/* * %CopyrightBegin% * * Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2009. All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, * Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the * Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be * retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * %CopyrightEnd% */ #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "init_file.h" #define ALLOC malloc #define REALLOC realloc #define FREE free #define CONTEXT_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 typedef struct { HANDLE fd; int eof; int num; int pos; char buff[CONTEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; } FileContext; static char *read_one_line(FileContext *fc) { char *buff = ALLOC(10); int size = 10; int num = 0; int skipping; int escaped; #define PUSH(Char) \ do { \ if (num == size) { \ size += 10; \ buff = REALLOC(buff,size); \ } \ buff[num++] = (Char); \ } while(0) #define POP() (buff[--num]) #define TOP() (buff[(num-1)]) skipping = 0; escaped = 0; for(;;) { char current; if (fc->eof) { break; } if (fc->pos == fc->num) { if (!ReadFile(fc->fd, fc->buff, CONTEXT_BUFFER_SIZE, &(fc->num), NULL) || !(fc->num)) { fc->eof = 1; break; } fc->pos = 0; } current = fc->buff[fc->pos]; ++(fc->pos); switch (current) { case ' ': if (!skipping && num) { PUSH(current); } escaped = 0; break; case ';': if (!skipping) { if (!escaped) { skipping = 1; } else { PUSH(current); } } escaped = 0; break; case '\\': if (!skipping) { if (!escaped) { escaped = 1; } else { PUSH(current); escaped = 0; } } break; case '\r': break; case '\n': if (!escaped) { while (num && TOP() == ' ') { POP(); } if (num) { goto done; } } skipping = 0; escaped = 0; break; default: if (!skipping) { PUSH(current); } escaped = 0; break; } } /* EOF comes here */ while (num && TOP() == ' ') { POP(); } if (!num) { FREE(buff); return NULL; } done: PUSH('\0'); return buff; #undef PUSH #undef POP #undef TOP } static int is_section_header(char *line) { int x = strlen(line); return (x > 2 && *line == '[' && line[x-1] == ']'); } static int is_key_value(char *line) { char *p = strchr(line,'='); return (p != NULL && p > line); } static char *digout_section_name(char *line) /* Moving it because it shall later be freed. */ { int x = strlen(line); memmove(line,line+1,x-1); line[x-2] = '\0'; return line; } static void digout_key_value(char *line, char **key, char **value) { char *e = strchr(line,'='); *key = line; *value = (e+1); *e = '\0'; while (*(--e) == ' ') { *e = '\0'; } while (**value == ' ') { ++(*value); } } InitFile *load_init_file(wchar_t *filename) { HANDLE infile; InitFile *inif; InitSection *inis; InitEntry *inie; FileContext fc; char *line; char **lines; int size_lines; int num_lines; int i; if ( (infile = CreateFileW(filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return NULL; } size_lines = 10; num_lines = 0; lines = ALLOC(size_lines * sizeof(char *)); fc.fd = infile; fc.eof = 0; fc.num = 0; fc.pos = 0; while ((line = read_one_line(&fc)) != NULL) { if (num_lines == size_lines) { size_lines += 10; lines = REALLOC(lines,size_lines * sizeof(char *)); } lines[num_lines] = line; ++num_lines; } CloseHandle(infile); /* Now check the lines before doing anything else, so that we don't need any error handling while creating the data structures */ /* The file should contain: [section] Key=Value ... [section] ... */ i = 0; while (i < num_lines && is_section_header(lines[i])) { ++i; while (i < num_lines && is_key_value(lines[i])) { ++i; } } if (i < num_lines) { for (i = 0; i < num_lines; ++i) { FREE(lines[i]); } FREE(lines); return NULL; } /* So, now we know it's consistent... */ i = 0; inif = ALLOC(sizeof(InitFile)); inif->num_sections = 0; inif->size_sections = 10; inif->sections = ALLOC(sizeof(InitSection *) * 10); while (i < num_lines) { inis = ALLOC(sizeof(InitSection)); inis->num_entries = 0; inis->size_entries = 10; inis->section_name = digout_section_name(lines[i]); inis->entries = ALLOC(sizeof(InitEntry *) * 10); ++i; while (i < num_lines && is_key_value(lines[i])) { inie = ALLOC(sizeof(InitEntry)); digout_key_value(lines[i], &(inie->key), &(inie->value)); if (inis->num_entries == inis->size_entries) { inis->size_entries += 10; inis->entries = REALLOC(inis->entries, sizeof(InitEntry *) * inis->size_entries); } inis->entries[inis->num_entries] = inie; ++(inis->num_entries); ++i; } if (inif->num_sections == inif->size_sections) { inif->size_sections += 10; inif->sections = REALLOC(inif->sections, sizeof(InitSection *) * inif->size_sections); } inif->sections[inif->num_sections] = inis; ++(inif->num_sections); } FREE(lines); /* Only the array of strings, not the actual strings, they are kept in the data structures. */ return inif; } int store_init_file(InitFile *inif, wchar_t *filename) { char *buff; int size = 10; int num = 0; int i,j; HANDLE outfile; #define PUSH(Char) \ do { \ if (num == size) { \ size += 10; \ buff = REALLOC(buff,size); \ } \ buff[num++] = (Char); \ } while(0) if ( (outfile = CreateFileW(filename, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return INIT_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } buff = ALLOC(size); for(i = 0; i < inif->num_sections; ++i) { int len; int written; InitSection *inis = inif->sections[i]; if (!WriteFile(outfile,"[",1,&written,NULL) || written != 1) { goto write_error; } len = strlen(inis->section_name); if (!WriteFile(outfile,inis->section_name,len,&written,NULL) || written != len) { goto write_error; } if (!WriteFile(outfile,"]\n",2,&written,NULL) || written != 2) { goto write_error; } for (j = 0; j < inis->num_entries; ++j) { InitEntry *inie = inis->entries[j]; char *p = inie->key; num = 0; for (;*p != '\0';++p) { switch (*p) { case '\\': case ';': PUSH('\\'); default: PUSH(*p); break; } } PUSH('='); p = inie->value; for (;*p != '\0';++p) { switch (*p) { case '\\': case ';': PUSH('\\'); default: PUSH(*p); break; } } PUSH('\n'); if (!WriteFile(outfile,buff,num,&written,NULL) || written != num) { goto write_error; } } } FREE(buff); CloseHandle(outfile); return INIT_FILE_NO_ERROR; write_error: FREE(buff); CloseHandle(outfile); return INIT_FILE_WRITE_ERROR; #undef PUSH } InitFile *create_init_file(void) { InitFile *inif = ALLOC(sizeof(InitFile)); inif->num_sections = 0; inif->size_sections = 10; inif->sections = ALLOC(sizeof(InitSection *) * 10); return inif; } InitSection *create_init_section(char *section_name) { InitSection *inis = ALLOC(sizeof(InitSection)); inis->num_entries = 0; inis->section_name = ALLOC(sizeof(char) * (strlen(section_name) + 1)); strcpy(inis->section_name, section_name); inis->size_entries = 10; inis->entries = ALLOC(sizeof(InitEntry *) * 10); return inis; } static void free_init_entry(InitEntry *inie) { FREE(inie->key); /* Value is part of the same buffer */ FREE(inie); } void free_init_section(InitSection *inis) { int i; for (i = 0;i < inis->num_entries; ++i) { free_init_entry(inis->entries[i]); } FREE(inis->entries); FREE(inis->section_name); FREE(inis); } void free_init_file(InitFile *inif) { int i; for (i = 0; i < inif->num_sections; ++i) { free_init_section(inif->sections[i]); } FREE(inif->sections); FREE(inif); } static int find_init_section(InitFile *inif, char *section_name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < inif->num_sections; ++i) { if (!strcmp(inif->sections[i]->section_name, section_name)) { return i; } } return -1; } int delete_init_section(InitFile *inif, char *section_name) { int i; if ((i = find_init_section(inif, section_name)) < 0) { return INIT_FILE_NOT_PRESENT; } free_init_section(inif->sections[i]); --(inif->num_sections); inif->sections[i] = inif->sections[inif->num_sections]; return INIT_FILE_PRESENT; } int add_init_section(InitFile *inif, InitSection *inis) { int i; InitSection *oinis; if ((i = find_init_section(inif, inis->section_name)) >= 0) { oinis = inif->sections[i]; inif->sections[i] = inis; free_init_section(oinis); return INIT_FILE_PRESENT; } if (inif->num_sections == inif->size_sections) { inif->size_sections += 10; inif->sections = REALLOC(inif->sections, sizeof(InitSection *) * inif->size_sections); } inif->sections[inif->num_sections] = inis; ++(inif->num_sections); return INIT_FILE_NOT_PRESENT; } InitSection *lookup_init_section(InitFile *inif, char *section_name) { int i; if ((i = find_init_section(inif,section_name)) < 0) { return NULL; } return inif->sections[i]; } char *nth_init_section_name(InitFile *inif, int n) { if (n >= inif->num_sections) { return NULL; } return inif->sections[n]->section_name; } /* Inefficient... */ InitSection *copy_init_section(InitSection *inis, char *new_name) { int i; char *key; InitSection *ninis = create_init_section(new_name); i = 0; while ((key = nth_init_entry_key(inis,i)) != NULL) { add_init_entry(ninis, key, lookup_init_entry(inis, key)); ++i; } return ninis; } static int find_init_entry(InitSection *inis, char *key) { int i; for (i = 0; i < inis->num_entries; ++i) { if (!strcmp(inis->entries[i]->key,key)) { return i; } } return -1; } int add_init_entry(InitSection *inis, char *key, char *value) { int keylen = strlen(key); char *buff = ALLOC(sizeof(char) * (keylen + strlen(value) + 2)); InitEntry *inie; char *obuff; int i; strcpy(buff,key); strcpy(buff+keylen+1,value); if ((i = find_init_entry(inis,key)) >= 0) { inie = inis->entries[i]; FREE(inie->key); inie->key = buff; inie->value = buff+keylen+1; return INIT_FILE_PRESENT; } inie = ALLOC(sizeof(InitEntry)); inie->key = buff; inie->value = buff+keylen+1; if (inis->num_entries == inis->size_entries) { inis->size_entries += 10; inis->entries = REALLOC(inis->entries, sizeof(InitEntry *) * inis->size_entries); } inis->entries[inis->num_entries] = inie; ++(inis->num_entries); return INIT_FILE_NOT_PRESENT; } char *lookup_init_entry(InitSection *inis, char *key) { int i; if ((i = find_init_entry(inis,key)) < 0) { return NULL; } return inis->entries[i]->value; } char *nth_init_entry_key(InitSection *inis, int n) { if (n >= inis->num_entries) { return NULL; } return inis->entries[n]->key; } int delete_init_entry(InitSection *inis, char *key) { int i; InitEntry *inie; if ((i = find_init_entry(inis, key)) < 0) { return INIT_FILE_NOT_PRESENT; } free_init_entry(inis->entries[i]); --(inis->num_entries); inis->entries[i] = inis->entries[inis->num_entries]; return INIT_FILE_PRESENT; }