-- Module Character-Profile-Attributes (T.416:03/1993) Character-Profile-Attributes {2 8 1 6 4} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS Character-Presentation-Feature, Character-Coding-Attribute, Character-Content-Defaults; IMPORTS Character-Attributes, One-Of-Four-Angles, One-Of-Two-Angles, Measure-Pair, Alignment, Layout-Table, Graphic-Rendition, Formatting-Indicator, Character-Fonts, Itemization, Kerning-Offset, Proportional-Line-Spacing, Pairwise-Kerning FROM Character-Presentation-Attributes; -- see 11.2 Character-Presentation-Feature ::= CHOICE { character-path [0] IMPLICIT One-Of-Four-Angles, line-progression [1] IMPLICIT One-Of-Two-Angles, character-orientation [2] IMPLICIT One-Of-Four-Angles, initial-offset [3] IMPLICIT Measure-Pair, character-spacing [6] IMPLICIT INTEGER, line-spacing [7] IMPLICIT INTEGER, alignment [8] IMPLICIT Alignment, line-layout-table [9] IMPLICIT Layout-Table, graphic-rendition [10] IMPLICIT Graphic-Rendition, formatting-indicator [11] IMPLICIT Formatting-Indicator, character-fonts [12] IMPLICIT Character-Fonts, graphic-char-subrepertoire [13] IMPLICIT INTEGER, itemization [14] IMPLICIT Itemization, widow-size [15] IMPLICIT INTEGER, orphan-size [16] IMPLICIT INTEGER, graphic-character-sets [17] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, indentation [19] IMPLICIT INTEGER, kerning-offset [20] IMPLICIT Kerning-Offset, proportional-line-spacing [21] IMPLICIT Proportional-Line-Spacing, pairwise-kerning [22] IMPLICIT Pairwise-Kerning, first-line-offset [23] IMPLICIT INTEGER, code-extension-announcers [24] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING } Character-Coding-Attribute ::= NULL -- no character coding attributes -- are defined in this part of -- ITU-T Rec. T.410-Series | ISO/IEC 8613 Character-Content-Defaults ::= Character-Attributes END -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D