20042010 Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved. The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Common Test Release Notes Peter Andersson Peter Andersson 2007-12-01 A notes.xml
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

Removes backwards incompatability introduced between test_server and common_test in R14B02.

Own Id: OTP-9200 Aux Id: seq11818

Known Bugs and Problems

Multiple skip events in test spec suite.

Own Id: OTP-9054

Common_Test 1.5.3
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

Added an option to test specs which allow the execution of tests as is, instead of doing merging of tests on the same "level". See the merge_tests directive the test specification documentation.

Own Id: OTP-9026 Aux Id: seq11768

Improvements and New Features

Alpha release of Common Test Hooks (CTH). CTHs allow the users of common test to abtract out common behaviours from test suites in a much more elegant and flexible way than was possible before. Note that the addition of this feature may introduce minor changes in the undocumented behaviour of the interface inbetween common_test and test_server.


Own Id: OTP-8851

Common_Test 1.5.2
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

Updated ct:get_status documentation to describe no_tests_running return value.

Own Id: OTP-8895 Aux Id: seq11701

Fixed race condition test failures in the test suites testing common test's parallel groups feature.

Own Id: OTP-8921

The include directive of testspecs now work when used on a remote node.

Own Id: OTP-8935 Aux Id: seq11731

Improvements and New Features

ct:parse_table can now handle multiline sql rows

Own Id: OTP-8907 Aux Id: seq11702

The run_test executable has been renamed to the less generic ct_run to better work with other applications. run_test will remain until R16B at which point it will be removed.

Own Id: OTP-8936

Common_Test 1.5.1
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

Returning {return_group_result,failed} from end_per_group in a group that is part of a sequence, did not cause the proceeding cases (or groups) to get skipped. This has been fixed.

Own Id: OTP-8753 Aux Id: seq11644

ct:install now works as the documentation describes.

Own Id: OTP-8818 Aux Id: seq-11666

Improvements and New Features

Common Test has been updated to handle start options and test specification terms for test case groups (and test cases in groups). Also, an option named 'label', has been added that associates the test run with a name that Common Test prints in the overview HTML logs.

Own Id: OTP-8725 Aux Id: OTP-8727

Andrey Pampukha has been added to the AUTHORS file. Thank you Andrey for your work on configuration data handling, Large Scale Testing improvements, and other useful updates and fixes.

Own Id: OTP-8803

The Configuration Data chapter in the User's Guide has been updated.

Own Id: OTP-8804

Milliseconds are now included in timestamps in Common Test log entries. (Thanks to Tomas Johansson.)

Own Id: OTP-8808

Common_Test 1.5
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

Process calls using monitors in Common Test would not clear the inbox of remaining DOWN messages. This has been fixed.

Own Id: OTP-8621 Aux Id: seq11560

Improvements and New Features

It is now possible for the user to provide specific callback modules that handle test configuration data, so that data on arbitray form can be accessed (e.g. by reading files or by communicating with a configuration server process). Two default callback modules have been introduced in Common Test: ct_config_plain and ct_config_xml. The former is used to handle the traditional Common Test configuration files (with terms on key-value tuple form) and the latter to handle configuration data on XML representation.

Own Id: OTP-8485

It is now possible to execute test suites that are not necessarily available on the local file system, but have been loaded on the test node in advance (e.g. sent as binaries from a remote node and loaded by RPC). A requirement is that the no_auto_compile (or {auto_compile,false}) parameter has been set.

Own Id: OTP-8490 Aux Id: seq11500

Test Server will now call the end_per_testcase/2 function even if the test case has been terminated explicitly (with abort_current_testcase/1), or after a timetrap timeout. Under these circumstances the return value of end_per_testcase is completely ignored. Therefore the function will not be able to change the reason for test case termination by returning {fail,Reason}, nor will it be able to save data with {save_config,Data}.

Own Id: OTP-8500 Aux Id: seq11521

It is now possible to use the test specification term 'init' to start Common Test nodes automatically, as well as have initial function calls evaluated on the nodes. A default callback module for the 'init' term, ct_slave, has been introduced to enable Common Test Master to perform host login and node startup operations over ssh.

Own Id: OTP-8570

The run_test script has been replaced by a program (with the same name) which can be executed without explicit installation. The start flags are the same as for the legacy start script.

Own Id: OTP-8650

Previously, a repeat property of a test case group specified the number of times the group should be repeated after the main test run. I.e. {repeat,N} would case the group to execute 1+N times. To be consistent with the behaviour of the run_test repeat option, this has been changed. N now specifies the absolute number of executions instead.

Own Id: OTP-8689 Aux Id: seq11502

With the run_test -erl_args option, it's possible to divide the options on the run_test command line into ones that Common Test should process (those preceding -erl_args, and ones it should ignore (those succeeding -erl_args). Options preceding -erl_args that Common Test doesn't recognize are also ignored (i.e. the same behaviour as earlier versions of Common Test).

Own Id: OTP-8690 Aux Id: OTP-8650

Directories added with -pa or -pz in the pre-erl_args part of the run_test command line will be converted from relative to absolute, this to avoid problems loading user modules when Common Test switches working directory during the test run.

Own Id: OTP-8691 Aux Id: OTP-8650

The timetrap handling has been made more user controllable by means of new start options and new ct interface functions. With the 'multiply_timetraps' start option, it's possible to specify a value which all timetrap timeout values get multiplied by. This is useful e.g. to extend the timetraps temporarily while running cover or trace. The 'scale_timetraps' start option switches on or off the Test Server timetrap scaling feature (which tries to detect if the tests may benefit from extended timetraps, e.g. due to running certain test tools, and performs the scaling automatically). Furthermore, the ct:timetrap/1 function has been introduced, which makes it possible to set/reset timetraps during test execution. Also, a ct:sleep/1 function is now available, which takes the timetrap parameters into account when calculating the time to suspend the process.

Own Id: OTP-8693

A new run_test start option, event_handler_init, has been added that takes a start argument which gets passed to the init function of the event handler.

Own Id: OTP-8694

Common_Test 1.4.7
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

The auto compilation feature of Common Test did not recognize if a header file included in a test suite was modified (if the dir start flag/option was used). This has been fixed.

Own Id: OTP-8396 Aux Id: seq11488, OTP-8311

Improvements and New Features

The tc_status value in the Config list for a test case that has failed because of a timetrap timeout, has changed from {tc_status,timeout} to {tc_status,timetrap_timeout}.

Own Id: OTP-8302

The documentation is now possible to build in an open source environment after a number of bugs are fixed and some features are added in the documentation build process.

- The arity calculation is updated.

- The module prefix used in the function names for bif's are removed in the generated links so the links will look like "http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html#append_element-2" instead of "http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html#erlang:append_element-2".

- Enhanced the menu positioning in the html documentation when a new page is loaded.

- A number of corrections in the generation of man pages (thanks to Sergei Golovan)

- The legal notice is taken from the xml book file so OTP's build process can be used for non OTP applications.

Own Id: OTP-8343

It is now possible to include the ct.hrl using the -include_lib directive. (Thanks to Fred Hebert.)

Own Id: OTP-8379

The telnet client in Common Test sent [IAC,DO,NOP] to the server in attempt to keep the connection alive. This is not a valid sequence according to the standard, and some telnet servers would terminate the connection because of it. The client has been changed to send [IAC,NOP] every 10 secs instead, which should be a valid sequence. The client does not negotiate this type of "keep alive" message with the server, and if it causes problems, the user may disable the keep alive feature by adding {keep_alive,false} to the telnet configuration data for the server/connection. Please see the ct_telnet and unix_telnet manual pages for details.

Own Id: OTP-8450 Aux Id: OTP-8311

Common_Test 1.4.6
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

If the init_per_testcase/2 function fails, the test case now gets marked and counted as auto skipped, not user skipped (which would previously happen).

Own Id: OTP-8289

Improvements and New Features

The documentation is now built with open source tools (xsltproc and fop) that exists on most platforms. One visible change is that the frames are removed.

Own Id: OTP-8201

For a failed test case, the tc_done event is supposed to report info on the form {failed,Error}. Only Error was reported, however, which has now been fixed.

Own Id: OTP-8235 Aux Id: seq-11414

It is now possible to fail a test case from the end_per_testcase/2 function, by returning {fail,Reason}.

Own Id: OTP-8284

It is now possible to fail a test case by having the end_tc/3 framework function return {fail,Reason} for the test case.

Own Id: OTP-8285

The test_server framework API (e.g. the end_tc/3 function) has been modified. See the test_server_ctrl documentation for details.

Own Id: OTP-8286 Aux Id: OTP-8285, OTP-8287

Various updates of the test events have been implemented. The data field for some events, such as tc_done and tc_auto_skip has been modified to make pattern matching on the data easier and more consistent. Also the order in which some events are received has been altered. E.g. the tc_auto_skip event for a test case now comes after the tc_done for the failed configuration function (not before) which makes more sense. Note that no new events have been added and that the event record remains unchanged.

Own Id: OTP-8287 Aux Id: OTP-8235

The marquee used for test names on the all_runs.html page has been removed on request. Note that the test name field has the full text string in a title tag, which is displayed when hovering the mouse pointer over it (i.e. if the web browser supports title tags).

Own Id: OTP-8288

It is now possible to refresh the top level index files in an arbitrary log directory by specifying a {refresh_logs,LogDir} tuple in the ct:run_test/1 options list. Also the -refresh_logs flag for the run_test script has been extended to take an optional LogDir argument, i.e. -refresh_logs [LogDir]. If no LogDir is specified, current working directory is assumed, unless the log directory is set with the -logdir flag.

Own Id: OTP-8290

It was previously required that test suites were located under a test object (or OTP application) sub-directory named "test" (or under a directory named "<testobject>_test"). This has been changed so that Common Test now looks for suites primarily in a test sub-directory only if the directory exists. Otherwise it will assume the suites are stored in the same directory the user specifies with e.g. the 'dir' start flag/option.

Own Id: OTP-8294

Common_Test 1.4.5
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

The Common Test logger process crashed if a test case in a sequence (declared with sequences/0) failed. This fault has been corrected.

Own Id: OTP-8089 Aux Id: seq11334

Improvements and New Features

Various updates and fixes in Common Test and Test Server.

Own Id: OTP-8045 Aux Id: OTP-8089,OTP-8105,OTP-8163

Errors in coverage data collection and analysis were difficult to detect. The logging has been improved so that more information about e.g. imported and missing modules is printed to the html log files.

Own Id: OTP-8163 Aux Id: seq11374

The Common Test HTML overview pages have been improved. It is now possible to see if a test case has been skipped explicitly or because a configuration function has failed. Also, the history page (all_runs.html) now has scrolling text displaying the test names. The old format (showing names as a truncated string) can still be generated by means of the flag/option 'basic_html'.

Own Id: OTP-8177

Common_Test 1.4.2
Improvements and New Features

Various corrections and improvements of Common Test and Test Server.

Own Id: OTP-7981

Common_Test 1.4.1
Improvements and New Features

Minor updates and corrections.

Own Id: OTP-7897

Common_Test 1.4
Improvements and New Features

A support client module for SSH and SFTP, ct_ssh, has been introduced in Common Test.

Own Id: OTP-7838

Test case groups have been introduced. With this feature it's possible to execute groups (possibly nested) of test cases, each group wrapped with a call to function init_per_group/2 and end_per_group/2. Group definitions are done by means of the new call-back function groups/0, which should return a list of definitions. A group definition contains a name tag, a list of properties and a list of test cases (including possible nested group definitions). The properties make it possible to execute test cases in parallel, in sequence and in shuffled order. It is also possible to repeat test cases according to different criterias. The properties can be combined, making it possible to e.g. repeat a conf case a certain number of times and execute the test cases in different (random) order every time. Available properties are: parallel, sequence, shuffle, repeat, repeat_until_all_ok, repeat_until_any_ok, repeat_until_any_fail and repeat_until_all_fail. Please see the Common Test User's Guide for details.

Own Id: OTP-7839 Aux Id: OTP-7511

It is now possible to use DES3 encrypted configuration files with Common Test.

Own Id: OTP-7842 Aux Id: OTP-7838

In previous versions of Common Test, only one FTP connection could be opened per configuration target name. This has been updated so that multiple connections may be opened. The possibility to use named connections is still supported.

Own Id: OTP-7853 Aux Id: OTP-7838

The Erlang mode for Emacs has been updated with new and modified skeletons for Common Test and TS. Syntax for test case groups in Common Test (and conf cases with properties in TS) has been added and a new minimal Common Test suite skeleton has been introduced.

Own Id: OTP-7856

Common_Test 1.3.6
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

When running a test which includes all suites in a test directory, if the auto compilation would fail for one suite, all following suites would be excluded from the test. This was an unwanted behaviour and has been corrected. Now all suites will always be compiled and only the failing ones excluded from the test (and logged as missing).

Own Id: OTP-7750 Aux Id: OTP-7803

The step functionality in Common Test (based on interaction with Debugger) was broken. This has been fixed, and some new step features have also been added. Please see the Common Test User's Guide for details.

Own Id: OTP-7800 Aux Id: seq11106

Improvements and New Features

It is now possible for the user to specify include directories that Common Test will pass along to the compiler when suite and help modules are being compiled (which Common Test performs automatically before running tests).

Own Id: OTP-7803 Aux Id: OTP-7750

Common_Test 1.3.5
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

If the Erlang runtime system was started without access to an erlang shell (e.g. -noshell), compilation errors would cause a crash in the Common Test application. Without access to a shell, Common Test can not prompt the user to choose to continue or abort the test session, but must assume that the session should proceed.

Own Id: OTP-7749 Aux Id: seq11175, seq11180

Improvements and New Features

It is now possible for the Common Test user to disable the auto-compile feature. This is done by specifying the run_test flag -no_auto_compile, or the ct:run_test/1 option {auto_compile,false}.

Own Id: OTP-7663

A new function, ct:get_config/3, has been added to Common Test that makes it possible to - if a particular config variable has been defined in multiple config files - return all matching values for the variable. The order of the elements in the returned list is the same as the specified order of the config files.

Own Id: OTP-7758 Aux Id: seq11158

Because a telnet connection was always identified by a config variable alias, it was impossible to open multiple connections using the same telnet host data entry in the config file. This limitation has been removed by making it possible to associate a connection with handle value only (i.e. multiple connections may be opened using the same config variable). See ct_telnet:open/4 for details.

Own Id: OTP-7781

A new syntax for defining default config data values has been introduced. In previous versions of Common Test, to define and access a default value for a config variable (in the suite info- or test case info function), an alias name had to be used. With the new syntax you may define default values without reference to aliases, like this: {default_config,VarName,DefaultValue}. Please see the User's Guide for more info.

Own Id: OTP-7782

In previous versions of Common Test, whenever a config variable got associated with a name (by means of a require statement), the config variable name was replaced with the new name. This introduced unwanted dependencies between test cases (e.g. if one test case would introduce a new name, the following test cases could no longer access the config data by means of the original variable). This functionality has now been updated so that when new names are introduced with require, they become aliases (references) instead of replacements. Hence, config data elements can always, at any time, be accessed by means of the original config variable names.

Own Id: OTP-7783

Common_Test 1.3.4
Improvements and New Features

Common Test now uses the re application instead of the previous rx driver to perform regular expression matching on telnet strings. Since re works on all supported operating systems, it is now possible to run telnet sessions also on platforms such as e.g. Windows (which was not the case with the previous rx driver). Note that the rx driver is obsolete from now on, and will be removed from Common Test after OTP R12B.

Own Id: OTP-7528

Common_Test 1.3.3
Improvements and New Features

Various updates and improvements, plus some minor bug fixes, have been implemented in Common Test and Test Server.

Own Id: OTP-7112

It is now possible, by means of the new function ct:abort_current_testcase/1 or test_server_ctrl:abort_current_testcase/1, to abort the currently executing test case.

Own Id: OTP-7518 Aux Id: OTP-7112

Common_Test 1.3.2
Improvements and New Features

The configure test of the rx lib in Common Test was not performed during the general OTP application configuration phase. This made e.g. autoconf impossible. This has been changed to correspond with the normal OTP build procedure.

Own Id: OTP-7379

Common_Test 1.3.1
Improvements and New Features

The rx library, included with common_test, failed to build on on some architectures because the -fPIC compiler option was missing.

Own Id: OTP-7111

common_test 1.3.0