From 4350be1839f6e9b2c525727ce9eb69a3f9ce0d5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christos Stavrakakis <> Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:34:05 +0300 Subject: Fix counting of arguments of closures Do not rely on MFA name for the arity of functions, since closures have an extra argument. Instead, just use the length of the arguments list. --- lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_rtl_to_llvm.erl | 9 +++++---- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) (limited to 'lib/hipe/llvm') diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_rtl_to_llvm.erl b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_rtl_to_llvm.erl index ba76e1d815..d7d8d1b049 100644 --- a/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_rtl_to_llvm.erl +++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_rtl_to_llvm.erl @@ -430,12 +430,13 @@ trans_call_name(RtlCallName, Relocs, CallArgs, FinalArgs) -> case RtlCallName of PrimOp when is_atom(PrimOp) -> LlvmName = trans_prim_op(PrimOp), - Relocs1 = relocs_store(LlvmName, {call, {bif, PrimOp, length(CallArgs)}}, - Relocs), + Relocs1 = + relocs_store(LlvmName, {call, {bif, PrimOp, length(CallArgs)}}, Relocs), {"@" ++ LlvmName, [], Relocs1}; {M, F, A} when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> - LlvmName = trans_mfa_name({M,F,A}), - Relocs1 = relocs_store(LlvmName, {call, {M,F,A}}, Relocs), + LlvmName = trans_mfa_name({M, F, A}), + Relocs1 = + relocs_store(LlvmName, {call, {M, F, length(CallArgs)}}, Relocs), {"@" ++ LlvmName, [], Relocs1}; Reg -> case hipe_rtl:is_reg(Reg) of -- cgit v1.2.3 From f03a23984ddaf9edab26d7b7b6cf97af876e36c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yiannis Tsiouris <> Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 15:55:11 +0200 Subject: Fix frame size adjustment of stack descriptors In case of function calls with arguments that are passed to the stack, the frame size of corresponding stack descriptors needs to be reduced by the number of stack arguments. This commit fixes a bug in this adjustment which was caused by an incorrect check. --- lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_main.erl | 30 +++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) (limited to 'lib/hipe/llvm') diff --git a/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_main.erl b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_main.erl index e911fb89c9..0e50c9539b 100644 --- a/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_main.erl +++ b/lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_main.erl @@ -342,8 +342,8 @@ create_sdesc_list([{ExnLbl, SPOff} | MoreExnAndSPOffs], %% (thus, some of their arguments are passed to the stack). Because of the %% Reserved Call Frame feature that the LLVM uses, the stack descriptors %% are not correct since at the point of call the frame size is reduced -%% proportionally to the number of arguments that are passed on the stack. -%% Also the offsets of the roots need to be re-adjusted. +%% by the number of arguments that are passed on the stack. Also, the +%% offsets of the roots need to be re-adjusted. fix_stack_descriptors(_, _, [], _) -> []; fix_stack_descriptors(RelocsDict, Relocs, SDescs, ExposedClosures) -> @@ -427,30 +427,22 @@ find_offsets([{Off,Arity}|Rest], Offsets, Acc) -> [I | RestOffsets] = lists:dropwhile(fun (Y) -> Y<Off end, Offsets), find_offsets(Rest, RestOffsets, [{I, Arity}|Acc]). -%% The functions below correct the arity of calls, that are identified -%% by offset, in the stack descriptors. +%% The function below corrects the stack descriptors of calls with arguments +%% that are passed on the stack (more than NR_ARG_REGS) by subtracting the +%% number of stacked arguments from the frame size and from the offset of the +%% roots. fix_sdescs([], SDescs) -> SDescs; fix_sdescs([{Offset, Arity} | Rest], SDescs) -> case lists:keyfind(Offset, 2, SDescs) of false -> fix_sdescs(Rest, SDescs); - {?SDESC, Offset, SDesc} -> - {ExnHandler, FrameSize, StkArity, Roots} = SDesc, - DecRoot = fun(X) -> X-Arity end, - NewRootsList = lists:map(DecRoot, tuple_to_list(Roots)), - NewSDesc = - case length(NewRootsList) > 0 andalso hd(NewRootsList) >= 0 of - true -> - {?SDESC, Offset, {ExnHandler, FrameSize-Arity, StkArity, - list_to_tuple(NewRootsList)}}; - false -> - {?SDESC, Offset, {ExnHandler, FrameSize, StkArity, Roots}} - end, - RestSDescs = lists:keydelete(Offset, 2, SDescs), - fix_sdescs(Rest, [NewSDesc | RestSDescs]) + {?SDESC, Offset, {ExnHandler, FrameSize, StkArity, Roots}} -> + FixedRoots = list_to_tuple([Ri - Arity || Ri <- tuple_to_list(Roots)]), + FixedSDesc = + {?SDESC, Offset, {ExnHandler, FrameSize - Arity, StkArity, FixedRoots}}, + fix_sdescs(Rest, [FixedSDesc | lists:keydelete(Offset, 2, SDescs)]) end. - %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Miscellaneous functions %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- cgit v1.2.3