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    <title>Communication in Erlang</title>
    <prepared>Rickard Green</prepared>
  <p>Communication in Erlang is conceptually performed using
     asynchronous signaling. All different executing entities
     such as processes, and ports communicate via asynchronous
     signals. The most commonly used signal is a message. Other
     common signals are exit, link, unlink, monitor, demonitor
    <title>Passing of Signals</title>
    <p>The amount of time that passes between a signal being sent
    and the arrival of the signal at the destination is unspecified
    but positive. If the receiver has terminated, the signal will
    not arrive, but it is possible that it triggers another signal.
    For example, a link signal sent to a non-existing process will
    trigger an exit signal which will be sent back to where the link
    signal originated from. When communicating over the distribution,
    signals may be lost if the distribution channel goes down.</p>
    <p>The only signal ordering guarantee given is the following. If
    an entity sends multiple signals to the same destination entity,
    the order will be preserved. That is, if <c>A</c> sends
    a signal <c>S1</c> to <c>B</c>, and later sends
    the signal <c>S2</c> to <c>B</c>, <c>S1</c> is guaranteed not to
    arrive after <c>S2</c>.</p>
    <title>Synchronous Communication</title>
    <p>Some communication is synchronous. If broken down into pieces,
    a synchronous communication operation, consists of two asynchronous
    signals. One request signal and one reply signal. An example of 
    such a synchronous communication is a call to <c>process_info/2</c>
    when the first argument is not <c>self()</c>. The caller will send
    an asynchronous signal requesting information, and will then
    wait for the reply signal containing the requested information. When
    the request signal reaches its destination the destination process
    replies with the requested information.</p>
    <p>The implementation of different asynchronous signals in the
    VM may vary over time, but the behaviour will always respect this
    concept of asynchronous signals being passed between entities
    as described above.</p>
    <p>By inspecting the implementation you might notice that some
    specific signal actually gives a stricter guarantee than described
    above. It is of vital importance that such knowledge about the
    implementation is <em>not</em> used by Erlang code, since the
    implementation might change at any time without prior notice.</p>
    <p>Some example of major implementation changes:</p>
    <list type="bulleted">
      <item>As of ERTS version 5.5.2 exit signals to processes are truly
      asynchronously delivered.</item>
      <item>As of ERTS version 5.10 all signals from processes to ports
      are truly asynchronously delivered.</item>