-- Module Logical-Descriptors (T.415:03/1993) Logical-Descriptors {2 8 1 5 9} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS Logical-Object-Descriptor, Logical-Class-Descriptor, Logical-Object-Type, Protection; IMPORTS Object-or-Class-Identifier, Style-Identifier, Resource-Name, Construction-Expression, String-Expression FROM Identifiers-and-Expressions -- see 7.8 Comment-String, Binding-Pair, Enciphered, Sealed FROM Layout-Descriptors -- see 7.9 Presentation-Attributes FROM Style-Descriptors -- see 7.11 Default-Value-Lists-Logical FROM Default-Value-Lists -- see 7.12 Temporal-Relations FROM Temporal-Relationships {2 8 1 14 0}; -- See ITU-T Rec. T.424 | ISO/IEC 8613-14 Logical-Object-Descriptor ::= SEQUENCE { object-type Logical-Object-Type OPTIONAL, descriptor-body Logical-Object-Descriptor-Body OPTIONAL } Logical-Object-Type ::= INTEGER { document-logical-root(0), composite-logical-object(1), basic-logical-object(2)} Logical-Object-Descriptor-Body ::= SET { object-identifier Object-or-Class-Identifier OPTIONAL, subordinates [0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF NumericString OPTIONAL, content-portions [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF NumericString OPTIONAL, object-class [2] IMPLICIT Object-or-Class-Identifier OPTIONAL, presentation-attributes [6] IMPLICIT Presentation-Attributes OPTIONAL, -- only for use for the attribute content-architecture-class; -- the content architecture specific attributes can only be referenced by -- use of presentation style default-value-lists [7] IMPLICIT Default-Value-Lists-Logical OPTIONAL, user-readable-comments [8] IMPLICIT Comment-String OPTIONAL, bindings [9] IMPLICIT SET OF Binding-Pair OPTIONAL, content-generator [10] IMPLICIT String-Expression OPTIONAL, user-visible-name [14] IMPLICIT Comment-String OPTIONAL, presentation-style [17] IMPLICIT Style-Identifier OPTIONAL, layout-style [19] IMPLICIT Style-Identifier OPTIONAL, protection [20] IMPLICIT Protection OPTIONAL, application-comments [25] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, primary [27] IMPLICIT Object-or-Class-Identifier OPTIONAL, alternative [28] IMPLICIT Object-or-Class-Identifier OPTIONAL, enciphered [34] IMPLICIT Enciphered OPTIONAL, sealed [35] IMPLICIT Sealed OPTIONAL, temporal-relations [36] IMPLICIT Temporal-Relations OPTIONAL } Logical-Class-Descriptor ::= SEQUENCE { object-type Logical-Object-Type, descriptor-body Logical-Class-Descriptor-Body } Logical-Class-Descriptor-Body ::= SET { object-class-identifier Object-or-Class-Identifier, generator-for-subordinates [0] Construction-Expression OPTIONAL, content-portions [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF NumericString OPTIONAL, presentation-attributes [6] IMPLICIT Presentation-Attributes OPTIONAL, -- only for use for the attribute content-architecture-class; -- the content architecture specific attributes can only be referenced by -- use of presentation style default-value-lists [7] IMPLICIT Default-Value-Lists-Logical OPTIONAL, user-readable-comments [8] IMPLICIT Comment-String OPTIONAL, bindings [9] IMPLICIT SET OF Binding-Pair OPTIONAL, content-generator [10] IMPLICIT String-Expression OPTIONAL, user-visible-name [14] IMPLICIT Comment-String OPTIONAL, presentation-style [17] IMPLICIT Style-Identifier OPTIONAL, layout-style [19] IMPLICIT Style-Identifier OPTIONAL, protection [20] IMPLICIT Protection OPTIONAL, resource [24] IMPLICIT Resource-Name OPTIONAL, application-comments [25] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, enciphered [34] IMPLICIT Enciphered OPTIONAL, sealed [35] IMPLICIT Sealed OPTIONAL, temporal-relations [36] IMPLICIT Temporal-Relations OPTIONAL } Protection ::= INTEGER {unprotected(0), protected(1)} END -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D