From 8ea0c7c566d2c356f273806c42615f31b9e946d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stavros Aronis To implement a user-defined behaviour, write code similar to
code for a special process but calling functions in a callback
module for handling specific tasks. If it is desired that the compiler should warn for missing
- callback functions, as it does for the OTP behaviours, implement
- and export the function: If it is desired that the compiler should warn for missing callback
+ functions, as it does for the OTP behaviours, add callback attributes in the
+ behaviour module to describe the expected callbacks: where Alternatively you may directly implement and export the function: where each where each When the compiler encounters the module attribute
+-callback Name1(Arg1_1, Arg1_2, ..., Arg1_N1) -> Res1.
+-callback Name2(Arg2_1, Arg2_2, ..., Arg2_N2) -> Res2.
+-callback NameM(ArgM_1, ArgM_2, ..., ArgM_NM) -> ResM.
behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
%% User-defined behaviour module
-behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
- [{init,1},
- {handle_req,1},
- {terminate,0}].
+-callback init(State :: term()) -> 'ok'.
+-callback handle_req(Req :: term(), State :: term()) -> {'ok', Reply :: term()}.
+-callback terminate() -> 'ok'.
+%% Alternatively you may define:
+%% -export([behaviour_info/1]).
+%% behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
+%% [{init,1},
+%% {handle_req,2},
+%% {terminate,0}].
start_link(Name, Module) ->
proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, [self(), Name, Module]).
@@ -452,7 +470,7 @@ init(Parent, Name, Module) ->
--export([init/0, handle_req/1, terminate/0]).
+-export([init/0, handle_req/2, terminate/0]).
cgit v1.2.3