From 5a67298324cc03454e659a1983fd7696451998aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hans Nilsson <>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 15:52:52 +0200
Subject: public_key: Remove special type signature for one test

 lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl | 4 ----
 1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)

(limited to 'lib/public_key')

diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
index cfd8e7a34b..1955e9e119 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
@@ -718,12 +718,8 @@ encrypt_decrypt(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
     Msg = list_to_binary(lists:duplicate(5, "Foo bar 100")),
     RsaEncrypted = public_key:encrypt_private(Msg, PrivateKey),
     Msg = public_key:decrypt_public(RsaEncrypted, PublicKey),
-    Msg = public_key:decrypt_public(RsaEncrypted, PrivateKey),
     RsaEncrypted2 = public_key:encrypt_public(Msg, PublicKey),
-    RsaEncrypted3 = public_key:encrypt_public(Msg, PrivateKey),
     Msg = public_key:decrypt_private(RsaEncrypted2, PrivateKey),
-    Msg = public_key:decrypt_private(RsaEncrypted3, PrivateKey),
cgit v1.2.3

From dce332fd4adca8e1ef1b54db69f14ec7186a3a44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hans Nilsson <>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 15:59:37 +0200
Subject: public_key: Setup for doc generation

 lib/public_key/doc/specs/.gitignore | 1 +
 lib/public_key/doc/src/Makefile     | 7 +++++++
 lib/public_key/doc/src/specs.xml    | 4 ++++
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 lib/public_key/doc/specs/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 lib/public_key/doc/src/specs.xml

(limited to 'lib/public_key')

diff --git a/lib/public_key/doc/specs/.gitignore b/lib/public_key/doc/specs/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..322eebcb06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/public_key/doc/specs/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/lib/public_key/doc/src/Makefile b/lib/public_key/doc/src/Makefile
index 03467e9783..8575b196b7 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/doc/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/public_key/doc/src/Makefile
@@ -77,12 +77,18 @@ HTML_REF_MAN_FILE = $(HTMLDIR)/index.html
+SPECS_FILES = $(XML_REF3_FILES:%.xml=$(SPECDIR)/specs_%.xml)
+TOP_SPECS_FILE = specs.xml
 # ----------------------------------------------------
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+SPECS_FLAGS = -I../../include -I../../src -I../../..
 # ----------------------------------------------------
 # Targets
 # ----------------------------------------------------
@@ -103,6 +109,7 @@ clean clean_docs:
 	rm -f $(MAN3DIR)/*
 	rm -f $(MAN6DIR)/*
 	rm -f $(TOP_PDF_FILE) $(
+	rm -f $(SPECS_FILES)
 	rm -f errs core *~
 man: $(MAN3_FILES) $(MAN6_FILES)
diff --git a/lib/public_key/doc/src/specs.xml b/lib/public_key/doc/src/specs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e358ea1154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/public_key/doc/src/specs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<specs xmlns:xi="">
+  <xi:include href="../specs/specs_public_key.xml"/>
cgit v1.2.3

From 2920aa71a9163ea495e896264daa1b56bd845d12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hans Nilsson <>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 16:01:19 +0200
Subject: public_key: Rework -type and -spec Check existing specs with code and
 documentation and adjust. Prepare for doc generation

 lib/public_key/src/public_key.erl | 439 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 269 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)

(limited to 'lib/public_key')

diff --git a/lib/public_key/src/public_key.erl b/lib/public_key/src/public_key.erl
index 3704503f1e..3f609ce6c6 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/src/public_key.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/src/public_key.erl
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 -type dsa_private_key()      ::  #'DSAPrivateKey'{}.
 -type dsa_public_key()       :: {integer(), #'Dss-Parms'{}}.
 -type ecpk_parameters() :: {ecParameters, #'ECParameters'{}} | {namedCurve, Oid::tuple()}.
--type ecpk_parameters_api() :: ecpk_parameters() | #'ECParameters'{} | {namedCurve, Name::atom()}.
+-type ecpk_parameters_api() :: ecpk_parameters() | #'ECParameters'{} | {namedCurve, Name::crypto:ec_named_curve()}.
 -type ec_public_key()        :: {#'ECPoint'{}, ecpk_parameters_api()}.
 -type ec_private_key()       :: #'ECPrivateKey'{}.
 -type key_params()           :: #'DHParameter'{} | {namedCurve, oid()} | #'ECParameters'{} | 
@@ -88,28 +88,41 @@
 				 'CertificationRequest' | 'CertificateList' |
 				 'ECPrivateKey' | 'EcpkParameters'.
 -type pem_entry()            :: {pki_asn1_type(), 
-				 binary(), %% DER or Encrypted DER
-				 not_encrypted | {Cipher :: string(), Salt :: binary()} |
-				 {Cipher :: string(), #'PBES2-params'{}} | 
-				 {Cipher :: string(), {#'PBEParameter'{}, atom()}} %% hash type
+				 der_or_encrypted_der(),
+				 not_encrypted | cipher_info()
+-type der_or_encrypted_der() :: binary().
+-type cipher_info()          :: {cipher(),
+                                 cipher_info_params()} .
+-type cipher()               :: string() . % "RC2-CBC" | "DES-CBC" | "DES-EDE3-CBC", 
+-type cipher_info_params()   :: salt()
+                              | {#'PBEParameter'{}, digest_type()}
+                              | #'PBES2-params'{} .
+-type salt()                 :: binary(). % crypto:strong_rand_bytes(8)
+%% -type cipher_info()          :: {Cipher :: string(), Salt :: binary()} |
+%%                                 {Cipher :: string(), #'PBES2-params'{}} | 
+%%                                 {Cipher :: string(), {#'PBEParameter'{}, atom()}} %% hash type
+%%                                 .
 -type asn1_type()            :: atom(). %% see "OTP-PUB-KEY.hrl
 -type ssh_file()             :: openssh_public_key | rfc4716_public_key | known_hosts |
--type rsa_padding()          :: 'rsa_pkcs1_padding' | 'rsa_pkcs1_oaep_padding' 
-			      | 'rsa_no_padding'.
--type rsa_sign_padding()     :: 'rsa_pkcs1_padding' | 'rsa_pkcs1_pss_padding'.
--type public_crypt_options() :: [{rsa_pad, rsa_padding()}].
--type rsa_digest_type()      :: 'md5' | 'ripemd160' | 'sha' | 'sha224' | 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512'.
--type dss_digest_type()      :: 'none' | 'sha' | 'sha224' | 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512'. %% None is for backwards compatibility
--type ecdsa_digest_type()    :: 'sha' | 'sha224' | 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512'.
--type public_sign_options()  :: [{rsa_pad, rsa_sign_padding()} | {rsa_pss_saltlen, integer()}].
--type digest_type()          :: rsa_digest_type() |  dss_digest_type() | ecdsa_digest_type().
+-type digest_type()          :: none % None is for backwards compatibility
+                              | crypto:rsa_digest_type()
+                              | crypto:dss_digest_type()
+                              | crypto:ecdsa_digest_type().
 -type crl_reason()           ::  unspecified | keyCompromise | cACompromise | affiliationChanged | superseded
 			       | cessationOfOperation | certificateHold | privilegeWithdrawn |  aACompromise.
 -type oid()                  :: tuple().
 -type chain_type()           :: server_chain | client_chain.
+-type issuer_id()            :: {SerialNr::integer(), issuer_name()} .
+-type issuer_name()          :: {rdnSequence,[#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]} .
 -define(UINT32(X), X:32/unsigned-big-integer).
 -define(DER_NULL, <<5, 0>>).
@@ -134,11 +147,11 @@ pem_encode(PemEntries) when is_list(PemEntries) ->
--spec pem_entry_decode(pem_entry(), string()) -> term().
 %% Description: Decodes a pem entry. pem_decode/1 returns a list of
 %% pem entries.
+-spec pem_entry_decode(PemEntry) -> term() when PemEntry :: pem_entry() .
 pem_entry_decode({'SubjectPublicKeyInfo', Der, _}) ->
     {_, {'AlgorithmIdentifier', AlgId, Params}, Key0}
         = der_decode('SubjectPublicKeyInfo', Der),
@@ -156,6 +169,9 @@ pem_entry_decode({'SubjectPublicKeyInfo', Der, _}) ->
 pem_entry_decode({Asn1Type, Der, not_encrypted}) when is_atom(Asn1Type),
 						      is_binary(Der) ->
     der_decode(Asn1Type, Der).
+-spec pem_entry_decode(PemEntry, Password) -> term() when PemEntry :: pem_entry(),
+                                                          Password :: string() .
 pem_entry_decode({Asn1Type, Der, not_encrypted}, _) when is_atom(Asn1Type),
 							 is_binary(Der) ->
     der_decode(Asn1Type, Der);
@@ -181,11 +197,12 @@ pem_entry_decode({Asn1Type, CryptDer, {Cipher, Salt}} = PemEntry,
--spec pem_entry_encode(pki_asn1_type(), term()) -> pem_entry().
--spec pem_entry_encode(pki_asn1_type(), term(), term()) -> pem_entry().
 %% Description: Creates a pem entry that can be feed to pem_encode/1.
+-spec pem_entry_encode(Asn1Type, Entity) -> pem_entry() when Asn1Type :: pki_asn1_type(),
+                                                             Entity :: term() .
 pem_entry_encode('SubjectPublicKeyInfo', Entity=#'RSAPublicKey'{}) ->
     Der = der_encode('RSAPublicKey', Entity),
     Spki = {'SubjectPublicKeyInfo',
@@ -208,6 +225,13 @@ pem_entry_encode('SubjectPublicKeyInfo',
 pem_entry_encode(Asn1Type, Entity)  when is_atom(Asn1Type) ->
     Der = der_encode(Asn1Type, Entity),
     {Asn1Type, Der, not_encrypted}.
+-spec pem_entry_encode(Asn1Type, Entity, InfoPwd) ->
+                              pem_entry() when Asn1Type :: pki_asn1_type(),
+                                               Entity :: term(),
+                                               InfoPwd :: {CipherInfo,Password},
+                                               CipherInfo :: cipher_info(),
+                                               Password :: string() .
 pem_entry_encode(Asn1Type, Entity, {{Cipher, #'PBES2-params'{}} = CipherInfo, 
 				    Password}) when is_atom(Asn1Type) andalso
 						    is_list(Password) andalso
@@ -229,7 +253,9 @@ pem_entry_encode(Asn1Type, Entity, {{Cipher, Salt} = CipherInfo,
     do_pem_entry_encode(Asn1Type, Entity, CipherInfo, Password).
--spec der_decode(asn1_type(), Der::binary()) -> term().
+-spec der_decode(Asn1Type, Der) -> Entity when Asn1Type :: asn1_type(),
+                                               Der :: binary(),
+                                               Entity :: term().
 %% Description: Decodes a public key asn1 der encoded entity.
@@ -269,7 +295,9 @@ der_priv_key_decode(PKCS8Key) ->
--spec der_encode(asn1_type(), term()) -> Der::binary().
+-spec der_encode(Asn1Type, Entity) -> Der when Asn1Type :: asn1_type(),
+                                               Entity :: term(),
+                                               Der :: binary() .
 %% Description: Encodes a public key entity with asn1 DER encoding.
@@ -311,8 +339,10 @@ der_encode(Asn1Type, Entity) when is_atom(Asn1Type) ->
--spec pkix_decode_cert(Cert::binary(), plain | otp) ->
-			      #'Certificate'{} | #'OTPCertificate'{}.
+-spec pkix_decode_cert(Cert, Type) ->
+			      #'Certificate'{} | #'OTPCertificate'{} 
+                                  when Cert :: der_encoded(),
+                                       Type :: plain | otp .
 %% Description: Decodes an asn1 der encoded pkix certificate. The otp
 %% option will use the customized asn1 specification OTP-PKIX.asn1 for
@@ -332,7 +362,11 @@ pkix_decode_cert(DerCert, otp) when is_binary(DerCert) ->
--spec pkix_encode(asn1_type(), term(), otp | plain) -> Der::binary().
+-spec pkix_encode(Asn1Type, Entity, Type) -> Der
+                                                 when Asn1Type :: asn1_type(),
+                                                      Entity :: term(),
+                                                      Type :: otp | plain,
+                                                      Der :: der_encoded() .
 %% Description: Der encodes a certificate or part of a certificate.
 %% This function must be used for encoding certificates or parts of certificates
@@ -347,16 +381,21 @@ pkix_encode(Asn1Type, Term0, otp) when is_atom(Asn1Type) ->
     der_encode(Asn1Type, Term).
--spec decrypt_private(CipherText :: binary(), rsa_private_key()) -> 
-			     PlainText :: binary().
--spec decrypt_private(CipherText :: binary(), rsa_private_key(), 
-		      public_crypt_options()) -> PlainText :: binary().
 %% Description: Public key decryption using the private key.
+-spec decrypt_private(CipherText, Key) ->
+                             PlainText when CipherText :: binary(),
+                                            Key :: rsa_private_key(),
+                                            PlainText ::  binary() .
 decrypt_private(CipherText, Key) ->
     decrypt_private(CipherText, Key, []).
+-spec decrypt_private(CipherText, Key, Options) ->
+                             PlainText when CipherText :: binary(),
+                                            Key :: rsa_private_key(),
+                                            Options :: crypto:pk_encrypt_decrypt_opts(),
+                                            PlainText ::  binary() .
 		#'RSAPrivateKey'{} = Key,
@@ -366,61 +405,69 @@ decrypt_private(CipherText,
     crypto:private_decrypt(rsa, CipherText, format_rsa_private_key(Key), Padding).
--spec decrypt_public(CipherText :: binary(), rsa_public_key() | rsa_private_key()) ->
-			    PlainText :: binary().
--spec decrypt_public(CipherText :: binary(), rsa_public_key() | rsa_private_key(),
-		     public_crypt_options()) -> PlainText :: binary().
-%% NOTE: The rsa_private_key() is not part of the documented API it is
-%% here for testing purposes, in a real situation this is not a relevant
-%% thing to do.
 %% Description: Public key decryption using the public key.
+-spec decrypt_public(CipherText, Key) ->
+			    PlainText
+                                when CipherText :: binary(),
+                                     Key :: rsa_public_key(),
+                                     PlainText :: binary() .
 decrypt_public(CipherText, Key) ->
     decrypt_public(CipherText, Key, []).
+-spec decrypt_public(CipherText, Key, Options) ->
+			    PlainText
+                                when CipherText :: binary(),
+                                     Key :: rsa_public_key(),
+                                     Options :: crypto:pk_encrypt_decrypt_opts(),
+                                     PlainText :: binary() .
 decrypt_public(CipherText, #'RSAPublicKey'{modulus = N, publicExponent = E}, 
 	       Options) when is_binary(CipherText), is_list(Options)  ->
-    decrypt_public(CipherText, N,E, Options);
-decrypt_public(CipherText,#'RSAPrivateKey'{modulus = N, publicExponent = E}, 
-	       Options) when is_binary(CipherText), is_list(Options) ->
-    decrypt_public(CipherText, N,E, Options).
+    Padding = proplists:get_value(rsa_pad, Options, rsa_pkcs1_padding),
+    crypto:public_decrypt(rsa, CipherText,[E, N], Padding).
--spec encrypt_public(PlainText :: binary(), rsa_public_key() | rsa_private_key()) ->
-			    CipherText :: binary().
--spec encrypt_public(PlainText :: binary(), rsa_public_key() | rsa_private_key(),
-		     public_crypt_options()) ->  CipherText :: binary().
-%% NOTE: The rsa_private_key() is not part of the documented API it is
-%% here for testing purposes, in a real situation this is not a relevant
-%% thing to do.
 %% Description: Public key encryption using the public key.
+-spec encrypt_public(PlainText, Key) ->
+			     CipherText
+                                 when  PlainText :: binary(),
+                                       Key :: rsa_public_key(),
+                                       CipherText :: binary() .
 encrypt_public(PlainText, Key) ->
     encrypt_public(PlainText, Key, []).
-encrypt_public(PlainText, #'RSAPublicKey'{modulus=N,publicExponent=E}, 
-	       Options) when is_binary(PlainText), is_list(Options) ->
-    encrypt_public(PlainText, N,E, Options);
-encrypt_public(PlainText, #'RSAPrivateKey'{modulus=N,publicExponent=E}, 
+-spec encrypt_public(PlainText, Key, Options) ->
+			     CipherText
+                                 when  PlainText :: binary(),
+                                       Key :: rsa_public_key(),
+                                       Options :: crypto:pk_encrypt_decrypt_opts(),
+                                       CipherText :: binary() .
+encrypt_public(PlainText, #'RSAPublicKey'{modulus=N,publicExponent=E}, 
 	       Options) when is_binary(PlainText), is_list(Options) ->
-    encrypt_public(PlainText, N,E, Options).
+    Padding = proplists:get_value(rsa_pad, Options, rsa_pkcs1_padding),
+    crypto:public_encrypt(rsa, PlainText, [E,N], Padding).
--spec encrypt_private(PlainText :: binary(), rsa_private_key()) -> 
-			     CipherText :: binary().
--spec encrypt_private(PlainText :: binary(), rsa_private_key(), 
-		      public_crypt_options()) -> CipherText :: binary().
 %% Description: Public key encryption using the private key.
+-spec encrypt_private(PlainText, Key) ->
+			     CipherText
+                                 when  PlainText :: binary(),
+                                       Key :: rsa_private_key(),
+                                       CipherText :: binary() .
 encrypt_private(PlainText, Key) ->
     encrypt_private(PlainText, Key, []).
+-spec encrypt_private(PlainText, Key, Options) ->
+			     CipherText
+                                 when  PlainText :: binary(),
+                                       Key :: rsa_private_key(),
+                                       Options :: crypto:pk_encrypt_decrypt_opts(),
+                                       CipherText :: binary() .
 		#'RSAPrivateKey'{modulus = N, publicExponent = E,
 				 privateExponent = D} = Key,
@@ -432,22 +479,42 @@ encrypt_private(PlainText,
     crypto:private_encrypt(rsa, PlainText, format_rsa_private_key(Key), Padding).
+%% Description: List available group sizes among the pre-computed dh groups
+-spec dh_gex_group_sizes() -> [pos_integer()].
 dh_gex_group_sizes() ->
+%% Description: Select a precomputed group
+-spec dh_gex_group(MinSize, SuggestedSize, MaxSize, Groups) ->
+                          {ok,{Size,Group}} | {error,term()}
+                              when MinSize :: pos_integer(),
+                                   SuggestedSize :: pos_integer(),
+                                   MaxSize :: pos_integer(),
+                                   Groups :: undefined | [{Size,[Group]}],
+                                   Size :: pos_integer(),
+                                   Group :: {G,P},
+                                   G :: pos_integer(),
+                                   P :: pos_integer() .
 dh_gex_group(Min, N, Max, Groups) ->
     pubkey_ssh:dh_gex_group(Min, N, Max, Groups).
--spec generate_key(#'DHParameter'{}) ->
-                          {Public::binary(), Private::binary()};
-                  (ecpk_parameters_api()) ->
-                          #'ECPrivateKey'{};
-                  ({rsa, Size::pos_integer(), PubExp::pos_integer()}) ->
-                          #'RSAPrivateKey'{}.
-%% Description: Generates a new keypair
+%% Description: Generate a new key pair
+-spec generate_key(DHparams | ECparams | RSAparams) ->
+                          DHkeys | ECkey | RSAkey
+                              when DHparams :: #'DHParameter'{},
+                                   DHkeys :: {PublicDH::binary(), PrivateDH::binary()},
+                                   ECparams :: ecpk_parameters_api(),
+                                   ECkey :: #'ECPrivateKey'{},
+                                   RSAparams :: {rsa, Size, PubExp},
+                                   Size::pos_integer(),
+                                   PubExp::pos_integer(),
+                                   RSAkey :: #'RSAPrivateKey'{} .
 generate_key(#'DHParameter'{prime = P, base = G}) ->
     crypto:generate_key(dh, [P, G]);
 generate_key({namedCurve, _} = Params) ->
@@ -494,24 +561,34 @@ generate_key({rsa, ModulusSize, PublicExponent}) ->
--spec compute_key(#'ECPoint'{} , #'ECPrivateKey'{}) -> binary().
--spec compute_key(OthersKey ::binary(), MyKey::binary(), #'DHParameter'{}) -> binary().
 %% Description: Compute shared secret
+-spec compute_key(OthersECDHkey, MyECDHkey) -> 
+                         SharedSecret
+                             when OthersECDHkey :: #'ECPoint'{},
+                                  MyECDHkey :: #'ECPrivateKey'{},
+                                  SharedSecret :: binary().
 compute_key(#'ECPoint'{point = Point}, #'ECPrivateKey'{privateKey = PrivKey,
 						       parameters = Param}) ->
     ECCurve = ec_curve_spec(Param),
     crypto:compute_key(ecdh, Point, PrivKey, ECCurve).
+-spec compute_key(OthersDHkey, MyDHkey, DHparms) -> 
+                         SharedSecret
+                             when OthersDHkey :: crypto:dh_public(), % Was: binary(),
+                                  MyDHkey :: crypto:dh_private(), % Was: binary(),
+                                  DHparms ::  #'DHParameter'{},
+                                  SharedSecret :: binary().
 compute_key(PubKey, PrivKey, #'DHParameter'{prime = P, base = G}) ->
     crypto:compute_key(dh, PubKey, PrivKey, [P, G]).
--spec pkix_sign_types(SignatureAlg::oid()) ->
-			     %% Relevant dsa digest type is subpart of rsa digest type
-			     { DigestType :: rsa_digest_type(),
-			       SignatureType :: rsa | dsa | ecdsa
-			     }.
+-spec pkix_sign_types(AlgorithmId) -> 
+                             {DigestType, SignatureType}
+                                 when AlgorithmId :: oid(),
+                                      %% Relevant dsa digest type is a subset of rsa_digest_type()
+                                      DigestType :: crypto:rsa_digest_type(),
+                                      SignatureType :: rsa | dsa | ecdsa .
 %% Description:
 pkix_sign_types(?sha1WithRSAEncryption) ->
@@ -542,24 +619,24 @@ pkix_sign_types(?'ecdsa-with-SHA512') ->
     {sha512, ecdsa}.
--spec sign(binary() | {digest, binary()},
-           rsa_digest_type() | dss_digest_type() | ecdsa_digest_type(),
-	   rsa_private_key() | dsa_private_key() | ec_private_key()
-          ) -> Signature :: binary().
--spec sign(binary() | {digest, binary()},
-           rsa_digest_type() | dss_digest_type() | ecdsa_digest_type(),
-	   rsa_private_key() | dsa_private_key() | ec_private_key(),
-           public_sign_options()
-          ) -> Signature :: binary().
 %% Description: Create digital signature.
+-spec sign(Msg, DigestType, Key) ->
+                  Signature when Msg ::  binary() | {digest,binary()},
+                                 DigestType :: digest_type(),
+                                 Key :: private_key(),
+                                 Signature :: binary() .
 sign(DigestOrPlainText, DigestType, Key) ->
     sign(DigestOrPlainText, DigestType, Key, []).
-%% Backwards compatible
+-spec sign(Msg, DigestType, Key, Options) ->
+                  Signature when Msg ::  binary() | {digest,binary()},
+                                 DigestType :: digest_type(),
+                                 Key :: private_key(),
+                                 Options :: crypto:pk_sign_verify_opts(),
+                                 Signature :: binary() .
 sign(Digest, none, Key = #'DSAPrivateKey'{}, Options) when is_binary(Digest) ->
+    %% Backwards compatible
     sign({digest, Digest}, sha, Key, Options);
 sign(DigestOrPlainText, DigestType, Key, Options) ->
     case format_sign_key(Key) of
@@ -570,28 +647,26 @@ sign(DigestOrPlainText, DigestType, Key, Options) ->
--spec verify(binary() | {digest, binary()},
-             rsa_digest_type() | dss_digest_type() | ecdsa_digest_type(),
-	     Signature :: binary(),
-             rsa_public_key() | dsa_public_key() | ec_public_key()
-               |  rsa_private_key() | dsa_private_key() | ec_private_key()
-            ) -> boolean().
--spec verify(binary() | {digest, binary()},
-             rsa_digest_type() | dss_digest_type() | ecdsa_digest_type(),
-	     Signature :: binary(),
-             rsa_public_key() | dsa_public_key() | ec_public_key()
-               |  rsa_private_key() | dsa_private_key() | ec_private_key(),
-             public_sign_options()
-            ) -> boolean().
 %% Description: Verifies a digital signature.
+-spec verify(Msg, DigestType, Signature, Key) ->
+                    boolean() when Msg :: binary() | {digest, binary()},
+                                   DigestType :: digest_type(),
+                                   Signature :: binary(),
+                                   Key :: public_key() .
 verify(DigestOrPlainText, DigestType, Signature, Key) ->
     verify(DigestOrPlainText, DigestType, Signature, Key, []).
-%% Backwards compatible
+-spec verify(Msg, DigestType, Signature, Key, Options) ->
+                    boolean() when Msg :: binary() | {digest, binary()},
+                                   DigestType :: digest_type(),
+                                   Signature :: binary(),
+                                   Key :: public_key(),
+                                   Options :: crypto:pk_sign_verify_opts().
 verify(Digest, none, Signature, Key = {_, #'Dss-Parms'{}}, Options) when is_binary(Digest) ->
+    %% Backwards compatible
     verify({digest, Digest}, sha, Signature, Key, Options);
 verify(DigestOrPlainText, DigestType, Signature, Key, Options) when is_binary(Signature) ->
     case format_verify_key(Key) of
@@ -606,8 +681,8 @@ verify(_,_,_,_,_) ->
--spec pkix_dist_point(der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{}) -> 
-			      #'DistributionPoint'{}.  
+-spec pkix_dist_point(Cert) -> DistPoint when Cert :: der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{},
+                                              DistPoint :: #'DistributionPoint'{}.
 %% Description:  Creates a distribution point for CRLs issued by the same issuer as <c>Cert</c>.
 pkix_dist_point(OtpCert) when is_binary(OtpCert) ->
@@ -630,8 +705,8 @@ pkix_dist_point(OtpCert) ->
 			 reasons = asn1_NOVALUE,
 			 distributionPoint =  Point}.	
--spec pkix_dist_points(der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{}) -> 
-			      [#'DistributionPoint'{}].  
+-spec pkix_dist_points(Cert) -> DistPoints when Cert :: der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{},
+                                                DistPoints :: [ #'DistributionPoint'{} ].
 %% Description:  Extracts distributionpoints specified in the certificates extensions.
 pkix_dist_points(OtpCert) when is_binary(OtpCert) ->
@@ -645,8 +720,10 @@ pkix_dist_points(OtpCert) ->
 		[], Value).
--spec pkix_match_dist_point(der_encoded() | #'CertificateList'{},
-			    #'DistributionPoint'{}) -> boolean().
+-spec pkix_match_dist_point(CRL, DistPoint) ->
+                                   boolean()
+                                       when CRL :: der_encoded() | #'CertificateList'{},
+                                            DistPoint :: #'DistributionPoint'{}.
 %% Description: Check whether the given distribution point matches
 %% the "issuing distribution point" of the CRL.
@@ -677,8 +754,9 @@ pkix_match_dist_point(#'CertificateList'{
--spec pkix_sign(#'OTPTBSCertificate'{},
-		rsa_private_key() | dsa_private_key() | ec_private_key()) -> Der::binary().
+-spec pkix_sign(Cert, Key) -> Der when Cert :: #'OTPTBSCertificate'{}, 
+                                       Key :: private_key(),
+                                       Der :: der_encoded() .
 %% Description: Sign a pkix x.509 certificate. Returns the corresponding
 %% der encoded 'Certificate'{}
@@ -697,8 +775,8 @@ pkix_sign(#'OTPTBSCertificate'{signature =
     pkix_encode('OTPCertificate', Cert, otp).
--spec pkix_verify(Cert::binary(), rsa_public_key()|
-		  dsa_public_key() | ec_public_key()) -> boolean().
+-spec pkix_verify(Cert, Key) -> boolean() when Cert :: der_encoded(),
+                                               Key :: public_key() .
 %% Description: Verify pkix x.509 certificate signature.
@@ -718,7 +796,9 @@ pkix_verify(DerCert, Key = {#'ECPoint'{}, _})
     verify(PlainText, DigestType, Signature,  Key).
--spec pkix_crl_verify(CRL::binary() | #'CertificateList'{}, Cert::binary() | #'OTPCertificate'{}) -> boolean().
+-spec pkix_crl_verify(CRL, Cert) -> boolean()
+                                        when CRL  :: der_encoded() | #'CertificateList'{},
+                                             Cert :: der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{} .
 %% Description: Verify that Cert is the CRL signer.
@@ -737,9 +817,12 @@ pkix_crl_verify(#'CertificateList'{} = CRL, #'OTPCertificate'{} = Cert) ->
 				    PublicKey, PublicKeyParams).
--spec pkix_is_issuer(Cert :: der_encoded()| #'OTPCertificate'{} | #'CertificateList'{},
-		     IssuerCert :: der_encoded()|
-				   #'OTPCertificate'{}) -> boolean().
+-spec pkix_is_issuer(Cert, IssuerCert) -> 
+                            boolean() when Cert :: der_encoded()
+                                                 | #'OTPCertificate'{}
+                                                 | #'CertificateList'{},
+                                           IssuerCert :: der_encoded()
+                                                       | #'OTPCertificate'{} .
 %% Description: Checks if <IssuerCert> issued <Cert>.
@@ -759,7 +842,7 @@ pkix_is_issuer(#'CertificateList'{tbsCertList = TBSCRL},
 			  pubkey_cert_records:transform(TBSCRL#'TBSCertList'.issuer, decode)).
--spec pkix_is_self_signed(Cert::binary()| #'OTPCertificate'{}) -> boolean().
+-spec pkix_is_self_signed(Cert) -> boolean() when Cert::der_encoded()| #'OTPCertificate'{}.
 %% Description: Checks if a Certificate is self signed. 
@@ -770,7 +853,7 @@ pkix_is_self_signed(Cert) when is_binary(Cert) ->
--spec pkix_is_fixed_dh_cert(Cert::binary()| #'OTPCertificate'{}) -> boolean().
+-spec pkix_is_fixed_dh_cert(Cert) -> boolean() when Cert::der_encoded()| #'OTPCertificate'{}.
 %% Description: Checks if a Certificate is a fixed Diffie-Hellman Cert.
@@ -781,13 +864,12 @@ pkix_is_fixed_dh_cert(Cert) when is_binary(Cert) ->
--spec pkix_issuer_id(Cert::binary()| #'OTPCertificate'{},
-		     IssuedBy :: self | other) ->
-			    {ok, {SerialNr :: integer(),
-				  Issuer :: {rdnSequence,
-					     [#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]}}}
-				| {error, Reason :: term()}.
+-spec pkix_issuer_id(Cert, IssuedBy) ->
+			    {ok, issuer_id()} | {error, Reason}
+                                when Cert::der_encoded()| #'OTPCertificate'{},
+                                     IssuedBy :: self | other,
+                                     Reason :: term() .
 %% Description: Returns the issuer id.
 pkix_issuer_id(#'OTPCertificate'{} = OtpCert, Signed) when (Signed == self) or 
@@ -798,9 +880,9 @@ pkix_issuer_id(Cert, Signed) when is_binary(Cert) ->
     pkix_issuer_id(OtpCert, Signed).
--spec pkix_crl_issuer(CRL::binary()| #'CertificateList'{}) -> 
-			     {rdnSequence,
-			      [#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]}.
+-spec pkix_crl_issuer(CRL| #'CertificateList'{}) -> 
+                             Issuer when CRL :: der_encoded(),
+                                         Issuer :: issuer_name() .
 %% Description: Returns the issuer.
@@ -811,10 +893,9 @@ pkix_crl_issuer(#'CertificateList'{} = CRL) ->
       CRL#'CertificateList'.tbsCertList#'TBSCertList'.issuer, decode).
--spec pkix_normalize_name({rdnSequence,
-				   [#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]}) ->
-					 {rdnSequence, 
-					  [#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]}.
+-spec pkix_normalize_name(Issuer) -> Normalized 
+                                         when Issuer :: issuer_name(),
+                                              Normalized :: issuer_name() .
 %% Description: Normalizes a issuer name so that it can be easily
 %%              compared to another issuer name. 
@@ -825,7 +906,7 @@ pkix_normalize_name(Issuer) ->
 -spec pkix_path_validation(Cert::binary()| #'OTPCertificate'{} | atom(),
 			   CertChain :: [binary()] ,
-			   Options :: proplists:proplist()) ->
+			   Options :: [{atom(),term()}]) ->
 				  {ok, {PublicKeyInfo :: term(), 
 					PolicyTree :: term()}} |
 				  {error, {bad_cert, Reason :: term()}}.
@@ -861,11 +942,19 @@ pkix_path_validation(#'OTPCertificate'{} = TrustedCert, CertChain, Options)
     path_validation(CertChain, ValidationState).
--spec pkix_crls_validate(#'OTPCertificate'{},
-			 [{DP::#'DistributionPoint'{}, {DerCRL::binary(), CRL::#'CertificateList'{}}}],
-			 Options :: proplists:proplist()) -> valid | {bad_cert, revocation_status_undetermined} |
-                                                             {bad_cert, {revocation_status_undetermined, Reason::term()}} |
-                                                             {bad_cert, {revoked, crl_reason()}}.
+-spec pkix_crls_validate(OTPcertificate, DPandCRLs, Options) ->
+                                CRLstatus when OTPcertificate :: #'OTPCertificate'{},
+                                               DPandCRLs :: [DPandCRL],
+                                               DPandCRL  :: {DP, {DerCRL, CRL}},
+                                               DP :: #'DistributionPoint'{},
+                                               DerCRL :: der_encoded(),
+                                               CRL :: #'CertificateList'{},
+                                               Options :: [{atom(),term()}],
+                                               CRLstatus :: valid
+                                                          | {bad_cert, BadCertReason},
+                                               BadCertReason :: revocation_status_undetermined
+                                                              | {revocation_status_undetermined, Reason::term()}
+                                                              | {revoked, crl_reason()}.
 %% Description: Performs a CRL validation according to RFC 5280.
@@ -882,20 +971,10 @@ pkix_crls_validate(OtpCert, DPAndCRLs0, Options) ->
 		       Options, pubkey_crl:init_revokation_state()).
--spec pkix_verify_hostname(#'OTPCertificate'{} | binary(),
-			   referenceIDs()
-                          ) -> boolean().
--spec pkix_verify_hostname(#'OTPCertificate'{} | binary(),
-			   referenceIDs(),
-			   proplists:proplist()) -> boolean().
 -type referenceIDs() :: [referenceID()] .
 -type referenceID() :: {uri_id | dns_id | ip | srv_id | oid(),  string()} 
                      | {ip, inet:ip_address()} .
--spec pkix_verify_hostname_match_fun(high_level_alg()) -> match_fun() .
 -type high_level_alg() :: https .
 -type match_fun() ::  fun((ReferenceID::referenceID() | string(),
                            PresentedID::{atom()|oid(),string()}) -> match_fun_result() ) .
@@ -903,9 +982,20 @@ pkix_crls_validate(OtpCert, DPAndCRLs0, Options) ->
 %% Description: Validates a hostname to RFC 6125
+-spec pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, ReferenceIDs) -> boolean()
+                                                      when Cert :: der_encoded() 
+                                                                 | #'OTPCertificate'{},
+                                                           ReferenceIDs :: referenceIDs() .
 pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, ReferenceIDs) ->
     pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, ReferenceIDs, []).
+-spec pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, ReferenceIDs, Options) ->
+                                  boolean()
+                                      when Cert :: der_encoded() 
+                                                 | #'OTPCertificate'{},
+                                           ReferenceIDs :: referenceIDs(),
+                                           Options :: [{atom(),term()}] .
 pkix_verify_hostname(BinCert, ReferenceIDs, Options)  when is_binary(BinCert) ->
     pkix_verify_hostname(pkix_decode_cert(BinCert,otp), ReferenceIDs, Options);
@@ -964,15 +1054,25 @@ pkix_verify_hostname(Cert = #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TbsCert}, Referen
+-spec pkix_verify_hostname_match_fun(high_level_alg()) -> match_fun() .
 pkix_verify_hostname_match_fun(https) ->
     fun({dns_id,FQDN=[_|_]}, {dNSName,Name=[_|_]}) -> verify_hostname_match_wildcard(FQDN, Name);
        (_, _) -> default
--spec ssh_decode(binary(), public_key | ssh_file()) -> [{public_key(), Attributes::list()}]
-	      ; (binary(), ssh2_pubkey) ->  public_key()
-	      .
+-spec ssh_decode(SshBin, Type) ->
+                        Decoded
+                            when SshBin :: binary(),
+                                 Type :: ssh2_pubkey | OtherType,
+                                 OtherType :: public_key | ssh_file(),
+                                 Decoded :: Decoded_ssh2_pubkey
+                                          | Decoded_OtherType,
+                                 Decoded_ssh2_pubkey :: public_key(),
+                                 Decoded_OtherType :: [{public_key(), Attributes}],
+                                 Attributes :: [{atom(),term()}] .
 %% Description: Decodes a ssh file-binary. In the case of know_hosts
 %% or auth_keys the binary may include one or more lines of the
@@ -990,9 +1090,15 @@ ssh_decode(SshBin, Type) when is_binary(SshBin),
     pubkey_ssh:decode(SshBin, Type).
--spec ssh_encode([{public_key(), Attributes::list()}], ssh_file()) -> binary()
-	      ; (public_key(), ssh2_pubkey) -> binary()
-	      .
+-spec ssh_encode(InData, Type) ->
+                        binary()
+                            when Type :: ssh2_pubkey | OtherType,
+                                 OtherType :: public_key | ssh_file(),
+                                 InData :: InData_ssh2_pubkey | OtherInData,
+                                 InData_ssh2_pubkey :: public_key(),
+                                 OtherInData :: [{Key,Attributes}],
+                                 Key :: public_key(),
+                                 Attributes :: [{atom(),term()}] .
 %% Description: Encodes a list of ssh file entries (public keys and
 %% attributes) to a binary. Possible attributes depends on the file
@@ -1027,13 +1133,14 @@ oid2ssh_curvename(?'secp521r1') -> <<"nistp521">>.
 -spec ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(public_key()) -> string().
--spec ssh_hostkey_fingerprint( digest_type(),  public_key()) ->  string()
-                           ; ([digest_type()], public_key())   -> [string()]
-                           .
 ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(Key) ->
     sshfp_string(md5, public_key:ssh_encode(Key,ssh2_pubkey) ).
+-spec ssh_hostkey_fingerprint( digest_type(),  public_key()) ->  string()
+                           ; ([digest_type()], public_key())   -> [string()]
+                           .
 ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(HashAlgs, Key) when is_list(HashAlgs) ->
     EncKey = public_key:ssh_encode(Key, ssh2_pubkey),
     [sshfp_full_string(HashAlg,EncKey) || HashAlg <- HashAlgs];
@@ -1071,8 +1178,7 @@ fp_fmt(b64, Bin) ->
     [lists:nth(C+1,B64Chars) || <<C:6>> <= <<Bin/binary,0:Padding>> ].
--spec short_name_hash({rdnSequence, [#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]}) ->
-			     string().
+-spec short_name_hash(Name) -> string() when Name :: issuer_name() .
 %% Description: Generates OpenSSL-style hash of a name.
@@ -1103,10 +1209,11 @@ pkix_test_data(#{} = Chain) ->
     pubkey_cert:gen_test_certs(maps:merge(Default, Chain)).
--spec pkix_test_root_cert(
-        Name :: string(), Opts :: [pubkey_cert:cert_opt()]) ->
-                                 pubkey_cert:test_root_cert().
+-spec pkix_test_root_cert(Name, Options) ->
+                                 RootCert
+                                     when Name :: string(),
+                                          Options :: [{atom(),term()}], %[cert_opt()],
+                                          RootCert :: pubkey_cert:test_root_cert().
 %% Description: Generates a root cert suitable for pkix_test_data/1
@@ -1152,14 +1259,6 @@ do_pem_entry_decode({Asn1Type,_, _} = PemEntry, Password) ->
     Der = pubkey_pem:decipher(PemEntry, Password),
     der_decode(Asn1Type, Der).
-encrypt_public(PlainText, N, E, Options)->
-    Padding = proplists:get_value(rsa_pad, Options, rsa_pkcs1_padding),
-    crypto:public_encrypt(rsa, PlainText, [E,N], Padding).
-decrypt_public(CipherText, N,E, Options) ->
-    Padding = proplists:get_value(rsa_pad, Options, rsa_pkcs1_padding),
-    crypto:public_decrypt(rsa, CipherText,[E, N], Padding).
 path_validation([], #path_validation_state{working_public_key_algorithm
 					   = Algorithm,
 					   working_public_key =
cgit v1.2.3

From 0cdaea5199c49c1511700db3b4b0ff59f4c7396d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hans Nilsson <>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2018 15:15:47 +0200
Subject: public_key: Generate refman from types and specs

 lib/public_key/doc/src/public_key.xml | 684 ++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 240 insertions(+), 444 deletions(-)

(limited to 'lib/public_key')

diff --git a/lib/public_key/doc/src/public_key.xml b/lib/public_key/doc/src/public_key.xml
index c0a67c25b8..a4d7e4a734 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/doc/src/public_key.xml
+++ b/lib/public_key/doc/src/public_key.xml
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
-    <title>DATA TYPES</title> 
+    <title>Common Records and ASN.1 Types</title> 
     <note><p>All records used in this Reference Manual 
     <!--     except #policy_tree_node{}  -->
@@ -54,193 +54,132 @@
     records and constant macros described here and in the User's Guide:</p>
     <code> -include_lib("public_key/include/public_key.hrl").</code>
+  </section>
+  <datatypes>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="oid"/>
+      <desc>
+	<p>Object identifier, a tuple of integers as generated by the <c>ASN.1</c> compiler.</p>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="der_encoded"/>
+      <desc>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="pki_asn1_type"/>
+      <desc>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="asn1_type"/>
+      <desc>
+	<p>ASN.1 type present in the Public Key applications ASN.1 specifications.</p>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="pem_entry"/>
+      <name name="der_or_encrypted_der"/>
+      <name name="cipher_info"/>
+      <name name="cipher"/>
+      <name name="salt"/>
+      <name name="cipher_info_params"/>
+      <desc>
+	<code>Cipher = "RC2-CBC" | "DES-CBC" | "DES-EDE3-CBC"</code>
+	<p><c>Salt</c> could be generated with
+	<seealso marker="crypto:crypto#strong_rand_bytes-1"><c>crypto:strong_rand_bytes(8)</c></seealso>.</p>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="public_key"/>
+      <name name="rsa_public_key"/>
+      <name name="dsa_public_key"/>
+      <name name="ec_public_key"/>
+      <name name="ecpk_parameters"/>
+      <name name="ecpk_parameters_api"/>
+      <desc>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="private_key"/>
+      <name name="rsa_private_key"/>
+      <name name="dsa_private_key"/>
+      <name name="ec_private_key"/>
+      <desc>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="key_params"/>
+      <desc>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="digest_type"/>
+      <desc>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="crl_reason"/>
+      <desc>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="issuer_id"/>
+      <desc>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="issuer_name"/>
+      <desc>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+    <datatype>
+      <name name="ssh_file"/>
+      <desc>
+      </desc>
+    </datatype>
+  </datatypes>
-    <p>The following data types are used in the functions for <c>public_key</c>:</p>
-    <taglist>
-      <tag><c>oid()</c></tag>
-      <item><p>Object identifier, a tuple of integers as generated by the <c>ASN.1</c> compiler.</p></item>
-      <tag><c>boolean() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>true | false</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>string() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>[bytes()]</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>der_encoded() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>binary()</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>pki_asn1_type() =</c></tag>
-      <item>
-	<p><c>'Certificate'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'RSAPrivateKey'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'RSAPublicKey'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'DSAPrivateKey'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'DSAPublicKey'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'DHParameter'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'SubjectPublicKeyInfo'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'PrivateKeyInfo'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'CertificationRequest'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'CertificateList'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'ECPrivateKey'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'EcpkParameters'</c></p>
-      </item>
-      <tag><c>pem_entry () =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>{pki_asn1_type(), binary(), %% DER or encrypted DER</c></p>
-      <p><c> not_encrypted | cipher_info()}</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>cipher_info() = </c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>{"RC2-CBC" | "DES-CBC" | "DES-EDE3-CBC", crypto:strong_rand_bytes(8)</c></p>
-      <p><c>| {#'PBEParameter{}, digest_type()} | #'PBES2-params'{}}</c></p>
-      </item>
-      <tag><marker id="type-public_key"/>
-      <c>public_key() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>rsa_public_key() | dsa_public_key() | ec_public_key()</c></p></item>
-      <tag><marker id="type-private_key"/>
-      <c>private_key() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>rsa_private_key() | dsa_private_key() | ec_private_key()</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>rsa_public_key() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>#'RSAPublicKey'{}</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>rsa_private_key() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>#'RSAPrivateKey'{}</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>dsa_public_key() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>{integer(),  #'Dss-Parms'{}}</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>dsa_private_key() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>#'DSAPrivateKey'{}</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>ec_public_key()</c></tag>
-      <item><p>= <c>{#'ECPoint'{}, #'ECParameters'{} | {namedCurve, oid()}}</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>ec_private_key() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>#'ECPrivateKey'{}</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>key_params() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p> #'DHParameter'{} |  {namedCurve, oid()} |  #'ECParameters'{} 
-      | {rsa, Size::integer(), PubExp::integer()} </p></item>      
-      <tag><c>public_crypt_options() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>[{rsa_pad, rsa_padding()}]</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>rsa_padding() =</c></tag>
-      <item>
-	<p><c>'rsa_pkcs1_padding'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'rsa_pkcs1_oaep_padding'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'rsa_no_padding'</c></p>
-      </item>
-      <tag><c>public_sign_options() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>[{rsa_pad, rsa_sign_padding()} | {rsa_pss_saltlen, integer()}]</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>rsa_sign_padding() =</c></tag>
-      <item>
-	<p><c>'rsa_pkcs1_padding'</c></p>
-	<p><c>| 'rsa_pkcs1_pss_padding'</c></p>
-      </item>
-      <tag><c>digest_type() = </c></tag>
-      <item><p>Union of <c>rsa_digest_type()</c>, <c>dss_digest_type()</c>, 
-      and <c>ecdsa_digest_type()</c>.</p></item>
-      <tag><c>rsa_digest_type() = </c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>'md5' | 'ripemd160' | 'sha' | 'sha224' | 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512'</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>dss_digest_type() = </c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>'sha' | 'sha224' | 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512'</c></p>
-      <p>Note that the actual supported dss_digest_type depends on the underlying crypto library.
-      In OpenSSL version >= 1.0.1 the listed digest are supported, while in 1.0.0 only
-      sha, sha224 and sha256 are supported. In version 0.9.8 only sha is supported.</p>
-      </item>
-      <tag><c>ecdsa_digest_type() = </c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>'sha' | 'sha224' | 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512'</c></p></item>
-      <tag><c>crl_reason() = </c></tag>
-      <item>
-	<p><c>unspecified</c></p>
-	<p><c>| keyCompromise</c></p>
-	<p><c>| cACompromise</c></p>
-	<p><c>| affiliationChanged</c></p>
-	<p><c>| superseded</c></p>
-	<p><c>| cessationOfOperation</c></p>
-	<p><c>| certificateHold</c></p>
-	<p><c>| privilegeWithdrawn</c></p>
-	<p><c>| aACompromise</c></p>
-      </item>
-      <tag><c>issuer_name() =</c></tag>
-      <item><p><c>{rdnSequence,[#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{}]}</c></p>  
-      </item>
-      <tag><c>ssh_file() =</c></tag>
-      <item>
-	<p><c>openssh_public_key</c></p>
-	<p><c>| rfc4716_public_key</c></p>
-	<p><c>| known_hosts</c></p>
-	<p><c>| auth_keys</c></p>
-      </item>
-    </taglist>
-<!--     <p><code>policy_tree() = [Root, Children]</code></p> -->
-<!--     <p><code>Root = #policy_tree_node{}</code></p>    -->
-<!--     <p><code>Children = [] | policy_tree()</code></p> -->
-<!--     <p>The <c>policy_tree_node</c> record has the following fields:</p> -->
-<!--     <taglist> -->
-<!--       <tag>valid_policy</tag> -->
-<!--       <item>A single policy OID representing a -->
-<!--          valid policy for the path of length x.</item> -->
-<!--       <tag>qualifier_set</tag> -->
-<!--       <item>A set of policy qualifiers associated -->
-<!--          with the valid policy in certificate x.</item> -->
-<!--       <tag>critically_indicator</tag> -->
-<!--       <item>Indicates whether the -->
-<!--          certificate policy extension in certificate x was marked as -->
-<!--          critical.</item> -->
-<!--       <tag>expected_policy_set</tag> -->
-<!--       <item>Contains one or more policy OIDs -->
-<!--          that would satisfy this policy in the certificate x+1.</item>         -->
-<!--     </taglist> -->
-  </section> 
-    <name>compute_key(OthersKey, MyKey)-></name>
-    <name>compute_key(OthersKey, MyKey, Params)-></name>
+    <name name="compute_key" arity="2"/>
+    <fsummary>Computes shared secret.</fsummary>
+  <desc>
+    <p>Computes shared secret.</p>
+  </desc>
+  </func>
+  <func>
+    <name name="compute_key" arity="3"/>
     <fsummary>Computes shared secret.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>OthersKey = #'ECPoint'{} | binary(), MyKey = #'ECPrivateKey'{} | binary()</v>
-      <v>Params =  #'DHParameter'{}</v>
-    </type>
     <p>Computes shared secret.</p>
-    <name>decrypt_private(CipherText, Key) -> binary()</name>
-    <name>decrypt_private(CipherText, Key, Options) -> binary()</name>
+    <name name="decrypt_private" arity="2"/>
+    <name name="decrypt_private" arity="3"/>
     <fsummary>Public-key decryption.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>CipherText = binary()</v>
-      <v>Key = rsa_private_key()</v>
-      <v>Options = public_crypt_options()</v>
-  </type> 
     <p>Public-key decryption using the private key. See also <seealso
@@ -248,14 +187,9 @@
-    <name>decrypt_public(CipherText, Key) - > binary()</name>
-    <name>decrypt_public(CipherText, Key, Options) - > binary()</name>
+    <name name="decrypt_public" arity="2"/>
+    <name name="decrypt_public" arity="3"/>
     <fsummary>Public-key decryption.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>CipherText = binary()</v>
-      <v>Key = rsa_public_key()</v>
-      <v>Options = public_crypt_options()</v>
-  </type> 
     <p>Public-key decryption using the public key. See also <seealso
@@ -263,47 +197,24 @@
-    <name>der_decode(Asn1type, Der) -> term()</name>
+    <name name="der_decode" arity="2"/>
     <fsummary>Decodes a public-key ASN.1 DER encoded entity.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>Asn1Type = atom()</v>
-      <d>ASN.1 type present in the Public Key applications
-      ASN.1 specifications.</d>
-      <v>Der = der_encoded()</v>
-    </type> 
-    <desc> 
+    <desc>
       <p>Decodes a public-key ASN.1 DER encoded entity.</p>
-    <name>der_encode(Asn1Type, Entity) -> der_encoded()</name>
+    <name name="der_encode" arity="2"/>
     <fsummary>Encodes a public-key entity with ASN.1 DER encoding.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>Asn1Type = atom()</v>
-      <d>ASN.1 type present in the Public Key applications
-	 ASN.1 specifications.</d>
-      <v>Entity = term()</v>
-      <d>Erlang representation of <c>Asn1Type</c></d>
-  </type> 
     <p>Encodes a public-key entity with ASN.1 DER encoding.</p>
-    <name>dh_gex_group(MinSize, SuggestedSize, MaxSize, Groups) -> {ok, {Size,Group}} | {error,Error}</name>
+    <name name="dh_gex_group" arity="4"/>
     <fsummary>Selects a group for Diffie-Hellman key exchange</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>MinSize = positive_integer()</v>
-      <v>SuggestedSize = positive_integer()</v>
-      <v>MaxSize = positive_integer()</v>
-      <v>Groups = undefined | [{Size,[{G,P}]}]</v>
-      <v>Size = positive_integer()</v>
-      <v>Group = {G,P}</v>
-      <v>G = positive_integer()</v>
-      <v>P = positive_integer()</v>
-    </type>
       <p>Selects a group for Diffie-Hellman key exchange with the key size in the range <c>MinSize...MaxSize</c>
       and as close to <c>SuggestedSize</c> as possible. If <c>Groups == undefined</c> a default set will be
@@ -322,13 +233,10 @@
-    <func>
-    <name>encrypt_private(PlainText, Key) -> binary()</name>
+  <func>
+    <name name="encrypt_private" arity="2"/>
+    <name name="encrypt_private" arity="3"/>
     <fsummary>Public-key encryption using the private key.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>PlainText = binary()</v>
-      <v>Key = rsa_private_key()</v> 
-  </type> 
     <p>Public-key encryption using the private key.
      See also <seealso
@@ -337,12 +245,9 @@
-    <name>encrypt_public(PlainText, Key) -> binary()</name>
+    <name name="encrypt_public" arity="2"/>
+    <name name="encrypt_public" arity="3"/>
     <fsummary>Public-key encryption using the public key.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>PlainText = binary()</v>
-      <v>Key = rsa_public_key()</v> 
-  </type> 
     <p>Public-key encryption using the public key. See also <seealso
@@ -350,11 +255,8 @@
-    <name>generate_key(Params) -> {Public::binary(), Private::binary()}  | #'ECPrivateKey'{} | #'RSAPrivateKey'{}</name>
+    <name name="generate_key" arity="1"/>
     <fsummary>Generates a new keypair.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>Params = key_params()</v>
-    </type>
     <p>Generates a new keypair. Note that except for Diffie-Hellman
     the public key is included in the private key structure. See also
@@ -364,38 +266,27 @@
-    <name>pem_decode(PemBin) -> [pem_entry()]</name>
+    <name name="pem_decode" arity="1"/>
     <fsummary>Decodes PEM binary data and returns
     entries as ASN.1 DER encoded entities.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>PemBin = binary()</v>
-      <d>Example {ok, PemBin} = file:read_file("cert.pem").</d>
-    </type> 
-    <p>Decodes PEM binary data and returns
-    entries as ASN.1 DER encoded entities.</p>
+    <p>Decodes PEM binary data and returns entries as ASN.1 DER encoded entities.</p>
+    <p>Example <c>{ok, PemBin} = file:read_file("cert.pem").</c></p>
-   <func>
-    <name>pem_encode(PemEntries) -> binary()</name>
+  <func>
+    <name name="pem_encode" arity="1"/>
     <fsummary>Creates a PEM binary.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v> PemEntries = [pem_entry()] </v> 
-  </type> 
-  <desc> 
-    <p>Creates a PEM binary.</p> 
-  </desc> 
+    <desc> 
+      <p>Creates a PEM binary.</p> 
+    </desc> 
-   <func>
-    <name>pem_entry_decode(PemEntry) -> term()</name>
-    <name>pem_entry_decode(PemEntry, Password) -> term()</name>
+  <func>
+    <name name="pem_entry_decode" arity="1"/>
+    <name name="pem_entry_decode" arity="2"/>
     <fsummary>Decodes a PEM entry.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>PemEntry = pem_entry()</v> 
-      <v>Password = string()</v> 
-  </type> 
     <p>Decodes a PEM entry. <c>pem_decode/1</c> returns a list of PEM
     entries. Notice that if the PEM entry is of type
@@ -404,51 +295,36 @@
-   <func>
-    <name>pem_entry_encode(Asn1Type, Entity) -> pem_entry()</name>
-    <name>pem_entry_encode(Asn1Type, Entity, {CipherInfo, Password}) -> pem_entry()</name>
+  <func>
+    <name name="pem_entry_encode" arity="2"/>
+    <name name="pem_entry_encode" arity="3"/>
     <fsummary>Creates a PEM entry that can be fed to <c>pem_encode/1</c>.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>Asn1Type = pki_asn1_type()</v>
-      <v>Entity = term()</v>
-      <d>Erlang representation of
-      <c>Asn1Type</c>.  If <c>Asn1Type</c> is 'SubjectPublicKeyInfo',
+    <desc> 
+      <p>Creates a PEM entry that can be feed to <c>pem_encode/1</c>.</p>
+      <p>If <c>Asn1Type</c> is <c>'SubjectPublicKeyInfo'</c>,
       <c>Entity</c> must be either an <c>rsa_public_key()</c>, 
       <c>dsa_public_key()</c> or an <c>ec_public_key()</c>
       and this function creates the appropriate
-      'SubjectPublicKeyInfo' entry.
-      </d>
-      <v>CipherInfo = cipher_info()</v>
-      <v>Password = string()</v> 
-    </type> 
-  <desc> 
-    <p>Creates a PEM entry that can be feed to <c>pem_encode/1</c>.</p>
-  </desc> 
+      <c>'SubjectPublicKeyInfo'</c> entry.
+      </p>
+    </desc> 
-    <name>pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp|plain) ->  #'Certificate'{} | #'OTPCertificate'{}</name>
+    <name name="pkix_decode_cert" arity="2"/>
     <fsummary>Decodes an ASN.1 DER-encoded PKIX x509 certificate.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>Cert = der_encoded()</v> 
-  </type> 
-  <desc> 
-    <p>Decodes an ASN.1 DER-encoded PKIX certificate. Option <c>otp</c>
-    uses the customized ASN.1 specification OTP-PKIX.asn1 for
-    decoding and also recursively decode most of the standard
-    parts.</p>
-  </desc> 
+    <desc> 
+      <p>Decodes an ASN.1 DER-encoded PKIX certificate. Option <c>otp</c>
+      uses the customized ASN.1 specification OTP-PKIX.asn1 for
+      decoding and also recursively decode most of the standard
+      parts.</p>
+    </desc> 
-    <name>pkix_encode(Asn1Type, Entity, otp | plain) -> der_encoded()</name>
+    <name name="pkix_encode" arity="3"/>
     <fsummary>DER encodes a PKIX x509 certificate or part of such a
-    <type>
-      <v>Asn1Type = atom()</v>
-      <d>The ASN.1 type can be 'Certificate', 'OTPCertificate' or a subtype of either.</d>
-      <v>Entity = #'Certificate'{} | #'OTPCertificate'{} | a valid subtype</v>
-  </type> 
     <p>DER encodes a PKIX x509 certificate or part of such a
     certificate. This function must be used for encoding certificates or parts of certificates
@@ -458,69 +334,47 @@
-    <name>pkix_is_issuer(Cert, IssuerCert) -> boolean()</name>
-    <fsummary>Checks if <c>IssuerCert</c> issued <c>Cert</c>.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>Cert = der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{} | #'CertificateList'{}</v>
-      <v>IssuerCert = der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{}</v>
-  </type> 
-  <desc> 
-    <p>Checks if <c>IssuerCert</c> issued <c>Cert</c>.</p> 
-  </desc> 
-  </func>
+   <name name="pkix_is_issuer" arity="2"/>
+   <fsummary>Checks if <c>IssuerCert</c> issued <c>Cert</c>.</fsummary>
+   <desc> 
+     <p>Checks if <c>IssuerCert</c> issued <c>Cert</c>.</p> 
+   </desc> 
+ </func>
-  <func>
-    <name>pkix_is_fixed_dh_cert(Cert) -> boolean()</name>
-    <fsummary>Checks if a certificate is a fixed Diffie-Hellman certificate.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-        <v>Cert = der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{}</v>
-  </type> 
-  <desc> 
-    <p>Checks if a certificate is a fixed Diffie-Hellman certificate.</p> 
-  </desc> 
-  </func>  
+ <func>
+   <name name="pkix_is_fixed_dh_cert" arity="1"/>
+   <fsummary>Checks if a certificate is a fixed Diffie-Hellman certificate.</fsummary>
+   <desc> 
+     <p>Checks if a certificate is a fixed Diffie-Hellman certificate.</p> 
+   </desc> 
+ </func>  
-  <func>
-    <name>pkix_is_self_signed(Cert) -> boolean()</name>
-    <fsummary>Checks if a certificate is self-signed.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-       <v>Cert = der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{}</v>
-  </type> 
-  <desc> 
-    <p>Checks if a certificate is self-signed.</p> 
-  </desc> 
-  </func>
+ <func>
+   <name name="pkix_is_self_signed" arity="1"/>
+   <fsummary>Checks if a certificate is self-signed.</fsummary>
+   <desc> 
+     <p>Checks if a certificate is self-signed.</p> 
+   </desc> 
+ </func>
-  <func>
-    <name>pkix_issuer_id(Cert, IssuedBy) -> {ok, IssuerID} | {error, Reason}</name>
-    <fsummary>Returns the issuer id.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-        <v>Cert = der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{}</v>
-	<v>IssuedBy = self | other</v>
-	<v>IssuerID = {integer(), issuer_name()}</v>
-	<d>The issuer id consists of the serial number and the issuers name.</d>
-	<v>Reason = term()</v>
-    </type> 
-    <desc> 
-    <p>Returns the issuer id.</p> 
-    </desc> 
-  </func>
+ <func>
+   <name name="pkix_issuer_id" arity="2"/>
+   <fsummary>Returns the issuer id.</fsummary>
+   <desc> 
+     <p>Returns the issuer id.</p> 
+   </desc> 
+ </func>
-  <func>
-    <name>pkix_normalize_name(Issuer) -> Normalized</name>
-    <fsummary>Normalizes an issuer name so that it can be easily
-    compared to another issuer name.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>Issuer = issuer_name()</v>
-      <v>Normalized = issuer_name()</v>
-  </type> 
-  <desc> 
-    <p>Normalizes an issuer name so that it can be easily
-    compared to another issuer name.</p> 
-  </desc> 
-  </func>
+ <func>
+   <name name="pkix_normalize_name" arity="1"/>
+   <fsummary>Normalizes an issuer name so that it can be easily
+   compared to another issuer name.</fsummary>
+   <desc> 
+     <p>Normalizes an issuer name so that it can be easily
+     compared to another issuer name.</p> 
+   </desc> 
+ </func>
     <name>pkix_path_validation(TrustedCert, CertChain, Options) -> {ok, {PublicKeyInfo, PolicyTree}} | {error, {bad_cert, Reason}} </name>
     <fsummary>Performs a basic path validation according to RFC 5280.</fsummary>
@@ -622,26 +476,16 @@ fun(OtpCert :: #'OTPCertificate'{},
-      <name>pkix_crl_issuer(CRL) -> issuer_name()</name>
+      <name name="pkix_crl_issuer" arity="1"/>
       <fsummary>Returns the issuer of the <c>CRL</c>.</fsummary>
-      <type>
-	<v>CRL = der_encoded() | #'CertificateList'{} </v> 
-      </type> 
 	<p>Returns the issuer of the <c>CRL</c>.</p>
-     <name>pkix_crls_validate(OTPCertificate, DPAndCRLs, Options) -> CRLStatus()</name>
+     <name name="pkix_crls_validate" arity="3"/>
      <fsummary>Performs CRL validation.</fsummary>
-     <type>
-       <v>OTPCertificate =  #'OTPCertificate'{}</v>
-       <v>DPAndCRLs  = [{DP::#'DistributionPoint'{}, {DerCRL::der_encoded(), CRL::#'CertificateList'{}}}] </v>
-       <v>Options = proplists:proplist()</v>
-       <v>CRLStatus() =  valid | {bad_cert, revocation_status_undetermined} |  {bad_cert, {revocation_status_undetermined,
-       {bad_crls, Details::term()}}} | {bad_cert, {revoked, crl_reason()}}</v>
-     </type>
       <p>Performs CRL validation. It is intended to be called from
       the verify fun of  <seealso marker="#pkix_path_validation-3"> pkix_path_validation/3
@@ -692,24 +536,16 @@ fun(#'DistributionPoint'{}, #'CertificateList'{},
-     <name>pkix_crl_verify(CRL, Cert) -> boolean()</name>
+     <name name="pkix_crl_verify" arity="2"/>
      <fsummary> Verify that  <c>Cert</c>  is the <c> CRL</c>  signer. </fsummary>
-     <type>
-       <v>CRL = der_encoded() | #'CertificateList'{} </v> 
-       <v>Cert = der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{} </v> 
-     </type> 
        <p>Verify that <c>Cert</c> is the <c>CRL</c> signer.</p>
-     <name>pkix_dist_point(Cert) -> DistPoint</name>
+     <name name="pkix_dist_point" arity="1"/>
      <fsummary>Creates a distribution point for CRLs issued by the same issuer as <c>Cert</c>.</fsummary>
-     <type>
-       <v> Cert  = der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{} </v> 
-       <v> DistPoint =  #'DistributionPoint'{}</v> 
-     </type> 
        <p>Creates a distribution point for CRLs issued by the same issuer as <c>Cert</c>.
        Can be used as input to <seealso
@@ -719,26 +555,17 @@ fun(#'DistributionPoint'{}, #'CertificateList'{},
-     <name>pkix_dist_points(Cert) -> DistPoints</name>
+     <name name="pkix_dist_points" arity="1"/>
      <fsummary> Extracts distribution points from the certificates extensions.</fsummary>
-     <type>
-       <v> Cert  = der_encoded() | #'OTPCertificate'{} </v> 
-       <v> DistPoints =  [#'DistributionPoint'{}]</v> 
-     </type> 
        <p> Extracts distribution points from the certificates extensions.</p>
-    <name>pkix_match_dist_point(CRL, DistPoint) -> boolean()</name>
+    <name name="pkix_match_dist_point" arity="2"/>
     <fsummary>Checks whether the given distribution point matches the
     Issuing Distribution Point of the CRL.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>CRL = der_encoded() | #'CertificateList'{} </v>
-      <v>DistPoint = #'DistributionPoint'{}</v>
-    </type>
       <p>Checks whether the given distribution point matches the
       Issuing Distribution Point of the CRL, as described in RFC 5280.
@@ -748,11 +575,8 @@ fun(#'DistributionPoint'{}, #'CertificateList'{},
-    <name>pkix_sign(#'OTPTBSCertificate'{}, Key) -> der_encoded()</name>
+    <name name="pkix_sign" arity="2"/>
     <fsummary>Signs certificate.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>Key = rsa_private_key() | dsa_private_key()</v> 
-    </type> 
       <p>Signs an 'OTPTBSCertificate'. Returns the corresponding
       DER-encoded certificate.</p> 
@@ -760,17 +584,12 @@ fun(#'DistributionPoint'{}, #'CertificateList'{},
-    <name>pkix_sign_types(AlgorithmId) -> {DigestType, SignatureType}</name>
+    <name name="pkix_sign_types" arity="1"/>
     <fsummary>Translates signature algorithm OID to Erlang digest and signature algorithm types.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>AlgorithmId = oid()</v>
-      <d>Signature OID from a certificate or a certificate revocation list.</d>
-      <v>DigestType = rsa_digest_type() | dss_digest_type()</v>
-      <v>SignatureType = rsa | dsa | ecdsa</v>
-    </type>
       <p>Translates signature algorithm OID to Erlang digest and signature types.
+      <p>The <c>AlgorithmId</c> is the signature OID from a certificate or a certificate revocation list.</p>
@@ -938,12 +757,8 @@ fun(#'DistributionPoint'{}, #'CertificateList'{},
-    <name>pkix_verify(Cert, Key) -> boolean()</name>
+    <name name="pkix_verify" arity="2"/>
     <fsummary>Verifies PKIX x.509 certificate signature.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>Cert = der_encoded()</v>
-      <v>Key = rsa_public_key() | dsa_public_key() | ec_public_key()</v> 
-    </type> 
     <p>Verifies PKIX x.509 certificate signature.</p>
@@ -1059,41 +874,30 @@ end
-    <name>sign(Msg, DigestType, Key) -> binary()</name>
-    <name>sign(Msg, DigestType, Key, Options) -> binary()</name>
+    <name name="sign" arity="3"/>
+    <name name="sign" arity="4"/>
     <fsummary>Creates a digital signature.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-       <v>Msg = binary() | {digest,binary()}</v>
-       <d>The <c>Msg</c> is either the binary "plain text" data to be
-       signed or it is the hashed value of "plain text", that is, the
-       digest.</d>
-       <v>DigestType = rsa_digest_type() | dss_digest_type() | ecdsa_digest_type()</v>
-       <v>Key = rsa_private_key() | dsa_private_key() | ec_private_key()</v>
-       <v>Options = public_sign_options()</v>
-  </type>
     <p>Creates a digital signature.</p> 
+    <p>The <c>Msg</c> is either the binary "plain text" data to be
+    signed or it is the hashed value of "plain text", that is, the
+    digest.</p>
-    <name>ssh_decode(SshBin,  Type) -> [{public_key(), Attributes::list()}]</name>
+    <name name="ssh_decode" arity="2"/>
     <fsummary>Decodes an SSH file-binary.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>SshBin = binary()</v>
-      <d>Example <c>{ok, SshBin} = file:read_file("known_hosts")</c>.</d>
-      <v>Type = public_key | ssh_file()</v>
-      <d>If <c>Type</c> is <c>public_key</c> the binary can be either
-      an RFC4716 public key or an OpenSSH public key.</d>
-    </type>
-  <desc>
-    <p>Decodes an SSH file-binary. In the case of <c>known_hosts</c> or
-    <c>auth_keys</c>, the binary can include one or more lines of the
-    file. Returns a list of public keys and their attributes, possible
-    attribute values depends on the file type represented by the
-    binary.
-    </p>
+    <desc>
+      <p>Decodes an SSH file-binary. In the case of <c>known_hosts</c> or
+      <c>auth_keys</c>, the binary can include one or more lines of the
+      file. Returns a list of public keys and their attributes, possible
+      attribute values depends on the file type represented by the
+      binary.
+      </p>
+      <p>If the <c>Type</c> is <c>ssh2_pubkey</c>, the result will be
+      <c>Decoded_ssh2_pubkey</c>. Otherwise it will be <c>Decoded_OtherType</c>.
+      </p>
       <tag>RFC4716 attributes - see RFC 4716.</tag>
       <item><p>{headers, [{string(), utf8_string()}]}</p></item>
@@ -1106,23 +910,25 @@ end
       <item>{comment, string()}</item>
       <item><p>{bits, integer()} - In SSH version 1 files.</p></item>
+      <p>Example: <c>{ok, SshBin} = file:read_file("known_hosts")</c>.
+      </p>
+      <p>If <c>Type</c> is <c>public_key</c> the binary can be either
+      an RFC4716 public key or an OpenSSH public key.</p>
-    <name>ssh_encode([{Key, Attributes}], Type) -> binary()</name>
+    <name name="ssh_encode" arity="2"/>
     <fsummary>Encodes a list of SSH file entries to a binary.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>Key = public_key()</v>
-      <v>Attributes = list()</v>
-      <v>Type = ssh_file()</v>
-    </type>
-  <desc>
-    <p>Encodes a list of SSH file entries (public keys and attributes) to a binary. Possible
-    attributes depend on the file type, see <seealso
-    marker="#ssh_decode-2"> ssh_decode/2 </seealso>.</p>
-  </desc>
+    <desc>
+      <p>Encodes a list of SSH file entries (public keys and attributes) to a binary. Possible
+      attributes depend on the file type, see
+      <seealso marker="#ssh_decode-2"> ssh_decode/2 </seealso>.
+      </p>
+      <p>If the <c>Type</c> is <c>ssh2_pubkey</c>, the <c>InData</c> shall be
+      <c>InData_ssh2_pubkey</c>. Otherwise it shall be <c>OtherInData</c>.
+      </p>
+    </desc>
@@ -1131,8 +937,8 @@ end
     <name>ssh_hostkey_fingerprint([DigestType], HostKey) -> [string()]</name>
     <fsummary>Calculates a ssh fingerprint for a hostkey.</fsummary>
-      <v>Key = public_key()</v>
-      <v>DigestType = digest_type()</v>
+      <v>HostKey = <seealso marker="#type-public_key">public_key()</seealso></v>
+      <v>DigestType = <seealso marker="#type-digest_type">digest_type()</seealso></v>
     <p>Calculates a ssh fingerprint from a public host key as openssh does.</p>
@@ -1161,29 +967,19 @@ end
-    <name>verify(Msg, DigestType, Signature, Key) -> boolean()</name>
-    <name>verify(Msg, DigestType, Signature, Key, Options) -> boolean()</name>
+    <name name="verify" arity="4"/>
+    <name name="verify" arity="5"/>
     <fsummary>Verifies a digital signature.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>Msg = binary() | {digest,binary()}</v>
-       <d>The <c>Msg</c> is either the binary "plain text" data 
-        or it is the hashed value of "plain text", that is, the digest.</d>
-      <v>DigestType = rsa_digest_type() | dss_digest_type() | ecdsa_digest_type()</v>
-      <v>Signature = binary()</v>
-      <v>Key = rsa_public_key() | dsa_public_key() | ec_public_key()</v>
-      <v>Options = public_sign_options()</v>
-  </type>
     <p>Verifies a digital signature.</p>
+    <p>The <c>Msg</c> is either the binary "plain text" data 
+    or it is the hashed value of "plain text", that is, the digest.</p>
-    <name>short_name_hash(Name) -> string()</name>
+    <name name="short_name_hash" arity="1"/>
     <fsummary>Generates a short hash of an issuer name.</fsummary>
-    <type>
-      <v>Name = issuer_name()</v>
-    </type>
       <p>Generates a short hash of an issuer name.  The hash is
       returned as a string containing eight hexadecimal digits.</p>
cgit v1.2.3