
- {ok, AppFile} ->
- io:format("AppFile: ~n~p~n", [AppFile]),
- [{app_file, AppFile}|Config];
- {error, Reason} ->
- fail(Reason)
- end.
-is_app(App) ->
- LibDir = code:lib_dir(App),
- File = filename:join([LibDir, "ebin", atom_to_list(App) ++ ".app"]),
- case file:consult(File) of
- {ok, [{application, App, AppFile}]} ->
- {ok, AppFile};
- Error ->
- {error, {invalid_format, Error}}
- end.
-end_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Config.
-%% .
-fields(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
- Fields = [vsn, description, modules, registered, applications],
- case check_fields(Fields, AppFile, []) of
- [] ->
- ok;
- Missing ->
- fail({missing_fields, Missing})
- end.
-check_fields([], _AppFile, Missing) ->
- Missing;
-check_fields([Field|Fields], AppFile, Missing) ->
- check_fields(Fields, AppFile, check_field(Field, AppFile, Missing)).
-check_field(Name, AppFile, Missing) ->
- io:format("checking field: ~p~n", [Name]),
- case lists:keymember(Name, 1, AppFile) of
- true ->
- Missing;
- false ->
- [Name|Missing]
- end.
-%% .
-modules(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
- Mods = key1search(modules, AppFile),
- EbinList = get_ebin_mods(asn1),
- case missing_modules(Mods, EbinList, []) of
- [] ->
- ok;
- Missing ->
- throw({error, {missing_modules, Missing}})
- end,
- case extra_modules(Mods, EbinList, []) of
- [] ->
- ok;
- Extra ->
- check_asn1ct_modules(Extra)
-% throw({error, {extra_modules, Extra}})
- end,
- {ok, Mods}.
-get_ebin_mods(App) ->
- LibDir = code:lib_dir(App),
- EbinDir = filename:join([LibDir,"ebin"]),
- {ok, Files0} = file:list_dir(EbinDir),
- Files1 = [lists:reverse(File) || File <- Files0],
- [list_to_atom(lists:reverse(Name)) || [$m,$a,$e,$b,$.|Name] <- Files1].
-check_asn1ct_modules(Extra) ->
- ASN1CTMods = [asn1ct,asn1ct_check,asn1_db,asn1ct_pretty_format,
- asn1ct_gen,asn1ct_gen_check,asn1ct_gen_per,
- asn1ct_name,asn1ct_constructed_per,asn1ct_constructed_ber,
- asn1ct_gen_ber,asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2,
- asn1ct_gen_ber_bin_v2,asn1ct_value,
- asn1ct_tok,asn1ct_parser2,asn1ct_table,
- asn1ct_imm,asn1ct_func,asn1ct_rtt,
- asn1ct_eval_ext],
- case Extra -- ASN1CTMods of
- [] ->
- ok;
- Extra2 ->
- throw({error, {extra_modules, Extra2}})
- end.
-missing_modules([], _Ebins, Missing) ->
- Missing;
-missing_modules([Mod|Mods], Ebins, Missing) ->
- case lists:member(Mod, Ebins) of
- true ->
- missing_modules(Mods, Ebins, Missing);
- false ->
- io:format("missing module: ~p~n", [Mod]),
- missing_modules(Mods, Ebins, [Mod|Missing])
- end.
-extra_modules(_Mods, [], Extra) ->
- Extra;
-extra_modules(Mods, [Mod|Ebins], Extra) ->
- case lists:member(Mod, Mods) of
- true ->
- extra_modules(Mods, Ebins, Extra);
- false ->
- io:format("supefluous module: ~p~n", [Mod]),
- extra_modules(Mods, Ebins, [Mod|Extra])
- end.
-%% .
-exportall(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
- Mods = key1search(modules, AppFile),
- check_export_all(Mods).
-check_export_all([]) ->
- ok;
-check_export_all([Mod|Mods]) ->
- case (catch apply(Mod, module_info, [compile])) of
- {'EXIT', {undef, _}} ->
- check_export_all(Mods);
- O ->
- case lists:keysearch(options, 1, O) of
- false ->
- check_export_all(Mods);
- {value, {options, List}} ->
- case lists:member(export_all, List) of
- true ->
- throw({error, {export_all, Mod}});
- false ->
- check_export_all(Mods)
- end
- end
- end.
-%% .
-app_depend(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
- Apps = key1search(applications, AppFile),
- check_apps(Apps).
-check_apps([]) ->
- ok;
-check_apps([App|Apps]) ->
- case is_app(App) of
- {ok, _} ->
- check_apps(Apps);
- Error ->
- throw({error, {missing_app, {App, Error}}})
- end.
-fail(Reason) ->
- exit({suite_failed, Reason}).
-key1search(Key, L) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, L) of
- undefined ->
- fail({not_found, Key, L});
- {value, {Key, Value}} ->
- Value
- end.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_appup_test.erl b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_appup_test.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 54540e53cc..0000000000
--- a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_appup_test.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2016. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% Purpose: Verify the application specifics of the asn1 application
-all() ->
- [appup].
-groups() ->
- [].
-init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
- Config.
-end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
- Config.
-init_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Config.
-end_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Config.
-appup() ->
- [{doc, "perform a simple check of the asn1 appup file"}].
-appup(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ok = ?t:appup_test(asn1).
cgit v1.2.3
From 1af5b82466124e4aa32e8b232b915935071a2a0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?=
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2017 11:58:04 +0100
Subject: asn1_SUITE: Make sure that there are no unused functions
Add xref_export_all/1 to make sure that all functions in the
asn1_SUITE module are actually called (directly or indirectly).
lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
(limited to 'lib/asn1')
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
index 00e9871aca..88b50e07d9 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
@@ -39,7 +39,10 @@ suite() ->
all() ->
- [{group, compile},
+ [xref,
+ xref_export_all,
+ {group, compile},
{group, parallel},
% TODO: Investigate parallel running of these:
@@ -64,7 +67,6 @@ groups() ->
{parallel, Parallel,
- xref,
{group, ber},
% Uses 'P-Record', 'Constraints', 'MEDIA-GATEWAY-CONTROL'...
{group, [], [parse,
@@ -1269,16 +1271,72 @@ ticket7904(Config) ->
{ok,_} = 'RANAPextract1':encode('InitiatingMessage', Val1),
{ok,_} = 'RANAPextract1':encode('InitiatingMessage', Val1).
+%% Make sure that functions exported from other modules are
+%% actually used.
xref(_Config) ->
- xref:start(s),
- xref:set_default(s, [{verbose,false},{warnings,false},{builtins,true}]),
+ xref:start(S),
+ xref:set_default(S, [{verbose,false},{warnings,false},{builtins,true}]),
Test = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
- {ok,_PMs} = xref:add_directory(s, Test),
- UnusedExports = "X - XU - \".*_SUITE\" : Mod",
- case xref:q(s, UnusedExports) of
+ {ok,_PMs} = xref:add_directory(S, Test),
+ Q = "X - XU - \".*_SUITE\" : Mod",
+ UnusedExports = xref:q(S, Q),
+ xref:stop(S),
+ case UnusedExports of
{ok,[]} ->
{ok,[_|_]=Res} ->
io:format("Exported, but unused: ~p\n", [Res]),
+%% Ensure that all functions that are implicitly exported by
+%% 'export_all' in this module are actually used.
+xref_export_all(_Config) ->
+ xref:start(S),
+ xref:set_default(S, [{verbose,false},{warnings,false},{builtins,true}]),
+ {ok,_PMs} = xref:add_module(S, code:which(?MODULE)),
+ AllCalled = all_called(),
+ Def = "Called := " ++ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [AllCalled])),
+ {ok,_} = xref:q(S, Def),
+ {ok,Unused} = xref:q(S, "X - Called - range (closure E | Called)"),
+ xref:stop(S),
+ case Unused of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ [_|_] ->
+ S = [io_lib:format("~p:~p/~p\n", [M,F,A]) || {M,F,A} <- Unused],
+ io:format("There are unused functions:\n\n~s\n", [S]),
+ ?t:fail(unused_functions)
+ end.
+%% Collect all functions that common_test will call in this module.
+all_called() ->
+ [{?MODULE,end_per_group,2},
+ {?MODULE,end_per_suite,1},
+ {?MODULE,end_per_testcase,2},
+ {?MODULE,init_per_group,2},
+ {?MODULE,init_per_suite,1},
+ {?MODULE,init_per_testcase,2},
+ {?MODULE,suite,0}] ++
+ all_called_1(all() ++ groups()).
+all_called_1([{_,_}|T]) ->
+ all_called_1(T);
+all_called_1([{_Name,_Flags,Fs}|T]) ->
+ all_called_1(Fs ++ T);
+all_called_1([F|T]) when is_atom(F) ->
+ L = case erlang:function_exported(?MODULE, F, 0) of
+ false ->
+ [{?MODULE,F,1}];
+ true ->
+ [{?MODULE,F,0},{?MODULE,F,1}]
+ end,
+ L ++ all_called_1(T);
+all_called_1([]) ->
+ [].
cgit v1.2.3
From ec7242c7ed2e98f40b3450d04e21d1806a4009f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Dryga
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2017 19:32:27 +0200
Subject: Fixed typos in lib/asn1
lib/asn1/examples/recordnames.txt | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'lib/asn1')
diff --git a/lib/asn1/examples/recordnames.txt b/lib/asn1/examples/recordnames.txt
index 78e30ab510..9b890b4aa7 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/examples/recordnames.txt
+++ b/lib/asn1/examples/recordnames.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
For each ASN1 types SET and SEQUENCE a record is generated in the .hrl
file with the same name as the corresponding type.
-A decoded value is also returned as a record with the apropriate name.
+A decoded value is also returned as a record with the appropriate name.
An internally defined type as the type in component 'a' in the
following example will result in a record with name 'Seq_a':
cgit v1.2.3
From c1d9b5a990858c7f2e78db7563c74fed5ae3f990 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?=
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 08:04:52 +0100
Subject: asn1ct_gen: Clean up generation of values
lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl | 31 ++++++++++++-------------------
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
(limited to 'lib/asn1')
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
index 4fa830d7d9..a760d8dff5 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
@@ -99,17 +99,22 @@ dialyzer_suppressions(Erules) ->
pgen_typeorval(Erules,Module,N2nConvEnums,{Types,Values,_Ptypes,_Classes,Objects,ObjectSets}) ->
Rtmod = ct_gen_module(Erules),
- pgen_values(Erules,Module,Values),
+ pgen_values(Values, Module),
-pgen_values(_,_,[]) ->
- true;
-pgen_values(Erules,Module,[H|T]) ->
- Valuedef = asn1_db:dbget(Module,H),
- gen_value(Valuedef),
- pgen_values(Erules,Module,T).
+%% Generate a function 'V'/0 for each Value V defined in the ASN.1 module.
+%% The function returns the value in an Erlang representation which can be
+%% used as input to the runtime encode functions.
+pgen_values([H|T], Module) ->
+ #valuedef{name=Name,value=Value} = asn1_db:dbget(Module, H),
+ emit([{asis,Name},"() ->",nl,
+ {asis,Value},".",nl,nl]),
+ pgen_values(T, Module);
+pgen_values([], _) ->
+ ok.
pgen_types(_, _, _, _, []) ->
@@ -573,18 +578,6 @@ un_hyphen_var([H|T]) ->
un_hyphen_var([]) ->
-%% Generate value functions ***************
-%% ****************************************
-%% Generates a function 'V'/0 for each Value V defined in the ASN.1 module
-%% the function returns the value in an Erlang representation which can be
-%% used as input to the runtime encode functions
-gen_value(Value) when is_record(Value,valuedef) ->
-%% io:format(" ~w ",[]),
- emit({"'",,"'() ->",nl}),
- V = Value#valuedef.value,
- emit([{asis,V},".",nl,nl]).
gen_encode_constructed(Erules,Typename,InnerType,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
Rtmod = ct_constructed_module(Erules),
case InnerType of
cgit v1.2.3
From 894aea9c64f11ab3bd00cc29a1880ad20b8802ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?=
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 08:33:43 +0100
Subject: asn1ct_gen: Clean up generation of -export directives
lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl | 132 ++++++++++++--------------------------------
1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)
(limited to 'lib/asn1')
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
index a760d8dff5..c6f08dba93 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
@@ -647,74 +647,27 @@ pgen_exports(#gen{options=Options}=Gen, _Module, Contents) ->
" legacy_erlang_types/0]).",nl]),
- case Types of
- [] -> ok;
- _ ->
- emit({"-export([",nl}),
- case Gen of
- #gen{erule=ber} ->
- gen_exports1(Types,"enc_",2);
- _ ->
- gen_exports1(Types,"enc_",1)
- end,
- emit({"-export([",nl}),
- case Gen of
- #gen{erule=ber} ->
- gen_exports1(Types, "dec_", 2);
- _ ->
- gen_exports1(Types, "dec_", 1)
- end
- end,
- case [X || {n2n,X} <- Options] of
- [] -> ok;
- A2nNames ->
- emit({"-export([",nl}),
- gen_exports1(A2nNames,"name2num_",1),
- emit({"-export([",nl}),
- gen_exports1(A2nNames,"num2name_",1)
- end,
- case Values of
- [] -> ok;
- _ ->
- emit({"-export([",nl}),
- gen_exports1(Values,"",0)
- end,
- case Objects of
- [] -> ok;
- _ ->
- case Gen of
- #gen{erule=per} ->
- ok;
- #gen{erule=ber} ->
- emit({"-export([",nl}),
- gen_exports1(Objects,"enc_",3),
- emit({"-export([",nl}),
- gen_exports1(Objects,"dec_",3)
- end
- end,
- case ObjectSets of
- [] -> ok;
- _ ->
- case Gen of
- #gen{erule=per} ->
- ok;
- #gen{erule=ber} ->
- emit({"-export([",nl}),
- gen_exports1(ObjectSets, "getenc_",1),
- emit({"-export([",nl}),
- gen_exports1(ObjectSets, "getdec_",1)
- end
+ case Gen of
+ #gen{erule=ber} ->
+ gen_exports(Types, "enc_", 2),
+ gen_exports(Types, "dec_", 2),
+ gen_exports(Objects, "enc_", 3),
+ gen_exports(Objects, "dec_", 3),
+ gen_exports(ObjectSets, "getenc_", 1),
+ gen_exports(ObjectSets, "getdec_", 1);
+ #gen{erule=per} ->
+ gen_exports(Types, "enc_", 1),
+ gen_exports(Types, "dec_", 1)
- emit({"-export([info/0]).",nl}),
- gen_partial_inc_decode_exports(),
- gen_selected_decode_exports(),
- emit({nl,nl}).
-gen_exports1([F1,F2|T],Prefix,Arity) ->
- emit({"'",Prefix,F1,"'/",Arity,com,nl}),
- gen_exports1([F2|T],Prefix,Arity);
-gen_exports1([Flast|_T],Prefix,Arity) ->
- emit({"'",Prefix,Flast,"'/",Arity,nl,"]).",nl,nl}).
+ A2nNames = [X || {n2n,X} <- Options],
+ gen_exports(A2nNames, "name2num_", 1),
+ gen_exports(A2nNames, "num2name_", 1),
+ gen_exports(Values, "", 0),
+ emit(["-export([info/0]).",nl,nl]),
+ gen_partial_inc_decode_exports(),
+ gen_selected_decode_exports().
gen_partial_inc_decode_exports() ->
case {asn1ct:read_config_data(partial_incomplete_decode),
@@ -723,45 +676,32 @@ gen_partial_inc_decode_exports() ->
{_,undefined} ->
- {Data,_} ->
- gen_partial_inc_decode_exports0(Data),
- emit(["-export([decode_part/2]).",nl])
+ {Data0,_} ->
+ Data = [Name || {Name,_,_} <- Data0],
+ gen_exports(Data, "", 1),
+ emit(["-export([decode_part/2]).",nl,nl])
-gen_partial_inc_decode_exports0([]) ->
- ok;
-gen_partial_inc_decode_exports0([{Name,_,_}|Rest]) ->
- emit(["-export([",Name,"/1"]),
- gen_partial_inc_decode_exports1(Rest);
-gen_partial_inc_decode_exports0([_|Rest]) ->
- gen_partial_inc_decode_exports0(Rest).
-gen_partial_inc_decode_exports1([]) ->
- emit(["]).",nl]);
-gen_partial_inc_decode_exports1([{Name,_,_}|Rest]) ->
- emit([", ",Name,"/1"]),
- gen_partial_inc_decode_exports1(Rest);
-gen_partial_inc_decode_exports1([_|Rest]) ->
- gen_partial_inc_decode_exports1(Rest).
gen_selected_decode_exports() ->
case asn1ct:get_gen_state_field(type_pattern) of
undefined ->
- L ->
- gen_selected_decode_exports(L)
+ Data0 ->
+ Data = [Name || {Name,_} <- Data0],
+ gen_exports(Data, "", 1)
-gen_selected_decode_exports([]) ->
+gen_exports([], _Prefix, _Arity) ->
-gen_selected_decode_exports([{FuncName,_}|Rest]) ->
- emit(["-export([",FuncName,"/1"]),
- gen_selected_decode_exports1(Rest).
-gen_selected_decode_exports1([]) ->
- emit(["]).",nl,nl]);
-gen_selected_decode_exports1([{FuncName,_}|Rest]) ->
- emit([",",nl," ",FuncName,"/1"]),
- gen_selected_decode_exports1(Rest).
+gen_exports([_|_]=L0, Prefix, Arity) ->
+ FF = fun(F0) ->
+ F = list_to_atom(lists:concat([Prefix,F0])),
+ [{asis,F},"/",Arity]
+ end,
+ L = lists:join(",\n", [FF(F) || F <- L0]),
+ emit(["-export([",nl,
+ L,nl,
+ "]).",nl,nl]).
pgen_dispatcher(Erules, {[],_Values,_,_,_Objects,_ObjectSets}) ->
cgit v1.2.3
From e5958ff4884aedf7aa4c0922fbf46c0c6cf7e3d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?=
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 10:20:59 +0100
Subject: asn1ct_gen: Clean up generation records in .hrl file
lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl | 115 ++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
(limited to 'lib/asn1')
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
index c6f08dba93..aa8bd58e53 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
@@ -1148,55 +1148,16 @@ gen_record(Gen, TorPtype, Name, #type{}=Type, Num) ->
0 -> open_hrl(get(outfile),get(currmod));
_ -> true
- Prefix = get_record_name_prefix(Gen),
- emit({"-record('",Prefix,list2name(Name),"',{",nl}),
- RootList = case CompList of
- _ when is_list(CompList) ->
- CompList;
- {Rl,_} -> Rl;
- {Rl1,_Ext,_Rl2} -> Rl1
- end,
- gen_record2(Name,'SEQUENCE',RootList),
- NewCompList =
+ do_gen_record(Gen, Name, CompList),
+ NewCompList =
case CompList of
{CompList1,[]} ->
- emit({"}). % with extension mark",nl,nl}),
{Tr,ExtensionList2} ->
- case Tr of
- [] -> true;
- _ -> emit({",",nl})
- end,
- emit({"%% with extensions",nl}),
- gen_record2(Name, 'SEQUENCE', ExtensionList2,
- "", ext),
- emit({"}).",nl,nl}),
Tr ++ ExtensionList2;
{Rootl1,Extl,Rootl2} ->
- case Rootl1 =/= [] andalso Extl++Rootl2 =/= [] of
- true -> emit([com]);
- false -> ok
- end,
- case Rootl1 of
- [_|_] -> emit([nl]);
- [] -> ok
- end,
- emit(["%% with extensions",nl]),
- gen_record2(Name,'SEQUENCE',Extl,"",ext),
- case Extl =/= [] andalso Rootl2 =/= [] of
- true -> emit([com]);
- false -> ok
- end,
- case Extl of
- [_|_] -> emit([nl]);
- [] -> ok
- end,
- emit(["%% end of extensions",nl]),
- gen_record2(Name,'SEQUENCE',Rootl2,"",noext),
- emit(["}).",nl,nl]),
- _ ->
- emit({"}).",nl,nl}),
+ _ ->
gen_record(Gen, TorPtype, Name, NewCompList, Num+1);
@@ -1208,6 +1169,51 @@ gen_record(Gen, TorPtype, Name, #type{}=Type, Num) ->
gen_record(_, _, _, _, NumRecords) -> % skip CLASS etc for now.
+do_gen_record(Gen, Name, CL0) ->
+ CL = case CL0 of
+ {Root,[]} ->
+ Root ++ [{comment,"with extension mark"}];
+ {Root,Ext} ->
+ Root ++ [{comment,"with exensions"}] ++
+ only_components(Ext);
+ {Root1,Ext,Root2} ->
+ Root1 ++ [{comment,"with exensions"}] ++
+ only_components(Ext) ++
+ [{comment,"end of extensions"}] ++ Root2;
+ _ when is_list(CL0) ->
+ CL0
+ end,
+ Prefix = get_record_name_prefix(Gen),
+ emit(["-record('",Prefix,list2name(Name),"', {"] ++
+ do_gen_record_1(CL) ++
+ [nl,"}).",nl,nl]).
+only_components(CL) ->
+ [C || #'ComponentType'{}=C <- CL].
+do_gen_record_1([#'ComponentType'{name=Name,prop=Prop}|T]) ->
+ Val = case Prop of
+ " = asn1_NOVALUE";
+ {'DEFAULT',_} ->
+ " = asn1_DEFAULT";
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end,
+ Com = case needs_trailing_comma(T) of
+ true -> [com];
+ false -> []
+ end,
+ [nl," ",{asis,Name},Val,Com|do_gen_record_1(T)];
+do_gen_record_1([{comment,Text}|T]) ->
+ [nl," %% ",Text|do_gen_record_1(T)];
+do_gen_record_1([]) ->
+ [].
+needs_trailing_comma([#'ComponentType'{}|_]) -> true;
+needs_trailing_comma([_|T]) -> needs_trailing_comma(T);
+needs_trailing_comma([]) -> false.
gen_head(#gen{options=Options}=Gen, Mod, Hrl) ->
Name = case Gen of
#gen{erule=per,aligned=false} ->
@@ -1240,31 +1246,6 @@ gen_hrlhead(Mod) ->
emit({"%% definition,in module ",Mod,nl,nl}),
-gen_record2(Name,SeqOrSet,Comps) ->
- gen_record2(Name,SeqOrSet,Comps,"",noext).
-gen_record2(_Name,_SeqOrSet,[],_Com,_Extension) ->
- true;
-gen_record2(_Name,_SeqOrSet,[H = #'ComponentType'{name=Cname}],Com,Extension) ->
- emit(Com),
- emit({asis,Cname}),
- gen_record_default(H, Extension);
-gen_record2(Name,SeqOrSet,[H = #'ComponentType'{name=Cname}|T],Com, Extension) ->
- emit(Com),
- emit({asis,Cname}),
- gen_record_default(H, Extension),
- gen_record2(Name,SeqOrSet,T,", ", Extension);
-gen_record2(Name,SeqOrSet,[_|T],Com,Extension) ->
- %% skip EXTENSIONMARK, ExtensionAdditionGroup and other markers
- gen_record2(Name,SeqOrSet,T,Com,Extension).
-gen_record_default(#'ComponentType'{prop='OPTIONAL'}, _)->
- emit(" = asn1_NOVALUE");
-gen_record_default(#'ComponentType'{prop={'DEFAULT',_}}, _)->
- emit(" = asn1_DEFAULT");
-gen_record_default(_, _) ->
- true.
%% May only be a list or a two-tuple.
to_textual_order({Root,Ext}) ->
cgit v1.2.3
From d734056a59ff12fe74e38482bde558c86597e08d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?=
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 12:46:41 +0100
Subject: asn1ct_gen: Clean up generation of .hrl file header
Note that put(currmod, Mod) is not needed because it has already
been done by the caller.
lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl | 19 +++++++++----------
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
(limited to 'lib/asn1')
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
index aa8bd58e53..147c6d01f9 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
@@ -1226,13 +1226,12 @@ gen_head(#gen{options=Options}=Gen, Mod, Hrl) ->
emit(["%% Generated by the Erlang ASN.1 ",Name,
"compiler. Version:",asn1ct:vsn(),nl,
"%% Purpose: encoder and decoder of the types in ",Mod,nl,nl,
- "-module('",Mod,"').",nl]),
- put(currmod,Mod),
- emit({"-compile(nowarn_unused_vars).",nl}),
- emit({"-dialyzer(no_improper_lists).",nl}),
+ "-module('",Mod,"').",nl,
+ "-compile(nowarn_unused_vars).",nl,
+ "-dialyzer(no_improper_lists).",nl]),
case Hrl of
0 -> ok;
- _ -> emit({"-include(\"",Mod,".hrl\").",nl})
+ _ -> emit(["-include(\"",Mod,".hrl\").",nl])
" {module,'",Mod,"'},",nl,
@@ -1240,11 +1239,11 @@ gen_head(#gen{options=Options}=Gen, Mod, Hrl) ->
gen_hrlhead(Mod) ->
- emit({"%% Generated by the Erlang ASN.1 compiler version:",asn1ct:vsn(),nl}),
- emit({"%% Purpose: Erlang record definitions for each named and unnamed",nl}),
- emit({"%% SEQUENCE and SET, and macro definitions for each value",nl}),
- emit({"%% definition,in module ",Mod,nl,nl}),
- emit({nl,nl}).
+ emit(["%% Generated by the Erlang ASN.1 compiler. Version: ",
+ asn1ct:vsn(),nl,
+ "%% Purpose: Erlang record definitions for each named and unnamed",nl,
+ "%% SEQUENCE and SET, and macro definitions for each value",nl,
+ "%% definition in module ",Mod,".",nl,nl]).
%% May only be a list or a two-tuple.
to_textual_order({Root,Ext}) ->
cgit v1.2.3
From feb7284f866e18ba5687e9f8beb0ee2433137228 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?=
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 12:31:14 +0100
Subject: asn1ct_gen: Polish the file header
lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl | 5 +++--
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
(limited to 'lib/asn1')
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
index 147c6d01f9..16ef008384 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
@@ -1224,8 +1224,9 @@ gen_head(#gen{options=Options}=Gen, Mod, Hrl) ->
emit(["%% Generated by the Erlang ASN.1 ",Name,
- "compiler. Version:",asn1ct:vsn(),nl,
- "%% Purpose: encoder and decoder of the types in ",Mod,nl,nl,
+ " compiler. Version: ",asn1ct:vsn(),nl,
+ "%% Purpose: Encoding and decoding of the types in ",
+ Mod,".",nl,nl,
cgit v1.2.3
From 6a41ce33898bd29d7e4738e8109ec41b33a202ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?=
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 13:24:22 +0100
Subject: Package abstract code in a record for code generation
For now, do the packaging before call asn1ct_gen:pgen().
lib/asn1/src/asn1_records.hrl | 11 +++++++++++
lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl | 24 +++++++++---------------
lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
(limited to 'lib/asn1')
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_records.hrl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_records.hrl
index d3d76f9566..06a9e3ab03 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_records.hrl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_records.hrl
@@ -108,6 +108,17 @@
options=[] :: [any()]
+%% Abstract intermediate representation.
+ {name :: module(), %Name of module.
+ types, %Types.
+ values, %Values.
+ ptypes, %Parameterized types.
+ classes, %Classes.
+ objects, %Objects.
+ objsets %Object sets.
+ }).
%% state record used by back-end at partial decode
%% active is set to 'yes' when a partial decode function is generated.
%% prefix is set to 'dec-inc-' or 'dec-partial-' is for
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl
index d27f8897af..9f77a557e5 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct.erl
@@ -236,12 +236,8 @@ abs_listing(#st{code={M,_},outfile=OutFile}) ->
generate_pass(#st{code=Code,outfile=OutFile,erule=Erule,opts=Opts}=St0) ->
St = St0#st{code=undefined}, %Reclaim heap space
- case generate(Code, OutFile, Erule, Opts) of
- {error,Reason} ->
- {error,St#st{error=Reason}};
- ok ->
- {ok,St}
- end.
+ generate(Code, OutFile, Erule, Opts),
+ {ok,St}.
compile_pass(#st{outfile=OutFile,opts=Opts0}=St) ->
asn1_db:dbstop(), %Reclaim memory.
@@ -834,7 +830,11 @@ delete_double_of_symbol1([],Acc) ->
-generate({M,GenTOrV}, OutFile, EncodingRule, Options) ->
+generate({M,CodeTuple}, OutFile, EncodingRule, Options) ->
+ {Types,Values,Ptypes,Classes,Objects,ObjectSets} = CodeTuple,
+ Code = #abst{,
+ types=Types,values=Values,ptypes=Ptypes,
+ classes=Classes,objects=Objects,objsets=ObjectSets},
@@ -854,19 +854,13 @@ generate({M,GenTOrV}, OutFile, EncodingRule, Options) ->
"Error in configuration file")
- Res = case catch asn1ct_gen:pgen(OutFile, Gen,, GenTOrV) of
- {'EXIT',Reason2} ->
- error("~p~n",[Reason2],Options),
- {error,Reason2};
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
+ asn1ct_gen:pgen(OutFile, Gen, Code),
erase(tlv_format), % used in ber
erase(class_default_type),% used in ber
- Res.
+ ok.
init_gen_record(EncodingRule, Options) ->
Erule = case EncodingRule of
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
index 16ef008384..2fc85353ef 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
@@ -50,14 +50,13 @@
%% Generate Erlang module (.erl) and (.hrl) file corresponding to
%% an ASN.1 module. The .hrl file is only generated if necessary.
--spec pgen(Outfile, Gen, Module, Contents) -> 'ok' when
+-spec pgen(Outfile, Gen, Code) -> 'ok' when
Outfile :: any(),
Gen :: #gen{},
- Module :: module(),
- Contents :: tuple().
+ Code :: #abst{}.
-pgen(OutFile, #gen{options=Options}=Gen, Module, Contents) ->
- {Types,_Values,_Ptypes,_Classes,_Objects,_ObjectSets} = Contents,
+pgen(OutFile, #gen{options=Options}=Gen, Code) ->
+ #abst{name=Module,types=Types} = Code,
N2nConvEnums = [CName|| {n2n,CName} <- Options],
case N2nConvEnums -- Types of
[] ->
@@ -66,18 +65,18 @@ pgen(OutFile, #gen{options=Options}=Gen, Module, Contents) ->
exit({"Non existing ENUMERATION types used in n2n option",
- put(outfile,OutFile),
+ put(outfile, OutFile),
put(currmod, Module),
- HrlGenerated = pgen_hrl(Gen, Module, Contents),
+ HrlGenerated = pgen_hrl(Gen, Code),
ErlFile = lists:concat([OutFile,".erl"]),
_ = open_output_file(ErlFile),
gen_head(Gen, Module, HrlGenerated),
- pgen_exports(Gen, Module, Contents),
- pgen_dispatcher(Gen, Contents),
+ pgen_exports(Gen, Code),
+ pgen_dispatcher(Gen, Types),
- pgen_typeorval(Gen, Module, N2nConvEnums, Contents),
+ pgen_typeorval(Gen, N2nConvEnums, Code),
@@ -88,7 +87,8 @@ pgen(OutFile, #gen{options=Options}=Gen, Module, Contents) ->
_ = erase(outfile),
- asn1ct:verbose("--~p--~n", [{generated,ErlFile}], Gen).
+ asn1ct:verbose("--~p--~n", [{generated,ErlFile}], Gen),
+ ok.
dialyzer_suppressions(Erules) ->
@@ -96,7 +96,9 @@ dialyzer_suppressions(Erules) ->
Rtmod = ct_gen_module(Erules),
-pgen_typeorval(Erules,Module,N2nConvEnums,{Types,Values,_Ptypes,_Classes,Objects,ObjectSets}) ->
+pgen_typeorval(Erules, N2nConvEnums, Code) ->
+ #abst{name=Module,types=Types,values=Values,
+ objects=Objects,objsets=ObjectSets} = Code,
Rtmod = ct_gen_module(Erules),
pgen_values(Values, Module),
@@ -642,8 +644,8 @@ gen_decode_constructed(Erules,Typename,InnerType,D) when is_record(D,typedef) ->
-pgen_exports(#gen{options=Options}=Gen, _Module, Contents) ->
- {Types,Values,_,_,Objects,ObjectSets} = Contents,
+pgen_exports(#gen{options=Options}=Gen, Code) ->
+ #abst{types=Types,values=Values,objects=Objects,objsets=ObjectSets} = Code,
" legacy_erlang_types/0]).",nl]),
@@ -703,9 +705,9 @@ gen_exports([_|_]=L0, Prefix, Arity) ->
-pgen_dispatcher(Erules, {[],_Values,_,_,_Objects,_ObjectSets}) ->
+pgen_dispatcher(Erules, []) ->
-pgen_dispatcher(Gen, {Types,_Values,_,_,_Objects,_ObjectSets}) ->
+pgen_dispatcher(Gen, Types) ->
@@ -1033,8 +1035,8 @@ open_output_file(F) ->
close_output_file() ->
ok = file:close(erase(gen_file_out)).
-pgen_hrl(#gen{pack=record}=Gen, Module, Contents) ->
- {Types,Values,Ptypes,_,_,_} = Contents,
+pgen_hrl(#gen{pack=record}=Gen, Code) ->
+ #abst{name=Module,types=Types,values=Values,ptypes=Ptypes} = Code,
Ret =
case pgen_hrltypes(Gen, Module, Ptypes++Types, 0) of
0 ->
@@ -1062,7 +1064,7 @@ pgen_hrl(#gen{pack=record}=Gen, Module, Contents) ->
-pgen_hrl(#gen{pack=map}, _, _) ->
+pgen_hrl(#gen{pack=map}, _) ->
pgen_macros(_,_,[]) ->
cgit v1.2.3
From 390d197044d39c0805dd3060f0c58ae8b5458239 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?=
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 07:37:53 +0100
Subject: asn1ct_gen: Clean up handling of dispatch generation
lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl | 39 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
(limited to 'lib/asn1')
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
index 2fc85353ef..9943bd056a 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_gen.erl
@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ pgen_dispatcher(Gen, Types) ->
false -> "Data"
- emit(["decode(Type,",Data,") ->",nl]),
+ emit(["decode(Type, ",Data,") ->",nl]),
DecWrap =
case {Gen,ReturnRest} of
{#gen{erule=ber},false} ->
@@ -782,17 +782,10 @@ pgen_dispatcher(Gen, Types) ->
+ gen_partial_inc_dispatcher(Gen),
- case Gen of
- #gen{erule=ber} ->
- gen_dispatcher(Types,"encode_disp","enc_",""),
- gen_dispatcher(Types,"decode_disp","dec_",""),
- gen_partial_inc_dispatcher();
- #gen{} ->
- gen_dispatcher(Types,"encode_disp","enc_",""),
- gen_dispatcher(Types,"decode_disp","dec_","")
- end,
- emit([nl,nl]).
+ gen_dispatcher(Types, "encode_disp", "enc_"),
+ gen_dispatcher(Types, "decode_disp", "dec_").
result_line(NoOkWrapper, Items) ->
S = [" "|case NoOkWrapper of
@@ -877,7 +870,7 @@ gen_decode_partial_incomplete(#gen{erule=ber}) ->
gen_decode_partial_incomplete(#gen{}) ->
-gen_partial_inc_dispatcher() ->
+gen_partial_inc_dispatcher(#gen{erule=ber}) ->
case {asn1ct:read_config_data(partial_incomplete_decode),
asn1ct:get_gen_state_field(inc_type_pattern)} of
{undefined,_} ->
@@ -887,7 +880,9 @@ gen_partial_inc_dispatcher() ->
{Data1,Data2} ->
% io:format("partial_incomplete_decode: ~p~ninc_type_pattern: ~p~n",[Data,Data2]),
gen_partial_inc_dispatcher(Data1, Data2, "")
- end.
+ end;
+gen_partial_inc_dispatcher(#gen{}) ->
+ ok.
gen_partial_inc_dispatcher([{FuncName,TopType,_Pattern}|Rest], TypePattern, Sep) ->
TPattern =
@@ -911,12 +906,18 @@ gen_partial_inc_dispatcher([{FuncName,TopType,_Pattern}|Rest], TypePattern, Sep)
gen_partial_inc_dispatcher([], _, _) ->
-gen_dispatcher([F1,F2|T],FuncName,Prefix,ExtraArg) ->
- emit([FuncName,"('",F1,"',Data) -> '",Prefix,F1,"'(Data",ExtraArg,")",";",nl]),
- gen_dispatcher([F2|T],FuncName,Prefix,ExtraArg);
-gen_dispatcher([Flast|_T],FuncName,Prefix,ExtraArg) ->
- emit([FuncName,"('",Flast,"',Data) -> '",Prefix,Flast,"'(Data",ExtraArg,")",";",nl]),
- emit([FuncName,"(","Type",",_Data) -> exit({error,{asn1,{undefined_type,Type}}}).",nl,nl,nl]).
+gen_dispatcher(L, DispFunc, Prefix) ->
+ gen_dispatcher_1(L, DispFunc, Prefix),
+ emit([DispFunc,"(","Type",", _Data) ->"
+ " exit({error,{asn1,{undefined_type,Type}}}).",nl,nl]).
+gen_dispatcher_1([F|T], FuncName, Prefix) ->
+ Func = list_to_atom(lists:concat([Prefix,F])),
+ emit([FuncName,"(",{asis,F},", Data) -> ",
+ {asis,Func},"(Data)",";",nl]),
+ gen_dispatcher_1(T, FuncName, Prefix);
+gen_dispatcher_1([], _, _) ->
+ ok.
pgen_info() ->
emit(["info() ->",nl,
cgit v1.2.3