Real DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- F.2.4.1 -- Use a real type to model an approximate number. -- EXAMPLE AngleInRadians ::= REAL pi REAL ::= {mantissa 3141592653589793238462643383279, base 10, exponent -30} -- F.2.4.2 -- Application designers may wish to ensure full interworking with real -- values despite -- differences in floating point hardware, and in implementation -- decisions to use -- (for example) single or double length floating point for an application. -- This can be achieved by the following: App-X-Real ::= REAL (WITH COMPONENTS { mantissa (-16777215..16777215), base (2), exponent (-125..128) } ) -- Senders shall not transmit values outside these ranges -- and conforming receivers shall be capable of receiving -- and processing all values in these ranges. girth App-X-Real ::= {mantissa 16, base 2, exponent 1} END