From 7ee8080d1127b30c935dfd896a8e78b3a34ee176 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Siri Hansen
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 15:58:45 +0200
Subject: Improve performance of upgrade when many processes have old code
This commit utilizes the new bif erlang:check_old_code/1 to check if a
module has old code in the system or not before running
erlang:check_process_code/2. This is to optimize
release_handler:install_release (and
A new test is added which checks that after traversing all
processes/modules once and purging all old code, the second run
through this part of the code is "sufficiently" much faster.
A note is also added in the reference manual for
release_handler:install_release about how to go around the efficiency
problem of this function.
lib/sasl/doc/src/release_handler.xml | 22 +++++++-
lib/sasl/src/release_handler_1.erl | 27 ++++++----
lib/sasl/test/release_handler_SUITE.erl | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
3 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
(limited to 'lib/sasl')
diff --git a/lib/sasl/doc/src/release_handler.xml b/lib/sasl/doc/src/release_handler.xml
index 4a973bc5ed..2781412848 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/doc/src/release_handler.xml
+++ b/lib/sasl/doc/src/release_handler.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- 19962009
+ 19962011
Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.
@@ -299,6 +299,26 @@ release_handler:set_unpacked(RelFile, [{myapp,"1.0","/home/user"},...]).
{update_paths,true}, afterwards
code:lib_dir(myapp) will return
+ Before a new release is installed, the
+ release_handler checks that no processes have
+ references to old code of any of the modules that are to be
+ loaded. This operation can be very time consuming,
+ especially if there are many processes in the system, since
+ it might cause garbage collections and copying of data.
+ If it is desirable to reduce the time spent in this
+ function, then check_install_release/1
+ might be called first. This function does the same check for
+ old code, including garbage collection, and can be done in
+ the background before actually starting the upgrade by
+ calling install_release.
+ Code might even be purged (using
+ code:purge/1) after
+ check_install_release in order to completely
+ avoid the check for old code during
+ install_release.
diff --git a/lib/sasl/src/release_handler_1.erl b/lib/sasl/src/release_handler_1.erl
index ff62f847ac..590ecdba65 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/src/release_handler_1.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/src/release_handler_1.erl
@@ -122,22 +122,29 @@ split_instructions([], Before) ->
%% Mod = atom()
check_old_processes(Script) ->
+ Procs = erlang:processes(),
lists:foreach(fun({load, {Mod, soft_purge, _PostPurgeMethod}}) ->
- check_old_code(Mod);
+ check_old_code(Mod,Procs);
({remove, {Mod, soft_purge, _PostPurgeMethod}}) ->
- check_old_code(Mod);
+ check_old_code(Mod,Procs);
(_) -> ok
-check_old_code(Mod) ->
- lists:foreach(fun(Pid) ->
- case erlang:check_process_code(Pid, Mod) of
- false -> ok;
- true -> throw({error, Mod})
- end
- end,
- erlang:processes()).
+check_old_code(Mod,Procs) ->
+ case erlang:check_old_code(Mod) of
+ true ->
+ lists:foreach(fun(Pid) ->
+ case erlang:check_process_code(Pid, Mod) of
+ false -> ok;
+ true -> throw({error, Mod})
+ end
+ end,
+ Procs);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end.
%% An unpurged module is a module for which there exist an old
diff --git a/lib/sasl/test/release_handler_SUITE.erl b/lib/sasl/test/release_handler_SUITE.erl
index 9c7733b7ec..40bc2e66c4 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/test/release_handler_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/test/release_handler_SUITE.erl
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ win32_cases() ->
%% Cases that can be run on all platforms
cases() ->
- [otp_2740, otp_2760, otp_5761, otp_9402, otp_9417, instructions, eval_appup].
+ [otp_2740, otp_2760, otp_5761, otp_9402, otp_9417,
+ many_procs, instructions, eval_appup].
groups() ->
@@ -556,7 +557,7 @@ otp_2760(Conf) ->
LibDir = filename:join([DataDir,app1_app2,lib1]),
Rel1 = create_and_install_fake_first_release(Dir,[{app1,"1.0",LibDir}]),
- Rel2 = create_fake_upgrade_release(Dir,"after",[],{Rel1,Rel1,[LibDir]}),
+ Rel2 = create_fake_upgrade_release(Dir,"after",[],{[Rel1],[Rel1],[LibDir]}),
Rel2Dir = filename:dirname(Rel2),
%% Start a node with Rel1.boot and check that the app1 module is loaded
@@ -597,7 +598,7 @@ otp_5761(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
- {Rel1,Rel1,[LibDir1]}),
+ {[Rel1],[Rel1],[LibDir1]}),
Rel1Dir = filename:dirname(Rel1),
Rel2Dir = filename:dirname(Rel2),
@@ -673,7 +674,7 @@ otp_9402(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
Rel2 = create_fake_upgrade_release(Dir,
- {Rel1,Rel1,[LibDir]}),
+ {[Rel1],[Rel1],[LibDir]}),
Rel1Dir = filename:dirname(Rel1),
Rel2Dir = filename:dirname(Rel2),
@@ -737,7 +738,7 @@ otp_9417(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
Rel2 = create_fake_upgrade_release(Dir,
- {Rel1,Rel1,[LibDir]}),
+ {[Rel1],[Rel1],[LibDir]}),
Rel1Dir = filename:dirname(Rel1),
Rel2Dir = filename:dirname(Rel2),
@@ -777,6 +778,79 @@ otp_9417(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
{file,BServerBeam} = rpc:call(Node,code,is_loaded,[b_server]),
+%% OTP-9395 - performance problems when there are MANY processes
+%% Test that the procedure of checking for old code before an upgrade
+%% can be started is "very much faster" when there is no old code in
+%% the system.
+many_procs(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
+ NProcs = 1000,
+ NMods = 10,
+ Modules = [list_to_atom("m"++integer_to_list(N)) || N <- lists:seq(1,NMods)],
+ Mbins = [generate_module(M) || M <- Modules],
+ Pids = [spawn_link(fun() ->
+ Cs = [M:bar() || M <- Modules],
+ receive stop -> Cs end
+ end) ||
+ _ <- lists:seq(1,NProcs)],
+ [code:load_binary(Mod,generated_by_release_handler_SUITE,Bin) ||
+ {Mod,Bin} <- Mbins],
+ S = [point_of_no_return |
+ [{remove,{M,soft_purge,soft_purge}} || M <- Modules]],
+ {T1,ok} = timer:tc(release_handler_1,check_script,[S,[]]),
+ [code:purge(M) || M <- Modules],
+ {T2,ok} = timer:tc(release_handler_1,check_script,[S,[]]),
+ lists:foreach(fun(Pid) -> Pid ! stop end, Pids),
+ lists:foreach(fun(Mod) -> code:purge(Mod),
+ code:delete(Mod),
+ code:purge(Mod)
+ end, Modules),
+ if T2 > 0 ->
+ X = T1/T2,
+ ct:log("~p procs, ~p mods -> ~n"
+ "\tWith old code: ~.2f sec~n"
+ "\tAfter purge: ~.2f sec~n"
+ "\tT1/T2: ~.2f",
+ [NProcs,NMods,T1/1000000,T2/1000000,X]),
+ if X < 1000 ->
+ ct:fail({not_enough_improvement_after_purge,round(X)});
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ T1 > 0 -> %% Means T1/T2 = infinite
+ ok;
+ true ->
+ ct:fail({unexpected_values,T1,T2})
+ end,
+ ok.
+%% Generate a module with a constant. This constant will be referenced
+%% from many processes in order to force a garbage collection from
+%% erlang:check_process_code.
+generate_module(Mod) ->
+ Str = lists:concat(
+ ["-module(",Mod,").\n"
+ "-compile(export_all).\n"
+ "bar() -> {now(),[{1,'1',\"1\"},{2,'2',\"2\"},{3,'3',\"3\"},{4,'4',\"4\"},{5,'5',\"5\"},{6,'6',\"6\"},{7,'7',\"7\"},{8,'8',\"8\"},{9,'9',\"9\"},{10,'10',\"10\"},{11,'11',\"11\"},{12,'12',\"12\"},{13,'13',\"13\"},{14,'14',\"14\"},{15,'15',\"15\"},{16,'16',\"16\"},{17,'17',\"17\"},{18,'18',\"18\"},{19,'19',\"19\"},{20,'20',\"20\"},{21,'21',\"21\"},{22,'22',\"22\"},{23,'23',\"23\"},{24,'24',\"24\"},{25,'25',\"25\"},{26,'26',\"26\"},{27,'27',\"27\"},{28,'28',\"28\"},{29,'29',\"29\"},{30,'30',\"30\"},{31,'31',\"31\"},{32,'32',\"32\"},{33,'33',\"33\"},{34,'34',\"34\"},{35,'35',\"35\"},{36,'36',\"36\"},{37,'37',\"37\"},{38,'38',\"38\"},{39,'39',\"39\"},{40,'40',\"40\"},{41,'41',\"41\"},{42,'42',\"42\"},{43,'43',\"43\"},{44,'44',\"44\"},{45,'45',\"45\"},{46,'46',\"46\"},{47,'47',\"47\"},{48,'48',\"48\"},{49,'49',\"49\"},{50,'50',\"50\"},{51,'51',\"51\"},{52,'52',\"52\"},{53,'53',\"53\"},{54,'54',\"54\"},{55,'55',\"55\"},{56,'56',\"56\"},{57,'57',\"57\"},{58,'58',\"58\"},{59,'59',\"59\"},{60,'60',\"60\"},{61,'61',\"61\"},{62,'62',\"62\"},{63,'63',\"63\"},{64,'64',\"64\"},{65,'65',\"65\"},{66,'66',\"66\"},{67,'67',\"67\"},{68,'68',\"68\"},{69,'69',\"69\"},{70,'70',\"70\"},{71,'71',\"71\"},{72,'72',\"72\"},{73,'73',\"73\"},{74,'74',\"74\"},{75,'75',\"75\"},{76,'76',\"76\"},{77,'77',\"77\"},{78,'78',\"78\"},{79,'79',\"79\"},{80,'80',\"80\"},{81,'81',\"81\"},{82,'82',\"82\"},{83,'83',\"83\"},{84,'84',\"84\"},{85,'85',\"85\"},{86,'86',\"86\"},{87,'87',\"87\"},{88,'88',\"88\"},{89,'89',\"89\"},{90,'90',\"90\"},{91,'91',\"91\"},{92,'92',\"92\"},{93,'93',\"93\"},{94,'94',\"94\"},{95,'95',\"95\"},{96,'96',\"96\"},{97,'97',\"97\"},{98,'98',\"98\"},{99,'99',\"99\"},{100,'100',\"100\"}]}.\n"]),
+ TT = doscan(Str),
+ Forms = [ begin {ok,Y} = erl_parse:parse_form(X),Y end || X <- TT ],
+ {ok,Mod,Bin} = compile:forms(Forms),
+ code:load_binary(Mod,generated_by_release_handler_SUITE,Bin),
+ {Mod,Bin}.
+doscan([]) ->
+ [];
+doscan(Str) ->
+ {done,{ok,T,_},C} = erl_scan:tokens([],Str,0),
+ [ T | doscan(C) ].
%% Test upgrade and downgrade of applications
eval_appup(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
@@ -1838,9 +1912,8 @@ create_fake_upgrade_release(Dir,RelVsn,AppDirs,{UpFrom,DownTo,ExtraLibs}) ->
%% And a relup file so it can be upgraded to
RelupPath = Paths ++ [filename:join([Lib,"*","ebin"]) || Lib <- ExtraLibs],
- ok = systools:make_relup(Rel,[UpFrom],[DownTo],
- [{path,RelupPath},
- {outdir,RelDir}]),
+ ok = systools:make_relup(Rel,UpFrom,DownTo,[{path,RelupPath},
+ {outdir,RelDir}]),
cgit v1.2.3