-- Module Identifiers-and-Expressions (T.415:03/1993) Identifiers-and-Expressions {2 8 1 5 7} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS Content-Portion-Identifier, Object-or-Class-Identifier, Style-Identifier, Protected-Part-Identifier, Category-Name, Resource-Name, Binding-Name, Construction-Expression, Object-Id-Expression, Numeric-Expression, String-Expression; IMPORTS Layout-Object-Type FROM Layout-Descriptors -- see 7.9 Logical-Object-Type FROM Logical-Descriptors; -- see 7.10 Content-Portion-Identifier ::= [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT PrintableString -- only digits and space are used in the present version -- of this Specification; other characters are reserved for extensions Object-or-Class-Identifier ::= [APPLICATION 1] IMPLICIT PrintableString -- only digits and space are used in the present version -- of this Specification; other characters are reserved for extensions; -- a 'null' value is represented by an empty string Style-Identifier ::= [APPLICATION 5] IMPLICIT PrintableString -- only digits and space are used in the present version -- of this Specification; other characters are reserved for extensions; -- a 'null' value is represented by an empty string Protected-Part-Identifier ::= [APPLICATION 7] IMPLICIT PrintableString -- only digits and space are used in the present version -- of this Specification; other characters are reserved for extensions; -- a 'null' value is represented by an empty string Category-Name ::= PrintableString -- a 'null' value is represented by an empty string Resource-Name ::= PrintableString Binding-Name ::= PrintableString Construction-Expression ::= CHOICE { construction-type Construction-Type, single-term-construction [3] Construction-Term } Construction-Type ::= CHOICE { sequence-construction [0] IMPLICIT Term-Sequence, aggregate-construction [1] IMPLICIT Term-Sequence, choice-construction [2] IMPLICIT Term-Sequence } Term-Sequence ::= SEQUENCE OF Construction-Term Construction-Term ::= CHOICE { required-construction-factor [0] Construction-Factor, optional-construction-factor [1] Construction-Factor, repetitive-construction-factor [2] Construction-Factor, optional-repetitive-factor [3] Construction-Factor } Construction-Factor ::= CHOICE { object-class-identifier Object-or-Class-Identifier, construction-type Construction-Type } Object-Id-Expression ::= CHOICE { current-object-function [0] IMPLICIT NULL, preceding-object-function [1] Object-Id-Expression, superior-object-function [3] Object-Id-Expression, current-instance-function [4] Current-Instance-Function } Numeric-Expression ::= CHOICE { numeric-literal [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER, increment-application [1] Numeric-Expression, decrement-application [2] Numeric-Expression, ordinal-application [3] CHOICE {identifier Object-or-Class-Identifier, expression Object-Id-Expression}, binding-reference [4] IMPLICIT Binding-Reference } Binding-Reference ::= SET { object-reference CHOICE {identifier Object-or-Class-Identifier, expression Binding-Selection-Function}, binding-identifier Binding-Name } Binding-Selection-Function ::= CHOICE { current-object-function [0] IMPLICIT NULL, preceding-function [1] Object-Id-Expression, superior-function [3] Object-Id-Expression, current-instance-function [4] Current-Instance-Function } Current-Instance-Function ::= SEQUENCE { first-parameter CHOICE {identifier [0] IMPLICIT Object-or-Class-Identifier, layout-object-type [1] IMPLICIT Layout-Object-Type, logical-object-type [2] IMPLICIT Logical-Object-Type}, second-parameter CHOICE {identifier Object-or-Class-Identifier, expression Object-Id-Expression} } String-Expression ::= SEQUENCE OF Atomic-String-Expression Atomic-String-Expression ::= CHOICE { string-literal [0] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, binding-reference [2] IMPLICIT Binding-Reference, make-string-application [3] Numeric-Expression, upper-alpha-application [4] Numeric-Expression, lower-alpha-application [5] Numeric-Expression, upper-roman-application [6] Numeric-Expression, lower-roman-application [7] Numeric-Expression } END -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D