-- Module Reliable-Transfer-APDU (X.228:11/1988) Reliable-Transfer-APDU {joint-iso-itu-t reliable-transfer(3) apdus(0)} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS rTSE, rTSE-abstract-syntax, RTORQapdu, RTOACapdu, RTORJapdu, RTABapdu; -- for use by Presentation Layer only IMPORTS CONTRACT FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)}; OPEN ::= CLASS {&Type }WITH SYNTAX {TYPE &Type } rTSE-abstract-syntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-itu-t reliable-transfer(3) abstract-syntax(2)} rTSE CONTRACT ::= {ID {joint-iso-itu-t reliable-transfer(3) aseID(1)} } RTSE-apdus ::= CHOICE { rtorq-apdu [16] IMPLICIT RTORQapdu, rtoac-apdu [17] IMPLICIT RTOACapdu, rtorj-apdu [18] IMPLICIT RTORJapdu, rttp-apdu RTTPapdu, rttr-apdu RTTRapdu, rtab-apdu [22] IMPLICIT RTABapdu } -- Tags [19], [20], [21] are used by the values of the UNBIND macro of the RO-notation of -- Recommendation X.219. Tags [0] to [15] inclusive are reserved for the -- use by the APDUs of ROSE (Recommendation X229). Any occurrence of -- ANY in this module shall be replaced by a single ASN. 1 type (if any) in an RTSE-user -- protocol specification. In addition any RTSE-user protocol sharing a single named -- abstract syntax with the RTSE protocol shall use distinct tags for the single -- presentation data values in the user data parameters of the RT-CLOSE (if any) and -- RT- TRANSFER services. These tags shall be distinct from the tag values [16], [17], -- [18] and [22] and from the ASN. 1 types INTEGER and OCTET STRING. -- Note - The above conditions are ensured, if the RTSE-user protocol specification uses the -- RO-notation of Recommendation X229. -- In X.410-1984 mode only the components of RTORQapdu, RTOACapdu, RTORJapdu -- and RTABapdu are used by the presentation layer. This has the effect that the following -- APDU types appear in the protocol in X.410-1984 mode instead of the alternative types -- of the RTSE-apdus type: -- RTORQapdu -- RTOACapdu -- RTORJapdu -- RTTPapdu -- RTTRapdu -- RTABapdu RTORQapdu ::= SET { checkpointSize [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER DEFAULT 0, windowSize [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER DEFAULT 3, dialogueMode [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER {monologue(0), twa(1)} DEFAULT monologue, connectionDataRQ [3] ConnectionData, applicationProtocol [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL --solely in X.410-1984 mode-- } RTOACapdu ::= SET { checkpointSize [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER DEFAULT 0, windowSize [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER DEFAULT 3, connectionDataAC [2] ConnectionData } RTORJapdu ::= SET { refuseReason [0] IMPLICIT RefuseReason OPTIONAL, -- only in X.410-1984 mode userDataRJ [1] OPEN.&Type OPTIONAL -- RTSE user data, only in normal mode-- } RTTPapdu ::= -- priority-- INTEGER RTTRapdu ::= OCTET STRING RTABapdu ::= SET { abortReason [0] IMPLICIT AbortReason OPTIONAL, reflectedParameter [1] IMPLICIT BIT STRING OPTIONAL, -- 8 bits maximum, only if abortReason is invalidParameter userdataAB [2] OPEN.&Type OPTIONAL -- only in normal mode and if abortReason-- -- is userError } ConnectionData ::= CHOICE { open [0] OPEN.&Type, -- RTSE user data -- this alternative is encoded as [0] IMPLICIT NULL -- in the case of absence of RTSE user data, recover [1] IMPLICIT SessionConnectionIdentifier } SessionConnectionIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { callingSSuserReference CallingSSuserReference, commonReference CommonReference, additionalReferenceInformation [0] IMPLICIT AdditionalReferenceInformation OPTIONAL } RefuseReason ::= INTEGER { rtsBusy(0), cannotRecover(1), validationFailure(2), unacceptableDialogueMode(3)} CallingSSuserReference ::= CHOICE { t61String T61String -- solely in X.410-1984 --, octetString OCTET STRING -- solely in normal mode -- } CommonReference ::= UTCTime AdditionalReferenceInformation ::= T61String AbortReason ::= INTEGER { localSystemProblem(0), invalidParameter(1), -- reflectedParameter supplied unrecognizedActivity(2), temporaryProblem(3), -- the RTSE cannot accept a session for a period of time protocolError(4), -- RTSE level protocol error permanentProblem(5), --provider-abort solely in normal mode userError(6), -- user-abort solely in normal mode transferCompleted(7) -- activity can't be discarded--} END -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D