 * Original version by Jean-loup Gailly. Modified for use by the
 * Erlang run-time system and efile_driver; names of all external
 * functions changed to avoid conflicts with the official gzio.c file.
 * gzio.c -- IO on .gz files
 * Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Jean-loup Gailly.
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
/* %ExternalCopyright% */

#  include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> /* ssize_t on Mac OS X */
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "erl_driver.h"
#include "sys.h"

#ifdef __WIN32__
#define FILENAMES_16BIT 1

#ifdef STDC
#  define zstrerror(errnum) strerror(errnum)
#  define zstrerror(errnum) ""

#include "gzio_zutil.h"
#include "erl_zlib.h"
#include "gzio.h"

/********struct internal_state {int dummy;}; / * for buggy compilers */

#define Z_BUFSIZE 4096

#define ALLOC(size) driver_alloc(size)
#define TRYFREE(p) {if (p) driver_free(p);}

static int gz_magic[2] = {0x1f, 0x8b}; /* gzip magic header */

/* gzip flag byte */
#define ASCII_FLAG   0x01 /* bit 0 set: file probably ascii text */
#define HEAD_CRC     0x02 /* bit 1 set: header CRC present */
#define EXTRA_FIELD  0x04 /* bit 2 set: extra field present */
#define ORIG_NAME    0x08 /* bit 3 set: original file name present */
#define COMMENT      0x10 /* bit 4 set: file comment present */
#define RESERVED     0xE0 /* bits 5..7: reserved */

typedef struct gz_stream {
    z_stream stream;
    int      z_err;   /* error code for last stream operation */
    int      z_eof;   /* set if end of input file */
#ifdef UNIX
    int      file;    /* .gz file descriptor */
    FILE     *file;   /* .gz file */
    Byte     *inbuf;  /* input buffer */
    Byte     *outbuf; /* output buffer */
    uLong    crc;     /* crc32 of uncompressed data */
    char     *msg;    /* error message */
    char     *path;   /* path name for debugging only */
    int      transparent; /* 1 if input file is not a .gz file */
    char     mode;    /* 'w' or 'r' */
    int      position; /* Position (for seek) */
    int (*destroy)OF((struct gz_stream*)); /* Function to destroy
					    *  this structure. */
} gz_stream;

local gzFile gz_open      OF((const char *path, const char *mode));
local int    get_byte     OF((gz_stream *s));
local void   check_header OF((gz_stream *s));
local int    destroy      OF((gz_stream *s));
local uLong  getLong      OF((gz_stream *s));

#ifdef UNIX
 * In Solaris 8 and earlier, fopen() and its friends cannot handle 
 * file descriptors larger than 255. Therefore, we use read()/write()
 * on all Unix systems.
# define ERTS_GZWRITE(File, Buf, Count) write((File), (Buf), (Count))
# define ERTS_GZREAD(File, Buf, Count) read((File), (Buf), (Count))
 * On all other operating systems, using fopen(), fread()/fwrite(), since
 * there is not guaranteed to exist any read()/write() (not part of
# define ERTS_GZWRITE(File, Buf, Count) fwrite((Buf), 1, (Count), (File))
# define ERTS_GZREAD(File, Buf, Count) fread((Buf), 1, (Count), (File))

 * Ripped from efile_drv.c

#  define FILENAME_BYTELEN(Str) filename_len_16bit(Str)
#  define FILENAME_COPY(To,From) filename_cpy_16bit((To),(From)) 

   static int filename_len_16bit(const char *str) 
       const char *p = str;
       while(*p != '\0' || p[1] != '\0') {
	   p += 2;
       return (p - str);

   static void filename_cpy_16bit(char *to, const char *from) 
       while(*from != '\0' || from[1] != '\0') {
	   *to++ = *from++;
	   *to++ = *from++;
       *to++ = *from++;
       *to++ = *from++;

#  define FILENAME_BYTELEN(Str) strlen(Str)
#  define FILENAME_COPY(To,From) strcpy(To,From) 

/* ===========================================================================
     Opens a gzip (.gz) file for reading or writing. The mode parameter
   is as in fopen ("rb" or "wb"). The file is given either by file descriptor
   or path name (if fd == -1).
     gz_open return NULL if the file could not be opened or if there was
   insufficient memory to allocate the (de)compression state; errno
   can be checked to distinguish the two cases (if errno is zero, the
   zlib error is Z_MEM_ERROR).
local gzFile gz_open (path, mode)
    const char *path;
    const char *mode;
    int err;
    int level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION; /* compression level */
    char *p = (char*)mode;
    gz_stream *s;
    char fmode[80]; /* copy of mode, without the compression level */
    char *m = fmode;

    if (!path || !mode) return Z_NULL;

    s = (gz_stream *)ALLOC(sizeof(gz_stream));
    if (!s) return Z_NULL;

    s->stream.next_in = s->inbuf = Z_NULL;
    s->stream.next_out = s->outbuf = Z_NULL;
    s->stream.avail_in = s->stream.avail_out = 0;
#ifdef UNIX
    s->file = -1;
    s->file = NULL;
    s->z_err = Z_OK;
    s->z_eof = 0;
    s->crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
    s->msg = NULL;
    s->transparent = 0;
    s->position = 0;
    s->destroy = destroy;

    if (s->path == NULL) {
        return s->destroy(s), (gzFile)Z_NULL;
    FILENAME_COPY(s->path, path); /* do this early for debugging */

    s->mode = '\0';
    do {
        if (*p == 'r')
	    s->mode = 'r';
	if (*p == 'w' || *p == 'a')
	    s->mode = 'w';
	if (isdigit((int)*p)) {
	    level = *p - '0';
	} else {
	    *m++ = *p;		/* Copy the mode */
    } while (*p++ && m < fmode + sizeof(fmode) - 1);
    *m = '\0';
    if (s->mode == '\0')
	return s->destroy(s), (gzFile)Z_NULL;
    if (s->mode == 'w') {
        err = deflateInit2(&(s->stream), level,
                           Z_DEFLATED, MAX_WBITS+16, DEF_MEM_LEVEL, 0);
        /* windowBits is passed < 0 to suppress zlib header */

        s->stream.next_out = s->outbuf = (Byte*)ALLOC(Z_BUFSIZE);

        if (err != Z_OK || s->outbuf == Z_NULL) {
            return s->destroy(s), (gzFile)Z_NULL;
    } else {
	 * It is tempting to use the built-in support in zlib
	 * for handling GZIP headers, but unfortunately it
	 * cannot handle multiple GZIP headers (which occur when
	 * several GZIP files have been concatenated).

	err = inflateInit2(&(s->stream), -MAX_WBITS);
        s->stream.next_in  = s->inbuf = (Byte*)ALLOC(Z_BUFSIZE);

        if (err != Z_OK || s->inbuf == Z_NULL) {
            return s->destroy(s), (gzFile)Z_NULL;
    s->stream.avail_out = Z_BUFSIZE;

    errno = 0;
#if defined(FILENAMES_16BIT)
	char wfmode[160];
	int i=0,j;
	for(j=0;fmode[j] != '\0';++j) {
	wfmode[i++] = '\0';
	wfmode[i++] = '\0';
	s->file = F_OPEN(path, wfmode);
	if (s->file == NULL) {
	    return s->destroy(s), (gzFile)Z_NULL;
#elif defined(UNIX)
    if (s->mode == 'r') {
	s->file = open(path, O_RDONLY);
    } else {
	s->file = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
    if (s->file == -1) {
        return s->destroy(s), (gzFile)Z_NULL;
    s->file = F_OPEN(path, fmode);
    if (s->file == NULL) {
        return s->destroy(s), (gzFile)Z_NULL;
    if (s->mode == 'r') {
	check_header(s); /* skip the .gz header */
    return (gzFile)s;

/* ===========================================================================
   Rewind a gzfile back to the beginning.

local int gz_rewind (gz_stream *s)

#ifdef UNIX
    lseek(s->file, 0L, SEEK_SET);
    fseek(s->file, 0L, SEEK_SET);
    s->stream.next_in = Z_NULL;
    s->stream.next_out = Z_NULL;
    s->stream.avail_in = s->stream.avail_out = 0;
    s->z_err = Z_OK;
    s->z_eof = 0;
    s->crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
    s->msg = NULL;
    s->position = 0;
    s->stream.next_in = s->inbuf;

    s->stream.avail_out = Z_BUFSIZE;

    check_header(s);		/* skip the .gz header */
    return 1;

/* ===========================================================================
     Opens a gzip (.gz) file for reading or writing.
gzFile erts_gzopen (path, mode)
    const char *path;
    const char *mode;
    return gz_open (path, mode);

/* ===========================================================================
     Read a byte from a gz_stream; update next_in and avail_in. Return EOF
   for end of file.
   IN assertion: the stream s has been sucessfully opened for reading.
local int get_byte(s)
    gz_stream *s;
    if (s->z_eof) return EOF;
    if (s->stream.avail_in == 0) {
#ifdef UNIX
	ssize_t res;
	errno = 0;
	res = ERTS_GZREAD(s->file, s->inbuf, Z_BUFSIZE);
	if (res == 0) {
	    s->stream.avail_in = 0;
	    s->z_eof = 1;
	    return EOF;
	} else if (res < 0) {
	    s->stream.avail_in = 0;
	    s->z_eof = 1;
	    s->z_err = Z_ERRNO;
	    return EOF;
	} else {
	    s->stream.avail_in = (uInt) res;
	errno = 0;
	s->stream.avail_in = ERTS_GZREAD(s->file, s->inbuf, Z_BUFSIZE);
	if (s->stream.avail_in == 0) {
	    s->z_eof = 1;
	    if (s->file && ferror(s->file))
		s->z_err = Z_ERRNO;
	    return EOF;
	s->stream.next_in = s->inbuf;
    return *(s->stream.next_in)++;

/* ===========================================================================
      Check the gzip header of a gz_stream opened for reading. Set the stream
    mode to transparent if the gzip magic header is not present; set s->err
    to Z_DATA_ERROR if the magic header is present but the rest of the header
    is incorrect.
    IN assertion: the stream s has already been created sucessfully;
       s->stream.avail_in is zero for the first time, but may be non-zero
       for concatenated .gz files.
local void check_header(s)
    gz_stream *s;
    int method; /* method byte */
    int flags;  /* flags byte */
    uInt len;
    int c;

    /* Check the gzip magic header */
    for (len = 0; len < 2; len++) {
	c = get_byte(s);
	if (c != gz_magic[len]) {
	    if (len != 0) s->stream.avail_in++, s->stream.next_in--;
	    if (c != EOF) {
		s->stream.avail_in++, s->stream.next_in--;
		s->transparent = 1;
	    s->z_err = s->stream.avail_in != 0 ? Z_OK : Z_STREAM_END;
    method = get_byte(s);
    flags = get_byte(s);
    if (method != Z_DEFLATED || (flags & RESERVED) != 0) {
	s->z_err = Z_DATA_ERROR;

    /* Discard time, xflags and OS code: */
    for (len = 0; len < 6; len++) (void)get_byte(s);

    if ((flags & EXTRA_FIELD) != 0) { /* skip the extra field */
	len  =  (uInt)get_byte(s);
	len += ((uInt)get_byte(s))<<8;
	/* len is garbage if EOF but the loop below will quit anyway */
	while (len-- != 0 && get_byte(s) != EOF) ;
    if ((flags & ORIG_NAME) != 0) { /* skip the original file name */
	while ((c = get_byte(s)) != 0 && c != EOF) ;
    if ((flags & COMMENT) != 0) {   /* skip the .gz file comment */
	while ((c = get_byte(s)) != 0 && c != EOF) ;
    if ((flags & HEAD_CRC) != 0) {  /* skip the header crc */
	for (len = 0; len < 2; len++) (void)get_byte(s);
    s->z_err = s->z_eof ? Z_DATA_ERROR : Z_OK;

 /* ===========================================================================
 * Cleanup then free the given gz_stream. Return a zlib error code.
   Try freeing in the reverse order of allocations.
local int destroy (s)
    gz_stream *s;
    int err = Z_OK;

    if (!s) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;


    if (s->stream.state != NULL) {
       if (s->mode == 'w') {
           err = deflateEnd(&(s->stream));
       } else if (s->mode == 'r') {
           err = inflateEnd(&(s->stream));
#ifdef UNIX
    if (s->file != -1 && close(s->file)) {
        err = Z_ERRNO;
    if (s->file != NULL && fclose(s->file)) {
        err = Z_ERRNO;
    if (s->z_err < 0) err = s->z_err;

    return err;

/* ===========================================================================
     Reads the given number of uncompressed bytes from the compressed file.
   gzread returns the number of bytes actually read (0 for end of file).
erts_gzread(gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len)
    gz_stream *s = (gz_stream*)file;
    Bytef *start = buf; /* starting point for crc computation */
    Byte  *next_out; /* == stream.next_out but not forced far (for MSDOS) */

    if (s == NULL || s->mode != 'r') return Z_STREAM_ERROR;

    if (s->z_err == Z_DATA_ERROR || s->z_err == Z_ERRNO) return -1;
    if (s->z_err == Z_STREAM_END) return 0;  /* EOF */

    s->stream.next_out = next_out = buf;
    s->stream.avail_out = len;

    while (s->stream.avail_out != 0) {

	if (s->transparent) {
	    /* Copy first the lookahead bytes: */
	    uInt n = s->stream.avail_in;
	    if (n > s->stream.avail_out) n = s->stream.avail_out;
	    if (n > 0) {
		zmemcpy(s->stream.next_out, s->stream.next_in, n);
		next_out += n;
		s->stream.next_out = next_out;
		s->stream.next_in   += n;
		s->stream.avail_out -= n;
		s->stream.avail_in  -= n;
	    if (s->stream.avail_out > 0) {
		s->stream.avail_out -= ERTS_GZREAD(s->file, next_out,
	    len -= s->stream.avail_out;
	    s->stream.total_in  += (uLong)len;
	    s->stream.total_out += (uLong)len;
            if (len == 0) s->z_eof = 1;
	    s->position += (int)len;
	    return (int)len;
        if (s->stream.avail_in == 0 && !s->z_eof) {
#ifdef UNIX
	    ssize_t res;
	    errno = 0;
	    res = ERTS_GZREAD(s->file, s->inbuf, Z_BUFSIZE);
	    if (res == 0) {
		s->stream.avail_in = 0;
		s->z_eof = 1;
		return EOF;
	    } else if (res < 0) {
		s->stream.avail_in = 0;
		s->z_eof = 1;
		s->z_err = Z_ERRNO;
		return EOF;
	    } else {
		s->stream.avail_in = (uInt) res;
	    errno = 0;
            s->stream.avail_in = ERTS_GZREAD(s->file, s->inbuf, Z_BUFSIZE);
            if (s->stream.avail_in == 0) {
                s->z_eof = 1;
		if (s->file && ferror(s->file)) {
		    s->z_err = Z_ERRNO;
            s->stream.next_in = s->inbuf;
        s->z_err = inflate(&(s->stream), Z_NO_FLUSH);

	if (s->z_err == Z_STREAM_END) {
	    /* Check CRC and original size */
	    s->crc = crc32(s->crc, start, (uInt)(s->stream.next_out - start));
	    start = s->stream.next_out;

	    if (getLong(s) != s->crc) {
		s->z_err = Z_DATA_ERROR;
	    } else {
                /* The uncompressed length returned by above getlong() may
                 * be different from s->stream.total_out) in case of
		 * concatenated .gz files. Check for such files:
		if (s->z_err == Z_OK) {
		    uLong total_in = s->stream.total_in;
		    uLong total_out = s->stream.total_out;

		    s->stream.total_in = total_in;
		    s->stream.total_out = total_out;
		    s->crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
	if (s->z_err != Z_OK || s->z_eof) break;
    s->crc = crc32(s->crc, start, (uInt)(s->stream.next_out - start));

    s->position += (int)(len - s->stream.avail_out);

    return (int)(len - s->stream.avail_out);

/* ===========================================================================
     Writes the given number of uncompressed bytes into the compressed file.
   gzwrite returns the number of bytes actually written (0 in case of error).
erts_gzwrite(gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len)
    gz_stream *s = (gz_stream*)file;

    if (s == NULL || s->mode != 'w') return Z_STREAM_ERROR;

    s->stream.next_in = buf;
    s->stream.avail_in = len;

    while (s->stream.avail_in != 0) {

        if (s->stream.avail_out == 0) {

            s->stream.next_out = s->outbuf;
            if (ERTS_GZWRITE(s->file, s->outbuf, Z_BUFSIZE) != Z_BUFSIZE) {
                s->z_err = Z_ERRNO;
            s->stream.avail_out = Z_BUFSIZE;
        s->z_err = deflate(&(s->stream), Z_NO_FLUSH);
        if (s->z_err != Z_OK) break;
    s->position += (int)(len - s->stream.avail_in);
    return (int)(len - s->stream.avail_in);

 * For use by Erlang file driver.
 * XXX Limitations:
 *  - SEEK_END is not allowed (length of file is not known).
 *  - When writing, only forward seek is supported.

erts_gzseek(gzFile file, int offset, int whence)
    int pos;
    gz_stream* s = (gz_stream *) file;

    if (s == NULL) {
	errno = EINVAL;
	return -1;
    if (s->z_err == Z_DATA_ERROR || s->z_err == Z_ERRNO) {
	errno = EIO;
	return -1;

    switch (whence) {
    case SEEK_SET: pos = offset; break;
    case SEEK_CUR: pos = s->position+offset; break;
    case SEEK_END: 
      errno = EINVAL; return -1;

    if (pos == s->position) {
	return pos;

    if (pos < s->position) {
	if (s->mode == 'w') {
	    errno = EINVAL;
	    return -1;

    while (s->position < pos) {
	char buf[512];
	int n;
	int save_pos = s->position;

	n = pos - s->position;
	if (n > sizeof(buf))
	    n = sizeof(buf);

	if (s->mode == 'r') {
	    erts_gzread(file, buf, n);
	} else {
	    memset(buf, '\0', n);
	    erts_gzwrite(file, buf, n);
	if (save_pos == s->position) break;

    return s->position;

/* ===========================================================================
     Flushes all pending output into the compressed file. The parameter
   flush is as in the deflate() function.
     gzflush should be called only when strictly necessary because it can
   degrade compression.
erts_gzflush(gzFile file, int flush)
    uInt len;
    int done = 0;
    gz_stream *s = (gz_stream*)file;

    if (s == NULL || s->mode != 'w') return Z_STREAM_ERROR;

    s->stream.avail_in = 0; /* should be zero already anyway */

    for (;;) {
        len = Z_BUFSIZE - s->stream.avail_out;

        if (len != 0) {
            if ((uInt)ERTS_GZWRITE(s->file, s->outbuf, len) != len) {
                s->z_err = Z_ERRNO;
                return Z_ERRNO;
            s->stream.next_out = s->outbuf;
            s->stream.avail_out = Z_BUFSIZE;
        if (done) break;
        s->z_err = deflate(&(s->stream), flush);

        /* deflate has finished flushing only when it hasn't used up
         * all the available space in the output buffer: 
        done = (s->stream.avail_out != 0 || s->z_err == Z_STREAM_END);
        if (s->z_err != Z_OK && s->z_err != Z_STREAM_END) break;
#ifndef UNIX
    return  s->z_err == Z_STREAM_END ? Z_OK : s->z_err;

/* ===========================================================================
   Reads a long in LSB order from the given gz_stream. Sets 
local uLong getLong (s)
    gz_stream *s;
    uLong x = (uLong)get_byte(s);
    int c;

    x += ((uLong)get_byte(s))<<8;
    x += ((uLong)get_byte(s))<<16;
    c = get_byte(s);
    if (c == EOF) s->z_err = Z_DATA_ERROR;
    x += ((uLong)c)<<24;
    return x;

/* ===========================================================================
     Flushes all pending output if necessary, closes the compressed file
   and deallocates all the (de)compression state.
erts_gzclose(gzFile file)
    int err;
    gz_stream *s = (gz_stream*)file;

    if (s == NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;

    if (s->mode == 'w') {
        err = erts_gzflush (file, Z_FINISH);
        if (err != Z_OK) return s->destroy(file);
    return s->destroy(file);

/* ===========================================================================
   Uncompresses the buffer given and returns a pointer to a binary.
   If the buffer was not compressed with gzip, the buffer contents
   will be copied unchanged into the binary.

   If a `gzip' header was found, but there were subsequent errors,
   a NULL pointer is returned.

erts_gzinflate_buffer(char* start, uLong size)
    ErlDrvBinary* bin;
    ErlDrvBinary* bin2;
    z_stream zstr;
    unsigned char* bptr;

     * Check for the magic bytes beginning a GZIP header.
    bptr = (unsigned char *) start;
    if (size < 2 || bptr[0] != gz_magic[0] || bptr[1] != gz_magic[1]) {
	/* No GZIP header -- just copy the data into a new binary */
	if ((bin = driver_alloc_binary(size)) == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	memcpy(bin->orig_bytes, start, size);
	return bin;

     * The magic bytes for a GZIP header are there. Now try to decompress.
     * It is an error if the GZIP header is not correct.

    zstr.next_in = (unsigned char*) start;
    zstr.avail_in = size;
    size *= 2;
    if ((bin = driver_alloc_binary(size)) == NULL) {
	return NULL;
    if (inflateInit2(&zstr, 15+16) != Z_OK) { /* Decode GZIP format */
	return NULL;
    for (;;) {
	int status;

	zstr.next_out = (unsigned char *) bin->orig_bytes + zstr.total_out;
	zstr.avail_out = size - zstr.total_out;
	status = inflate(&zstr, Z_NO_FLUSH);
	if (status == Z_OK) {
	    size *= 2;
	    if ((bin2 = driver_realloc_binary(bin, size)) == NULL) {
		return NULL;
	    bin = bin2;
	} else if (status == Z_STREAM_END) {
	    if ((bin2 = driver_realloc_binary(bin, zstr.total_out)) == NULL) {
		goto error;
	    return bin2;
	} else {
	    goto error;

/* ===========================================================================
   Compresses the buffer given and returns a pointer to a binary.
   A NULL pointer is returned if any error occurs.
   Writes a gzip header as well.

#define GZIP_HD_SIZE 10
#define GZIP_TL_SIZE 8


erts_gzdeflate_buffer(char* start, uLong size)
    z_stream c_stream; /* compression stream */
    ErlDrvBinary* bin;
    ErlDrvBinary* bin2;
    uLong    crc;     /* crc32 of uncompressed data */
    uLong    szIn;
    Byte* ptr;
    int comprLen = size + (size/1000) + 1 + 12; /* see zlib.h */

    crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);

    if (deflateInit2(&c_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,
	return NULL;

    if ((bin = driver_alloc_binary(comprLen+GZIP_X_SIZE)) == NULL)
	return NULL;
    sprintf(bin->orig_bytes, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", gz_magic[0], gz_magic[1],
	    Z_DEFLATED, 0 /*flags*/, 0,0,0,0 /*time*/, 0 /*xflags*/, OS_CODE);

    c_stream.next_out = ((Byte*) bin->orig_bytes)+GZIP_HD_SIZE;
    c_stream.avail_out = (uInt) bin->orig_size - GZIP_HD_SIZE;
    c_stream.next_in  = (Byte*) start;
    c_stream.avail_in = (uInt) size;

    if (deflate(&c_stream, Z_FINISH) != Z_STREAM_END) {
	return NULL;	
    crc = crc32(crc, (unsigned char*)start, size);
    ptr = c_stream.next_out;
    szIn = c_stream.total_in;

    *ptr++ = (crc & 0xff); crc >>= 8;
    *ptr++ = (crc & 0xff); crc >>= 8;
    *ptr++ = (crc & 0xff); crc >>= 8;
    *ptr++ = (crc & 0xff); crc >>= 8;

    *ptr++ = (szIn & 0xff); szIn >>= 8;
    *ptr++ = (szIn & 0xff); szIn >>= 8;
    *ptr++ = (szIn & 0xff); szIn >>= 8;
    *ptr++ = (szIn & 0xff); szIn >>= 8;

    if (deflateEnd(&c_stream) != Z_OK) {
	return NULL;	
    size = ptr - (Byte*)bin->orig_bytes;

    if ((bin2 = driver_realloc_binary(bin, size)) == NULL)
    return bin2;