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      <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      You may obtain a copy of the License at


      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      limitations under the License.


  <module since="">ct_cover</module>
  <modulesummary>Common Test framework code coverage support module.


    <p><c>Common Test</c> framework code coverage support module.</p>

    <p>This module exports help functions for performing code coverage


    <name since="">add_nodes(Nodes) -&gt; {ok, StartedNodes} | {error, Reason}</name>
    <fsummary>Adds nodes to current cover test (only works if cover support
      is active).</fsummary>
        <v>Nodes = [atom()]</v>
        <v>StartedNodes = [atom()]</v>
        <v>Reason = cover_not_running | not_main_node</v>
      <desc><marker id="add_nodes-1"/>
        <p>Adds nodes to current cover test. Notice that this only works if
          cover support is active.</p>

        <p>To have effect, this function is to be called from
          <c>init_per_suite/1</c> (see
          <seealso marker="common_test"><c>common_test</c></seealso>)
          before any tests are performed.</p>

    <name since="OTP R16B">cross_cover_analyse(Level, Tests) -&gt; ok</name>
    <fsummary>Accumulates cover results over multiple tests.</fsummary>
        <v>Level = overview | details</v>
        <v>Tests = [{Tag, Dir}]</v>
        <v>Tag = atom()</v>
        <v>Dir = string()</v>
      <desc><marker id="cross_cover_analyse-2"/>
        <p>Accumulates cover results over multiple tests. See section
          <seealso marker="cover_chapter#cross_cover">Cross Cover
          Analysis</seealso> in the Users's Guide.</p>

    <name since="">remove_nodes(Nodes) -&gt; ok | {error, Reason}</name>
    <fsummary>Removes nodes from the current cover test.</fsummary>
        <v>Nodes = [atom()]</v>
        <v>Reason = cover_not_running | not_main_node</v>
      <desc><marker id="remove_nodes-1"/>
        <p>Removes nodes from the current cover test.</p>

        <p>Call this function to stop cover test on nodes previously
          added with
          <seealso marker="#add_nodes-1"><c>ct_cover:add_nodes/1</c></seealso>.
          Results on the remote node are transferred to the <c>Common Test</c>
