-- Module Location-Expressions (T.422:08/1995) Location-Expressions {2 8 1 12 0} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS Location-Expression, Basic-Location-Expression, Constituent-Locator; IMPORTS Object-or-Class-Identifier, Content-Portion-Identifier, Style-Identifier FROM Identifiers-and-Expressions {2 8 1 5 7} -- see ITU-T Rec. T.415 | ISO/IEC 8613-5 Layout-Class-Descriptor, Layout-Object-Descriptor FROM Layout-Descriptors {2 8 1 5 8} -- see ITU-T Rec. T.415 | ISO/IEC 8613-5 Logical-Class-Descriptor, Logical-Object-Descriptor FROM Logical-Descriptors {2 8 1 5 9} -- see ITU-T Rec. T.415 | ISO/IEC 8613-5 Presentation-Style-Descriptor, Layout-Style-Descriptor FROM Style-Descriptors {2 8 1 5 10} -- see ITU-T Rec. T.415 | ISO/IEC 8613-5 Text-Unit FROM Text-Units {2 8 1 5 12} -- see ITU-T Rec. T.415 | ISO/IEC 8613-5 Subprofile-Descriptor, Subprofile-Identifier FROM Subprofiles {2 8 1 12 2} -- see 9.3 Link-Class-Descriptor, Link-Descriptor, Link-or-Link-Class-Identifier FROM Link-Descriptors {2 8 1 14 3}; -- see ITU-T Rec. T.424 | ISO/IEC 8613-14 -- Location expression Location-Expression ::= CHOICE { basic [0] Basic-Location-Expression, composite [1] Composite-Location-Expression } Composite-Location-Expression ::= CHOICE { complement [0] Location-Expression, intersection [1] SEQUENCE OF Location-Expression, union [2] SEQUENCE OF Location-Expression } Basic-Location-Expression ::= CHOICE { region [0] Region-Locator, subtree [1] Subtree-Locator, constituent [2] Constituent-Locator } Region-Locator ::= SEQUENCE { start [0] Start-End-Object-Locator, end [1] Start-End-Object-Locator } Start-End-Object-Locator ::= SEQUENCE { object [0] Object-Locator, not-included [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE } Subtree-Locator ::= Object-Locator Constituent-Locator ::= CHOICE { documentProfile [0] NULL, subprofile [1] Subprofile-Locator, component [2] Component-Locator, contentPortion [3] Content-Portion-Locator, style [4] Style-Locator, link-or-link-class [5] Link-or-Link-Class-Locator, constituent-of-type [6] Constituent-Type } Constituent-Type ::= ENUMERATED { layout-object-class(1), layout-object(2), content-portion(3), logical-object-class(5), logical-object(6), presentation-style(7), layout-style(8), sealed-doc-prof-descriptor(9), enciphered-doc-prof-descriptor(10), preenciphered-bodypart-descriptor(11), postenciphered-bodypart-descriptor(12), link-class(13), link(14), enciphered-link-descriptor(15), subprofile(16)} -- Subprofile Subprofile-Locator ::= CHOICE { subprofile [0] Subprofile-Identifier, subprofile-of [1] Subprofile-of-argument, subprofile-with [2] Subprofile-with-argument } Subprofile-of-argument ::= Constituent-Locator Subprofile-with-argument ::= AttributeValue-Subprofile-Specification -- The "attribute" and "value" -- arguments are grouped together -- Component locator Component-Locator ::= CHOICE { objectClass [0] Object-Class-Locator, object [1] Object-Locator } Object-Class-Locator ::= CHOICE { objectClass [0] Object-or-Class-Identifier, object-class-of [1] Object-Class-of-argument, object-class-with [2] Object-Class-with-argument } Object-Class-of-argument ::= Object-Locator Object-Class-with-argument ::= SEQUENCE { attributeValueObject [0] AttributeValue-Class-Specification, -- The "attribute" and "value" -- arguments are grouped together defaulting [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } -- Object locator Object-Locator ::= CHOICE { object [0] Object-or-Class-Identifier, subord [1] Subord-argument, object-with [2] Object-with-argument } Subord-argument ::= SEQUENCE { object [0] Object-Locator, counters [1] CountersType OPTIONAL } Object-with-argument ::= SEQUENCE { attributeValueObject [0] AttributeValue-Object-Specification, -- The "attribute" and "value" -- arguments are grouped together object [1] Object-Locator OPTIONAL, counters [2] CountersType OPTIONAL, not-defaulting [3] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } -- Links Link-or-Link-Class-Locator ::= CHOICE { linkClass [0] Link-Class-Locator, link [1] Link-Locator } Link-Class-Locator ::= CHOICE { link [0] Link-or-Link-Class-Identifier, link-class-of [1] Link-Class-of-argument, link-class-with [2] Link-Class-with-arguments } Link-Class-of-argument ::= Link-Locator Link-Class-with-arguments ::= AttributeValue-Link-Class-Specification -- The "attribute" and "value" -- arguments are grouped together Link-Locator ::= CHOICE { link [0] Link-or-Link-Class-Identifier, link-with [1] Link-with-arguments } Link-with-arguments ::= SEQUENCE { attributeValueLink [0] AttributeValue-Link-Specification, -- The "attribute" and "value" -- arguments are grouped together not-defaulting [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } -- Content portion locator Content-Portion-Locator ::= CHOICE { contentPortion [0] Content-Portion-Identifier, assoc [1] Assoc-argument, content-with [2] Content-with-argument } Assoc-argument ::= SEQUENCE { component [0] Component-Locator, counters [1] CountersType OPTIONAL } Content-with-argument ::= SEQUENCE { attributeValueContent [0] AttributeValue-Content-Specification, -- The "attribute" and "value" -- arguments are grouped together component [1] Component-Locator OPTIONAL, counters [2] CountersType OPTIONAL, not-defaulting [3] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } -- Styles Style-Locator ::= CHOICE { style [0] Style-Identifier, layout-style-of [1] Layout-Style-of-argument, presentation-style-of [2] Presentation-Style-of-argument, layout-style-with [3] Layout-Style-with-argument, presentation-style-with [4] Presentation-Style-with-argument } Layout-Style-of-argument ::= Component-Locator Presentation-Style-of-argument ::= Component-Locator Layout-Style-with-argument ::= SEQUENCE { attributeValueLayoutStyle [0] AttributeValue-LayoutStyle-Specification, -- The "attribute" and -- "value" arguments are grouped together not-defaulting [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } Presentation-Style-with-argument ::= SEQUENCE { attributeValuePresentationStyle [0] AttributeValue-PresentationStyle-Specification, -- The "attribute" and -- "value" arguments are grouped together not-defaulting [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } -- Counters CountersType ::= SEQUENCE { start [0] INTEGER OPTIONAL, end [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL } -- Attribute-Value specifications -- Classes AttributeValue-Class-Specification ::= CHOICE { value [0] Simple-AttributeValue-Class-Specification, range [1] SEQUENCE {start [0] Simple-AttributeValue-Class-Specification OPTIONAL, end [1] Simple-AttributeValue-Class-Specification OPTIONAL } } Simple-AttributeValue-Class-Specification ::= CHOICE { layout [0] Layout-Class-Descriptor, logical [1] Logical-Class-Descriptor } -- Objects AttributeValue-Object-Specification ::= CHOICE { value [0] Simple-AttributeValue-Object-Specification, range [1] SEQUENCE {start [0] Simple-AttributeValue-Object-Specification OPTIONAL, end [1] Simple-AttributeValue-Object-Specification OPTIONAL } } Simple-AttributeValue-Object-Specification ::= CHOICE { layout [0] Layout-Object-Descriptor, logical [1] Logical-Object-Descriptor } -- Link classes AttributeValue-Link-Class-Specification ::= CHOICE { value [0] Simple-AttributeValue-Link-Class-Specification, range [1] SEQUENCE {start [0] Simple-AttributeValue-Link-Class-Specification OPTIONAL, end [1] Simple-AttributeValue-Link-Class-Specification OPTIONAL} } Simple-AttributeValue-Link-Class-Specification ::= Link-Class-Descriptor -- Links AttributeValue-Link-Specification ::= CHOICE { value [0] Simple-AttributeValue-Link-Specification, range [1] SEQUENCE {start [0] Simple-AttributeValue-Link-Specification OPTIONAL, end [1] Simple-AttributeValue-Link-Specification OPTIONAL } } Simple-AttributeValue-Link-Specification ::= Link-Descriptor -- Contents AttributeValue-Content-Specification ::= CHOICE { value [0] Simple-AttributeValue-Content-Specification, range [1] SEQUENCE {start [0] Simple-AttributeValue-Content-Specification OPTIONAL, end [1] Simple-AttributeValue-Content-Specification OPTIONAL } } Simple-AttributeValue-Content-Specification ::= Text-Unit -- Layout Styles AttributeValue-LayoutStyle-Specification ::= CHOICE { value [0] Simple-AttributeValue-LayoutStyle-Specification, range [1] SEQUENCE {start [0] Simple-AttributeValue-LayoutStyle-Specification OPTIONAL, end [1] Simple-AttributeValue-LayoutStyle-Specification OPTIONAL} } Simple-AttributeValue-LayoutStyle-Specification ::= Layout-Style-Descriptor -- Presentation Styles AttributeValue-PresentationStyle-Specification ::= CHOICE { value [0] Simple-AttributeValue-PresentationStyle-Specification, range [1] SEQUENCE {start [0] Simple-AttributeValue-PresentationStyle-Specification OPTIONAL, end [1] Simple-AttributeValue-PresentationStyle-Specification OPTIONAL} } Simple-AttributeValue-PresentationStyle-Specification ::= Presentation-Style-Descriptor -- Subprofiles AttributeValue-Subprofile-Specification ::= CHOICE { value [0] Simple-AttributeValue-Subprofile-Specification, range [1] SEQUENCE {start [0] Simple-AttributeValue-Subprofile-Specification OPTIONAL, end [1] Simple-AttributeValue-Subprofile-Specification OPTIONAL} } Simple-AttributeValue-Subprofile-Specification ::= Subprofile-Descriptor END -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D