-- Module MSAbstractService (X.413:06/1999) MSAbstractService {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ms(4) modules(0) abstract-service(1) version-1999(1)} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Prologue -- Exports everything IMPORTS -- MTS information object classes operationObject1, ABSTRACT-ERROR, ABSTRACT-OPERATION, EXTENSION, MHS-OBJECT, PORT, -- MTS objects and ports administration, delivery, mts-user, submission, -- MTS abstract-operations and abstract-errors cancel-deferred-delivery, element-of-service-not-subscribed, inconsistent-request, new-credentials-unacceptable, old-credentials-incorrectly-specified, originator-invalid, recipient-improperly-specified, remote-bind-error, security-error, submission-control, submission-control-violated, unsupported-critical-function, -- MTS abstract-service data-types CertificateSelectors, Credentials, InitiatorCredentials, MessageSubmissionArgument, MessageSubmissionResult, MessageToken, ORAddressAndOrDirectoryName, ProbeSubmissionArgument, ProbeSubmissionResult, ResponderCredentials, SecurityContext, SecurityLabel FROM MTSAbstractService {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) mts(3) modules(0) mts-abstract-service(1) version-1999(1)} -- MTS abstract-service 1988 ports administration-88 --== FROM MTSAbstractService88 {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) mts(3) modules(0) mts-abstract-service(1) version-1988(1988)} -- MTS abstract-service upper bounds ub-content-types, ub-encoded-information-types, ub-labels-and-redirections --== FROM MTSUpperBounds {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) mts(3) modules(0) upper-bounds(3) version-1999(1)} -- MS X413ATTRIBUTE table AttributeTable --== FROM MSGeneralAttributeTypes {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ms(4) modules(0) general-attribute-types(2) version-1999(1)} -- MS matching rule table MatchingRuleTable --== FROM MSMatchingRules {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ms(4) modules(0) general-matching-rules(5) version-1999(1)} -- MS auto-action-table and auto-action-error table AutoActionTable, AutoActionErrorTable --== FROM MSGeneralAutoActionTypes {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ms(4) modules(0) general-auto-action-types(3) version-1994(0)} -- MS object-identifiers id-cp-ms-connection, id-crt-ms-access-88, id-crt-ms-access-94, id-ext-modify-capability, id-ext-modify-retrieval-status-capability, id-ext-originator-token, id-ext-originator-certificate-selectors-override, id-ext-protected-change-credentials, id-ext-protected-change-credentials-capability, id-ot-ms, id-ot-ms-user, id-pt-retrieval-88, id-pt-retrieval-94, id-pt-ms-submission --== FROM MSObjectIdentifiers {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ms(4) modules(0) object-identifiers(0) version-1999(1)} -- MS Access abstract-operation and error codes err-attribute-error, err-auto-action-request-error, err-ms-extension-error, err-delete-error, err-entry-class-error, err-fetch-restriction-error, err-invalid-parameters-error, err-message-group-error, err-modify-error, err-range-error, err-security-error, err-sequence-number-error, err-service-error, err-register-ms-error, op-alert, op-delete, op-fetch, op-list, op-modify, op-ms-message-submission, op-ms-probe-submission, op-register-ms, op-summarize --== FROM MSAccessProtocol {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) protocols(0) modules(0) ms-access-protocol(2) version-1999(1)} -- MS abstract-service upper bounds ub-attributes-supported, ub-attribute-values, ub-auto-action-errors, ub-auto-actions, ub-auto-registrations, ub-default-registrations, ub-entry-classes, ub-error-reasons, ub-extensions, ub-group-depth, ub-group-descriptor-length, ub-group-part-length, ub-matching-rules, ub-message-groups, ub-messages, ub-modifications, ub-per-entry, ub-per-auto-action, ub-service-information-length, ub-summaries, ub-supplementary-info-length, ub-ua-registration-identifier-length, ub-ua-registrations, ub-restrictions --== FROM MSUpperBounds {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ms(4) modules(0) upper-bounds(4) version-1994(0)} -- MATCHING-RULE information object class MATCHING-RULE --== FROM InformationFramework -- Remote Operations CONTRACT, CONNECTION-PACKAGE --== FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)} emptyUnbind FROM Remote-Operations-Useful-Definitions {joint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4) useful-definitions(7) version1(0)}; -- MS Abstract Objects ms MHS-OBJECT ::= { IS {mts-user} RESPONDS {ms-access-contract-88 | ms-access-contract-94} ID id-ot-ms } ms-user MHS-OBJECT ::= { INITIATES {ms-access-contract-88 | ms-access-contract-94} ID id-ot-ms-user } -- Contracts ms-access-contract-94 CONTRACT ::= { CONNECTION ms-connect INITIATOR CONSUMER OF {retrieval | ms-submission | administration} ID id-crt-ms-access-94 } ms-access-contract-88 CONTRACT ::= { CONNECTION ms-connect -- with all 1994 extensions omitted INITIATOR CONSUMER OF {retrieval-88 | submission | administration-88} ID id-crt-ms-access-88 } -- Connection-package ms-connect CONNECTION-PACKAGE ::= { BIND ms-bind UNBIND ms-unbind ID id-cp-ms-connection } -- MS Ports retrieval PORT ::= { OPERATIONS {operationObject1, ...} CONSUMER INVOKES {summarize | list | fetch | delete | register-MS, ... -- 1994 extension addition --, modify} SUPPLIER INVOKES {alert} ID id-pt-retrieval-94 } retrieval-88 PORT ::= { -- With all 1994 extensions to the abstract-operations absent OPERATIONS {operationObject1, ...} CONSUMER INVOKES {summarize | list | fetch | delete | register-MS} SUPPLIER INVOKES {alert} ID id-pt-retrieval-88 } ms-submission PORT ::= { OPERATIONS {operationObject1, ...} CONSUMER INVOKES {ms-message-submission | ms-probe-submission | ms-cancel-deferred-delivery} SUPPLIER INVOKES {ms-submission-control} ID id-pt-ms-submission } -- X413ATTRIBUTE information object class X413ATTRIBUTE ::= CLASS { &id AttributeType UNIQUE, &Type , &equalityMatch MATCHING-RULE OPTIONAL, &substringsMatch MATCHING-RULE OPTIONAL, &orderingMatch MATCHING-RULE OPTIONAL, &numeration ENUMERATED {single-valued(0), multi-valued(1)}, -- 1994 extension &OtherMatches MATCHING-RULE OPTIONAL } WITH SYNTAX { WITH ATTRIBUTE-SYNTAX &Type, [EQUALITY MATCHING-RULE &equalityMatch,] [SUBSTRINGS MATCHING-RULE &substringsMatch,] [ORDERING MATCHING-RULE &orderingMatch,] [OTHER MATCHING-RULES &OtherMatches,] NUMERATION &numeration, ID &id } Attribute ::= SEQUENCE { attribute-type X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}), attribute-values SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-attribute-values) OF X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type({AttributeTable}{@attribute-type}) } AttributeType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- AUTO-ACTION information object class AUTO-ACTION ::= CLASS { &id AutoActionType UNIQUE, &RegistrationParameter OPTIONAL, &Errors AUTO-ACTION-ERROR OPTIONAL } WITH SYNTAX { [REGISTRATION PARAMETER IS &RegistrationParameter] [ERRORS &Errors] IDENTIFIED BY &id } AutoActionType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER AutoActionRegistration ::= SEQUENCE { auto-action-type AUTO-ACTION.&id({AutoActionTable}), registration-identifier [0] INTEGER(1..ub-per-auto-action) DEFAULT 1, registration-parameter [1] AUTO-ACTION.&RegistrationParameter ({AutoActionTable}{@auto-action-type}) OPTIONAL } -- AUTO-ACTION-ERROR information object class AUTO-ACTION-ERROR ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR AutoActionError ::= SET { error-code [0] AUTO-ACTION-ERROR.&errorCode({AutoActionErrorTable}), error-parameter [1] AUTO-ACTION-ERROR.&ParameterType({AutoActionErrorTable}{@error-code}) OPTIONAL } -- MS-EXTENSION information object class MS-EXTENSION ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER MSExtensionItem ::= INSTANCE OF MS-EXTENSION MSExtensions ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-extensions) OF MSExtensionItem -- Common data-types related to the information model EntryClass ::= INTEGER { delivery(0), -- 1994 extensions submission(1), draft(2), stored-message(3), delivery-log(4), submission-log(5), message-log(6), auto-action-log(7)}(0..ub-entry-classes) EntryType ::= INTEGER { delivered-message(0), delivered-report(1), returned-content(2), -- 1994 extensions submitted-message(3), submitted-probe(4), draft-message(5), auto-action-event(6)} SequenceNumber ::= INTEGER(0..ub-messages) RetrievalStatus ::= INTEGER {new(0), listed(1), processed(2)} MessageGroupName ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-group-depth) OF GroupNamePart GroupNamePart ::= GeneralString(SIZE (1..ub-group-part-length)) -- MS-bind abstract-operation ms-bind ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT MSBindArgument RESULT MSBindResult ERRORS {ms-bind-error} } MSBindArgument ::= SET { initiator-name ORAddressAndOrDirectoryName, initiator-credentials [2] InitiatorCredentials, security-context [3] IMPLICIT SecurityContext OPTIONAL, fetch-restrictions [4] Restrictions OPTIONAL -- default is none--, ms-configuration-request [5] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, -- 1994 extensions ua-registration-identifier [6] RegistrationIdentifier OPTIONAL, bind-extensions [7] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } Restrictions ::= SET { allowed-content-types [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-content-types) OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL--default is no restriction--, allowed-EITs [1] MS-EITs OPTIONAL --default is no restriction--, maximum-attribute-length [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL --default is no restriction-- } MS-EITs ::= SET SIZE (1..ub-encoded-information-types) OF MS-EIT MS-EIT ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER RegistrationIdentifier ::= PrintableString(SIZE (1..ub-ua-registration-identifier-length)) MSBindResult ::= SET { responder-credentials [2] ResponderCredentials, available-auto-actions [3] SET SIZE (1..ub-auto-actions) OF AUTO-ACTION.&id({AutoActionTable}) OPTIONAL, available-attribute-types [4] SET SIZE (1..ub-attributes-supported) OF X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL, alert-indication [5] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, content-types-supported [6] SET SIZE (1..ub-content-types) OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, -- 1994 extensions entry-classes-supported [7] SET SIZE (1..ub-entry-classes) OF EntryClass OPTIONAL, matching-rules-supported [8] SET SIZE (1..ub-matching-rules) OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, bind-result-extensions [9] MSExtensions OPTIONAL, message-group-depth [10] INTEGER(1..ub-group-depth) OPTIONAL, auto-action-error-indication [11] AutoActionErrorIndication OPTIONAL, unsupported-extensions [12] SET SIZE (1..ub-extensions) OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, ua-registration-id-unknown [13] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, service-information [14] GeneralString(SIZE (1..ub-service-information-length)) OPTIONAL } modify-capability MS-EXTENSION ::= { NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-ext-modify-capability } modify-retrieval-status-capability MS-EXTENSION ::= { NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-ext-modify-retrieval-status-capability } protected-change-credentials-capability MS-EXTENSION ::= { ChangeCredentialsAlgorithms IDENTIFIED BY id-ext-protected-change-credentials-capability } ChangeCredentialsAlgorithms ::= SET OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER AutoActionErrorIndication ::= CHOICE { indication-only [0] NULL, auto-action-log-entry [1] SequenceNumber } ms-bind-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER CHOICE {unqualified-error BindProblem, -- 1994 extension qualified-error SET {bind-problem [0] BindProblem, supplementary-information [1] GeneralString(SIZE (1..ub-supplementary-info-length)) OPTIONAL, bind-extension-errors [2] SET SIZE (1..ub-extensions) OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL}} } BindProblem ::= ENUMERATED { authentication-error(0), unacceptable-security-context(1), unable-to-establish-association(2), ... -- 1994 extension addition --, bind-extension-problem(3), inadequate-association-confidentiality(4) } -- MS Unbind abstract-operation ms-unbind ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= emptyUnbind -- Common data-types Range ::= CHOICE { sequence-number-range [0] NumberRange, creation-time-range [1] TimeRange } NumberRange ::= SEQUENCE { from [0] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL -- omitted means no lower bound--, to [1] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL -- omitted means no upper bound-- } TimeRange ::= SEQUENCE { from [0] CreationTime OPTIONAL -- omitted means no lower bound--, to [1] CreationTime OPTIONAL -- omitted means no upper bound-- } CreationTime ::= UTCTime Filter ::= CHOICE { item [0] FilterItem, and [1] SET OF Filter, or [2] SET OF Filter, not [3] Filter } FilterItem ::= CHOICE { equality [0] AttributeValueAssertion, substrings [1] SEQUENCE {type X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}), strings SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {initial [0] X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type ({AttributeTable}{@substrings.type}), any [1] X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type ({AttributeTable}{@substrings.type}), final [2] X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type ({AttributeTable}{@substrings.type}) }}, greater-or-equal [2] AttributeValueAssertion, less-or-equal [3] AttributeValueAssertion, present [4] X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}), approximate-match [5] AttributeValueAssertion, -- 1994 extension other-match [6] MatchingRuleAssertion } MatchingRuleAssertion ::= SEQUENCE { matching-rule [0] MATCHING-RULE.&id({MatchingRuleTable}), attribute-type [1] X413ATTRIBUTE.&id, match-value [2] MATCHING-RULE.&AssertionType({MatchingRuleTable}{@matching-rule}) } AttributeValueAssertion ::= SEQUENCE { attribute-type X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}), attribute-value X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type({AttributeTable}{@attribute-type}) } Selector ::= SET { child-entries [0] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, range [1] Range OPTIONAL -- default is unbounded --, filter [2] Filter OPTIONAL -- default is all entries within the specified range --, limit [3] INTEGER(1..ub-messages) OPTIONAL, override [4] OverrideRestrictions OPTIONAL -- by default, -- -- any fetch-restrictions in force apply } OverrideRestrictions ::= BIT STRING { override-content-types-restriction(0), override-EITs-restriction(1), override-attribute-length-restriction(2)}(SIZE (1..ub-restrictions)) EntryInformationSelection ::= SET SIZE (0..ub-per-entry) OF AttributeSelection AttributeSelection ::= SET { type X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}), from [0] INTEGER(1..ub-attribute-values) OPTIONAL --used if type is multi valued--, count [1] INTEGER(0..ub-attribute-values) OPTIONAL --used if type is multi valued-- } EntryInformation ::= SEQUENCE { sequence-number SequenceNumber, attributes SET SIZE (1..ub-per-entry) OF Attribute OPTIONAL, -- 1994 extension value-count-exceeded [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-per-entry) OF AttributeValueCount OPTIONAL } AttributeValueCount ::= SEQUENCE { type [0] X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}), total [1] INTEGER } MSSubmissionOptions ::= SET { object-entry-class [0] EntryClass(submission | submission-log | draft) OPTIONAL, disable-auto-modify [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, add-message-group-names [2] SET SIZE (1..ub-message-groups) OF MessageGroupName OPTIONAL, ms-submission-extensions [3] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } originator-token MS-EXTENSION ::= { OriginatorToken IDENTIFIED BY id-ext-originator-token } OriginatorToken ::= MessageToken (CONSTRAINED BY { -- Must contain an asymmetric-token with an encrypted-data component --}) originator-certificate-selectors-override MS-EXTENSION ::= { CertificateSelectors (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., message-origin-authentication ABSENT }) IDENTIFIED BY id-ext-originator-certificate-selectors-override } CommonSubmissionResults ::= SET { created-entry [0] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, auto-action-error-indication [1] AutoActionErrorIndication OPTIONAL, ms-submission-result-extensions [2] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } -- Retrieval Port abstract-operations summarize ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT SummarizeArgument RESULT SummarizeResult ERRORS {attribute-error | invalid-parameters-error | range-error | security-error | service-error, ... -- 1994 extension additions --, entry-class-error | ms-extension-error} LINKED {operationObject1, ...} CODE op-summarize } SummarizeArgument ::= SET { entry-class [0] EntryClass DEFAULT delivery, selector [1] Selector, summary-requests [2] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-summaries) OF X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL -- absent if no summaries are requested--, -- 1994 extension summarize-extensions [3] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } SummarizeResult ::= SET { next [0] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, count [1] INTEGER(0..ub-messages)-- of the entries selected-- , span [2] Span OPTIONAL -- of the entries selected,---- omitted if count is zero --, summaries [3] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-summaries) OF Summary OPTIONAL, -- 1994 extension summarize-result-extensions [4] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } Span ::= SEQUENCE {lowest [0] SequenceNumber, highest [1] SequenceNumber } Summary ::= SET { absent [0] INTEGER(1..ub-messages) OPTIONAL --count of entries where X413ATTRIBUTE is absent--, present [1] SET SIZE (1..ub-attribute-values) OF--one for each X413ATTRIBUTE value present-- SEQUENCE {type X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}), value X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type({AttributeTable}{@.type}), count INTEGER(1..ub-messages)} OPTIONAL } -- list ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ListArgument RESULT ListResult ERRORS {attribute-error | invalid-parameters-error | range-error | security-error | service-error, ... -- 1994 extension additions --, entry-class-error | ms-extension-error} LINKED {operationObject1, ...} CODE op-list } ListArgument ::= SET { entry-class [0] EntryClass DEFAULT delivery, selector [1] Selector, requested-attributes [3] EntryInformationSelection OPTIONAL, -- 1994 extension list-extensions [4] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } ListResult ::= SET { next [0] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, requested [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF EntryInformation OPTIONAL--omitted if none found--, -- 1994 extension list-result-extensions [2] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } -- fetch ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT FetchArgument RESULT FetchResult ERRORS {attribute-error | fetch-restriction-error | invalid-parameters-error | range-error | security-error | sequence-number-error | service-error, ... -- 1994 extension additions --, entry-class-error | ms-extension-error} LINKED {operationObject1, ...} CODE op-fetch } FetchArgument ::= SET { entry-class [0] EntryClass DEFAULT delivery, item CHOICE {search [1] Selector, precise [2] SequenceNumber}, requested-attributes [3] EntryInformationSelection OPTIONAL, -- 1994 extension fetch-extensions [4] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } FetchResult ::= SET { entry-information [0] EntryInformation OPTIONAL --if an entry was selected--, list [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, next [2] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, -- 1994 extension fetch-result-extensions [3] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } -- delete ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT DeleteArgument RESULT DeleteResult ERRORS {delete-error | invalid-parameters-error | range-error | security-error | sequence-number-error | service-error, ... -- 1994 extension additions --, entry-class-error | ms-extension-error} LINKED {operationObject1, ...} CODE op-delete } DeleteArgument ::= SET { entry-class [0] EntryClass DEFAULT delivery, items CHOICE {selector [1] Selector, sequence-numbers [2] SET SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber }, -- 1994 extension delete-extensions [3] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } DeleteResult ::= CHOICE { delete-result-88 NULL, -- 1994 extension delete-result-94 SET {entries-deleted [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, delete-result-extensions [1] MSExtensions OPTIONAL} } -- register-MS ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT Register-MSArgument RESULT Register-MSResult ERRORS {attribute-error | auto-action-request-error | invalid-parameters-error | security-error | service-error | old-credentials-incorrectly-specified | new-credentials-unacceptable, ... -- 1994 extension additions --, message-group-error | ms-extension-error | register-ms-error} LINKED {operationObject1, ...} CODE op-register-ms } Register-MSArgument ::= SET { auto-action-registrations [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-auto-registrations) OF AutoActionRegistration OPTIONAL, auto-action-deregistrations [1] SET SIZE (1..ub-auto-registrations) OF AutoActionDeregistration OPTIONAL, list-attribute-defaults [2] SET SIZE (0..ub-default-registrations) OF X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL, fetch-attribute-defaults [3] SET SIZE (0..ub-default-registrations) OF X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL, change-credentials [4] SEQUENCE {old-credentials [0] Credentials(WITH COMPONENTS { simple }), new-credentials [1] Credentials(WITH COMPONENTS { simple })} OPTIONAL, user-security-labels [5] SET SIZE (1..ub-labels-and-redirections) OF SecurityLabel OPTIONAL, -- 1994 extensions ua-registrations [6] SET SIZE (1..ub-ua-registrations) OF UARegistration OPTIONAL, submission-defaults [7] MSSubmissionOptions OPTIONAL, message-group-registrations [8] MessageGroupRegistrations OPTIONAL, registration-status-request [9] RegistrationTypes OPTIONAL, register-ms-extensions [10] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } AutoActionDeregistration ::= SEQUENCE { auto-action-type AUTO-ACTION.&id({AutoActionTable}), registration-identifier [0] INTEGER(1..ub-per-auto-action) DEFAULT 1 } UARegistration ::= SET { ua-registration-identifier [0] RegistrationIdentifier, ua-list-attribute-defaults [1] SET SIZE (0..ub-default-registrations) OF X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL, ua-fetch-attribute-defaults [2] SET SIZE (0..ub-default-registrations) OF X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL, ua-submission-defaults [3] MSSubmissionOptions OPTIONAL, content-specific-defaults [4] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } MessageGroupRegistrations ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-default-registrations) OF CHOICE {register-group [0] MessageGroupNameAndDescriptor, deregister-group [1] MessageGroupName, change-descriptors [2] MessageGroupNameAndDescriptor} MessageGroupNameAndDescriptor ::= SET { message-group-name [0] MessageGroupName, message-group-descriptor [1] GeneralString(SIZE (1..ub-group-descriptor-length)) OPTIONAL } RegistrationTypes ::= SET { registrations [0] BIT STRING {auto-action-registrations(0), list-attribute-defaults(1), fetch-attribute-defaults(2), ua-registrations(3), submission-defaults(4), message-group-registrations(5)} OPTIONAL, extended-registrations [1] SET OF MS-EXTENSION.&id OPTIONAL, restrict-message-groups [2] MessageGroupsRestriction OPTIONAL } MessageGroupsRestriction ::= SET { parent-group [0] MessageGroupName OPTIONAL, immediate-descendants-only [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, omit-descriptors [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE } protected-change-credentials MS-EXTENSION ::= { ProtectedChangeCredentials IDENTIFIED BY id-ext-protected-change-credentials } ProtectedChangeCredentials ::= SEQUENCE { algorithm-identifier [0] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER, old-credentials InitiatorCredentials(WITH COMPONENTS { protected PRESENT }), password-delta [2] IMPLICIT BIT STRING } Register-MSResult ::= CHOICE { no-status-information NULL, -- 1994 extension registered-information SET {auto-action-registrations [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-auto-registrations) OF AutoActionRegistration OPTIONAL, list-attribute-defaults [1] SET SIZE (1..ub-default-registrations) OF X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL, fetch-attribute-defaults [2] SET SIZE (1..ub-default-registrations) OF X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}) OPTIONAL, ua-registrations [3] SET SIZE (1..ub-ua-registrations) OF UARegistration OPTIONAL, submission-defaults [4] MSSubmissionOptions OPTIONAL, message-group-registrations [5] SET SIZE (1..ub-message-groups) OF MessageGroupNameAndDescriptor OPTIONAL, register-ms-result-extensions [6] MSExtensions OPTIONAL} } -- alert ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT AlertArgument RESULT AlertResult ERRORS {security-error} LINKED {operationObject1, ...} CODE op-alert } AlertArgument ::= SET { alert-registration-identifier [0] INTEGER(1..ub-auto-actions), new-entry [2] EntryInformation OPTIONAL } AlertResult ::= NULL -- modify ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ModifyArgument RESULT ModifyResult ERRORS {attribute-error | invalid-parameters-error | security-error | sequence-number-error | service-error | modify-error | message-group-error | entry-class-error | ms-extension-error, ... -- For future extension additions --} LINKED {operationObject1, ...} CODE op-modify } ModifyArgument ::= SET { entry-class [0] EntryClass DEFAULT delivery, entries CHOICE {selector [1] Selector, specific-entries [2] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber}, modifications [3] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-modifications) OF EntryModification, modify-extensions [4] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } EntryModification ::= SET { strict [0] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, modification CHOICE {add-attribute [1] Attribute, remove-attribute [2] X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}), add-values [3] OrderedAttribute, remove-values [4] OrderedAttribute} } OrderedAttribute ::= SEQUENCE { attribute-type X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}), attribute-values SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-attribute-values) OF SEQUENCE {-- at least one must be specified value [0] X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type({AttributeTable}{@attribute-type}) OPTIONAL, position [1] INTEGER(1..ub-attribute-values) OPTIONAL } } ModifyResult ::= SET { entries-modified [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, modify-result-extensions [1] MSExtensions OPTIONAL } -- MS-submission Port abstract-operations ms-message-submission ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT MSMessageSubmissionArgument RESULT MSMessageSubmissionResult ERRORS {submission-control-violated | element-of-service-not-subscribed | originator-invalid | recipient-improperly-specified | inconsistent-request | security-error | unsupported-critical-function | remote-bind-error, ... -- 1994 extension additions --, ms-extension-error | message-group-error | entry-class-error | service-error} LINKED {operationObject1, ...} CODE op-ms-message-submission } MSMessageSubmissionArgument ::= SEQUENCE { COMPONENTS OF MessageSubmissionArgument -- This imported type has IMPLICIT tags --, -- 1994 extension submission-options [4] MSSubmissionOptions OPTIONAL } forwarding-request EXTENSION ::= { SequenceNumber, IDENTIFIED BY standard-extension:36 } MSMessageSubmissionResult ::= CHOICE { mts-result SET {COMPONENTS OF MessageSubmissionResult-- This imported type has IMPLICIT tags -- , -- 1994 extension ms-message-result [4] CommonSubmissionResults OPTIONAL}, -- 1994 extension store-draft-result [4] CommonSubmissionResults } -- ms-probe-submission ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT MSProbeSubmissionArgument RESULT MSProbeSubmissionResult ERRORS {submission-control-violated | element-of-service-not-subscribed | originator-invalid | recipient-improperly-specified | inconsistent-request | security-error | unsupported-critical-function | remote-bind-error, ... -- 1994 extension additions --, ms-extension-error | message-group-error | entry-class-error | service-error} LINKED {operationObject1, ...} CODE op-ms-probe-submission } MSProbeSubmissionArgument ::= SET { COMPONENTS OF ProbeSubmissionArgument -- This imported type has IMPLICIT tags --, -- 1994 extension submission-options [4] MSSubmissionOptions OPTIONAL } MSProbeSubmissionResult ::= SET { COMPONENTS OF ProbeSubmissionResult -- This imported type has IMPLICIT tags --, -- 1994 extension ms-probe-result [4] CommonSubmissionResults OPTIONAL } ms-cancel-deferred-delivery ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= cancel-deferred-delivery ms-submission-control ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= submission-control -- Abstract-errors attribute-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER SET {problems [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-per-entry) OF SET {problem [0] AttributeProblem, type [1] X413ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttributeTable}), value [2] X413ATTRIBUTE.&Type({AttributeTable}{@.type}) OPTIONAL}} CODE err-attribute-error } AttributeProblem ::= INTEGER { invalid-attribute-value(0), unavailable-attribute-type(1), inappropriate-matching(2), attribute-type-not-subscribed(3), inappropriate-for-operation(4), -- 1994 extensions inappropriate-modification(5), single-valued-attribute(6) }(0..ub-error-reasons) -- auto-action-request-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER SET {problems [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-auto-registrations) OF SET {problem [0] AutoActionRequestProblem, type [1] AUTO-ACTION.&id({AutoActionTable}) }} CODE err-auto-action-request-error } AutoActionRequestProblem ::= INTEGER { unavailable-auto-action-type(0), auto-action-type-not-subscribed(1), -- 1994 extension not-willing-to-perform(2)}(0..ub-error-reasons) -- delete-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER SET {problems [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SET {problem [0] DeleteProblem, sequence-number [1] SequenceNumber}, -- 1994 extension entries-deleted [1] SET SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber OPTIONAL} CODE err-delete-error } DeleteProblem ::= INTEGER { child-entry-specified(0), delete-restriction-problem(1), -- 1994 extensions new-entry-specified(2), entry-class-restriction(3), stored-message-exists(4) }(0..ub-error-reasons) -- fetch-restriction-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER SET {problems [0] SET SIZE (1..ub-default-registrations) OF SET {problem [3] FetchRestrictionProblem, restriction CHOICE {content-type [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER, eit [1] MS-EITs, attribute-length [2] INTEGER}}} CODE err-fetch-restriction-error } FetchRestrictionProblem ::= INTEGER { content-type-problem(1), eit-problem(2), maximum-length-problem(3) }(0..ub-error-reasons) -- invalid-parameters-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER NULL CODE err-invalid-parameters-error } -- range-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER SET {problem [0] RangeProblem} CODE err-range-error } RangeProblem ::= INTEGER {reversed(0)}(0..ub-error-reasons) -- sequence-number-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER SET {problems [1] SET SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SET {problem [0] SequenceNumberProblem, sequence-number [1] SequenceNumber}} CODE err-sequence-number-error } SequenceNumberProblem ::= INTEGER {no-such-entry(0)}(0..ub-error-reasons) -- service-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER ServiceErrorParameter CODE err-service-error } ServiceErrorParameter ::= SET { problem [0] ServiceProblem, -- 1994 extension supplementary-information [1] GeneralString(SIZE (1..ub-supplementary-info-length)) OPTIONAL } ServiceProblem ::= INTEGER {busy(0), unavailable(1), unwilling-to-perform(2) }(0..ub-error-reasons) -- message-group-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER MessageGroupErrorParameter CODE err-message-group-error } MessageGroupErrorParameter ::= SET { problem [0] MessageGroupProblem, name [1] MessageGroupName } MessageGroupProblem ::= INTEGER { name-not-registered(0), name-already-registered(1), parent-not-registered(2), group-not-empty(3), name-in-use(4), child-group-registered(5), group-depth-exceeded(6)}(0..ub-error-reasons) -- ms-extension-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER MSExtensionErrorParameter CODE err-ms-extension-error } MSExtensionErrorParameter ::= CHOICE { ms-extension-problem [0] MSExtensionItem, unknown-ms-extension [1] OBJECT IDENTIFIER } -- register-ms-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER SET {problem [0] RegistrationProblem, registration-type [1] RegistrationTypes} CODE err-register-ms-error } RegistrationProblem ::= ENUMERATED { registration-not-supported(0), registration-improperly-specified(1), registration-limit-exceeded(2), ... -- For future extension additions -- } -- modify-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER ModifyErrorParameter CODE err-modify-error } ModifyErrorParameter ::= SET { entries-modified [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-messages) OF SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, failing-entry [1] SequenceNumber, modification-number [2] INTEGER, problem [3] ModifyProblem } ModifyProblem ::= INTEGER { attribute-not-present(0), value-not-present(1), attribute-or-value-already-exists(2), invalid-position(3), modify-restriction-problem(4)}(0..ub-error-reasons) -- entry-class-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= { PARAMETER EntryClassErrorParameter CODE err-entry-class-error } EntryClassErrorParameter ::= SET { entry-class [0] EntryClass, problem [1] BIT STRING {unsupported-entry-class(0), entry-class-not-subscribed(1), inappropriate-entry-class(2)} } END -- of MS Abstract Service -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D