ct_junit_report 1 A ct_junit_report.xml
ct_junit_report Common Test Framework functions handling test specifications.

Common Test Framework functions handling test specifications.

This module creates a junit report of the test run if plugged in as a suite_callback.

init(Opts) -> term() post_end_group(Group, Config, State) -> term() post_end_suite(Suite, Config, State) -> term() post_end_tc(TC, Config, State) -> term() post_init_group(Group, Config, State) -> term() post_init_suite(Suite, Config, State) -> term() pre_end_group(Group, Config, State) -> term() pre_end_suite(Suite, Config, State) -> term() pre_init_group(Group, Config, State) -> term() pre_init_suite(Suite, Config, State) -> term() pre_init_tc(TC, Config, State) -> term() terminate(Config, State) -> term()