/* * %CopyrightBegin% * * Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * %CopyrightEnd% */ /* * This file contains the bif interface functions and * the handling of the "meta tables" ie the tables of * db tables. */ /* #ifdef DEBUG #define HARDDEBUG 1 #endif */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "sys.h" #include "erl_vm.h" #include "global.h" #include "erl_process.h" #include "error.h" #define ERTS_WANT_DB_INTERNAL__ #include "erl_db.h" #include "bif.h" #include "big.h" erts_smp_atomic_t erts_ets_misc_mem_size; /* ** Utility macros */ /* Get a key from any table structure and a tagged object */ #define TERM_GETKEY(tb, obj) db_getkey((tb)->common.keypos, (obj)) /* How safe are we from double-hits or missed objects ** when iterating without fixation? */ enum DbIterSafety { ITER_UNSAFE, /* Must fixate to be safe */ ITER_SAFE_LOCKED, /* Safe while table is locked, not between trap calls */ ITER_SAFE /* No need to fixate at all */ }; #ifdef ERTS_SMP # define ITERATION_SAFETY(Proc,Tab) \ ((IS_TREE_TABLE((Tab)->common.status) || ONLY_WRITER(Proc,Tab)) ? ITER_SAFE \ : (((Tab)->common.status & DB_FINE_LOCKED) ? ITER_UNSAFE : ITER_SAFE_LOCKED)) #else # define ITERATION_SAFETY(Proc,Tab) \ ((IS_TREE_TABLE((Tab)->common.status) || ONLY_WRITER(Proc,Tab)) \ ? ITER_SAFE : ITER_SAFE_LOCKED) #endif #define DID_TRAP(P,Ret) (!is_value(Ret) && ((P)->freason == TRAP)) /* ** The main meta table, containing all ets tables. */ #ifdef ERTS_SMP #define ERTS_META_MAIN_TAB_LOCK_TAB_BITS 8 #define ERTS_META_MAIN_TAB_LOCK_TAB_SIZE (1 << ERTS_META_MAIN_TAB_LOCK_TAB_BITS) #define ERTS_META_MAIN_TAB_LOCK_TAB_MASK (ERTS_META_MAIN_TAB_LOCK_TAB_SIZE - 1) typedef union { erts_smp_rwmtx_t rwmtx; byte cache_line_align__[ERTS_ALC_CACHE_LINE_ALIGN_SIZE( sizeof(erts_smp_rwmtx_t))]; } erts_meta_main_tab_lock_t; static erts_meta_main_tab_lock_t *meta_main_tab_locks; #endif static struct { union { DbTable *tb; /* Only directly readable if slot is ALIVE */ UWord next_free; /* (index<<2)|1 if slot is FREE */ }u; } *meta_main_tab; /* A slot in meta_main_tab can have three states: * FREE : Free to use for new table. Part of linked free-list. * ALIVE: Contains a table * DEAD : Contains a table that is being removed. */ #define IS_SLOT_FREE(i) (meta_main_tab[(i)].u.next_free & 1) #define IS_SLOT_DEAD(i) (meta_main_tab[(i)].u.next_free & 2) #define IS_SLOT_ALIVE(i) (!(meta_main_tab[(i)].u.next_free & (1|2))) #define GET_NEXT_FREE_SLOT(i) (meta_main_tab[(i)].u.next_free >> 2) #define SET_NEXT_FREE_SLOT(i,next) (meta_main_tab[(i)].u.next_free = ((next)<<2)|1) #define MARK_SLOT_DEAD(i) (meta_main_tab[(i)].u.next_free |= 2) #define GET_ANY_SLOT_TAB(i) ((DbTable*)(meta_main_tab[(i)].u.next_free & ~(1|2))) /* dead or alive */ static ERTS_INLINE erts_smp_rwmtx_t * get_meta_main_tab_lock(unsigned slot) { #ifdef ERTS_SMP return &meta_main_tab_locks[slot & ERTS_META_MAIN_TAB_LOCK_TAB_MASK].rwmtx; #else return NULL; #endif } static erts_smp_spinlock_t meta_main_tab_main_lock; static Uint meta_main_tab_first_free; /* Index of first free slot */ static int meta_main_tab_cnt; /* Number of active tables */ static int meta_main_tab_top; /* Highest ever used slot + 1 */ static Uint meta_main_tab_slot_mask; /* The slot index part of an unnamed table id */ static Uint meta_main_tab_seq_incr; static Uint meta_main_tab_seq_cnt = 0; /* To give unique(-ish) table identifiers */ /* ** The meta hash table of all NAMED ets tables */ #ifdef ERTS_SMP # define META_NAME_TAB_LOCK_CNT 16 union { erts_smp_rwmtx_t lck; byte _cache_line_alignment[64]; }meta_name_tab_rwlocks[META_NAME_TAB_LOCK_CNT]; #endif static struct meta_name_tab_entry { union { Eterm name_atom; Eterm mcnt; /* Length of mvec in multiple tab entry */ }u; union { DbTable *tb; struct meta_name_tab_entry* mvec; }pu; } *meta_name_tab; static unsigned meta_name_tab_mask; static ERTS_INLINE struct meta_name_tab_entry* meta_name_tab_bucket(Eterm name, erts_smp_rwmtx_t** lockp) { unsigned bix = atom_val(name) & meta_name_tab_mask; struct meta_name_tab_entry* bucket = &meta_name_tab[bix]; #ifdef ERTS_SMP *lockp = &meta_name_tab_rwlocks[bix % META_NAME_TAB_LOCK_CNT].lck; #endif return bucket; } typedef enum { LCK_READ=1, /* read only access */ LCK_WRITE=2, /* exclusive table write access */ LCK_WRITE_REC=3, /* record write access */ LCK_NONE=4 } db_lock_kind_t; extern DbTableMethod db_hash; extern DbTableMethod db_tree; int user_requested_db_max_tabs; int erts_ets_realloc_always_moves; int erts_ets_always_compress; static int db_max_tabs; static DbTable *meta_pid_to_tab; /* Pid mapped to owned tables */ static DbTable *meta_pid_to_fixed_tab; /* Pid mapped to fixed tables */ static Eterm ms_delete_all; static Eterm ms_delete_all_buff[8]; /* To compare with for deletion of all objects */ /* ** Forward decls, static functions */ static void fix_table_locked(Process* p, DbTable* tb); static void unfix_table_locked(Process* p, DbTable* tb, db_lock_kind_t* kind); static void set_heir(Process* me, DbTable* tb, Eterm heir, UWord heir_data); static void free_heir_data(DbTable*); static void free_fixations_locked(DbTable *tb); static int free_table_cont(Process *p, DbTable *tb, int first, int clean_meta_tab); static void print_table(fmtfn_t to, void *to_arg, int show, DbTable* tb); static BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_delete_1(BIF_ALIST_1); static BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_count_1(BIF_ALIST_1); static BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_trap_1(BIF_ALIST_1); static BIF_RETTYPE ets_delete_trap(BIF_ALIST_1); static Eterm table_info(Process* p, DbTable* tb, Eterm What); static BIF_RETTYPE ets_select1(Process* p, Eterm arg1); static BIF_RETTYPE ets_select2(Process* p, Eterm arg1, Eterm arg2); static BIF_RETTYPE ets_select3(Process* p, Eterm arg1, Eterm arg2, Eterm arg3); /* * Exported global */ Export ets_select_delete_continue_exp; Export ets_select_count_continue_exp; Export ets_select_continue_exp; /* * Static traps */ static Export ets_delete_continue_exp; static void free_dbtable(void *vtb) { DbTable *tb = (DbTable *) vtb; #ifdef HARDDEBUG if (erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&tb->common.memory_size) != sizeof(DbTable)) { erts_fprintf(stderr, "ets: free_dbtable memory remain=%ld fix=%x\n", erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&tb->common.memory_size)-sizeof(DbTable), tb->common.fixations); } erts_fprintf(stderr, "ets: free_dbtable(%T) deleted!!!\r\n", tb->common.id); erts_fprintf(stderr, "ets: free_dbtable: meta_pid_to_tab common.memory_size = %ld\n", erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&meta_pid_to_tab->common.memory_size)); print_table(ERTS_PRINT_STDOUT, NULL, 1, meta_pid_to_tab); erts_fprintf(stderr, "ets: free_dbtable: meta_pid_to_fixed_tab common.memory_size = %ld\n", erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.memory_size)); print_table(ERTS_PRINT_STDOUT, NULL, 1, meta_pid_to_fixed_tab); #endif #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_rwmtx_destroy(&tb->common.rwlock); erts_smp_mtx_destroy(&tb->common.fixlock); #endif ASSERT(is_immed(tb->common.heir_data)); erts_db_free(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_TABLE, tb, (void *) tb, sizeof(DbTable)); } static void schedule_free_dbtable(DbTable* tb) { /* * NON-SMP case: Caller is *not* allowed to access the *tb * structure after this function has returned! * SMP case: Caller is allowed to access the *common* part of the *tb * structure until the bif has returned (we typically need to * unlock the table lock after this function has returned). * Caller is *not* allowed to access the specialized part * (hash or tree) of *tb after this function has returned. */ ASSERT(erts_refc_read(&tb->common.ref, 0) == 0); erts_schedule_thr_prgr_later_cleanup_op(free_dbtable, (void *) tb, &tb->release.data, sizeof(DbTable)); } static ERTS_INLINE void db_init_lock(DbTable* tb, int use_frequent_read_lock, char *rwname, char* fixname) { #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_rwmtx_opt_t rwmtx_opt = ERTS_SMP_RWMTX_OPT_DEFAULT_INITER; if (use_frequent_read_lock) rwmtx_opt.type = ERTS_SMP_RWMTX_TYPE_FREQUENT_READ; if (erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count >= 0) rwmtx_opt.main_spincount = erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count; #endif #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_rwmtx_init_opt_x(&tb->common.rwlock, &rwmtx_opt, rwname, tb->common.the_name); erts_smp_mtx_init_x(&tb->common.fixlock, fixname, tb->common.the_name); tb->common.is_thread_safe = !(tb->common.status & DB_FINE_LOCKED); #endif } static ERTS_INLINE void db_lock(DbTable* tb, db_lock_kind_t kind) { #ifdef ERTS_SMP ASSERT(tb != meta_pid_to_tab && tb != meta_pid_to_fixed_tab); if (tb->common.type & DB_FINE_LOCKED) { if (kind == LCK_WRITE) { erts_smp_rwmtx_rwlock(&tb->common.rwlock); tb->common.is_thread_safe = 1; } else { erts_smp_rwmtx_rlock(&tb->common.rwlock); ASSERT(!tb->common.is_thread_safe); } } else { switch (kind) { case LCK_WRITE: case LCK_WRITE_REC: erts_smp_rwmtx_rwlock(&tb->common.rwlock); break; default: erts_smp_rwmtx_rlock(&tb->common.rwlock); } ASSERT(tb->common.is_thread_safe); } #endif } static ERTS_INLINE void db_unlock(DbTable* tb, db_lock_kind_t kind) { /* * In NON-SMP case tb may refer to an already deallocated * DbTable structure. That is, ONLY the SMP case is allowed * to follow the tb pointer! */ #ifdef ERTS_SMP ASSERT(tb != meta_pid_to_tab && tb != meta_pid_to_fixed_tab); if (tb->common.type & DB_FINE_LOCKED) { if (kind == LCK_WRITE) { ASSERT(tb->common.is_thread_safe); tb->common.is_thread_safe = 0; erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(&tb->common.rwlock); } else { ASSERT(!tb->common.is_thread_safe); erts_smp_rwmtx_runlock(&tb->common.rwlock); } } else { ASSERT(tb->common.is_thread_safe); switch (kind) { case LCK_WRITE: case LCK_WRITE_REC: erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(&tb->common.rwlock); break; default: erts_smp_rwmtx_runlock(&tb->common.rwlock); } } #endif } static ERTS_INLINE void db_meta_lock(DbTable* tb, db_lock_kind_t kind) { ASSERT(tb == meta_pid_to_tab || tb == meta_pid_to_fixed_tab); ASSERT(kind != LCK_WRITE); /* As long as we only lock for READ we don't have to lock at all. */ } static ERTS_INLINE void db_meta_unlock(DbTable* tb, db_lock_kind_t kind) { ASSERT(tb == meta_pid_to_tab || tb == meta_pid_to_fixed_tab); ASSERT(kind != LCK_WRITE); } static ERTS_INLINE DbTable* db_get_table_aux(Process *p, Eterm id, int what, db_lock_kind_t kind, int meta_already_locked) { DbTable *tb = NULL; erts_smp_rwmtx_t *mtl = NULL; /* * IMPORTANT: Only scheduler threads are allowed * to access tables. Memory management * depend on it. */ ASSERT(erts_get_scheduler_data()); if (is_small(id)) { Uint slot = unsigned_val(id) & meta_main_tab_slot_mask; if (!meta_already_locked) { mtl = get_meta_main_tab_lock(slot); erts_smp_rwmtx_rlock(mtl); } #if defined(ERTS_SMP) && defined(ERTS_ENABLE_LOCK_CHECK) else { erts_smp_rwmtx_t *test_mtl = get_meta_main_tab_lock(slot); ERTS_SMP_LC_ASSERT(erts_lc_rwmtx_is_rlocked(test_mtl) || erts_lc_rwmtx_is_rwlocked(test_mtl)); } #endif if (slot < db_max_tabs && IS_SLOT_ALIVE(slot)) tb = meta_main_tab[slot].u.tb; } else if (is_atom(id)) { struct meta_name_tab_entry* bucket = meta_name_tab_bucket(id,&mtl); if (!meta_already_locked) erts_smp_rwmtx_rlock(mtl); else{ ERTS_SMP_LC_ASSERT(erts_lc_rwmtx_is_rlocked(mtl) || erts_lc_rwmtx_is_rwlocked(mtl)); mtl = NULL; } if (bucket->pu.tb != NULL) { if (is_atom(bucket->u.name_atom)) { /* single */ if (bucket->u.name_atom == id) tb = bucket->pu.tb; } else { /* multi */ Uint cnt = unsigned_val(bucket->u.mcnt); Uint i; for (i=0; i<cnt; i++) { if (bucket->pu.mvec[i].u.name_atom == id) { tb = bucket->pu.mvec[i].pu.tb; break; } } } } } if (tb) { db_lock(tb, kind); if (tb->common.id != id || ((tb->common.status & what) == 0 && p->common.id != tb->common.owner)) { db_unlock(tb, kind); tb = NULL; } } if (mtl) erts_smp_rwmtx_runlock(mtl); return tb; } static ERTS_INLINE DbTable* db_get_table(Process *p, Eterm id, int what, db_lock_kind_t kind) { return db_get_table_aux(p, id, what, kind, 0); } /* Requires meta_main_tab_locks[slot] locked. */ static ERTS_INLINE void free_slot(int slot) { ASSERT(!IS_SLOT_FREE(slot)); erts_smp_spin_lock(&meta_main_tab_main_lock); SET_NEXT_FREE_SLOT(slot,meta_main_tab_first_free); meta_main_tab_first_free = slot; meta_main_tab_cnt--; erts_smp_spin_unlock(&meta_main_tab_main_lock); } static int insert_named_tab(Eterm name_atom, DbTable* tb, int have_lock) { int ret = 0; erts_smp_rwmtx_t* rwlock; struct meta_name_tab_entry* new_entry; struct meta_name_tab_entry* bucket = meta_name_tab_bucket(name_atom, &rwlock); if (!have_lock) erts_smp_rwmtx_rwlock(rwlock); if (bucket->pu.tb == NULL) { /* empty */ new_entry = bucket; } else { struct meta_name_tab_entry* entries; Uint cnt; if (is_atom(bucket->u.name_atom)) { /* single */ size_t size; if (bucket->u.name_atom == name_atom) { goto done; } cnt = 2; size = sizeof(struct meta_name_tab_entry)*cnt; entries = erts_db_alloc_nt(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_NTAB_ENT, size); ERTS_ETS_MISC_MEM_ADD(size); new_entry = &entries[0]; entries[1] = *bucket; } else { /* multi */ size_t size, old_size; Uint i; cnt = unsigned_val(bucket->u.mcnt); for (i=0; i<cnt; i++) { if (bucket->pu.mvec[i].u.name_atom == name_atom) { goto done; } } old_size = sizeof(struct meta_name_tab_entry)*cnt; size = sizeof(struct meta_name_tab_entry)*(cnt+1); entries = erts_db_realloc_nt(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_NTAB_ENT, bucket->pu.mvec, old_size, size); ERTS_ETS_MISC_MEM_ADD(size-old_size); new_entry = &entries[cnt]; cnt++; } bucket->pu.mvec = entries; bucket->u.mcnt = make_small(cnt); } new_entry->pu.tb = tb; new_entry->u.name_atom = name_atom; ret = 1; /* Ok */ done: if (!have_lock) erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(rwlock); return ret; } static int remove_named_tab(DbTable *tb, int have_lock) { int ret = 0; erts_smp_rwmtx_t* rwlock; Eterm name_atom = tb->common.id; struct meta_name_tab_entry* bucket = meta_name_tab_bucket(name_atom, &rwlock); #ifdef ERTS_SMP if (!have_lock && erts_smp_rwmtx_tryrwlock(rwlock) == EBUSY) { db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwlock(rwlock); db_lock(tb, LCK_WRITE); } #endif ERTS_SMP_LC_ASSERT(erts_lc_rwmtx_is_rwlocked(rwlock)); if (bucket->pu.tb == NULL) { goto done; } else if (is_atom(bucket->u.name_atom)) { /* single */ if (bucket->u.name_atom != name_atom) { goto done; } bucket->pu.tb = NULL; } else { /* multi */ Uint cnt = unsigned_val(bucket->u.mcnt); Uint i = 0; for (;;) { if (bucket->pu.mvec[i].u.name_atom == name_atom) { break; } if (++i >= cnt) { goto done; } } if (cnt == 2) { /* multi -> single */ size_t size; struct meta_name_tab_entry* entries = bucket->pu.mvec; *bucket = entries[1-i]; size = sizeof(struct meta_name_tab_entry)*cnt; erts_db_free_nt(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_NTAB_ENT, entries, size); ERTS_ETS_MISC_MEM_ADD(-size); ASSERT(is_atom(bucket->u.name_atom)); } else { size_t size, old_size; ASSERT(cnt > 2); bucket->u.mcnt = make_small(--cnt); if (i != cnt) { /* reposition last one before realloc destroys it */ bucket->pu.mvec[i] = bucket->pu.mvec[cnt]; } old_size = sizeof(struct meta_name_tab_entry)*(cnt+1); size = sizeof(struct meta_name_tab_entry)*cnt; bucket->pu.mvec = erts_db_realloc_nt(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_NTAB_ENT, bucket->pu.mvec, old_size, size); ERTS_ETS_MISC_MEM_ADD(size - old_size); } } ret = 1; /* Ok */ done: if (!have_lock) erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(rwlock); return ret; } /* Do a fast fixation of a hash table. ** Must be matched by a local unfix before releasing table lock. */ static ERTS_INLINE void local_fix_table(DbTable* tb) { erts_refc_inc(&tb->common.ref, 1); } static ERTS_INLINE void local_unfix_table(DbTable* tb) { if (erts_refc_dectest(&tb->common.ref, 0) == 0) { ASSERT(IS_HASH_TABLE(tb->common.status)); db_unfix_table_hash(&(tb->hash)); } } /* * BIFs. */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_safe_fixtable_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable *tb; db_lock_kind_t kind; #ifdef HARDDEBUG erts_fprintf(stderr, "ets:safe_fixtable(%T,%T); Process: %T, initial: %T:%T/%bpu\n", BIF_ARG_1, BIF_ARG_2, BIF_P->common.id, BIF_P->u.initial[0], BIF_P->u.initial[1], BIF_P->u.initial[2]); #endif kind = (BIF_ARG_2 == am_true) ? LCK_READ : LCK_WRITE_REC; if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_READ, kind)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } if (BIF_ARG_2 == am_true) { fix_table_locked(BIF_P, tb); } else if (BIF_ARG_2 == am_false) { if (IS_FIXED(tb)) { unfix_table_locked(BIF_P, tb, &kind); } } else { db_unlock(tb, kind); BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } db_unlock(tb, kind); BIF_RET(am_true); } /* ** Returns the first Key in a table */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_first_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_READ, LCK_READ); if (!tb) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_first(BIF_P, tb, &ret); db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); if (cret != DB_ERROR_NONE) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } BIF_RET(ret); } /* ** The next BIF, given a key, return the "next" key */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_next_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_READ, LCK_READ); if (!tb) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_next(BIF_P, tb, BIF_ARG_2, &ret); db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); if (cret != DB_ERROR_NONE) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } BIF_RET(ret); } /* ** Returns the last Key in a table */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_last_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_READ, LCK_READ); if (!tb) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_last(BIF_P, tb, &ret); db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); if (cret != DB_ERROR_NONE) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } BIF_RET(ret); } /* ** The prev BIF, given a key, return the "previous" key */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_prev_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_READ, LCK_READ); if (!tb) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_prev(BIF_P,tb,BIF_ARG_2,&ret); db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); if (cret != DB_ERROR_NONE) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } BIF_RET(ret); } /* ** take(Tab, Key) */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_take_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb; #ifdef DEBUG int cret; #endif Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, LCK_WRITE_REC); if (!tb) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } #ifdef DEBUG cret = #endif tb->common.meth->db_take(BIF_P, tb, BIF_ARG_2, &ret); ASSERT(cret == DB_ERROR_NONE); db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE_REC); BIF_RET(ret); } /* ** update_element(Tab, Key, {Pos, Value}) ** update_element(Tab, Key, [{Pos, Value}]) */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_update_element_3(BIF_ALIST_3) { DbTable* tb; int cret = DB_ERROR_BADITEM; Eterm list; Eterm iter; DeclareTmpHeap(cell,2,BIF_P); DbUpdateHandle handle; if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, LCK_WRITE_REC)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } UseTmpHeap(2,BIF_P); if (!(tb->common.status & (DB_SET | DB_ORDERED_SET))) { goto bail_out; } if (is_tuple(BIF_ARG_3)) { list = CONS(cell, BIF_ARG_3, NIL); } else { list = BIF_ARG_3; } if (!tb->common.meth->db_lookup_dbterm(BIF_P, tb, BIF_ARG_2, THE_NON_VALUE, &handle)) { cret = DB_ERROR_BADKEY; goto bail_out; } /* First verify that list is ok to avoid nasty rollback scenarios */ for (iter=list ; is_not_nil(iter); iter = CDR(list_val(iter))) { Eterm pv; Eterm* pvp; Sint position; if (is_not_list(iter)) { goto finalize; } pv = CAR(list_val(iter)); /* {Pos,Value} */ if (is_not_tuple(pv)) { goto finalize; } pvp = tuple_val(pv); if (arityval(*pvp) != 2 || !is_small(pvp[1])) { goto finalize; } position = signed_val(pvp[1]); if (position < 1 || position == tb->common.keypos || position > arityval(handle.dbterm->tpl[0])) { goto finalize; } } /* The point of no return, no failures from here on. */ cret = DB_ERROR_NONE; for (iter=list ; is_not_nil(iter); iter = CDR(list_val(iter))) { Eterm* pvp = tuple_val(CAR(list_val(iter))); /* {Pos,Value} */ db_do_update_element(&handle, signed_val(pvp[1]), pvp[2]); } finalize: tb->common.meth->db_finalize_dbterm(cret, &handle); bail_out: UnUseTmpHeap(2,BIF_P); db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE_REC); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: BIF_RET(am_true); case DB_ERROR_BADKEY: BIF_RET(am_false); case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); default: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); break; } } static BIF_RETTYPE do_update_counter(Process *p, Eterm arg1, Eterm arg2, Eterm arg3, Eterm arg4) { DbTable* tb; int cret = DB_ERROR_BADITEM; Eterm upop_list; int list_size; Eterm ret; /* int or [int] */ Eterm* ret_list_currp = NULL; Eterm* ret_list_prevp = NULL; Eterm iter; DeclareTmpHeap(cell, 5, p); Eterm *tuple = cell+2; DbUpdateHandle handle; Uint halloc_size = 0; /* overestimated heap usage */ Eterm* htop; /* actual heap usage */ Eterm* hstart; Eterm* hend; if ((tb = db_get_table(p, arg1, DB_WRITE, LCK_WRITE_REC)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(p, BADARG); } UseTmpHeap(5, p); if (!(tb->common.status & (DB_SET | DB_ORDERED_SET))) { goto bail_out; } if (is_integer(arg3)) { /* Incr */ upop_list = CONS(cell, TUPLE2(tuple, make_small(tb->common.keypos+1), arg3), NIL); } else if (is_tuple(arg3)) { /* {Upop} */ upop_list = CONS(cell, arg3, NIL); } else { /* [{Upop}] (probably) */ upop_list = arg3; ret_list_prevp = &ret; } if (!tb->common.meth->db_lookup_dbterm(p, tb, arg2, arg4, &handle)) { goto bail_out; /* key not found */ } /* First verify that list is ok to avoid nasty rollback scenarios */ list_size = 0; for (iter=upop_list ; is_not_nil(iter); iter = CDR(list_val(iter)), list_size += 2) { Eterm upop; Eterm* tpl; Sint position; Eterm incr, warp; Wterm oldcnt; if (is_not_list(iter)) { goto finalize; } upop = CAR(list_val(iter)); if (is_not_tuple(upop)) { goto finalize; } tpl = tuple_val(upop); switch (arityval(*tpl)) { case 4: /* threshold specified */ if (is_not_integer(tpl[3])) { goto finalize; } warp = tpl[4]; if (is_big(warp)) { halloc_size += BIG_NEED_SIZE(big_arity(warp)); } else if (is_not_small(warp)) { goto finalize; } /* Fall through */ case 2: if (!is_small(tpl[1])) { goto finalize; } incr = tpl[2]; if (is_big(incr)) { halloc_size += BIG_NEED_SIZE(big_arity(incr)); } else if (is_not_small(incr)) { goto finalize; } position = signed_val(tpl[1]); if (position < 1 || position == tb->common.keypos || position > arityval(handle.dbterm->tpl[0])) { goto finalize; } oldcnt = db_do_read_element(&handle, position); if (is_big(oldcnt)) { halloc_size += BIG_NEED_SIZE(big_arity(oldcnt)); } else if (is_not_small(oldcnt)) { goto finalize; } break; default: goto finalize; } halloc_size += 2; /* worst growth case: small(0)+small(0)=big(2) */ } /* The point of no return, no failures from here on. */ cret = DB_ERROR_NONE; if (ret_list_prevp) { /* Prepare to return a list */ ret = NIL; halloc_size += list_size; hstart = HAlloc(p, halloc_size); ret_list_currp = hstart; htop = hstart + list_size; hend = hstart + halloc_size; } else { hstart = htop = HAlloc(p, halloc_size); } hend = hstart + halloc_size; for (iter=upop_list ; is_not_nil(iter); iter = CDR(list_val(iter))) { Eterm* tpl = tuple_val(CAR(list_val(iter))); Sint position = signed_val(tpl[1]); Eterm incr = tpl[2]; Wterm oldcnt = db_do_read_element(&handle,position); Eterm newcnt = db_add_counter(&htop, oldcnt, incr); if (newcnt == NIL) { cret = DB_ERROR_SYSRES; /* Can only happen if BIG_ARITY_MAX */ ret = NIL; /* is reached, ie should not happen */ htop = hstart; break; } ASSERT(is_integer(newcnt)); if (arityval(*tpl) == 4) { /* Maybe warp it */ Eterm threshold = tpl[3]; if ((CMP(incr,make_small(0)) < 0) ? /* negative increment? */ (CMP(newcnt,threshold) < 0) : /* if negative, check if below */ (CMP(newcnt,threshold) > 0)) { /* else check if above threshold */ newcnt = tpl[4]; } } db_do_update_element(&handle,position,newcnt); if (ret_list_prevp) { *ret_list_prevp = CONS(ret_list_currp,newcnt,NIL); ret_list_prevp = &CDR(ret_list_currp); ret_list_currp += 2; } else { ret = newcnt; break; } } ASSERT(is_integer(ret) || is_nil(ret) || (is_list(ret) && (list_val(ret)+list_size)==ret_list_currp)); ASSERT(htop <= hend); HRelease(p, hend, htop); finalize: tb->common.meth->db_finalize_dbterm(cret, &handle); bail_out: UnUseTmpHeap(5, p); db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE_REC); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: BIF_RET(ret); case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: BIF_ERROR(p, SYSTEM_LIMIT); default: BIF_ERROR(p, BADARG); break; } } /* ** update_counter(Tab, Key, Incr) ** update_counter(Tab, Key, Upop) ** update_counter(Tab, Key, [{Upop}]) ** Upop = {Pos,Incr} | {Pos,Incr,Threshold,WarpTo} ** Returns new value(s) (integer or [integer]) */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_update_counter_3(BIF_ALIST_3) { return do_update_counter(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, BIF_ARG_2, BIF_ARG_3, THE_NON_VALUE); } /* ** update_counter(Tab, Key, Incr, Default) ** update_counter(Tab, Key, Upop, Default) ** update_counter(Tab, Key, [{Upop}], Default) ** Upop = {Pos,Incr} | {Pos,Incr,Threshold,WarpTo} ** Returns new value(s) (integer or [integer]) */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_update_counter_4(BIF_ALIST_4) { if (is_not_tuple(BIF_ARG_4)) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } return do_update_counter(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, BIF_ARG_2, BIF_ARG_3, BIF_ARG_4); } /* ** The put BIF */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_insert_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb; int cret = DB_ERROR_NONE; Eterm lst; DbTableMethod* meth; db_lock_kind_t kind; CHECK_TABLES(); /* Write lock table if more than one object to keep atomicity */ kind = ((is_list(BIF_ARG_2) && CDR(list_val(BIF_ARG_2)) != NIL) ? LCK_WRITE : LCK_WRITE_REC); if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, kind)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } if (BIF_ARG_2 == NIL) { db_unlock(tb, kind); BIF_RET(am_true); } meth = tb->common.meth; if (is_list(BIF_ARG_2)) { for (lst = BIF_ARG_2; is_list(lst); lst = CDR(list_val(lst))) { if (is_not_tuple(CAR(list_val(lst))) || (arityval(*tuple_val(CAR(list_val(lst)))) < tb->common.keypos)) { goto badarg; } } if (lst != NIL) { goto badarg; } for (lst = BIF_ARG_2; is_list(lst); lst = CDR(list_val(lst))) { cret = meth->db_put(tb, CAR(list_val(lst)), 0); if (cret != DB_ERROR_NONE) break; } } else { if (is_not_tuple(BIF_ARG_2) || (arityval(*tuple_val(BIF_ARG_2)) < tb->common.keypos)) { goto badarg; } cret = meth->db_put(tb, BIF_ARG_2, 0); } db_unlock(tb, kind); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: BIF_RET(am_true); case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); default: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } badarg: db_unlock(tb, kind); BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } /* ** The put-if-not-already-there BIF... */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_insert_new_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb; int cret = DB_ERROR_NONE; Eterm ret = am_true; Eterm obj; db_lock_kind_t kind; CHECK_TABLES(); if (is_list(BIF_ARG_2)) { if (CDR(list_val(BIF_ARG_2)) != NIL) { Eterm lst; Eterm lookup_ret; DbTableMethod* meth; /* More than one object, use LCK_WRITE to keep atomicity */ kind = LCK_WRITE; tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, kind); if (tb == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } meth = tb->common.meth; for (lst = BIF_ARG_2; is_list(lst); lst = CDR(list_val(lst))) { if (is_not_tuple(CAR(list_val(lst))) || (arityval(*tuple_val(CAR(list_val(lst)))) < tb->common.keypos)) { goto badarg; } } if (lst != NIL) { goto badarg; } for (lst = BIF_ARG_2; is_list(lst); lst = CDR(list_val(lst))) { cret = meth->db_member(tb, TERM_GETKEY(tb,CAR(list_val(lst))), &lookup_ret); if ((cret != DB_ERROR_NONE) || (lookup_ret != am_false)) { ret = am_false; goto done; } } for (lst = BIF_ARG_2; is_list(lst); lst = CDR(list_val(lst))) { cret = meth->db_put(tb,CAR(list_val(lst)), 0); if (cret != DB_ERROR_NONE) break; } goto done; } obj = CAR(list_val(BIF_ARG_2)); } else { obj = BIF_ARG_2; } /* Only one object (or NIL) */ kind = LCK_WRITE_REC; if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, kind)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } if (BIF_ARG_2 == NIL) { db_unlock(tb, kind); BIF_RET(am_true); } if (is_not_tuple(obj) || (arityval(*tuple_val(obj)) < tb->common.keypos)) { goto badarg; } cret = tb->common.meth->db_put(tb, obj, 1); /* key_clash_fail */ done: db_unlock(tb, kind); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: BIF_RET(ret); case DB_ERROR_BADKEY: BIF_RET(am_false); case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); default: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } badarg: db_unlock(tb, kind); BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } /* ** Rename a (possibly) named table */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_rename_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb; Eterm ret; erts_smp_rwmtx_t *lck1, *lck2; #ifdef HARDDEBUG erts_fprintf(stderr, "ets:rename(%T,%T); Process: %T, initial: %T:%T/%bpu\n", BIF_ARG_1, BIF_ARG_2, BIF_P->common.id, BIF_P->u.initial[0], BIF_P->u.initial[1], BIF_P->u.initial[2]); #endif if (is_not_atom(BIF_ARG_2)) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } (void) meta_name_tab_bucket(BIF_ARG_2, &lck1); if (is_small(BIF_ARG_1)) { Uint slot = unsigned_val(BIF_ARG_1) & meta_main_tab_slot_mask; lck2 = get_meta_main_tab_lock(slot); } else if (is_atom(BIF_ARG_1)) { (void) meta_name_tab_bucket(BIF_ARG_1, &lck2); if (lck1 == lck2) lck2 = NULL; else if (lck1 > lck2) { erts_smp_rwmtx_t *tmp = lck1; lck1 = lck2; lck2 = tmp; } } else { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } erts_smp_rwmtx_rwlock(lck1); if (lck2) erts_smp_rwmtx_rwlock(lck2); tb = db_get_table_aux(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, LCK_WRITE, 1); if (!tb) goto badarg; if (is_not_atom(tb->common.id)) { /* Not a named table */ tb->common.the_name = BIF_ARG_2; goto done; } if (!insert_named_tab(BIF_ARG_2, tb, 1)) goto badarg; if (!remove_named_tab(tb, 1)) erts_exit(ERTS_ERROR_EXIT,"Could not find named tab %s", tb->common.id); tb->common.id = tb->common.the_name = BIF_ARG_2; done: ret = tb->common.id; db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(lck1); if (lck2) erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(lck2); BIF_RET(ret); badarg: if (tb) db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(lck1); if (lck2) erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(lck2); BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } /* ** The create table BIF ** Args: (Name, Properties) */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_new_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb = NULL; int slot; Eterm list; Eterm val; Eterm ret; Eterm heir; UWord heir_data; Uint32 status; Sint keypos; int is_named, is_compressed; #ifdef ERTS_SMP int is_fine_locked, frequent_read; #endif #ifdef DEBUG int cret; #endif DeclareTmpHeap(meta_tuple,3,BIF_P); DbTableMethod* meth; erts_smp_rwmtx_t *mmtl; if (is_not_atom(BIF_ARG_1)) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } if (is_not_nil(BIF_ARG_2) && is_not_list(BIF_ARG_2)) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } status = DB_NORMAL | DB_SET | DB_PROTECTED; keypos = 1; is_named = 0; #ifdef ERTS_SMP is_fine_locked = 0; frequent_read = 0; #endif heir = am_none; heir_data = (UWord) am_undefined; is_compressed = erts_ets_always_compress; list = BIF_ARG_2; while(is_list(list)) { val = CAR(list_val(list)); if (val == am_bag) { status |= DB_BAG; status &= ~(DB_SET | DB_DUPLICATE_BAG | DB_ORDERED_SET); } else if (val == am_duplicate_bag) { status |= DB_DUPLICATE_BAG; status &= ~(DB_SET | DB_BAG | DB_ORDERED_SET); } else if (val == am_ordered_set) { status |= DB_ORDERED_SET; status &= ~(DB_SET | DB_BAG | DB_DUPLICATE_BAG); } else if (is_tuple(val)) { Eterm *tp = tuple_val(val); if (arityval(tp[0]) == 2) { if (tp[1] == am_keypos && is_small(tp[2]) && (signed_val(tp[2]) > 0)) { keypos = signed_val(tp[2]); } else if (tp[1] == am_write_concurrency) { #ifdef ERTS_SMP if (tp[2] == am_true) { is_fine_locked = 1; } else if (tp[2] == am_false) { is_fine_locked = 0; } else break; #else if ((tp[2] != am_true) && (tp[2] != am_false)) { break; } #endif } else if (tp[1] == am_read_concurrency) { #ifdef ERTS_SMP if (tp[2] == am_true) { frequent_read = 1; } else if (tp[2] == am_false) { frequent_read = 0; } else break; #else if ((tp[2] != am_true) && (tp[2] != am_false)) { break; } #endif } else if (tp[1] == am_heir && tp[2] == am_none) { heir = am_none; heir_data = am_undefined; } else break; } else if (arityval(tp[0]) == 3 && tp[1] == am_heir && is_internal_pid(tp[2])) { heir = tp[2]; heir_data = tp[3]; } else break; } else if (val == am_public) { status |= DB_PUBLIC; status &= ~(DB_PROTECTED|DB_PRIVATE); } else if (val == am_private) { status |= DB_PRIVATE; status &= ~(DB_PROTECTED|DB_PUBLIC); } else if (val == am_named_table) { is_named = 1; } else if (val == am_compressed) { is_compressed = 1; } else if (val == am_set || val == am_protected) ; else break; list = CDR(list_val(list)); } if (is_not_nil(list)) { /* bad opt or not a well formed list */ BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } if (IS_HASH_TABLE(status)) { meth = &db_hash; #ifdef ERTS_SMP if (is_fine_locked && !(status & DB_PRIVATE)) { status |= DB_FINE_LOCKED; } #endif } else if (IS_TREE_TABLE(status)) { meth = &db_tree; } else { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } #ifdef ERTS_SMP if (frequent_read && !(status & DB_PRIVATE)) status |= DB_FREQ_READ; #endif /* we create table outside any table lock * and take the unusal cost of destroy table if it * fails to find a slot */ { DbTable init_tb; erts_smp_atomic_init_nob(&init_tb.common.memory_size, 0); tb = (DbTable*) erts_db_alloc(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_TABLE, &init_tb, sizeof(DbTable)); erts_smp_atomic_init_nob(&tb->common.memory_size, erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&init_tb.common.memory_size)); } tb->common.meth = meth; tb->common.the_name = BIF_ARG_1; tb->common.status = status; #ifdef ERTS_SMP tb->common.type = status & ERTS_ETS_TABLE_TYPES; /* Note, 'type' is *read only* from now on... */ #endif erts_refc_init(&tb->common.ref, 0); db_init_lock(tb, status & (DB_FINE_LOCKED|DB_FREQ_READ), "db_tab", "db_tab_fix"); tb->common.keypos = keypos; tb->common.owner = BIF_P->common.id; set_heir(BIF_P, tb, heir, heir_data); erts_smp_atomic_init_nob(&tb->common.nitems, 0); tb->common.fixations = NULL; tb->common.compress = is_compressed; #ifdef DEBUG cret = #endif meth->db_create(BIF_P, tb); ASSERT(cret == DB_ERROR_NONE); erts_smp_spin_lock(&meta_main_tab_main_lock); if (meta_main_tab_cnt >= db_max_tabs) { erts_smp_spin_unlock(&meta_main_tab_main_lock); erts_send_error_to_logger_str(BIF_P->group_leader, "** Too many db tables **\n"); free_heir_data(tb); tb->common.meth->db_free_table(tb); free_dbtable((void *) tb); BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); } slot = meta_main_tab_first_free; ASSERT(slot>=0 && slot<db_max_tabs); meta_main_tab_first_free = GET_NEXT_FREE_SLOT(slot); meta_main_tab_cnt++; if (slot >= meta_main_tab_top) { ASSERT(slot == meta_main_tab_top); meta_main_tab_top = slot + 1; } if (is_named) { ret = BIF_ARG_1; } else { ret = make_small(slot | meta_main_tab_seq_cnt); meta_main_tab_seq_cnt += meta_main_tab_seq_incr; ASSERT((unsigned_val(ret) & meta_main_tab_slot_mask) == slot); } erts_smp_spin_unlock(&meta_main_tab_main_lock); tb->common.id = ret; tb->common.slot = slot; /* store slot for erase */ mmtl = get_meta_main_tab_lock(slot); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwlock(mmtl); meta_main_tab[slot].u.tb = tb; ASSERT(IS_SLOT_ALIVE(slot)); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(mmtl); if (is_named && !insert_named_tab(BIF_ARG_1, tb, 0)) { mmtl = get_meta_main_tab_lock(slot); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwlock(mmtl); free_slot(slot); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(mmtl); db_lock(tb,LCK_WRITE); free_heir_data(tb); tb->common.meth->db_free_table(tb); schedule_free_dbtable(tb); db_unlock(tb,LCK_WRITE); BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } BIF_P->flags |= F_USING_DB; /* So we can remove tb if p dies */ #ifdef HARDDEBUG erts_fprintf(stderr, "ets:new(%T,%T)=%T; Process: %T, initial: %T:%T/%bpu\n", BIF_ARG_1, BIF_ARG_2, ret, BIF_P->common.id, BIF_P->u.initial[0], BIF_P->u.initial[1], BIF_P->u.initial[2]); erts_fprintf(stderr, "ets: new: meta_pid_to_tab common.memory_size = %ld\n", erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&meta_pid_to_tab->common.memory_size)); erts_fprintf(stderr, "ets: new: meta_pid_to_fixed_tab common.memory_size = %ld\n", erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.memory_size)); #endif UseTmpHeap(3,BIF_P); db_meta_lock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); if (db_put_hash(meta_pid_to_tab, TUPLE2(meta_tuple, BIF_P->common.id, make_small(slot)), 0) != DB_ERROR_NONE) { erts_exit(ERTS_ERROR_EXIT,"Could not update ets metadata."); } db_meta_unlock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); UnUseTmpHeap(3,BIF_P); BIF_RET(ret); } /* ** The lookup BIF */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_lookup_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_READ, LCK_READ)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_get(BIF_P, tb, BIF_ARG_2, &ret); db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: BIF_RET(ret); case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); default: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } } /* ** The lookup BIF */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_member_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_READ, LCK_READ)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_member(tb, BIF_ARG_2, &ret); db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: BIF_RET(ret); case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); default: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } } /* ** Get an element from a term ** get_element_3(Tab, Key, Index) ** return the element or a list of elements if bag */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_lookup_element_3(BIF_ALIST_3) { DbTable* tb; Sint index; int cret; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_READ, LCK_READ)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } if (is_not_small(BIF_ARG_3) || ((index = signed_val(BIF_ARG_3)) < 1)) { db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_get_element(BIF_P, tb, BIF_ARG_2, index, &ret); db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: BIF_RET(ret); case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); default: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } } /* * BIF to erase a whole table and release all memory it holds */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_delete_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { int trap; DbTable* tb; erts_smp_rwmtx_t *mmtl; #ifdef HARDDEBUG erts_fprintf(stderr, "ets:delete(%T); Process: %T, initial: %T:%T/%bpu\n", BIF_ARG_1, BIF_P->common.id, BIF_P->u.initial[0], BIF_P->u.initial[1], BIF_P->u.initial[2]); #endif CHECK_TABLES(); if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, LCK_WRITE)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } /* * Clear all access bits to prevent any ets operation to access the * table while it is being deleted. */ tb->common.status &= ~(DB_PROTECTED|DB_PUBLIC|DB_PRIVATE); tb->common.status |= DB_DELETE; if (tb->common.owner != BIF_P->common.id) { DeclareTmpHeap(meta_tuple,3,BIF_P); /* * The table is being deleted by a process other than its owner. * To make sure that the table will be completely deleted if the * current process will be killed (e.g. by an EXIT signal), we will * now transfer the ownership to the current process. */ UseTmpHeap(3,BIF_P); db_meta_lock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); db_erase_bag_exact2(meta_pid_to_tab, tb->common.owner, make_small(tb->common.slot)); BIF_P->flags |= F_USING_DB; tb->common.owner = BIF_P->common.id; db_put_hash(meta_pid_to_tab, TUPLE2(meta_tuple, BIF_P->common.id, make_small(tb->common.slot)), 0); db_meta_unlock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); UnUseTmpHeap(3,BIF_P); } mmtl = get_meta_main_tab_lock(tb->common.slot); #ifdef ERTS_SMP if (erts_smp_rwmtx_tryrwlock(mmtl) == EBUSY) { /* * We keep our increased refc over this op in order to * prevent the table from disapearing. */ db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwlock(mmtl); db_lock(tb, LCK_WRITE); } #endif /* We must keep the slot, to be found by db_proc_dead() if process dies */ MARK_SLOT_DEAD(tb->common.slot); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(mmtl); if (is_atom(tb->common.id)) remove_named_tab(tb, 0); /* disable inheritance */ free_heir_data(tb); tb->common.heir = am_none; free_fixations_locked(tb); trap = free_table_cont(BIF_P, tb, 1, 1); db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE); if (trap) { /* * Package the DbTable* pointer into a bignum so that it can be safely * passed through a trap. We used to pass the DbTable* pointer directly * (it looks like an continuation pointer), but that is will crash the * emulator if this BIF is call traced. */ Eterm *hp = HAlloc(BIF_P, 2); hp[0] = make_pos_bignum_header(1); hp[1] = (Eterm) tb; BIF_TRAP1(&ets_delete_continue_exp, BIF_P, make_big(hp)); } else { BIF_RET(am_true); } } /* ** BIF ets:give_away(Tab, Pid, GiftData) */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_give_away_3(BIF_ALIST_3) { Process* to_proc = NULL; ErtsProcLocks to_locks = ERTS_PROC_LOCK_MAIN; DeclareTmpHeap(buf,5,BIF_P); Eterm to_pid = BIF_ARG_2; Eterm from_pid; DbTable* tb = NULL; if (!is_internal_pid(to_pid)) { goto badarg; } to_proc = erts_pid2proc(BIF_P, ERTS_PROC_LOCK_MAIN, to_pid, to_locks); if (to_proc == NULL) { goto badarg; } if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, LCK_WRITE)) == NULL || tb->common.owner != BIF_P->common.id) { goto badarg; } from_pid = tb->common.owner; if (to_pid == from_pid) { goto badarg; /* or should we be idempotent? return false maybe */ } UseTmpHeap(5,BIF_P); db_meta_lock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); db_erase_bag_exact2(meta_pid_to_tab, tb->common.owner, make_small(tb->common.slot)); to_proc->flags |= F_USING_DB; tb->common.owner = to_pid; db_put_hash(meta_pid_to_tab, TUPLE2(buf,to_pid,make_small(tb->common.slot)), 0); db_meta_unlock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); db_unlock(tb,LCK_WRITE); erts_send_message(BIF_P, to_proc, &to_locks, TUPLE4(buf, am_ETS_TRANSFER, tb->common.id, from_pid, BIF_ARG_3), 0); erts_smp_proc_unlock(to_proc, to_locks); UnUseTmpHeap(5,BIF_P); BIF_RET(am_true); badarg: if (to_proc != NULL && to_proc != BIF_P) erts_smp_proc_unlock(to_proc, to_locks); if (tb != NULL) db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE); BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } BIF_RETTYPE ets_setopts_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb = NULL; Eterm* tp; Eterm opt; Eterm heir = THE_NON_VALUE; UWord heir_data = (UWord) THE_NON_VALUE; Uint32 protection = 0; DeclareTmpHeap(fakelist,2,BIF_P); Eterm tail; UseTmpHeap(2,BIF_P); for (tail = is_tuple(BIF_ARG_2) ? CONS(fakelist, BIF_ARG_2, NIL) : BIF_ARG_2; is_list(tail); tail = CDR(list_val(tail))) { opt = CAR(list_val(tail)); if (!is_tuple(opt) || (tp = tuple_val(opt), arityval(tp[0]) < 2)) { goto badarg; } switch (tp[1]) { case am_heir: if (heir != THE_NON_VALUE) goto badarg; heir = tp[2]; if (arityval(tp[0]) == 2 && heir == am_none) { heir_data = am_undefined; } else if (arityval(tp[0]) == 3 && is_internal_pid(heir)) { heir_data = tp[3]; } else goto badarg; break; case am_protection: if (arityval(tp[0]) != 2 || protection != 0) goto badarg; switch (tp[2]) { case am_private: protection = DB_PRIVATE; break; case am_protected: protection = DB_PROTECTED; break; case am_public: protection = DB_PUBLIC; break; default: goto badarg; } break; default: goto badarg; } } if (tail != NIL || (tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, LCK_WRITE)) == NULL || tb->common.owner != BIF_P->common.id) { goto badarg; } if (heir_data != THE_NON_VALUE) { free_heir_data(tb); set_heir(BIF_P, tb, heir, heir_data); } if (protection) { tb->common.status &= ~(DB_PRIVATE|DB_PROTECTED|DB_PUBLIC); tb->common.status |= protection; } db_unlock (tb,LCK_WRITE); UnUseTmpHeap(2,BIF_P); BIF_RET(am_true); badarg: UnUseTmpHeap(2,BIF_P); if (tb != NULL) { db_unlock(tb,LCK_WRITE); } BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } /* ** BIF to erase a whole table and release all memory it holds */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_delete_all_objects_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { DbTable* tb; CHECK_TABLES(); if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, LCK_WRITE)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } tb->common.meth->db_delete_all_objects(BIF_P, tb); db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE); BIF_RET(am_true); } /* ** Erase an object with given key, or maybe several objects if we have a bag ** Called as db_erase(Tab, Key), where Key is element 1 of the ** object(s) we want to erase */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_delete_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, LCK_WRITE_REC)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_erase(tb,BIF_ARG_2,&ret); db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE_REC); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: BIF_RET(ret); case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); default: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } } /* ** Erase a specific object, or maybe several objects if we have a bag */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_delete_object_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, LCK_WRITE_REC)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } if (is_not_tuple(BIF_ARG_2) || (arityval(*tuple_val(BIF_ARG_2)) < tb->common.keypos)) { db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE_REC); BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_erase_object(tb, BIF_ARG_2, &ret); db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE_REC); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: BIF_RET(ret); case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); default: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } } /* ** This is for trapping, cannot be called directly. */ static BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_delete_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { Process *p = BIF_P; Eterm a1 = BIF_ARG_1; BIF_RETTYPE result; DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; Eterm *tptr; db_lock_kind_t kind = LCK_WRITE_REC; CHECK_TABLES(); ASSERT(is_tuple(a1)); tptr = tuple_val(a1); ASSERT(arityval(*tptr) >= 1); if ((tb = db_get_table(p, tptr[1], DB_WRITE, kind)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(p,BADARG); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_select_delete_continue(p,tb,a1,&ret); if(!DID_TRAP(p,ret) && ITERATION_SAFETY(p,tb) != ITER_SAFE) { unfix_table_locked(p, tb, &kind); } db_unlock(tb, kind); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: ERTS_BIF_PREP_RET(result, ret); break; default: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, p, BADARG); break; } erts_match_set_release_result(p); return result; } BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_delete_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { BIF_RETTYPE result; DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; enum DbIterSafety safety; CHECK_TABLES(); if(eq(BIF_ARG_2, ms_delete_all)) { int nitems; if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, LCK_WRITE)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } nitems = erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&tb->common.nitems); tb->common.meth->db_delete_all_objects(BIF_P, tb); db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE); BIF_RET(erts_make_integer(nitems,BIF_P)); } if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_WRITE, LCK_WRITE_REC)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } safety = ITERATION_SAFETY(BIF_P,tb); if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_fix_table(tb); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_select_delete(BIF_P, tb, BIF_ARG_2, &ret); if (DID_TRAP(BIF_P,ret) && safety != ITER_SAFE) { fix_table_locked(BIF_P,tb); } if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_unfix_table(tb); } db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE_REC); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: ERTS_BIF_PREP_RET(result, ret); break; case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); break; default: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, BIF_P, BADARG); break; } erts_match_set_release_result(BIF_P); return result; } /* ** Return a list of tables on this node */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_all_0(BIF_ALIST_0) { DbTable* tb; Eterm previous; int i; Eterm* hp; Eterm* hendp; int t_tabs_cnt; int t_top; erts_smp_spin_lock(&meta_main_tab_main_lock); t_tabs_cnt = meta_main_tab_cnt; t_top = meta_main_tab_top; erts_smp_spin_unlock(&meta_main_tab_main_lock); hp = HAlloc(BIF_P, 2*t_tabs_cnt); hendp = hp + 2*t_tabs_cnt; previous = NIL; for(i = 0; i < t_top; i++) { erts_smp_rwmtx_t *mmtl = get_meta_main_tab_lock(i); erts_smp_rwmtx_rlock(mmtl); if (IS_SLOT_ALIVE(i)) { if (hp == hendp) { /* Racing table creator, grab some more heap space */ t_tabs_cnt = 10; hp = HAlloc(BIF_P, 2*t_tabs_cnt); hendp = hp + 2*t_tabs_cnt; } tb = meta_main_tab[i].u.tb; previous = CONS(hp, tb->common.id, previous); hp += 2; } erts_smp_rwmtx_runlock(mmtl); } HRelease(BIF_P, hendp, hp); BIF_RET(previous); } /* ** db_slot(Db, Slot) -> [Items]. */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_slot_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_READ, LCK_READ)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } /* The slot number is checked in table specific code. */ cret = tb->common.meth->db_slot(BIF_P, tb, BIF_ARG_2, &ret); db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: BIF_RET(ret); case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); default: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } } /* ** The match BIF, called as ets:match(Table, Pattern), ets:match(Continuation) or ets:match(Table,Pattern,ChunkSize). */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_match_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { return ets_select1(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1); } BIF_RETTYPE ets_match_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { Eterm ms; DeclareTmpHeap(buff,8,BIF_P); Eterm *hp = buff; Eterm res; UseTmpHeap(8,BIF_P); ms = CONS(hp, am_DollarDollar, NIL); hp += 2; ms = TUPLE3(hp, BIF_ARG_2, NIL, ms); hp += 4; ms = CONS(hp, ms, NIL); res = ets_select2(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, ms); UnUseTmpHeap(8,BIF_P); return res; } BIF_RETTYPE ets_match_3(BIF_ALIST_3) { Eterm ms; DeclareTmpHeap(buff,8,BIF_P); Eterm *hp = buff; Eterm res; UseTmpHeap(8,BIF_P); ms = CONS(hp, am_DollarDollar, NIL); hp += 2; ms = TUPLE3(hp, BIF_ARG_2, NIL, ms); hp += 4; ms = CONS(hp, ms, NIL); res = ets_select3(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, ms, BIF_ARG_3); UnUseTmpHeap(8,BIF_P); return res; } BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_3(BIF_ALIST_3) { return ets_select3(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, BIF_ARG_2, BIF_ARG_3); } static BIF_RETTYPE ets_select3(Process* p, Eterm arg1, Eterm arg2, Eterm arg3) { BIF_RETTYPE result; DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; Sint chunk_size; enum DbIterSafety safety; CHECK_TABLES(); /* Chunk size strictly greater than 0 */ if (is_not_small(arg3) || (chunk_size = signed_val(arg3)) <= 0) { BIF_ERROR(p, BADARG); } if ((tb = db_get_table(p, arg1, DB_READ, LCK_READ)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(p, BADARG); } safety = ITERATION_SAFETY(p,tb); if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_fix_table(tb); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_select_chunk(p, tb, arg2, chunk_size, 0 /* not reversed */, &ret); if (DID_TRAP(p,ret) && safety != ITER_SAFE) { fix_table_locked(p, tb); } if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_unfix_table(tb); } db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: ERTS_BIF_PREP_RET(result, ret); break; case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, p, SYSTEM_LIMIT); break; default: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, p, BADARG); break; } erts_match_set_release_result(p); return result; } /* We get here instead of in the real BIF when trapping */ static BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_trap_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { Process *p = BIF_P; Eterm a1 = BIF_ARG_1; BIF_RETTYPE result; DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; Eterm *tptr; db_lock_kind_t kind = LCK_READ; CHECK_TABLES(); tptr = tuple_val(a1); ASSERT(arityval(*tptr) >= 1); if ((tb = db_get_table(p, tptr[1], DB_READ, kind)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(p, BADARG); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_select_continue(p, tb, a1, &ret); if (!DID_TRAP(p,ret) && ITERATION_SAFETY(p,tb) != ITER_SAFE) { unfix_table_locked(p, tb, &kind); } db_unlock(tb, kind); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: ERTS_BIF_PREP_RET(result, ret); break; case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, p, SYSTEM_LIMIT); break; default: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, p, BADARG); break; } erts_match_set_release_result(p); return result; } BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { return ets_select1(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1); } static BIF_RETTYPE ets_select1(Process *p, Eterm arg1) { BIF_RETTYPE result; DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; Eterm *tptr; enum DbIterSafety safety; CHECK_TABLES(); /* * Make sure that the table exists. */ if (!is_tuple(arg1)) { if (arg1 == am_EOT) { BIF_RET(am_EOT); } BIF_ERROR(p, BADARG); } tptr = tuple_val(arg1); if (arityval(*tptr) < 1 || (tb = db_get_table(p, tptr[1], DB_READ, LCK_READ)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(p, BADARG); } safety = ITERATION_SAFETY(p,tb); if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_fix_table(tb); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_select_continue(p,tb, arg1, &ret); if (DID_TRAP(p,ret) && safety != ITER_SAFE) { fix_table_locked(p, tb); } if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_unfix_table(tb); } db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: ERTS_BIF_PREP_RET(result, ret); break; case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, p, SYSTEM_LIMIT); break; default: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, p, BADARG); break; } erts_match_set_release_result(p); return result; } BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { return ets_select2(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, BIF_ARG_2); } static BIF_RETTYPE ets_select2(Process* p, Eterm arg1, Eterm arg2) { BIF_RETTYPE result; DbTable* tb; int cret; enum DbIterSafety safety; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); /* * Make sure that the table exists. */ if ((tb = db_get_table(p, arg1, DB_READ, LCK_READ)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(p, BADARG); } safety = ITERATION_SAFETY(p,tb); if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_fix_table(tb); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_select(p, tb, arg2, 0, &ret); if (DID_TRAP(p,ret) && safety != ITER_SAFE) { fix_table_locked(p, tb); } if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_unfix_table(tb); } db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: ERTS_BIF_PREP_RET(result, ret); break; case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, p, SYSTEM_LIMIT); break; default: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, p, BADARG); break; } erts_match_set_release_result(p); return result; } /* We get here instead of in the real BIF when trapping */ static BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_count_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { Process *p = BIF_P; Eterm a1 = BIF_ARG_1; BIF_RETTYPE result; DbTable* tb; int cret; Eterm ret; Eterm *tptr; db_lock_kind_t kind = LCK_READ; CHECK_TABLES(); tptr = tuple_val(a1); ASSERT(arityval(*tptr) >= 1); if ((tb = db_get_table(p, tptr[1], DB_READ, kind)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(p, BADARG); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_select_count_continue(p, tb, a1, &ret); if (!DID_TRAP(p,ret) && ITERATION_SAFETY(p,tb) != ITER_SAFE) { unfix_table_locked(p, tb, &kind); } db_unlock(tb, kind); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: ERTS_BIF_PREP_RET(result, ret); break; case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, p, SYSTEM_LIMIT); break; default: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, p, BADARG); break; } erts_match_set_release_result(p); return result; } BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_count_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { BIF_RETTYPE result; DbTable* tb; int cret; enum DbIterSafety safety; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); /* * Make sure that the table exists. */ if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_READ, LCK_READ)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } safety = ITERATION_SAFETY(BIF_P,tb); if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_fix_table(tb); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_select_count(BIF_P,tb,BIF_ARG_2, &ret); if (DID_TRAP(BIF_P,ret) && safety != ITER_SAFE) { fix_table_locked(BIF_P, tb); } if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_unfix_table(tb); } db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: ERTS_BIF_PREP_RET(result, ret); break; case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); break; default: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, BIF_P, BADARG); break; } erts_match_set_release_result(BIF_P); return result; } BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_reverse_3(BIF_ALIST_3) { BIF_RETTYPE result; DbTable* tb; int cret; enum DbIterSafety safety; Eterm ret; Sint chunk_size; CHECK_TABLES(); /* * Make sure that the table exists. */ if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_READ, LCK_READ)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } /* Chunk size strictly greater than 0 */ if (is_not_small(BIF_ARG_3) || (chunk_size = signed_val(BIF_ARG_3)) <= 0) { db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } safety = ITERATION_SAFETY(BIF_P,tb); if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_fix_table(tb); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_select_chunk(BIF_P,tb, BIF_ARG_2, chunk_size, 1 /* reversed */, &ret); if (DID_TRAP(BIF_P,ret) && safety != ITER_SAFE) { fix_table_locked(BIF_P, tb); } if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_unfix_table(tb); } db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: ERTS_BIF_PREP_RET(result, ret); break; case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); break; default: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, BIF_P, BADARG); break; } erts_match_set_release_result(BIF_P); return result; } BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_reverse_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { return ets_select1(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1); } BIF_RETTYPE ets_select_reverse_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { BIF_RETTYPE result; DbTable* tb; int cret; enum DbIterSafety safety; Eterm ret; CHECK_TABLES(); /* * Make sure that the table exists. */ if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_READ, LCK_READ)) == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } safety = ITERATION_SAFETY(BIF_P,tb); if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_fix_table(tb); } cret = tb->common.meth->db_select(BIF_P,tb,BIF_ARG_2, 1 /*reversed*/, &ret); if (DID_TRAP(BIF_P,ret) && safety != ITER_SAFE) { fix_table_locked(BIF_P, tb); } if (safety == ITER_UNSAFE) { local_unfix_table(tb); } db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); switch (cret) { case DB_ERROR_NONE: ERTS_BIF_PREP_RET(result, ret); break; case DB_ERROR_SYSRES: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, BIF_P, SYSTEM_LIMIT); break; default: ERTS_BIF_PREP_ERROR(result, BIF_P, BADARG); break; } erts_match_set_release_result(BIF_P); return result; } /* ** ets:match_object(Continuation), ets:match_object(Table, Pattern), ets:match_object(Table,Pattern,ChunkSize) */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_match_object_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { return ets_select1(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1); } BIF_RETTYPE ets_match_object_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { Eterm ms; DeclareTmpHeap(buff,8,BIF_P); Eterm *hp = buff; Eterm res; UseTmpHeap(8,BIF_P); ms = CONS(hp, am_DollarUnderscore, NIL); hp += 2; ms = TUPLE3(hp, BIF_ARG_2, NIL, ms); hp += 4; ms = CONS(hp, ms, NIL); res = ets_select2(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, ms); UnUseTmpHeap(8,BIF_P); return res; } BIF_RETTYPE ets_match_object_3(BIF_ALIST_3) { Eterm ms; DeclareTmpHeap(buff,8,BIF_P); Eterm *hp = buff; Eterm res; UseTmpHeap(8,BIF_P); ms = CONS(hp, am_DollarUnderscore, NIL); hp += 2; ms = TUPLE3(hp, BIF_ARG_2, NIL, ms); hp += 4; ms = CONS(hp, ms, NIL); res = ets_select3(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, ms, BIF_ARG_3); UnUseTmpHeap(8,BIF_P); return res; } /* * BIF to extract information about a particular table. */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_info_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { static Eterm fields[] = {am_protection, am_keypos, am_type, am_named_table, am_node, am_size, am_name, am_heir, am_owner, am_memory, am_compressed, am_write_concurrency, am_read_concurrency}; Eterm results[sizeof(fields)/sizeof(Eterm)]; DbTable* tb; Eterm res; int i; Eterm* hp; /*Process* rp = NULL;*/ /* If/when we implement lockless private tables: Eterm owner; */ if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_INFO, LCK_READ)) == NULL) { if (is_atom(BIF_ARG_1) || is_small(BIF_ARG_1)) { BIF_RET(am_undefined); } BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } /* If/when we implement lockless private tables: owner = tb->common.owner; */ /* If/when we implement lockless private tables: if ((tb->common.status & DB_PRIVATE) && owner != BIF_P->common.id) { db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); rp = erts_pid2proc_not_running(BIF_P, ERTS_PROC_LOCK_MAIN, owner, ERTS_PROC_LOCK_MAIN); if (rp == NULL) { BIF_RET(am_undefined); } if (rp == ERTS_PROC_LOCK_BUSY) { ERTS_BIF_YIELD1(bif_export[BIF_ets_info_1], BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1); } if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_INFO, LCK_READ)) == NULL || tb->common.owner != owner) { if (BIF_P != rp) erts_smp_proc_unlock(rp, ERTS_PROC_LOCK_MAIN); if (is_atom(BIF_ARG_1) || is_small(BIF_ARG_1)) { BIF_RET(am_undefined); } BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } }*/ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fields)/sizeof(Eterm); i++) { results[i] = table_info(BIF_P, tb, fields[i]); ASSERT(is_value(results[i])); } db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); /*if (rp != NULL && rp != BIF_P) erts_smp_proc_unlock(rp, ERTS_PROC_LOCK_MAIN);*/ hp = HAlloc(BIF_P, 5*sizeof(fields)/sizeof(Eterm)); res = NIL; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fields)/sizeof(Eterm); i++) { Eterm tuple; tuple = TUPLE2(hp, fields[i], results[i]); hp += 3; res = CONS(hp, tuple, res); hp += 2; } BIF_RET(res); } /* * BIF to extract information about a particular table. */ BIF_RETTYPE ets_info_2(BIF_ALIST_2) { DbTable* tb; Eterm ret = THE_NON_VALUE; if ((tb = db_get_table(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DB_INFO, LCK_READ)) == NULL) { if (is_atom(BIF_ARG_1) || is_small(BIF_ARG_1)) { BIF_RET(am_undefined); } BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } ret = table_info(BIF_P, tb, BIF_ARG_2); db_unlock(tb, LCK_READ); if (is_non_value(ret)) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } BIF_RET(ret); } BIF_RETTYPE ets_is_compiled_ms_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { if (erts_db_is_compiled_ms(BIF_ARG_1)) { BIF_RET(am_true); } else { BIF_RET(am_false); } } BIF_RETTYPE ets_match_spec_compile_1(BIF_ALIST_1) { Binary *mp = db_match_set_compile(BIF_P, BIF_ARG_1, DCOMP_TABLE); Eterm *hp; if (mp == NULL) { BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } hp = HAlloc(BIF_P, PROC_BIN_SIZE); BIF_RET(erts_mk_magic_binary_term(&hp, &MSO(BIF_P), mp)); } BIF_RETTYPE ets_match_spec_run_r_3(BIF_ALIST_3) { Eterm ret = BIF_ARG_3; int i = 0; Eterm *hp; Eterm lst; ProcBin *bp; Binary *mp; Eterm res; Uint32 dummy; if (!(is_list(BIF_ARG_1) || BIF_ARG_1 == NIL) || !is_binary(BIF_ARG_2)) { error: BIF_ERROR(BIF_P, BADARG); } bp = (ProcBin*) binary_val(BIF_ARG_2); if (thing_subtag(bp->thing_word) != REFC_BINARY_SUBTAG) { goto error; } mp = bp->val; if (!IsMatchProgBinary(mp)) { goto error; } if (BIF_ARG_1 == NIL) { BIF_RET(BIF_ARG_3); } for (lst = BIF_ARG_1; is_list(lst); lst = CDR(list_val(lst))) { if (++i > CONTEXT_REDS) { BUMP_ALL_REDS(BIF_P); BIF_TRAP3(bif_export[BIF_ets_match_spec_run_r_3], BIF_P,lst,BIF_ARG_2,ret); } res = db_prog_match(BIF_P, BIF_P, mp, CAR(list_val(lst)), NULL, 0, ERTS_PAM_COPY_RESULT, &dummy); if (is_value(res)) { hp = HAlloc(BIF_P, 2); ret = CONS(hp,res,ret); /*hp += 2;*/ } } if (lst != NIL) { goto error; } BIF_RET2(ret,i); } /* ** External interface (NOT BIF's) */ int erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count = -1; /* Init the db */ void init_db(ErtsDbSpinCount db_spin_count) { DbTable init_tb; int i; Eterm *hp; unsigned bits; size_t size; #ifdef ERTS_SMP int max_spin_count = (1 << 15) - 1; /* internal limit */ erts_smp_rwmtx_opt_t rwmtx_opt = ERTS_SMP_RWMTX_OPT_DEFAULT_INITER; rwmtx_opt.type = ERTS_SMP_RWMTX_TYPE_FREQUENT_READ; rwmtx_opt.lived = ERTS_SMP_RWMTX_LONG_LIVED; switch (db_spin_count) { case ERTS_DB_SPNCNT_NONE: erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count = 0; break; case ERTS_DB_SPNCNT_VERY_LOW: erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count = 100; break; case ERTS_DB_SPNCNT_LOW: erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count = 200; erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count += erts_no_schedulers * 50; if (erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count > 1000) erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count = 1000; break; case ERTS_DB_SPNCNT_HIGH: erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count = 2000; erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count += erts_no_schedulers * 100; if (erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count > 15000) erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count = 15000; break; case ERTS_DB_SPNCNT_VERY_HIGH: erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count = 15000; erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count += erts_no_schedulers * 500; if (erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count > max_spin_count) erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count = max_spin_count; break; case ERTS_DB_SPNCNT_EXTREMELY_HIGH: erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count = max_spin_count; break; case ERTS_DB_SPNCNT_NORMAL: default: erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count = -1; break; } if (erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count >= 0) rwmtx_opt.main_spincount = erts_ets_rwmtx_spin_count; meta_main_tab_locks = erts_alloc_permanent_cache_aligned(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_TABLES, sizeof(erts_meta_main_tab_lock_t) * ERTS_META_MAIN_TAB_LOCK_TAB_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < ERTS_META_MAIN_TAB_LOCK_TAB_SIZE; i++) { erts_smp_rwmtx_init_opt_x(&meta_main_tab_locks[i].rwmtx, &rwmtx_opt, "meta_main_tab_slot", make_small(i)); } erts_smp_spinlock_init(&meta_main_tab_main_lock, "meta_main_tab_main"); for (i=0; i<META_NAME_TAB_LOCK_CNT; i++) { erts_smp_rwmtx_init_opt_x(&meta_name_tab_rwlocks[i].lck, &rwmtx_opt, "meta_name_tab", make_small(i)); } #endif erts_smp_atomic_init_nob(&erts_ets_misc_mem_size, 0); db_initialize_util(); if (user_requested_db_max_tabs < DB_DEF_MAX_TABS) db_max_tabs = DB_DEF_MAX_TABS; else db_max_tabs = user_requested_db_max_tabs; bits = erts_fit_in_bits_int32(db_max_tabs-1); if (bits > SMALL_BITS) { erts_exit(ERTS_ERROR_EXIT,"Max limit for ets tabled too high %u (max %u).", db_max_tabs, ((Uint)1)<<SMALL_BITS); } meta_main_tab_slot_mask = (((Uint)1)<<bits) - 1; meta_main_tab_seq_incr = (((Uint)1)<<bits); size = sizeof(*meta_main_tab)*db_max_tabs; meta_main_tab = erts_db_alloc_nt(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_TABLES, size); ERTS_ETS_MISC_MEM_ADD(size); meta_main_tab_cnt = 0; meta_main_tab_top = 0; for (i=1; i<db_max_tabs; i++) { SET_NEXT_FREE_SLOT(i-1,i); } SET_NEXT_FREE_SLOT(db_max_tabs-1, (Uint)-1); meta_main_tab_first_free = 0; meta_name_tab_mask = (((Uint) 1)<<(bits-1)) - 1; /* At least half the size of main tab */ size = sizeof(struct meta_name_tab_entry)*(meta_name_tab_mask+1); meta_name_tab = erts_db_alloc_nt(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_TABLES, size); ERTS_ETS_MISC_MEM_ADD(size); for (i=0; i<=meta_name_tab_mask; i++) { meta_name_tab[i].pu.tb = NULL; meta_name_tab[i].u.name_atom = NIL; } db_initialize_hash(); db_initialize_tree(); /*TT*/ /* Create meta table invertion. */ erts_smp_atomic_init_nob(&init_tb.common.memory_size, 0); meta_pid_to_tab = (DbTable*) erts_db_alloc(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_TABLE, &init_tb, sizeof(DbTable)); erts_smp_atomic_init_nob(&meta_pid_to_tab->common.memory_size, erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&init_tb.common.memory_size)); meta_pid_to_tab->common.id = NIL; meta_pid_to_tab->common.the_name = am_true; meta_pid_to_tab->common.status = (DB_NORMAL | DB_BAG | DB_PUBLIC | DB_FINE_LOCKED); #ifdef ERTS_SMP meta_pid_to_tab->common.type = meta_pid_to_tab->common.status & ERTS_ETS_TABLE_TYPES; /* Note, 'type' is *read only* from now on... */ meta_pid_to_tab->common.is_thread_safe = 0; #endif meta_pid_to_tab->common.keypos = 1; meta_pid_to_tab->common.owner = NIL; erts_smp_atomic_init_nob(&meta_pid_to_tab->common.nitems, 0); meta_pid_to_tab->common.slot = -1; meta_pid_to_tab->common.meth = &db_hash; meta_pid_to_tab->common.compress = 0; erts_refc_init(&meta_pid_to_tab->common.ref, 0); /* Neither rwlock or fixlock used db_init_lock(meta_pid_to_tab, "meta_pid_to_tab", "meta_pid_to_tab_FIX");*/ if (db_create_hash(NULL, meta_pid_to_tab) != DB_ERROR_NONE) { erts_exit(ERTS_ERROR_EXIT,"Unable to create ets metadata tables."); } erts_smp_atomic_set_nob(&init_tb.common.memory_size, 0); meta_pid_to_fixed_tab = (DbTable*) erts_db_alloc(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_TABLE, &init_tb, sizeof(DbTable)); erts_smp_atomic_init_nob(&meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.memory_size, erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&init_tb.common.memory_size)); meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.id = NIL; meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.the_name = am_true; meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.status = (DB_NORMAL | DB_BAG | DB_PUBLIC | DB_FINE_LOCKED); #ifdef ERTS_SMP meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.type = meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.status & ERTS_ETS_TABLE_TYPES; /* Note, 'type' is *read only* from now on... */ meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.is_thread_safe = 0; #endif meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.keypos = 1; meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.owner = NIL; erts_smp_atomic_init_nob(&meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.nitems, 0); meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.slot = -1; meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.meth = &db_hash; meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.compress = 0; erts_refc_init(&meta_pid_to_fixed_tab->common.ref, 0); /* Neither rwlock or fixlock used db_init_lock(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, "meta_pid_to_fixed_tab", "meta_pid_to_fixed_tab_FIX");*/ if (db_create_hash(NULL, meta_pid_to_fixed_tab) != DB_ERROR_NONE) { erts_exit(ERTS_ERROR_EXIT,"Unable to create ets metadata tables."); } /* Non visual BIF to trap to. */ erts_init_trap_export(&ets_select_delete_continue_exp, am_ets, am_atom_put("delete_trap",11), 1, &ets_select_delete_1); /* Non visual BIF to trap to. */ erts_init_trap_export(&ets_select_count_continue_exp, am_ets, am_atom_put("count_trap",11), 1, &ets_select_count_1); /* Non visual BIF to trap to. */ erts_init_trap_export(&ets_select_continue_exp, am_ets, am_atom_put("select_trap",11), 1, &ets_select_trap_1); /* Non visual BIF to trap to. */ erts_init_trap_export(&ets_delete_continue_exp, am_ets, am_atom_put("delete_trap",11), 1, &ets_delete_trap); hp = ms_delete_all_buff; ms_delete_all = CONS(hp, am_true, NIL); hp += 2; ms_delete_all = TUPLE3(hp,am_Underscore,NIL,ms_delete_all); hp +=4; ms_delete_all = CONS(hp, ms_delete_all,NIL); } #define ARRAY_CHUNK 100 typedef enum { ErtsDbProcCleanupProgressTables, ErtsDbProcCleanupProgressFixations, ErtsDbProcCleanupProgressDone, } ErtsDbProcCleanupProgress; typedef enum { ErtsDbProcCleanupOpGetTables, ErtsDbProcCleanupOpDeleteTables, ErtsDbProcCleanupOpGetFixations, ErtsDbProcCleanupOpDeleteFixations, ErtsDbProcCleanupOpDone } ErtsDbProcCleanupOperation; typedef struct { ErtsDbProcCleanupProgress progress; ErtsDbProcCleanupOperation op; struct { Eterm arr[ARRAY_CHUNK]; int size; int ix; int clean_ix; } slots; } ErtsDbProcCleanupState; static void proc_exit_cleanup_tables_meta_data(Eterm pid, ErtsDbProcCleanupState *state) { ASSERT(state->slots.clean_ix <= state->slots.ix); if (state->slots.clean_ix < state->slots.ix) { db_meta_lock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); if (state->slots.size < ARRAY_CHUNK && state->slots.ix == state->slots.size) { Eterm dummy; db_erase_hash(meta_pid_to_tab,pid,&dummy); } else { int ix; /* Need to erase each explicitly */ for (ix = state->slots.clean_ix; ix < state->slots.ix; ix++) db_erase_bag_exact2(meta_pid_to_tab, pid, state->slots.arr[ix]); } db_meta_unlock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); state->slots.clean_ix = state->slots.ix; } } static void proc_exit_cleanup_fixations_meta_data(Eterm pid, ErtsDbProcCleanupState *state) { ASSERT(state->slots.clean_ix <= state->slots.ix); if (state->slots.clean_ix < state->slots.ix) { db_meta_lock(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); if (state->slots.size < ARRAY_CHUNK && state->slots.ix == state->slots.size) { Eterm dummy; db_erase_hash(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab,pid,&dummy); } else { int ix; /* Need to erase each explicitly */ for (ix = state->slots.clean_ix; ix < state->slots.ix; ix++) db_erase_bag_exact2(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, pid, state->slots.arr[ix]); } db_meta_unlock(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); state->slots.clean_ix = state->slots.ix; } } /* In: Table LCK_WRITE ** Return TRUE : ok, table not mine and NOT locked anymore. ** Return FALSE: failed, table still mine (LCK_WRITE) */ static int give_away_to_heir(Process* p, DbTable* tb) { Process* to_proc; ErtsProcLocks to_locks = ERTS_PROC_LOCK_MAIN; DeclareTmpHeap(buf,5,p); Eterm to_pid; UWord heir_data; ASSERT(tb->common.owner == p->common.id); ASSERT(is_internal_pid(tb->common.heir)); ASSERT(tb->common.heir != p->common.id); retry: to_pid = tb->common.heir; to_proc = erts_pid2proc_opt(p, ERTS_PROC_LOCK_MAIN, to_pid, to_locks, ERTS_P2P_FLG_TRY_LOCK); if (to_proc == ERTS_PROC_LOCK_BUSY) { db_unlock(tb,LCK_WRITE); to_proc = erts_pid2proc(p, ERTS_PROC_LOCK_MAIN, to_pid, to_locks); db_lock(tb,LCK_WRITE); ASSERT(tb != NULL); if (tb->common.owner != p->common.id) { if (to_proc != NULL ) { erts_smp_proc_unlock(to_proc, to_locks); } db_unlock(tb,LCK_WRITE); return !0; /* ok, someone already gave my table away */ } if (tb->common.heir != to_pid) { /* someone changed the heir */ if (to_proc != NULL ) { erts_smp_proc_unlock(to_proc, to_locks); } if (to_pid == p->common.id || to_pid == am_none) { return 0; /* no real heir, table still mine */ } goto retry; } } if (to_proc == NULL) { return 0; /* heir not alive, table still mine */ } if (to_proc->common.u.alive.started_interval != tb->common.heir_started_interval) { erts_smp_proc_unlock(to_proc, to_locks); return 0; /* heir dead and pid reused, table still mine */ } UseTmpHeap(5,p); db_meta_lock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); db_erase_bag_exact2(meta_pid_to_tab, tb->common.owner, make_small(tb->common.slot)); to_proc->flags |= F_USING_DB; tb->common.owner = to_pid; db_put_hash(meta_pid_to_tab, TUPLE2(buf,to_pid,make_small(tb->common.slot)), 0); db_meta_unlock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); UnUseTmpHeap(5,p); db_unlock(tb,LCK_WRITE); heir_data = tb->common.heir_data; if (!is_immed(heir_data)) { Eterm* tpv = ((DbTerm*)heir_data)->tpl; /* tuple_val */ ASSERT(arityval(*tpv) == 1); heir_data = tpv[1]; } erts_send_message(p, to_proc, &to_locks, TUPLE4(buf, am_ETS_TRANSFER, tb->common.id, p->common.id, heir_data), 0); erts_smp_proc_unlock(to_proc, to_locks); return !0; } /* * erts_db_process_exiting() is called when a process terminates. * It returns 0 when completely done, and !0 when it wants to * yield. c_p->u.terminate can hold a pointer to a state while * yielding. */ #define ERTS_DB_INTERNAL_ERROR(LSTR) \ erts_exit(ERTS_ABORT_EXIT, "%s:%d:erts_db_process_exiting(): " LSTR "\n", \ __FILE__, __LINE__) int erts_db_process_exiting(Process *c_p, ErtsProcLocks c_p_locks) { ErtsDbProcCleanupState *state = (ErtsDbProcCleanupState *) c_p->u.terminate; Eterm pid = c_p->common.id; ErtsDbProcCleanupState default_state; int ret; if (!state) { state = &default_state; state->progress = ErtsDbProcCleanupProgressTables; state->op = ErtsDbProcCleanupOpGetTables; } while (!0) { switch (state->op) { case ErtsDbProcCleanupOpGetTables: state->slots.size = ARRAY_CHUNK; db_meta_lock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_READ); ret = db_get_element_array(meta_pid_to_tab, pid, 2, state->slots.arr, &state->slots.size); db_meta_unlock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_READ); if (ret == DB_ERROR_BADKEY) { /* Done with tables; now fixations */ state->progress = ErtsDbProcCleanupProgressFixations; state->op = ErtsDbProcCleanupOpGetFixations; break; } else if (ret != DB_ERROR_NONE) { ERTS_DB_INTERNAL_ERROR("Inconsistent ets table metadata"); } state->slots.ix = 0; state->slots.clean_ix = 0; state->op = ErtsDbProcCleanupOpDeleteTables; /* Fall through */ case ErtsDbProcCleanupOpDeleteTables: while (state->slots.ix < state->slots.size) { DbTable *tb = NULL; Sint ix = unsigned_val(state->slots.arr[state->slots.ix]); erts_smp_rwmtx_t *mmtl = get_meta_main_tab_lock(ix); erts_smp_rwmtx_rlock(mmtl); if (!IS_SLOT_FREE(ix)) { tb = GET_ANY_SLOT_TAB(ix); ASSERT(tb); } erts_smp_rwmtx_runlock(mmtl); if (tb) { int do_yield; db_lock(tb, LCK_WRITE); /* Ownership may have changed since we looked up the table. */ if (tb->common.owner != pid) { do_yield = 0; db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE); } else if (tb->common.heir != am_none && tb->common.heir != pid && give_away_to_heir(c_p, tb)) { do_yield = 0; } else { int first_call; #ifdef HARDDEBUG erts_fprintf(stderr, "erts_db_process_exiting(); Table: %T, " "Process: %T\n", tb->common.id, pid); #endif first_call = (tb->common.status & DB_DELETE) == 0; if (first_call) { /* Clear all access bits. */ tb->common.status &= ~(DB_PROTECTED | DB_PUBLIC | DB_PRIVATE); tb->common.status |= DB_DELETE; if (is_atom(tb->common.id)) remove_named_tab(tb, 0); free_heir_data(tb); free_fixations_locked(tb); } do_yield = free_table_cont(c_p, tb, first_call, 0); db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE); } if (do_yield) goto yield; } state->slots.ix++; if (ERTS_BIF_REDS_LEFT(c_p) <= 0) goto yield; } proc_exit_cleanup_tables_meta_data(pid, state); state->op = ErtsDbProcCleanupOpGetTables; break; case ErtsDbProcCleanupOpGetFixations: state->slots.size = ARRAY_CHUNK; db_meta_lock(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, LCK_READ); ret = db_get_element_array(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, pid, 2, state->slots.arr, &state->slots.size); db_meta_unlock(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, LCK_READ); if (ret == DB_ERROR_BADKEY) { /* Done */ state->progress = ErtsDbProcCleanupProgressDone; state->op = ErtsDbProcCleanupOpDone; break; } else if (ret != DB_ERROR_NONE) { ERTS_DB_INTERNAL_ERROR("Inconsistent ets fix table metadata"); } state->slots.ix = 0; state->slots.clean_ix = 0; state->op = ErtsDbProcCleanupOpDeleteFixations; /* Fall through */ case ErtsDbProcCleanupOpDeleteFixations: while (state->slots.ix < state->slots.size) { DbTable *tb = NULL; Sint ix = unsigned_val(state->slots.arr[state->slots.ix]); erts_smp_rwmtx_t *mmtl = get_meta_main_tab_lock(ix); erts_smp_rwmtx_rlock(mmtl); if (IS_SLOT_ALIVE(ix)) { tb = meta_main_tab[ix].u.tb; ASSERT(tb); } erts_smp_rwmtx_runlock(mmtl); if (tb) { int reds = 0; db_lock(tb, LCK_WRITE_REC); if (!(tb->common.status & DB_DELETE)) { DbFixation** pp; #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_mtx_lock(&tb->common.fixlock); #endif reds = 10; for (pp = &tb->common.fixations; *pp != NULL; pp = &(*pp)->next) { if ((*pp)->pid == pid) { DbFixation* fix = *pp; erts_aint_t diff = -((erts_aint_t) fix->counter); erts_refc_add(&tb->common.ref,diff,0); *pp = fix->next; erts_db_free(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_FIXATION, tb, fix, sizeof(DbFixation)); ERTS_ETS_MISC_MEM_ADD(-sizeof(DbFixation)); break; } } #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_mtx_unlock(&tb->common.fixlock); #endif if (!IS_FIXED(tb) && IS_HASH_TABLE(tb->common.status)) { db_unfix_table_hash(&(tb->hash)); reds += 40; } } db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE_REC); BUMP_REDS(c_p, reds); } state->slots.ix++; if (ERTS_BIF_REDS_LEFT(c_p) <= 0) goto yield; } proc_exit_cleanup_fixations_meta_data(pid, state); state->op = ErtsDbProcCleanupOpGetFixations; break; case ErtsDbProcCleanupOpDone: if (state != &default_state) erts_free(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_PROC_CLEANUP, state); c_p->u.terminate = NULL; return 0; default: ERTS_DB_INTERNAL_ERROR("Bad internal state"); } } yield: switch (state->progress) { case ErtsDbProcCleanupProgressTables: proc_exit_cleanup_tables_meta_data(pid, state); break; case ErtsDbProcCleanupProgressFixations: proc_exit_cleanup_fixations_meta_data(pid, state); break; default: break; } ASSERT(c_p->u.terminate == (void *) state || state == &default_state); if (state == &default_state) { c_p->u.terminate = erts_alloc(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_PROC_CLEANUP, sizeof(ErtsDbProcCleanupState)); sys_memcpy(c_p->u.terminate, (void*) state, sizeof(ErtsDbProcCleanupState)); } return !0; } /* SMP note: table only need to be LCK_READ locked */ static void fix_table_locked(Process* p, DbTable* tb) { DbFixation *fix; DeclareTmpHeap(meta_tuple,3,p); #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_mtx_lock(&tb->common.fixlock); #endif erts_refc_inc(&tb->common.ref,1); fix = tb->common.fixations; if (fix == NULL) { tb->common.time.monotonic = erts_get_monotonic_time(erts_proc_sched_data(p)); tb->common.time.offset = erts_get_time_offset(); } else { for (; fix != NULL; fix = fix->next) { if (fix->pid == p->common.id) { ++(fix->counter); #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_mtx_unlock(&tb->common.fixlock); #endif return; } } } fix = (DbFixation *) erts_db_alloc(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_FIXATION, tb, sizeof(DbFixation)); ERTS_ETS_MISC_MEM_ADD(sizeof(DbFixation)); fix->pid = p->common.id; fix->counter = 1; fix->next = tb->common.fixations; tb->common.fixations = fix; #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_mtx_unlock(&tb->common.fixlock); #endif p->flags |= F_USING_DB; UseTmpHeap(3,p); db_meta_lock(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); if (db_put_hash(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, TUPLE2(meta_tuple, p->common.id, make_small(tb->common.slot)), 0) != DB_ERROR_NONE) { UnUseTmpHeap(3,p); erts_exit(ERTS_ERROR_EXIT,"Could not insert ets metadata in safe_fixtable."); } UnUseTmpHeap(3,p); db_meta_unlock(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); } /* SMP note: May re-lock table */ static void unfix_table_locked(Process* p, DbTable* tb, db_lock_kind_t* kind_p) { DbFixation** pp; #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_mtx_lock(&tb->common.fixlock); #endif for (pp = &tb->common.fixations; *pp != NULL; pp = &(*pp)->next) { if ((*pp)->pid == p->common.id) { DbFixation* fix = *pp; erts_refc_dec(&tb->common.ref,0); --(fix->counter); ASSERT(fix->counter >= 0); if (fix->counter > 0) { break; } *pp = fix->next; #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_mtx_unlock(&tb->common.fixlock); #endif db_meta_lock(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); db_erase_bag_exact2(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, p->common.id, make_small(tb->common.slot)); db_meta_unlock(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); erts_db_free(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_FIXATION, tb, (void *) fix, sizeof(DbFixation)); ERTS_ETS_MISC_MEM_ADD(-sizeof(DbFixation)); goto unlocked; } } #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_mtx_unlock(&tb->common.fixlock); #endif unlocked: if (!IS_FIXED(tb) && IS_HASH_TABLE(tb->common.status) && erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&tb->hash.fixdel) != (erts_aint_t)NULL) { #ifdef ERTS_SMP if (*kind_p == LCK_READ && tb->common.is_thread_safe) { /* Must have write lock while purging pseudo-deleted (OTP-8166) */ erts_smp_rwmtx_runlock(&tb->common.rwlock); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwlock(&tb->common.rwlock); *kind_p = LCK_WRITE; if (tb->common.status & DB_DELETE) return; } #endif db_unfix_table_hash(&(tb->hash)); } } /* Assume that tb is WRITE locked */ static void free_fixations_locked(DbTable *tb) { DbFixation *fix; DbFixation *next_fix; fix = tb->common.fixations; while (fix != NULL) { erts_aint_t diff = -((erts_aint_t) fix->counter); erts_refc_add(&tb->common.ref,diff,0); next_fix = fix->next; db_meta_lock(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); db_erase_bag_exact2(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, fix->pid, make_small(tb->common.slot)); db_meta_unlock(meta_pid_to_fixed_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); erts_db_free(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_FIXATION, tb, (void *) fix, sizeof(DbFixation)); ERTS_ETS_MISC_MEM_ADD(-sizeof(DbFixation)); fix = next_fix; } tb->common.fixations = NULL; } static void set_heir(Process* me, DbTable* tb, Eterm heir, UWord heir_data) { tb->common.heir = heir; if (heir == am_none) { return; } if (heir == me->common.id) { erts_ensure_later_proc_interval(me->common.u.alive.started_interval); tb->common.heir_started_interval = me->common.u.alive.started_interval; } else { Process* heir_proc= erts_proc_lookup(heir); if (heir_proc != NULL) { erts_ensure_later_proc_interval(heir_proc->common.u.alive.started_interval); tb->common.heir_started_interval = heir_proc->common.u.alive.started_interval; } else { tb->common.heir = am_none; } } if (!is_immed(heir_data)) { DeclareTmpHeap(tmp,2,me); Eterm wrap_tpl; int size; DbTerm* dbterm; Eterm* top; ErlOffHeap tmp_offheap; UseTmpHeap(2,me); /* Make a dummy 1-tuple around data to use DbTerm */ wrap_tpl = TUPLE1(tmp,heir_data); size = size_object(wrap_tpl); dbterm = erts_db_alloc(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_HEIR_DATA, (DbTable *)tb, (sizeof(DbTerm) + sizeof(Eterm)*(size-1))); dbterm->size = size; top = dbterm->tpl; tmp_offheap.first = NULL; copy_struct(wrap_tpl, size, &top, &tmp_offheap); dbterm->first_oh = tmp_offheap.first; heir_data = (UWord)dbterm; UnUseTmpHeap(2,me); ASSERT(!is_immed(heir_data)); } tb->common.heir_data = heir_data; } static void free_heir_data(DbTable* tb) { if (tb->common.heir != am_none && !is_immed(tb->common.heir_data)) { DbTerm* p = (DbTerm*) tb->common.heir_data; db_cleanup_offheap_comp(p); erts_db_free(ERTS_ALC_T_DB_HEIR_DATA, tb, (void *)p, sizeof(DbTerm) + (p->size-1)*sizeof(Eterm)); } #ifdef DEBUG tb->common.heir_data = am_undefined; #endif } static BIF_RETTYPE ets_delete_trap(BIF_ALIST_1) { Process *p = BIF_P; Eterm cont = BIF_ARG_1; int trap; Eterm* ptr = big_val(cont); DbTable *tb = *((DbTable **) (UWord) (ptr + 1)); ASSERT(*ptr == make_pos_bignum_header(1)); db_lock(tb, LCK_WRITE); trap = free_table_cont(p, tb, 0, 1); db_unlock(tb, LCK_WRITE); if (trap) { BIF_TRAP1(&ets_delete_continue_exp, p, cont); } else { BIF_RET(am_true); } } /* * free_table_cont() returns 0 when done and !0 when more work is needed. */ static int free_table_cont(Process *p, DbTable *tb, int first, int clean_meta_tab) { Eterm result; erts_smp_rwmtx_t *mmtl; #ifdef HARDDEBUG if (!first) { erts_fprintf(stderr,"ets: free_table_cont %T (continue)\r\n", tb->common.id); } #endif result = tb->common.meth->db_free_table_continue(tb); if (result == 0) { #ifdef HARDDEBUG erts_fprintf(stderr,"ets: free_table_cont %T (continue begin)\r\n", tb->common.id); #endif /* More work to be done. Let other processes work and call us again. */ BUMP_ALL_REDS(p); return !0; } else { #ifdef HARDDEBUG erts_fprintf(stderr,"ets: free_table_cont %T (continue end)\r\n", tb->common.id); #endif /* Completely done - we will not get called again. */ mmtl = get_meta_main_tab_lock(tb->common.slot); #ifdef ERTS_SMP if (erts_smp_rwmtx_tryrwlock(mmtl) == EBUSY) { erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(&tb->common.rwlock); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwlock(mmtl); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwlock(&tb->common.rwlock); } #endif free_slot(tb->common.slot); erts_smp_rwmtx_rwunlock(mmtl); if (clean_meta_tab) { db_meta_lock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); db_erase_bag_exact2(meta_pid_to_tab,tb->common.owner, make_small(tb->common.slot)); db_meta_unlock(meta_pid_to_tab, LCK_WRITE_REC); } schedule_free_dbtable(tb); BUMP_REDS(p, 100); return 0; } } static Eterm table_info(Process* p, DbTable* tb, Eterm What) { Eterm ret = THE_NON_VALUE; int use_monotonic; if (What == am_size) { ret = make_small(erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&tb->common.nitems)); } else if (What == am_type) { if (tb->common.status & DB_SET) { ret = am_set; } else if (tb->common.status & DB_DUPLICATE_BAG) { ret = am_duplicate_bag; } else if (tb->common.status & DB_ORDERED_SET) { ret = am_ordered_set; } else { /*TT*/ ASSERT(tb->common.status & DB_BAG); ret = am_bag; } } else if (What == am_memory) { Uint words = (Uint) ((erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&tb->common.memory_size) + sizeof(Uint) - 1) / sizeof(Uint)); ret = erts_make_integer(words, p); } else if (What == am_owner) { ret = tb->common.owner; } else if (What == am_heir) { ret = tb->common.heir; } else if (What == am_protection) { if (tb->common.status & DB_PRIVATE) ret = am_private; else if (tb->common.status & DB_PROTECTED) ret = am_protected; else if (tb->common.status & DB_PUBLIC) ret = am_public; } else if (What == am_write_concurrency) { ret = tb->common.status & DB_FINE_LOCKED ? am_true : am_false; } else if (What == am_read_concurrency) { ret = tb->common.status & DB_FREQ_READ ? am_true : am_false; } else if (What == am_name) { ret = tb->common.the_name; } else if (What == am_keypos) { ret = make_small(tb->common.keypos); } else if (What == am_node) { ret = erts_this_dist_entry->sysname; } else if (What == am_named_table) { ret = is_atom(tb->common.id) ? am_true : am_false; } else if (What == am_compressed) { ret = tb->common.compress ? am_true : am_false; } /* * For debugging purposes */ else if (What == am_data) { print_table(ERTS_PRINT_STDOUT, NULL, 1, tb); ret = am_true; } else if (What == am_atom_put("fixed",5)) { if (IS_FIXED(tb)) ret = am_true; else ret = am_false; } else if ((use_monotonic = ERTS_IS_ATOM_STR("safe_fixed_monotonic_time", What)) || ERTS_IS_ATOM_STR("safe_fixed", What)) { #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_mtx_lock(&tb->common.fixlock); #endif if (IS_FIXED(tb)) { Uint need; Eterm *hp; Eterm tpl, lst; DbFixation *fix; Sint64 mtime; need = 3; if (use_monotonic) { mtime = (Sint64) tb->common.time.monotonic; mtime += ERTS_MONOTONIC_OFFSET_NATIVE; if (!IS_SSMALL(mtime)) need += ERTS_SINT64_HEAP_SIZE(mtime); } else { mtime = 0; need += 4; } for (fix = tb->common.fixations; fix != NULL; fix = fix->next) { need += 5; } hp = HAlloc(p, need); lst = NIL; for (fix = tb->common.fixations; fix != NULL; fix = fix->next) { tpl = TUPLE2(hp,fix->pid,make_small(fix->counter)); hp += 3; lst = CONS(hp,tpl,lst); hp += 2; } if (use_monotonic) tpl = (IS_SSMALL(mtime) ? make_small(mtime) : erts_sint64_to_big(mtime, &hp)); else { Uint ms, s, us; erts_make_timestamp_value(&ms, &s, &us, tb->common.time.monotonic, tb->common.time.offset); tpl = TUPLE3(hp, make_small(ms), make_small(s), make_small(us)); hp += 4; } ret = TUPLE2(hp, tpl, lst); } else { ret = am_false; } #ifdef ERTS_SMP erts_smp_mtx_unlock(&tb->common.fixlock); #endif } else if (What == am_atom_put("stats",5)) { if (IS_HASH_TABLE(tb->common.status)) { FloatDef f; DbHashStats stats; Eterm avg, std_dev_real, std_dev_exp; Eterm* hp; db_calc_stats_hash(&tb->hash, &stats); hp = HAlloc(p, 1 + 7 + FLOAT_SIZE_OBJECT*3); f.fd = stats.avg_chain_len; avg = make_float(hp); PUT_DOUBLE(f, hp); hp += FLOAT_SIZE_OBJECT; f.fd = stats.std_dev_chain_len; std_dev_real = make_float(hp); PUT_DOUBLE(f, hp); hp += FLOAT_SIZE_OBJECT; f.fd = stats.std_dev_expected; std_dev_exp = make_float(hp); PUT_DOUBLE(f, hp); hp += FLOAT_SIZE_OBJECT; ret = TUPLE7(hp, make_small(erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&tb->hash.nactive)), avg, std_dev_real, std_dev_exp, make_small(stats.min_chain_len), make_small(stats.max_chain_len), make_small(stats.kept_items)); } else { ret = am_false; } } return ret; } static void print_table(fmtfn_t to, void *to_arg, int show, DbTable* tb) { erts_print(to, to_arg, "Table: %T\n", tb->common.id); erts_print(to, to_arg, "Name: %T\n", tb->common.the_name); tb->common.meth->db_print(to, to_arg, show, tb); erts_print(to, to_arg, "Objects: %d\n", (int)erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&tb->common.nitems)); erts_print(to, to_arg, "Words: %bpu\n", (Uint) ((erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&tb->common.memory_size) + sizeof(Uint) - 1) / sizeof(Uint))); erts_print(to, to_arg, "Type: %T\n", table_info(NULL, tb, am_type)); erts_print(to, to_arg, "Protection: %T\n", table_info(NULL, tb, am_protection)); erts_print(to, to_arg, "Compressed: %T\n", table_info(NULL, tb, am_compressed)); erts_print(to, to_arg, "Write Concurrency: %T\n", table_info(NULL, tb, am_write_concurrency)); erts_print(to, to_arg, "Read Concurrency: %T\n", table_info(NULL, tb, am_read_concurrency)); } void db_info(fmtfn_t to, void *to_arg, int show) /* Called by break handler */ { int i; for (i=0; i < db_max_tabs; i++) if (IS_SLOT_ALIVE(i)) { erts_print(to, to_arg, "=ets:%T\n", meta_main_tab[i].u.tb->common.owner); erts_print(to, to_arg, "Slot: %d\n", i); print_table(to, to_arg, show, meta_main_tab[i].u.tb); } #ifdef DEBUG erts_print(to, to_arg, "=internal_ets: Process to table index\n"); print_table(to, to_arg, show, meta_pid_to_tab); erts_print(to, to_arg, "=internal_ets: Process to fixation index\n"); print_table(to, to_arg, show, meta_pid_to_fixed_tab); #endif } Uint erts_get_ets_misc_mem_size(void) { ERTS_SMP_MEMORY_BARRIER; /* Memory not allocated in ets_alloc */ return (Uint) erts_smp_atomic_read_nob(&erts_ets_misc_mem_size); } /* SMP Note: May only be used when system is locked */ void erts_db_foreach_table(void (*func)(DbTable *, void *), void *arg) { int i, j; j = 0; for(i = 0; (i < db_max_tabs && j < meta_main_tab_cnt); i++) { if (IS_SLOT_ALIVE(i)) { j++; (*func)(meta_main_tab[i].u.tb, arg); } } ASSERT(j == meta_main_tab_cnt); } /* SMP Note: May only be used when system is locked */ void erts_db_foreach_offheap(DbTable *tb, void (*func)(ErlOffHeap *, void *), void *arg) { tb->common.meth->db_foreach_offheap(tb, func, arg); } /* retrieve max number of ets tables */ Uint erts_db_get_max_tabs() { return db_max_tabs; } /* * For testing of meta tables only. * * Given a name atom (as returned from ets:new/2), return a list of 'cnt' * number of other names that will hash to the same bucket in meta_name_tab. * * WARNING: Will bloat the atom table! */ Eterm erts_ets_colliding_names(Process* p, Eterm name, Uint cnt) { Eterm list = NIL; Eterm* hp = HAlloc(p,cnt*2); Uint index = atom_val(name) & meta_name_tab_mask; while (cnt) { if (index != atom_val(name)) { while (index >= atom_table_size()) { char tmp[20]; erts_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "am%x", atom_table_size()); erts_atom_put((byte *) tmp, strlen(tmp), ERTS_ATOM_ENC_LATIN1, 1); } list = CONS(hp, make_atom(index), list); hp += 2; --cnt; } index += meta_name_tab_mask + 1; } return list; } #ifdef HARDDEBUG /* Here comes some debug functions */ void db_check_tables(void) { #ifdef ERTS_SMP return; #else int i; for (i = 0; i < db_max_tabs; i++) { if (IS_SLOT_ALIVE(i)) { DbTable* tb = meta_main_tab[i].t; tb->common.meth->db_check_table(tb); } } #endif } #endif /* HARDDEBUG */