-- Module ISO8571-FTAM (ISO 8571-4:1988) -- See also the README file -- See also the index of all ASN.1 assignments needed in this Recommendation -- -- Copyright ? ISO/IEC 1988. This version of -- this ASN.1 module is part of ISO/IEC 8571-4:1988; -- see the ISO|IEC text itself for full legal notices. -- ISO8571-FTAM {iso standard 8571 application-context(1) iso-ftam(1)} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN PDU ::= CHOICE { fTAM-Regime-PDU FTAM-Regime-PDU, file-PDU File-PDU, bulk-Data-PDU Bulk-Data-PDU, fSM-PDU FSM-PDU } FTAM-Regime-PDU ::= CHOICE { f-initialize-request [0] IMPLICIT F-INITIALIZE-request, f-initialize-response [1] IMPLICIT F-INITIALIZE-response, f-terminate-request [2] IMPLICIT F-TERMINATE-request, f-terminate-response [3] IMPLICIT F-TERMINATE-response, f-u-abort-request [4] IMPLICIT F-U-ABORT-request, f-p-abort-request [5] IMPLICIT F-P-ABORT-request } F-INITIALIZE-request ::= SEQUENCE { protocol-Version Protocol-Version DEFAULT {version-1}, implementation-information Implementation-Information OPTIONAL, presentation-tontext-management [2] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, service-class Service-Class DEFAULT {transfer-class}, -- Only the valid combinations as specified in ISO 8571-3 are allowed. functional-units Functional-Units, attribute-groups Attribute-Groups DEFAULT {}, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, ftam-quality-of-Service FTAM-Quality-of-Service, contents-type-list Contents-Type-List OPTIONAL, initiator-identity User-Identity OPTIONAL, account Account OPTIONAL, filestore-password Password OPTIONAL, checkpoint-window [8] IMPLICIT INTEGER DEFAULT 1 } -- lf the recovery or restart data transfer functional units are -- not available, the Checkpoint-window Parameter shall not be sent. F-INITIALIZE-response ::= SEQUENCE { state-result State-Result DEFAULT success, action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, protocol-Version Protocol-Version DEFAULT {version-1}, implementation-information Implementation-Information OPTIONAL, presentation-tontext-management [2] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, service-class Service-Class DEFAULT {transfer-class}, -- Only the valid combinations as specified in ISO 8571-3 are allowed. functional-units Functional-Units, attribute-groups Attribute-Groups DEFAULT {}, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, ftam-quality-of-Service FTAM-Quality-of-Service, contents-type-list Contents-Type-List OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL, checkpoint-window [8] IMPLICIT INTEGER DEFAULT 1 } -- If the recovery or restart data transfer functional units are -- not available, the Checkpoint-window Parameter shall not be sent. Protocol-Version ::= [0] IMPLICIT BIT STRING {version-1(0), version-2(1) } Implementation-Information ::= [1] IMPLICIT GraphicString -- This Parameter is provided solely for the convenience of implementors -- needing to distinguish between implernentations of a specific version number -- of different equipment, it shall not be the subject of conformance test. Service-Class ::= [3] IMPLICIT BIT STRING { unconstrained-class(0), management-class(1), transfer-class(2), transfer-and-management-class(3), access-class(4)} Functional-Units ::= [4] IMPLICIT BIT STRING { read(2), write(3), file-access(4), limited-file-management(5), enhanced-file-management(6), grouping(7), fadu-locking(8), recovery(9), restart-data-transfer(10), limited-filestore-management(11), enhanced-filestore-management(12), object-manipulation(13), group-manipulation(14), consecutive-access(15), concurrent-access(16) } -- Values 2 to 14 are Chosen to align with numbering scheme used in ISO 8571-3. Attribute-Groups ::= [5] IMPLICIT BIT STRING { storage(0), security(1), private(2), extension(3)} -- The extension bit is defined if and only if the limited-filestore-management -- or the group-manipulation functional units are available. FTAM-Quality-of-Service ::= [6] IMPLICIT INTEGER { no-recovery(0), class-1-recovery(1), class-2-recovery(2), class-3-recovery(3) } Contents-Type-List ::= [7] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {document-type-name Document-Type-Name, abstract-Syntax-name Abstract-Syntax-Name} F-TERMINATE-request ::= SEQUENCE { shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL } F-TERMINATE-response ::= SEQUENCE { shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, charging Charging OPTIONAL } F-U-ABORT-request ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-P-ABORT-request ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } File-PDU ::= CHOICE { f-select-request [6] IMPLICIT F-SELECT-request, f-select-response [7] IMPLICIT F-SELECT-response, f-deselect-request [8] IMPLICIT F-DESELECT-request, f-deselect-response [9] IMPLICIT F-DESELECT-response, f-create-request [10] IMPLICIT F-CREATE-request, f-create-response [11] IMPLICIT F-CREATE-response, f-delete-request [12] IMPLICIT F-DELETE-request, f-delete-response [13] IMPLICIT F-DELETE-response, f-read-attrib-request [14] IMPLICIT F-READ-ATTRIB-request, f-read-attrib-response [15] IMPLICIT F-READ-ATTRIB-response, f-Change-attrib-reques [16] IMPLICIT F-CHANGE-ATTRIB-request, f-Change-attrib-respon [17] IMPLICIT F-CHANGE-ATTRIB-response, f-open-request [18] IMPLICIT F-OPEN-request, f-open-response [19] IMPLICIT F-OPEN-response, f-close-request [20] IMPLICIT F-CLOSE-request, f-close-response [21] IMPLICIT F-CLOSE-response, f-begin-group-request [22] IMPLICIT F-BEGIN-GROUP-request, f-begin-group-response [23] IMPLICIT F-BEGIN-GROUP-response, f-end-group-request [24] IMPLICIT F-END-GROUP-request, f-end-group-response [25] IMPLICIT F-END-GROUP-response, f-recover-request [26] IMPLICIT F-RECOVER-request, f-recover-response [27] IMPLICIT F-RECOVER-response, f-locate-request [28] IMPLICIT F-LOCATE-request, f-locate-response [29] IMPLICIT F-LOCATE-response, f-erase-request [30] IMPLICIT F-ERASE-request, f-erase-response [31] IMPLICIT F-ERASE-response } F-SELECT-request ::= SEQUENCE { attributes Select-Attributes, requested-access Access-Request, access-passwords Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, path-access-passwords Path-Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, -- This Parameter tan only be sent when the -- limited-filestore-management or the object-manipulation or -- the group-manipulation functional units are available. concurrency-control Concurrency-Control OPTIONAL, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, account Account OPTIONAL } F-SELECT-response ::= SEQUENCE { state-result State-Result DEFAULT success, action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, attributes Select-Attributes, referent-indicator Referent-Indicator OPTIONAL, -- This Parameter tan only be sent when the -- limited-filestore-management functional unit is available. shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-DESELECT-request ::= SEQUENCE { shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL } F-DESELECT-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, charging Charging OPTIONAL, -- Present if and only if the account field was present on -- the PDU which established the selection regime. shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-CREATE-request ::= SEQUENCE { override [0] IMPLICIT Override DEFAULT create-failure, initial-attributes Create-Attributes, create-password Password OPTIONAL, requested-access Access-Request, access-passwords Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, path-access-passwords Path-Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, -- This Parameter tan only be sent when the -- limited-filestore-management or the Object-manipulation or -- the group-manipulation functional units are available. concurrency-control Concurrency-Control OPTIONAL, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, account Account OPTIONAL } F-CREATE-response ::= SEQUENCE { state-result State-Result DEFAULT success, action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, initial-attributes Create-Attributes, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-DELETE-request ::= SEQUENCE { shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL } F-DELETE-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, charging Charging OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-READ-ATTRIB-request ::= SEQUENCE { attribute-names [0] IMPLICIT Attribute-Names, attribute-extension-names [1] IMPLICIT Attribute-Extension-Names OPTIONAL } -- This Parameter tan only be sent when the -- limited-filestore-management functional unit is available. F-READ-ATTRIB-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, attributes Read-Attributes OPTIONAL, -- Password values within the access control tan not be read by means -- of the read attribute action. Whether other Parts of the access -- control Object attribute tan be read by means of the read -- attribute action is decided locally by the responding entity, and -- it shall not be the subject of conformance test. diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-CHANGE-ATTRIB-request ::= SEQUENCE {attributes Change-Attributes } F-CHANGE-ATTRIB-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, attributes Change-Attributes OPTIONAL, -- Password values within access control attribute are never returned. -- Other attributes are retumed as an implementation choice. diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-OPEN-request ::= SEQUENCE { processing-mode [0] IMPLICIT BIT STRING {f-read(0), f-insert(1), f-replace(2), f-extend(3), f-erase(4)} DEFAULT {f-read}, contents-type [1] CHOICE {unknown [0] IMPLICIT NULL, proposed [1] Contents-Type-Attribute}, concurrency-control Concurrency-Control OPTIONAL, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, enable-fadu-locking [2] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, activity-identifier Activity-Identifier OPTIONAL, -- Only used in the recovery functional unit. recovery-mode [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER {none(0), at-start-of-file(1), at-any-active-Checkpoint(2)} DEFAULT none, remove-contexts [4] IMPLICIT SET OF Abstract-Syntax-Name OPTIONAL, define-contexts [5] IMPLICIT SET OF Abstract-Syntax-Name OPTIONAL, -- The following are conditional on the negotiation of the consecutive overlap or -- concurrent overlap functional units. degree-of-overlap Degree-Of-Overlap OPTIONAL, transfer-window [7] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } F-OPEN-response ::= SEQUENCE { state-result State-Result DEFAULT success, action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, contents-type [1] Contents-Type-Attribute, concurrency-control Concurrency-Control OPTIONAL, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL, recovery-mode [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER {none(0), at-start-of-file(1), at-any-active-Checkpoint(2)} DEFAULT none, presentation-action [6] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, -- This flag is set if the responder is going to follow this response -- by a P-ALTER-CONTEXT exchange. --The following are conditional on the negotiation of the concecutive access -- or concurent access functional units. degree-of-overlap Degree-Of-Overlap OPTIONAL, transfer-window [7] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } F-CLOSE-request ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-CLOSE-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-BEGIN-GROUP-request ::= SEQUENCE {threshold [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER } F-BEGIN-GROUP-response ::= SEQUENCE { } -- No elements defined, shall be empty. F-END-GROUP-request ::= SEQUENCE { } -- No elements defined, shall be empty. F-END-GROUP-response ::= SEQUENCE { } -- No elements defined, shall be empty. F-RECOVER-request ::= SEQUENCE { activity-identifier Activity-Identifier, bulk-transfer-number [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER, -- If concurrent access was in use then this parameter indicates the read bulk -- transfer. requested-access Access-Request, access-passwords Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, recovefy-Point [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- Zero indicates beginning of file -- Point after last Checkpoint indicates end of file remove-contexts [3] IMPLICIT SET OF Abstract-Syntax-Name OPTIONAL, define-contexts [4] IMPLICIT SET OF Abstract-Syntax-Name OPTIONAL, -- The following are conditional on the negotiation of overlapped access. concurrent-bulk-transfer-number [7] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- conditional on use of concurrent access concurrent-recovery-point [8] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- conditional on use of concurrent access. Zero indicates beginning of file -- point after last checkpoint indicates end of file last-transfer-end-read-response [9] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-write-response [10] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } F-RECOVER-response ::= SEQUENCE { state-result State-Result DEFAULT success, action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, contents-type [1] Contents-Type-Attribute, recovety-Point [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- Zero indicates beginning of file. -- Point after last Checkpoint indicates end of file. diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL, presentation-action [6] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, -- This flag is set if the responder is going to follow this response -- by a P-ALTER-CONTEXT exchange. -- The following are conditional on the negotiation of overlapped access. concurrent-recovery-point [8] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- conditional on use of concurrent access. Zero indicates beginning of file; point after -- last checkpoint indicates end of file last-transfer-end-read-request [9] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-write-request [10] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } F-LOCATE-request ::= SEQUENCE { file-access-data-unit-identity FADU-Identity, fadu-lock FADU-Lock OPTIONAL } F-LOCATE-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, file-access-data-unit-identity FADU-Identity OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-ERASE-request ::= SEQUENCE {file-access-data-unit-identity FADU-Identity } F-ERASE-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } Bulk-Data-PDU ::= CHOICE { f-read-request [32] IMPLICIT F-READ-request, f-write-request [33] IMPLICIT F-WRITE-request, -- There is no F-DATA FPDU, the contents of a file -- are transferred in a different presentation context -- and there is therefore no need to define the types -- of file contents in the FTAM PCI abstract Syntax. -- File contents data are carried in values of the -- data type Data-Element as defined in ISO 8571-2. f-data-end-request [34] IMPLICIT F-DATA-END-request, f-transfer-end-request [35] IMPLICIT F-TRANSFER-END-request, f-transfer-end-response [36] IMPLICIT F-TRANSFER-END-response, f-cancel-request [37] IMPLICIT F-CANCEL-request, f-cancel-response [38] IMPLICIT F-CANCEL-response, -- There is no F-CHECK PDU. f-restart-request [39] IMPLICIT F-RESTART-request, f-restart-response [40] IMPLICIT F-RESTART-response } F-READ-request ::= SEQUENCE { file-access-data-unit-identity FADU-Identity, access-context Access-Context, fadu-lock FADU-Lock OPTIONAL, -- The following is conditional on the negotiation of consecutive of concurrent access. transfer-number [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } F-WRITE-request ::= SEQUENCE { file-access-data-unit-Operation [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER {insert(0), replace(1), extend(2)}, file-access-data-unit-identity FADU-Identity, fadu-lock FADU-Lock OPTIONAL, -- The following is conditional on the negotiation of consecutive or concurrent access. transfer-number [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } F-DATA-END-request ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-TRANSFER-END-request ::= SEQUENCE { shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, -- The following are conditional on the negotiation of consecutive or concurrent access. request-type Request-Type OPTIONAL, transfer-number [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-read-response [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-write-response [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } F-TRANSFER-END-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL, -- The following are conditional on the negotiation of consecutive or concurrent access. request-type Request-Type OPTIONAL, transfer-number [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } F-CANCEL-request ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL, -- The following are conditional on the negotiation of consecutive or concurrent access. request-type Request-Type, transfer-number [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-read-request [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-read-response [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-write-request [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-write-response [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } F-CANCEL-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL, -- The following are conditional on the negotiation of consecutive or concurrent access. request-type Request-Type OPTIONAL, transfer-number [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-read-request [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-read-response [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-write-request [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-write-response [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } F-CHECK-request ::= SEQUENCE { checkpoint-identifier [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER, transfer-number [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER } F-CHECK-response ::= SEQUENCE { checkpoint-identifier [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER, transfer-number [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER } F-RESTART-request ::= SEQUENCE { checkpoint-identifier [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER, -- The following are conditional on the negotiation of consecutive or concurrent access. request-type Request-Type OPTIONAL, transfer-number [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER, last-transfer-end-read-request [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-read-response [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-write-request [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-write-response [5] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } F-RESTART-response ::= SEQUENCE { checkpoint-identifier [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER, -- The following are conditional on the negotiation of consecutive or concurrent access. request-type Request-Type OPTIONAL, transfer-number [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER, last-transfer-end-read-request [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-read-response [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-write-request [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, last-transfer-end-write-response [5] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } Degree-Of-Overlap ::= [APPLICATION 30] IMPLICIT INTEGER { normal(0), consecutive(1), concurrent(2)} Request-Type ::= [APPLICATION 31] IMPLICIT INTEGER {read(0), write(1)} Abstract-Syntax-Name ::= [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER Access-Context ::= [APPLICATION 1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { access-context [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER {hierarchical-all-data-units(0),--HA-- hierarchical-no-data-units(1),--HN-- flat-all-data-units(2),--FA-- flat-one-level-data-unit(3),--FL-- flat-Single-data-unit(4),--FS-- unstructured-all-data-units(5),--UA-- unstructured-Single-data-unit(6)}, --US level-number [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL } -- Present if and only if flat-one-level-data-units -- (access context FL) is selected. -- As defined in ISO 8571-2. Access-Passwords ::= [APPLICATION 2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { read-password [0] Password, insert-password [1] Password, replace-password [2] Password, extend-password [3] Password, erase-password [4] Password, read-attribute-password [5] Password, change-attribute-password [6] Password, delete-password [7] Password, pass-passwords [8] IMPLICIT Pass-Passwords OPTIONAL, link-password [9] Password OPTIONAL } -- The pass-passwords and the link-password must be included in the -- access-passwords if and only if the limited-filestore-management -- or the Object-manipulation or the group-manipulation functional -- units are available. Access-Request ::= [APPLICATION 3] IMPLICIT BIT STRING { read(0), insert(1), replace(2), extend(3), erase(4), read-attribute(5), change-attribute(6), delete-Object(7)} Account ::= [APPLICATION 4] IMPLICIT GraphicString Action-Result ::= [APPLICATION 5] IMPLICIT INTEGER { success(0), transient-error(1), permanent-error(2)} Activity-Identifier ::= [APPLICATION 6] IMPLICIT INTEGER Application-Entity-Title ::= [APPLICATION 7] AE-title -- As defined in ISO 8650. Change-Attributes ::= [APPLICATION 8] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { -- Kerne1 Group pathname Pathname-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- Storage group storage-account [3] Account-Attribute OPTIONAL, object-availability [12] Object-Availability-Attribute OPTIONAL, future-Object-size [14] Object-Size-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- Security group access-control [15] Access-Control-Change-Attribute OPTIONAL, path-access-control [21] Access-Control-Change-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- This Parameter tan only be sent when the -- enhanced-filestore-management functional unit is available. legal-qualification [16] Legal-Qualification-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- Private group private-use [17] Private-Use-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- Attribute Extensions group attribute-extensions [22] IMPLICIT Attribute-Extensions OPTIONAL } -- This Parameter tan only be sent when the -- enhanced-filestore-management functional unit is available. -- Atleast one attribute shall be present in the Change-Attributes -- Parameter on the request PDU. Charging ::= [APPLICATION 9] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {resource-identifier [0] IMPLICIT GraphicString, charging-unit [1] IMPLICIT GraphicString, charging-value [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER} Concurrency-Control ::= [APPLICATION 10] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { read [0] IMPLICIT Lock, insert [1] IMPLICIT Lock, replace [2] IMPLICIT Lock, extend [3] IMPLICIT Lock, erase [4] IMPLICIT Lock, read-attribute [5] IMPLICIT Lock, change-attribute [6] IMPLICIT Lock, delete-Object [7] IMPLICIT Lock } Lock ::= INTEGER {not-required(0), shared(1), exclusive(2), no-access(3)} Constraint-Set-Name ::= [APPLICATION 11] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER Create-Attributes ::= [APPLICATION 12] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { -- Kerne1 Group pathname Pathname-Attribute, object-type [18] IMPLICIT Object-Type-Attribute DEFAULT file, -- This Parameter tan be sent if and only if the -- limited-filestore-management functional unit is available. permitted-actions [1] IMPLICIT Permitted-Actions-Attribute, contents-type [2] Contents-Type-Attribute, -- Storage group storage-account [3] Account-Attribute OPTIONAL, object-availability [12] Object-Availability-Attribute OPTIONAL, future-Object-size [14] Object-Size-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- Security group access-control [15] Access-Control-Attribute OPTIONAL, path-access-control [21] Access-Control-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- This Parameter tan be sent if and only if the -- enhanced-filestore-management functional unit is available. legal-qualification [16] Legal-Qualification-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- Private group private-use [17] Private-Use-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- Attribute Extensions group attribute-extensions [22] IMPLICIT Attribute-Extensions OPTIONAL } -- This Parameter tan only be sent when the -- limited-filestore-management functional unit is available. Diagnostic ::= [APPLICATION 13] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {diagnostic-type [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER {informative(0), transient(1), permanent(2)}, error-identifier [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER, -- As defined in ISO 8571-3. error-observer [2] IMPLICIT Entity-Reference, error-Source [3] IMPLICIT Entity-Reference, suggested-delay [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, further-details [5] IMPLICIT GraphicString OPTIONAL } Entity-Reference ::= INTEGER { no-categorization-possible(0), initiating-file-service-user(1), initiating-file-protocol-machine(2), service-supporting-the-file-protocol-machine(3), responding-file-protocol-machine(4), responding-file-service-user(5) } --NOTE -- 1. The values 0 and 3 are only valid as values in error-source. -- 2. The value 5 corresponds to the virtual filestore. Document-Type-Name ::= [APPLICATION 14] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER FADU-Identity ::= [APPLICATION 15] CHOICE { first-last [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER {first(0), last(1)}, relative [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER {previous(0), current(1), next(2)}, begin-end [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER {begin(0), end(1)}, single-name [3] IMPLICIT Node-Name, name-list [4] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Node-Name, fadu-number [5] IMPLICIT INTEGER } -- As defined in ISO 8571-2. Node-Name ::= EXTERNAL -- The type to be used for Node-Name is defined in IS08571-FADU. FADU-Lock ::= [APPLICATION 16] IMPLICIT INTEGER {off(0), on(1)} Password ::= [APPLICATION 17] CHOICE { graphicString GraphicString, octetString OCTET STRING } Read-Attributes ::= [APPLICATION 18] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { -- Kerne1 Group pathname Pathname-Attribute OPTIONAL, object-type [18] IMPLICIT Object-Type-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- This Parameter tan be sent if and only if -- the limited-filestore-management functional unit is available. permitted-actions [1] IMPLICIT Permitted-Actions-Attribute OPTIONAL, contents-type [2] Contents-Type-Attribute OPTIONAL, linked-Object [19] Pathname-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- This Parameter tan be sent if and only if -- the limited-filestore-management functional unit is available. child-objects [23] Child-Objects-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- This Parameter tan be sent if and only if -- the limited-filestore-management functional unit is available. -- Storage group primaty-pathname [20] Pathname-Attribute OPTIONAL, storage-account [3] Account-Attribute OPTIONAL, date-and-time-of-creation [4] Date-and-Time-Attribute OPTIONAL, date-and-time-of-last-modification [5] Date-and-Time-Attribute OPTIONAL, date-and-time-of-last-read-access [6] Date-and-Time-Attribute OPTIONAL, date-and-time-of-last-attribute-modification [7] Date-and-Time-Attribute OPTIONAL, identity-of-creator [8] User-Identity-Attribute OPTIONAL, identity-of-last-modifier [9] User-Identity-Attribute OPTIONAL, identity-of-last-reader [10] User-Identity-Attribute OPTIONAL, identity-last-attribute-modifier [11] User-Identity-Attribute OPTIONAL, object-availability [12] Object-Availability-Attribute OPTIONAL, object-size [13] Object-Size-Attribute OPTIONAL, future-Object-size [14] Object-Size-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- Security group access-control [15] Access-Control-Attribute OPTIONAL, path-access-control [21] Access-Control-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- This Parameter tan be sent if and only if -- the limited-filestore-management functional unit is available. legal-qualification [16] Legal-Qualification-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- Private group private-use [17] Private-Use-Attribute OPTIONAL, -- Attribute Extensions group attribute-extensions [22] IMPLICIT Attribute-Extensions OPTIONAL } -- This Parameter tan be sent if and only if -- the limited-filestore-management functional unit is available. Select-Attributes ::= [APPLICATION 19] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { -- Kerne1 Group pathname Pathname-Attribute } Shared-ASE-Information ::= [APPLICATION 20] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL -- This field may be used to convey commitment control as described -- in ISO 8571-3. State-Result ::= [APPLICATION 21] IMPLICIT INTEGER {success(0), failure(1) } User-Identity ::= [APPLICATION 22] IMPLICIT GraphicString Access-Control-Attribute ::= CHOICE { no-value-available [0] IMPLICIT NULL, -- Indicates partial support of this attribute. -- This value shall only appear in response PDUs. actual-values [1] IMPLICIT SET OF Access-Control-Element } -- The semantics of this attribute is described in ISO 8571-2. Access-Control-Change-Attribute ::= CHOICE { no-value-available [0] IMPLICIT NULL, -- Indicates partial support of this attribute. -- This value shall only appear in response PDUs. actual-values [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE {insert-values [0] IMPLICIT SET OF Access-Control-Element OPTIONAL, -- This field is used by the Change attribute actions to indicate -- new values to be inserted in the access control Object attribute. delete-values [1] IMPLICIT SET OF Access-Control-Element OPTIONAL} } -- This field is used by the Change attribute action to indicate -- old values to be removed from the access control Object -- attribute. -- The semantics of this attribute is described in ISO 8571-2. Access-Control-Element ::= SEQUENCE { action-list [0] IMPLICIT Access-Request, concurrency-access [1] IMPLICIT Concurrency-Access OPTIONAL, identity [2] IMPLICIT User-Identity OPTIONAL, passwords [3] IMPLICIT Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, location [4] IMPLICIT Application-Entity-Title OPTIONAL } Concurrency-Access ::= SEQUENCE { read [0] IMPLICIT Concurrency-Key, insert [1] IMPLICIT Concurrency-Key, replace [2] IMPLICIT Concurrency-Key, extend [3] IMPLICIT Concurrency-Key, erase [4] IMPLICIT Concurrency-Key, read-attribute [5] IMPLICIT Concurrency-Key, change-attribute [6] IMPLICIT Concurrency-Key, delete-Object [7] IMPLICIT Concurrency-Key } Concurrency-Key ::= BIT STRING { not-required(0), shared(1), exclusive(2), no-access(3)} Account-Attribute ::= CHOICE { no-value-available [0] IMPLICIT NULL, -- Indicates partial support of this attribute. -- This value shall only appear in response PDUs. actual-values Account } Contents-Type-Attribute ::= CHOICE { document-type [0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE {document-type-name Document-Type-Name, parameter [0] TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type OPTIONAL}, -- The actual types to be used for values of the Parameter field -- are defined in the named document type. constraint-set-and-abstract-Syntax [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE {constraint-set-name Constraint-Set-Name, abstract-Syntax-name Abstract-Syntax-Name } } Date-and-Time-Attribute ::= CHOICE { no-value-available [0] IMPLICIT NULL, -- Indicates partial support of this attribute. -- This value shall only appear in response PDUs. actual-values [1] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime } Object-Availability-Attribute ::= CHOICE { no-value-available [0] IMPLICIT NULL, -- Indicates partial support of this attribute. -- This value shall only appear in response PDUs. actual-values [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER {immediate-availability(0), deferred-availability(1)} } Pathname-Attribute ::= CHOICE { incomplete-pathname [0] IMPLICIT Pathname, complete-pathname [APPLICATION 23] IMPLICIT Pathname } Object-Size-Attribute ::= CHOICE { no-value-available [0] IMPLICIT NULL, -- Indicates partial support of this attribute. -- This value shall only appear in response PDUs. actual-values [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER } Legal-Qualification-Attribute ::= CHOICE { no-value-available [0] IMPLICIT NULL, -- Indicates partial support of this attribute. -- This value shall only appear in response PDUs. actual-values [1] IMPLICIT GraphicString } Permitted-Actions-Attribute ::= BIT STRING -- Actions available { read(0), insert(1), replace(2), extend(3), erase(4), read-attribute(5), change-attribute(6), delete-Object(7), pass(11), link(12), -- FADU-Identity groups available traversal(8), reverse-traversal(9), random-Order(10)} Private-Use-Attribute ::= CHOICE { no-value-available [0] IMPLICIT NULL, -- Indicates partial support of this attribute. -- This value shall only appear in response PDUs. abstract-Syntax-not-supported [1] IMPLICIT NULL, -- Indicates that abstract Syntax is not available. actual-values [2] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL } Object-Type-Attribute ::= INTEGER {file(0), file-directory(1), reference(2)} User-Identity-Attribute ::= CHOICE { no-value-available [0] IMPLICIT NULL, -- Indicates partial support of this attribute. -- This value shall only appear in response PDUs. actual-values User-Identity } Child-Objects-Attribute ::= SET OF GraphicString FSM-PDU ::= CHOICE { f-Change-prefix-request [41] IMPLICIT F-CHANGE-PREFIX-request, f-Change-prefix-response [42] IMPLICIT F-CHANGE-PREFIX-response, f-list-request [43] IMPLICIT F-LIST-request, f-list-response [44] IMPLICIT F-LIST-response, f-group-select-request [45] IMPLICIT F-GROUP-SELECT-request, f-group-select-response [46] IMPLICIT F-GROUP-SELECT-response, f-group-delete-request [47] IMPLICIT F-GROUP-DELETE-request, f-group-delete-response [48] IMPLICIT F-GROUP-DELETE-response, f-group-move-request [49] IMPLICIT F-GROUP-MOVE-request, f-group-move-response [50] IMPLICIT F-GROUP-MOVE-response, f-group-copy-request [51] IMPLICIT F-GROUP-COPY-request, f-group-copy-response [52] IMPLICIT F-GROUP-COPY-response, f-group-list-request [53] IMPLICIT F-GROUP-LIST-request, f-group-list-response [54] IMPLICIT F-GROUP-LIST-response, f-group-Change-attrib-request [55] IMPLICIT F-GROUP-CHANGE-ATTRIB-request, f-group-Change-attrib-response [56] IMPLICIT F-GROUP-CHANGE-ATTRIB-response, f-select-another-request [57] IMPLICIT F-SELECT-ANOTHER-request, f-select-another-response [58] IMPLICIT F-SELECT-ANOTHER-response, f-create-directory-request [59] IMPLICIT F-CREATE-DIRECTORY-request, f-create-directory-response [60] IMPLICIT F-CREATE-DIRECTORY-response, f-link-request [61] IMPLICIT F-LINK-request, f-link-response [62] IMPLICIT F-LINK-response, f-unlink-request [63] IMPLICIT F-UNLINK-request, f-unlink-response [64] IMPLICIT F-UNLINK-response, f-read-link-attrib-request [65] IMPLICIT F-READ-LINK-ATTRIB-request, f-read-link-attrib-response [66] IMPLICIT F-READ-LINK-ATTRIB-response, f-Change-link-attrib-request [67] IMPLICIT F-CHANGE-LINK-ATTRIB-request, f-Change-Iink-attrib-response [68] IMPLICIT F-CHANGE-LINK-ATTRIB-response, f-move-request [69] IMPLICIT F-MOVE-request, f-move-response [70] IMPLICIT F-MOVE-response, f-copy-request [71] IMPLICIT F-COPY-request, f-copy-response [72] IMPLICIT F-COPY-response } F-CHANGE-PREFIX-request ::= SEQUENCE { reset [0] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, destination-file-directory Destination-File-Directory, access-passwords Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, path-access-passwords Path-Access-Passwords OPTIONAL } F-CHANGE-PREFIX-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, destination-file-directory Destination-File-Directory OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-LIST-request ::= SEQUENCE { attribute-value-asset-tions Attribute-Value-Assertions, scope Scope, access-passwords Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, path-access-passwords Path-Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, attribute-names [0] IMPLICIT Attribute-Names, attribute-extension-names [1] IMPLICIT Attribute-Extension-Names OPTIONAL } F-LIST-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, objects-attributes-list Objects-Attributes-List OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-GROUP-SELECT-request ::= SEQUENCE { attribute-value-assertions Attribute-Value-Assertions, requested-access Access-Request, access-passwords Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, path-access-passwords Path-Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, concurrency-control Concurrency-Control OPTIONAL, maximum-set-size [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0 implies no limit. scope Scope, account Account OPTIONAL, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL } F-GROUP-SELECT-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-GROUP-DELETE-request ::= SEQUENCE { request-Operation-result Request-Operation-Result OPTIONAL, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL } F-GROUP-DELETE-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, charging Charging OPTIONAL, operation-result Operation-Result OPTIONAL, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-GROUP-MOVE-request ::= SEQUENCE { destination-file-directory Destination-File-Directory, override [0] IMPLICIT Override DEFAULT create-failure, -- Only the values create-failure (0} -- and delete-and-create-with-new-attributes (3) are allowed. error-action [11] IMPLICIT Error-Action, create-password Password OPTIONAL, access-passwords Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, path-access-passwords Path-Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, request-Operation-result Request-Operation-Result OPTIONAL, attributes Change-Attributes OPTIONAL } F-GROUP-MOVE-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, destination-file-directory Destination-File-Directory OPTIONAL, operation-result Operation-Result OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-GROUP-COPY-request ::= SEQUENCE { destination-file-directory Destination-File-Directory, override [0] IMPLICIT Override DEFAULT create-failure, -- Only the values create-failure (0) -- and delete-and-create-with-new-attributes (3) are allowed. error-action [1] IMPLICIT Error-Action, create-password Password OPTIONAL, access-passwords Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, path-access-passwords Path-Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, request-Operation-result Request-Operation-Result OPTIONAL, attributes Change-Attributes OPTIONAL } F-GROUP-COPY-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, destination-file-directory Destination-File-Directory OPTIONAL, operation-result Operation-Result OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-GROUP-LIST-request ::= SEQUENCE { attribute-names [0] IMPLICIT Attribute-Names, attribute-extension-names [2] IMPLICIT Attribute-Extension-Names OPTIONAL } F-GROUP-LIST-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, objects-attributes-list Objects-Attributes-List OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-GROUP-CHANGE-ATTRIB-request ::= SEQUENCE { attributes Change-Attributes, error-action [1] IMPLICIT Error-Action, request-Operation-result Request-Operation-Result OPTIONAL, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL } F-GROUP-CHANGE-ATTRIB-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, operation-result Operation-Result OPTIONAL, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-SELECT-ANOTHER-request ::= SEQUENCE { shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL } F-SELECT-ANOTHER-response ::= SEQUENCE { state-result State-Result DEFAULT success, action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, last-member-indicator [0] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, referent-indicator Referent-Indicator OPTIONAL, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-CREATE-DIRECTORY-request ::= SEQUENCE { initial-attributes Create-Attributes, create-password Password OPTIONAL, requested-access Access-Request, shared-ASE-infonnation Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, account Account OPTIONAL } F-CREATE-DIRECTORY-response ::= SEQUENCE { state-result State-Result DEFAULT success, action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, initial-attributes Create-Attributes, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-LINK-request ::= SEQUENCE { initial-attributes Create-Attributes, target-object Pathname-Attribute, create-password Password OPTIONAL, requested-access Access-Request, access-passwords Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, path-access-passwords Path-Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, concurrency-control Concurrency-Control OPTIONAL, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, account Account OPTIONAL } F-LINK-response ::= SEQUENCE { state-result State-Result DEFAULT success, action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, initial-attributes Create-Attributes, target-Object Pathname-Attribute, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-UNLINK-request ::= SEQUENCE { shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL } F-UNLINK-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, shared-ASE-information Shared-ASE-Information OPTIONAL, charging Charging OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-READ-LINK-ATTRIB-request ::= SEQUENCE { attribute-names [0] IMPLICIT Attribute-Names, attribute-extension-names [1] IMPLICIT Attribute-Extension-Names OPTIONAL } F-READ-LINK-ATTRIB-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, attributes Read-Attributes OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-CHANGE-LINK-ATTRIB-request ::= SEQUENCE {attributes Change-Attributes } F-CHANGE-LINK-ATTRIB-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, attributes Change-Attributes OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-MOVE-request ::= SEQUENCE { destination-file-directory Destination-File-Directory, override [0] IMPLICIT Override DEFAULT create-failure, -- Only the values create-failure (0) -- and delete-and-create-with-new-attributes (3) are ailowed. create-password Password OPTIONAL, access-passwords Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, path-access-passwords Path-Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, attributes Change-Attributes OPTIONAL } F-MOVE-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, destination-file-directory Destination-File-Directory OPTIONAL, attributes Change-Attributes OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } F-COPY-request ::= SEQUENCE { destination-file-directory Destination-File-Directory, override [0] IMPLICIT Override DEFAULT create-failure, -- Only the values create-failure (0) -- and delete-and-create-with-new-attributes (3) are allowed. create-password Password OPTIONAL, access-passwords Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, path-access-passwords Path-Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, attributes Change-Attributes OPTIONAL } F-COPY-response ::= SEQUENCE { action-result Action-Result DEFAULT success, destination-file-directory Destination-File-Directory OPTIONAL, attributes Change-Attributes OPTIONAL, diagnostic Diagnostic OPTIONAL } Attribute-Extension-Names ::= SEQUENCE OF Attribute-Extension-Set-Name Attribute-Extension-Set-Name ::= SEQUENCE { extension-set-identifier [0] IMPLICIT Extension-Set-Identifier, extension-attribute-names [1] SEQUENCE OF Extension-Attribute-identifier } Attribute-Extensions ::= SEQUENCE OF Attribute-Extension-Set Attribute-Extension-Set ::= SEQUENCE { extension-set-identifier [0] IMPLICIT Extension-Set-Identifier, extension-set-attributes [1] SEQUENCE OF Extension-Attribute } Extension-Attribute ::= SEQUENCE { extension-attribute-identifier TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&id({Extension-Attributes}), extension-attribute TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type ({Extension-Attributes}{@extension-attribute-identifier}) } Extension-Attributes TYPE-IDENTIFIER ::= {...} -- dynamically extensible Extension-Set-Identifier ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER Extension-Attribute-identifier ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER Attribute-Value-Assertions ::= [APPLICATION 26] IMPLICIT OR-Set Scope ::= [APPLICATION 28] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {root-directory [0] Pathname-Attribute OPTIONAL, retrieval-scope [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER {child(0), all(1)} } OR-Set ::= SEQUENCE OF AND-Set AND-Set ::= SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {-- Kernel group pathname-Pattern [0] IMPLICIT Pathname-Pattern, object-type-Pattern [18] IMPLICIT Integer-Pattern, permitted-actions-Pattern [1] IMPLICIT Bitstring-Pattern, contents-type-Pattern [2] Contents-Type-Pattern, linked-Object-Pattern [19] IMPLICIT Pathname-Pattern, child-objects-Pattern [23] IMPLICIT Pathname-Pattern, -- Storage group primaty-pathname-Pattern [20] IMPLICIT Pathname-Pattern, storage-account-Pattern [3] IMPLICIT String-Pattern, date-and-time-of-creation-Pattern [4] IMPLICIT Date-and-Time-Pattern, date-and-time-of-last-modification-Pattern [5] IMPLICIT Date-and-Time-Pattern, date-and-time-of-last-read-access-Pattern [6] IMPLICIT Date-and-Time-Pattern, date-and-time-of-last-attribute-modification-Pattern [7] IMPLICIT Date-and-Time-Pattern, identity-of-creator-Pattern [8] IMPLICIT User-Identity-Pattern, identity-of-last-modifier-Pattern [9] IMPLICIT User-Identity-Pattern, identity-of-last-reader-Pattern [10] IMPLICIT User-Identity-Pattern, identity-of-last-attribute-modifier-Pattern [11] IMPLICIT User-Identity-Pattern, object-availabiiity-Pattern [12] IMPLICIT Boolean-Pattern, object-size-Pattern [13] IMPLICIT Integer-Pattern, future-object-size-Pattern [14] IMPLICIT Integer-Pattern, -- Security group -- Access control searches are disallowed. legal-quailfication-Pattern [16] IMPLICIT String-Pattern, -- Private group -- Private use searches are disallowed. -- Attribute Extensions group attribute-extensions-pattern [22] IMPLICIT Attribute-Extensions-Pattern} User-Identity-Pattern ::= String-Pattern Equality-Comparision ::= BIT STRING { no-value-available-matches(0), -- Set impies ?No Value Available? matches the test. -- Clear implies ?No Value Availabie? fails the test. equals-matches(1) -- Set implies equal items match the test. -- Clear implies equal items fail the test. } Relational-Comparision ::= BIT STRING { no-value-available-matches(0), -- Set impies ?No Value Available? matches the test. -- Clear implies ?No Value Available? fails the test. equals-matches(1), -- Set implies equal items match the test.? -- Clear implies equal items fail the test. less-than-matches(2), -- Set implies a value less than the test cke matches. -- Clear implies a value less than the test case fails. greater-than-matches(3) -- Set implies a value greater than the test case matches. -- Clear implies a value greater than the test case fails. } -- Bits 1 through 3 shall not all have the Same value. Pathname-Pattern ::= SEQUENCE { equality-comparision [0] IMPLICIT Equality-Comparision, pathname-value [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {string-match [2] IMPLICIT String-Pattern, any-match [3] IMPLICIT NULL} } String-Pattern ::= SEQUENCE { equality-comparision [0] IMPLICIT Equality-Comparision, string-value [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {substring-match [2] IMPLICIT GraphicString, any-match [3] IMPLICIT NULL, number-of-characters-match [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER } } Bitstring-Pattern ::= SEQUENCE { equality-comparision [0] IMPLICIT Equality-Comparision, match-bitstring [1] IMPLICIT BIT STRING, significance-bitstring [2] IMPLICIT BIT STRING } Date-and-Time-Pattern ::= SEQUENCE { relational-camparision [0] IMPLICIT Equality-Comparision, time-and-date-value [1] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime } Integer-Pattern ::= SEQUENCE { relational-comparision [0] IMPLICIT Relational-Comparision, integer-value [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER } Object-Identifier-Pattern ::= SEQUENCE { equality-comparision [0] IMPLICIT Equality-Comparision, object-identifier-value [1] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER } Boolean-Pattern ::= SEQUENCE { equality-comparision [0] IMPLICIT Equality-Comparision, boolean-value [1] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN } Other-Pattern ::= Equality-Comparision -- Matches against ?No Value Available?. Contents-Type-Pattern ::= CHOICE { document-type-Pattern [0] IMPLICIT Object-Identifier-Pattern, constraint-set-abstract-Syntax-Pattern [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE {constraint-Set-Pattern [2] IMPLICIT Object-Identifier-Pattern OPTIONAL, -- Absent implies any Object Identifier is equal. abstract-Syntax-Pattern [3] IMPLICIT Object-Identifier-Pattern OPTIONAL -- Absent implies any Object identifier is equal. } } Attribute-Extensions-Pattern ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {extension-set-identifier [0] IMPLICIT Extension-Set-Identifier, extension-set-attribute-Patterns [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {extension-attribute-identifier TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&id ({Extension-attribute-Patterns}), extension-attribute-Pattern TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type ({Extension-attribute-Patterns} {@.extension-attribute-identifier}) }} -- conjunction with the extention attribute in Order to -- perform Pattern matthing operations on it. it may be -- defined in terms of other Patterns within this -- Standard. Extension-attribute-Patterns TYPE-IDENTIFIER ::= {...} -- dynamically extensible information object set Destination-File-Directory ::= [APPLICATION 24] Pathname-Attribute Objects-Attributes-List ::= [APPLICATION 25] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Read-Attributes Override ::= INTEGER { create-failure(0), select-old-Object(1), delete-and-create-with-old-attributes(2), delete-and-create-with-new-attributes(3)} Error-Action ::= INTEGER {terminate(0), continue(1)} Operation-Result ::= [APPLICATION 30] CHOICE { success-Object-count [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER, success-Object-names [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Pathname } Pathname ::= SEQUENCE OF GraphicString Pass-Passwords ::= SEQUENCE OF Password -- There is a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of -- Pass-Passwords and the non-terminal elements of the specified -- Pathname. Path-Access-Passwords ::= [APPLICATION 27] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {read-password [0] Password, insert-password [1] Password, replace-password [2] Password, extend-password [3] Password, erase-password [4] Password, read-attribute-password [5] Password, change-attribute-password [6] Password, delete-password [7] Password, pass-passwords [8] IMPLICIT Pass-Passwords, link-password [9] Password} -- There is a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of -- Path-Access-Passwords and the non-terminal elements sf the -- specified Pathname. Request-Operation-Result ::= [APPLICATION 31] IMPLICIT INTEGER { summary(0), fiii-list(1)} Attribute-Names ::= BIT STRING -- Kernel group { read-pathname(0), read-Object-type(18), read-permitted-actions(1), read-contents-type(2), read-linked-Object(19), read-Child-objects(23), -- Storage group read-primary-pathname(20), read-storage-account(3), read-date-and-time-of-creation(4), read-date-and-time-of-last-modification(5), read-date-and-time-of-last-read-access(6), read-date-and-time-of-last-attribute-modification(7), read-identity-of-creator(8), read-identity-of-last-modifier(9), read-identity-of-last-reader(10), read-identity-of-last-attribute-modifier(11), read-Object-availability(12), read-Object-size(13), read-future-Object-size(14), -- Security group read-access-control(15), read-path-access-control(21), read-l8gal-qualifiCatiOnS(16), -- Private group read-private-use(17)} -- Bits 19 through 23 arc defined if and only if the limited-fil8Store-manag8m8nt -- or group-manipulation functionat units are available. Referent-Indicator ::= [APPLICATION 29] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN -- dw: definition of AE-title, as defined in ISO 8650:1988/Cor.1:1990 -- dw: defined in-line here so we don't need to import it, original comments -- dw: are as they appear in the 8650:1988 Annex E AP-title ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type -- The exact definition and values used for AP-title -- should be chosen taking into account the ongoing -- work in areas of naming, the Directory, and the -- Registration Authority procedures for AE titles, -- AE titles, and AE qualifiers AE-qualifier ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type -- The exact definition and values used for AE-qualifier -- should be chosen taking into account the ongoing -- work in areas of naming, the Directory, and the -- Registration Authority procedures for AE titles, -- AE titles, and AE qualifiers AE-title ::= SEQUENCE {ap AP-title, ae AE-qualifier } END -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D