From 0149a73d15df1f80cb46752ec3829f48c38dd230 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lukas Larsson This module contains functions for maps processing. An iterator representing the key value associations in a map. Created using Consumed by Returns a map Returns a map The call fails with a
> M = #{a => 2, b => 3, c=> 4, "a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 4},
@@ -76,12 +92,16 @@
Calls F(K, V, AccIn) for every K to value
- V association in Map in
+ V association in MapOrIter in
any order. Function fun F/3 must return a new
accumulator, which is passed to the next successive call.
This function returns the final value of the accumulator. The initial
accumulator value Init is returned if the map is
+ The call fails with a {badmap,Map} exception if
+ MapOrIter is not a map or valid iterator,
+ or with badarg if Fun is not a
+ function of arity 3.
> Fun = fun(K,V,AccIn) when is_list(K) -> AccIn + V end,
@@ -168,6 +188,75 @@ false
+ Create a map iterator.
+ Returns a map iterator Iterator that can
+ be used by maps:next/1
+ to traverse the keys and values in a map. This call is equivalent
+ to calling maps:iterator/2
+ with an empty map as the options.
+ The call fails with a {badmap,Map} exception if
+ Map is not a map.
+ Example:
+> M = #{ a => 1, b => 2 }.
+#{a => 1,b => 2}
+> I = maps:iterator(M).
+> {K1, V1, I2} = maps:next(I).
+> {K2, V2, I3} = maps:next(I2).
+> maps:next(I3).
+ Create a map iterator.
+ Returns a map iterator Iterator that can
+ be used by maps:next/1
+ to traverse the keys and values in a map. The iterator will behave
+ according to the given Opts .
+ optimize
+ -
+ Configures whether the iterator should be optimized for
+ or for memory consumption. Default is speed .
+ ordered
+ -
+ Configures whether the iterator should return the key value
+ associations ordered on the keys according to erlang term order
+ or not. The default is
false .
+ Both options can be configured at the same time.
+ The call fails with a {badmap,Map} exception if
+ Map is not a map.
+ Example:
+> M = maps:from_list([{I,I} || I <- lists:seq(1,50)]).
+#{45 => 45,6 => 6,2 => 2,49 => 49,41 => 41,33 => 33,42 => 42,
+ 43 => 43,10 => 10,9 => 9,19 => 19,14 => 14,5 => 5,18 => 18,
+ 31 => 31,22 => 22,29 => 29,21 => 21,27 => 27,24 => 24,
+ 47 => 47,40 => 40,30 => 30,23 => 23,28 => 28,46 => 46,
+ 16 => 16,38 => 38,4 => 4,...}
+> MemoryIter = maps:iterator(M, #{ optimize => memory }), ok.
+> {K1, V1, _} = maps:next(MemoryIter), {K1, V1}.
+> OrderedIter = maps:iterator(M, #{ ordered => true, optimize => memory }), ok.
+> {K2, V2, _} = maps:next(OrderedIter), {K2, V2}.
@@ -188,12 +277,16 @@ false
Produces a new map
Produces a new map
The call fails with a
> Fun = fun(K,V1) when is_list(K) -> V1*2 end,
@@ -233,6 +326,35 @@ false
Returns the next key-value association in
+ If there are no more associations in the iterator,
+> Map = #{a => 1, b => 2, c => 3}.
+#{a => 1,b => 2,c => 3}
+> Iter = maps:iterator(Map).
+> {_, _, Iter1} = maps:next(Iter).
+> {_, _, Iter2} = maps:next(Iter1).
+> {_, _, Iter3} = maps:next(Iter2).
+> maps:next(Iter3).
+ An iterator representing the key value associations in a map.
-Created using
Created using
Consumed by Returns a map iterator
The call fails with a
@@ -214,49 +213,6 @@ noneReturns a map iterator
Both options can be configured at the same time.
-The call fails with a
-> M = maps:from_list([{I,I} || I <- lists:seq(1,50)]).
-#{45 => 45,6 => 6,2 => 2,49 => 49,41 => 41,33 => 33,42 => 42,
- 43 => 43,10 => 10,9 => 9,19 => 19,14 => 14,5 => 5,18 => 18,
- 31 => 31,22 => 22,29 => 29,21 => 21,27 => 27,24 => 24,
- 47 => 47,40 => 40,30 => 30,23 => 23,28 => 28,46 => 46,
- 16 => 16,38 => 38,4 => 4,...}
-> MemoryIter = maps:iterator(M, #{ optimize => memory }), ok.
-> {K1, V1, _} = maps:next(MemoryIter), {K1, V1}.
-> OrderedIter = maps:iterator(M, #{ ordered => true, optimize => memory }), ok.
-> {K2, V2, _} = maps:next(OrderedIter), {K2, V2}.