Nortel DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS Nortel; --IMPORTS -- IMSI, IMEI -- FROM MAP-commonDataTypes { iso (1) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-CommonDataTypes (18) version2 (2) }; -- -- Note that the syntax of AE-title to be used is from -- CCITT Rec. X.227 / ISO 8650 corrigendum and not "ANY" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- CALL AND EVENT RECORDS -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CellId ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) -- -- Coded according to TS GSM 04.08 -- RecordingEntity ::= AddressString SMSResult ::= Diagnostics MessageReference ::= OCTET STRING ManagementExtensions ::= SET OF ManagementExtension CalledNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber DMI-EXTENSION ::= DMI-TYPE-IDENTIFIER DMI-TYPE-IDENTIFIER ::= CLASS {&id OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE, &Value } WITH SYNTAX {TYPE &Value ID &id } -- ManagementExtension ::= OCTET STRING ManagementExtension ::= SEQUENCE { identifier DMI-EXTENSION.&id({ManagementExtensionSet}), significance [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, information [2] DMI-EXTENSION.&Value({ManagementExtensionSet}{@.identifier}) } ManagementExtensionSet DMI-EXTENSION ::= {...} ServiceKey ::= INTEGER (0..2147483647) DefaultGPRS-Handling ::= ENUMERATED { continueTransaction (0) , releaseTransaction (1) } -- exception handling: -- reception of values in range 2-31 shall be treated as "continueTransaction" -- reception of values greater than 31 shall be treated as "releaseTransaction" AddressString ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..maxAddressLength)) -- This type is used to represent a number for addressing -- purposes. It is composed of -- a) one octet for nature of address, and numbering plan -- indicator. -- b) digits of an address encoded as TBCD-String. -- a) The first octet includes a one bit extension indicator, a -- 3 bits nature of address indicator and a 4 bits numbering -- plan indicator, encoded as follows: -- bit 8: 1 (no extension) -- bits 765: nature of address indicator -- 000 unknown -- 001 international number -- 010 national significant number -- 011 network specific number -- 100 subscriber number -- 101 reserved -- 110 abbreviated number -- 111 reserved for extension -- bits 4321: numbering plan indicator -- 0000 unknown -- 0001 ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (Rec ITU-T E.164) -- 0010 spare -- 0011 data numbering plan (ITU-T Rec X.121) -- 0100 telex numbering plan (ITU-T Rec F.69) -- 0101 spare -- 0110 land mobile numbering plan (ITU-T Rec E.212) -- 0111 spare -- 1000 national numbering plan -- 1001 private numbering plan -- 1111 reserved for extension -- all other values are reserved. -- b) The following octets representing digits of an address -- encoded as a TBCD-STRING. maxAddressLength INTEGER ::= 20 ISDN-AddressString ::= AddressString (SIZE (1..maxISDN-AddressLength)) -- This type is used to represent ISDN numbers. maxISDN-AddressLength INTEGER ::= 9 BCDDirectoryNumber ::= OCTET STRING -- This type contains the binary coded decimal representation of -- a directory number e.g. calling/called/connected/translated number. -- The encoding of the octet string is in accordance with the -- the elements "Calling party BCD number", "Called party BCD number" -- and "Connected number" defined in TS GSM 04.08. -- This encoding includes type of number and number plan information -- together with a BCD encoded digit string. -- It may also contain both a presentation and screening indicator -- (octet 3a). -- For the avoidance of doubt, this field does not include -- octets 1 and 2, the element name and length, as this would be -- redundant. Diagnostics ::= CHOICE { gsm0408Cause [0] INTEGER, -- See TS GSM 04.08 gsm0902MapErrorValue [1] INTEGER, -- Note: The value to be stored here corresponds to -- the local values defined in the MAP-Errors and -- MAP-DialogueInformation modules, for full details -- see TS GSM 09.02. ccittQ767Cause [2] INTEGER, -- See CCITT Q.767 networkSpecificCause [3] ManagementExtension, -- To be defined by network operator manufacturerSpecificCause [4] ManagementExtension -- To be defined by manufacturer } LocationAreaCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) -- -- See TS GSM 04.08 -- CallEventRecord ::= CHOICE { -- Record values 0..16 are 3G curcuit switch specifick -- -- sgsnPDPRecord [20] SGSNPDPRecord, ggsnPDPRecord [21] GGSNPDPRecord -- sgsnMMRecord [22] SGSNMMRecord, -- sgsnSMORecord [23] SGSNSMORecord, -- sgsnSMTRecord [24] SGSNSMTRecord } CallDuration ::= INTEGER -- -- The call duration in seconds. -- For successful calls this is the chargeable duration. -- For call attempts this is the call holding time. TimeStamp ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(9)) -- -- The contents of this field are a compact form of the UTCTime format -- containing local time plus an offset to universal time. Binary coded -- decimal encoding is employed for the digits to reduce the storage and -- transmission overhead -- e.g. YYMMDDhhmmssShhmm -- where -- YY = Year 00 to 99 BCD encoded -- MM = Month 01 to 12 BCD encoded -- DD = Day 01 to 31 BCD encoded -- hh = hour 00 to 23 BCD encoded -- mm = minute 00 to 59 BCD encoded -- ss = second 00 to 59 BCD encoded -- S = Sign 0 = "+", "-" ASCII encoded -- hh = hour 00 to 23 BCD encoded -- mm = minute 00 to 59 BCD encoded -- MSISDN ::= ISDN-AddressString IMSI ::= TBCD-STRING (SIZE (3..8)) -- digits of MCC, MNC, MSIN are concatenated in this order. IMEI ::= TBCD-STRING (SIZE (8)) -- Refers to International Mobile Station Equipment Identity -- and Software Version Number (SVN) defined in TS 3GPP TS 23.003 [17]. -- If the SVN is not present the last octet shall contain the -- digit 0 and a filler. -- If present the SVN shall be included in the last octet. TBCD-STRING ::= OCTET STRING -- This type (Telephony Binary Coded Decimal String) is used to -- represent several digits from 0 through 9, *, #, a, b, c, two -- digits per octet, each digit encoded 0000 to 1001 (0 to 9), -- 1010 (*), 1011 (#), 1100 (a), 1101 (b) or 1110 (c); 1111 used -- as filler when there is an odd number of digits. -- bits 8765 of octet n encoding digit 2n -- bits 4321 of octet n encoding digit 2(n-1) +1 GGSNPDPRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] CallEventRecordType, networkInitiation [1] NetworkInitiatedPDPContext OPTIONAL, servedIMSI [3] IMSI, ggsnAddress [4] GSNAddress, chargingID [5] ChargingID, sgsnAddress [6] SEQUENCE OF GSNAddress, accessPointNameNI [7] AccessPointNameNI, pdpType [8] PDPType, servedPDPAddress [9] PDPAddress OPTIONAL, dynamicAddressFlag [11] DynamicAddressFlag OPTIONAL, listOfTrafficVolumes [12] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfCharCondition, recordOpeningTime [13] TimeStamp, duration [14] CallDuration, causeForRecClosing [15] CauseForRecClosing, diagnostics [16] Diagnostics OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [17] INTEGER OPTIONAL, nodeID [18] NodeID OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [19] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, localSequenceNumber [20] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, apnSelectionMode [21] APNSelectionMode OPTIONAL, servedMSISDN [22] MSISDN OPTIONAL, chargingCharacteristics [23] ChargingCharacteristics OPTIONAL } -- sgsnPLMNIdentifier [27] PLMN-Id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- OBJECT IDENTIFIERS -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gsm1205InformationModel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccitt (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) gsm-Operation-Maintenance (3) gsm-12-05 (5) informationModel (0) } gsm1205ASN1Module OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gsm1205InformationModel asn1Module(2) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- COMMON DATA TYPES -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AccessPointNameNI ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..63)) -- -- Network Identifier part of APN in "dot" representation -- For example, if the complete APN is 'apn1a.apn1b.apn1c.mnc022.mcc111.gprs' -- NI is 'apn1a.apn1b.apn1c' and is presented in this form in the CDR. AccessPointNameOI ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..37)) -- -- Operator Identifier part of APN in "dot" representation -- In the 'apn1a.apn1b.apn1c.mnc022.mcc111.gprs' example, the OI portion is 'mnc022.mcc111.gprs' -- and is presented in this form in the CDR. APNSelectionMode::= ENUMERATED { -- -- See Information Elements TS 29.060 -- mSorNetworkProvidedSubscriptionVerified (0), mSProvidedSubscriptionNotVerified (1), networkProvidedSubscriptionNotVerified (2) } CAMELAccessPointNameNI ::= AccessPointNameNI CAMELAccessPointNameOI ::= AccessPointNameOI CauseForRecClosing ::= INTEGER { -- -- in GGSN the value sGSNChange should be used for partial record -- generation due to SGSN Address List Overflow -- -- cause codes 0 to 15 are defined in TS 32.005 as 'CauseForTerm' (cause for termination) -- normalRelease (0), abnormalRelease (4), cAMELInitCallRelease (5), volumeLimit (16), timeLimit (17), sGSNChange (18), maxChangeCond (19), managementIntervention (20) } ChangeCondition ::= ENUMERATED { qoSChange (0), tariffTime (1), recordClosure (2) } ChangeOfCharCondition ::= SEQUENCE { -- -- used in PDP context record only -- qosRequested [1] QoSInformation OPTIONAL, qosNegotiated [2] QoSInformation OPTIONAL, dataVolumeGPRSUplink [3] DataVolumeGPRS, dataVolumeGPRSDownlink [4] DataVolumeGPRS, changeCondition [5] ChangeCondition, changeTime [6] TimeStamp } ChangeLocation ::= SEQUENCE { -- -- used in SGSNMMRecord only -- locationAreaCode [0] LocationAreaCode, routingAreaCode [1] RoutingAreaCode, cellId [2] CellId OPTIONAL, changeTime [3] TimeStamp } ChargingCharacteristics ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) -- -- Descriptions for the bits of the flag set: -- -- Bit 1: H (Hot billing) := '00000001'B -- Bit 2: F (Flat rate) := '00000010'B -- Bit 3: P (Prepaid service) := '00000100'B -- Bit 4: N (Normal billing) := '00001000'B -- Bit 5: - (Reserved, set to 0) := '00010000'B -- Bit 6: - (Reserved, set to 0) := '00100000'B -- Bit 7: - (Reserved, set to 0) := '01000000'B -- Bit 8: - (Reserved, set to 0) := '10000000'B -- ChargingID ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- -- generated in GGSN, part of PDP context, see TS 23.060 -- 0..4294967295 is equivalent to 0..2**32-1 DataVolumeGPRS ::= INTEGER -- -- The volume of data transferred in octets. -- DynamicAddressFlag ::= BOOLEAN ETSIAddress ::= AddressString -- --first octet for nature of address, and numbering plan indicator (3 for X.121) --other octets TBCD -- See TS 29.002 -- FFDAppendIndicator ::= BOOLEAN FreeFormatData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..160)) -- -- Free formated data as sent in the FurnishChargingInformationGPRS -- see TS 29.078 -- GSNAddress ::= IPAddress GSMQoSInformation ::=SEQUENCE { reliability [0] QoSReliability, delay [1] QoSDelay, precedence [2] QoSPrecedence, peakThroughput [3] QoSPeakThroughput, meanThroughput [4] QoSMeanThroughput } IPAddress ::= CHOICE { iPBinaryAddress IPBinaryAddress, iPTextRepresentedAddress IPTextRepresentedAddress } IPBinaryAddress ::= CHOICE { iPBinV4Address [0] OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)), iPBinV6Address [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) } IPTextRepresentedAddress ::= CHOICE { -- -- IP address in the familiar "dot" notation -- iPTextV4Address [2] IA5String (SIZE(7..15)), iPTextV6Address [3] IA5String (SIZE(15..45)) } LocalSequenceNumber ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- -- Sequence number of the record in this node -- 0.. 4294967295 is equivalent to 0..2**32-1, unsigned integer in four octets MSNetworkCapability ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..8)) NetworkInitiatedPDPContext ::= BOOLEAN -- -- Set to true if PDP context was initiated from network side -- NodeID ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..20)) PDPAddress ::= CHOICE { iPAddress [0] IPAddress, eTSIAddress [1] ETSIAddress } PDPType ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) -- --OCTET 1: PDP Type Organization --OCTET 2: PDP Type Number -- See TS 29.060 -- PLMN-Id ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) -- This is a 1:1 copy from the Routing Area Identity (RAI) IE specified in TS 29.060 -- as follows: -- OCTET 1 of PLMN-Id = OCTET 2 of RAI -- OCTET 2 of PLMN-Id = OCTET 3 of RAI -- OCTET 3 of PLMN-Id = OCTET 4 of RAI QoSDelay ::= ENUMERATED { -- -- See Quality of service TS 24.008 -- delayClass1 (1), delayClass2 (2), delayClass3 (3), delayClass4 (4) } QoSInformation ::= CHOICE { gsmQosInformation [0] GSMQoSInformation, umtsQosInformation [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (4..12)) } -- When dealing with a pre R99 QoS profile the GSN may either choose the "GSMQoSInformation" or the -- "umtsQoSInformation" encoding. Dealing with R99 QoS profiles the GSN shall apply the -- "umtsQoSInformation" encoding. The umtsQosInformation octet string is a 1:1 copy of the contents -- (starting with octet 4) of the "Quality of service Profile" information element specified in -- 3GPP TS 29.060 [22] for R99 and GSM TS 09.60 for pre R99 cases. --} QoSMeanThroughput ::= ENUMERATED { -- -- See Quality of service TS 24.008 -- subscribedMeanThroughput (0), -- MS to network direction -- Network to MS direction needs not to be covered since value (0) = "reserved" mean100octetPh (1), mean200octetPh (2), mean500octetPh (3), mean1000octetPh (4), mean2000octetPh (5), mean5000octetPh (6), mean10000octetPh (7), mean20000octetPh (8), mean50000octetPh (9), mean100000octetPh (10), mean200000octetPh (11), mean500000octetPh (12), mean1000000octetPh (13), mean2000000octetPh (14), mean5000000octetPh (15), mean10000000octetPh (16), mean20000000octetPh (17), mean50000000octetPh (18), reserved (30), bestEffort (31) } QoSPeakThroughput ::= ENUMERATED { -- -- See Quality of service TS 24.008 -- unspecified (0), upTo1000octetPs (1), upTo2000octetPs (2), upTo4000octetPs (3), upTo8000octetPs (4), upTo16000octetPs (5), upTo32000octetPs (6), upTo64000octetPs (7), upTo128000octetPs (8), upTo256000octetPs (9) } QoSPrecedence ::= ENUMERATED { -- -- See Quality of service TS 24.008 -- unspecified (0), highPriority (1), normalPriority (2), lowPriority (3) } QoSReliability ::= ENUMERATED { -- -- See Quality of service TS 24.008 -- unspecifiedReliability (0), acknowledgedGTP (1), unackGTPAcknowLLC (2), unackGTPLLCAcknowRLC (3), unackGTPLLCRLC (4), unacknowUnprotectedData (5) } RoutingAreaCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) -- -- See TS 24.008 -- SCFAddress ::= AddressString -- -- See TS 29.002 -- NumberOfDPEncountered ::= INTEGER SGSNChange ::= BOOLEAN -- -- present if first record after inter SGSN routing area update -- in new SGSN -- SystemType ::= ENUMERATED { unknown (0), iuUTRAN (1), gERAN (2) } CallEventRecordType ::= INTEGER { moCallRecord (0), mtCallRecord (1), roamingRecord (2), incGatewayRecord (3), outGatewayRecord (4), transitCallRecord (5), moSMSRecord (6), mtSMSRecord (7), moSMSIWRecord (8), mtSMSGWRecord (9), ssActionRecord (10), hlrIntRecord (11), locUpdateHLRRecord (12), locUpdateVLRRecord (13), commonEquipRecord (14), moTraceRecord (15), mtTraceRecord (16), termCAMELRecord (17), sgsnPDPRecord (18), ggsnPDPRecord (19), sgsnMMRecord (20), sgsnSMORecord (21), sgsnSMTRecord (22) } END