From a567dca5ea418a0aaaed8fb4359032b11f28cccd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Magnus Henoch
If called with an extension unknown to the user application,
- return value
Note that if the fun returns
Default option
{fun(_,{bad_cert, _}, UserState) ->
{valid, UserState};
+ (_,{extension, #'Extension'{critical = true}}, UserState) ->
+ {valid, UserState};
(_,{extension, _}, UserState) ->
{unknown, UserState};
(_, valid, UserState) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
index 6551308935..401ee63908 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
@@ -1280,6 +1280,12 @@ handle_verify_options(Opts, CaCerts) ->
DefaultVerifyNoneFun =
{fun(_,{bad_cert, _}, UserState) ->
{valid, UserState};
+ (_,{extension, #'Extension'{critical = true}}, UserState) ->
+ %% This extension is marked as critical, so
+ %% certificate verification should fail if we don't
+ %% understand the extension. However, this is
+ %% `verify_none', so let's accept it anyway.
+ {valid, UserState};
(_,{extension, _}, UserState) ->
{unknown, UserState};
(_, valid, UserState) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_certificate_verify_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_certificate_verify_SUITE.erl
index 5940a86a7f..123a7f4cbf 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_certificate_verify_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_certificate_verify_SUITE.erl
@@ -66,7 +66,9 @@ tests() ->
- extended_key_usage_verify_none].
+ extended_key_usage_verify_none,
+ critical_extension_verify_peer,
+ critical_extension_verify_none].
@@ -793,6 +795,121 @@ extended_key_usage_verify_none(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+critical_extension_verify_peer() ->
+ [{doc,"Test cert that has a critical unknown extension in verify_peer mode"}].
+critical_extension_verify_peer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ClientOpts = ?config(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ServerOpts = ?config(server_verification_opts, Config),
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ Active = ?config(active, Config),
+ ReceiveFunction = ?config(receive_function, Config),
+ KeyFile = filename:join(PrivDir, "otpCA/private/key.pem"),
+ NewCertName = integer_to_list(erlang:unique_integer()) ++ ".pem",
+ ServerCertFile = proplists:get_value(certfile, ServerOpts),
+ NewServerCertFile = filename:join([PrivDir, "server", NewCertName]),
+ add_critical_netscape_cert_type(ServerCertFile, NewServerCertFile, KeyFile),
+ NewServerOpts = [{certfile, NewServerCertFile} | proplists:delete(certfile, ServerOpts)],
+ ClientCertFile = proplists:get_value(certfile, ClientOpts),
+ NewClientCertFile = filename:join([PrivDir, "client", NewCertName]),
+ add_critical_netscape_cert_type(ClientCertFile, NewClientCertFile, KeyFile),
+ NewClientOpts = [{certfile, NewClientCertFile} | proplists:delete(certfile, ClientOpts)],
+ {ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
+ Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server_error(
+ [{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
+ {from, self()},
+ {mfa, {ssl_test_lib, ReceiveFunction, []}},
+ {options, [{verify, verify_peer}, {active, Active} | NewServerOpts]}]),
+ Port = ssl_test_lib:inet_port(Server),
+ Client = ssl_test_lib:start_client_error(
+ [{node, ClientNode}, {port, Port},
+ {host, Hostname},
+ {from, self()},
+ {mfa, {ssl_test_lib, ReceiveFunction, []}},
+ {options, [{verify, verify_peer}, {active, Active} | NewClientOpts]}]),
+ %% This certificate has a critical extension that we don't
+ %% understand. Therefore, verification should fail.
+ tcp_delivery_workaround(Server, {error, {tls_alert, "unsupported certificate"}},
+ Client, {error, {tls_alert, "unsupported certificate"}}),
+ ssl_test_lib:close(Server),
+ ok.
+critical_extension_verify_none() ->
+ [{doc,"Test cert that has a critical unknown extension in verify_none mode"}].
+critical_extension_verify_none(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ClientOpts = ?config(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ServerOpts = ?config(server_verification_opts, Config),
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ Active = ?config(active, Config),
+ ReceiveFunction = ?config(receive_function, Config),
+ KeyFile = filename:join(PrivDir, "otpCA/private/key.pem"),
+ NewCertName = integer_to_list(erlang:unique_integer()) ++ ".pem",
+ ServerCertFile = proplists:get_value(certfile, ServerOpts),
+ NewServerCertFile = filename:join([PrivDir, "server", NewCertName]),
+ add_critical_netscape_cert_type(ServerCertFile, NewServerCertFile, KeyFile),
+ NewServerOpts = [{certfile, NewServerCertFile} | proplists:delete(certfile, ServerOpts)],
+ ClientCertFile = proplists:get_value(certfile, ClientOpts),
+ NewClientCertFile = filename:join([PrivDir, "client", NewCertName]),
+ add_critical_netscape_cert_type(ClientCertFile, NewClientCertFile, KeyFile),
+ NewClientOpts = [{certfile, NewClientCertFile} | proplists:delete(certfile, ClientOpts)],
+ {ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
+ Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server(
+ [{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
+ {from, self()},
+ {mfa, {ssl_test_lib, ReceiveFunction, []}},
+ {options, [{verify, verify_none}, {active, Active} | NewServerOpts]}]),
+ Port = ssl_test_lib:inet_port(Server),
+ Client = ssl_test_lib:start_client(
+ [{node, ClientNode}, {port, Port},
+ {host, Hostname},
+ {from, self()},
+ {mfa, {ssl_test_lib, ReceiveFunction, []}},
+ {options, [{verify, verify_none}, {active, Active} | NewClientOpts]}]),
+ %% This certificate has a critical extension that we don't
+ %% understand. But we're using `verify_none', so verification
+ %% shouldn't fail.
+ ssl_test_lib:check_result(Server, ok, Client, ok),
+ ssl_test_lib:close(Server),
+ ssl_test_lib:close(Client),
+ ok.
+add_critical_netscape_cert_type(CertFile, NewCertFile, KeyFile) ->
+ [KeyEntry] = ssl_test_lib:pem_to_der(KeyFile),
+ Key = ssl_test_lib:public_key(public_key:pem_entry_decode(KeyEntry)),
+ [{'Certificate', DerCert, _}] = ssl_test_lib:pem_to_der(CertFile),
+ OTPCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(DerCert, otp),
+ %% This is the "Netscape Cert Type" extension, telling us that the
+ %% certificate can be used for SSL clients and SSL servers.
+ NetscapeCertTypeExt = #'Extension'{
+ extnID = {2,16,840,1,113730,1,1},
+ critical = true,
+ extnValue = <<3,2,6,192>>},
+ OTPTbsCert = OTPCert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
+ Extensions = OTPTbsCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.extensions,
+ NewOTPTbsCert = OTPTbsCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'{
+ extensions = [NetscapeCertTypeExt] ++ Extensions},
+ NewDerCert = public_key:pkix_sign(NewOTPTbsCert, Key),
+ ssl_test_lib:der_to_pem(NewCertFile, [{'Certificate', NewDerCert, not_encrypted}]),
+ ok.
no_authority_key_identifier() ->
[{doc, "Test cert that does not have authorityKeyIdentifier extension"
cgit v1.2.3