/* * %CopyrightBegin% * * Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2012. All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, * Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the * Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be * retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * %CopyrightEnd% */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "sys.h" #include "erl_vm.h" #include "global.h" #include "erl_process.h" #include "big.h" #include "bif.h" #include "beam_catches.h" #include "erl_debug.h" #define WITHIN(ptr, x, y) ((x) <= (ptr) && (ptr) < (y)) #define IN_HEAP(p, ptr) \ (WITHIN((ptr), p->heap, p->hend) || \ (OLD_HEAP(p) && WITHIN((ptr), OLD_HEAP(p), OLD_HEND(p)))) #ifdef __GNUC__ /* * Does not work in Microsoft C. Since this is debugging code that will * hardly be used on Windows, get rid of it unless we have Gnu compiler. */ #define PTR_SIZE 2*(int)sizeof(long) static const char dashes[PTR_SIZE+3] = { [0 ... PTR_SIZE+1] = '-' }; #endif #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(__GNUC__) /* * This file defines functions for use within a debugger like gdb * and the declarations below is just to make gcc quiet. */ void pps(Process*, Eterm*); void ptd(Process*, Eterm); void paranoid_display(int, void*, Process*, Eterm); static int dcount; static int pdisplay1(int to, void *to_arg, Process* p, Eterm obj); void ptd(Process* p, Eterm x) { pdisplay1(ERTS_PRINT_STDERR, NULL, p, x); erts_putc(ERTS_PRINT_STDERR, NULL, '\n'); } /* * Paranoid version of display which doesn't crasch as easily if there * are errors in the data structures. */ void paranoid_display(int to, void *to_arg, Process* p, Eterm obj) { dcount = 100000; pdisplay1(to, to_arg, p, obj); } static int pdisplay1(int to, void *to_arg, Process* p, Eterm obj) { int i, k; Eterm* nobj; if (dcount-- <= 0) return(1); if (is_CP(obj)) { erts_print(to, to_arg, "<cp/header:%0*lX",PTR_SIZE,obj); return 0; } switch (tag_val_def(obj)) { case NIL_DEF: erts_print(to, to_arg, "[]"); break; case ATOM_DEF: erts_print(to, to_arg, "%T", obj); break; case SMALL_DEF: erts_print(to, to_arg, "%ld", signed_val(obj)); break; case BIG_DEF: nobj = big_val(obj); if (!IN_HEAP(p, nobj)) { erts_print(to, to_arg, "#<bad big %X>#", obj); return 1; } i = BIG_SIZE(nobj); if (BIG_SIGN(nobj)) erts_print(to, to_arg, "-#integer(%d) = {", i); else erts_print(to, to_arg, "#integer(%d) = {", i); erts_print(to, to_arg, "%d", BIG_DIGIT(nobj, 0)); for (k = 1; k < i; k++) erts_print(to, to_arg, ",%d", BIG_DIGIT(nobj, k)); erts_putc(to, to_arg, '}'); break; case REF_DEF: case EXTERNAL_REF_DEF: { Uint32 *ref_num; erts_print(to, to_arg, "#Ref<%lu", ref_channel_no(obj)); ref_num = ref_numbers(obj); for (i = ref_no_of_numbers(obj)-1; i >= 0; i--) erts_print(to, to_arg, ",%lu", ref_num[i]); erts_print(to, to_arg, ">"); break; } case PID_DEF: case EXTERNAL_PID_DEF: erts_print(to, to_arg, "<%lu.%lu.%lu>", pid_channel_no(obj), pid_number(obj), pid_serial(obj)); break; case PORT_DEF: case EXTERNAL_PORT_DEF: erts_print(to, to_arg, "#Port<%lu.%lu>", port_channel_no(obj), port_number(obj)); break; case LIST_DEF: erts_putc(to, to_arg, '['); nobj = list_val(obj); while (1) { if (!IN_HEAP(p, nobj)) { erts_print(to, to_arg, "#<bad list %X>", obj); return 1; } if (pdisplay1(to, to_arg, p, *nobj++) != 0) return(1); if (is_not_list(*nobj)) break; erts_putc(to, to_arg, ','); nobj = list_val(*nobj); } if (is_not_nil(*nobj)) { erts_putc(to, to_arg, '|'); if (pdisplay1(to, to_arg, p, *nobj) != 0) return(1); } erts_putc(to, to_arg, ']'); break; case TUPLE_DEF: nobj = tuple_val(obj); /* pointer to arity */ i = arityval(*nobj); /* arity */ erts_putc(to, to_arg, '{'); while (i--) { if (pdisplay1(to, to_arg, p, *++nobj) != 0) return(1); if (i >= 1) erts_putc(to, to_arg, ','); } erts_putc(to, to_arg, '}'); break; case FLOAT_DEF: { FloatDef ff; GET_DOUBLE(obj, ff); erts_print(to, to_arg, "%.20e", ff.fd); } break; case BINARY_DEF: erts_print(to, to_arg, "#Bin"); break; default: erts_print(to, to_arg, "unknown object %x", obj); } return(0); } void pps(Process* p, Eterm* stop) { int to = ERTS_PRINT_STDOUT; void *to_arg = NULL; Eterm* sp = STACK_START(p) - 1; if (stop <= STACK_END(p)) { stop = STACK_END(p) + 1; } while(sp >= stop) { erts_print(to, to_arg, "%0*lx: ", PTR_SIZE, (UWord) sp); if (is_catch(*sp)) { erts_print(to, to_arg, "catch %ld", (UWord)catch_pc(*sp)); } else { paranoid_display(to, to_arg, p, *sp); } erts_putc(to, to_arg, '\n'); sp--; } } #endif /* DEBUG */ static int verify_eterm(Process *p,Eterm element); static int verify_eterm(Process *p,Eterm element) { Eterm *ptr; ErlHeapFragment* mbuf; switch (primary_tag(element)) { case TAG_PRIMARY_LIST: ptr = list_val(element); break; case TAG_PRIMARY_BOXED: ptr = boxed_val(element); break; default: /* Immediate or header/cp */ return 1; } if (p) { if (IN_HEAP(p, ptr)) return 1; for (mbuf = p->mbuf; mbuf; mbuf = mbuf->next) { if (WITHIN(ptr, &mbuf->mem[0], &mbuf->mem[0] + mbuf->used_size)) { return 1; } } } return 0; } void erts_check_stack(Process *p) { Eterm *elemp; Eterm *stack_start = p->heap + p->heap_sz; Eterm *stack_end = p->htop; if (p->stop > stack_start) erl_exit(1, "<%lu.%lu.%lu>: Stack underflow\n", internal_pid_channel_no(p->id), internal_pid_number(p->id), internal_pid_serial(p->id)); if (p->stop < stack_end) erl_exit(1, "<%lu.%lu.%lu>: Stack overflow\n", internal_pid_channel_no(p->id), internal_pid_number(p->id), internal_pid_serial(p->id)); for (elemp = p->stop; elemp < stack_start; elemp++) { int in_mbuf = 0; Eterm *ptr; ErlHeapFragment* mbuf; switch (primary_tag(*elemp)) { case TAG_PRIMARY_LIST: ptr = list_val(*elemp); break; case TAG_PRIMARY_BOXED: ptr = boxed_val(*elemp); break; default: /* Immediate or cp */ continue; } if (IN_HEAP(p, ptr)) continue; for (mbuf = p->mbuf; mbuf; mbuf = mbuf->next) if (WITHIN(ptr, &mbuf->mem[0], &mbuf->mem[0] + mbuf->used_size)) { in_mbuf = 1; break; } if (in_mbuf) continue; erl_exit(1, "<%lu.%lu.%lu>: Wild stack pointer\n", internal_pid_channel_no(p->id), internal_pid_number(p->id), internal_pid_serial(p->id)); } } #if defined(CHECK_FOR_HOLES) static void check_memory(Eterm *start, Eterm *end); void erts_check_for_holes(Process* p) { ErlHeapFragment* hf; Eterm* start; start = p->last_htop ? p->last_htop : HEAP_START(p); check_memory(start, HEAP_TOP(p)); p->last_htop = HEAP_TOP(p); for (hf = MBUF(p); hf != 0; hf = hf->next) { if (hf == p->last_mbuf) { break; } check_memory(hf->mem, hf->mem+hf->used_size); } p->last_mbuf = MBUF(p); } static void check_memory(Eterm *start, Eterm *end) { Eterm *pos = start; while (pos < end) { Eterm hval = *pos++; if (hval == ERTS_HOLE_MARKER) { erts_fprintf(stderr,"%s, line %d: ERTS_HOLE_MARKER found at 0x%0*lx\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,PTR_SIZE,(unsigned long)(pos-1)); print_untagged_memory(start,end); /* DEBUGSTUFF */ abort(); } else if (is_thing(hval)) { pos += (thing_arityval(hval)); } } } #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ /* * erts_check_heap and erts_check_memory will run through the heap * silently if everything is ok. If there are strange (untagged) data * in the heap or wild pointers, the system will be halted with an * error message. */ void erts_check_heap(Process *p) { ErlHeapFragment* bp = MBUF(p); erts_check_memory(p,HEAP_START(p),HEAP_TOP(p)); if (OLD_HEAP(p) != NULL) { erts_check_memory(p,OLD_HEAP(p),OLD_HTOP(p)); } while (bp) { erts_check_memory(p,bp->mem,bp->mem + bp->used_size); bp = bp->next; } } void erts_check_memory(Process *p, Eterm *start, Eterm *end) { Eterm *pos = start; while (pos < end) { Eterm hval = *pos++; #ifdef DEBUG if (hval == DEBUG_BAD_WORD) { print_untagged_memory(start, end); erl_exit(1, "Uninitialized HAlloc'ed memory found @ 0x%0*lx!\n", PTR_SIZE,(unsigned long)(pos - 1)); } #endif if (is_thing(hval)) { pos += thing_arityval(hval); continue; } if (verify_eterm(p,hval)) continue; erl_exit(1, "Wild pointer found @ 0x%0*lx!\n", PTR_SIZE,(unsigned long)(pos - 1)); } } void verify_process(Process *p) { #define VERIFY_AREA(name,ptr,sz) { \ int n = (sz); \ while (n--) if(!verify_eterm(p,*(ptr+n))) \ erl_exit(1,"Wild pointer found in " name " of %T!\n",p->id); } #define VERIFY_ETERM(name,eterm) { \ if(!verify_eterm(p,eterm)) \ erl_exit(1,"Wild pointer found in " name " of %T!\n",p->id); } ErlMessage* mp = p->msg.first; VERBOSE(DEBUG_MEMORY,("Verify process: %T...\n",p->id)); while (mp != NULL) { VERIFY_ETERM("message term",ERL_MESSAGE_TERM(mp)); VERIFY_ETERM("message token",ERL_MESSAGE_TOKEN(mp)); mp = mp->next; } erts_check_stack(p); erts_check_heap(p); if (p->dictionary) VERIFY_AREA("dictionary",p->dictionary->data, p->dictionary->used); VERIFY_ETERM("seq trace token",p->seq_trace_token); VERIFY_ETERM("group leader",p->group_leader); VERIFY_ETERM("fvalue",p->fvalue); VERIFY_ETERM("ftrace",p->ftrace); VERBOSE(DEBUG_MEMORY,("...done\n")); #undef VERIFY_AREA #undef VERIFY_ETERM } /* * print_untagged_memory will print the contents of given memory area. */ void print_untagged_memory(Eterm *pos, Eterm *end) { int i = 0; erts_printf("| %*s | Range: 0x%0*lx - 0x%0*lx%*s|\n", PTR_SIZE, "", PTR_SIZE,(unsigned long)pos, PTR_SIZE,(unsigned long)(end - 1),2 * PTR_SIZE - 2,""); erts_printf("| %-*s | %-*s |\n",PTR_SIZE+2,"Address", 4*PTR_SIZE+11,"Contents"); erts_printf("|-%s-|-%s-%s-%s-%s-|\n",dashes,dashes,dashes,dashes,dashes); while( pos < end ) { if (i == 0) erts_printf("| 0x%0*lx | ", PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)pos); erts_printf("0x%0*lx ",PTR_SIZE,(unsigned long)*pos); pos++; i++; if (i == 4) { erts_printf("|\n"); i = 0; } } while (i && i < 4) { erts_printf("%*s",PTR_SIZE+3,""); i++; } if (i != 0) erts_printf("|\n"); erts_printf("+-%s-+-%s-%s-%s-%s-+\n",dashes,dashes,dashes,dashes,dashes); } /* * print_tagged_memory will print contents of given memory area and * display it as if it was tagged Erlang terms (which it hopefully * is). This function knows about forwarding pointers to be able to * print a heap during garbage collection. erts_printf("%T",val) * do not know about forwarding pointers though, so it will still * crash if they are encoutered... */ void print_tagged_memory(Eterm *pos, Eterm *end) { erts_printf("+-%s-+-%s-+\n",dashes,dashes); erts_printf("| 0x%0*lx - 0x%0*lx |\n", PTR_SIZE,(unsigned long)pos, PTR_SIZE,(unsigned long)(end - 1)); erts_printf("| %-*s | %-*s |\n",PTR_SIZE,"Address",PTR_SIZE,"Contents"); erts_printf("|-%s-|-%s-|\n",dashes,dashes); while( pos < end ) { Eterm val = pos[0]; erts_printf("| 0x%0*lx | 0x%0*lx | ", PTR_SIZE,(unsigned long)pos, PTR_SIZE,(unsigned long)val); ++pos; if( is_arity_value(val) ) { erts_printf("Arity(%lu)", arityval(val)); } else if( is_thing(val) ) { unsigned int ari = thing_arityval(val); erts_printf("Thing Arity(%u) Tag(%lu)", ari, thing_subtag(val)); while( ari ) { erts_printf("\n| 0x%0*lx | 0x%0*lx | THING", PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)pos, PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)*pos); ++pos; --ari; } } else { switch (primary_tag(val)) { case TAG_PRIMARY_BOXED: if (!is_header(*boxed_val(val))) { erts_printf("Moved -> 0x%0*lx\n",PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)*boxed_val(val)); continue; } break; case TAG_PRIMARY_LIST: if (is_non_value(*list_val(val))) { erts_printf("Moved -> 0x%0*lx\n",PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)*(list_val(val) + 1)); continue; } break; } erts_printf("%.30T", val); } erts_printf("\n"); } erts_printf("+-%s-+-%s-+\n",dashes,dashes); } static void print_process_memory(Process *p); static void print_process_memory(Process *p) { ErlHeapFragment* bp = MBUF(p); erts_printf("==============================\n"); erts_printf("|| Memory info for %T ||\n",p->id); erts_printf("==============================\n"); erts_printf("-- %-*s ---%s-%s-%s-%s--\n", PTR_SIZE, "PCB", dashes, dashes, dashes, dashes); if (p->msg.first != NULL) { ErlMessage* mp; erts_printf(" Message Queue:\n"); mp = p->msg.first; while (mp != NULL) { erts_printf("| 0x%0*lx | 0x%0*lx |\n",PTR_SIZE, ERL_MESSAGE_TERM(mp),PTR_SIZE,ERL_MESSAGE_TOKEN(mp)); mp = mp->next; } } if (p->dictionary != NULL) { int n = p->dictionary->used; Eterm *ptr = p->dictionary->data; erts_printf(" Dictionary: "); while (n--) erts_printf("0x%0*lx ",PTR_SIZE,(unsigned long)ptr++); erts_printf("\n"); } if (p->arity > 0) { int n = p->arity; Eterm *ptr = p->arg_reg; erts_printf(" Argument Registers: "); while (n--) erts_printf("0x%0*lx ",PTR_SIZE,(unsigned long)*ptr++); erts_printf("\n"); } erts_printf(" Trace Token: 0x%0*lx\n",PTR_SIZE,p->seq_trace_token); erts_printf(" Group Leader: 0x%0*lx\n",PTR_SIZE,p->group_leader); erts_printf(" Fvalue: 0x%0*lx\n",PTR_SIZE,p->fvalue); erts_printf(" Ftrace: 0x%0*lx\n",PTR_SIZE,p->ftrace); erts_printf("+- %-*s -+ 0x%0*lx 0x%0*lx %s-%s-+\n", PTR_SIZE, "Stack", PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)STACK_TOP(p), PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)STACK_START(p), dashes, dashes); print_untagged_memory(STACK_TOP(p),STACK_START(p)); erts_printf("+- %-*s -+ 0x%0*lx 0x%0*lx 0x%0*lx 0x%0*lx +\n", PTR_SIZE, "Heap", PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)HEAP_START(p), PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)HIGH_WATER(p), PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)HEAP_TOP(p), PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)HEAP_END(p)); print_untagged_memory(HEAP_START(p),HEAP_TOP(p)); if (OLD_HEAP(p)) { erts_printf("+- %-*s -+ 0x%0*lx 0x%0*lx 0x%0*lx %s-+\n", PTR_SIZE, "Old Heap", PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)OLD_HEAP(p), PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)OLD_HTOP(p), PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)OLD_HEND(p), dashes); print_untagged_memory(OLD_HEAP(p),OLD_HTOP(p)); } if (bp) erts_printf("+- %-*s -+-%s-%s-%s-%s-+\n", PTR_SIZE, "heap fragments", dashes, dashes, dashes, dashes); while (bp) { print_untagged_memory(bp->mem,bp->mem + bp->used_size); bp = bp->next; } } void print_memory(Process *p) { if (p != NULL) { print_process_memory(p); } } void print_memory_info(Process *p) { if (p != NULL) { erts_printf("======================================\n"); erts_printf("|| Memory info for %-12T ||\n",p->id); erts_printf("======================================\n"); erts_printf("+- local heap ----%s-%s-%s-%s-+\n", dashes,dashes,dashes,dashes); erts_printf("| Young | 0x%0*lx - (0x%0*lx) - 0x%0*lx - 0x%0*lx |\n", PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)HEAP_START(p), PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)HIGH_WATER(p), PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)HEAP_TOP(p), PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)HEAP_END(p)); if (OLD_HEAP(p) != NULL) erts_printf("| Old | 0x%0*lx - 0x%0*lx - 0x%0*lx %*s |\n", PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)OLD_HEAP(p), PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)OLD_HTOP(p), PTR_SIZE, (unsigned long)OLD_HEND(p), PTR_SIZE, ""); } else { erts_printf("=================\n"); erts_printf("|| Memory info ||\n"); erts_printf("=================\n"); } erts_printf("+-----------------%s-%s-%s-%s-+\n",dashes,dashes,dashes,dashes); } #if !HEAP_ON_C_STACK && defined(DEBUG) Eterm *erts_debug_allocate_tmp_heap(int size, Process *p) { ErtsSchedulerData *sd = ((p == NULL) ? erts_get_scheduler_data() : ERTS_PROC_GET_SCHDATA(p)); int offset = sd->num_tmp_heap_used; ASSERT(offset+size <= TMP_HEAP_SIZE); return (sd->tmp_heap)+offset; } void erts_debug_use_tmp_heap(int size, Process *p) { ErtsSchedulerData *sd = ((p == NULL) ? erts_get_scheduler_data() : ERTS_PROC_GET_SCHDATA(p)); sd->num_tmp_heap_used += size; ASSERT(sd->num_tmp_heap_used <= TMP_HEAP_SIZE); } void erts_debug_unuse_tmp_heap(int size, Process *p) { ErtsSchedulerData *sd = ((p == NULL) ? erts_get_scheduler_data() : ERTS_PROC_GET_SCHDATA(p)); sd->num_tmp_heap_used -= size; ASSERT(sd->num_tmp_heap_used >= 0); } #endif #endif