%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2010. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(asn1ct_tok). %% Tokenize ASN.1 code (input to parser generated with yecc) -export([get_name/2,tokenise/2, file/1]). file(File) -> case file:open(File, [read]) of {error, Reason} -> {error,{File,file:format_error(Reason)}}; {ok,Stream} -> process0(Stream) end. process0(Stream) -> process(Stream,0,[]). process(Stream,Lno,R) -> process(io:get_line(Stream, ''), Stream,Lno+1,R). process(eof, Stream,Lno,R) -> file:close(Stream), lists:flatten(lists:reverse([{'$end',Lno}|R])); process(L, Stream,Lno,R) when is_list(L) -> %%io:format('read:~s',[L]), case catch tokenise(L,Lno) of {'ERR',Reason} -> io:format("Tokeniser error on line: ~w ~w~n",[Lno,Reason]), exit(0); {multiline_comment,NestingLevel} -> {RestL,Lno2} = process_skip_multiline_comment(Stream,Lno,NestingLevel), process(RestL,Stream,Lno2,R); T -> %%io:format('toks:~w~n',[T]), process(Stream,Lno,[T|R]) end. process_skip_multiline_comment(Stream,Lno,NestingLevel) -> process_skip_multiline_comment(io:get_line(Stream, ''), Stream, Lno + 1, NestingLevel). process_skip_multiline_comment(eof,_Stream,Lno,_NestingLevel) -> io:format("Tokeniser error on line: ~w, premature end of multiline comment~n",[Lno]), exit(0); process_skip_multiline_comment(Line,Stream,Lno,NestingLevel) -> case catch skip_multiline_comment(Line,NestingLevel) of {multiline_comment,NestingLevel2} -> process_skip_multiline_comment(Stream,Lno,NestingLevel2); T -> {T,Lno} end. tokenise([H|T],Lno) when $a =< H , H =< $z -> {X, T1} = get_name(T, [H]), [{identifier,Lno, list_to_atom(X)}|tokenise(T1,Lno)]; tokenise([$&,H|T],Lno) when $A =< H , H =< $Z -> {Y, T1} = get_name(T, [H]), X = list_to_atom(Y), [{typefieldreference, Lno, X} | tokenise(T1, Lno)]; tokenise([$&,H|T],Lno) when $a =< H , H =< $z -> {Y, T1} = get_name(T, [H]), X = list_to_atom(Y), [{valuefieldreference, Lno, X} | tokenise(T1, Lno)]; tokenise([H|T],Lno) when $A =< H , H =< $Z -> {Y, T1} = get_name(T, [H]), X = list_to_atom(Y), case reserved_word(X) of true -> [{X,Lno}|tokenise(T1,Lno)]; false -> [{typereference,Lno,X}|tokenise(T1,Lno)]; rstrtype -> [{restrictedcharacterstringtype,Lno,X}|tokenise(T1,Lno)] end; tokenise([$-,H|T],Lno) when $0 =< H , H =< $9 -> {X, T1} = get_number(T, [H]), [{number,Lno,-1 * list_to_integer(X)}|tokenise(T1,Lno)]; tokenise([H|T],Lno) when $0 =< H , H =< $9 -> {X, T1} = get_number(T, [H]), [{number,Lno,list_to_integer(X)}|tokenise(T1,Lno)]; tokenise([$-,$-|T],Lno) -> tokenise(skip_comment(T),Lno); tokenise([$/,$*|T],Lno) -> tokenise(skip_multiline_comment(T,0),Lno); tokenise([$:,$:,$=|T],Lno) -> [{'::=',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$'|T],Lno) -> case catch collect_quoted(T,Lno,[]) of {'ERR',_} -> throw({'ERR','bad_quote'}); {Thing, T1} -> [Thing|tokenise(T1,Lno)] end; tokenise([$"|T],Lno) -> collect_string(T,Lno); tokenise([${|T],Lno) -> [{'{',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$}|T],Lno) -> [{'}',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$]|T],Lno) -> [{']',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$[|T],Lno) -> [{'[',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$,|T],Lno) -> [{',',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$(|T],Lno) -> [{'(',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$)|T],Lno) -> [{')',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$.,$.,$.|T],Lno) -> [{'...',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$.,$.|T],Lno) -> [{'..',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$.|T],Lno) -> [{'.',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$^|T],Lno) -> [{'^',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$!|T],Lno) -> [{'!',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([$||T],Lno) -> [{'|',Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; tokenise([H|T],Lno) -> case white_space(H) of true -> tokenise(T,Lno); false -> [{list_to_atom([H]),Lno}|tokenise(T,Lno)] end; tokenise([],_) -> []. collect_string(L,Lno) -> collect_string(L,Lno,[]). collect_string([],_,_) -> throw({'ERR','bad_quote found eof'}); collect_string([H|T],Lno,Str) -> case H of $" -> [{cstring,1,lists:reverse(Str)}|tokenise(T,Lno)]; Ch -> collect_string(T,Lno,[Ch|Str]) end. % <name> is letters digits hyphens % hypen is not the last character. Hypen hyphen is NOT allowed % % <identifier> ::= <lowercase> <name> get_name([$-,Char|T], L) -> case isalnum(Char) of true -> get_name(T,[Char,$-|L]); false -> {lists:reverse(L),[$-,Char|T]} end; get_name([$-|T], L) -> {lists:reverse(L),[$-|T]}; get_name([Char|T], L) -> case isalnum(Char) of true -> get_name(T,[Char|L]); false -> {lists:reverse(L),[Char|T]} end; get_name([], L) -> {lists:reverse(L), []}. isalnum(H) when $A =< H , H =< $Z -> true; isalnum(H) when $a =< H , H =< $z -> true; isalnum(H) when $0 =< H , H =< $9 -> true; isalnum(_) -> false. isdigit(H) when $0 =< H , H =< $9 -> true; isdigit(_) -> false. white_space(9) -> true; white_space(10) -> true; white_space(13) -> true; white_space(32) -> true; white_space(_) -> false. get_number([H|T], L) -> case isdigit(H) of true -> get_number(T, [H|L]); false -> {lists:reverse(L), [H|T]} end; get_number([], L) -> {lists:reverse(L), []}. skip_comment([]) -> []; skip_comment([$-,$-|T]) -> T; skip_comment([_|T]) -> skip_comment(T). skip_multiline_comment([],L) -> throw({multiline_comment,L}); skip_multiline_comment([$*,$/|T],0) -> T; skip_multiline_comment([$*,$/|T],Level) -> skip_multiline_comment(T,Level - 1); skip_multiline_comment([$/,$*|T],Level) -> skip_multiline_comment(T,Level + 1); skip_multiline_comment([_|T],Level) -> skip_multiline_comment(T,Level). collect_quoted([$',$B|T],Lno, L) -> case check_bin(L) of true -> {{bstring,Lno, lists:reverse(L)}, T}; false -> throw({'ERR',{invalid_binary_number, lists:reverse(L)}}) end; collect_quoted([$',$H|T],Lno, L) -> case check_hex(L) of true -> {{hstring,Lno, lists:reverse(L)}, T}; false -> throw({'ERR',{invalid_binary_number, lists:reverse(L)}}) end; collect_quoted([H|T], Lno, L) -> collect_quoted(T, Lno,[H|L]); collect_quoted([], _, _) -> % This should be allowed FIX later throw({'ERR',{eol_in_token}}). check_bin([$0|T]) -> check_bin(T); check_bin([$1|T]) -> check_bin(T); check_bin([]) -> true; check_bin(_) -> false. check_hex([H|T]) when $0 =< H , H =< $9 -> check_hex(T); check_hex([H|T]) when $A =< H , H =< $F -> check_hex(T); check_hex([]) -> true; check_hex(_) -> false. %% reserved_word(A) -> true|false|rstrtype %% A = atom() %% returns true if A is a reserved ASN.1 word %% returns false if A is not a reserved word %% returns rstrtype if A is a reserved word in the group %% RestrictedCharacterStringType reserved_word('ABSENT') -> true; %reserved_word('ABSTRACT-SYNTAX') -> true; % impl as predef item reserved_word('ALL') -> true; reserved_word('ANY') -> true; reserved_word('APPLICATION') -> true; reserved_word('AUTOMATIC') -> true; reserved_word('BEGIN') -> true; reserved_word('BIT') -> true; reserved_word('BMPString') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('BOOLEAN') -> true; reserved_word('BY') -> true; reserved_word('CHARACTER') -> true; reserved_word('CHOICE') -> true; reserved_word('CLASS') -> true; reserved_word('COMPONENT') -> true; reserved_word('COMPONENTS') -> true; reserved_word('CONSTRAINED') -> true; reserved_word('CONTAINING') -> true; reserved_word('DEFAULT') -> true; reserved_word('DEFINED') -> true; % not present in X.680 07/2002 reserved_word('DEFINITIONS') -> true; reserved_word('EMBEDDED') -> true; reserved_word('ENCODED') -> true; reserved_word('END') -> true; reserved_word('ENUMERATED') -> true; reserved_word('EXCEPT') -> true; reserved_word('EXPLICIT') -> true; reserved_word('EXPORTS') -> true; reserved_word('EXTENSIBILITY') -> true; reserved_word('EXTERNAL') -> true; reserved_word('FALSE') -> true; reserved_word('FROM') -> true; reserved_word('GeneralizedTime') -> true; reserved_word('GeneralString') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('GraphicString') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('IA5String') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('IDENTIFIER') -> true; reserved_word('IMPLICIT') -> true; reserved_word('IMPLIED') -> true; reserved_word('IMPORTS') -> true; reserved_word('INCLUDES') -> true; reserved_word('INSTANCE') -> true; reserved_word('INTEGER') -> true; reserved_word('INTERSECTION') -> true; reserved_word('ISO646String') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('MAX') -> true; reserved_word('MIN') -> true; reserved_word('MINUS-INFINITY') -> true; reserved_word('NULL') -> true; reserved_word('NumericString') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('OBJECT') -> true; reserved_word('ObjectDescriptor') -> true; reserved_word('OCTET') -> true; reserved_word('OF') -> true; reserved_word('OPTIONAL') -> true; reserved_word('PATTERN') -> true; reserved_word('PDV') -> true; reserved_word('PLUS-INFINITY') -> true; reserved_word('PRESENT') -> true; reserved_word('PrintableString') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('PRIVATE') -> true; reserved_word('REAL') -> true; reserved_word('RELATIVE-OID') -> true; reserved_word('SEQUENCE') -> true; reserved_word('SET') -> true; reserved_word('SIZE') -> true; reserved_word('STRING') -> true; reserved_word('SYNTAX') -> true; reserved_word('T61String') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('TAGS') -> true; reserved_word('TeletexString') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('TRUE') -> true; %% reserved_word('TYPE-IDENTIFIER') -> true; % impl as predef item reserved_word('UNION') -> true; reserved_word('UNIQUE') -> true; reserved_word('UNIVERSAL') -> true; reserved_word('UniversalString') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('UTCTime') -> true; reserved_word('UTF8String') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('VideotexString') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('VisibleString') -> rstrtype; reserved_word('WITH') -> true; reserved_word(_) -> false.