CommonDataTypes DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN -- @prop dataType -- @descr This types only purpose is to avoid OSS compiler warning : Duplicate PDU tag -- @ CommonDataTypeWrapper ::= CHOICE { wrapAddAnalysisRejectReason AddAnalysisRejectReason, wrapAddServiceToServiceProfileRejectReason AddServiceToServiceProfileRejectReason, wrapAddUserIdentifiersRejectReason AddUserIdentifiersRejectReason, wrapAdmissionRejectReason AdmissionRejectReason, wrapAlertingUUIE AlertingUUIE, wrapAllocateTransmissionPathRejectReason AllocateTransmissionPathRejectReason, wrapAnalyseRejectReason AnalyseRejectReason, wrapAvailabilityOfEquipment AvailabilityOfEquipment, wrapBandwidth Bandwidth, wrapBandwidthReducedInformation BandwidthReducedInformation, wrapBandwidthReducedReason BandwidthReducedReason, wrapBandwidthRejectReason BandwidthRejectReason, wrapBasicCallCategories BasicCallCategories, wrapBearerCapability BearerCapability, wrapCallInformation CallInformation, wrapCallModel CallModel, wrapCallProceedingUUIE CallProceedingUUIE, wrapCallReference CallReference, wrapCallServices CallServices, wrapCallState CallState, wrapCallType CallType, wrapCause Cause, wrapCauseValue CauseValue, wrapChangeServiceAndStatusRejectReason ChangeServiceAndStatusRejectReason, wrapCheckServiceRejectReason CheckServiceRejectReason, wrapCoding Coding, wrapConferenceGoal ConferenceGoal, wrapConferenceIdentifier ConferenceIdentifier, wrapConnectTransmissionPathRejectReason ConnectTransmissionPathRejectReason, wrapConnectUUIE ConnectUUIE, wrapConnectionData ConnectionData, wrapConnectionIdentifier ConnectionIdentifier, wrapConnectionInformation ConnectionInformation, wrapConnectionInformationOriginatingSide ConnectionInformationOriginatingSide, wrapConnectionInformationTerminatingSide ConnectionInformationTerminatingSide, wrapConnectionType ConnectionType, wrapCreateEquipmentRepresentationRejectReason CreateEquipmentRepresentationRejectReason, wrapCreateServiceAndStatusRejectReason CreateServiceAndStatusRejectReason, wrapCreateServiceIdentifierRejectReason CreateServiceIdentifierRejectReason, wrapDeallocateTransmissionPathRejectReason DeallocateTransmissionPathRejectReason, wrapDetailedReasonAtom DetailedReasonAtom, wrapDiagnostics Diagnostics, wrapDisconnectTransmissionPathRejectReason DisconnectTransmissionPathRejectReason, wrapDisengageReason DisengageReason, wrapDisengageRejectReason DisengageRejectReason, wrapDisplay Display, wrapE164Identifier E164Identifier, wrapEndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallAcknowledge EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallAcknowledge, wrapEndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallActive EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallActive, wrapEndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallProgress EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallProgress, wrapEndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallSetup EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallSetup, wrapEndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallTermination EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallTermination, wrapEndpointIdentifier EndpointIdentifier, wrapEndpointRegistrationCategories EndpointRegistrationCategories, wrapEndpointRegistrationRejectReason EndpointRegistrationRejectReason, wrapEndpointType EndpointType, wrapEndpointUnregistrationCategories EndpointUnregistrationCategories, wrapEndpointUnregistrationRejectReason EndpointUnregistrationRejectReason, wrapEquipmentAddressAN EquipmentAddressAN, wrapEquipmentAddressLAN EquipmentAddressLAN, wrapEquipmentRelatedInformation EquipmentRelatedInformation, wrapEquipmentRelatedInformationIdentifier EquipmentRelatedInformationIdentifier, wrapFacilityReason FacilityReason, wrapFacilityUUIE FacilityUUIE, wrapGatekeeperIdentifier GatekeeperIdentifier, wrapGatekeeperInformation GatekeeperInformation, wrapGatekeeperRejectReason GatekeeperRejectReason, wrapGatewayInformation GatewayInformation, wrapGetAnalysisRejectReason GetAnalysisRejectReason, wrapGetEquipmentInformationRejectReason GetEquipmentInformationRejectReason, wrapGetLANDataRejectReason GetLANDataRejectReason, wrapGetPartyInformationRejectReason GetPartyInformationRejectReason, wrapGetRejectReasonUser GetRejectReasonUser, wrapGetServiceFromServiceProfileRejectReason GetServiceFromServiceProfileRejectReason, wrapGetServiceProfileRejectReason GetServiceProfileRejectReason, wrapGetServicesAndStatusRejectReason GetServicesAndStatusRejectReason, wrapGetUserServiceInformationAndStatusRejectReason GetUserServiceInformationAndStatusRejectReason, wrapH221NonStandard H221NonStandard, wrapH310Information H310Information, wrapH320Information H320Information, wrapH321Information H321Information, wrapH322Information H322Information, wrapH323Information H323Information, wrapH323InterfaceAddCallReferenceRejectReason H323InterfaceAddCallReferenceRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceAddCallRelatedDataRejectReason H323InterfaceAddCallRelatedDataRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceAddFixedTransportAddressDataRejectReason H323InterfaceAddFixedTransportAddressDataRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceAddKeysAndSetAttributesRejectReason H323InterfaceAddKeysAndSetAttributesRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceAdditionalKeys H323InterfaceAdditionalKeys, wrapH323InterfaceAllocateResourceRejectReason H323InterfaceAllocateResourceRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceChangeKeysAndRelationsToUsersReject H323InterfaceChangeKeysAndRelationsToUsersReject, wrapH323InterfaceCommonAttribute H323InterfaceCommonAttribute, wrapH323InterfaceCommonAttributeIdentifier H323InterfaceCommonAttributeIdentifier, wrapH323InterfaceCreateCallReferenceRejectReason H323InterfaceCreateCallReferenceRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceCreateRejectReason H323InterfaceCreateRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceDeallocateResourceRejectReason H323InterfaceDeallocateResourceRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceGetFixedTransportAddressDataRejectReason H323InterfaceGetFixedTransportAddressDataRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceGetOrRemoveCallRelatedDataRejectReason H323InterfaceGetOrRemoveCallRelatedDataRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceGetOrSetCommonRejectReason H323InterfaceGetOrSetCommonRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceGetOrSetInstanceRejectReason H323InterfaceGetOrSetInstanceRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceInstanceAttribute H323InterfaceInstanceAttribute, wrapH323InterfaceInstanceAttributeIdentifier H323InterfaceInstanceAttributeIdentifier, wrapH323InterfaceKey H323InterfaceKey, wrapH323InterfaceKeyEndpointIdentifier H323InterfaceKeyEndpointIdentifier, wrapH323InterfaceReduceBandwidthRejectReason H323InterfaceReduceBandwidthRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceRemoveCallReferenceRejectReason H323InterfaceRemoveCallReferenceRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceRemoveFixedTransportAddressDataRejectReason H323InterfaceRemoveFixedTransportAddressDataRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceRemoveKeysAndSetAttributesRejectReason H323InterfaceRemoveKeysAndSetAttributesRejectReason, wrapH323InterfaceRemoveRejectReason H323InterfaceRemoveRejectReason, wrapH324Information H324Information, wrapHighLayerCompatibility HighLayerCompatibility, wrapInterfaceRegistrationInformation InterfaceRegistrationInformation, wrapLANAttribute LANAttribute, wrapLANAttributeIdentifier LANAttributeIdentifier, wrapLayer1ProtUserInfo Layer1ProtUserInfo, wrapLocation Location, wrapLocationRejectReason LocationRejectReason, wrapLogicalConnectionPointIdentifier LogicalConnectionPointIdentifier, wrapLowLayerCompatibility LowLayerCompatibility, wrapMaximumNumberOfAllowedConnections MaximumNumberOfAllowedConnections, wrapMaximumTotalBandwidth MaximumTotalBandwidth, wrapMcuInformation McuInformation, wrapNonStandardIdentifier NonStandardIdentifier, wrapNonStandardMessage NonStandardMessage, wrapNonStandardParameter NonStandardParameter, wrapNumber Number, wrapNumberOfTimesLANWasCrowded NumberOfTimesLANWasCrowded, wrapNumberType NumberType, wrapNumberingPlan NumberingPlan, wrapObjectIdentifier ObjectIdentifier, wrapPhysicalConnectionPointIdentifier PhysicalConnectionPointIdentifier, wrapPid Pid, wrapPreStringToRemoveInDestinationAddress PreStringToRemoveInDestinationAddress, wrapProgressIndicator ProgressIndicator, wrapProtocolIdentifier ProtocolIdentifier, wrapQ931Timer301Value Q931Timer301Value, wrapQ931Timer303Value Q931Timer303Value, wrapQ954Details Q954Details, wrapQseriesOptions QseriesOptions, wrapRASMessageTimerValue RASMessageTimerValue, wrapRTPSession RTPSession, wrapRegistrationRejectReason RegistrationRejectReason, wrapRegistrationStatus RegistrationStatus, wrapRelationToEquipment RelationToEquipment, wrapRelationToUser RelationToUser, wrapReleaseCompleteReason ReleaseCompleteReason, wrapReleaseCompleteUUIE ReleaseCompleteUUIE, wrapReleaseInformation ReleaseInformation, wrapRemoveAnalysisRejectReason RemoveAnalysisRejectReason, wrapRemoveEquipmentRepresentationRejectReason RemoveEquipmentRepresentationRejectReason, wrapRemoveServiceAndStatusRejectReason RemoveServiceAndStatusRejectReason, wrapRemoveServiceFromServiceProfileRejectReason RemoveServiceFromServiceProfileRejectReason, wrapRemoveServiceIdentifierRejectReason RemoveServiceIdentifierRejectReason, wrapRepeatIndicator RepeatIndicator, wrapRequestSeqNum RequestSeqNum, wrapRequestedUserAndLinkedUserAreIdentical RequestedUserAndLinkedUserAreIdentical, wrapServiceAndStatus ServiceAndStatus, wrapServiceCallSetupRejectionInformation ServiceCallSetupRejectionInformation, wrapServiceCallSetupRejectionReason ServiceCallSetupRejectionReason, wrapServiceCallTerminationInformation ServiceCallTerminationInformation, wrapServiceCallTerminationReason ServiceCallTerminationReason, wrapServiceData ServiceData, wrapServiceIdentifier ServiceIdentifier, wrapServiceProfile ServiceProfile, wrapSetEquipmentStatusRejectReason SetEquipmentStatusRejectReason, wrapSetLANDataRejectReason SetLANDataRejectReason, wrapSetUserAttributeData SetUserAttributeData, wrapSetupUUIE SetupUUIE, wrapStateOfEquipment StateOfEquipment, wrapStateOfUser StateOfUser, wrapStatusOfService StatusOfService, wrapSubaddress Subaddress, wrapSubaddressInformation SubaddressInformation, wrapSubaddressType SubaddressType, wrapSupportedProtocols SupportedProtocols, wrapT120Information T120Information, wrapTerminalInformation TerminalInformation, wrapTerminationInitiatior TerminationInitiatior, wrapTimeSlot TimeSlot, wrapTransferCapability TransferCapability, wrapTransferRate TransferRate, wrapTransportAddress TransportAddress, wrapTransportAddressInformation TransportAddressInformation, wrapTransportChannelInformation TransportChannelInformation, wrapTypeOfEquipment TypeOfEquipment, wrapTypeOfFlowControl TypeOfFlowControl, wrapTypeOfLAN TypeOfLAN, wrapTypeOfRegistration TypeOfRegistration, wrapTypeOfService TypeOfService, wrapTypeOfUser TypeOfUser, wrapUnknownMessageResponse UnknownMessageResponse, wrapUnregistrationRejectReason UnregistrationRejectReason, wrapUserAllocateResourceRejectReason UserAllocateResourceRejectReason, wrapUserAttributeData UserAttributeData, wrapUserAttributeIdentifier UserAttributeIdentifier, wrapUserCreateRejectReason UserCreateRejectReason, wrapUserDeallocateResourceRejectReason UserDeallocateResourceRejectReason, wrapUserIdentifier UserIdentifier, wrapUserIdentifierInformation UserIdentifierInformation, wrapUserInformation UserInformation, wrapUserInformationUUIE UserInformationUUIE, wrapUserKey UserKey, wrapUserOrEquipmentRelatedInformation UserOrEquipmentRelatedInformation, wrapUserOrEquipmentRelatedInformationIdentifier UserOrEquipmentRelatedInformationIdentifier, wrapUserRelatedInformation UserRelatedInformation, wrapUserRelatedInformationIdentifier UserRelatedInformationIdentifier, wrapUserRemoveRejectReason UserRemoveRejectReason, wrapUserSetRejectReason UserSetRejectReason, wrapUserSpecificInformation UserSpecificInformation, wrapVendorIdentifier VendorIdentifier, wrapVoiceInformation VoiceInformation, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- AddAnalysisRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- AddAnalysisRejectReason ::= CHOICE { analysisTableEntryAlreadyExist NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- AddServiceToServiceProfileRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- AddServiceToServiceProfileRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyNotValid NULL, serviceAlreadyExist NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- AddUserIdentifiersRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- AddUserIdentifiersRejectReason ::= CHOICE { userIdentifierExist NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- AdmissionRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- AdmissionRejectReason ::= CHOICE { calledPartyNotRegistered NULL, invalidPermission NULL, requestDenied NULL, undefinedReason NULL, callerNotRegistered NULL, routeCallToGatekeeper NULL, invalidEndpointIdentifier NULL, resourceUnavailable NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- AlertingUUIE -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- AlertingUUIE ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIdentifier ProtocolIdentifier, destinationEndpointType EndpointType, -- destinationInfo destinationH245Address TransportAddress OPTIONAL, -- h245Address ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- AllocateTransmissionPathRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- AllocateTransmissionPathRejectReason ::= CHOICE { calledUserNotAvailable NULL, calledUserUnknown NULL, permissionDenied NULL, resourcesNotAvailable NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- AnalyseRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- AnalyseRejectReason ::= CHOICE { noMatchingEntryFound NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- AvailabilityOfEquipment -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- AvailabilityOfEquipment ::= CHOICE { available NULL, notAvailable NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- Bandwidth -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr States the bandwidth to be used in 100 bps. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- Bandwidth ::= INTEGER ( 1.. 4294967295 ) -- --------------------------------- -- -- BandwidthReducedInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr States information related to the recuction of the bandwidth. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- BandwidthReducedInformation ::= SEQUENCE { allocatedBandwidth Bandwidth, bandwidthReducedReason BandwidthReducedReason, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- BandwidthReducedReason -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- BandwidthReducedReason ::= CHOICE { bandwidthLimited NULL, bandwidthAdaptedToOriginatingEndpoint NULL, originBandwidthBarredDueToCategories NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- BandwidthRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- BandwidthRejectReason ::= CHOICE { notBound NULL, invalidConferenceID NULL, invalidPermission NULL, insufficientResources NULL, invalidRevision NULL, undefinedReason NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- BasicCallCategories -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Categories for the service basic call. -- -- @ -- --------------------------------- BasicCallCategories ::= SEQUENCE { ... -- So far, no specific categories identified } -- --------------------------------- -- -- BearerCapability -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- BearerCapability ::= SEQUENCE { transferCapability TransferCapability, transferRate TransferRate, layer1ProtUserInfo Layer1ProtUserInfo, rateMultiplier INTEGER (0..127), ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- CallInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- CallInformation ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, callReference CallReference, -- callReferenceValue conferenceID ConferenceIdentifier, originator BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, audio SEQUENCE OF RTPSession OPTIONAL, video SEQUENCE OF RTPSession OPTIONAL, data SEQUENCE OF TransportChannelInformation OPTIONAL, h245 TransportChannelInformation, callSignaling TransportChannelInformation, callType CallType, bandwidth Bandwidth, -- bandWidth callModel CallModel, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- CallModel -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Type of callmodel used i.e routed via gatekeeper or not -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- CallModel ::= CHOICE { gatekeeperRouted NULL, direct NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- CallProceedingUUIE -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- CallProceedingUUIE ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIdentifier ProtocolIdentifier, destinationEndpointType EndpointType, -- destinationInfo destinationH245Address TransportAddress OPTIONAL, -- h245Address ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- PreStringToRemoveInDestinationAddress -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr states the call reference that identifies a specific call. -- Origin: H.225.0 CallReferenceValue. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- CallReference ::= INTEGER (0..65535) -- --------------------------------- -- -- CallServices -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- CallServices ::= SEQUENCE { q932Full BOOLEAN, q951Full BOOLEAN, q952Full BOOLEAN, q953Full BOOLEAN, q955Full BOOLEAN, q956Full BOOLEAN, q957Full BOOLEAN, q954Info Q954Details, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- CallType -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- CallState ::= CHOICE { null NULL, callInit NULL, overlapSending NULL, outgoingCallProceeding NULL, callDelivered NULL, callPresent NULL, callReceived NULL, connectRequest NULL, incomingCallProceeding NULL, active NULL, disconnectRequest NULL, disconnectIndication NULL, releaseRequest NULL, facilityRequest NULL, overlapReceiving NULL, restartRequest NULL, restart NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- CallType -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- CallType ::= CHOICE { pointToPoint NULL, oneToN NULL, nToOne NULL, nToN NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- Cause -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- Cause ::= SEQUENCE { coding Coding, location Location, value CauseValue, diagnostics Diagnostics, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- CauseValue -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- CauseValue ::= CHOICE { unassignedNumber NULL, -- 1 noRouteToSpecifiedTransitNetwork NULL, -- 2 noRouteToDestination NULL, -- 3 channelUnacceptable NULL, -- 6 normalClearing NULL, -- 16 userBusy NULL, -- 17 noUserResponding NULL, -- 18 noAnswereFromUser NULL, -- 19 portableNotAvailable NULL, -- 20 callRejected NULL, -- 21 numberChanged NULL, -- 22 destinationOutOfOrder NULL, -- 27 invalidNumberFormat NULL, -- 28 facilityRequestRejected NULL, -- 29 responseToStatusEnquiry NULL, -- 30 normalUnspecified NULL, -- 31 noCircuitChannelAvailable NULL, -- 34 networkOutOfOrder NULL, -- 38 temporaryFailure NULL, -- 41 switchingEquipmentCongestion NULL, -- 42 accessInformationDiscarded NULL, -- 43 requestedCircuitChannelNotAvailable NULL, -- 44 resourceUnavailableUnspecified NULL, -- 47 qualityOfServiceUnavailable NULL, -- 49 notSubscribedToRequestedFacility NULL, -- 50 bearerCapabilityNotAuthorized NULL, -- 57 bearerCapabilityNotPresentlyAvailable NULL, -- 58 serviceOrOptionNotAvailableUnspecified NULL, -- 63, 79 bearerCapabilityNotImplemented NULL, -- 65 channelTypeNotImplemented NULL, -- 66 requestedFacilityNotImplemented NULL, -- 69 onlyRestrictedDigitalInformationBcIsAvailable NULL, -- 70 invalidCallReferenceValue NULL, -- 81 incompatibleDestination NULL, -- 88 invalidTransitNetworkSelection NULL, -- 91 invalidMessageUnspecified NULL, -- 95 mandatoryInformationElementIsMissing NULL, -- 96 messageTypeNonexistingOrNotimplemented NULL, -- 97 messageNotCompatibleOrImplemented NULL, -- 98 informationElementNonExisting NULL, -- 99 invalidInformationElementContents NULL, -- 100 messageNotCompatibleWithCallState NULL, -- 101 recoveryOnTimerExpiry NULL, -- 102 protocolErrorUnspecified NULL, -- 111 interworkingUnspecified NULL, -- 127 ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ChangeServiceAndStatusRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ChangeServiceAndStatusRejectReason ::= CHOICE { identifierOfServiceNotKnown NULL, userNotKnown NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- CheckServiceRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- CheckServiceRejectReason ::= CHOICE { deniedDueToInteraction NULL, deniedDueToCategories NULL, undefined NULL, userNotKnown NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- Coding -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- Coding ::= CHOICE { ccitt NULL, ecma NULL, national NULL, network NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ConferenceGoal -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Type of call setup desire -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ConferenceGoal ::= CHOICE { create NULL, join NULL, invite NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ConferenceIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- -- -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ConferenceIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) -- --------------------------------- -- -- ConnectTransmissionPathRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ConnectTransmissionPathRejectReason ::= CHOICE { resourcesNotAllocated NULL, switchFailure NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ConnectUUIE -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ConnectUUIE ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIdentifier ProtocolIdentifier, destinationH245Address TransportAddress OPTIONAL, -- h245Address destinationEndpointType EndpointType, -- destinationInfo conferenceIdentifier ConferenceIdentifier, -- conferenceID ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ConnectionData -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter holds connection data that are specific for -- certain types of Equipments. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ConnectionData ::= CHOICE { timeSlotInformation SEQUENCE OF TimeSlot, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ConnectionIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Identifier to the connection handler instance. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ConnectionIdentifier ::= ObjectIdentifier -- --------------------------------- -- -- ConnectionInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter specifies information that are of interest for -- the functionallity handled by component Connection Handler. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ConnectionInformation ::= SEQUENCE { logicalConnectionPointIdentifier LogicalConnectionPointIdentifier, connectionData ConnectionData OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ConnectionInformationOriginatingSide -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Contains connection information that shall be used for the originating side of the connection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ConnectionInformationOriginatingSide ::= SEQUENCE { bandwidth Bandwidth, callType CallType, originatorConnectionInformation ConnectionInformation, terminatorConnectionInformation ConnectionInformation, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ConnectionInformationTerminatingSide -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Contains connection information that shall be used for the terminating side of the connection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ConnectionInformationTerminatingSide ::= SEQUENCE { connectionIdentifier ConnectionIdentifier, originatorConnectionInformation ConnectionInformation, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ConnectionType -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr States the type of connection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ConnectionType ::= CHOICE { pointToPoint NULL, oneToN NULL, nToOne NULL, nToN NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- CreateEquipmentRepresentationRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This reason for rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- CreateEquipmentRepresentationRejectReason ::= CHOICE { equipmentRepresentationAlreadyExist NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- CreateServiceAndStatusRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- CreateServiceAndStatusRejectReason ::= CHOICE { undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- CreateServiceIdentifierRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- CreateServiceIdentifierRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyNotKnown NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- DeallocateTransmissionPathRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- DeallocateTransmissionPathRejectReason ::= CHOICE { resourcesNotAllocated NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- DetailedReasonAtom -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This data type indicates the release information of a forced drop -- during a call. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- DetailedReasonAtom ::= CHOICE { internalDataMissmatch NULL, destinationUserIdentifierNotKnown NULL, rejectedDueToCategories NULL, rejectedDueToResources NULL, failedToOpenDestinationCallSignallingPort NULL, theRequestedServiceIsNotSupported NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- Diagnostics -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- Diagnostics ::= INTEGER(1..127) -- --------------------------------- -- -- DisconnectTransmissionPathRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- DisconnectTransmissionPathRejectReason ::= CHOICE { resourcesNotAllocated NULL, switchFailure NULL, switchNotConnected NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- DisengageReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr the reason why a change was requested by the gatekeeper or the terminal. -- @ -- --------------------------------- DisengageReason ::= CHOICE { forcedDrop NULL, normalDrop NULL, undefinedReason NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- DisengageRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- DisengageRejectReason ::= CHOICE { notRegistered NULL, requestToDropOther NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- Display -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- Display ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..82)) -- --------------------------------- -- -- E164Identifier -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Identifier for the user identifier of the type E.164. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- E164Identifier ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..128)) (FROM ("0123456789#*,")) -- --------------------------------- -- -- EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallAcknowledge -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Information that shall be sent end to end. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE { bearerCapability BearerCapability OPTIONAL, highLayerCompatibility HighLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, progressIndicator ProgressIndicator OPTIONAL, userToUserQ931Information UserInformation OPTIONAL, userToUserH323AcknowledgeInformation AlertingUUIE OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallActive -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Information that shall be sent end to end. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallActive ::= SEQUENCE { bearerCapability BearerCapability OPTIONAL, highLayerCompatibility HighLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, lowLayerCompatibility LowLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, progressIndicator ProgressIndicator OPTIONAL, userToUserQ931Information UserInformation OPTIONAL, userToUserH323ActiveInformation ConnectUUIE OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallProgress -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Information that shall be sent end to end. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallProgress ::=SEQUENCE { cause Cause OPTIONAL, highLayerCompatibility HighLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, progressIndicator ProgressIndicator OPTIONAL, userToUserQ931Information UserInformation OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallSetup -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Information that shall be sent end to end. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallSetup ::=SEQUENCE { bearerCapability BearerCapability OPTIONAL, calledNumber Number OPTIONAL, calledSubaddress Subaddress OPTIONAL, callingNumber Number OPTIONAL, callingSubaddress Subaddress OPTIONAL, highLayerCompatibility HighLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, lowLayerCompatibility LowLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, progressIndicator ProgressIndicator OPTIONAL, repeatIndicator RepeatIndicator OPTIONAL, userToUserQ931Information UserInformation OPTIONAL, userToUserH323SetupInformation SetupUUIE OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallTermination -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Information that shall be sent end to end. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- EndToEndEndpointInformationServiceCallTermination ::=SEQUENCE { cause Cause OPTIONAL, progressIndicator ProgressIndicator OPTIONAL, userToUserQ931Information UserInformation OPTIONAL, userToUserH323TerminationInformation ReleaseCompleteUUIE OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EndpointIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- EndpointIdentifier ::= BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) -- change from SIZE(128) -- --------------------------------- -- -- EndpointRegistrationCategories -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Categories for the service endpoint registration. -- -- @ -- --------------------------------- EndpointRegistrationCategories ::= SEQUENCE { ... -- So far, no specific categories identified } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EndpointRegistrationRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- EndpointRegistrationRejectReason ::= CHOICE { attemptToChangeEndpoint NULL, requestedUserNotKnown NULL, endpointTypeNotKnown NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EndpointType -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- EndpointType ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, vendor VendorIdentifier OPTIONAL, gatekeeper GatekeeperInformation OPTIONAL, gateway GatewayInformation OPTIONAL, mcu McuInformation OPTIONAL, terminal TerminalInformation OPTIONAL, mc BOOLEAN, undefinedNode BOOLEAN, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EndpointUnregistrationCategories -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Categories for the service endpoint unregistration. -- -- @ -- --------------------------------- EndpointUnregistrationCategories ::= SEQUENCE { ... -- So far, no specific categories identified } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EndpointUnregistrationRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- EndpointUnregistrationRejectReason ::= CHOICE { permissionDenied NULL, userNotKnown NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EquipmentAddressAN -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr States the address for a certain equipment connected -- to the Access Node. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- EquipmentAddressAN ::= SEQUENCE { --TBD by SEA, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EquipmentAddressLAN -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr States the transport address for a certain equipment -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- EquipmentAddressLAN ::= SEQUENCE { transportAddresses SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EquipmentRelatedInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Contains the retreived data. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- EquipmentRelatedInformation ::= CHOICE { logicalConnectionPointIdentifier LogicalConnectionPointIdentifier, registrationStatus RegistrationStatus, stateOfEquipment StateOfEquipment, typeOfEquipment TypeOfEquipment, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- EquipmentRelatedInformationIdentifier -- -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter specifies different types of data -- that are specific to a certain equipment. -- -- @ -- --------------------------------- EquipmentRelatedInformationIdentifier ::= CHOICE { logicalConnectionPointIdentifier NULL, registrationStatus NULL, stateOfEquipment NULL, typeOfEquipment NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- FacilityReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- FacilityReason ::= CHOICE { routeCallToGatekeeper NULL, callForwarded NULL, routeCallToMC NULL, undefinedReason NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- FacilityUUIE -- -- @prop dataType -- -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- FacilityUUIE ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIdentifier ProtocolIdentifier, alternativeH245Address TransportAddress OPTIONAL, -- alternativeAddress alternativeUserIdentifierInformation UserIdentifierInformation OPTIONAL, -- alternativeAliasAddress conferenceIdentifier ConferenceIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- conferenceID facilityReason FacilityReason, -- reason ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- GatekeeperIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GatekeeperIdentifier ::= BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) -- --------------------------------- -- -- GatekeeperInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GatekeeperInformation ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- GatekeeperRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GatekeeperRejectReason ::= CHOICE { resourceUnavailable NULL, terminalExcluded NULL, invalidRevision NULL, undefinedReason NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- GatewayInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GatewayInformation ::= SEQUENCE { protocol SEQUENCE OF SupportedProtocols OPTIONAL, nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- GetAnalysisRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GetAnalysisRejectReason ::= CHOICE { noDataStored NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- GetEquipmentInformationRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GetEquipmentInformationRejectReason ::= CHOICE { equipmentUnknown NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- GetLANDataRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This reason for rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GetLANDataRejectReason ::= CHOICE { noDataStored NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- GetPartyInformationRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GetPartyInformationRejectReason ::= CHOICE { noEquipmentAvailable NULL, userNotKnown NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- GetRejectReasonUser -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GetRejectReasonUser ::= CHOICE { keyNotKnown NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- GetServiceFromServiceProfileRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GetServiceFromServiceProfileRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyNotValid NULL, serviceDoNotExist NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- GetServiceProfileRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GetServiceProfileRejectReason ::= CHOICE { userNotKnown NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- GetServicesAndStatusRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GetServicesAndStatusRejectReason ::= CHOICE { userNotKnown NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- GetUserServiceInformationAndStatusRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- GetUserServiceInformationAndStatusRejectReason ::= CHOICE { undefined NULL, userNotKnown NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H221NonStandard -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Gives non standard information about the standard protocol H.221. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H221NonStandard ::= SEQUENCE { t35CountryCode INTEGER(0..255), t35Extension INTEGER(0..255), manufacturerCode INTEGER(0..65535), ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H310Information -- @prop dataType -- @descr Gives detailed information about the standard protocol H.310. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H310Information ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H320Information -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Gives detailed information about the standard protocol H.320. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H320Information ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H321Information -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Gives detailed information about the standard protocol H.321. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H321Information ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H322Information -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Gives detailed information about the standard protocol H.322. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H322Information ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323Information -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Gives detailed information about the standard protocol H.323. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323Information ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceAddCallReferenceRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceAddCallReferenceRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyNotValid NULL, requestedCallReferenceAlreadyInUse NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceAddCallRelatedDataRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceAddCallRelatedDataRejectReason ::= CHOICE { callReferenceNotValid NULL, keyNotValid NULL, callRelatedDataAlredyStored NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceAddFixedTransportAddressDataRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceAddFixedTransportAddressDataRejectReason ::= CHOICE { fixedTransportAddressDataAlredyStored NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceAddKeysAndSetAttributesRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceAddKeysAndSetAttributesRejectReason ::= CHOICE { existingKeyNotValid NULL, newKeyAlreadyExists NULL, newKeyNotValid NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceAdditionalKeys -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Additional keys for an instance of the type H.323Interface. -- @ -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceAdditionalKeys ::= SEQUENCE { endpointCallSignallingAddresses SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress, endpointRASAddresses SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceAllocateResourceRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceAllocateResourceRejectReason ::= CHOICE { callReferenceNotValid NULL, keyNotValid NULL, resourceNotAvailable NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceChangeKeysAndRelationsToUsersReject -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceChangeKeysAndRelationsToUsersReject ::= CHOICE { firstKeyNotValid NULL, secondKeyNotValid NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceCommonAttribute -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter contains the attributes which holds data -- that are common for all objects of the type H.323Interface. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceCommonAttribute ::= CHOICE { gatekeeperCallSignallingAddressData CHOICE { gatekeeperCallSignallingAddresses SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress, undefined NULL, ... }, gatekeeperRASAddressInformation CHOICE { gatekeeperRASAddressData SEQUENCE { multicastRASAddress TransportAddress, gatekeeperRASAddress TransportAddress, ... }, undefined NULL, ... }, q931Timer301Value Q931Timer301Value, q931Timer303Value Q931Timer303Value, rasMessageTimerValue RASMessageTimerValue, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceCommonAttributeIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter contains the attribute identifiers of the -- attributes which holds data that are common for all objects -- of the type H.323Interface. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceCommonAttributeIdentifier ::= CHOICE { gatekeeperCallSignallingAddresses NULL, gatekeeperRASAddress NULL, q931Timer301Value NULL, q931Timer303Value NULL, rasMessageTimerValue NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceCreateCallReferenceRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceCreateCallReferenceRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyNotValid NULL, noCallReferenceAvailable NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceCreateRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceCreateRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyAlreadyInUse NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceDeallocateResourceRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceDeallocateResourceRejectReason ::= CHOICE { resourceNotAllocated NULL, callReferenceNotValid NULL, keyNotValid NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceGetFixedTransportAddressDataRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceGetFixedTransportAddressDataRejectReason ::= CHOICE { noDataStoredForThisTransportAddress NULL, noFixedTransportAddressDataStored NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceGetOrRemoveCallRelatedDataRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceGetOrRemoveCallRelatedDataRejectReason ::= CHOICE { callReferenceNotValid NULL, keyNotValid NULL, noCallRelatedDataStored NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceGetOrSetCommonRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceGetOrSetCommonRejectReason ::= CHOICE { undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceGetOrSetInstanceRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceGetOrSetInstanceRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyNotValid NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceInstanceAttribute -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter contains the attributes which holds data -- that are specific for a h323Interface object. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceInstanceAttribute ::= CHOICE { endpointCallSignallingAddresses SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress, endpointRasAddresses SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress, registrationStatus RegistrationStatus, gatekeeperCallSignallingAddress TransportAddress, maximumTotalBandwidthForInterface Bandwidth, preStringsToRemoveInDestinationAddress SEQUENCE OF PreStringToRemoveInDestinationAddress, relationToH2250CallSignalling Pid, relationToUser RelationToUser, typeOfEquipment TypeOfEquipment, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceInstanceAttributeIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter contains the attribute identifiers of the -- attributes which holds data that are specific for a -- h323Interface object. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceInstanceAttributeIdentifier ::= CHOICE { endpointCallSignallingAddresses NULL, endpointRASAddresses NULL, registrationStatus NULL, gatekeeperCallSignallingAddress NULL, maximumTotalBandwidthForInterface NULL, preStringsToRemoveInDestinationAddress NULL, relationToH2250CallSignalling NULL, relationToUser NULL, typeOfEquipment NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceKey -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Allowed keys for an instance of the type H.323Interface. -- @ -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceKey ::= CHOICE { endpointIdentifier EndpointIdentifier, endpointCallSignallingAddresses SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress, endpointRASAddresses SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceKeyEndpointIdentifier -- -- @descr Allowed keys for an instance of the type H.323Interface. -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceKeyEndpointIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { endpointIdentifier EndpointIdentifier, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceReduceBandwidthRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceReduceBandwidthRejectReason ::= CHOICE { bandwidthNotAllocated NULL, callReferenceNotValid NULL, keyNotValid NULL, newBandwidthHigherThanAllocatedBandwidth NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceRemoveCallReferenceRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceRemoveCallReferenceRejectReason ::= CHOICE { callReferenceNotStored NULL, keyNotValid NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceRemoveFixedTransportAddressDataRejectReason -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceRemoveFixedTransportAddressDataRejectReason ::= CHOICE { noDataStoredForThisTransportAddress NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceRemoveKeysAndSetAttributesRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceRemoveKeysAndSetAttributesRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keysNotValid NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H323InterfaceRemoveRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H323InterfaceRemoveRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyNotValid NULL, serviceInProgress NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- H324Information -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Gives detailed information about the standard protocol H.324. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- H324Information ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ... } -- @prop dataType -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- @ HighLayerCompatibility ::= SEQUENCE { ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- InterfaceRegistrationInformation -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter specifies the current registration status of an -- endpoints registration request. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- InterfaceRegistrationInformation ::= SEQUENCE { isInterfaceRegistered BOOLEAN, relationToH323User EndpointIdentifier OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- LANAttribute -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This parameter contains a LAN attribute value. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- LANAttribute ::= CHOICE { maximumTotalBandwidth MaximumTotalBandwidth, maximumNumberOfAllowedConnections MaximumNumberOfAllowedConnections, numberOfTimesLANWasCrowded NumberOfTimesLANWasCrowded, typeOfFlowControl TypeOfFlowControl, typeOfLAN TypeOfLAN, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- LANAttributeIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This parameter contains a LAN attribute identifier. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- LANAttributeIdentifier ::= CHOICE { maximumTotalBandwidth NULL, maximumNumberOfAllowedConnections NULL, numberOfTimesLANWasCrowded NULL, typeOfFlowControl NULL, typeOfLAN NULL, ... } -- @prop dataType -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- @ Layer1ProtUserInfo ::= CHOICE { g711u-law NULL, g711a-law NULL, h323VidephoneCall NULL, -- the meaning of "5" in H323 h221Andh242 NULL, -- the meaning of "5" in Q931 ... }-- @prop dataType -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- @ Location ::= CHOICE { user NULL, localPrivateNetwork NULL, localPublicNetwork NULL, transitNetwork NULL, remotePublicNetwork NULL, remotePrivateNetwork NULL, internationalNetwork NULL, beyondInterworkingPoint NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- LocationRejectReason -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- @ -- --------------------------------- LocationRejectReason ::= CHOICE { notRegistered NULL, invalidPermission NULL, requestDenied NULL, undefinedReason NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- LogicalConnectionPointIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Identifier of the logical connection point. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- LogicalConnectionPointIdentifier ::= INTEGER (0..65535) -- -- Created by : -- Creation date : -- Modified by : -- Modification date : -- Version : -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr origin Q931 -- @ LowLayerCompatibility ::= SEQUENCE { } -- --------------------------------- -- -- MaximumNumberOfAllowedConnections -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr States the maximum number of allowed connections. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- MaximumNumberOfAllowedConnections ::= CHOICE { maximumNumberOfAllowedConnectionsValue INTEGER ( 0.. 999999999), undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- MaximumTotalBandwidth -- @prop dataType -- @descr States the maximum total bandwidth. -- @ -- --------------------------------- MaximumTotalBandwidth ::= CHOICE { maximumTotalBandwidthValue Bandwidth, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- McuInformation -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Gives detailed information about the endpoint type, MCU. -- @ -- --------------------------------- McuInformation ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- NonStandardIdentifier -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- NonStandardIdentifier ::= CHOICE { object OBJECT IDENTIFIER, h221NonStandard H221NonStandard, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- NonStandardMessage -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- NonStandardMessage ::= SEQUENCE { requestSeqNum RequestSeqNum, nonStandardData NonStandardParameter, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- NonStandardParameter -- -- @prop dataType -- @ -- --------------------------------- NonStandardParameter ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardIdentifier NonStandardIdentifier, data OCTET STRING, ... } -- @prop dataType -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- @ Number ::= SEQUENCE { type NumberType, indicator NumberingPlan, number IA5String (FROM ("0123456789#*")), ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- NumberOfTimesLANWasCrowded -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr States the number of times the Lan has been crowded, -- i.e. the endpoints has released the initiated call due to -- heavy load in the LAN. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- NumberOfTimesLANWasCrowded ::= CHOICE { numberOfTimesLANWasCrowdedValue INTEGER ( 0.. 999999999), undefined NULL, ... } -- @prop dataType -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- @ NumberType ::= CHOICE { unknown NULL, international NULL, national NULL, network NULL, local NULL, abbreviated NULL, ... } -- @prop dataType -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- @ NumberingPlan ::= CHOICE { unknown NULL, e164 NULL, data NULL, telex NULL, national NULL, private NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ObjectIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr An identifier to a certain instance of an object. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ObjectIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING -- --------------------------------- -- -- PhysicalConnectionPointIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Contains data that identifies a specific equipment instance. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- PhysicalConnectionPointIdentifier ::= CHOICE { equipmentAN EquipmentAddressAN, -- Equipment connected to the Access Node. equipmentLAN EquipmentAddressLAN, -- Equipment connected to the LAN. ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- Pid -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr A process identifier. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- Pid ::= ObjectIdentifier -- --------------------------------- -- -- PreStringToRemoveInDestinationAddress -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr A pre-string that shall be removed when sending the destination address. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- PreStringToRemoveInDestinationAddress ::= CHOICE { e164 IA5String (SIZE (1..128)) (FROM ("0123456789,")), h323 BMPString (SIZE (1..256)), -- h323 is Basic ISO/IEC 10646-1 (Unicode) ... } -- @prop dataType -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- @ ProgressIndicator ::= SEQUENCE { } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ProtocolIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ProtocolIdentifier ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- --------------------------------- -- -- Q931Timer301Value -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr States the Q931 timer 301 value to be used in milli seconds. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- Q931Timer301Value ::= INTEGER ( 180000.. 360000 ) -- --------------------------------- -- -- Q931Timer303Value -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr States the Q931 timer 303 value to be used in milli seconds. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- Q931Timer303Value ::= INTEGER ( 1000.. 10000 ) -- --------------------------------- -- -- Q954Details -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- Q954Details ::= SEQUENCE { conferenceCalling BOOLEAN, threePartyService BOOLEAN, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- QseriesOptions -- -- @prop dataType -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- QseriesOptions ::=SEQUENCE { q932Full BOOLEAN, q951Full BOOLEAN, q952Full BOOLEAN, q953Full BOOLEAN, q955Full BOOLEAN, q956Full BOOLEAN, q957Full BOOLEAN, q954Info Q954Details, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- RASMessageTimerValue -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr States the RAS message timer value to be used in milli seconds. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- RASMessageTimerValue ::= INTEGER ( 1000.. 10000 ) -- --------------------------------- -- -- RTPSession -- -- @prop dataType -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- RTPSession ::= SEQUENCE { rtpAddress TransportChannelInformation, rtcpAddress TransportChannelInformation, cname PrintableString, ssrc INTEGER (1.. 134217727), -- change from 4294967295 for erl 4.2 sessionId INTEGER (1..255), associatedSessionIds SEQUENCE OF INTEGER (1..255), ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- RegistrationRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Specifies the registration reject reason that are valid -- in the H.225.0 message RegistartionReject -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- RegistrationRejectReason ::= CHOICE { discoveryRequired NULL, invalidRevision NULL, invalidCallSignalAddress NULL, invalidRasAddress NULL, duplicateAlias UserIdentifierInformation, invalidTerminalType NULL, undefinedReason NULL, transportNotSupported NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- RegistrationStatus -- -- @prop dataType -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- RegistrationStatus ::= CHOICE { notRegistered NULL, registered NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- RelationToEquipment -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Relation to the architecture component Equipment. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- RelationToEquipment ::= SEQUENCE { relationToUser RelationToUser, typeOfEquipment TypeOfEquipment, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- RelationToUser -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Relation to the architecture component User. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- RelationToUser ::= BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) -- --------------------------------- -- -- ReleaseCompleteReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ReleaseCompleteReason ::= CHOICE { noBandwidth NULL, gatekeeperResources NULL, unreachableDestination NULL, destinationRejection NULL, invalidRevision NULL, noPermission NULL, unreachableGatekeeper NULL, gatewayResources NULL, badFormatAddress NULL, adaptiveBusy NULL, inConf NULL, undefinedReason NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ReleaseCompleteUUIE -- @prop dataType -- -- @ -- --------------------------------- ReleaseCompleteUUIE ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIdentifier ProtocolIdentifier, releaseCompleteReason ReleaseCompleteReason OPTIONAL, -- reason ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ReleaseInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This data type is used to transfer the reason for the -- rejection or release. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ReleaseInformation ::= CHOICE { forcedDrop DetailedReasonAtom, normalDrop NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- RemoveAnalysisRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- RemoveAnalysisRejectReason ::= CHOICE { analysisTableEntryNotFound NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- RemoveEquipmentRepresentationRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This reason for rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- RemoveEquipmentRepresentationRejectReason ::= CHOICE { invalidInputData NULL, equipmentRepresentationDoesNotExist NULL, other NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- RemoveServiceAndStatusRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- RemoveServiceAndStatusRejectReason ::= CHOICE { identifierOfServiceNotKnown NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- RemoveServiceFromServiceProfileRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the service and its categories that -- shall be added to a service profile. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- RemoveServiceFromServiceProfileRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyNotValid NULL, serviceDoNotExist NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- RemoveServiceIdentifierRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- --------------------------------- RemoveServiceIdentifierRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyNotKnown NULL, serviceIdentifierDoNotExist NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- -- Created by : -- Creation date : -- Modified by : -- Modification date : -- Version : -- -- @prop dataType -- @ RepeatIndicator ::= SEQUENCE { } -- --------------------------------- -- -- RequestSeqNum -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr -- @ -- --------------------------------- RequestSeqNum ::= INTEGER (1..65535) -- --------------------------------- -- -- RequestedUserAndLinkedUserAreIdentical -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This parameter indicates if the requested user and the user -- linked to the requested endpoint are identical, not identical -- or if this is undefined. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- RequestedUserAndLinkedUserAreIdentical ::= CHOICE { yes NULL, no NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ServiceAndStatus -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Information of a service and its state. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ServiceAndStatus ::= SEQUENCE { typeOfService TypeOfService, status StatusOfService, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ServiceCallSetupRejectionInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Information related to the call setup rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ServiceCallSetupRejectionInformation ::= SEQUENCE { terminationInitiatior TerminationInitiatior, terminationReason ServiceCallSetupRejectionReason, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ServiceCallSetupRejectionReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for rejection. -- @ -- --------------------------------- ServiceCallSetupRejectionReason ::= CHOICE { calledUserBusy NULL, calledUserNotAvailable NULL, destinationOutOfOrder NULL, requestedServiceBarred NULL, requestedServiceNotAvailable NULL, requestedServiceNotSubscribed NULL, resourceUnavailable NULL, temporaryFailure NULL, unassignedUserIdentifier NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ServiceCallTerminationInformation -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr States information related to the termination. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ServiceCallTerminationInformation ::= SEQUENCE { terminationInitiation TerminationInitiatior, terminationReason ServiceCallTerminationReason, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ServiceCallTerminationReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for termination. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- ServiceCallTerminationReason ::= CHOICE { noAnswerFromCalledUser NULL, normalTermination NULL, resourceUnavailable NULL, temporaryFailure NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- ServiceData -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Contains the identified services and theirs categories -- @ -- --------------------------------- ServiceData ::= CHOICE { basicCall BasicCallCategories, endpointRegistration EndpointRegistrationCategories, endpointUnregistration EndpointUnregistrationCategories, ... } -- @prop dataType -- @descr -- @ -- ServiceIdentifier ::= INTEGER -- --------------------------------- -- -- ServiceProfile -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Contains services and data related to the services. -- @ -- --------------------------------- ServiceProfile ::= SEQUENCE { serviceDataInformation SEQUENCE OF ServiceData OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- SetEquipmentStatusRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- SetEquipmentStatusRejectReason ::= CHOICE { userNotKnown NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- SetLANDataRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This reason for rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- SetLANDataRejectReason ::= CHOICE { invalidInputData NULL, other NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- SetUserAttributeData -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter contains an User attribute value. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- SetUserAttributeData ::= CHOICE { maximumTotalBandwidth Bandwidth, maximumBandwidthPerService Bandwidth, stateOfUser StateOfUser, typeOfUser TypeOfUser, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- SetupUUIE -- @prop dataType -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- SetupUUIE ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIdentifier ProtocolIdentifier, sourceH245Address TransportAddress OPTIONAL, -- h245Address sourceUserIdentifierInformation UserIdentifierInformation OPTIONAL, -- sourceAddress sourceEndpointType EndpointType, -- sourceInfo destinationUserIdentifierInformation UserIdentifierInformation OPTIONAL, -- destinationAddress destinationCallSignallingAddress TransportAddress OPTIONAL, -- destCallSignalAddress destinationExtraUserIdentifierInformation UserIdentifierInformation OPTIONAL, -- destExtraCallInfo destinationExtraCallReference SEQUENCE OF CallReference OPTIONAL, -- destExtraCRV activeMC BOOLEAN, conferenceIdentifier ConferenceIdentifier, -- conferenceID conferenceGoal ConferenceGoal, callServices CallServices OPTIONAL, callType CallType, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- StateOfEquipment -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr States the state of the equipment. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- StateOfEquipment ::= CHOICE { blocked NULL, -- Equipment is blocked busy NULL, -- Equipment is busy, no more calls possible for moment available NULL, -- Equipment has reported itself as present and is ready for actions unregistered NULL, -- Equipment is not present ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- StateOfUser -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This parameter specifies the state of the user. -- @ -- --------------------------------- StateOfUser ::= CHOICE { absent NULL, present NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- StatusOfService -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr States the state of the service. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- StatusOfService ::= CHOICE { acknowledge NULL, active NULL, initiatied NULL, ... } -- @prop dataType -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- @ Subaddress ::= SEQUENCE { type SubaddressType, indicator BOOLEAN, address SubaddressInformation, ... } -- @prop dataType -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- @ SubaddressInformation ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..23)) -- @prop dataType -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- @ SubaddressType ::= CHOICE { nsap NULL, user NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- SupportedProtocols -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Gives detailed information about protocols that are -- supported by the stated endpoint. -- @ -- --------------------------------- SupportedProtocols ::= CHOICE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter, h310 H310Information, h320 H320Information, h321 H321Information, h322 H322Information, h323 H323Information, h324 H324Information, voice VoiceInformation, t120Only T120Information, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- T120Information -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Gives detailed information about the standard protocol T.120 -- @ -- --------------------------------- T120Information ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- TerminalInformation -- @prop dataType -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- TerminalInformation ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- TerminationInitiatior -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr States who initiated the termination. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- TerminationInitiatior ::= CHOICE { endpoint NULL, serviceNode NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- TimeSlot -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This parameter contains the identity of the time slot used -- for the connection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- TimeSlot ::= INTEGER -- @prop dataType -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- @ TransferCapability ::= CHOICE { speech NULL, unrestrictedDigital NULL, restrictedDigital NULL, audio3point1kHz NULL, unrestrictedWithTonesAndAnnouncements NULL, video NULL, ... } -- @prop dataType -- @descr Origin: Q931 -- @ TransferRate ::= CHOICE { packedMode NULL, r64kbps NULL, r2x64kbps NULL, r384kbps NULL, r1536kbps NULL, r1920kbps NULL, multirate NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- TransportAddress -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr The transport address. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- TransportAddress ::= CHOICE { ipV4Address SEQUENCE { ip OCTET STRING ( SIZE (4) ), port INTEGER ( 0..65535 ) }, ipV6Address SEQUENCE { ip OCTET STRING ( SIZE (16) ), port INTEGER ( 0..65535 ), ... }, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- TransportAddressInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr sequence of TransportAdress -- @ -- --------------------------------- TransportAddressInformation ::= SEQUENCE OF TransportAddress -- --------------------------------- -- -- TransportChannelInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- TransportChannelInformation ::= SEQUENCE { sendAddress TransportAddress OPTIONAL, recvAddress TransportAddress OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- TypeOfEquipment -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Type of equipment. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- TypeOfEquipment ::= CHOICE { cordlessTerminal NULL, h323Terminal NULL, h323Gateway NULL, isdnTerminal NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- TypeOfFlowControl -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This parameter specifies the type of flow control used in the LAN. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- TypeOfFlowControl ::= CHOICE { isa NULL, priorityOutputRouting NULL, other NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- TypeOfLAN -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This parameter specifies the type of LAN. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- TypeOfLAN ::= CHOICE { ethernet NULL, tokenRing NULL, other NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- TypeOfRegistration -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Type of service. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- TypeOfRegistration ::= CHOICE { changeOfUser NULL, noChangeOfUser NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- TypeOfService -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Type of service. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- TypeOfService ::= CHOICE { basicCall NULL, endpointRegistration NULL, endpointUnregistration NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- TypeOfUser -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Type of user. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- TypeOfUser ::= CHOICE { human NULL, network NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UnknownMessageResponse -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UnknownMessageResponse ::= SEQUENCE { requestSeqNum RequestSeqNum, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UnregistrationRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UnregistrationRejectReason ::= CHOICE { notCurrentlyRegistered NULL, callInProgress NULL, undefinedReason NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserAllocateResourceRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UserAllocateResourceRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyNotValid NULL, resourceNotAvailable NULL, serviceIdentifierExist NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserAttributeData -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter contains an User attribute value. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UserAttributeData ::= CHOICE { maximumTotalBandwidth Bandwidth, maximumBandwidthPerService Bandwidth, relationToEquipment SEQUENCE OF RelationToEquipment, stateOfUser StateOfUser, typeOfUser TypeOfUser, userIdentifierInformation SEQUENCE OF UserIdentifier, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserAttributeIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter contains User attribute identifiers. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UserAttributeIdentifier ::= CHOICE { maximumTotalBandwidth NULL, maximumBandwidthPerService NULL, relationToEquipment NULL, stateOfUser NULL, typeOfUser NULL, userIdentifierInformation NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserCreateRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UserCreateRejectReason ::= CHOICE { userIdentifierAlreadyExist NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserDeallocateResourceRejectReason -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr Reason for the rejection. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UserDeallocateResourceRejectReason ::= CHOICE { resourceNotAllocated NULL, serviceIdentifierNotValid NULL, userNotExist NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr The identifier of the User. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UserIdentifier ::= CHOICE { e164 E164Identifier, h323 BMPString (SIZE (1..256)), -- h323 is Basic ISO/IEC 10646-1 (Unicode) ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserIdentifierInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr sequence of UserIdentifier -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UserIdentifierInformation ::= SEQUENCE OF UserIdentifier-- -- Created by : -- Creation date : -- Modified by : -- Modification date : -- Version : -- -- @prop dataType -- @ UserInformation ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..131)) -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserInformationUUIE -- -- @prop dataType -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UserInformationUUIE ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIdentifier ProtocolIdentifier, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserKey -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr Unique key for a certain user. -- @ -- --------------------------------- UserKey ::= CHOICE { relationToUser RelationToUser, userIdentifierInformation SEQUENCE OF UserIdentifier, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserOrEquipmentRelatedInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This parameter specifies the type of information. -- @ -- --------------------------------- UserOrEquipmentRelatedInformation ::= CHOICE { userRelatedInformation SEQUENCE OF UserRelatedInformation, equipmentRelatedInformation SEQUENCE OF EquipmentRelatedInformation, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserOrEquipmentRelatedInformationIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This parameter specifies the type of information identifiers. -- @ -- --------------------------------- UserOrEquipmentRelatedInformationIdentifier ::= CHOICE { userRelatedInformationIdentifiers SEQUENCE OF UserRelatedInformationIdentifier, equipmentRelatedInformationIdentifiers SEQUENCE OF EquipmentRelatedInformationIdentifier, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserRelatedInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr This parameter specifies different types of data -- that are related to the user. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UserRelatedInformation ::= CHOICE { numberOfEquipments INTEGER, stateOfUser StateOfUser, typeOfUser TypeOfUser, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserRelatedInformationIdentifier -- -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter specifies different types of data -- that are specific to a certain user. -- -- @ -- --------------------------------- UserRelatedInformationIdentifier ::= CHOICE { numberOfEquipments NULL, stateOfUser NULL, typeOfUser NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserRemoveRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UserRemoveRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyNotValid NULL, serviceInProgress NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserSetRejectReason -- -- @prop dataType -- -- @descr This parameter states the reason for the rejection. -- -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UserSetRejectReason ::= CHOICE { keyNotValid NULL, undefined NULL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- UserSpecificInformation -- -- @descr This parameter specifies different types of data -- that are specific to the user. -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- UserSpecificInformation ::= CHOICE { userRelatedInformation SEQUENCE OF UserRelatedInformation, equipmentRelatedInformation SEQUENCE OF EquipmentRelatedInformation, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- VendorIdentifier -- -- @prop dataType -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- VendorIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { vendor H221NonStandard, productId OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..256)) OPTIONAL, versionId OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..256)) OPTIONAL, ... } -- --------------------------------- -- -- VoiceInformation -- -- @prop dataType -- @descr -- @ -- -- --------------------------------- VoiceInformation ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ... } END