From 59f801110d97ce6f6d86a1be8fb57392e70c4dd3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?= <>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 10:15:18 +0100
Subject: Remove unused functions in asn1rt_ber_bin

 lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin.erl | 1974 +--------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 1960 deletions(-)

(limited to 'lib')

diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin.erl
index 22f9f2ecfd..ec1549804b 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin.erl
@@ -19,337 +19,30 @@
-%% encoding / decoding of BER
-	 list_to_record/2,
-	 encode_tag_val/1,decode_tag/1,peek_tag/1,
-	 check_tags/3, encode_tags/3]).
-	 encode_integer/3,encode_integer/4,
-	 decode_integer/4,decode_integer/5,encode_enumerated/2,
-	 encode_enumerated/4,decode_enumerated/5,
 	 encode_real/2, encode_real/3,
 	 decode_real/2, decode_real/4,
-	 encode_bit_string/4,decode_bit_string/6,
-	 decode_compact_bit_string/6,
-	 encode_octet_string/3,decode_octet_string/5,
-	 encode_null/2,decode_null/3,
-	 encode_object_identifier/2,decode_object_identifier/3,
-	 encode_relative_oid/2,decode_relative_oid/3,
-	 encode_restricted_string/4,decode_restricted_string/6,
-	 encode_universal_string/3,decode_universal_string/5,
-	 encode_UTF8_string/3, decode_UTF8_string/3,
-	 encode_BMP_string/3,decode_BMP_string/5,
-	 encode_generalized_time/3,decode_generalized_time/5,
-	 encode_utc_time/3,decode_utc_time/5,
-	 encode_length/1,decode_length/1,
-	 check_if_valid_tag/3,
-	 decode_tag_and_length/1, decode_components/6,
-	 decode_components/7, decode_set/6]).
--export([skipvalue/1, skipvalue/2,skip_ExtensionAdditions/2]).
+	 decode_tag/1]).
-% the encoding of class of tag bits 8 and 7
+%% the encoding of class of tag bits 8 and 7
 -define(UNIVERSAL,   0).
--define(APPLICATION, 16#40).
--define(CONTEXT,     16#80).
--define(PRIVATE,     16#C0).
 %%% primitive or constructed encoding % bit 6
 -define(PRIMITIVE,   0).
 -define(CONSTRUCTED, 2#00100000).
 %%% The tag-number for universal types
--define(N_BOOLEAN, 1).
--define(N_INTEGER, 2).
--define(N_BIT_STRING, 3).
--define(N_OCTET_STRING, 4).
--define(N_NULL, 5).
--define(N_EXTERNAL, 8).
 -define(N_REAL, 9).
--define(N_ENUMERATED, 10).
--define(N_EMBEDDED_PDV, 11).
--define(N_UTF8String, 12).
--define(N_SEQUENCE, 16).
--define(N_SET, 17).
--define(N_NumericString, 18).
--define(N_PrintableString, 19).
--define(N_TeletexString, 20).
--define(N_VideotexString, 21).
--define(N_IA5String, 22).
--define(N_UTCTime, 23).
--define(N_GeneralizedTime, 24).
--define(N_GraphicString, 25).
--define(N_VisibleString, 26).
--define(N_GeneralString, 27).
--define(N_UniversalString, 28).
--define(N_BMPString, 30).
-% the complete tag-word of built-in types
--define(T_BOOLEAN,          ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 1).
--define(T_INTEGER,          ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 2).
--define(T_BIT_STRING,       ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 3). % can be CONSTRUCTED
--define(T_OCTET_STRING,     ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 4). % can be CONSTRUCTED
--define(T_NULL,             ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 5).
--define(T_EXTERNAL,         ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 8).
--define(T_REAL,             ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 9).
--define(T_ENUMERATED,       ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 10).
--define(T_EMBEDDED_PDV,     ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 11).
--define(T_SEQUENCE,         ?UNIVERSAL bor ?CONSTRUCTED bor 16).
--define(T_SET,              ?UNIVERSAL bor ?CONSTRUCTED bor 17).
--define(T_NumericString,    ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 18). %can be constructed
--define(T_PrintableString,  ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 19). %can be constructed
--define(T_TeletexString,    ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 20). %can be constructed
--define(T_VideotexString,   ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 21). %can be constructed
--define(T_IA5String,        ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 22). %can be constructed
--define(T_UTCTime,          ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 23).
--define(T_GeneralizedTime,  ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 24).
--define(T_GraphicString,    ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 25). %can be constructed
--define(T_VisibleString,    ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 26). %can be constructed
--define(T_GeneralString,    ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 27). %can be constructed
--define(T_UniversalString,  ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 28). %can be constructed
--define(T_BMPString,        ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 30). %can be constructed
-decode(Bin) ->
-    decode_primitive(Bin).
-decode_primitive(Bin) ->
-    {Tlv = {Tag,Len,V},<<>>} = decode_tlv(Bin),
-    case element(2,Tag) of
-	    {Tag,Len,decode_constructed(V)};
-	_ ->
-	    Tlv
-    end.
-decode_constructed(<<>>) ->
-    [];
-decode_constructed(Bin) ->
-    {Tlv = {Tag,Len,V},Rest} = decode_tlv(Bin),
-    NewTlv =
-	case element(2,Tag) of
-		{Tag,Len,decode_constructed(V)};
-	    _ ->
-		Tlv
-	end,
-    [NewTlv|decode_constructed(Rest)].
-decode_tlv(Bin) ->
-    {Tag,Bin1,_Rb1} = decode_tag(Bin),
-    {{Len,Bin2},_Rb2} = decode_length(Bin1),
-    <<V:Len/binary,Bin3/binary>> = Bin2,
-    {{Tag,Len,V},Bin3}.
-% split_list(List,HeadLen) -> {HeadList,TailList}
-% splits List into HeadList (Length=HeadLen) and TailList
-% if HeadLen == indefinite -> return {List,indefinite}
-split_list(List,indefinite) ->
-    {List, indefinite};
-split_list(Bin, Len) when is_binary(Bin) ->
-    split_binary(Bin,Len);
-split_list(List,Len) ->
-    {lists:sublist(List,Len),lists:nthtail(Len,List)}.
-%%% new function which fixes a bug regarding indefinite length decoding
-restbytes2(indefinite,<<0,0,RemBytes/binary>>,_) ->
-    {RemBytes,2};
-restbytes2(indefinite,RemBytes,ext) ->
-    skipvalue(indefinite,RemBytes);
-restbytes2(RemBytes,<<>>,_) ->
-    {RemBytes,0};
-restbytes2(_RemBytes,Bytes,noext) ->
-    exit({error,{asn1, {unexpected,Bytes}}});
-restbytes2(RemBytes,Bytes,ext) ->
-%%    {RemBytes,0}.
-    {RemBytes,byte_size(Bytes)}.
-%% skipvalue(Length, Bytes) -> {RemainingBytes, RemovedNumberOfBytes}
-%% skips the one complete (could be nested) TLV from Bytes
-%% handles both definite and indefinite length encodings
-skipvalue(L, Bytes) ->
-    skipvalue(L, Bytes, 0).
-skipvalue(L, Bytes, Rb) ->
-    skipvalue(L, Bytes, Rb, 0).
-skipvalue(indefinite, Bytes, Rb, IndefLevel) ->
-    {T,Bytes2,R2} = decode_tag(Bytes),
-    {{L,Bytes3},R3} = decode_length(Bytes2),
-    case {T,L} of
-	{_,indefinite} ->
-	    skipvalue(indefinite,Bytes3,Rb+R2+R3,IndefLevel+1);
-	{{0,0,0},0} when IndefLevel =:= 0 ->
-	    %% See X690 8.1.5 NOTE, end of indefinite content
-	    {Bytes3,Rb+2};
-	{{0,0,0},0} ->
-	    skipvalue(indefinite,Bytes3,Rb+2,IndefLevel - 1);
-	_ ->
-	    <<_:L/binary, RestBytes/binary>> = Bytes3,
-	    skipvalue(indefinite,RestBytes,Rb+R2+R3+L, IndefLevel)
-	    %%{RestBytes, R2+R3+L}
-    end;
-%%     case Bytes4 of
-%% 	<<0,0,Bytes5/binary>> ->
-%% 	    {Bytes5,Rb+Rb4+2};
-%% 	_  -> skipvalue(indefinite,Bytes4,Rb+Rb4)
-%%     end;
-skipvalue(L, Bytes, Rb, _) ->
-%    <<Skip:L/binary, RestBytes/binary>> = Bytes,
-    <<_:L/binary, RestBytes/binary>> = Bytes,
-    {RestBytes,Rb+L}.
-skipvalue(Bytes) ->
-    {_T,Bytes2,R2} = decode_tag(Bytes),
-    {{L,Bytes3},R3} = decode_length(Bytes2),
-    skipvalue(L,Bytes3,R2+R3).
-cindex(Ix,Val,Cname) ->
-    case element(Ix,Val) of
-	{Cname,Val2} -> Val2;
-	X -> X
-    end.
-%% skips byte sequence of Bytes that do not match a tag in Tags
-skip_ExtensionAdditions(Bytes,Tags) ->
-    skip_ExtensionAdditions(Bytes,Tags,0).
-skip_ExtensionAdditions(<<>>,_Tags,RmB) ->
-    {<<>>,RmB};
-skip_ExtensionAdditions(Bytes,Tags,RmB) ->
-    case catch decode_tag(Bytes) of
-	{'EXIT',_Reason} ->
-	    tag_error(no_data,Tags,Bytes,'OPTIONAL');
-	{_T={Class,_Form,TagNo},_Bytes2,_R2} ->
-	    case [X||X=#tag{class=Cl,number=TN} <- Tags,Cl==Class,TN==TagNo] of
-		[] ->
-		    %% skip this TLV and continue with next
-		    {Bytes3,R3} = skipvalue(Bytes),
-		    skip_ExtensionAdditions(Bytes3,Tags,RmB+R3);
-		_ ->
-		    {Bytes,RmB}
-	    end
-    end.
-%% Optionals, preset not filled optionals with asn1_NOVALUE
-% converts a list to a record if necessary
-list_to_record(Name,List) when is_list(List) ->
-    list_to_tuple([Name|List]);
-list_to_record(_Name,Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
-    Tuple.
-fixoptionals(OptList,Val) when is_list(Val) ->
-    fixoptionals(OptList,Val,1,[],[]).
-fixoptionals([{Name,Pos}|Ot],[{Name,Val}|Vt],_Opt,Acc1,Acc2) ->
-    fixoptionals(Ot,Vt,Pos+1,[1|Acc1],[{Name,Val}|Acc2]);
-fixoptionals([{_Name,Pos}|Ot],V,Pos,Acc1,Acc2) ->
-    fixoptionals(Ot,V,Pos+1,[0|Acc1],[asn1_NOVALUE|Acc2]);
-fixoptionals(O,[Vh|Vt],Pos,Acc1,Acc2) ->
-    fixoptionals(O,Vt,Pos+1,Acc1,[Vh|Acc2]);
-fixoptionals([],[Vh|Vt],Pos,Acc1,Acc2) ->
-    fixoptionals([],Vt,Pos+1,Acc1,[Vh|Acc2]);
-fixoptionals([],[],_,_Acc1,Acc2) ->
-    % return Val as a record
-    list_to_tuple([asn1_RECORDNAME|lists:reverse(Acc2)]).
-%%encode_tag(TagClass(?UNI, APP etc), Form (?PRIM etx), TagInteger) ->
-%%     8bit Int | binary
 encode_tag_val({Class, Form, TagNo}) when (TagNo =< 30) ->
     <<(Class bsr 6):2,(Form bsr 5):1,TagNo:5>>;
 encode_tag_val({Class, Form, TagNo}) ->
     {Octets,_Len} = mk_object_val(TagNo),
     BinOct = list_to_binary(Octets),
-    <<(Class bsr 6):2, (Form bsr 5):1, 31:5,BinOct/binary>>;
-%% asumes whole correct tag bitpattern, multiple of 8
-encode_tag_val(Tag) when (Tag =< 255) -> Tag;  %% anv�nds denna funktion??!!
-%% asumes correct bitpattern of 0-5
-encode_tag_val(Tag) -> encode_tag_val2(Tag,[]).
-encode_tag_val2(Tag, OctAck) when (Tag =< 255) ->
-    [Tag | OctAck];
-encode_tag_val2(Tag, OctAck) ->
-    encode_tag_val2(Tag bsr 8, [255 band Tag | OctAck]).
-%%%encode_tag(TagClass(?UNI, APP etc), Form (?PRIM etx), TagInteger) ->
-%%%     8bit Int | [list of octets]
-%encode_tag_val({Class, Form, TagNo}) when (TagNo =< 30) ->
-%%%    <<Class:2,Form:1,TagNo:5>>;
-%    [Class bor Form bor TagNo];
-%encode_tag_val({Class, Form, TagNo}) ->
-%    {Octets,L} = mk_object_val(TagNo),
-%    [Class bor Form bor 31 | Octets];
-%%============================================================================\%% Peek on the initial tag
-%% peek_tag(Bytes) -> TagBytes
-%% interprets the first byte and possible  second, third and fourth byte as
-%% a tag and returns all the bytes comprising the tag, the constructed/primitive bit (6:th bit of first byte) is normalised to 0
-peek_tag(<<B7_6:2,_:1,31:5,Buffer/binary>>) ->
-    Bin = peek_tag(Buffer, <<>>),
-    <<B7_6:2,31:6,Bin/binary>>;
-%% single tag (tagno < 31)
-peek_tag(<<B7_6:2,_:1,B4_0:5,_Buffer/binary>>) ->
-    <<B7_6:2,B4_0:6>>.
-peek_tag(<<0:1,PartialTag:7,_Buffer/binary>>, TagAck) ->
-    <<TagAck/binary,PartialTag>>;
-peek_tag(<<PartialTag,Buffer/binary>>, TagAck) ->
-    peek_tag(Buffer,<<TagAck/binary,PartialTag>>);
-peek_tag(_,TagAck) ->
-    exit({error,{asn1, {invalid_tag,TagAck}}}).
-%%peek_tag([Tag|Buffer]) when (Tag band 31) =:= 31 ->
-%%    [Tag band 2#11011111 | peek_tag(Buffer,[])];
-%%%% single tag (tagno < 31)
-%%peek_tag([Tag|Buffer]) ->
-%%    [Tag band 2#11011111].
-%%peek_tag([PartialTag|Buffer], TagAck) when (PartialTag < 128 ) ->
-%%    lists:reverse([PartialTag|TagAck]);
-%%peek_tag([PartialTag|Buffer], TagAck) ->
-%%    peek_tag(Buffer,[PartialTag|TagAck]);
-%%peek_tag(Buffer,TagAck) ->
-%%    exit({error,{asn1, {invalid_tag,lists:reverse(TagAck)}}}).
+    <<(Class bsr 6):2, (Form bsr 5):1, 31:5,BinOct/binary>>.
 %% Decode a tag
@@ -403,33 +96,11 @@ check_tags_i([Tag1|TagRest], Buffer, Rb, OptOrMand) ->
 		_ ->
 		    check_tags_i(TagRest, Buffer2, Rb + Rb1, mandatory)
-    end;
-check_tags_i([], Buffer, Rb, _) ->
-    {[],{{0,0},Buffer,Rb}}.
+    end.
 %% This function is called from generated code
-check_tags([Tag], Buffer, OptOrMand) -> % optimized very usual case
-    check_one_tag(Tag, Buffer, OptOrMand);
-check_tags(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand) ->
-    check_tags(Tags, Buffer, 0, OptOrMand).
-check_tags([Tag1,Tag2|TagRest], Buffer, Rb, OptOrMand)
-  when Tag1#tag.type == 'IMPLICIT' ->
-    check_tags([Tag1#tag{type=Tag2#tag.type}|TagRest], Buffer, Rb, OptOrMand);
-check_tags([Tag1|TagRest], Buffer, Rb, OptOrMand) ->
-    {Form_Length,Buffer2,Rb1} = check_one_tag(Tag1, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-    case TagRest of
-	[] -> {Form_Length, Buffer2, Rb + Rb1};
-	_ -> check_tags(TagRest, Buffer2, Rb + Rb1, mandatory)
-    end;
-check_tags([], Buffer, Rb, _) ->
-    {{0,0},Buffer,Rb}.
 check_one_tag(Tag=#tag{class=ExpectedClass,number=ExpectedNumber}, Buffer, OptOrMand) ->
     case catch decode_tag(Buffer) of
 	{'EXIT',_Reason} ->
@@ -491,382 +162,6 @@ encode_one_tag(#tag{class=Class,number=No,type=Type, form = Form}) ->
     Bytes = encode_tag_val({Class,NewForm,No}),
-%% Change the tag (used when an implicit tagged type has a reference to something else)
-%% The constructed bit in the tag is taken from the tag to be replaced.
-%% change_tag(NewTag,[Tag,Buffer]) -> [NewTag,Buffer]
-%change_tag({NewClass,NewTagNr}, Buffer) ->
-%    {{OldClass, OldForm, OldTagNo}, Buffer1, RemovedBytes} = decode_tag(lists:flatten(Buffer)),
-%    [encode_tag_val({NewClass, OldForm, NewTagNr}) | Buffer1].
-%% This comment is valid for all the encode/decode functions
-%% C = Constraint -> typically {'ValueRange',LowerBound,UpperBound}
-%%     used for PER-coding but not for BER-coding.
-%% Val = Value.  If Val is an atom then it is a symbolic integer value
-%%       (i.e the atom must be one of the names in the NamedNumberList).
-%%       The NamedNumberList is used to translate the atom to an integer value
-%%       before encoding.
-%% encode_open_type(Value) -> CompleteList
-%% Value = list of bytes of an already encoded value (the list must be flat)
-%%         | binary
-%% This version does not consider Explicit tagging of the open type. It
-%% is only left because of backward compatibility.
-encode_open_type(Val) when is_list(Val) ->
-    {Val, byte_size(list_to_binary(Val))};
-encode_open_type(Val) ->
-    {Val, byte_size(Val)}.
-encode_open_type(Val, []) when is_list(Val) ->
-    {Val, byte_size(list_to_binary(Val))};
-encode_open_type(Val, []) ->
-    {Val, byte_size(Val)};
-encode_open_type(Val, Tag) when is_list(Val) ->
-    encode_tags(Tag, Val, byte_size(list_to_binary(Val)));
-encode_open_type(Val, Tag) ->
-    encode_tags(Tag, Val, byte_size(Val)).
-%% decode_open_type(Buffer) -> Value
-%% Bytes = [byte] with BER encoded data
-%% Value = [byte] with decoded data (which must be decoded again as some type)
-decode_open_type(Bytes) ->
-%    {_Tag, Len, _RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes} = decode_tag_and_length(Bytes),
-%    N = Len + RemovedBytes,
-    {_Tag, Len, RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes} = decode_tag_and_length(Bytes),
-    {_RemainingBuffer2, RemovedBytes2} = skipvalue(Len, RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes),
-    N = RemovedBytes2,
-    <<Val:N/binary, RemainingBytes/binary>> = Bytes,
-%    {Val, RemainingBytes, Len + RemovedBytes}.
-    {Val,RemainingBytes,N}.
-decode_open_type(<<>>,[]=ExplTag) -> % R9C-0.patch-40
-    exit({error, {asn1,{no_optional_tag, ExplTag}}});
-decode_open_type(Bytes,ExplTag) ->
-    {Tag, Len, RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes} = decode_tag_and_length(Bytes),
-    case {Tag,ExplTag} of
-% 	{{Class,Form,32},[#tag{class=Class,number=No,form=32}]} ->
-% 	    {_Tag2, Len2, RemainingBuffer2, RemovedBytes2} = decode_tag_and_length(RemainingBuffer),
-% 	    {_RemainingBuffer3, RemovedBytes3} = skipvalue(Len2, RemainingBuffer2, RemovedBytes2),
-% 	    N = RemovedBytes3,
-% 	    <<_:RemovedBytes/unit:8,Val:N/binary,RemainingBytes/binary>> = Bytes,
-% 	    {Val, RemainingBytes, N + RemovedBytes};
-	{{Class,Form,No},[#tag{class=Class,number=No,form=Form}]} ->
-	    {_RemainingBuffer2, RemovedBytes2} =
-		skipvalue(Len, RemainingBuffer),
-	    N = RemovedBytes2,
-	    <<_:RemovedBytes/unit:8,Val:N/binary,RemainingBytes/binary>> = Bytes,
-	    {Val, RemainingBytes, N + RemovedBytes};
-	_ ->
-	    {_RemainingBuffer2, RemovedBytes2} =
-		skipvalue(Len, RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes),
-	    N = RemovedBytes2,
-	    <<Val:N/binary, RemainingBytes/binary>> = Bytes,
-	    {Val, RemainingBytes, N}
-    end.
-decode_open_type(ber_bin,Bytes,ExplTag) ->
-    decode_open_type(Bytes,ExplTag);
-decode_open_type(ber,Bytes,ExplTag) ->
-    {Val,RemBytes,Len}=decode_open_type(Bytes,ExplTag),
-    {binary_to_list(Val),RemBytes,Len}.
-%% Boolean, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.2
-%% encode_boolean(Integer, tag | notag) -> [octet list]
-encode_boolean({Name, Val}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_BOOLEAN, encode_boolean(Val));
-encode_boolean(true,[]) ->
-    {[1,1,16#FF],3};
-encode_boolean(false,[]) ->
-    {[1,1,0],3};
-encode_boolean(Val, DoTag) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_BOOLEAN, encode_boolean(Val)).
-%% encode_boolean(Boolean) -> [Len, Boolean] = [1, $FF | 0]
-encode_boolean(true)   ->    {[16#FF],1};
-encode_boolean(false)  ->    {[0],1};
-encode_boolean(X) -> exit({error,{asn1, {encode_boolean, X}}}).
-%% decode_boolean(BuffList, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {true, Remain, RemovedBytes} |
-%%                                               {false, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_boolean(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_BOOLEAN}),
-    decode_boolean_notag(Buffer, NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_boolean_notag(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    {RestTags, {FormLen,Buffer0,Rb0}} =
-	check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-    case FormLen of
-	    {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
-	    {Val,Buffer1,Rb1} = decode_boolean_notag(Buffer00, RestTags, OptOrMand),
-	    {Buffer2, Rb2} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer1,noext),
-	    {Val, Buffer2, Rb0+Rb1+Rb2};
-	{_,_} ->
-	    decode_boolean2(Buffer0, Rb0)
-    end.
-decode_boolean2(<<0:8, Buffer/binary>>, RemovedBytes) ->
-    {false, Buffer, RemovedBytes + 1};
-decode_boolean2(<<_:8, Buffer/binary>>, RemovedBytes) ->
-    {true, Buffer, RemovedBytes + 1};
-decode_boolean2(Buffer, _) ->
-    exit({error,{asn1, {decode_boolean, Buffer}}}).
-%% Integer, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.3
-%% encode_integer(Constraint, Value, Tag) -> [octet list]
-%% encode_integer(Constraint, Name, NamedNumberList, Tag) -> [octet list]
-%%    Value = INTEGER | {Name,INTEGER}
-%%    Tag = tag | notag
-encode_integer(C, Val, []) when is_integer(Val) ->
-    {EncVal,Len} = encode_integer(C, Val),
-    dotag_universal(?N_INTEGER,EncVal,Len);
-encode_integer(C, Val, Tag) when is_integer(Val) ->
-    dotag(Tag, ?N_INTEGER, encode_integer(C, Val));
-encode_integer(C,{Name,Val},Tag) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    encode_integer(C,Val,Tag);
-encode_integer(_, Val, _) ->
-    exit({error,{asn1, {encode_integer, Val}}}).
-encode_integer(C, Val, NamedNumberList, Tag) when is_atom(Val) ->
-    case lists:keyfind(Val, 1, NamedNumberList) of
-	{_, NewVal} ->
-	    dotag(Tag, ?N_INTEGER, encode_integer(C, NewVal));
-	_ ->
-	    exit({error,{asn1, {encode_integer_namednumber, Val}}})
-    end;
-encode_integer(C,{_,Val},NamedNumberList,Tag) ->
-    encode_integer(C,Val,NamedNumberList,Tag);
-encode_integer(C, Val, _NamedNumberList, Tag) ->
-    dotag(Tag, ?N_INTEGER, encode_integer(C, Val)).
-encode_integer(_C, Val) ->
-    Bytes =
-	if
-	    Val >= 0 ->
-		encode_integer_pos(Val, []);
-	    true ->
-		encode_integer_neg(Val, [])
-	end,
-    {Bytes,length(Bytes)}.
-encode_integer_pos(0, L=[B|_Acc]) when B < 128 ->
-    L;
-encode_integer_pos(N, Acc) ->
-    encode_integer_pos((N bsr 8), [N band 16#ff| Acc]).
-encode_integer_neg(-1, L=[B1|_T]) when B1 > 127 ->
-    L;
-encode_integer_neg(N, Acc) ->
-    encode_integer_neg(N bsr 8, [N band 16#ff|Acc]).
-%% decode integer
-%%    (Buffer, Range, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {Integer, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-%%    (Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {Integer, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_integer(Buffer, Range, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_INTEGER}),
-    decode_integer_notag(Buffer, Range, [], NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_integer(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_INTEGER}),
-    decode_integer_notag(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_integer_notag(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, NewTags, OptOrMand) ->
-    {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
-	check_tags_i(NewTags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-%    Result = {Val, Buffer2, RemovedBytes} =
-	case FormLen of
-	    {?CONSTRUCTED,Len} ->
-		{Buffer00, RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
-		{Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
-		    decode_integer_notag(Buffer00, Range, NamedNumberList,
-					 RestTags, OptOrMand),
-		{Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
-		{Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
-	    {_, Len} ->
-		Result =
-		    decode_integer2(Len,Buffer0,Rb0+Len),
-		Result2 = check_integer_constraint(Result,Range),
-		resolve_named_value(Result2,NamedNumberList)
-	end.
-resolve_named_value(Result={Val,Buffer,RemBytes},NamedNumberList) ->
-    case NamedNumberList of
-	[] -> Result;
-	_ ->
-	    NewVal = case lists:keyfind(Val, 2, NamedNumberList) of
-			 {NamedVal, _} ->
-			     NamedVal;
-			 _ ->
-			     Val
-		     end,
-	    {NewVal, Buffer, RemBytes}
-    end.
-check_integer_constraint(Result={Val, _Buffer,_},Range) ->
-    case Range of
-	[] -> % No length constraint
-	    Result;
-	{Lb,Ub} when Val >= Lb, Ub >= Val -> % variable length constraint
-	    Result;
-	Val -> % fixed value constraint
-	    Result;
-	{_,_} ->
-	    exit({error,{asn1,{integer_range,Range,Val}}});
-	SingleValue when is_integer(SingleValue) ->
-	    exit({error,{asn1,{integer_range,Range,Val}}});
-	_ -> % some strange constraint that we don't support yet
-	    Result
-    end.
-%% Enumerated value, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.4
-%% encode enumerated value
-encode_enumerated(Val, []) when is_integer(Val) ->
-    {EncVal,Len} = encode_integer(false,Val),
-    dotag_universal(?N_ENUMERATED,EncVal,Len);
-encode_enumerated(Val, DoTag) when is_integer(Val) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_ENUMERATED, encode_integer(false,Val));
-encode_enumerated({Name,Val}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    encode_enumerated(Val, DoTag).
-%% The encode_enumerated functions below this line can be removed when the
-%% new code generation is stable. (the functions might have to be kept here
-%% a while longer for compatibility reasons)
-encode_enumerated(C, Val, {NamedNumberList,ExtList}, DoTag) when is_atom(Val) ->
-    case catch encode_enumerated(C, Val, NamedNumberList, DoTag) of
-	{'EXIT',_} -> encode_enumerated(C, Val, ExtList, DoTag);
-	Result -> Result
-    end;
-encode_enumerated(C, Val, NamedNumberList, DoTag) when is_atom(Val) ->
-    case lists:keyfind(Val, 1, NamedNumberList) of
-	{_, NewVal} when DoTag =:= [] ->
-	    {EncVal,Len} = encode_integer(C,NewVal),
-	    dotag_universal(?N_ENUMERATED,EncVal,Len);
-	{_, NewVal} ->
-	    dotag(DoTag, ?N_ENUMERATED, encode_integer(C, NewVal));
-	_ ->
-	    exit({error,{asn1, {enumerated_not_in_range, Val}}})
-    end;
-encode_enumerated(C, {asn1_enum, Val}, {_,_}, DoTag) when is_integer(Val) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_ENUMERATED, encode_integer(C,Val));
-encode_enumerated(C, {Name,Val}, NamedNumberList, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    encode_enumerated(C, Val, NamedNumberList, DoTag);
-encode_enumerated(_, Val, _, _) ->
-    exit({error,{asn1, {enumerated_not_namednumber, Val}}}).
-%% decode enumerated value
-%%   (Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, HasTag, TotalLen) ->
-%%                                    {Value, RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes}
-decode_enumerated(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_ENUMERATED}),
-    decode_enumerated_notag(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList,
-			    NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_enumerated_notag(Buffer, Range, NNList = {NamedNumberList,ExtList}, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
-	check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-    case FormLen of
-	    {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
-	    {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
-		decode_enumerated_notag(Buffer00, Range, NNList, RestTags, OptOrMand),
-	    {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
-	    {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
-	{_,Len} ->
-	    {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
-		decode_integer2(Len, Buffer0, Rb0+Len),
-	    case decode_enumerated1(Val01, NamedNumberList) of
-		{asn1_enum,Val01} ->
-		    {decode_enumerated1(Val01,ExtList), Buffer01, Rb01};
-		Result01 ->
-		    {Result01, Buffer01, Rb01}
-	    end
-    end;
-decode_enumerated_notag(Buffer, Range, NNList, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
-	check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-    case FormLen of
-	    {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
-	    {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
-		decode_enumerated_notag(Buffer00, Range, NNList, RestTags, OptOrMand),
-	    {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
-	    {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
-	{_,Len} ->
-	    {Val01, Buffer02, Rb02} =
-		decode_integer2(Len, Buffer0, Rb0+Len),
-	    case decode_enumerated1(Val01, NNList) of
-		{asn1_enum,_} ->
-		    exit({error,{asn1, {illegal_enumerated, Val01}}});
-		Result01 ->
-		    {Result01, Buffer02, Rb02}
-	    end
-    end.
-decode_enumerated1(Val, NamedNumberList) ->
-    %% it must be a named integer
-    case lists:keyfind(Val, 2, NamedNumberList) of
-	{NamedVal, _} ->
-	    NamedVal;
-	_ ->
-	    {asn1_enum,Val}
-    end.
 %% Real value, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.5
@@ -1117,513 +412,15 @@ decode_real2(Buffer0, _C, Len, RemBytes1) ->
 	    {{Mantissa, Base, Exp}, Buffer4, RemBytes2+RemBytes3}
+encode_integer_pos(0, L=[B|_Acc]) when B < 128 ->
+    L;
+encode_integer_pos(N, Acc) ->
+    encode_integer_pos((N bsr 8), [N band 16#ff| Acc]).
-%% Bitstring value, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.6
-%% encode bitstring value
-%% bitstring NamedBitList
-%% Val can be  of:
-%% - [identifiers] where only named identifers are set to one,
-%%   the Constraint must then have some information of the
-%%   bitlength.
-%% - [list of ones and zeroes] all bits
-%% - integer value representing the bitlist
-%% C is constrint Len, only valid when identifiers
-encode_bit_string(C,Bin={Unused,BinBits},NamedBitList,DoTag) when is_integer(Unused), is_binary(BinBits) ->
-    encode_bin_bit_string(C,Bin,NamedBitList,DoTag);
-encode_bit_string(C, [FirstVal | RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag) when is_atom(FirstVal) ->
-    encode_bit_string_named(C, [FirstVal | RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag);
-encode_bit_string(C, [{bit,X} | RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag) ->
-    encode_bit_string_named(C, [{bit,X} | RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag);
-encode_bit_string(C, [FirstVal| RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag) when is_integer(FirstVal) ->
-    encode_bit_string_bits(C, [FirstVal | RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag);
-encode_bit_string(_, 0, _, []) ->
-    {[?N_BIT_STRING,1,0],3};
-encode_bit_string(_, 0, _, DoTag) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_BIT_STRING, {<<0>>,1});
-encode_bit_string(_, [], _, []) ->
-    {[?N_BIT_STRING,1,0],3};
-encode_bit_string(_, [], _, DoTag) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_BIT_STRING, {<<0>>,1});
-encode_bit_string(C, IntegerVal, NamedBitList, DoTag) when is_integer(IntegerVal) ->
-    BitListVal = int_to_bitlist(IntegerVal),
-    encode_bit_string_bits(C, BitListVal, NamedBitList, DoTag);
-encode_bit_string(C, {Name,BitList}, NamedBitList, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    encode_bit_string(C, BitList, NamedBitList, DoTag).
-int_to_bitlist(0) ->
-    [];
-int_to_bitlist(Int) when is_integer(Int), Int >= 0 ->
-    [Int band 1 | int_to_bitlist(Int bsr 1)].
-%% Encode BIT STRING of the form {Unused,BinBits}.
-%% Unused is the number of unused bits in the last byte in BinBits
-%% and BinBits is a binary representing the BIT STRING.
-    case get_constraint(C,'SizeConstraint') of
-	no ->
-	    remove_unused_then_dotag(DoTag,?N_BIT_STRING,Unused,BinBits);
-	{_Min,Max} ->
-	    BBLen = (size(BinBits)*8)-Unused,
-	    if
-		BBLen > Max ->
-		    exit({error,{asn1,
-				 {bitstring_length,
-				  {{was,BBLen},{maximum,Max}}}}});
-		true ->
-		    remove_unused_then_dotag(DoTag,?N_BIT_STRING,
-					     Unused,BinBits)
-	    end;
-	Size ->
-	    case ((size(BinBits)*8)-Unused) of
-		BBSize when BBSize =< Size ->
-		    remove_unused_then_dotag(DoTag,?N_BIT_STRING,
-					     Unused,BinBits);
-		BBSize  ->
-		    exit({error,{asn1,
-				 {bitstring_length,
-				  {{was,BBSize},{should_be,Size}}}}})
-	    end
-    end.
-remove_unused_then_dotag(DoTag,StringType,Unused,BinBits) ->
-    case Unused of
-	0 when (byte_size(BinBits) =:= 0), DoTag =:= [] ->
-	    %% time optimization of next case
-	   {[StringType,1,0],3};
-	0 when (byte_size(BinBits) =:= 0) ->
-	    dotag(DoTag,StringType,{<<0>>,1});
-	0 when DoTag =:= [] -> % time optimization of next case
-	    dotag_universal(StringType,[Unused|[BinBits]],size(BinBits)+1);
-% 	    {LenEnc,Len} = encode_legth(size(BinBits)+1),
-% 	    {[StringType,LenEnc,[Unused|BinBits]],size(BinBits)+1+Len+1};
-	0 ->
-	    dotag(DoTag,StringType,<<Unused,BinBits/binary>>);
-	Num when DoTag =:= [] -> % time optimization of next case
-	    N = byte_size(BinBits) - 1,
-	    <<BBits:N/binary,LastByte>> = BinBits,
-	    dotag_universal(StringType,
-			    [Unused,BBits,(LastByte bsr Num) bsl Num],
-			    byte_size(BinBits) + 1);
-% 	    {LenEnc,Len} = encode_legth(size(BinBits)+1),
-% 	    {[StringType,LenEnc,[Unused,BBits,(LastByte bsr Num) bsl Num],
-% 	      1+Len+size(BinBits)+1};
-	Num ->
-	    N = byte_size(BinBits) - 1,
-	    <<BBits:N/binary,LastByte>> = BinBits,
-	    dotag(DoTag,StringType,{[Unused,binary_to_list(BBits) ++
-				     [(LastByte bsr Num) bsl Num]],
-				    byte_size(BinBits) + 1})
-    end.
-%% Encode named bits
-encode_bit_string_named(C, [FirstVal | RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag) ->
-    {Len,Unused,OctetList} =
-	case get_constraint(C,'SizeConstraint') of
-	    no ->
-		ToSetPos = get_all_bitposes([FirstVal | RestVal],
-					    NamedBitList, []),
-		BitList = make_and_set_list(lists:max(ToSetPos)+1,
-					    ToSetPos, 0),
-		encode_bitstring(BitList);
-	    {_Min,Max} ->
-		ToSetPos = get_all_bitposes([FirstVal | RestVal],
-					    NamedBitList, []),
-		BitList = make_and_set_list(Max, ToSetPos, 0),
-		encode_bitstring(BitList);
-	    Size ->
-		ToSetPos = get_all_bitposes([FirstVal | RestVal],
-					    NamedBitList, []),
-		BitList = make_and_set_list(Size, ToSetPos, 0),
-		encode_bitstring(BitList)
-	end,
-    case DoTag of
-	[] ->
-	    dotag_universal(?N_BIT_STRING,[Unused|OctetList],Len+1);
-% 	    {EncLen,LenLen} = encode_length(Len+1),
-% 	    {[?N_BIT_STRING,EncLen,Unused,OctetList],1+LenLen+Len+1};
-	_ ->
-	    dotag(DoTag, ?N_BIT_STRING, {[Unused|OctetList],Len+1})
-    end.
-%% get_all_bitposes([list of named bits to set], named_bit_db, []) ->
-%%   [sorted_list_of_bitpositions_to_set]
-get_all_bitposes([{bit,ValPos}|Rest], NamedBitList, Ack) ->
-    get_all_bitposes(Rest, NamedBitList, [ValPos | Ack ]);
-get_all_bitposes([Val | Rest], NamedBitList, Ack) when is_atom(Val) ->
-    case lists:keyfind(Val, 1, NamedBitList) of
-	{_ValName, ValPos} ->
-	    get_all_bitposes(Rest, NamedBitList, [ValPos | Ack]);
-	_ ->
-	    exit({error,{asn1, {bitstring_namedbit, Val}}})
-    end;
-get_all_bitposes([], _NamedBitList, Ack) ->
-    lists:sort(Ack).
-%% make_and_set_list(Len of list to return, [list of positions to set to 1])->
-%% returns list of Len length, with all in SetPos set.
-%% in positioning in list the first element is 0, the second 1 etc.., but
-%% Len will make a list of length Len, not Len + 1.
-%%    BitList = make_and_set_list(C, ToSetPos, 0),
-make_and_set_list(0, [], _) -> [];
-make_and_set_list(0, _, _) ->
-    exit({error,{asn1,bitstring_sizeconstraint}});
-make_and_set_list(Len, [XPos|SetPos], XPos) ->
-    [1 | make_and_set_list(Len - 1, SetPos, XPos + 1)];
-make_and_set_list(Len, [Pos|SetPos], XPos) ->
-    [0 | make_and_set_list(Len - 1, [Pos | SetPos], XPos + 1)];
-make_and_set_list(Len, [], XPos) ->
-    [0 | make_and_set_list(Len - 1, [], XPos + 1)].
-%% Encode bit string for lists of ones and zeroes
-encode_bit_string_bits(C, BitListVal, _NamedBitList, DoTag) when is_list(BitListVal) ->
-    {Len,Unused,OctetList} =
-	case get_constraint(C,'SizeConstraint') of
-	    no ->
-		encode_bitstring(BitListVal);
-	    Constr={Min,_Max} when is_integer(Min) ->
-		encode_constr_bit_str_bits(Constr,BitListVal,DoTag);
-	    {Constr={_,_},[]} ->
-		%% constraint with extension mark
-		encode_constr_bit_str_bits(Constr,BitListVal,DoTag);
-	    Constr={{_,_},{_,_}} ->%{{Min1,Max1},{Min2,Max2}}
-		%% constraint with extension mark
-		encode_constr_bit_str_bits(Constr,BitListVal,DoTag);
-	    Size ->
-		case length(BitListVal) of
-		    BitSize when BitSize =:= Size ->
-			encode_bitstring(BitListVal);
-		    BitSize when BitSize < Size ->
-			PaddedList =
-			    pad_bit_list(Size-BitSize,BitListVal),
-			encode_bitstring(PaddedList);
-		    BitSize ->
-			exit({error,
-			      {asn1,
-			       {bitstring_length,
-				{{was,BitSize},
-				 {should_be,Size}}}}})
-		end
-	end,
-    %%add unused byte to the Len
-    case DoTag of
-	[] ->
-	    dotag_universal(?N_BIT_STRING,[Unused|OctetList],Len+1);
-% 	    {EncLen,LenLen}=encode_length(Len+1),
-% 	    {[?N_BIT_STRING,EncLen,Unused|OctetList],1+LenLen+Len+1};
-	_ ->
-	    dotag(DoTag, ?N_BIT_STRING,
-		  {[Unused | OctetList],Len+1})
-    end.
-encode_constr_bit_str_bits({{_Min1,Max1},{Min2,Max2}},BitListVal,_DoTag) ->
-    BitLen = length(BitListVal),
-    case BitLen of
-	Len when Len > Max2 ->
-	    exit({error,{asn1,{bitstring_length,{{was,BitLen},
-						 {maximum,Max2}}}}});
-	Len when Len > Max1, Len < Min2  ->
-	    exit({error,{asn1,{bitstring_length,{{was,BitLen},
-						 {not_allowed_interval,
-						  Max1,Min2}}}}});
-	_ ->
-	    encode_bitstring(BitListVal)
-    end;
-encode_constr_bit_str_bits({Min,Max},BitListVal,_DoTag) ->
-    BitLen = length(BitListVal),
-    if
-	BitLen > Max ->
-	    exit({error,{asn1,{bitstring_length,{{was,BitLen},
-						 {maximum,Max}}}}});
-	BitLen < Min ->
-	    exit({error,{asn1,{bitstring_length,{{was,BitLen},
-						 {minimum,Min}}}}});
-	true ->
-	    encode_bitstring(BitListVal)
-    end.
-%% returns a list of length Size + length(BitListVal), with BitListVal
-%% as the most significant elements followed by padded zero elements
-pad_bit_list(Size,BitListVal) ->
-    Tail = lists:duplicate(Size,0),
-    BitListVal ++ Tail.
-%% Do the actual encoding
-%%     ([bitlist]) -> {ListLen, UnusedBits, OctetList}
-encode_bitstring([B8, B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1 | Rest]) ->
-    Val = (B8 bsl 7) bor (B7 bsl 6) bor (B6 bsl 5) bor (B5 bsl 4) bor
-	(B4 bsl 3) bor (B3 bsl 2) bor (B2 bsl 1) bor B1,
-    encode_bitstring(Rest, [Val], 1);
-encode_bitstring(Val) ->
-    {Unused, Octet} = unused_bitlist(Val, 7, 0),
-    {1, Unused, [Octet]}.
-encode_bitstring([B8, B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1 | Rest], Ack, Len) ->
-    Val = (B8 bsl 7) bor (B7 bsl 6) bor (B6 bsl 5) bor (B5 bsl 4) bor
-	(B4 bsl 3) bor (B3 bsl 2) bor (B2 bsl 1) bor B1,
-    encode_bitstring(Rest, [Ack | [Val]], Len + 1);
-%%even multiple of 8 bits..
-encode_bitstring([], Ack, Len) ->
-    {Len, 0, Ack};
-%% unused bits in last octet
-encode_bitstring(Rest, Ack, Len) ->
-%    io:format("uneven ~w ~w ~w~n",[Rest, Ack, Len]),
-    {Unused, Val} = unused_bitlist(Rest, 7, 0),
-    {Len + 1, Unused, [Ack | [Val]]}.
-%% unused_bitlist([list of ones and zeros <= 7], 7, []) ->
-%%  {Unused bits, Last octet with bits moved to right}
-unused_bitlist([], Trail, Ack) ->
-    {Trail + 1, Ack};
-unused_bitlist([Bit | Rest], Trail, Ack) ->
-%%    io:format("trail Bit: ~w Rest: ~w Trail: ~w Ack:~w~n",[Bit, Rest, Trail, Ack]),
-    unused_bitlist(Rest, Trail - 1, (Bit bsl Trail) bor Ack).
-%% decode bitstring value
-%%    (Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {Integer, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_compact_bit_string(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, Tags, LenIn, OptOrMand) ->
-%    NewTags = new_tags(HasTag,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_BIT_STRING}),
-     decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, ?N_BIT_STRING, Tags, LenIn,
-			     NamedNumberList, OptOrMand,bin).
-decode_bit_string(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, Tags, LenIn, OptOrMand) ->
-%    NewTags = new_tags(HasTag,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_BIT_STRING}),
-    decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, ?N_BIT_STRING, Tags, LenIn,
-			     NamedNumberList, OptOrMand,old).
-decode_bit_string2(1,<<0 ,Buffer/binary>>,_NamedNumberList,RemovedBytes,BinOrOld) ->
-    case BinOrOld of
-	bin ->
-	    {{0,<<>>},Buffer,RemovedBytes};
-	_ ->
-	    {[], Buffer, RemovedBytes}
-    end;
-		   RemovedBytes,BinOrOld) ->
-    L = Len - 1,
-    <<Bits:L/binary,BufferTail/binary>> = Buffer,
-    case NamedNumberList of
-	[] ->
-	    case BinOrOld of
-		bin ->
-		    {{Unused,Bits},BufferTail,RemovedBytes};
-		_ ->
-		    BitString = decode_bitstring2(L, Unused, Buffer),
-		    {BitString,BufferTail, RemovedBytes}
-	    end;
-	_ ->
-	    BitString = decode_bitstring2(L, Unused, Buffer),
-	    {decode_bitstring_NNL(BitString,NamedNumberList),
-	     BufferTail,
-	     RemovedBytes}
-    end.
-%% Decode the in buffer to bits
-decode_bitstring2(1,Unused,<<B7:1,B6:1,B5:1,B4:1,B3:1,B2:1,B1:1,B0:1,_/binary>>) ->
-    lists:sublist([B7,B6,B5,B4,B3,B2,B1,B0],8-Unused);
-decode_bitstring2(Len, Unused,
-		  <<B7:1,B6:1,B5:1,B4:1,B3:1,B2:1,B1:1,B0:1,Buffer/binary>>) ->
-    [B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1, B0 |
-     decode_bitstring2(Len - 1, Unused, Buffer)].
-%%decode_bitstring2(1, Unused, Buffer) ->
-%%    make_bits_of_int(hd(Buffer), 128, 8-Unused);
-%%decode_bitstring2(Len, Unused, [BitVal | Buffer]) ->
-%%    [B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1, B0] = make_bits_of_int(BitVal, 128, 8),
-%%    [B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1, B0 |
-%%     decode_bitstring2(Len - 1, Unused, Buffer)].
-%%make_bits_of_int(_, _, 0) ->
-%%    [];
-%%make_bits_of_int(BitVal, MaskVal, Unused) when Unused > 0 ->
-%%    X = case MaskVal band BitVal of
-%%	    0 -> 0 ;
-%%	    _ -> 1
-%%	end,
-%%    [X | make_bits_of_int(BitVal, MaskVal bsr 1, Unused - 1)].
-%% Decode the bitlist to names
-decode_bitstring_NNL(BitList,NamedNumberList) ->
-    decode_bitstring_NNL(BitList,NamedNumberList,0,[]).
-decode_bitstring_NNL([],_,_No,Result) ->
-    lists:reverse(Result);
-decode_bitstring_NNL([B|BitList],[{Name,No}|NamedNumberList],No,Result) ->
-    if
-	B =:= 0 ->
-	    decode_bitstring_NNL(BitList,NamedNumberList,No+1,Result);
-	true ->
-	    decode_bitstring_NNL(BitList,NamedNumberList,No+1,[Name|Result])
-    end;
-decode_bitstring_NNL([1|BitList],NamedNumberList,No,Result) ->
-    decode_bitstring_NNL(BitList,NamedNumberList,No+1,[{bit,No}|Result]);
-decode_bitstring_NNL([0|BitList],NamedNumberList,No,Result) ->
-    decode_bitstring_NNL(BitList,NamedNumberList,No+1,Result).
-%% Octet string, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.7
-%% encode octet string
-%% The OctetList must be a flat list of integers in the range 0..255
-%% the function does not check this because it takes to much time
-encode_octet_string(_C, OctetList, []) when is_binary(OctetList) ->
-    dotag_universal(?N_OCTET_STRING,OctetList,byte_size(OctetList));
-encode_octet_string(_C, OctetList, DoTag) when is_binary(OctetList) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_OCTET_STRING, {OctetList,byte_size(OctetList)});
-encode_octet_string(_C, OctetList, DoTag) when is_list(OctetList) ->
-    case length(OctetList) of
-	Len when DoTag =:= [] ->
-	    dotag_universal(?N_OCTET_STRING,OctetList,Len);
-	Len ->
-	    dotag(DoTag, ?N_OCTET_STRING, {OctetList,Len})
-    end;
-%% encode_octet_string(C, OctetList, DoTag) when is_list(OctetList) ->
-%%     dotag(DoTag, ?N_OCTET_STRING, {OctetList,length(OctetList)});
-encode_octet_string(C, {Name,OctetList}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    encode_octet_string(C, OctetList, DoTag).
-%% decode octet string
-%%    (Buffer, Range, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {String, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-%% Octet string is decoded as a restricted string
-decode_octet_string(Buffer, Range, Tags, TotalLen, OptOrMand) ->
-%%  NewTags = new_tags(HasTag,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_OCTET_STRING}),
-    decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, ?N_OCTET_STRING,
-			     Tags, TotalLen, [], OptOrMand,old).
-%% Null value, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.8
-%% encode NULL value
-encode_null(_, []) ->
-    {[?N_NULL,0],2};
-encode_null(_, DoTag) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_NULL, {[],0}).
-%% decode NULL value
-%%    (Buffer, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {NULL, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_null(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_NULL}),
-    decode_null_notag(Buffer, NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_null_notag(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
-	check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-    case FormLen of
-	    {_Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
-	    {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} = decode_null_notag(Buffer0, RestTags,
-							OptOrMand),
-	    {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
-	    {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
-	{_,0} ->
-	    {'NULL', Buffer0, Rb0};
-	{_,Len} ->
-	    exit({error,{asn1,{invalid_length,'NULL',Len}}})
-    end.
-%% Object identifier, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.19
-%% encode Object Identifier value
-encode_object_identifier({Name,Val}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    encode_object_identifier(Val, DoTag);
-encode_object_identifier(Val, []) ->
-    {EncVal,Len} = e_object_identifier(Val),
-    dotag_universal(?N_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER,EncVal,Len);
-encode_object_identifier(Val, DoTag) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, e_object_identifier(Val)).
-e_object_identifier({'OBJECT IDENTIFIER', V}) ->
-    e_object_identifier(V);
-e_object_identifier({Cname, V}) when is_atom(Cname), is_tuple(V) ->
-    e_object_identifier(tuple_to_list(V));
-e_object_identifier({Cname, V}) when is_atom(Cname), is_list(V) ->
-    e_object_identifier(V);
-e_object_identifier(V) when is_tuple(V) ->
-    e_object_identifier(tuple_to_list(V));
-%% e_object_identifier([List of Obect Identifiers]) ->
-%% {[Encoded Octetlist of ObjIds], IntLength}
-e_object_identifier([E1, E2 | Tail]) ->
-    Head = 40*E1 + E2,  % wow!
-    {H,Lh} = mk_object_val(Head),
-    {R,Lr} = enc_obj_id_tail(Tail, [], 0),
-    {[H|R], Lh+Lr}.
-enc_obj_id_tail([], Ack, Len) ->
-    {lists:reverse(Ack), Len};
-enc_obj_id_tail([H|T], Ack, Len) ->
-    {B, L} = mk_object_val(H),
-    enc_obj_id_tail(T, [B|Ack], Len+L).
+encode_integer_neg(-1, L=[B1|_T]) when B1 > 127 ->
+    L;
+encode_integer_neg(N, Acc) ->
+    encode_integer_neg(N bsr 8, [N band 16#ff|Acc]).
@@ -1643,476 +440,6 @@ mk_object_val(Val, Ack, Len) ->
     mk_object_val(Val bsr 7, [((Val band 127) bor 128) | Ack], Len + 1).
-%% decode Object Identifier value
-%%    (Buffer, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {{ObjId}, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_object_identifier(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,
-				 number=?N_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER}),
-    decode_object_identifier_notag(Buffer, NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_object_identifier_notag(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
-	check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-    case FormLen of
-	    {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
-	    {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
-		decode_object_identifier_notag(Buffer00,
-					       RestTags, OptOrMand),
-	    {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
-	    {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
-	{_,Len} ->
-	    {[AddedObjVal|ObjVals],Buffer01} =
-		dec_subidentifiers(Buffer0,0,[],Len),
-	    {Val1, Val2} = if
-			       AddedObjVal < 40 ->
-				   {0, AddedObjVal};
-			       AddedObjVal < 80 ->
-				   {1, AddedObjVal - 40};
-			       true ->
-				   {2, AddedObjVal - 80}
-			   end,
-	    {list_to_tuple([Val1, Val2 | ObjVals]), Buffer01,
-	     Rb0+Len}
-    end.
-dec_subidentifiers(Buffer,_Av,Al,0) ->
-    {lists:reverse(Al),Buffer};
-dec_subidentifiers(<<1:1,H:7,T/binary>>,Av,Al,Len) ->
-    dec_subidentifiers(T,(Av bsl 7) + H,Al,Len-1);
-dec_subidentifiers(<<H,T/binary>>,Av,Al,Len) ->
-    dec_subidentifiers(T,0,[((Av bsl 7) + H)|Al],Len-1).
-%% RELATIVE-OID, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.20
-%% encode Relative Object Identifier
-encode_relative_oid({Name,Val},TagIn) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    encode_relative_oid(Val,TagIn);
-encode_relative_oid(Val,TagIn) when is_tuple(Val) ->
-    encode_relative_oid(tuple_to_list(Val),TagIn);
-encode_relative_oid(Val,[]) ->
-    {EncVal,Len} = enc_relative_oid(Val),
-    dotag_universal(?'N_RELATIVE-OID',EncVal,Len);
-encode_relative_oid(Val, DoTag) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, ?'N_RELATIVE-OID', enc_relative_oid(Val)).
-enc_relative_oid(Val) ->
-    lists:mapfoldl(fun(X,AccIn) ->
-			   {SO,L}=mk_object_val(X),
-			   {SO,L+AccIn}
-		   end
-		   ,0,Val).
-%% decode Relative Object Identifier value
-%%    (Buffer, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {{ObjId}, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_relative_oid(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,
-				 number=?'N_RELATIVE-OID'}),
-    decode_relative_oid_notag(Buffer, NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_relative_oid_notag(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    {_RestTags, {_FormLen={_,Len}, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
-	check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-    {ObjVals,Buffer01} =
-	dec_subidentifiers(Buffer0,0,[],Len),
-    {list_to_tuple(ObjVals), Buffer01, Rb0+Len}.
-%% Restricted character string types, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.21
-%% encode Numeric Printable Teletex Videotex Visible IA5 Graphic General strings
-encode_restricted_string(_C, OctetList, StringType, [])
-  when is_binary(OctetList) ->
-    dotag_universal(StringType, OctetList, byte_size(OctetList));
-encode_restricted_string(_C, OctetList, StringType, DoTag)
-  when is_binary(OctetList) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, StringType, {OctetList, byte_size(OctetList)});
-encode_restricted_string(_C, OctetList, StringType, [])
-  when is_list(OctetList) ->
-    dotag_universal(StringType, OctetList, length(OctetList));
-encode_restricted_string(_C, OctetList, StringType, DoTag)
-  when is_list(OctetList) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, StringType, {OctetList, length(OctetList)});
-encode_restricted_string(C,{Name,OctetL},StringType,DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    encode_restricted_string(C, OctetL, StringType, DoTag).
-%% decode Numeric Printable Teletex Videotex Visible IA5 Graphic General strings
-%%    (Buffer, Range, StringType, HasTag, TotalLen) ->
-%%                                  {String, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, StringType, Tags, LenIn, OptOrMand) ->
-    {Val,Buffer2,Rb} =
-	decode_restricted_string_tag(Buffer, Range, StringType, Tags,
-				  LenIn, [], OptOrMand,old),
-    {check_and_convert_restricted_string(Val,StringType,Range,[],old),
-     Buffer2,Rb}.
-decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, StringType, Tags, LenIn, NNList, OptOrMand, BinOrOld ) ->
-    {Val,Buffer2,Rb} =
-	decode_restricted_string_tag(Buffer, Range, StringType, Tags,
-			     LenIn, NNList, OptOrMand, BinOrOld),
-    {check_and_convert_restricted_string(Val,StringType,Range,NNList,BinOrOld),
-     Buffer2,Rb}.
-decode_restricted_string_tag(Buffer, Range, StringType, TagsIn, LenIn, NNList, OptOrMand, BinOrOld ) ->
-    NewTags = new_tags(TagsIn, #tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=StringType}),
-    decode_restricted_string_notag(Buffer, Range, StringType, NewTags,
-				   LenIn, NNList, OptOrMand, BinOrOld).
-check_and_convert_restricted_string(Val,StringType,Range,NamedNumberList,_BinOrOld) ->
-    {StrLen,NewVal} = case StringType of
-			  ?N_BIT_STRING when NamedNumberList =/= [] ->
-			      {no_check,Val};
-			  ?N_BIT_STRING when is_list(Val) ->
-			      {length(Val),Val};
-			  ?N_BIT_STRING when is_tuple(Val) ->
-			      {(size(element(2,Val))*8) - element(1,Val),Val};
-			  _ when is_binary(Val) ->
-			      {byte_size(Val),binary_to_list(Val)};
-			  _ when is_list(Val) ->
-			      {length(Val), Val}
-		      end,
-    case Range of
-	_ when StrLen =:= no_check ->
-	    NewVal;
-	[] -> % No length constraint
-	    NewVal;
-	{Lb,Ub} when StrLen >= Lb, Ub >= StrLen -> % variable length constraint
-	    NewVal;
-	{{Lb,_Ub},[]} when StrLen >= Lb ->
-	    NewVal;
-	{{Lb,_Ub},_Ext=[MinExt|_]} when StrLen >= Lb; StrLen >= MinExt ->
-	    NewVal;
-	{{Lb1,Ub1},{Lb2,Ub2}} when StrLen >= Lb1, StrLen =< Ub1;
-				   StrLen =< Ub2, StrLen >= Lb2 ->
-	    NewVal;
-	StrLen -> % fixed length constraint
-	    NewVal;
-	{_,_} ->
-	    exit({error,{asn1,{length,Range,Val}}});
-	_Len when is_integer(_Len) ->
-	    exit({error,{asn1,{length,Range,Val}}});
-	_ -> % some strange constraint that we don't support yet
-	    NewVal
-    end.
-%% Common routines for several string types including bit string
-%% handles indefinite length
-decode_restricted_string_notag(Buffer, _Range, StringType, TagsIn,
-			       _, NamedNumberList, OptOrMand, BinOrOld) ->
-    %%-----------------------------------------------------------
-    %% Get inner (the implicit tag or no tag) and
-    %%     outer (the explicit tag) lengths.
-    %%-----------------------------------------------------------
-    {RestTags, {FormLength={_,_Len01}, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
-	check_tags_i(TagsIn, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-    case FormLength of
-	    {Buffer00, RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
-	    {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
-		decode_restricted_parts(Buffer00, RestBytes, [], StringType,
-					RestTags,
-					Len, NamedNumberList,
-					OptOrMand,
-					BinOrOld, 0, []),
-	    {Val01, Buffer01, Rb0+Rb01};
-	{_, Len} ->
-	    {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
-		decode_restricted(Buffer0, Len, StringType,
-				  NamedNumberList, BinOrOld),
-	    {Val01, Buffer01, Rb0+Rb01}
-    end.
-decode_restricted_parts(Buffer, RestBytes, [], StringType, RestTags, Len, NNList,
-			OptOrMand, BinOrOld, AccRb, AccVal) ->
-    DecodeFun = case RestTags of
-		    [] -> fun decode_restricted_string_tag/8;
-		    _ -> fun decode_restricted_string_notag/8
-		end,
-    {Val, Buffer1, Rb} =
-	DecodeFun(Buffer, [], StringType, RestTags,
-		  no_length, NNList,
-		  OptOrMand, BinOrOld),
-    {Buffer2,More} =
-	case Buffer1 of
-	    <<0,0,Buffer10/binary>> when Len == indefinite ->
-		{Buffer10,false};
-	    <<>> ->
-		{RestBytes,false};
-	    _ ->
-		{Buffer1,true}
-	end,
-    {NewVal, NewRb} =
-	case StringType of
-	    ?N_BIT_STRING when BinOrOld == bin ->
-		{concat_bit_binaries(AccVal, Val), AccRb+Rb};
-	    _ when is_binary(Val),is_binary(AccVal) ->
-		{<<AccVal/binary,Val/binary>>,AccRb+Rb};
-	    _ when is_binary(Val), AccVal =:= [] ->
-		{Val,AccRb+Rb};
-	    _ ->
-		{AccVal++Val, AccRb+Rb}
-	end,
-    case More of
-	false ->
-	    {NewVal, Buffer2, NewRb};
-	true ->
-	    decode_restricted_parts(Buffer2, RestBytes, [], StringType, RestTags, Len, NNList,
-				    OptOrMand, BinOrOld, NewRb, NewVal)
-    end.
-decode_restricted(Buffer, InnerLen, StringType, NamedNumberList,BinOrOld) ->
-    case StringType of
-	    decode_bit_string2(InnerLen,Buffer,NamedNumberList,InnerLen,BinOrOld);
-	?N_UniversalString ->
-	    <<PreBuff:InnerLen/binary,RestBuff/binary>> = Buffer,%%added for binary
-	    UniString = mk_universal_string(binary_to_list(PreBuff)),
-	    {UniString,RestBuff,InnerLen};
-	?N_BMPString ->
-	    <<PreBuff:InnerLen/binary,RestBuff/binary>> = Buffer,%%added for binary
-	    BMP = mk_BMP_string(binary_to_list(PreBuff)),
-	    {BMP,RestBuff,InnerLen};
-	_ ->
-	    <<PreBuff:InnerLen/binary,RestBuff/binary>> = Buffer,%%added for binary
-	    {PreBuff, RestBuff, InnerLen}
-    end.
-%% encode Universal string
-encode_universal_string(C, {Name, Universal}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    encode_universal_string(C, Universal, DoTag);
-encode_universal_string(_C, Universal, []) ->
-    OctetList = mk_uni_list(Universal),
-    dotag_universal(?N_UniversalString,OctetList,length(OctetList));
-encode_universal_string(_C, Universal, DoTag) ->
-    OctetList = mk_uni_list(Universal),
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_UniversalString, {OctetList,length(OctetList)}).
-mk_uni_list(In) ->
-    mk_uni_list(In,[]).
-mk_uni_list([],List) ->
-    lists:reverse(List);
-mk_uni_list([{A,B,C,D}|T],List) ->
-    mk_uni_list(T,[D,C,B,A|List]);
-mk_uni_list([H|T],List) ->
-    mk_uni_list(T,[H,0,0,0|List]).
-%% decode Universal strings
-%%    (Buffer, Range, StringType, HasTag, LenIn) ->
-%%                           {String, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_universal_string(Buffer, Range, Tags, LenIn, OptOrMand) ->
-%    NewTags = new_tags(HasTag, #tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_UniversalString}),
-    decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, ?N_UniversalString,
-			     Tags, LenIn, [], OptOrMand,old).
-mk_universal_string(In) ->
-    mk_universal_string(In,[]).
-mk_universal_string([],Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc);
-mk_universal_string([0,0,0,D|T],Acc) ->
-    mk_universal_string(T,[D|Acc]);
-mk_universal_string([A,B,C,D|T],Acc) ->
-    mk_universal_string(T,[{A,B,C,D}|Acc]).
-%% encode UTF8 string
-encode_UTF8_string(_,UTF8String,[]) when is_binary(UTF8String) ->
-    dotag_universal(?N_UTF8String,UTF8String,byte_size(UTF8String));
-encode_UTF8_string(_,UTF8String,DoTag) when is_binary(UTF8String) ->
-    dotag(DoTag,?N_UTF8String,{UTF8String,byte_size(UTF8String)});
-encode_UTF8_string(_,UTF8String,[]) ->
-    dotag_universal(?N_UTF8String,UTF8String,length(UTF8String));
-encode_UTF8_string(_,UTF8String,DoTag) ->
-    dotag(DoTag,?N_UTF8String,{UTF8String,length(UTF8String)}).
-%% decode UTF8 string
-decode_UTF8_string(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    NewTags = new_tags(Tags, #tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_UTF8String}),
-    decode_UTF8_string_notag(Buffer, NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_UTF8_string_notag(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
-    {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
-	check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-    case FormLen of
-	    %% an UTF8String may be encoded as a constructed type
-	    {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
-	    {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
-		decode_UTF8_string_notag(Buffer00,RestTags,OptOrMand),
-	    {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
-	    {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
-	{_,Len} ->
-	    <<Result:Len/binary,RestBuff/binary>> = Buffer0,
-	    {Result,RestBuff,Rb0 + Len}
-    end.
-%% encode BMP string
-encode_BMP_string(C, {Name,BMPString}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    encode_BMP_string(C, BMPString, DoTag);
-encode_BMP_string(_C, BMPString, []) ->
-    OctetList = mk_BMP_list(BMPString),
-    dotag_universal(?N_BMPString,OctetList,length(OctetList));
-encode_BMP_string(_C, BMPString, DoTag) ->
-    OctetList = mk_BMP_list(BMPString),
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_BMPString, {OctetList,length(OctetList)}).
-mk_BMP_list(In) ->
-    mk_BMP_list(In,[]).
-mk_BMP_list([],List) ->
-    lists:reverse(List);
-mk_BMP_list([{0,0,C,D}|T],List) ->
-    mk_BMP_list(T,[D,C|List]);
-mk_BMP_list([H|T],List) ->
-    mk_BMP_list(T,[H,0|List]).
-%% decode (OctetList, Range(ignored), tag|notag) -> {ValList, RestList}
-%%    (Buffer, Range, StringType, HasTag, TotalLen) ->
-%%                               {String, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_BMP_string(Buffer, Range, Tags, LenIn, OptOrMand) ->
-%    NewTags = new_tags(HasTag, #tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_BMPString}),
-    decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, ?N_BMPString,
-			     Tags, LenIn, [], OptOrMand,old).
-mk_BMP_string(In) ->
-    mk_BMP_string(In,[]).
-mk_BMP_string([],US) ->
-    lists:reverse(US);
-mk_BMP_string([0,B|T],US) ->
-    mk_BMP_string(T,[B|US]);
-mk_BMP_string([C,D|T],US) ->
-    mk_BMP_string(T,[{0,0,C,D}|US]).
-%% Generalized time, ITU_T X.680 Chapter 39
-%% encode Generalized time
-encode_generalized_time(C, {Name,OctetList}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    encode_generalized_time(C, OctetList, DoTag);
-encode_generalized_time(_C, OctetList, []) ->
-    dotag_universal(?N_GeneralizedTime,OctetList,length(OctetList));
-encode_generalized_time(_C, OctetList, DoTag) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_GeneralizedTime, {OctetList,length(OctetList)}).
-%% decode Generalized time
-%%    (Buffer, Range, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {String, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_generalized_time(Buffer, Range, Tags, TotalLen, OptOrMand) ->
-    NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,
-			 number=?N_GeneralizedTime}),
-    decode_generalized_time_notag(Buffer, Range, NewTags, TotalLen, OptOrMand).
-decode_generalized_time_notag(Buffer, Range, Tags, TotalLen, OptOrMand) ->
-    {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
-	check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-    case FormLen of
-	    {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
-	    {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
-		decode_generalized_time_notag(Buffer00, Range,
-					      RestTags, TotalLen,
-					      OptOrMand),
-	    {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
-	    {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
-	{_,Len} ->
-	    <<PreBuff:Len/binary,RestBuff/binary>> = Buffer0,
-	    {binary_to_list(PreBuff), RestBuff, Rb0+Len}
-    end.
-%% Universal time, ITU_T X.680 Chapter 40
-%% encode UTC time
-encode_utc_time(C, {Name,OctetList}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
-    encode_utc_time(C, OctetList, DoTag);
-encode_utc_time(_C, OctetList, []) ->
-    dotag_universal(?N_UTCTime, OctetList,length(OctetList));
-encode_utc_time(_C, OctetList, DoTag) ->
-    dotag(DoTag, ?N_UTCTime, {OctetList,length(OctetList)}).
-%% decode UTC time
-%%    (Buffer, Range, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {String, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_utc_time(Buffer, Range, Tags, TotalLen, OptOrMand) ->
-    NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_UTCTime}),
-    decode_utc_time_notag(Buffer, Range, NewTags, TotalLen, OptOrMand).
-decode_utc_time_notag(Buffer, Range, Tags, TotalLen, OptOrMand) ->
-    {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
-	check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-    case FormLen of
-	    {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
-	    {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
-		decode_utc_time_notag(Buffer00, Range,
-				      RestTags, TotalLen,
-				      OptOrMand),
-	    {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
-	    {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
-	{_,Len} ->
-	    <<PreBuff:Len/binary,RestBuff/binary>> = Buffer0,
-	    {binary_to_list(PreBuff), RestBuff, Rb0+Len}
-    end.
 %% Length handling
@@ -2122,8 +449,6 @@ decode_utc_time_notag(Buffer, Range, Tags, TotalLen, OptOrMand) ->
 %%          [<127]| [128 + Int (<127),OctetList] | [16#80]
-encode_length(indefinite) ->
-    {[16#80],1}; % 128
 encode_length(L) when L =< 16#7F ->
 encode_length(L) ->
@@ -2162,242 +487,12 @@ decode_length(<<1:1,LL:7,T/binary>>) ->
     <<Length:LL/unit:8,Rest/binary>> = T,
     {{Length,Rest}, LL+1}.
-%decode_length([128 | T]) ->
-%    {{indefinite, T},1};
-%decode_length([H | T]) when H =< 127 ->
-%    {{H, T},1};
-%decode_length([H | T]) ->
-%    dec_long_length(H band 16#7F, T, 0, 1).
-%%dec_long_length(0, Buffer, Acc, Len) ->
-%%    {{Acc, Buffer},Len};
-%%dec_long_length(Bytes, [H | T], Acc, Len) ->
-%%    dec_long_length(Bytes - 1, T, (Acc bsl 8) + H, Len+1).
-%% Decode tag and length
-%% decode_tag_and_length(Buffer) -> {Tag, Len, RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes}
-decode_tag_and_length(Buffer) ->
-    {Tag, Buffer2, RemBytesTag} = decode_tag(Buffer),
-    {{Len, Buffer3}, RemBytesLen} = decode_length(Buffer2),
-    {Tag, Len, Buffer3, RemBytesTag+RemBytesLen}.
-%% Check if valid tag
-%% check_if_valid_tag(Tag, List_of_valid_tags, OptOrMand) -> name of the tag
-check_if_valid_tag(<<0,0,_/binary>>,_,_) ->
-    asn1_EOC;
-check_if_valid_tag(<<>>, _, OptOrMand) ->
-    check_if_valid_tag2_error([], OptOrMand);
-check_if_valid_tag(Bytes, ListOfTags, OptOrMand) when is_binary(Bytes) ->
-    {Tag, _, _} = decode_tag(Bytes),
-    check_if_valid_tag(Tag, ListOfTags, OptOrMand);
-%% This alternative should be removed in the near future
-%% Bytes as input should be the only necessary call
-check_if_valid_tag(Tag, ListOfTags, OptOrMand) ->
-    {Class, _Form, TagNo} = Tag,
-    C = code_class(Class),
-    T = case C of
-	    'UNIVERSAL' ->
-		code_type(TagNo);
-	    _ ->
-		TagNo
-	end,
-    check_if_valid_tag2({C,T}, ListOfTags, Tag, OptOrMand).
-check_if_valid_tag2(_Class_TagNo, [], Tag, MandOrOpt) ->
-    check_if_valid_tag2_error(Tag,MandOrOpt);
-check_if_valid_tag2(Class_TagNo, [{TagName,TagList}|T], Tag, OptOrMand) ->
-    case check_if_valid_tag_loop(Class_TagNo, TagList) of
-	true ->
-	    TagName;
-	false ->
-	    check_if_valid_tag2(Class_TagNo, T, Tag, OptOrMand)
-    end.
--spec check_if_valid_tag2_error(term(), atom()) -> no_return().
-check_if_valid_tag2_error(Tag,mandatory) ->
-    exit({error,{asn1,{invalid_tag,Tag}}});
-check_if_valid_tag2_error(Tag,_) ->
-    exit({error,{asn1,{no_optional_tag,Tag}}}).
-check_if_valid_tag_loop(_Class_TagNo,[]) ->
-    false;
-check_if_valid_tag_loop(Class_TagNo,[H|T]) ->
-    %% It is not possible to distinguish between SEQUENCE OF and SEQUENCE, and
-    %% between SET OF and SET because both are coded as 16 and 17, respectively.
-    H_without_OF = case H of
-		       {C, 'SEQUENCE OF'} ->
-			   {C, 'SEQUENCE'};
-		       {C, 'SET OF'} ->
-			   {C, 'SET'};
-		       Else ->
-			   Else
-		   end,
-    case H_without_OF of
-	Class_TagNo ->
-	    true;
-	{_,_} ->
-	    check_if_valid_tag_loop(Class_TagNo,T);
-	_ ->
-	    check_if_valid_tag_loop(Class_TagNo,H),
-	    check_if_valid_tag_loop(Class_TagNo,T)
-    end.
-code_class(0) -> 'UNIVERSAL';
-code_class(16#40) -> 'APPLICATION';
-code_class(16#80) -> 'CONTEXT';
-code_class(16#C0) -> 'PRIVATE'.
-code_type(1) -> 'BOOLEAN';
-code_type(2) -> 'INTEGER';
-code_type(3) -> 'BIT STRING';
-code_type(4) -> 'OCTET STRING';
-code_type(5) -> 'NULL';
-code_type(6) -> 'OBJECT IDENTIFIER';
-code_type(7) -> 'ObjectDescriptor';
-code_type(8) -> 'EXTERNAL';
-code_type(9) -> 'REAL';
-code_type(10) -> 'ENUMERATED';
-code_type(11) -> 'EMBEDDED_PDV';
-code_type(16) -> 'SEQUENCE';
-% code_type(16) -> 'SEQUENCE OF';
-code_type(17) -> 'SET';
-% code_type(17) -> 'SET OF';
-code_type(18) -> 'NumericString';
-code_type(19) -> 'PrintableString';
-code_type(20) -> 'TeletexString';
-code_type(21) -> 'VideotexString';
-code_type(22) -> 'IA5String';
-code_type(23) -> 'UTCTime';
-code_type(24) -> 'GeneralizedTime';
-code_type(25) -> 'GraphicString';
-code_type(26) -> 'VisibleString';
-code_type(27) -> 'GeneralString';
-code_type(28) -> 'UniversalString';
-code_type(30) -> 'BMPString';
-code_type(Else) -> exit({error,{asn1,{unrecognized_type,Else}}}).
-%% decoding of the components of a SET
-decode_set(Rb, indefinite, <<0,0,Bytes/binary>>, _OptOrMand, _Fun3, Acc) ->
-   {lists:reverse(Acc),Bytes,Rb+2};
-decode_set(Rb, indefinite, Bytes, OptOrMand, Fun3, Acc) ->
-    case Fun3(Bytes, OptOrMand) of
-	{_Term, _Remain, 0} ->
-	    {lists:reverse(Acc),Bytes,Rb};
-	{Term, Remain, Rb1} ->
-	    Fun3(Bytes, OptOrMand),
-	    decode_set(Rb+Rb1, indefinite, Remain, OptOrMand, Fun3, [Term|Acc])
-    end;
-%%   {Term, Remain, Rb1} = Fun3(Bytes, OptOrMand),
-%%   decode_set(Rb+Rb1, indefinite, Remain, OptOrMand, Fun3, [Term|Acc]);
-decode_set(Rb, Num, Bytes, _OptOrMand, _Fun3, Acc) when Num == 0 ->
-   {lists:reverse(Acc), Bytes, Rb};
-decode_set(_, Num, _, _, _, _) when Num < 0 ->
-   exit({error,{asn1,{length_error,'SET'}}});
-decode_set(Rb, Num, Bytes, OptOrMand, Fun3, Acc) ->
-    case Fun3(Bytes, OptOrMand) of
-	{_Term, _Remain, 0} ->
-	    {lists:reverse(Acc),Bytes,Rb};
-	{Term, Remain, Rb1} ->
-	    Fun3(Bytes, OptOrMand),
-	    decode_set(Rb+Rb1, Num-Rb1, Remain, OptOrMand, Fun3, [Term|Acc])
-    end.
-%%    {Term, Remain, Rb1} = Fun3(Bytes, OptOrMand),
-%%    decode_set(Rb+Rb1, Num-Rb1, Remain, OptOrMand, Fun3, [Term|Acc]).
-%% decoding of SEQUENCE OF and SET OF
-decode_components(Rb, indefinite, <<0,0,Bytes/binary>>, _Fun3, _TagIn, Acc) ->
-   {lists:reverse(Acc),Bytes,Rb+2};
-decode_components(Rb, indefinite, Bytes, Fun3, TagIn, Acc) ->
-   {Term, Remain, Rb1} = Fun3(Bytes, mandatory, TagIn),
-   decode_components(Rb+Rb1, indefinite, Remain, Fun3, TagIn, [Term|Acc]);
-decode_components(Rb, Num, Bytes, _Fun3, _TagIn, Acc) when Num == 0 ->
-   {lists:reverse(Acc), Bytes, Rb};
-decode_components(_, Num, _, _, _, _) when Num < 0 ->
-   exit({error,{asn1,{length_error,'SET/SEQUENCE OF'}}});
-decode_components(Rb, Num, Bytes, Fun3, TagIn, Acc) ->
-   {Term, Remain, Rb1} = Fun3(Bytes, mandatory, TagIn),
-   decode_components(Rb+Rb1, Num-Rb1, Remain, Fun3, TagIn, [Term|Acc]).
-%%decode_components(Rb, indefinite, [0,0|Bytes], _Fun3, _TagIn, Acc) ->
-%%   {lists:reverse(Acc),Bytes,Rb+2};
-decode_components(Rb, indefinite, <<0,0,Bytes/binary>>, _Fun4, _TagIn, _Fun, Acc) ->
-   {lists:reverse(Acc),Bytes,Rb+2};
-decode_components(Rb, indefinite, Bytes, _Fun4, TagIn, _Fun, Acc) ->
-   {Term, Remain, Rb1} = _Fun4(Bytes, mandatory, TagIn, _Fun),
-   decode_components(Rb+Rb1, indefinite, Remain, _Fun4, TagIn, _Fun, [Term|Acc]);
-decode_components(Rb, Num, Bytes, _Fun4, _TagIn, _Fun, Acc) when Num == 0 ->
-   {lists:reverse(Acc), Bytes, Rb};
-decode_components(_, Num, _, _, _, _, _) when Num < 0 ->
-   exit({error,{asn1,{length_error,'SET/SEQUENCE OF'}}});
-decode_components(Rb, Num, Bytes, _Fun4, TagIn, _Fun, Acc) ->
-   {Term, Remain, Rb1} = _Fun4(Bytes, mandatory, TagIn, _Fun),
-   decode_components(Rb+Rb1, Num-Rb1, Remain, _Fun4, TagIn, _Fun, [Term|Acc]).
-%% Encode tag
-%% dotag(tag | notag, TagValpattern | TagValTuple, [Length, Value]) -> [Tag]
-%% TagValPattern is a correct bitpattern for a tag
-%% TagValTuple is a tuple of three bitpatterns, Class, Form and TagNo where
-%%     Form  = Primitive | Constructed
-%%     TagNo = Number of tag
 dotag([], Tag, {Bytes,Len}) ->
 dotag(Tags, Tag, {Bytes,Len}) ->
     encode_tags(Tags ++ [#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=Tag,form=?PRIMITIVE}],
-		Bytes, Len);
-dotag(Tags, Tag, Bytes) ->
-    encode_tags(Tags ++ [#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=Tag,form=?PRIMITIVE}],
-		Bytes, size(Bytes)).
+		Bytes, Len).
 dotag_universal(UniversalTag,Bytes,Len) when Len =< 16#7F->
@@ -2415,47 +510,6 @@ decode_integer2(Len,<<1:1,B2:7,Bs/binary>>,RemovedBytes)  ->
     Int = N - (1 bsl (8 * Len - 1)),
-%%decode_integer2(Len,Buffer,Acc,RemovedBytes) when (hd(Buffer) band 16#FF) =< 16#7F ->
-%%    {decode_integer_pos(Buffer, 8 * (Len - 1)),skip(Buffer,Len),RemovedBytes};
-%%decode_integer2(Len,Buffer,Acc,RemovedBytes)  ->
-%%    {decode_integer_neg(Buffer, 8 * (Len - 1)),skip(Buffer,Len),RemovedBytes}.
-%%decode_integer_pos([Byte|Tail], Shift) ->
-%%    (Byte bsl Shift) bor decode_integer_pos(Tail, Shift-8);
-%%decode_integer_pos([], _) -> 0.
-%%decode_integer_neg([Byte|Tail], Shift) ->
-%%    (-128 + (Byte band 127) bsl Shift) bor decode_integer_pos(Tail, Shift-8).
-concat_bit_binaries([],Bin={_,_}) ->
-    Bin;
-concat_bit_binaries({0,B1},{U2,B2}) ->
-    {U2,<<B1/binary,B2/binary>>};
-concat_bit_binaries({U1,B1},{U2,B2}) ->
-    S1 = (size(B1) * 8) - U1,
-    S2 = (size(B2) * 8) - U2,
-    PadBits = 8 - ((S1+S2) rem 8),
-    {PadBits, <<B1:S1/binary-unit:1,B2:S2/binary-unit:1,0:PadBits>>};
-concat_bit_binaries(L1,L2) when is_list(L1), is_list(L2) ->
-    %% this case occur when decoding with NNL
-    L1 ++ L2.
-get_constraint(C,Key) ->
-    case lists:keyfind(Key,1,C) of
-	false ->
-	     no;
-	{_, V} ->
-	    V
-    end.
-%%skip(Buffer, 0) ->
-%%    Buffer;
-%%skip([H | T], Len) ->
-%%    skip(T, Len-1).
 new_tags([],LastTag) ->
 new_tags(Tags = [#tag{type='IMPLICIT'}],_LastTag) ->
cgit v1.2.3