This document was written a long time ago. A lot of it is still
valid, but some things have changed since it was first written.
Updates of this document are planned for the future. The reader
is encouraged to also read the
This chapter tells you how to build your own driver for erlang.
A driver in Erlang is a library written in C, that is linked to the Erlang emulator and called from erlang. Drivers can be used when C is more suitable than Erlang, to speed things up, or to provide access to OS resources not directly accessible from Erlang.
A driver can be dynamically loaded, as a shared library (known as a DLL on windows), or statically loaded, linked with the emulator when it is compiled and linked. Only dynamically loaded drivers are described here, statically linked drivers are beyond the scope of this chapter.
When a driver is loaded it is executed in the context of the emulator, shares the same memory and the same thread. This means that all operations in the driver must be non-blocking, and that any crash in the driver will bring the whole emulator down. In short: you have to be extremely careful!
This is a simple driver for accessing a postgres database using the libpq C client library. Postgres is used because it's free and open source. For information on postgres, refer to the website
The driver is synchronous, it uses the synchronous calls of the client library. This is only for simplicity, and is generally not good, since it will halt the emulator while waiting for the database. This will be improved on below with an asynchronous sample driver.
The code is quite straight-forward: all
communication between Erlang and the driver
is done with
An Erlang driver only exports one function: the driver
entry function. This is defined with a macro,
There is an entry
The code is available in
The driver entry contains the functions that
will be called by the emulator. In our simple
example, we only provide
We have a structure to store state needed by the driver, in this case we only need to keep the database connection.
These are control codes we have defined.
This just returns the driver structure. The macro
Here we do some initialization,
conn = NULL;
set_port_control_flags(port, PORT_CONTROL_FLAG_BINARY);
return (ErlDrvData)data;
We call disconnect to log out from the database. (This should have been done from Erlang, but just in case.)
We use the binary format only to return data to the emulator;
input data is a string paramater for
The functions
conn = conn;
return 0;
If we are connected (if the connection handle is not
conn == NULL)
return 0;
data->conn = NULL;
if (x != NULL)
return 0;
We execute a query and encodes the result. Encoding is done
in another C module,
conn, s);
encode_result(x, res, data->conn);
return 0;
Here we simply checks the result from postgres, and
if it's data we encode it as lists of lists with
column data. Everything from postgres is C strings,
so we just use
The driver should be compiled and linked to a shared
library (DLL on windows). With gcc this is done
with the link flags
Before a driver can be called from Erlang, it must be
loaded and opened. Loading is done using the
When the port has been opened, the driver can be called. In
The following code is the Erlang part of the synchronous
postgres driver,
case erl_ddll:load_driver(".", "pg_sync") of
ok -> ok;
{error, already_loaded} -> ok;
E -> exit({error, E})
Port = open_port({spawn, ?MODULE}, []),
case binary_to_term(port_control(Port, ?DRV_CONNECT, ConnectStr)) of
ok -> {ok, Port};
Error -> Error
disconnect(Port) ->
R = binary_to_term(port_control(Port, ?DRV_DISCONNECT, "")),
select(Port, Query) ->
binary_to_term(port_control(Port, ?DRV_SELECT, Query)).
The api is simple:
The driver is loaded with
We use the
Sometimes database queries can take long time to
complete, in our
The asynchronous version of the driver is in the
sample files
Here some things have changed from
Our driver data is also extended, we keep track of the
socket used for communication with postgres, and also
the port, which is needed when we send data to the port with
port, x.buff, x.index);
int socket = PQsocket(conn);
data->socket = socket;
driver_select(data->port, (ErlDrvEvent)socket, DO_READ, 1);
driver_select(data->port, (ErlDrvEvent)socket, DO_WRITE, 1);
data->conn = conn;
data->connecting = 1;
return 0;
Note that we only return data (with
connecting = 0;
PGconn* conn = data->conn;
/* if there's an error return it now */
if (PQsendQuery(conn, s) == 0) {
\011ei_x_buff x;
\011encode_error(&x, conn);
\011driver_output(data->port, x.buff, x.index);
/* else wait for ready_output to get results */
return 0;
ei_x_buff x;
if (data->connecting) {
\011ConnStatusType status;
\011status = PQstatus(conn);
\011if (status == CONNECTION_OK)
\011 encode_ok(&x);
\011else if (status == CONNECTION_BAD)
\011 encode_error(&x, conn);
} else {
\011if (PQisBusy(conn))
\011 return;
\011res = PQgetResult(conn);
\011encode_result(&x, res, conn);
\011for (;;) {
\011 res = PQgetResult(conn);
\011 if (res == NULL)
\011 PQclear(res);
if (x.index > 1) {
\011driver_output(data->port, x.buff, x.index);
\011if (data->connecting)
\011 driver_select(data->port, (ErlDrvEvent)data->socket, DO_WRITE, 0);
If we have result from a connect, indicated that we have data in
If we're not connecting, we're waiting for results from a
We should add error handling here, for instance checking that the socket is still open, but this is just a simple example.
The Erlang part of the asynchronous driver consists of the
sample file
case erl_ddll:load_driver(".", "pg_async") of
\011ok -> ok;
\011{error, already_loaded} -> ok;
\011_ -> exit({error, could_not_load_driver})
Port = open_port({spawn, ?MODULE}, [binary]),
port_control(Port, ?DRV_CONNECT, ConnectStr),
case return_port_data(Port) of
\011ok ->
\011 {ok, Port};
\011Error ->
\011 Error
disconnect(Port) ->
port_control(Port, ?DRV_DISCONNECT, ""),
R = return_port_data(Port),
select(Port, Query) ->
port_control(Port, ?DRV_SELECT, Query),
return_port_data(Port) ->
\011{Port, {data, Data}} ->
\011 binary_to_term(Data)
The Erlang code is slightly different, this is because we
don't return the result synchronously from
As a final example we demonstrate the use of
The asynchronous api for drivers are quite complicated. First
of all, the work must be prepared. In our example we do this
The code below is from the sample file
The driver entry looks like before, but also contains the
our_async_data(ErlDrvPort p, int command, const char* buf, int len);
our_async_data::our_async_data(ErlDrvPort p, int command,
\011\011\011 const char* buf, int len)
: prev(command == 2),
data((int*)buf, (int*)buf + len / sizeof(int))
static void do_perm(void* async_data);
static void output(ErlDrvData drv_data, char *buf, int len)
if (*buf < 1 || *buf > 2) return;
ErlDrvPort port = reinterpret_cast(drv_data);
void* async_data = new our_async_data(port, *buf, buf+1, len);
driver_async(port, NULL, do_perm, async_data, do_free);
In the
if (d->prev)
\011prev_permutation(d->data.begin(), d->data.end());
\011next_permutation(d->data.begin(), d->data.end());
In the
When the data is returned we deallocate our data.
our_async_data* d = reinterpret_cast(async_data);
int n = d->data.size(), result_n = n*2 + 3;
ErlDrvTermData* result = new ErlDrvTermData[result_n], * rp = result;
for (vector::iterator i = d->data.begin();
\011 i != d->data.end(); ++i) {
\011*rp++ = ERL_DRV_INT;
\011*rp++ = *i;
*rp++ = ERL_DRV_NIL;
*rp++ = ERL_DRV_LIST;
*rp++ = n+1;
driver_output_term(port, result, result_n);
delete[] result;
delete d;
This driver is called like the others from Erlang, however, since
we use
The input is changed into a list of integers and sent to the driver.
case whereis(next_perm) of
\011undefined ->
\011 case erl_ddll:load_driver(".", "next_perm") of
\011\011ok -> ok;
\011\011{error, already_loaded} -> ok;
\011\011E -> exit(E)
\011 end,
\011 Port = open_port({spawn, "next_perm"}, []),
\011 register(next_perm, Port);
\011_ ->
\011 ok
list_to_integer_binaries(L) ->
[<> || I <- L].
next_perm(L) ->
next_perm(L, 1).
prev_perm(L) ->
next_perm(L, 2).
next_perm(L, Nxt) ->
B = list_to_integer_binaries(L),
port_control(next_perm, Nxt, B),
\011Result ->
\011 Result
all_perm(L) ->
New = prev_perm(L),
all_perm(New, L, [New]).
all_perm(L, L, Acc) ->
all_perm(L, Orig, Acc) ->
New = prev_perm(L),
all_perm(New, Orig, [New | Acc]).