%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%

%% Tests the erlc command by compiling various types of files.

-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, 
	 init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, compile_erl/1,
	 compile_yecc/1, compile_script/1,
	 compile_mib/1, good_citizen/1, deep_cwd/1, arg_overflow/1,


suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].

all() -> 
    [compile_erl, compile_yecc, compile_script, compile_mib,
     good_citizen, deep_cwd, arg_overflow, make_dep_options].

groups() -> 

init_per_suite(Config) ->

end_per_suite(_Config) ->

init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->

end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->

%% Copy from erlc_SUITE_data/include/erl_test.hrl.

-record(person, {name, shoe_size}).

%% Tests that compiling Erlang source code works.

compile_erl(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line {SrcDir, OutDir, Cmd} = get_cmd(Config),
    ?line FileName = filename:join(SrcDir, "erl_test_ok.erl"),

    %% By default, warnings are now turned on.
    ?line run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "",
	      ["Warning: function foo/0 is unused\$",

    %% Test that the compiled file is where it should be,
    %% and that it is runnable.

    ?line {module, erl_test_ok} = code:load_abs(filename:join(OutDir,
    ?line 42 = erl_test_ok:shoe_size(#person{shoe_size=42}),
    ?line code:purge(erl_test_ok),

    %% Try disabling warnings.

    ?line run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-W0", ["_OK_"]),

    %% Try treating warnings as errors.

    ?line run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-Werror",
	      ["compile: warnings being treated as errors\$",
	       "function foo/0 is unused\$",

    %% Check a bad file.

    ?line BadFile = filename:join(SrcDir, "erl_test_bad.erl"),
    ?line run(Config, Cmd, BadFile, "", ["function non_existing/1 undefined\$",


%% Test that compiling yecc source code works.

compile_yecc(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line {SrcDir, _, OutDir} = get_dirs(Config),
    ?line Cmd = erlc() ++ " -o" ++ OutDir ++ " ",
    ?line FileName = filename:join(SrcDir, "yecc_test_ok.yrl"),
    ?line run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-W0", ["_OK_"]),
    ?line true = exists(filename:join(OutDir, "yecc_test_ok.erl")),

    ?line BadFile = filename:join(SrcDir, "yecc_test_bad.yrl"),
    ?line run(Config, Cmd, BadFile, "-W0", 
	      ["rootsymbol form is not a nonterminal\$",
               "undefined nonterminal: form\$",
               "Nonterminals is missing\$",
    ?line exists(filename:join(OutDir, "yecc_test_ok.erl")),


%% Test that compiling start scripts works.

compile_script(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line {SrcDir, OutDir, Cmd} = get_cmd(Config),
    ?line FileName = filename:join(SrcDir, "start_ok.script"),
    ?line run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "", ["_OK_"]),
    ?line true = exists(filename:join(OutDir, "start_ok.boot")),

    ?line BadFile = filename:join(SrcDir, "start_bad.script"),
    ?line run(Config, Cmd, BadFile, "", ["syntax error before:", "_ERROR_"]),

%% Test that compiling SNMP mibs works.

compile_mib(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line {SrcDir, OutDir, Cmd} = get_cmd(Config),
    ?line FileName = filename:join(SrcDir, "GOOD-MIB.mib"),
    ?line run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "", ["_OK_"]),
    ?line Output = filename:join(OutDir, "GOOD-MIB.bin"),
    ?line true = exists(Output),

    %% Try -W option.

    ?line ok = file:delete(Output),
    ?line run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-W",
    ?line true = exists(Output),

    %% Try -W option and more verbose.

    ?line ok = file:delete(Output),
    ?line case test_server:os_type() of
	      {unix,_} ->
		  ?line run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-W +'{verbosity,info}'",
			    ["\\[GOOD-MIB[.]mib\\]\\[INF\\]: No accessfunction for 'sysDescr' => using default",
		  ?line true = exists(Output),
		  ?line ok = file:delete(Output);
	      _ -> ok				%Don't bother -- too much work.

    %% Try a bad file.

    ?line BadFile = filename:join(SrcDir, "BAD-MIB.mib"),
    ?line run(Config, Cmd, BadFile, "",
	      ["BAD-MIB.mib: 1: syntax error before: mibs\$",

    %% Make sure that no -I option works.

    ?line NewCmd = erlc() ++ " -o" ++ OutDir ++ " ",
    ?line run(Config, NewCmd, FileName, "", ["_OK_"]),
    ?line true = exists(Output),


%% Checks that 'erlc' doesn't eat any input (important when called from a
%% shell script with redirected input).
good_citizen(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    case os:type() of
	{unix, _} ->
	    ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
	    ?line Answer = filename:join(PrivDir, "answer"),
	    ?line Script = filename:join(PrivDir, "test_script"),
	    ?line Test = filename:join(PrivDir, "test.erl"),
	    ?line S = ["#! /bin/sh\n", "erlc ", Test, "\n",
		       "read reply\n", "echo $reply\n"],
	    ?line ok = file:write_file(Script, S),
	    ?line ok = file:write_file(Test, "-module(test).\n"),
	    ?line Cmd = "echo y | sh " ++ Script ++ " > " ++ Answer,
	    ?line os:cmd(Cmd),
	    ?line {ok, Answer0} = file:read_file(Answer),
	    ?line [$y|_] = binary_to_list(Answer0),
	_ ->
	    {skip, "Unix specific"}

%% Make sure that compiling an Erlang module deep down in
%% in a directory with more than 255 characters works.
deep_cwd(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    case os:type() of
	{unix, _} ->
	    PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
	_ ->
	    {skip, "Only a problem on Unix"}

deep_cwd_1(PrivDir) ->
    ?line DeepDir0 = filename:join(PrivDir, lists:duplicate(128, $a)),
    ?line DeepDir = filename:join(DeepDir0, lists:duplicate(128, $b)),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(DeepDir0),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(DeepDir),
    ?line ok = file:set_cwd(DeepDir),
    ?line ok = file:write_file("test.erl", "-module(test).\n\n"),
    ?line io:format("~s\n", [os:cmd("erlc test.erl")]),
    ?line true = filelib:is_file("test.beam"),

%% Test that a large number of command line switches does not
%% overflow the argument buffer
arg_overflow(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line {SrcDir, _OutDir, Cmd} = get_cmd(Config),
    ?line FileName = filename:join(SrcDir, "erl_test_ok.erl"),
    %% Each -D option will be expanded to three arguments when
    %% invoking 'erl'.
    ?line NumDOptions = num_d_options(),
    ?line Args = lists:flatten([ ["-D", integer_to_list(N, 36), "=1 "] ||
            N <- lists:seq(1, NumDOptions) ]),
    ?line run(Config, Cmd, FileName, Args,
	      ["Warning: function foo/0 is unused\$",

num_d_options() ->
    case {os:type(),os:version()} of
	{{win32,_},_} ->
	    %% The maximum size of a command line in the command
	    %% shell on Windows is 8191 characters.
	    %% Each -D option is expanded to "@dv NN 1", i.e.
	    %% 8 characters. (Numbers up to 1295 can be expressed
	    %% as two 36-base digits.)
	{{unix,linux},Version} when Version < {2,6,23} ->
	    %% On some older 64-bit versions of Linux, the maximum number
	    %% of arguments is 16383.
	    %% See: http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/various/argmax/
	{{unix,darwin},{Major,_,_}} when Major >= 11 ->
	    %% "getconf ARG_MAX" still reports 262144 (as in previous
	    %% version of MacOS X), but the useful space seem to have
	    %% shrunk significantly (or possibly the number of arguments).
	    %% 7673
	{_,_} ->

erlc() ->
    case os:find_executable("erlc") of
	false ->
	    test_server:fail("Can't find erlc");
	Erlc ->
	    "\"" ++ Erlc ++ "\""

make_dep_options(Config) ->
    {SrcDir,OutDir,Cmd} = get_cmd(Config),
    FileName = filename:join(SrcDir, "erl_test_ok.erl"),

    DepRE = ["/erl_test_ok[.]beam: \\\\$",
	     "/system_test/erlc_SUITE_data/src/erl_test_ok[.]erl \\\\$",

    DepRETarget =
	["^target: \\\\$",
	 "/system_test/erlc_SUITE_data/src/erl_test_ok[.]erl \\\\$",

    DepREMP =
	["/erl_test_ok[.]beam: \\\\$",
	 "/system_test/erlc_SUITE_data/src/erl_test_ok[.]erl \\\\$",

    DepREMissing =
	["/erl_test_missing_header[.]beam: \\\\$",
	 "/system_test/erlc_SUITE_data/src/erl_test_missing_header[.]erl \\\\$",
	 "/system_test/erlc_SUITE_data/include/erl_test[.]hrl \\\\$",

    %% Test plain -M
    run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-M", DepRE),

    %% Test -MF File
    DepFile = filename:join(OutDir, "my.deps"),
    run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-MF "++DepFile, ["_OK_"]),
    {ok,MFBin} = file:read_file(DepFile),
    verify_result(binary_to_list(MFBin)++["_OK_"], DepRE),

    %% Test -MD
    run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-MD", ["_OK_"]),
    MDFile = filename:join(OutDir, "erl_test_ok.Pbeam"),
    {ok,MFBin} = file:read_file(MDFile),

    %% Test -M -MT Target
    run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-M -MT target", DepRETarget),

    %% Test -MF File -MT Target
    TargetDepFile = filename:join(OutDir, "target.deps"),
    run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-MF "++TargetDepFile++" -MT target",
    {ok,TargetBin} = file:read_file(TargetDepFile),
    verify_result(binary_to_list(TargetBin)++["_OK_"], DepRETarget),

    %% Test -MD -MT Target
    run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-MD -MT target", ["_OK_"]),
    TargetMDFile = filename:join(OutDir, "erl_test_ok.Pbeam"),
    {ok,TargetBin} = file:read_file(TargetMDFile),

    %% Test -M -MQ Target. (Note: Passing a $ on the command line
    %% portably for Unix and Windows is tricky, so we will just test
    %% that MQ works at all.)
    run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-M -MQ target", DepRETarget),

    %% Test -M -MP
    run(Config, Cmd, FileName, "-M -MP", DepREMP),

    %% Test -M -MG
    MissingHeader = filename:join(SrcDir, "erl_test_missing_header.erl"),
    run(Config, Cmd, MissingHeader, "-M -MG", DepREMissing),

%% Runs a command.

run(Config, Cmd0, Name, Options, Expect) ->
    Cmd = Cmd0 ++ " " ++ Options ++ " " ++ Name,
    io:format("~s", [Cmd]),
    Result = run_command(Config, Cmd),
    verify_result(Result, Expect).

verify_result(Result, Expect) ->
    Messages = split(Result, [], []),
    io:format("Result: ~p", [Messages]),
    io:format("Expected: ~p", [Expect]),
    match_messages(Messages, Expect).

split([$\n|Rest], Current, Lines) ->
    split(Rest, [], [lists:reverse(Current)|Lines]);
split([$\r|Rest], Current, Lines) ->
    split(Rest, Current, Lines);
split([Char|Rest], Current, Lines) ->
    split(Rest, [Char|Current], Lines);
split([], [], Lines) ->
split([], Current, Lines) ->
    split([], [], [lists:reverse(Current)|Lines]).

match_messages([Msg|Rest1], [Regexp|Rest2]) ->
    case re:run(Msg, Regexp, [{capture,none}]) of
	match ->
	nomatch ->
	    io:format("Not matching: ~s\n", [Msg]),
	    io:format("Regexp      : ~s\n", [Regexp]),
    match_messages(Rest1, Rest2);
match_messages([], [Expect|Rest]) ->
    test_server:fail({too_few_messages, [Expect|Rest]});
match_messages([Msg|Rest], []) ->
    test_server:fail({too_many_messages, [Msg|Rest]});
match_messages([], []) ->

get_cmd(Cfg) ->
    ?line {SrcDir, IncDir, OutDir} = get_dirs(Cfg),
    ?line Cmd = erlc() ++ " -I" ++ IncDir ++ " -o" ++ OutDir ++ " ",
    {SrcDir, OutDir, Cmd}.

get_dirs(Cfg) ->
    ?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Cfg),
    ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Cfg),
    ?line SrcDir = filename:join(DataDir, "src"),
    ?line IncDir = filename:join(DataDir, "include"),
    {SrcDir, IncDir, PrivDir}.
exists(Name) ->

%% Runs the command using os:cmd/1.
%% Returns the output from the command (as a list of characters with
%% embedded newlines).  The very last line will indicate the
%% exit status of the command, where _OK_ means zero, and _ERROR_
%% a non-zero exit status.

run_command(Config, Cmd) ->
    TmpDir = filename:join(?config(priv_dir, Config), "tmp"),
    {RunFile, Run, Script} = run_command(TmpDir, os:type(), Cmd),
    ok = file:write_file(filename:join(TmpDir, RunFile), Script),

run_command(Dir, {win32, _}, Cmd) ->
    BatchFile = filename:join(Dir, "run.bat"),
    Run = re:replace(filename:rootname(BatchFile), "/", "\\",
     ["@echo off\r\n",
      "set ERLC_EMULATOR=", atom_to_list(lib:progname()), "\r\n",
      Cmd, "\r\n",
      "if errorlevel 1 echo _ERROR_\r\n",
      "if not errorlevel 1 echo _OK_\r\n"]};
run_command(Dir, {unix, _}, Cmd) ->
    Name = filename:join(Dir, "run"),
     "/bin/sh " ++ Name,
      "ERLC_EMULATOR='", atom_to_list(lib:progname()), "'\n",
      "export ERLC_EMULATOR\n",
      Cmd, "\n",
      "case $? in\n",
      "  0) echo '_OK_';;\n",
      "  *) echo '_ERROR_';;\n",
run_command(_Dir, Other, _Cmd) ->
    M = io_lib:format("Don't know how to test exit code for ~p", [Other]),