-- module(Mvrasn-21-4).
-- vsn('%CCaseRev: %').
-- date('%CCaseDate: %').
-- author('eedkbu').    
-- =============================================================================

-- =============================================================================
-- Title       : "Extension data types".
-- ASN.1 module: "MAP-ExtensionDataTypes".
-- =============================================================================

-- ==============================================================
-- #1.    REVISION LOG
-- ==============================================================
-- Rev   Date    Name     What
-- .... ....... .......  ........................................
-- PA1  981014   eedkbu   First draft including changes due to
--                        incompatibilities of the ASN.1-ERLANG 
--                        compiler from OTP.
--                        Based on GSM 09.02 v. 6.1.0.
-- ..............................................................

-- =============================================================================
--  NOTE:
--  This module was changed compared to the original in the ETSI 
--  standard GSM 09.02 v. 6.1.0. The reason for this change was an 
--  incompatibility of the used ASN.1-ERLANG compiler from OTP. 
--  In GSM 09.02 v. 6.1.0 the data type 'ExtensionContainer' is partly
--  defined by the ASN.1 type 'CLASS', but the ASN.1-ERLANG compiler is 
--  not able to handle such a 'CLASS' construct correctly. Therefore, and 
--  since the content of a received 'ExtensionContainer' is not of further
--  interest at this stage of the project, the data type 'ExtensionContainer'
--  has been changed here.
--  The new definition of 'ExtensionContainer' is simply an ASN.1 'Extension'
--  ('...'). This definition allows to receive any kind of information
--  within the 'ExtensionContainer' without causing a crash of the 
--  decoder when handling the respective message.
-- =============================================================================








ExtensionContainer ::= SEQUENCE {