%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%% Purpose : Tests system_profile BIF -module(system_profile_SUITE). -export([all/0, suite/0, system_profile_on_and_off/1, runnable_procs/1, runnable_ports/1, dont_profile_profiler/1, scheduler/1, sane_location/1]). -export([profiler_process/1, ring_loop/1, port_echo_start/0, list_load/0, run_load/2]). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}, {timetrap, {minutes, 1}}]. all() -> [system_profile_on_and_off, runnable_procs, runnable_ports, scheduler, dont_profile_profiler, sane_location]. %% No specification clause needed for an init function in a conf case!!! %% Test switching system_profiling on and off. system_profile_on_and_off(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Pid = start_profiler_process(), % Test runnable_ports on and off undefined = erlang:system_profile(Pid, [runnable_ports]), {Pid, [runnable_ports]} = erlang:system_profile(), {Pid, [runnable_ports]} = erlang:system_profile(undefined, []), % Test runnable_procs on and off undefined = erlang:system_profile(Pid, [runnable_procs]), {Pid, [runnable_procs]} = erlang:system_profile(), {Pid, [runnable_procs]} = erlang:system_profile(undefined, []), % Test scheduler on and off undefined = erlang:system_profile(Pid, [scheduler]), {Pid, [scheduler]} = erlang:system_profile(), {Pid, [scheduler]} = erlang:system_profile(undefined, []), % Test combined runnable_ports, runnable_procs, scheduler; on and off undefined = erlang:system_profile(Pid, [scheduler, runnable_procs, runnable_ports]), {Pid, [scheduler,runnable_procs,runnable_ports]} = erlang:system_profile(), {Pid, [scheduler,runnable_procs,runnable_ports]} = erlang:system_profile(undefined, []), % Test turned off and kill process undefined = erlang:system_profile(), exit(Pid,kill), ok. %% Tests system_profiling with runnable_procs. runnable_procs(Config) when is_list(Config) -> lists:foreach(fun (TsType) -> Arg = case TsType of no_timestamp -> {timestamp, []}; _ -> {TsType, [TsType]} end, do_runnable_procs(Arg), receive after 1000 -> ok end end, [no_timestamp, timestamp, monotonic_timestamp, strict_monotonic_timestamp]). do_runnable_procs({TsType, TsTypeFlag}) -> Pid = start_profiler_process(), % start a ring of processes % FIXME: Set #laps and #nodes in config file Nodes = 10, Laps = 10, All = ring(Nodes, [link,monitor]), [Master | _] = All, undefined = erlang:system_profile(Pid, [runnable_procs]++TsTypeFlag), % loop a message ok = ring_message(Master, message, Laps), ok = kill_ring(Master), [receive {'DOWN', _, process, P, _} -> ok end || P <- All], Events = get_profiler_events(), erlang:system_profile(undefined, []), put(master, Master), put(laps, Laps), true = has_runnable_event(TsType, Events), Pids = sort_events_by_pid(Events), ok = check_events(TsType, Pids, (Laps+1)*2+2, (Laps+1)*2), erase(), exit(Pid,kill), ok. %% Tests system_profiling with runnable_port. runnable_ports(Config) when is_list(Config) -> lists:foreach(fun (TsType) -> Arg = case TsType of no_timestamp -> {timestamp, []}; _ -> {TsType, [TsType]} end, do_runnable_ports(Arg, Config), receive after 1000 -> ok end end, [no_timestamp, timestamp, monotonic_timestamp, strict_monotonic_timestamp]). do_runnable_ports({TsType, TsTypeFlag}, Config) -> Pid = start_profiler_process(), undefined = erlang:system_profile(Pid, [runnable_ports]++TsTypeFlag), EchoPid = echo(Config), % FIXME: Set config to number_of_echos Laps = 10, put(laps, Laps), ok = echo_message(EchoPid, Laps, message), Events = get_profiler_events(), kill_em_all = kill_echo(EchoPid), erlang:system_profile(undefined, []), true = has_runnable_event(TsType, Events), Pids = sort_events_by_pid(Events), ok = check_events(TsType, Pids, Laps*2+2, Laps*2), erase(), exit(Pid,kill), ok. %% Tests system_profiling with scheduler. scheduler(Config) when is_list(Config) -> case {erlang:system_info(smp_support), erlang:system_info(schedulers_online)} of {false,_} -> {skipped, "No need for scheduler test when smp support is disabled."}; {_, 1} -> {skipped, "No need for scheduler test when only one scheduler online."}; _ -> Nodes = 10, lists:foreach(fun (TsType) -> Arg = case TsType of no_timestamp -> {timestamp, []}; _ -> {TsType, [TsType]} end, ok = check_block_system(Arg, Nodes), ok = check_multi_scheduling_block(Arg, Nodes), receive after 1000 -> ok end end, [no_timestamp, timestamp, monotonic_timestamp, strict_monotonic_timestamp]) end. %% Ensure system profiler process is not profiled. dont_profile_profiler(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Pid = start_profiler_process(), Nodes = 10, Laps = 10, [Master|_] = ring(Nodes, [link]), undefined = erlang:system_profile(Pid, [runnable_procs]), % loop a message ok = ring_message(Master, message, Laps), erlang:system_profile(undefined, []), ok = kill_ring(Master), Events = get_profiler_events(), false = has_profiler_pid_event(Events, Pid), exit(Pid,kill), ok. %% Check sane location (of exits) sane_location(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Check = spawn_link(fun() -> flush_sane_location() end), erlang:system_profile(Check, [runnable_procs]), Me = self(), Pids = [spawn_link(fun() -> wat(Me) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1,100)], [receive {Pid,ok} -> ok end || Pid <- Pids], Check ! {Me, done}, receive {Check,ok} -> ok end, ok. wat(Pid) -> Pid ! {self(), ok}. flush_sane_location() -> receive {profile,_,_,{M,F,A},_} when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> flush_sane_location(); {profile,_,_,0,_} -> flush_sane_location(); {Pid,done} when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid ! {self(), ok}; M -> ct:fail({badness,M}) end. %%% Check scheduler profiling check_multi_scheduling_block({TsType, TsTypeFlag}, Nodes) -> Pid = start_profiler_process(), undefined = erlang:system_profile(Pid, [scheduler]++TsTypeFlag), {ok, Supervisor} = start_load(Nodes), wait(600), erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, block), wait(600), erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, unblock), {Pid, [scheduler]} = erlang:system_profile(undefined, []), Events = get_profiler_events(), true = has_scheduler_event(TsType, Events), stop_load(Supervisor), exit(Pid,kill), erase(), ok. check_block_system({TsType, TsTypeFlag}, Nodes) -> Dummy = spawn(?MODULE, profiler_process, [[]]), Pid = start_profiler_process(), undefined = erlang:system_profile(Pid, [scheduler]++TsTypeFlag), {ok, Supervisor} = start_load(Nodes), wait(300), undefined = erlang:system_monitor(Dummy, [busy_port]), {Dummy, [busy_port]} = erlang:system_monitor(undefined, []), {Pid, [scheduler]} = erlang:system_profile(undefined, []), Events = get_profiler_events(), true = has_scheduler_event(TsType, Events), stop_load(Supervisor), exit(Pid,kill), exit(Dummy,kill), erase(), ok. %%% Check events check_events(_TsType, [], _, _) -> ok; check_events(TsType, [Pid | Pids], ExpMaster, ExpMember) -> Master = get(master), CheckPids = get(pids), {Events, N} = get_pid_events(Pid), ok = check_event_flow(Events), ok = check_event_ts(TsType, Events), IsMember = lists:member(Pid, CheckPids), {Title,Exp} = case Pid of Master -> {master,ExpMaster}; Pid when IsMember == true -> {member,ExpMember}; _ -> {other,N} end, ok = case N of Exp -> ok; _ -> io:format("Expected ~p and got ~p profile events from ~p ~p:~n~p~n", [Exp, N, Title, Pid, Events]), error end, check_events(TsType, Pids, ExpMaster, ExpMember). %% timestamp consistency check for descending timestamps check_event_ts(TsType, Events) -> check_event_ts(TsType, Events, undefined). check_event_ts(_TsType, [], _) -> ok; check_event_ts(TsType, [Event | Events], undefined) -> check_event_ts(TsType, Events, Event); check_event_ts(TsType, [{Pid, _, _, TS1}=Event | Events], {Pid,_,_,TS0}) -> Time = case TsType of timestamp -> timer:now_diff(TS1, TS0); monotonic_timestamp -> TS1 - TS0; strict_monotonic_timestamp -> {MT1, _} = TS1, {MT0, _} = TS0, MT1 - MT0 end, if Time < 0.0 -> timestamp_error; true -> check_event_ts(TsType, Events, Event) end. %% consistency check for active vs. inactive activity (runnable) check_event_flow(Events) -> case check_event_flow(Events, undefined) of ok -> ok; Error -> io:format("Events = ~p\n", [Events]), Error end. check_event_flow([], _) -> ok; check_event_flow([Event | PidEvents], undefined) -> check_event_flow(PidEvents, Event); check_event_flow([{Pid,Act,_,_}=Event | Events], PrevEvent) -> case PrevEvent of {Pid, Act, _MFA, _TS} -> consistency_error; _ -> check_event_flow(Events, Event) end. get_pid_events(Pid) -> Events = get({pid_events, Pid}), {Events, length(Events)}. sort_events_by_pid(Events) -> sort_events_by_pid(lists:reverse(Events), []). sort_events_by_pid([], Pids) -> Pids; sort_events_by_pid([Event | Events],Pids) -> case Event of {profile,Pid,Act,MFA,TS} -> case get({pid_events, Pid}) of undefined -> put({pid_events, Pid}, [{Pid,Act,MFA,TS}]), sort_events_by_pid(Events, [Pid | Pids]); PidEvents -> put({pid_events, Pid}, [{Pid,Act,MFA,TS}|PidEvents]), sort_events_by_pid(Events, Pids) end end. %%% %% Process ring %%% %% API % Returns master pid ring(N, SpawnOpt) -> Pids = build_ring(N, [], SpawnOpt), put(pids, Pids), setup_ring(Pids), Pids. ring_message(Master, Message, Laps) -> Master ! {message, Master, Laps, Message}, receive {laps_complete, Master} -> ok end. kill_ring(Master) -> Master ! kill_em_all, ok. %% Process ring helpers build_ring(0, Pids, _) -> Pids; build_ring(N, Pids, SpawnOpt) -> Pid = case spawn_opt(?MODULE, ring_loop, [undefined], SpawnOpt) of {P,_} -> P; P -> P end, build_ring(N-1, [Pid | Pids], SpawnOpt). setup_ring([Master | Relayers]) -> % Relayers may not include the master pid Master ! {setup_ring, Relayers, self()}, receive {setup_complete, Master} -> Master end. ring_loop(RelayTo) -> receive kill_em_all -> RelayTo ! kill_em_all; {setup_ring, [Pid | Pids], Supervisor} -> put(supervisor, Supervisor), Pid ! {relay_to, Pids, self()}, ring_loop(Pid); {setup_complete, _} -> get(supervisor) ! {setup_complete, self()}, ring_loop(RelayTo); {relay_to, [], Master} -> Master ! {setup_complete, self()}, ring_loop(Master); {relay_to, [Pid | Pids], Master} -> Pid ! {relay_to, Pids, Master}, ring_loop(Pid); {message, Master, Lap, Msg}=Message -> case {self(), Lap} of {Master, 0} -> get(supervisor) ! {laps_complete, self()}; {Master, Lap} -> RelayTo ! {message, Master, Lap - 1, Msg}; _ -> RelayTo ! Message end, ring_loop(RelayTo) end. %%% %% Echo driver %%% %% API echo(Config) -> Path = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), erl_ddll:load_driver(Path, echo_drv), Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, port_echo_start, []), Pid ! {self(), get_ports}, receive {port, Port} -> put(pids, [Port]), put(master, Port), Pid end. echo_message(Pid, N, Msg) -> Pid ! {start_echo, self(), N, Msg}, receive {echo_complete, Pid} -> ok end. kill_echo(Pid) -> Pid ! kill_em_all. %% Echo driver helpers port_echo_start() -> Port = open_port({spawn,echo_drv}, [eof,binary]), receive {Pid, get_ports} -> Pid ! {port, Port}, port_echo_loop(Port) end. port_echo_loop(Port) -> receive {start_echo, Pid, Echos, Msg} -> port_command(Port, term_to_binary({Pid, Echos, Msg})), port_echo_loop(Port); {Port, {data, Data}} -> {Pid, Echos, Msg} = binary_to_term(Data), case Echos of 0 -> Pid ! {echo_complete, self()}, port_echo_loop(Port); Echos -> port_command(Port, term_to_binary({Pid, Echos - 1, Msg})), port_echo_loop(Port) end; kill_em_all -> port_close(Port), ok end. %%% %% Helpers %%% check_ts(no_timestamp, Ts) -> try no_timestamp = Ts catch _ : _ -> ct:fail({unexpected_timestamp, Ts}) end, ok; check_ts(timestamp, Ts) -> try {Ms,S,Us} = Ts, true = is_integer(Ms), true = is_integer(S), true = is_integer(Us) catch _ : _ -> ct:fail({unexpected_timestamp, Ts}) end, ok; check_ts(monotonic_timestamp, Ts) -> try true = is_integer(Ts) catch _ : _ -> ct:fail({unexpected_timestamp, Ts}) end, ok; check_ts(strict_monotonic_timestamp, Ts) -> try {MT, UMI} = Ts, true = is_integer(MT), true = is_integer(UMI) catch _ : _ -> ct:fail({unexpected_timestamp, Ts}) end, ok. start_load(N) -> Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, run_load, [N, []]), {ok, Pid}. stop_load(Supervisor) -> erlang:unlink(Supervisor), exit(Supervisor, kill). run_load(0, _Pids) -> receive % wait for an exit signal or a message then kill % all associated processes. _ -> exit(annihilated) end; run_load(N, Pids) -> Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, list_load, []), run_load(N - 1, [Pid | Pids]). list_load() -> ok = case math:sin(rand:uniform(32451)) of A when is_float(A) -> ok; _ -> ok end, list_load(). has_scheduler_event(TsType, Events) -> lists:any( fun (Pred) -> case Pred of {profile, scheduler, _ID, _Activity, _NR, TS} -> check_ts(TsType, TS), true; _ -> false end end, Events). has_runnable_event(TsType, Events) -> lists:any( fun (Pred) -> case Pred of {profile, _Pid, _Activity, _MFA, TS} -> check_ts(TsType, TS), true; _ -> false end end, Events). has_profiler_pid_event([], _) -> false; has_profiler_pid_event([{profile, Pid, _Activity, _MFA, _TS}|Events], Pid) -> true; has_profiler_pid_event([_|Events], Pid) -> has_profiler_pid_event(Events, Pid). wait(Time) -> receive after Time -> ok end. %%% %% Receivers %%% %% Process receiver get_profiler_events() -> Pid = get(profiler), Pid ! {self(), get_events}, receive Events -> Events end. start_profiler_process() -> Pid = spawn(?MODULE, profiler_process, [[]]), put(profiler, Pid), Pid. profiler_process(Events) -> receive {Pid, get_events} -> Ref = erlang:trace_delivered(all), profiler_process_followup(Pid, Events, Ref); Event -> profiler_process([Event | Events]) end. profiler_process_followup(Pid, Events, Ref) -> receive {trace_delivered,all,Ref} -> Pid ! lists:reverse(Events); Event -> profiler_process_followup(Pid, [Event | Events], Ref) end. %% Port receiver