%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
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%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% File    : ct_config_xml.erl
%% Description : CT callback module for reading configs from XML files
%% Created : 16 February 2010
-export([read_config/1, check_parameter/1]).

% read config file
read_config(ConfigFile) ->
    case catch do_read_xml_config(ConfigFile) of
	{ok,Config} ->
	Error = {error,_} ->

% check file exists
check_parameter(File) ->
    case filelib:is_file(File) of
	true ->
	false ->

% actual reading of the config
do_read_xml_config(ConfigFile) ->
    case catch xmerl_sax_parser:file(ConfigFile,
	    [{event_fun,fun event/3},
	     {event_state,[]}]) of
	{ok,EntityList,_} ->
	Oops ->

% event callback for xmerl_sax_parser
event(Event, _LineNo, State) ->
    tag(Event, State).

% document start
tag(startDocument, State) ->

% start of the config
tag({startElement, _Uri, "config", _QName, _Attributes}, []) ->
	[{"config", []}];

% start tag
tag({startElement, _Uri, Name, _QName, _Attributes}, Tags) ->
	[{Name, []}|Tags];

% value
tag({characters, String}, [{Tag, _Value}|Tags]) ->
	[{Tag, String}|Tags];

% end tag
tag({endElement, _Uri, _Name, _QName},
        [Entity, {PrevEntityTag, PrevEntityValue}|Tags]) ->
	NewHead = {PrevEntityTag, [Entity|PrevEntityValue]},

% end of the config
tag({endElement, _Uri, "config", _QName}, [{"config", Config}]) ->

% end of document, return result
tag(endDocument,  {_Tags, Result}) ->

% default
tag(_El, State) ->

% transform of the ugly deeply nested entity list to the key-value "tree"
transform_entity_list(EntityList) ->
    lists:map(fun transform_entity/1, EntityList).

% transform entity from {list(), list()} to {atom(), term()}
transform_entity({Tag, [Value|Rest]}) when
    is_tuple(Value) ->
	{list_to_atom(Tag), transform_entity_list(lists:reverse([Value|Rest]))};
transform_entity({Tag, String}) ->
    case list_to_term(String) of
	{ok, Value} ->
	    {list_to_atom(Tag), Value};
	Error ->

% transform a string with Erlang terms
list_to_term(String) ->
    {ok, T, _} = erl_scan:string(String++"."),
    case catch erl_parse:parse_term(T) of
        {ok,Term} ->
        Error ->