%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(ct_hooks). %% API Exports -export([init/1]). -export([groups/2]). -export([all/2]). -export([init_tc/3]). -export([end_tc/5]). -export([terminate/1]). -export([on_tc_skip/2]). -export([on_tc_fail/2]). %% If you change this, remember to update ct_util:look -> stop clause as well. -define(config_name, ct_hooks). %% All of the hooks which are to be started by default. Remove by issuing %% -enable_builtin_hooks false to when starting common test. -define(BUILTIN_HOOKS,[#ct_hook_config{ module = cth_log_redirect, opts = [], prio = ctfirst }]). -record(ct_hook_config, {id, module, prio, scope, opts = [], state = [], groups = []}). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% API Functions %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec init(State :: term()) -> ok | {fail, Reason :: term()}. init(Opts) -> call(get_builtin_hooks(Opts) ++ get_new_hooks(Opts, undefined), ok, init, []). %% Call the post_groups/2 hook callback groups(Mod, Groups) -> Info = try proplists:get_value(ct_hooks, Mod:suite(), []) of CTHooks when is_list(CTHooks) -> [{?config_name,CTHooks}]; CTHook when is_atom(CTHook) -> [{?config_name,[CTHook]}] catch _:_ -> %% since this might be the first time Mod:suite() %% is called, and it might just fail or return %% something bad, we allow any failure here - it %% will be catched later if there is something %% really wrong. [{?config_name,[]}] end, case call(fun call_generic/3, Info ++ [{'$ct_groups',Groups}], [post_groups, Mod]) of [{'$ct_groups',NewGroups}] -> NewGroups; Other -> Other end. %% Call the post_all/3 hook callback all(Mod, Tests) -> Info = try proplists:get_value(ct_hooks, Mod:suite(), []) of CTHooks when is_list(CTHooks) -> [{?config_name,CTHooks}]; CTHook when is_atom(CTHook) -> [{?config_name,[CTHook]}] catch _:_ -> %% just allow any failure here - it will be catched %% later if there is something really wrong. [{?config_name,[]}] end, case call(fun call_generic/3, Info ++ [{'$ct_all',Tests}], [post_all, Mod]) of [{'$ct_all',NewTests}] -> NewTests; Other -> Other end. %% Called after all suites are done. -spec terminate(Hooks :: term()) -> ok. terminate(Hooks) -> call([{HookId, fun call_terminate/3} || #ct_hook_config{id = HookId} <- Hooks], ct_hooks_terminate_dummy, terminate, Hooks), ok. -spec init_tc(Mod :: atom(), FuncSpec :: atom() | {ConfigFunc :: init_per_testcase | end_per_testcase, TestCase :: atom()} | {ConfigFunc :: init_per_group | end_per_group, GroupName :: atom(), Properties :: list()}, Args :: list()) -> NewConfig :: proplists:proplist() | {skip, Reason :: term()} | {auto_skip, Reason :: term()} | {fail, Reason :: term()}. init_tc(Mod, init_per_suite, Config) -> Info = try proplists:get_value(ct_hooks, Mod:suite(),[]) of List when is_list(List) -> [{?config_name,List}]; CTHook when is_atom(CTHook) -> [{?config_name,[CTHook]}] catch error:undef -> [{?config_name,[]}] end, call(fun call_generic/3, Config ++ Info, [pre_init_per_suite, Mod]); init_tc(Mod, end_per_suite, Config) -> call(fun call_generic/3, Config, [pre_end_per_suite, Mod]); init_tc(Mod, {init_per_group, GroupName, Properties}, Config) -> maybe_start_locker(Mod, GroupName, Properties), call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Config, [pre_init_per_group, Mod, GroupName]); init_tc(Mod, {end_per_group, GroupName, _}, Config) -> call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Config, [pre_end_per_group, Mod, GroupName]); init_tc(Mod, {init_per_testcase,TC}, Config) -> call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Config, [pre_init_per_testcase, Mod, TC]); init_tc(Mod, {end_per_testcase,TC}, Config) -> call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Config, [pre_end_per_testcase, Mod, TC]); init_tc(Mod, TC = error_in_suite, Config) -> call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Config, [pre_init_per_testcase, Mod, TC]). -spec end_tc(Mod :: atom(), FuncSpec :: atom() | {ConfigFunc :: init_per_testcase | end_per_testcase, TestCase :: atom()} | {ConfigFunc :: init_per_group | end_per_group, GroupName :: atom(), Properties :: list()}, Args :: list(), Result :: term(), Return :: term()) -> NewConfig :: proplists:proplist() | {skip, Reason :: term()} | {auto_skip, Reason :: term()} | {fail, Reason :: term()} | ok | '$ct_no_change'. end_tc(Mod, init_per_suite, Config, _Result, Return) -> call(fun call_generic/3, Return, [post_init_per_suite, Mod, Config], '$ct_no_change'); end_tc(Mod, end_per_suite, Config, Result, _Return) -> call(fun call_generic/3, Result, [post_end_per_suite, Mod, Config], '$ct_no_change'); end_tc(Mod, {init_per_group, GroupName, _}, Config, _Result, Return) -> call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Return, [post_init_per_group, Mod, GroupName, Config], '$ct_no_change'); end_tc(Mod, {end_per_group, GroupName, Properties}, Config, Result, _Return) -> Res = call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Result, [post_end_per_group, Mod, GroupName, Config], '$ct_no_change'), maybe_stop_locker(Mod, GroupName, Properties), Res; end_tc(Mod, {init_per_testcase,TC}, Config, Result, _Return) -> call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Result, [post_init_per_testcase, Mod, TC, Config], '$ct_no_change'); end_tc(Mod, {end_per_testcase,TC}, Config, Result, _Return) -> call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Result, [post_end_per_testcase, Mod, TC, Config], '$ct_no_change'); end_tc(Mod, TC = error_in_suite, Config, Result, _Return) -> call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Result, [post_end_per_testcase, Mod, TC, Config], '$ct_no_change'). %% Case = TestCase | {TestCase,GroupName} on_tc_skip(How, {Suite, Case, Reason}) -> call(fun call_cleanup/3, {How, Reason}, [on_tc_skip, Suite, Case]). %% Case = TestCase | {TestCase,GroupName} on_tc_fail(_How, {Suite, Case, Reason}) -> call(fun call_cleanup/3, Reason, [on_tc_fail, Suite, Case]). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal Functions %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- call_id(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, opts = Opts} = Hook, Config, Scope) -> Id = catch_apply(Mod,id,[Opts], make_ref()), {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ id = Id, scope = scope(Scope)}}. call_init(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, opts = Opts, id = Id, prio = P} = Hook, Config, _Meta) -> case Mod:init(Id, Opts) of {ok, NewState} when P =:= undefined -> {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState, prio = 0 } }; {ok, NewState} -> {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState } }; {ok, NewState, Prio} when P =:= undefined -> %% Only set prio if not already set when installing hook {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState, prio = Prio } }; {ok, NewState, _} -> {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState } }; NewState -> %% Keep for backward compatability reasons {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState } } end. call_terminate(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, state = State} = Hook, _, _) -> catch_apply(Mod,terminate,[State], ok), {[],Hook}. call_cleanup(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, state = State} = Hook, Reason, [Function | Args]) -> NewState = catch_apply(Mod,Function, Args ++ [Reason, State], State, true), {Reason, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState } }. call_generic(Hook, Value, Meta) -> do_call_generic(Hook, Value, Meta, false). call_generic_fallback(Hook, Value, Meta) -> do_call_generic(Hook, Value, Meta, true). do_call_generic(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod} = Hook, [{'$ct_groups',Groups}], [post_groups | Args], Fallback) -> NewGroups = catch_apply(Mod, post_groups, Args ++ [Groups], Groups, Fallback), {[{'$ct_groups',NewGroups}], Hook#ct_hook_config{ groups = NewGroups } }; do_call_generic(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, groups = Groups} = Hook, [{'$ct_all',Tests}], [post_all | Args], Fallback) -> NewTests = catch_apply(Mod, post_all, Args ++ [Tests, Groups], Tests, Fallback), {[{'$ct_all',NewTests}], Hook}; do_call_generic(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, state = State} = Hook, Value, [Function | Args], Fallback) -> {NewValue, NewState} = catch_apply(Mod, Function, Args ++ [Value, State], {Value,State}, Fallback), {NewValue, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState } }. %% Generic call function call(Fun, Config, Meta) -> maybe_lock(), Hooks = get_hooks(), Calls = get_new_hooks(Config, Fun) ++ [{HookId,Fun} || #ct_hook_config{id = HookId} <- Hooks], Res = call(resort(Calls,Hooks,Meta), remove(?config_name,Config), Meta, Hooks), maybe_unlock(), Res. call(Fun, Config, Meta, NoChangeRet) when is_function(Fun) -> case call(Fun,Config,Meta) of Config -> NoChangeRet; NewReturn -> NewReturn end; call([{Hook, call_id, NextFun} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks) -> try {Config, #ct_hook_config{ id = NewId } = NewHook} = call_id(Hook, Config, Meta), {NewHooks, NewRest} = case lists:keyfind(NewId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks) of false when NextFun =:= undefined -> {Hooks ++ [NewHook], Rest ++ [{NewId, call_init}]}; ExistingHook when is_tuple(ExistingHook) -> {Hooks, Rest}; _ when hd(Meta)=:=post_groups; hd(Meta)=:=post_all -> %% If CTH is started because of a call from %% groups/2 or all/2, CTH:init/1 must not be %% called (the suite scope should be used). {Hooks ++ [NewHook], Rest ++ [{NewId,NextFun}]}; _ -> {Hooks ++ [NewHook], Rest ++ [{NewId, call_init}, {NewId,NextFun}]} end, call(resort(NewRest,NewHooks,Meta), Config, Meta, NewHooks) catch Error:Reason:Trace -> ct_logs:log("Suite Hook","Failed to start a CTH: ~tp:~tp", [Error,{Reason,Trace}]), call([], {fail,"Failed to start CTH, " "see the CT Log for details"}, Meta, Hooks) end; call([{HookId, call_init} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks) -> call([{HookId, fun call_init/3} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks); call([{HookId, Fun} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks) -> try Hook = lists:keyfind(HookId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks), {NewConf, NewHook} = Fun(Hook, Config, Meta), NewCalls = get_new_hooks(NewConf, Fun), NewHooks = lists:keyreplace(HookId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks, NewHook), call(resort(NewCalls ++ Rest,NewHooks,Meta), %% Resort if call_init changed prio remove(?config_name, NewConf), Meta, terminate_if_scope_ends(HookId, Meta, NewHooks)) catch throw:{error_in_cth_call,Reason} -> call(Rest, {fail, Reason}, Meta, terminate_if_scope_ends(HookId, Meta, Hooks)) end; call([], Config, _Meta, Hooks) -> save_suite_data_async(Hooks), Config. remove(Key,List) when is_list(List) -> [Conf || Conf <- List, is_tuple(Conf) =:= false orelse element(1, Conf) =/= Key]; remove(_, Else) -> Else. %% Translate scopes, i.e. is_tuplenit_per_group,group1 -> end_per_group,group1 etc scope([pre_init_per_testcase, SuiteName, TC|_]) -> [post_init_per_testcase, SuiteName, TC]; scope([pre_end_per_testcase, SuiteName, TC|_]) -> [post_end_per_testcase, SuiteName, TC]; scope([pre_init_per_group, SuiteName, GroupName|_]) -> [post_end_per_group, SuiteName, GroupName]; scope([post_init_per_group, SuiteName, GroupName|_]) -> [post_end_per_group, SuiteName, GroupName]; scope([pre_init_per_suite, SuiteName|_]) -> [post_end_per_suite, SuiteName]; scope([post_init_per_suite, SuiteName|_]) -> [post_end_per_suite, SuiteName]; scope([post_groups, SuiteName|_]) -> [post_groups, SuiteName]; scope([post_all, SuiteName|_]) -> [post_all, SuiteName]; scope(init) -> none. strip_config([post_init_per_testcase, SuiteName, TC|_]) -> [post_init_per_testcase, SuiteName, TC]; strip_config([post_end_per_testcase, SuiteName, TC|_]) -> [post_end_per_testcase, SuiteName, TC]; strip_config([post_init_per_group, SuiteName, GroupName|_]) -> [post_init_per_group, SuiteName, GroupName]; strip_config([post_end_per_group, SuiteName, GroupName|_]) -> [post_end_per_group, SuiteName, GroupName]; strip_config([post_init_per_suite, SuiteName|_]) -> [post_init_per_suite, SuiteName]; strip_config([post_end_per_suite, SuiteName|_]) -> [post_end_per_suite, SuiteName]; strip_config(Other) -> Other. terminate_if_scope_ends(HookId, [on_tc_skip,Suite,{end_per_group,Name}], Hooks) -> terminate_if_scope_ends(HookId, [post_end_per_group, Suite, Name], Hooks); terminate_if_scope_ends(HookId, [on_tc_skip,Suite,end_per_suite], Hooks) -> terminate_if_scope_ends(HookId, [post_end_per_suite, Suite], Hooks); terminate_if_scope_ends(HookId, Function0, Hooks) -> Function = strip_config(Function0), case lists:keyfind(HookId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks) of #ct_hook_config{ id = HookId, scope = Function} = Hook -> case Function of [AllOrGroup,_] when AllOrGroup=:=post_all; AllOrGroup=:=post_groups -> %% The scope only contains one function (post_all %% or post_groups), and init has not been called, %% so skip terminate as well. ok; _ -> terminate([Hook]) end, lists:keydelete(HookId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks); _ -> Hooks end. %% Fetch hook functions get_new_hooks(Config, Fun) -> lists:map(fun(NewHook) when is_atom(NewHook) -> {#ct_hook_config{ module = NewHook }, call_id, Fun}; ({NewHook,Opts}) -> {#ct_hook_config{ module = NewHook, opts = Opts}, call_id, Fun}; ({NewHook,Opts,Prio}) -> {#ct_hook_config{ module = NewHook, opts = Opts, prio = Prio }, call_id, Fun} end, get_new_hooks(Config)). get_new_hooks(Config) when is_list(Config) -> lists:flatmap(fun({?config_name, HookConfigs}) when is_list(HookConfigs) -> HookConfigs; ({?config_name, HookConfig}) when is_atom(HookConfig) -> [HookConfig]; (_) -> [] end, Config); get_new_hooks(_Config) -> []. get_builtin_hooks(Opts) -> case proplists:get_value(enable_builtin_hooks,Opts) of false -> []; _Else -> [{HookConf, call_id, undefined} || HookConf <- ?BUILTIN_HOOKS] end. save_suite_data_async(Hooks) -> ct_util:save_suite_data_async(?config_name, Hooks). get_hooks() -> lists:keysort(#ct_hook_config.prio,ct_util:read_suite_data(?config_name)). %% Sort all calls in this order: %% call_id < call_init < ctfirst < Priority 1 < .. < Priority N < ctlast %% If Hook Priority is equal, check when it has been installed and %% sort on that instead. %% If we are doing a cleanup call i.e. {post,pre}_end_per_*, all priorities %% are reversed. Probably want to make this sorting algorithm pluginable %% as some point... resort(Calls,Hooks,[F|_R]) when F == pre_end_per_testcase; F == post_end_per_testcase; F == pre_end_per_group; F == post_end_per_group; F == pre_end_per_suite; F == post_end_per_suite -> lists:reverse(resort(Calls,Hooks)); resort(Calls,Hooks,_Meta) -> resort(Calls,Hooks). resort(Calls, Hooks) -> lists:sort( fun({_,_,_},_) -> true; (_,{_,_,_}) -> false; ({_,call_init},_) -> true; (_,{_,call_init}) -> false; ({Id1,_},{Id2,_}) -> P1 = (lists:keyfind(Id1, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks))#ct_hook_config.prio, P2 = (lists:keyfind(Id2, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks))#ct_hook_config.prio, if P1 == P2 -> %% If priorities are equal, we check the position in the %% hooks list pos(Id1,Hooks) < pos(Id2,Hooks); P1 == ctfirst -> true; P2 == ctfirst -> false; P1 == ctlast -> false; P2 == ctlast -> true; true -> P1 < P2 end end,Calls). pos(Id,Hooks) -> pos(Id,Hooks,0). pos(Id,[#ct_hook_config{ id = Id}|_],Num) -> Num; pos(Id,[_|Rest],Num) -> pos(Id,Rest,Num+1). catch_apply(M,F,A, Default) -> catch_apply(M,F,A,Default,false). catch_apply(M,F,A, Default, Fallback) -> not erlang:module_loaded(M) andalso (catch M:module_info()), case erlang:function_exported(M,F,length(A)) of false when Fallback -> catch_apply(M,F,tl(A),Default,false); false -> Default; true -> catch_apply(M,F,A) end. catch_apply(M,F,A) -> try erlang:apply(M,F,A) catch _:Reason:Trace -> ct_logs:log("Suite Hook","Call to CTH failed: ~w:~tp", [error,{Reason,Trace}]), throw({error_in_cth_call, lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~w:~tw/~w CTH call failed", [M,F,length(A)]))}) end. %% We need to lock around the state for parallel groups only. This is because %% we will get several processes reading and writing the state for a single %% cth at the same time. maybe_start_locker(Mod,GroupName,Opts) -> case lists:member(parallel,Opts) of true -> {ok, _Pid} = ct_hooks_lock:start({Mod,GroupName}), ok; false -> ok end. maybe_stop_locker(Mod,GroupName,Opts) -> case lists:member(parallel,Opts) of true -> stopped = ct_hooks_lock:stop({Mod,GroupName}); false -> ok end. maybe_lock() -> locked = ct_hooks_lock:request(). maybe_unlock() -> unlocked = ct_hooks_lock:release().