-- Module Geo-Gr-Presentation-Attributes (T.418:03/1993) Geo-Gr-Presentation-Attributes {2 8 1 8 2} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS Geometric-Graphics-Attributes, Line-Rendition, Marker-Rendition, Text-Rendition, Filled-Area-Rendition, Edge-Rendition, Colour-Representations, Transparency-Specification, Transformation-Specification, Region-Of-Interest-Specification, Picture-Orientation, Picture-Dimensions, ASF-Type, VDC-Pair, One-Of-Four-Angles; Geometric-Graphics-Attributes ::= SET { line-rendition [1] Line-Rendition OPTIONAL, marker-rendition [2] Marker-Rendition OPTIONAL, text-rendition [3] Text-Rendition OPTIONAL, filled-area-rendition [4] Filled-Area-Rendition OPTIONAL, edge-rendition [5] Edge-Rendition OPTIONAL, colour-representations [6] Colour-Representations OPTIONAL, transparency-specification [7] Transparency-Specification OPTIONAL, transformation-specification [8] Transformation-Specification OPTIONAL, region-of-interest-specification [9] Region-Of-Interest-Specification OPTIONAL, picture-orientation [10] Picture-Orientation OPTIONAL, picture-dimensions [11] Picture-Dimensions OPTIONAL } ASF-Type ::= ENUMERATED {bundled(0), individual(1)} Colour ::= CHOICE {indexed [0] INTEGER, direct [1] RGB } RGB ::= SEQUENCE {red REAL, green REAL, blue REAL } SpecificationMode ::= ENUMERATED {absolute(0), scaled(1)} Line-Rendition ::= SEQUENCE { line-width-specification-mode [0] SpecificationMode OPTIONAL, line-bundle-index [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL, line-type [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, line-width [3] Scaled-or-Absolute OPTIONAL, line-colour [4] Colour OPTIONAL, line-aspect-source-flags [5] SEQUENCE {line-type-asf ASF-Type, line-width-asf ASF-Type, line-colour-asf ASF-Type} OPTIONAL, line-bundle-specifications [6] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {line-bundle-index INTEGER, line-bundle-representation SEQUENCE {line-type INTEGER, line-width Scaled-or-Absolute, line-colour Colour}} OPTIONAL } Scaled-or-Absolute ::= CHOICE { absolute [0] CHOICE { -- absolute--vdc-int [0] INTEGER, -- for VDC Type INTEGER-- vdc-real [1] REAL}, -- for VDC Type REAL scaled [1] REAL } -- scaled Marker-Rendition ::= SEQUENCE { marker-size-specification-mode [0] SpecificationMode OPTIONAL, marker-bundle-index [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL, marker-type [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, marker-size [3] Scaled-or-Absolute OPTIONAL, marker-colour [4] Colour OPTIONAL, marker-aspect-source-flags [5] SEQUENCE {marker-type-asf ASF-Type, marker-size-asf ASF-Type, marker-colour-asf ASF-Type} OPTIONAL, marker-bundle-specifications [6] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {marker-bundle-index INTEGER, marker-bundle-representation SEQUENCE {marker-type INTEGER, marker-size Scaled-or-Absolute, marker-colour Colour}} OPTIONAL } Text-Rendition ::= SEQUENCE { font-list [0] SEQUENCE OF GeneralString OPTIONAL, character-set-list [1] SEQUENCE {character-set-type ENUMERATED {n94-char-sets(0), n96-char-sets(1), n94-char-multibyte-sets(2), n96-char-multibyte-sets(3), comp-code(4)}, designation-sequence-tail GeneralString} OPTIONAL, character-coding-announcer [2] ENUMERATED {basic-7-bit(0), basic-8-bit(1), extended-7-bit(2), extended-8-bit(3)} OPTIONAL, text-bundle-index [3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, text-font-index [4] INTEGER OPTIONAL, text-precision [5] ENUMERATED {string(0), character(1), stroke(2)} OPTIONAL, character-expansion-factor [6] REAL OPTIONAL, character-spacing [7] REAL OPTIONAL, text-colour [8] Colour OPTIONAL, character-height [9] VDC-Value OPTIONAL, character-orientation [10] SEQUENCE {a VDC-Pair, b VDC-Pair} OPTIONAL, text-path [11] ENUMERATED {right(0), left(1), up(2), down(3)} OPTIONAL, text-alignment [12] SEQUENCE {horizontal-alignment ENUMERATED {normal-horizontal(0), left(1), centre(2), right(3), continuous-horizontal(4)}, vertical-alignment ENUMERATED {normal-vertical(0), top(1), cap(2), half(3), base(4), bottom(5), continuous-vertical(6)}, continuous-horizontal-alignment [0] REAL OPTIONAL, continuous-vertical-alignment [1] REAL OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, character-set-index [13] INTEGER OPTIONAL, alternate-character-set-index [14] INTEGER OPTIONAL, text-aspect-source-flags [15] SEQUENCE {text-font-asf ASF-Type, text-precision-asf ASF-Type, character-expansion-factor-asf ASF-Type, character-spacing-asf ASF-Type, text-colour-asf ASF-Type} OPTIONAL, text-bundle-specifications [16] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {text-bundle-index INTEGER, text-bundle-representation SEQUENCE {text-font-index INTEGER, text-precision ENUMERATED {string(0), character(1), stroke(2)}, character-expansion-factor REAL, character-spacing REAL, text-colour Colour} } OPTIONAL } VDC-Value ::= CHOICE {a INTEGER, b REAL } VDC-Pair ::= SEQUENCE {x VDC-Value, y VDC-Value } Filled-Area-Rendition ::= SEQUENCE { fill-bundle-index [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL, interior-style [2] ENUMERATED {hollow(0), solid(1), pattern(2), hatch(3), empty(4)} OPTIONAL, fill-colour [3] Colour OPTIONAL, hatch-index [4] INTEGER OPTIONAL, pattern-index [5] INTEGER OPTIONAL, fill-reference-point [6] VDC-Pair OPTIONAL, pattern-size [7] SEQUENCE {height-x-component VDC-Value, height-y-component VDC-Value, width-x-component VDC-Value, width-y-component VDC-Value} OPTIONAL, pattern-table-specifications [8] SEQUENCE OF PatternTableElement OPTIONAL, fill-aspect-source-flags [9] SEQUENCE {interior-style-asf ASF-Type, fill-colour-asf ASF-Type, hatch-index-asf ASF-Type, pattern-index-asf ASF-Type} OPTIONAL, fill-bundle-specifications [10] SEQUENCE {fill-bundle-index INTEGER, fill-bundle-representation SEQUENCE {interior-style ENUMERATED {hollow(0), solid(1), pattern(2), hatch(3), empty(4)}, fill-colour Colour, hatch-index INTEGER, patttern-index INTEGER}} OPTIONAL } PatternTableElement ::= SEQUENCE { pattern-table-index INTEGER, nx INTEGER, ny INTEGER, local-colour-precision INTEGER, colour SEQUENCE OF Colour } Edge-Rendition ::= SEQUENCE { edge-width-spec-mode [0] SpecificationMode OPTIONAL, edge-visibility [1] On-or-Off OPTIONAL, edge-bundle-index [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, edge-type [3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, edge-width [4] Scaled-or-Absolute OPTIONAL, edge-colour [5] Colour OPTIONAL, edge-aspect-source-flags [6] SEQUENCE {edge-type-asf ASF-Type, edge-width-asf ASF-Type, edge-colour-asf ASF-Type} OPTIONAL, edge-bundle-specifications [7] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {edge-bundle-index INTEGER, edge-bundle-representation SEQUENCE {edge-type INTEGER, edge-width Scaled-or-Absolute, edge-colour Colour}} OPTIONAL } On-or-Off ::= ENUMERATED {off(0), on(1)} Colour-Representations ::= SEQUENCE { background-colour [0] RGB OPTIONAL, colour-table-specification [1] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {starting-index INTEGER, colour-list SEQUENCE OF RGB} OPTIONAL } Transparency-Specification ::= SEQUENCE { transparency [0] On-or-Off OPTIONAL, auxiliary-colour [1] Colour OPTIONAL } Transformation-Specification ::= SEQUENCE { vdc-extent [0] Rectangle OPTIONAL, clip-rectangle [1] Rectangle OPTIONAL, clip-indicator [2] On-or-Off OPTIONAL } Rectangle ::= SEQUENCE {first-corner VDC-Pair, second-corner VDC-Pair } Region-Of-Interest-Specification ::= CHOICE { automatic [0] NULL, rectangle [1] SEQUENCE {a VDC-Pair, b VDC-Pair} } Picture-Orientation ::= One-Of-Four-Angles One-Of-Four-Angles ::= ENUMERATED {d0(0), d90(1), d180(2), d270(3)} Picture-Dimensions ::= CHOICE { width-controlled [0] SEQUENCE {minimum-width INTEGER, preferred-width INTEGER}, height-controlled [1] SEQUENCE {minimum-height INTEGER, preferred-height INTEGER}, area-controlled [2] SEQUENCE {minimum-width INTEGER, preferred-width INTEGER, minimum-height INTEGER, preferred-height INTEGER, aspect-ratio-flag ENUMERATED {fixed(0), variable(1)} }, automatic [3] NULL } END -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D