The purpose of this section is to let the newcomer get started in quickly writing and executing some first simple tests with a "learning by example" approach. Most explanations are left for later sections. If you are not much into "learning by example" and prefer more technical details, go ahead and skip to the next section.
This section demonstrates how simple it is to write a basic (yet for many module testing purposes, often sufficiently complex) test suite and execute its test cases. This is not necessarily obvious when you read the remaining sections in this User's Guide.
To understand what is discussed and examplified here, we recommended
you to first read section
Execution of test cases is handled as follows:
For each test case that
In scenario 1, the test case process terminates normally after
In scenario 2, an error is detected during test
As you can understand from the illustration,
As shown in section
The configuration functions are optional. The following example is a test suite
without configuration functions, including one simple test case, to
check that module
-module(my1st_SUITE). -compile(export_all). all() -> [mod_exists]. mod_exists(_) -> {module,mymod} = code:load_file(mymod).
If the operation fails, a bad match error occurs that terminates the test case.
If you need to perform configuration operations to run your test, you can
implement configuration functions in your suite. The result from a
configuration function is configuration data, or
The following example shows a test suite that uses configuration functions to open and close a log file for the test cases (an operation that is unnecessary and irrelevant to perform by each test case):
-module(check_log_SUITE). -export([all/0, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1]). -export([check_restart_result/1, check_no_errors/1]). -define(value(Key,Config), proplists:get_value(Key,Config)). all() -> [check_restart_result, check_no_errors]. init_per_suite(InitConfigData) -> [{logref,open_log()} | InitConfigData]. end_per_suite(ConfigData) -> close_log(?value(logref, ConfigData)). check_restart_result(ConfigData) -> TestData = read_log(restart, ?value(logref, ConfigData)), {match,_Line} = search_for("restart successful", TestData). check_no_errors(ConfigData) -> TestData = read_log(all, ?value(logref, ConfigData)), case search_for("error", TestData) of {match,Line} -> ct:fail({error_found_in_log,Line}); nomatch -> ok end.
The test cases verify, by parsing a log file, that our SUT has performed a successful restart and that no unexpected errors are printed.
To execute the test cases in the recent test suite, type the following on the UNIX/Linux command line (assuming that the suite module is in the current working directory):
$ ct_run -dir .
$ ct_run -suite check_log_SUITE
To use the Erlang shell to run our test, you can evaluate the following call:
1> ct:run_test([{dir, "."}]).
1> ct:run_test([{suite, "check_log_SUITE"}]).
The result from running the test is printed in log files in HTML format (stored in unique log directories on a different level). The following illustration shows the log file structure:
Here follows some questions that you might have after reading this section with corresponding tips and links to the answers:
Question: "How and where can I specify variable data for my tests that must not be hard-coded in the test suites (such as hostnames, addresses, and user login data)?"
See section
Question: "Is there a way to declare different tests and run them in one session without having to write my own scripts? Also, can such declarations be used for regression testing?"
Answer: See section
Question: "Can test cases and/or test runs be automatically repeated?"
Answer: Learn more about
Question: "Does
Answer: See
Question: "What is the syntax for timetraps (mentioned earlier), and how do I set them?"
Answer: This is explained in the
Question: "What functions are available for logging and printing?"
Answer: See
Question: "I need data files for my tests. Where do I store them preferably?"
Answer: See
Question: "Can I start with a test suite example, please?"
You probably want to get started on your own first test suites now, while
at the same time digging deeper into the