/* * %CopyrightBegin% * * Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2011. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * %CopyrightEnd% */ /* ** General thread safe hash table. Simular interface as hash.h ** ** Author: Sverker Eriksson */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "safe_hash.h" /* Currently only used by erl_check_io on Windows */ #ifndef ERTS_SYS_CONTINOUS_FD_NUMBERS static ERTS_INLINE void set_size(SafeHash* h, int size) { ASSERT(size % SAFE_HASH_LOCK_CNT == 0); /* This important property allows us to lock the right mutex ** without reading the table size (that can change without the lock) */ h->size_mask = size - 1; ASSERT((size & h->size_mask) == 0); /* An even power of 2 is just for fast bit masking */ h->grow_limit = size; /* grow table at 100% load */ } static ERTS_INLINE int align_up_pow2(int val) { int x = val & (val-1); if (x==0) return val ? val : 1; do { val = x; x &= x - 1; }while (x); return val << 1; } /* ** Rehash all objects */ static void rehash(SafeHash* h, int grow_limit) { if (erts_smp_atomic_xchg_acqb(&h->is_rehashing, 1) != 0) { return; /* already in progress */ } if (h->grow_limit == grow_limit) { int i, size, bytes; SafeHashBucket** new_tab; SafeHashBucket** old_tab = h->tab; int old_size = h->size_mask + 1; size = old_size * 2; /* double table size */ bytes = size * sizeof(SafeHashBucket*); new_tab = (SafeHashBucket **) erts_alloc(h->type, bytes); sys_memzero(new_tab, bytes); for (i=0; i<SAFE_HASH_LOCK_CNT; i++) { /* stop all traffic */ erts_smp_mtx_lock(&h->lock_vec[i].mtx); } h->tab = new_tab; set_size(h, size); for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++) { SafeHashBucket* b = old_tab[i]; while (b != NULL) { SafeHashBucket* b_next = b->next; int ix = b->hvalue & h->size_mask; b->next = new_tab[ix]; new_tab[ix] = b; b = b_next; } } for (i=0; i<SAFE_HASH_LOCK_CNT; i++) { erts_smp_mtx_unlock(&h->lock_vec[i].mtx); } erts_free(h->type, (void *) old_tab); } /*else already done */ erts_smp_atomic_set_relb(&h->is_rehashing, 0); } /* ** Get info about hash */ void safe_hash_get_info(SafeHashInfo *hi, SafeHash *h) { int size; int i, lock_ix; int max_depth = 0; int objects = 0; for (lock_ix=0; lock_ix<SAFE_HASH_LOCK_CNT; lock_ix++) { erts_smp_mtx_lock(&h->lock_vec[lock_ix].mtx); size = h->size_mask + 1; for (i = lock_ix; i < size; i += SAFE_HASH_LOCK_CNT) { int depth = 0; SafeHashBucket* b = h->tab[i]; while (b != NULL) { objects++; depth++; b = b->next; } if (depth > max_depth) max_depth = depth; } erts_smp_mtx_unlock(&h->lock_vec[lock_ix].mtx); } hi->name = h->name; hi->size = size; hi->objs = objects; hi->depth = max_depth; } /* ** Returns size of table in bytes. Stored objects not included. **/ int safe_hash_table_sz(SafeHash *h) { int i, size; for(i=0; h->name[i]; i++); i++; erts_smp_mtx_lock(&h->lock_vec[0].mtx); /* any lock will do to read size */ size = h->size_mask + 1; erts_smp_mtx_unlock(&h->lock_vec[0].mtx); return sizeof(SafeHash) + size*sizeof(SafeHashBucket*) + i; } /* ** Init a pre allocated or static hash structure ** and allocate buckets. NOT SAFE */ SafeHash* safe_hash_init(ErtsAlcType_t type, SafeHash* h, char* name, int size, SafeHashFunctions fun) { int i, bytes; size = align_up_pow2(size); bytes = size * sizeof(SafeHashBucket*); h->type = type; h->tab = (SafeHashBucket**) erts_alloc(h->type, bytes); sys_memzero(h->tab, bytes); h->name = name; h->fun = fun; set_size(h,size); erts_smp_atomic_init_nob(&h->is_rehashing, 0); erts_smp_atomic_init_nob(&h->nitems, 0); for (i=0; i<SAFE_HASH_LOCK_CNT; i++) { erts_smp_mtx_init(&h->lock_vec[i].mtx,"safe_hash"); } return h; } /* ** Find an object in the hash table */ void* safe_hash_get(SafeHash* h, void* tmpl) { SafeHashValue hval = h->fun.hash(tmpl); SafeHashBucket* b; erts_smp_mtx_t* lock = &h->lock_vec[hval % SAFE_HASH_LOCK_CNT].mtx; erts_smp_mtx_lock(lock); b = h->tab[hval & h->size_mask]; while(b != NULL) { if ((b->hvalue == hval) && (h->fun.cmp(tmpl, (void*)b) == 0)) break; b = b->next; } erts_smp_mtx_unlock(lock); return (void*) b; } /* ** Find or insert an object in the hash table */ void* safe_hash_put(SafeHash* h, void* tmpl) { int grow_limit; SafeHashValue hval = h->fun.hash(tmpl); SafeHashBucket* b; SafeHashBucket** head; erts_smp_mtx_t* lock = &h->lock_vec[hval % SAFE_HASH_LOCK_CNT].mtx; erts_smp_mtx_lock(lock); head = &h->tab[hval & h->size_mask]; b = *head; while(b != NULL) { if ((b->hvalue == hval) && (h->fun.cmp(tmpl, (void*)b) == 0)) { erts_smp_mtx_unlock(lock); return b; } b = b->next; } b = (SafeHashBucket*) h->fun.alloc(tmpl); b->hvalue = hval; b->next = *head; *head = b; grow_limit = h->grow_limit; erts_smp_mtx_unlock(lock); if (erts_smp_atomic_inc_read_nob(&h->nitems) > grow_limit) { rehash(h, grow_limit); } return (void*) b; } /* ** Erase hash entry return template if erased ** return 0 if not erased */ void* safe_hash_erase(SafeHash* h, void* tmpl) { SafeHashValue hval = h->fun.hash(tmpl); SafeHashBucket* b; SafeHashBucket** prevp; erts_smp_mtx_t* lock = &h->lock_vec[hval % SAFE_HASH_LOCK_CNT].mtx; erts_smp_mtx_lock(lock); prevp = &h->tab[hval & h->size_mask]; b = *prevp; while(b != NULL) { if ((b->hvalue == hval) && (h->fun.cmp(tmpl, (void*)b) == 0)) { *prevp = b->next; erts_smp_mtx_unlock(lock); erts_smp_atomic_dec_nob(&h->nitems); h->fun.free((void*)b); return tmpl; } prevp = &b->next; b = b->next; } erts_smp_mtx_unlock(lock); return NULL; } /* ** Call 'func(obj,func_arg2)' for all objects in table. NOT SAFE!!! */ void safe_hash_for_each(SafeHash* h, void (*func)(void *, void *), void *func_arg2) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= h->size_mask; i++) { SafeHashBucket* b = h->tab[i]; while (b != NULL) { (*func)((void *) b, func_arg2); b = b->next; } } } #endif /* !ERTS_SYS_CONTINOUS_FD_NUMBERS */