-- Module DOR-definition (ISO|IEC 10031-2:1991) DOR-definition {joint-iso-itu-t dor(4) reference-definition(0)} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS AE-Identifier, Altered-value, DOR, dor-abstract-syntax, dor-syntax-asn1, dorx, Extend-QoS, Local-reference, Locational-identifier, Produce-QoS, QoS-level, Quality-of-Service, Requested-QoS-level, Single-use-of-reference, Token; IMPORTS DistinguishedName FROM InformationFramework {joint-iso-itu-t ds(5) module(1) informationFramework(1) 3} PresentationAddress FROM SelectedAttributeTypes {joint-iso-itu-t ds(5) module(1) selectedAttributeTypes(5) 3}; -- Defined Object Identifiers dorx OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-itu-t dor(11)} -- Object identifier for abstract syntax of DOR dor-abstract-syntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dorx reference-abstract-syntax(1)} -- Object identifier for abstract syntax of DOR with basic ASN.1 encodings in -- EXTERNAL dor-syntax-asn1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dorx reference-syntax(2) asn1(0)} -- Definition of DOR type DOR ::= SEQUENCE { ae-identifier [0] AE-Identifier OPTIONAL, -- mandatory in case of produce-operations and consume-operations local-reference [1] Local-reference, data-object-type OBJECT IDENTIFIER, -- identifying the abstract syntax and the transfer syntax of the -- referenced data value quality-of-service [2] Quality-of-Service DEFAULT {}, token [3] Token OPTIONAL } AE-Identifier ::= SEQUENCE { -- at least one component shall be present locational-identifier [0] Locational-identifier OPTIONAL, direct-logical-identifier [1] DistinguishedName OPTIONAL, indirect-logical-identifier [2] DistinguishedName OPTIONAL } Locational-identifier ::= SEQUENCE { presentation-address [0] PresentationAddress, ae-title [1] AE-title OPTIONAL, -- as defined in ISO 8650:1988/Cor.1:1990 application-contexts SET OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER } Local-reference ::= SEQUENCE { application [0] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, specific-reference [1] OCTET STRING } Quality-of-Service ::= SEQUENCE { qoS-level [0] QoS-level DEFAULT level-1:NULL, usage-of-reference Single-use-of-reference DEFAULT TRUE } QoS-level ::= CHOICE { level-1 [1] IMPLICIT NULL, level-2 [2] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime, -- specifying the produce time level-3 [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE {produce-time GeneralizedTime, fidelity-time GeneralizedTime} } Single-use-of-reference ::= BOOLEAN Token ::= CHOICE { simpletoken OCTET STRING, -- used to validate an access which use this DOR externaltoken EXTERNAL -- for future proxy mechanism } -- Data types for produce-operations Produce-QoS ::= SEQUENCE { qoS-level [0] Requested-QoS-level DEFAULT level-1:NULL, usage-of-reference Single-use-of-reference DEFAULT TRUE } Requested-QoS-level ::= CHOICE { level-1 [1] IMPLICIT NULL, level-2 [2] IMPLICIT NULL, level-3 [3] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime -- specifying the requested fidelity-time } -- Data types for extending a specific QoS Extend-QoS ::= SEQUENCE { qoS-level [0] Requested-QoS-level OPTIONAL, -- if omitted, no change required usage-of-reference Single-use-of-reference OPTIONAL -- if omitted, no change required } -- Data types for requesting / indicating value alteration in produce-operation -- or access-operation Altered-value ::= ENUMERATED { value-not-altered(1), value-altered(2), undefined(3)} -- dw: definition of AE-title, as defined in ISO 8650:1988/Cor.1:1990 -- dw: defined in-line here so we don't need to import it, original comments -- dw: are as they appear in the 8650:1988 Annex E AP-title ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type -- The exact definition and values used for AP-title -- should be chosen taking into account the ongoing -- work in areas of naming, the Directory, and the -- Registration Authority procedures for AE titles, -- AE titles, and AE qualifiers AE-qualifier ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type -- The exact definition and values used for AE-qualifier -- should be chosen taking into account the ongoing -- work in areas of naming, the Directory, and the -- Registration Authority procedures for AE titles, -- AE titles, and AE qualifiers AE-title ::= SEQUENCE {ap AP-title, ae AE-qualifier } END -- of DOR-definition -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D