Cross Compiling Erlang/OTP - ANDROID ==================================== Introduction ------------ This document describes how to cross compile Erlang OTP to Android/Rasberry Pi platforms. ### Download and Install Android NDK ### ### Define System Variables ### export NDK_ROOT=/usr/local/android export NDK_PLAT=android-9 export PATH=$NDK_ROOT/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin:$PATH ### Configure OTP ### ./otp_build configure \ --xcomp-conf=./xcomp/erl-xcomp-arm-android.conf \ --without-ssl ### Compile OTP ### make noboot [-j4] ### Make Release ### ./otp_build release -a /usr/local/otp_R16B03_arm ### Target Deployment ### Make a tarball out of /usr/local/otp_R16B03_arm and copy it to target device (e.g. Raspberry Pi). Extract it and install ./Install /usr/local/otp_R16B03_arm Android SDK (adb tool) is used to deploy OTP/Erlang to target device for evaluation purpose only. adb push /usr/local/otp_R16B03_arm /mnt/sdcard/otp_R16B03_arm adb shell ### Known Issues ### * native inet:gethostbyname/1 return {error, nxdomain} on Raspberry PI. Use dns resolver to by-pass the issue (see ### References ### The port derives some solutions from