From 5e2f90735cfd78f353e549bf92bc8792ab1c6d34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?=
Date: Mon, 7 May 2018 13:14:13 +0200
Subject: Remove obsolete example in Efficiency Guide
The argument order is no longer important.
system/doc/efficiency_guide/binaryhandling.xml | 82 +-----------------------
system/doc/efficiency_guide/efficiency_guide.erl | 24 +------
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)
(limited to 'system/doc/efficiency_guide')
diff --git a/system/doc/efficiency_guide/binaryhandling.xml b/system/doc/efficiency_guide/binaryhandling.xml
index 19f40c9abe..d07ff1325f 100644
--- a/system/doc/efficiency_guide/binaryhandling.xml
+++ b/system/doc/efficiency_guide/binaryhandling.xml
@@ -357,25 +357,8 @@ all_but_zeroes_to_list(<>, Acc, Remaining) ->
Buffer from a match context to a sub binary (or do nothing if
Buffer is a binary already).
- Before you begin to think that the compiler can optimize any binary
- patterns, the following function cannot be optimized by the compiler
- (currently, at least):
- >) ->
- non_opt_eq(T1, T2);
-non_opt_eq([_|_], <<_,_/binary>>) ->
- false;
-non_opt_eq([], <<>>) ->
- true.]]>
- It was mentioned earlier that the compiler can only delay creation of
- sub binaries if it knows that the binary will not be shared. In this case,
- the compiler cannot know.
- Soon it is shown how to rewrite non_opt_eq/2 so that the delayed
- sub binary optimization can be applied, and more importantly, it is shown
- how you can find out whether your code can be optimized.
+ But in more complicated code, how can one know whether the
+ optimization is applied or not?
@@ -422,67 +405,6 @@ after_zero(<<>>) ->
binary cannot be delayed, because it will be returned.
The warning for the second clause says that a sub binary will not be
created (yet).
- Let us revisit the earlier example of the code that could not
- be optimized and find out why:
- >) ->
- %% INFO: matching anything else but a plain variable to
- %% the left of binary pattern will prevent delayed
- %% sub binary optimization;
- %% SUGGEST changing argument order
- %% NOT OPTIMIZED: called function non_opt_eq/2 does not
- %% begin with a suitable binary matching instruction
- non_opt_eq(T1, T2);
-non_opt_eq([_|_], <<_,_/binary>>) ->
- false;
-non_opt_eq([], <<>>) ->
- true.]]>
- The compiler emitted two warnings. The INFO warning refers
- to the function non_opt_eq/2 as a callee, indicating that any
- function that call non_opt_eq/2 cannot make delayed sub binary
- optimization. There is also a suggestion to change argument order.
- The second warning (that happens to refer to the same line) refers to
- the construction of the sub binary itself.
- Soon another example will show the difference between the
- INFO and NOT OPTIMIZED warnings somewhat clearer, but
- let us first follow the suggestion to change argument order:
- >, [H|T2]) ->
- %% OPTIMIZED: creation of sub binary delayed
- opt_eq(T1, T2);
-opt_eq(<<_,_/binary>>, [_|_]) ->
- false;
-opt_eq(<<>>, []) ->
- true.]]>
- The compiler gives a warning for the following code fragment:
- >) ->
- %% INFO: matching anything else but a plain variable to
- %% the left of binary pattern will prevent delayed
- %% sub binary optimization;
- %% SUGGEST changing argument order
- done;
- The warning means that if there is a call to match_body/2
- (from another clause in match_body/2 or another function), the
- delayed sub binary optimization will not be possible. More warnings will
- occur for any place where a sub binary is matched out at the end of and
- passed as the second argument to match_body/2, for example:
- >) ->
- %% NOT OPTIMIZED: called function match_body/2 does not
- %% begin with a suitable binary matching instruction
- match_body(List, Data).]]>
diff --git a/system/doc/efficiency_guide/efficiency_guide.erl b/system/doc/efficiency_guide/efficiency_guide.erl
index e982bdae65..c57785aaa3 100644
--- a/system/doc/efficiency_guide/efficiency_guide.erl
+++ b/system/doc/efficiency_guide/efficiency_guide.erl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
naive_reverse([H|T]) ->
@@ -71,28 +71,6 @@ all_but_zeroes_to_list(<<0,T/binary>>, Acc, Remaining) ->
all_but_zeroes_to_list(<>, Acc, Remaining) ->
all_but_zeroes_to_list(T, [Byte|Acc], Remaining-1).
-non_opt_eq([H|T1], <>) ->
- non_opt_eq(T1, T2);
-non_opt_eq([_|_], <<_,_/binary>>) ->
- false;
-non_opt_eq([], <<>>) ->
- true.
-opt_eq(<>, [H|T2]) ->
- opt_eq(T1, T2);
-opt_eq(<<_,_/binary>>, [_|_]) ->
- false;
-opt_eq(<<>>, []) ->
- true.
-match_head(List, <<_:10,Data/binary>>) ->
- match_body(List, Data).
-match_body([0|_], <>) ->
- done;
-match_body([H|T1], <>) ->
- {T1,T2}.
count1(<<_,T/binary>>, Count) -> count1(T, Count+1);
count1(<<>>, Count) -> Count.
cgit v1.2.3